When Grace Stiles retired from teaching in the Denver Public Schools system, she made it her mission to provide children and the community with content that was missing from the system's curriculum: history lessons about African American contributions to this country and our American way of life.
First, she started "Black History on Wheels" and took her history lessons and reenactments on the road to various Denver schools. Then, in 1995, she used her retirement savings to purchase two abandoned Victorian-era houses in the historic Five Points neighborhood. This included 2607 Glenarm Place and 517 26th Avenue.
Grace turned these run-down buildings into a thriving heritage center that offers an in-depth look into the accomplishments and contributions to our country's culture, economy, and richness. This heritage center celebrates Black educators, explorers, social justice champions, public servants, military and political leaders, artists, scientist, engineers, and inventors. It also features and pays homage to our ancestors in Africa.
The heritage center is also an important gathering place for important community cultural events. This includes Juneteenth, Kwanza and a home for historical reenactments.
Thelma Craig
Craig CEO and Founder of Sista Sage Healing, LLCwww.thelmacraig.com
Sista Sage Healing LLC/Sista Tea Talks
SistaSageHealing,LLCwascreatedwithyouinmind.Womenarenaturalcaretakers,andweoftendon’tstopappreciating whereweareandhowwearesupported. Withallthestressandstrainofourdailylife,ourcreativitysuffers,andour awarenesswanes,robbingusofthetoolstoguideustoourwellness. SistaSageHealing'smissionistosupporthealingand thriving. Organizationswithpassionateandpurposefulpeopleare thebestclientbasedforthesesessions.Womencanshow supportforeachotherandrecognizethatthereisawaytoacknowledgeyourtribeforsupport. Thisisauniqueopportunity toworkwithagenciesandgroupstostrengthentheircapacitytoappreciateeachotherwhileenhancingproductivity
SistaSageHealing,LLC alsosupportswomenwhowanttoshareandcelebratebirthdays,births,weddings(pregnancies), importantmilestones,andotheroccasions. TeaTalksessionsarealsosignificantwhenyouwanttomarkeventswhereyou canexpressandcelebrateyourlife’snotablehighlights!
Healing is, in part, about CREATIVITY.
Sista Sage Tea Talks will engage you in an easy and natural group discussion, encouraging participants to care for themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually and how to support others' self-care. The Talk will support a safe space for sharing stories and exploring significant connections The discussion will reveal all the hidden purposes of valuable relationships The Talk will feature the Book Understandin’ Better By and By, by Thelma Craig
3700 Quebec Street #100-310
Denver, CO. 80207-1639
CCBN at Colorado's Health Capitol
303 East 17th Avenue, 4th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
Monthly Meeting (Hybrid- in person and virtual)
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month
(Except Jan, Mar, July, Sept)
Starts at 6:00 PM Mountain Time Zone
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