2022Ldrhp Summit-Presentation: Multi-Generational Professional Publicity

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Presented by: Chayla Avery, BSN, GN Third Supreme Anti-Basileus 2022 Leadership Summit Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.

Disclosure Approval statement of provider awarding Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Credit Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. is an approved provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Completion of this program will award up to 1.0 CNE credit.

Disclosure Evaluations: Use password given during presentation to complete and submit Criteriaevaluation.for awarding nursing continuing professional development credit: Attendee will receive CNE credit by complying with the following: Be registered for the Summit and remain for 90% of each presentation Complete and submit the presentation evaluation form no later than September 2, 2022


Presence or absence of Conflicts of Interest

The speaker and the members of the planning committee have declared support: activity has sponsorship.


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no Conflicts of Interest. Commercial

• Discuss

• Define

Learner Outcomes professionalism. examples of how to display professionalism on and off virtual platforms. how social media can be used to further the mission, vision, and values of the sorority on all levels. ways to find and use tools to help the branding of themselves as nurses and members of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.

• State

• Identify

(Merriam-Webster, n.d.)

Professionalism Definitions

• a. "Characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession." b. "Exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace."

Professionalism Examples in nursing: • During the application and interview process • Working as a nurse • Within professional organizations

Professionalism As an applicant/interviewee: • Ensure your attire is appropriate for the occasion (e.g., business professional vs. business casual) • Be prepared and timely • Ask questions and have answers

Professionalism Business professional vs. Business casual: When to wear what? *Always check the invitation for a provided attire. BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CASUAL Interviews Employer Information Sessions Employer Site Visits Etiquette Dinners Career Fairs Informal Networking Sessions Practice Interviews Conference Events (Gardner-Webb University, 2021)

Professionalism Business professional vs. Business casual: What's the difference? fiBusnessproessionalssesuBincasual (The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, 2021)

Professionalism Interviewing tips: When should you arrive? • At least 15 minutes early

Professionalism Interviewing tips: What should you bring? Documents that will attest to your strengths and experience (e.g., resume or curriculum vitae)

Professionalism Working as a nurse: • Remain professional in your interactions with staff and patients • Be prepared and timely • Follow your entity and state's guidelines • Abide by the nursing Code of Ethics

Professionalism Within professional organizations: • Operate according to their rules and bylaws • Understand you are not only representing yourself but the organization as well

Professionalism Within Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.: • Familiarize yourself with our governing documents • Ensure that your conduct aligns with our core beliefs • Leave non-members with a positive outlook on the sorority and its members

Professionalism Within Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.: • Utilize intake as an opportunity to show the world who we are and what we stand for • Present new members in a way that reiterates us being a professional nursing organization

Professionalism How can you apply these concepts virtually? • Be on time • Dress properly • Stay attentive

Professionalism How can you apply these concepts virtually? • Minimize distractions • Use a virtual background • Have a professional avatar

Social Media Definition: • “A group of online applications that allow for the creation and exchange of content generated by users.” • An umbrella term in which social networking falls under (Vukušić Rukavina et al., 2021)

Social Media Social networking definition: • “Applications that enable users to connect by creating personal information profiles, inviting friends and colleagues to have access to those profiles, and sending e-mails and instant messages between each other." (Vukušić Rukavina et al., 2021)

Social Media PROS CONS Access to a plethora of knowledge Loosening accountability Ability to vocalize opinions Compromising confidentiality Offers an escape from reality Blurred boundariesprofessional Freedom to express self Depictions of unprofessional behavior Connectivity between people Legal issues (Vukušić Rukavina et al., 2021)

Social Media Do(s) and don’t(s): • DO - utilize privacy settings on your accounts - clean up your accounts frequently - post like you never know who is watching - represent yourself and the Sorority well • DON'T - keep all your profiles public - post unprofessional content - violate HIPAA laws

Social Media Group Experiment

Social Media How can you make social media work in your favor? • Use it for networking • Brand your chapter or self to attract positive publicity • Represent well and bring awareness to the values of the Sorority • Check the analytics to see if your followers are receptive to what you're posting

(Gorbatov et al., 2018)


"Personal branding is a strategic process of creating, positioning, and maintaining a positive impression of oneself, based [on] a unique combination of individual characteristics, which signal a certain promise to the target audience through a differentiated narrative and imagery."

Definition of personal branding:

• This

Branding: "...its main objective is to establish favorable impressions, be appealing, and valuable, reliable or desirable." can occur at the personal, chapter, regional, and national levels


(Gorbatov et al., 2018)

Branding/Publicity Useful and user-friendly apps/websites for publicity: • Canva.com • Wix.com • Lunacy.com • Many others have great reviews and may be tailored to your individual needs

Branding/Publicity How do you reach your target audience? • Advertise your socials • Be strategic and stay consistent • Research or poll to see what that population likes and produce a very similar result • Interact and engage with your followers

Branding/Publicity Brief tutorial Home - Canva

Summation • Professionalism is vital for nurses in their everyday lives, as they seek and obtain employment, and as members of professional organizations • The rise of social media has created e-professionalism and it is important that we be flexible and adjust accordingly • While social media can pose threats, members can use it to their advantage for branding and publicity


(2021, November 17). Dangers and benefits of social media on e-professionalism of Health Care Professionals: Scoping Review. Journal of medical Internet research. Retrieved July 15, 2022, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8663533/

Professional definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved July 15, 2022, from



(2021, December 9). Dress for success. Career Readiness Center. Retrieved July 15, 2022,

Vukušićhttps://www.unthsc.edu/career-center/dress-for-success/fromRukavina,T.,Viskić,J.,MachalaPoplašen,L.,Relić, Marelić, M., Jokic, D., & Sedak, K.

Personal branding: Interdisciplinary Systematic Review and research agenda. Frontiers in psychology. Retrieved July 15, 2022, from



References Gardner-Webb University. (2021, July 12). Business attire guide - Gardner-Webb university. Business Attire Guide. Retrieved July 15, 2022,

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