SEPTEMBER 21 6-10PM Le Meridien Hotel
130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007
SEPTEMBER 21 6-10PM Le Meridien Hotel
130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007
Volunteer sgvhabitat.org/volunteer
Donate sgvhabitat.org/donate
Donateacar,truck,van,orboat-Call877-277-4344orvisithabitat.org/carsforhomesand designateyourgifttoSanGabrielValleyHabitat!
Advocate habitat.org/advocate
On behalf of San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity (SGV Habitat), we welcome you to an evening of celebration and gratitude. This evening’s events are a testament to the reality that SGV Habitat’s ability to make a deep impact in our communities is dependent on our partnerships with corporations, foundations, government officials, religious and spiritual communities, and the thousands of individuals who not only believe in our mission but also lend a hand in its success.
Our mission is simple: we bring people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Tonight, we will recognize and celebrate strong partnerships with the City of Baldwin Park and an ongoing commitment to simple, decent affordable housing for all by long-time supporter KathyJo McClosky-Rushing. Dedicated members of a passionate and determined group of monthly givers – our Builders’ Club - will also be highlighted, as collectively they are on a mission to end the housing crisis in the San Gabriel Valley region.
During a time when it’s estimated that only 1 in 5 households can afford to purchase a median priced home, together we are offering hope for life-changing opportunities. The work accomplished through SGV Habitat is rooted in the belief system of a hand-up, not a handout, with first-time homebuyers working alongside volunteers to build homes. Habitat homeowners are often the first in their family to experience homeownership, enabling them to transform their longterm economic path.
Through our current campaign, Framing the Future (announced last year), we will change the lives of 200 families throughout 31 communities over the next 3 years. This is double the impact we made during the previous campaign. With your support, we will celebrate the extraordinary goals of this campaign, successes, and future activities. This would not happen without you! Your contributions have helped families achieve their dreams and will enable even more people to experience a safe and stable place to call home. Thank you!
Bryan Wong CEO, SGVHabitat
Master of Ceremonies: Bryan Wong, Chief Executive Officer, SGV Habitat
Video produced by Steve Miller Media
6:00 PM Cocktail Hour/Silent Auction
Special Features: Photo Booth, Cocktail Tastings, Wine Toss
7:15 PM Doors Open to Dining Room
7:25 PM Invocation/Blessing
7:40 PM Dinner Served
7:55 PM Silent auction CLOSED
8:00 PM Program
Welcome, Tyler Roberts
Current/Future Projects, Bryan Wong
Recognition of Honorees
City of Baldwin Park
Kathyjo McCloskey-Rushing
Builders’ Club Members
Addison Coniglio, Macha & Melissa Suzuki
Live Auction
As the owner of Westcon Engineering, Inc. -a certified Women Owned Small Businessfor Kathyjo McCloskey-Rushing, San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity was a client. However,shequicklyrealizedtheorganizationcameintoherlifeforabiggerpurpose.
As the mother of three grown children, she has also taken on the role of raising her 3 granddaughters and still finds time to give to Habitat. She has offered the expertise of her business, spent time on the construction site (even organizing a Women Build team this year)andisadedicatedmonthlysupporter.
“As I journey through this life, one thing I have learned, the more you give, the more yougetback.”–KathyjoMcCloskey-Rushing
CommunityBuilderAward City of Baldwin Park
The City of Baldwin Park is committed to creating a community where every resident has access to safe, stable housing and has made SGV Habitat a strong partner in this effort. Through policies that intend to overcome barriers in zoning, property acquisition and other areas,BaldwinParkhaschartedacoursetocreatemoreaffordablehousing.
This partnership has the potential to create 30-40 affordable homeownership opportunities through new home construction, acquisition and rehabilitation of existing homes, and complete over 3 dozen critical home repairs for low-income individuals and families. The strengthofourpartnershipismakingatrueimpactonthecommunityofBaldwinPark.
“I am proud of the work we are doing in partnership with San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity. These programs will help Baldwin Park families have access to stable, healthy homesandcreategenerationalwealth.”–MayorEmmanuelEstrada,BaldwinPark
The Builders’ Club is an incredible community of people from all ages, backgrounds and walks of life. They are generous, passionate, and determined people likeyou fromtheSanGabrielValleyregionandacrossthecountry.
Tonight, we will honor members of this group who have recently gone above and beyond. Addison Coniglio, started as a construction volunteer, because of his belief in the mission he then became a donor and an ambassador and Macha and Melissa Suzuki, who are Habitat homeowners and now give back to the organization each month so that others may experience the benefits of affordable homeownership. Together they lead by example on how each one of us can make an impactful changeinourcommunity.
VicePresidentofFinance/ C.W.DriverCompanies
LydiaM.Tavera,ViceChair RetiredDirector/HUD
PaulNelson,Treasurer ChiefFinancialOfficer/PBSSouthern
SeniorDirectorofEmployeeExperience/ Bluebeam,Inc
MalisaDay SeniorVicePresident|GovernmentBkgRel Manager/USBank
JuddOrlando ExecutiveDirector,Facilities,Planningand Infrastructure/CityofHope
EricChen President/ChateauOperatingCorp.
ExecutiveVicePresident&HeadofCommercial RealEstateBanking/EastWestBank
AliceYen ManagingDirector/KPMG
RobertDauth VicePresidentPre-Construction/ WestportConstruction
StevenCuneoJr. GeneralCounsel/C.W.DriverCompanies
ScottCarpenter,NHPBoardChair DirectorFacilities|Company3Hollywood
OfeliaVillareal,NHPCommunityRepresentative SanGabrielValleyResident|Homeowner
RachelLorenzo,NHPSecretary SeniorVicePresident,CreditAdministrator|CitizensBusinessBank
Author Anne-Elizabeth Sobieski
Armstrong & Walker Landscape Architecture
Alice Yen
Barbara Ealy
Bark Box
Brookside Golf Club
Bluebeam, Inc
Boiling Crab Restaurant Group
Capt. Dave's Dolphin & Whale Watching
Cardiff by the Sea
Charlie's House
Celebration Sign Ninjas
Descanso Gardens
David Herman
Diane Balsamo
Eloise Crawford
Fogo de Chão
Golden Management
Hard Rock Hotel, San Diego
Highlight Coffee
Hilton Garden Inn/Irvine
Huntington Gardens
Hyatt Place Pasadena
Jetti Fit
Knox and Dobson
Langham Hotel, Pasadena
Laidlaw’s Harley-Davidson®
Le Meridien, Pasadena/Arcadia
Los Angeles Clippers
Los Angeles Lakers
Los Angeles Rams
Lydia & Mario
Malibu Wine Walks
Malisa Day
Mary Lea Carroll
Mountain Gate Country Club
Nimrod Johnson
Nolet Spirits USA/ Ketel One
NickCo Hospitality Group
Pasadena Playhouse
Pasadena ReStore
Perry’s Joint Cafe
Poppy James Home Design
Residence Inn by Marriott
San Dimas Canyon Golf Club
Sasaki Advanced Aesthetic Medical Center
So Cal Edison
Springhill Suites by Marriott
Stonefire Grill
Sharick Smyser-O’Keefe & Mark O’Keefe
Sweet Ethans
Temecula Olive Oil
Tom Hoffraf
Touchstone Climbing, Pasadena
Tournament of Roses
Total Wine & More
Trump National Golf Club
Universal Studios
Rose Bowl
UCLA Athletics
Knox & Dobson
Rita Thompson
The Wife of the Party
Tensquared Productions
Alice Yen | Ayden Saeki | Barbara Ealy | Carol Delgado | Cristina Ortega | Christie Ault
Cynthia Duarte | Eloise Crawford | Faith Mellinger | Loreena Garcia | Lydia Tavera | Malisa Day
Marley Ridgill | Paul Van Ast | Ruthie Blake | Rosa Duran | Victoria Gonzalez
San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity transforms lives and communities by bringing people together to build, renovate, and repair homes for families in need. SGV Habitat was chartered by Habitat for Humanity International(HFHI)in1990.
SGV Habitat’s programs are a hand up, not a hand out. Qualified families purchase their homes and invest 500 hours of "sweat equity" side-by-side with volunteers to reach their dream of homeownership. Each year thousands of volunteers from faith communities, corporations, schools and civic groups come together to buildhomesandtosolvelocalaffordablehousingchallenges.
In the 34 years of this affiliate's service, there has never been a sale or foreclosure of a home built and sold by SGVHabitat!Thisoutstandingtrackrecordcanbecreditedtoselectionofresponsiblehomebuyers,excellent HomebuyerEducationandfinancialcounselingprovidedtoperspectivebuyers.
SGV Habitat operates a Super ReStore location in Pasadena. ReStores are discount home improvement stores thatselldonatednewandusedbuildingmaterialsatafractionoftheretailprice,promotingsustainableliving practicesofrecyclingandreusewhilekeepingmillionsofpoundsofstill-usablematerialsfromlandfills.
yhasbeenrecognizedb Ch it N i t f fift ti fiscalmanagementa tinthetop1%ofall
TheBuilders’Clubisapassionatean thehousingcrisisintheSanGabriel round.
AccessBuilders’Clubonlyexclu Networkwithlike-mindedpeopl Getrewardsandspecialgifts
It started with a leak from the roof. When it rained outside, Maria, who has lived for 23 years in her Baldwin Park home, was 00 price tag she the widower over and tarp
g dinner for the ork, then the from the outside, was the newest m shower was in
The mother of 7 wasn't sure what to do. They stopped using that bathroom, but had no means to get the damage fixed and the shower repaired. Then her son-in-law saw a post on Facebook about the SGV Habitat program and passed along the information.
Now Maria's grandkids no longer have to worry about being rained on inside - the roof is repaired and the plumbing fixed. Thanks to SGV Habitat's home repair team Maria can continue to live in the community of Baldwin Park, where she has lived all her life, in the safety of the home where she raised her family.
At 26 years old, Kiana is SGV Habitat’s youngest homeowner, which does not come as a surprise to her family and friends. “Kiana is a go-getter. She makes things happen. She was determined to be a homeowner and began saving her paychecks for years, ” Erica, Kiana’s mother has proudly shared.
Kiana is now living a mile from her sister, mother, and grandparents, something she dd not think was possible after a search for houses on Zillow. “If it were not for SGV Habitat, I would be looking to move hundreds of miles away from Baldwin Park, the community I was raised in, where my friends and family reside and a community that I love,” Kiana said.
Kiana’s home is the first SGV Habitat has built using Senate Bill 9, a new law that allows splitting the lot of a property, establishing additional units for housing. This legislation made it possible for Kiana to fulfill her dreams and own a house of her own.
When Kiana moved in to her 1-bedroom, 1 bathroom home, it was the first time she has had her own space, as she cannot remember a time in her life where she did not have a roommate. With this home Kiana sees the opportunity to experience the benefits homeownership offers and have a space where she can thrive, make memories and grow to her full potential.
Thank you for making Kiana’s dream possible!
“I am filled with gratitude to SGV Habitat and has been involved in making my dream come true. - Kiana
Addison Coniglio began volunteering with SGV Habitat in November of 2021 when he showed up to lend a hand during an Alhambra home preservation projectandhassincebecomearegular.
Dedicating his time, in addition to a full-time job, Addison has contributed over 280 hours at multiple build sites and locations over the years. This commitment has earned him the title of construction crew leader and more recentlyasoneofthefirstSGVHabitatAmbassadors.
"SGV Habitat has provided an exceptional environment for me to foster my passion for learning a skilled trade, while also serving my community alongside some incredible individuals," says Addison about his commitment tovolunteering.
If you are interested in joining Addison as an ambassador or a member of our constructioncrewvisitwww.sgvhabitat.org/volunteer
32N.SierraMadreBlvd. Pasadena,CA91107
Tuesday-Saturday:10am-6pm Sunday:12pm-5pm
DonationsHours:Tues-Sat:10am-4pm www.sgvrestore.org
ShopOnline24/7 www.shopsgvrestore.org
Tuesday-Saturday:10am-6pm 32N.SierraMadreBlvd. Pasadena,CA91107
ThePasadenaSuperReStoreisnowhome tolocalvendorsandartisans,givingthem aspacetomarkettheiruniqueitemsand supportHabitat’smission!
Youcanfindvintageitems,eclectichome décorandone-of-a-kindaccessories curatedbylocalsupportersofHabitat.
Over the next three years, you will help change the lives of 200 familiesthroughout31communities.
SGV Habitat recently announced a new campaign, Framing the Future, which will bring people together to build homes, communities and hope in your local neighborhoods. This campaign highlights the immense need for affordable places to live and celebrates the diverse ways SGV Habitat is finding solutions to our local housing crisis – through increasing housing production, affordable home preservation and sustainable practices such as operatingresalestorestokeepmaterialsoutoflandfills.
Through new and rehabbed homes, we are looking to double the number of families served with the last campaign (ExpandingtheAmericanDream).Overthenextfewyearsnewfirst-timehomebuyerprojectswillinclude:
This project was an opportunity for two households to become first-time homebuyers. Using SB9, a new law that enabled us to split what was one single family lot into two, the home that already existed on the front of the lot was rehabbed. The garage at the back of the property was converted into a single-family residence for our first household of 1 as we provide what would be considered a “starter home” to the underserved homebuyers “under 30 (YoungProfessionals).”(ReadKiana’sstoryonDreamsofHomeownershipComeTrue)
A fourplex is being built in Azusa, marking the first SGV Habitat new construction project in the city. These four houses will include first-time homebuyer opportunities for a Veteran and a very-low income household inadditiontoofferinganaccessiblehome.
SGV Habitat is among a small list of organizations that have been awarded the opportunity to transform former Caltrans properties into new opportunities for affordable housing in El Sereno. Our plan is to renovate and/or build single-family homes that fit both the character and density of the neighborhood and the incomes ofworkingpeople.Thefirsttwoprojectsarealmostreadytobesoldtonewfirst-timehomebuyers.
The first adaptive re-use project for our affiliate includes transforming a former church and school building into 15 opportunities for first-time homebuyers in the City of Baldwin Park. This is only possible through the partnershipwithBaldwinParkandtheSanGabrielPresbytery.
This multi-unit development in Baldwin Park is offeringhomeownershipforfirst-timehomebuyers.
This future project in El Monte will offer opportunities for 4 families to achieve first-time homeownership.
SGV Habitat facilitates the building of homes that allow hard-working families to change the trajectory of their lives. However, it is YOU who makes it all possible. It is volunteers, faith-based and community organizations, and corporatesponsorsthatprovidestabilityandafoundationofhopeandprosperity.
Sponsor these projects with a donation; provide in-kind construction materials; host a Corporate Build Day; join theeliteBuilders’Club,orvolunteer!
Therewillalsobeamultitudeofhomerepairs,anewADUprogram,manyworkforce developmentpartnershipsandaneedforthousandsofvolunteerstojoinus.
Wecan’tdoitwithoutyou!JoininthisefforttomakeabigimpacttowardsaSanGabrielValley, andaworld,whereeveryonehasadecentplacetolive. Shop.Donate.Volunteer.Advocate.
SanGabrielValleyHabitatforHumanity seekstoputGod’sloveintoactionbybringingpeople togethertobuildhomes,communitiesandhope.