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[κατα] [την] [οδον] [ηλθον] [επ]ι̣ τ̣ι υδωρ και φησιν ο ευνου̣[χος] τ̣ι κ̣ω[λυει] [με] [βαπτισθηναι] 38 [και] [εκ]ελευσεν στηναι το ·αρμα κ̣α̣ι̣ κ̣α̣τεβη̣[σαν] [αμφοτεροι] [εις] [το] [υδωρ] [ο] τε φιλιππος και ο ευνουχο̣ς̣ κ̣[α]ι̣ εβα[πτισεν] [αυτον] 39 [οτε] [δε] [ανεβη]σ̣αν εκ του υδατος πνα ̅ κυ̣̅ [ηρπα]σε̣ν̣ [τον] [φιλιππον] [και] [ουκ] [ειδεν] [αυ]τον ουκε̣τι ο ·ευνουχος [επορευετο] [γαρ] [την] [οδον] [αυτου] [χαιρων] 40 [φιλιπ]πος δε ευρεθη εις αζωτ̣ο̣ν̣ [και] [δ]ι̣ερ̣χ̣[ομενος] [ευηγγελιζετο] [τας] [πο]λεις πασας εως του ελθε̣[ιν] [αυτον] [εις] [καισαρειαν]
@ r 9 ;' @.; `? D ,J0 p# ? 2 @.; `? , 3 S /' l 7 @.; + ,G( K Mb250 @ 4.(
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: @.; H.(# JC ( j'" 6 ` ,@ x d$'F (? u '? K Act 8:31-40 νω̣σει ̣ η κρισις α̣[υ]τ̣ο[̣ υ] ·ηρ̣θη τη δε γενεαν αυτου τις διηγησετα̣[ι] οτι ερετε απο της γη[ς] η ζωη ·αυτου 34 αποκριθεις δε ο ευνο̣[υ]χος τω φιλιππω ·ειπεν δεομε σου περι̣ τ̣ινος ο προφητης λεγει ·τουτο περι εαυτου η περι ετερου ·τινος 35 α̣νοιξας δε ο φιλιππ[ος] το στομα ·αυτου κ̣αι αρξαμενος απο τ̣η̣ς̣ γραφης ταυτης ευ̣[ηγ]γελισατο αυτω τον [ιν]̅ 36 ω̣ς δε επορευοντο̣ κατα την οδον ηλθ̣[ον] επι το ·υδωρ
και φ̣[η]σιν ο ·ευνουχος ιδο[υ] υδωρ τι κωλυει με ·βαπτισθηναι 38 και̣ [ε]κελευσεν στηναι τ̣[ο] ·αρμα και κατεβη̣σαν αμφοτεροι εις̣ το ·υδωρ ο τε φιλ̣[ιπ]π̣ος και ο ευνουχος κ̣αι εβαπτισεν αυτο̣[ν] 39 [οτ]ε̣ δε ανεβησαν εκ [του] ·[υδα]τος πν̅α κυ̅ η̣[ρπασεν] τ̣ον̣ [φιλιππον] –
M!! 37 :8 ,"( L S /' l 7 6 `K @.; `0+ ,JC ( K
: '*¾ p @! '! º J? ¾ ,4$ n , '! . { 0 @ [[ אA B C Ψ 33vid 81 181 614 1175 1409 2344 Byz [L P] Lect P45, 74 ]] 6
: Bruce Terry ,9 . 6 `K [[ p45 p74 S A B C P Psi 33vid 81 614 1241 2495 Byz Lect ]] 7
p k't 1 p? ¿ ,» k't 1 > p# ? '2 µ / , /' l 7 p k't 1 Ji? T K `? M!? S /' l : L'9 @ <Å : 8 ¿ K p? L C2 S ;(. , k't 1 > εἶπε δὲ αὐτῷ ὁ Φίλιππος, Ἐὰν πιστεύεις ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίαις σου, σωθήσει· ἀποκριθεὶς δὲ εἶπε, Πιστεύω εἰς τὸν Χριστὸν τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ θεοῦ
E εἶπε δὲ Φίλιππος, Ἐὰν πιστεύεις ἐξ ὅλης καρδίαις· καὶ ἀποκρίθη ὁ εὐνοῦχος αὐτῷ, Πιστεύω τοῦ θεοῦ υἱὸν εἶναι Ἰησοῦν Χριστὸν
629 εἶπε δὲ αὐτῷ, Εἰ πιστεύεις ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίαις σου, ἔξεστιν· ἀποκριθεὶς δὲ εἶπε, Πιστεύω τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ θεοῦ εἶναι Ἰησοῦν Χριστὸν
(with minor variants) 36 307 (323 omit σου) 453 610 630 945 1678 1739 (1877 καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς) 1891 l592 l1178 lAD εἶπε δὲ ὁ Φίλιππος, Εἰ πιστεύεις ἐξ ὅλης τῆς καρδίαις, ἔξεστιν· ἀποκριθεὶς δὲ εἶπε, Πιστεύω τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ θεοῦ εἶναι τὸν Ἰησοῦν Χριστὸν
104 l59
THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT Fourth Revised Edition, Acts 8: 37. (UBS4Red). Bruce Terry : A Student's Guide to New Testament Textual Variants, Acts 8:37. Richard Wilson : NEW TESTAMENT MANUSCRIPTS by type of manuscript, (Acts 8: 37).
ÎľáźśĎ&#x20AC;Îľ δὲ, Î&#x2022;áź° Ď&#x20AC;ΚĎ&#x192;Ď&#x201E;ξὝξΚĎ&#x201A; áź?Ξ á˝&#x2026;ΝΡĎ&#x201A; Ď&#x201E;áż&#x2020;Ď&#x201A; ÎşÎąĎ Î´á˝ˇÎąÎšĎ&#x201A;, áź&#x201D;ΞξĎ&#x192;Ď&#x201E;ΚνÎ&#x2021; áź&#x20AC;Ď&#x20AC;ÎżÎşĎ ÎšÎ¸Îľá˝śĎ&#x201A; δὲ á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A; ÎľáźśĎ&#x20AC;Îľ Îąá˝?Ď&#x201E;ῡ, ΠΚĎ&#x192;Ď&#x201E;ξὝĎ&#x2030; Ď&#x201E;ὸν Ď&#x2026;៹ὸν Ď&#x201E;οῌ θξοῌ ξៜνιΚ ៸ΡĎ&#x192;οῌν Î§Ď ÎšĎ&#x192;Ď&#x201E;ὸν
88c r @k'tÂź p? Â&#x160; /' l @k'tÂź b U j( 1 ,Â&#x160; /' l p k'tÂ&#x17E;1 b U > x_K y 4 ; : Bruce Metzger $j S " Mb6 (9* ÂĽ<( p Codex Laudianus [[ the earliest known New Testament manuscript that contains the words dates from the sixth century (ms. E) ]] 9
cc Âť E @k'tÂ&#x17E;1 Âľ ,b6 (9* ;' *C /' l . { 0 * @+ ( @k'tÂź b U OO
@ . 9 Âľ 0!* L' 1 k'tÂ&#x17E;1 ,@! '! k'tÂ&#x17E;1 > Â&#x160; L'8 =!9 y 4 4 . , & & ,b6 (9 @k'tÂź p? ,@! '! k'tÂ&#x17E;1 > Â&#x160; * ? 2 b U ,I'Â&#x201E; ,C ,Â&#x160; Â&#x201E; 0B Âť @ !9 MÂ&#x160; Â&#x201E; p? @! '! k'tÂ&#x17E;1 Kurt Aland & Barbara Aland 9Dp " " E 9Dp q U ,Q N D Q (9 (K& .$
: 7'9. y!8 ,Â&#x201A; 9 'U J0 ' U L'8 [[ The primary authority for a critical textual decision lies with the Greek Manuscripts tradition, with the versions and Fathers serving no more than a supplementary and corroborative function. ]] 10
cc Â&#x2C6;! C , ,_Ă&#x201A; Q Âż K @ . 9 q¸ ,@! '! k'tÂ&#x17E;1 !*9 @!* D dQ (9 . l > S D t* OO
! Â&#x160; j` p? @!* D @ ! F dQ (9 L'9. ,@! '! k'tÂ&#x17E;1 '? /` S D t* , . $ K M!! JĂ&#x201E; C Qm0< J~D ! ! 1 S 6 -. ,<( MM L'UD , bmC @! Â&#x152; d( ÂĽ<$ M 4Â&#x152;n p# ;(. p ! * £¸ M!! P `K !! |i i $' K ,0+
Bruce Metzger : Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, Second Edition, NY: United Bible Societies, 1994, page: 315. 10 Kurt & Barbra Aland : The Text of The New Testament, Second Edition, VII Introduction to the Praxis of New Testament Textual Criticism, Page: 280.
@ @òºâ&#x20AC;ĄĂ&#x201D;Ă&#x203A;a@pbÂť Ă&#x203A;a /' l 7 p S /' l p q¸ G( ,bmC ,!t 7 ' + ,@ . 9 q¸ @ Â&#x203A; ? ,F : !* : @! .Ă&#x2020; q¸ â&#x20AC;˘ K !B!4* @.N!*} n @q¸ (Ă MM ,"( L Â&#x160; j`l ,ÂĽ ( (9 AF 1 ;' p ,@! .Ă&#x2020; !B!4 : 11 Â&#x160; S 09!* Janet M. Magiera $ s r9 $ Â&#x2021;;$
â&#x2C6;&#x2019;1599t * Hutter . / $ > !B!4 1 d( L A!Â&#x201E; ; `? S Â&#x160; . ÂŚ ? =!* ÂŁ ? w1600
: 12 $' o @k'tÂź `?
Janet M. Magiera : Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation, Light of the Word Ministry, 2006, Page: 305.
r{*9 a ' ,â&#x2C6;&#x2019; ? J9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; -" r a F y z 4 % M ,s12 11 ? F, 5 -. a F0 #gR ? " M 12 : (` _ H{R P/ > !!! 3 * L s 4 a S y , _ H{R 7(} G f 3 5 , â&#x2C6;&#x2019; 0 " / â&#x20AC;&#x201C; |&*R , 0 F. s165 !! > Â&#x201A; _ H{R 7(/ / ?? (/ 0 5 . Â M> ,X
@ < ( Â&#x2018; p The Harclean version @!*U(^ @q¸ ÂŁ ? ,Â&#x160; A!- p ,@! .Ă&#x2020; q¸* @4 Thomas of
Â&#x192;4 N S . . S E!9 `? J U , The Philoxenian version L ! K'*!+ @q¸ E!9 M!! Â&#x160; j` 0B @! .Ă&#x2020; q¸ + M!!! /;m!1 7 (9 / M13 b616 @ " Harkel : {'# @ . 9 @! ! m q¸ â&#x20AC;˘
Â&#x2018;ž , ,Â&#x160; T+`8 @ . U @! ! 7 q( Â&#x2018;ž 7 ÂĽ< (1 w+ ,@ . 9 @! ! m q¸* @4 : UBS4 @Â&#x17E; Â&#x2021;;$ Â&#x2020;Âż K p? d(oÂ&#x203A; k'tÂ&#x17E;1 `? ,K , C ,Â&#x160; /' l @ . U @! ! 7 k'tÂź [[
itar, c, dem, gig, l, p, ph, ro, t, w ]] 14 Mb9 (9 : itar Mb13 Ă&#x2021; 12 (9 : itc Mb13 (9 : itdem Mb13 (9 : itgig Mb7 (9 : itl Mb12 (9 : itp Mb12 (9 : itph : [9 ,-R L 0jR 13
- Matthew Black & Kurt Aland : Die alten Ă&#x153;bersetzungen des Neuen Testaments, die Kirchenväterzitate und Lektionare: Der gegenwärtige Stand ihrer Erforschung und ihre Bedeutung fĂźr die griechische Textgeschichte, Walter de Gruyter, 1972, Page: 139. - Geoffrey W. Bromiley : International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: A-D (V1), Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1995, Page: 33. 14
THE GREEK NEW TESTAMENT Fourth Revised Edition, Acts 8: 37. (UBS4Red).
Mb10 (9 : itro Mb11 (9 : itt Mb14 (9 : itw b U ,@. )* d(oÂ&#x203A; @q¸ `? 7 ,@ . 9 @! ! m @q¸ k'tÂź > Â&#x160; ;'< ÂĽ ,EÂ&#x201E; ' r m! ; r M 0 !² p# 7 C , .'U Â&#x2018; m+ Mb7 (9* ;' @k'tÂź
Â&#x17E; @4 , 4_ @Â&#x17E; ,Â&#x160; j`l {'#* Â&#x17E; t UBS4 @Â&#x17E; + ,s JÂ&#x201E; {'#* @4 : Â&#x; ' S ² Â&#x160; +`l * : 15 0F `? Mb1954 @ "
White Wordsworth
,K Ă&#x201E; b U @! ! 7 {'#* @Â&#x17E; p? : vgww
: 16 0F `? Mb1969 @ " , D > TĂ&#x201A; s JÂ&#x201E; @! ! m {'#* @Â&#x17E; p? Stuttgart @Â&#x17E; `? : vgst 38 et
iussit stare currum et descenderunt uterque in aquam Philippus et eunuchus et baptizavit eum 39 cum
autem ascendissent de aqua Spiritus Domini rapuit Philippum et amplius non vidit eum eunuchus ibat enim per viam suam gaudens @Â&#x17E; Â&#x2018; p? Clementine !*K @Â&#x17E; p? ,d 8 @Â&#x17E; p0+ Â&#x160; A!- p {'# @Â&#x17E; @4 Mb1590 @ " Pope Sixtus V Q S *M " ?$ p @Â&#x17E; * @ < ( @ 9
15 16
Wordsworth & White : Nouum Testamentum latine: secundum editionem, 1911, Page: 302. The Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem, Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1994, Acts 8: 37. From BibleGatWay.Com
Pope Clement VIII
L h Â&#x2026; &, " ( Â&#x203A; T U p Sixto-Clementine Vulgate 1 @ 9 1 @Â&#x17E; `? : 18 Â&#x2020;Âż K 0F ,Â&#x160; T4_ T*U K @Â&#x17E; `? MM 17Mb1592 @ " 0* J
@ " $ p ,@! ! m {'#* !9 Â&#x2018; p
Nova Vulgata
$ ,> > 9 S 6 `K d$ 2n .$
: 19 Â&#x; K 0F `? ,6 `K Â&#x160; j`l ,@!C! 'Â&#x152; C @! ( @ ! C 1 Â&#x160; p? p ,b1979 36 Et dum irent per viam, venerunt ad quandam aquam; et ait eunuchus: â&#x20AC;&#x153; Ecce aqua; quid prohibet me baptizari? â&#x20AC;?. (37) 38 Et iussit stare currum; et descenderunt uterque in aquam Philippus et eunuchus, et baptizavit eum.
@ " 1 ;' 0*K Â&#x160; j`l p {'# Âş 'Ă 8m!" ,@Ă 8m1 @U; J? /` Â&#x2026; * @4 ÂŁ ? 'C Â&#x203A;+ ,@! ( @!C! 'Â&#x152; C @ ! C @! "( @Â&#x17E; p? p Â&#x201E; > > @Â&#x17E; @ o ,b1900 / ,dxoD `? @ o ,Â&#x2C6; xÂ&#x2019; Â&#x160; J^ 4 0* ' U .` S L . ,Â&#x160; j`l d(oÂ&#x203A; Âş ¤
r p? 0B s JÂ&#x201E; {'# ,@ mÂŽ MMM M! :8' mK
'C ; `Ă&#x201E; Â&#x2DC; 7 @! ( @!C! 'Â&#x152; C @ ! C
MÂ&#x160; Â&#x201E; -. !! 2 CÂ&#x2030; 5000 3000 Â&#x2026;" Â&#x2026; {* Â&#x2026;" >2 CÂ&#x2020; ? F0 b ,- ?Â&#x2021;> ,!F> Â&#x2C6;,-, 17 18
P. Michael Hetzenauer : Biblia sacra vulgatĂŚ editionis Sixti V Pont. Max. iussu recognita et Clementis VIII auctoritate edita, 1914, Page : 1075.
: r y P& ? M . #4 19 apostolorum_lt.html#8
: @!t49 q¸ â&#x20AC;˘
r ,$'F 0F Â?( j'" ,@ . U @!t4U q( 3 G( " w+ ,@!t49 q¸* @4 q¸* @4 ,7 r Â&#x2018;a UBS4 @Â&#x17E; $(5 w+ ,Â&#x160; j`l p @!t49 @!t49 @q¸ @.x 4 @!t49 @q¸ mK Â&#x160; `? M!! @.x 4 d% 4 0!* @!t4U @q( b U p? @. ! F @q¸ j ( 1 ,Â&#x160; j`l @. ! F : 0 ,K : Âťb2 (9 @. ~Âľ @. ! F @!t49 Âť1Âľ : 20 George William Horner ?;$ K @. ! F @!t49 @q¸ Â&#x160;
George William Horner : The Coptic Version of The New Testament In TheŮ? Southern Dialect otherwise called Sahidic and Thebaic, Volume 6, The Acts of The Apostles, Page: 182-83.
: Âťb3 (9 @. Âľ @.x 4 @!t49 Âť2Âľ : 21 George William Horner ?;$ K ,@.x 4 @!t49 @q¸ Â&#x160;
George William Horner : The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect, otherwise called Memphitic and Bohairic, Volume 4, The catholic Epistles and The Acts of Apostles, page: 228-31.
@4 , The Middle Egyptian Coptic @q( p0+ ,Â&#x160; A!- p @q¸ p? ,@!U 4 @q¸* @4 `? copG67 P ^N (. /¸ Codex Glazier 0Â&#x160;2 _ HÂ&#x2039; > ,_½ F w+ ,@q¸ `? > ,"( L D 22
M!! | ÂŽ (9* ;' @k'tÂ&#x17E;1
: 23 0F JC b U b' S ,d(oÂ&#x203A; @k'tÂ&#x17E;1 D ,@!t49 @q¸ > Â&#x160; * A! Â&#x201E; ? 2 p0+
M! @k'tÂ&#x17E;1 Â&#x160; @! 1 @q( `?
M! j - Â&#x160; `? KÂ&#x203A;. ½ ,Â&#x160; j`8 S 0B @ . 9 0Â&#x17E; ,@!t49 @q¸ w+ ,Q (9 pÂ&#x17D; N J . $ K 22
See : LÊon Vaganay, Christian-Bernard Amphoux, Jenny Heimerdinger : An introduction to New Testament textual criticism, 2Ed, Revised, Cambridge University Press, 1991, Page: 39. 23 Hans-Martin Schenke : Apostelgeschichte 1,1-15,3 im mittelägyptischen Dialekt des Koptischen (Codex Glazier), Walter de Gruyter, 1991, Page: 152-53.
, ?;Æ p ; m+ d(o ~D 7 C G(o q( £ ? µ @ . 9 q¸ ¿ (Á ,À$ 9 /N.N & + ,@ . 9 @! '! k't 1 0*4U » UBS4 @. 9 @ 9!* '<( '<(1 , '* 1 .N1 / $ `? , |! !! j - `? S K . `? , j`l @ . 9 ? 'B `? ,K E ' !! MM ! ¿ @!-9 ,9 ¿ M !+ G( " K Q *
pbĂŽĂśbiĹ a / ' 1 S ;( j'" ,@!Â&#x17D;N{ `? > ,Â&#x160; `? 4Â&#x152; > 0!* . ! 1 D , < @ 0 @!Â&#x17D;N{ `? MQ ÂŻ " 4 U ; 0B " : !+ 0 " : Â&#x160; * '! A9" S 0 0 Â&#x2026; 4 U Âť1Âľ b E<$D S ,/;m!1 Â&#x2030; _ (9 p! '?7 J? 8 , '! Q Âż ,@ ! C Q ÂŻ 8 |. U '? Â&#x2026; .(. OO 24
cc M202 b ' MM 0B " MMM | $ C! ' |. 9* `! * ,x Â? @ . > b160 b140 : 9k(^ Â&#x201E; K > S 0 0 L'9.
[[ Philip declared that this was Jesus, and that the Scripture was fulfilled in Him; as did also the believing eunuch himself: and, immediately requesting to be baptized, he said, "I believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God." ]] 25
" : L U . $'# S v*k & : # .n , -. Â&#x201A;ÂŽ , + K , !+ , K P C ,Â&#x153;' . '? * |4!*+ OO cc " '? E! 1 Â&#x153;' .
r r m!*U 9U; ' C ,Â&#x160; @ S k U m! ;
Â&#x2018; . ,Â&#x160; @ 4Â&#x152;n Â&#x2026; 4 Un `? S G$ F . S ;$ b U '? /` Adversus haereses 9k(^ Â&#x201E; K > Â&#x160; |4 U S 0 0 ,dx) @*CB <' : PH, Â&#x152; F-0 S 5 . X&F L'9.,@! ! 1 Âş.$ > 9k(^ r ,Ă&#x2C6;9+ C @! '! @) m v K ,p ! 1 P;D > 9k(0* Â 8; b U '? : 9k(^ S ;( 9k(^ Â&#x201E; OO 26
cc MÂĽk 91 Â G'" 0 :94. ÂŤ @! .Ă&#x2030; @! ! $ G(o q( <' rm K Â&#x160; * @! ! 7 @q( '? ;'<'1
L D P C Â&#x2018;KD QN{ xÂ&#x2019; ,@! ! 7 @q( 7 '? Â?' ,;'9# Â&#x2030; '! P C , Â&#x203A;+ , (U ? ,p ! m Â&#x160; > / ,y _ P C > ;$ Â&#x2026; 4 Un D 7 `? C ,Âť @! '! Âľ @!* D )* ! , r : mÂ&#x17D; U Schaff, Philip !* ;(. ? `? K S 0 0 v K : ,@! C2n <'
_ â&#x20AC;ŤŘ˘â&#x20AC;Źhttp:// : [9
25 Irenaeus : Against Heresies, Book 3, Chaptre 12 -DOCTRINE OF THE REST OF THE APOSTLES- , Text 8.
- Reverend Alexander Roberts : The Ante-Nicene Fathers: The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 (Volume 1) - The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, Cosimo, Inc., 2007, Page: 433.
G . " $ $ Â&#x2C6; [- g * , D (U @ > p<' ( 4 J* @* 2 d(Ă : PH, Â&#x152; F-0 S 5 . X&F 26 59 : ^ m ,Â&#x17D; h B s2008 0 0 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Â? W - H ,E / F â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
[[ His great work Against Heresies was, we learn, written during the episcopate of Eleutherus, that is, between a.d. 182 and a.d. 188 ]] 27
cc b188 b182 T K p Â&#x2026; xÂ&#x152;' @!#9" Lmo v K J* , 9k(^ Â&#x201E; x4C * OO
: ¼<(1 |# !! /;m!1 4 (9* ;' . . p @! ! m @q¸ C [[ Dodwell supposes this Latin version to have been made about the end of the fourth century ]] 28
cc /;m!1 4 (9 @. ~ Â&#x; '8 0* J U @! ! m @q¸ `? Â?¸#. â&#x2C6;&#x2019; ,. ; ; â&#x2C6;&#x2019; OO
: L'9. /` Â&#x; ÂĽ<(1 KÂ&#x203A;. bmC |# [[ His work Adversus Haereses is not preserved in its entirety in the original Greek, and for the work as a whole we rely upon a Latin version, of which the probable date is the fourth century ]] 29
,@! ! m @Â&#x17E; S + * ´ > , Â?'FÂ&#x17E; ,@! '! @!* D )* * ´ > Ă&#x160;'#5 xÂ&#x2019; 9k(^ Â&#x201E; `? * OO cc b4 (9 4 Â&#x2019; 0a$ p
J* 7 @! ! m d(oÂ&#x203A; @Â&#x17E; '? 6* ,K , * 6* 7 P K S A!K ,@*CB1 (0Ă ? & 0C* p @! ! m @q¸ ,L D (9 @. ~ > / 188 182 p " @! '! v K P C , 0Â&#x17E;" d; .N* Â?( Â&#x2026; 91 P C C+ MÂ&#x153; t9 n (U 3 ? (. 9 ,U S M! ÂĽii ( (9 > 0* J 9+ ? @! ! m @q¸ Âş" Lmo Â&#x2030; '! * > Q '" @+ Â&#x201E;n J . P C `? p \ /` + , F9 MÂ&#x2030; '! , D 4Â&#x152; J . ,Â&#x2026; 4 Un @ > 6C2 Â&#x203A;+ ,6 ` : Â&#x160; * Â&#x192; k(U A9" S 9 06 Â&#x2026; 4 U w2t r , 4.(9 b205 @ " y _ (9 @. > , . 9 Q Âż ,Â&#x2026;' .Â&#x2018;K ÂťÂ&#x2026;'!*!" "Âľ Â&#x2026;' !*C K '!C" Â&#x152; '? 30
M MM !* ¸ @#!*o Â&#x2018; . , ! m Q Âż '? ,b258 @ " Â&#x2018; 4" 14 b'. Âť 0B " Âľ >' MM d 8 d 8 ? oÂ&#x203A; j'" , " 4 U S T#U 9+ S 9 06M @4
Schaff, Philip : Ante-Nicene Fathers: The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, Volume 1, Introductory Note to
IrenĂŚus Against Heresies, Page: 312. 28
Peter R. Ackroyd & Christopher Francis Evans : The Cambridge History of the Bible: From the beginnings to Jerome, Volume 1, Cambridge University Press, 1975, Page: 348.
*0 4 * M b "p S 4 : Â&#x152; #$ , ,-R L 0jR 30
: Â&#x2020;Âż K L D Â&#x2026; 4 Un [[ the eunuch is described as at once baptized by Philip, because he believed with his whole heart, parallel ]] 31
cc 4*U ,C ÂŻ D ,|4*!+ @t" ' A /` Â&#x201A;ÂŽ OO
'? 7 ,S 9 06 `! * '? /` ,v C S , ,S 9 06 S |! '0+ ,Â&#x2026; 4 Un `^ @4
!+ ;$ /` '? P C `? , * d !8 J*C ! * ' ' K v K /` ,Pontius S 9 " r ,Â&#x160; j( v C S m! ; Â&#x2018; . Â&#x2026; 4 Un > <'. 7 ,@! _ @t9 , @t9 `? ,Â&#x2026; 4 Un `?
B Â&#x160; ' '9. ! ! 1 Â ÂŁ ? , 4*U ,C ÂŻ D |4*!+ j(k Â&#x201A;ÂŽ L'9. Ă&#x2C6;9+ v C '? E! 1 MM L U ÂŚ4 MM 64*U ,C Â&#x2DC; & MM ÂŚ4 * L U |4*!+ Â&#x2C6; D Â&#x160; > D ,Â&#x2026; 4 UĂ&#x2026; !! 4*U AF Â&#x2DC;. ÂŁ ? ,? MM @k ,C D ? & 1 ,(Ă ÂłU `? @9!9 !! P$ 9 ÂŁ 0+ MM 'K S ÂĽ 7 ,Â&#x201A;ÂŽ . S Â&#x2018; C !! Â&#x160; |4 U `? p . 7 4*U ,C ÂŻ Â&#x201A;ÂŽ L'9. Â&#x160; r @k'tÂ&#x17E;1 > ;'<' K p . 7 Q Âż 8 Â&#x160; Â&#x2026; 4 U D , ! Â&#x201E; Â&#x160; |4 U ,Â&#x160; F9. ,<( S ,! |! `? ,Â&#x160; /' l @k'tÂź 6* . K MM L !* '? K v C PD , @!* D M!!@!* D @k'tÂ&#x17E;1 > Â? ;'<' K Â&#x160; : Â&#x2020;Âż K Â&#x2030; _ Â&#x2026; 4 Un [[ In the Acts of the Apostles: -Lo, here is water; what is there which hinders me from being baptized? Then said Philip, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest- ]] 32
cc â&#x2C6;&#x2019; $ 9 + 64*U ,C Â&#x2DC; T K & â&#x20AC;&#x201C; L'9. |4*!+ 6 & JÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; p . /` ,Q '? ? â&#x2C6;&#x2019; : ,"( L > OO
r vÂ&#x2014; 7 C ,Â&#x160; j( . K EÂ&#x201E; ' C ,, C Â&#x160; |4 9. ÂŤ ,<( 4k ,Â&#x160; * EÂ&#x201E; Â&#x2026; 4 U `? b U '? p * 8 S '? ,/;m!1 y _ (9 Q ÂŻ S 9 06 : vÂ&#x2014; 7 MM $' D : M6 & p# . ÂŁ ? |! , 5 `? ,y _ (9 > K Â&#x160; $'0u 'C. C . / ,Â&#x160; * ? 2 : L'9 p @! C j$ 1 d(Â&#x17D; ; '# Â&#x2DC; U 6 `K : 7 31
Pontius : The Life and Passion of Cyprian,Chap 3. - Alexander Roberts : The Writings of Cyprian: Ante Nicene Christian Library Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to Ad 325 Part Eight, Kessinger Publishing, 2004, Page: 16. 32 Cyprian : The Treatises of Cyprian, Treatise 12, Book 3, Section 43
- Alexander Roberts : The Writings of Cyprian Bishop of Carthage II: Ante Nicene Christian Library Translations of the Writings of the Fathers Down to Ad 325 Part Thirteen, Kessinger Publishing, 2004, Page: 172.
cc , ! ,F ÂŤ C `? L' Â&#x203A;+ , . { 0 Â?'F =!9l S . $ F K Q Âż K b Â&#x17E; "7 ; 8 ÂŁ ? OO
Â&#x2030;m# Ps @ 1 > @ 04 C . 7 @ *K /Â&#x203A;+ , . (+' xÂ&#x2019; J0 @ . 9 @ o ,Q Ă&#x2039; @!* D C + 0 - vÂ&#x2014; p MM @t9 J? MM @ 1 > @ Â&#x2026; 4 Un > =_ C . m+ T Â&#x152; xÂ&#x2019; , D b ; + MM Â&#x2030;m r r p . 7 ,Â&#x160; |4 U S 9 06 'K p? , ! @t9 `0+ !! D L' D > ;'<' K Â&#x160; M Ă&#x201E; b ?n vÂ&#x2014; .`* Q Âż b U ~ Â&#x2026; " S , UBS4 @. 9 @Â&#x17E; ,4U G(K& `* ² S 9 06 S 0 0Â&#x2030; Q Âż M!! Q Âż K > L'Â&#x2014; L'F. 0 " / : 1 C ,Â&#x160; ' 4 U : !! (C `? L'9.
L'0´ v C C ,S 9 06M |! Â&#x2026; 4 Un MM r7 , *Â&#x17D; U ;(
r p4 (#" (9. K J! B.$ < $ K /` ,ÂŚ4 Â&#x201A;ÂŽ K Ă&#x201A; OO : Â&#x2020;Âż K p? Â&#x160; * @!+( @q¸ MM ! Â&#x152; !! `? . Â&#x2026; 4 U7 . cc ÂŻ ,|4*!+ = ÂĽ ! I ( ! U ,62 > K ,Q ! 2 ; 0B "n + !! Ă&#x152;!2 7 Â&#x160; * Â&#x2026; 4 U 7 ÂŁ ? |! ,Ă&#x2C6;9+ !! E! 1 ÂŻ ÂŚ4 @F9 ,!\ Ă&#x2C6;9+ v C r M!! ! Â&#x2018; . @9.(t `Ă&#x201E; Â&#x160; r K Â&#x160; ? ,. . |. 9 Â&#x2026; 4 U '? , " " Â&#x160; @Um u 7 Â&#x2026; 4 U : 0 " / ' 1 : 0 " / ;$
0 Â&#x201E; - _ HÂ&#x2039; : &, r` , " M -R E 3 5 : Â&#x2026; . /2 L &Â? 33 34
Reverend Alexander Roberts : The Ante-Nicene Fathers: The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325, Volume V Fathers of the Third Century - Hippolytus; Cyprian; Caius; Novatian; Appendix, Cosimo, Inc., 2007, Page: 667. [[ A Treatise On Re-Baptism By An Anonymous Writer ]].
? ,. . |4 U . cc Q ;'< @ (+ ÂĽ @*8( AF > |4*!+ /` Â&#x201A;ÂŽ @ 8 !+ OO : Â&#x2020;Âż K Â&#x160; @q( ÂŚ4 @FU H Â? Â&#x2014;w (K& Ă&#x2C6;9+ '? ,@" $ $'5 Â&#x160; * ! v.(U Âą. ÂŤ ? ,. . ,EÂ&#x201E; bmC !!! Â&#x160; @ S ? ,.=" ; 0B "n , F9 d; .Â? m ,bmC G' 5 `? ,Q * $ F P(U > |4*!+ . S M!! Â&#x2030; Âł `? |! S ,! Â&#x160; `? Â&#x160; ; 0B " + Mb5 (9* ;' . PD `? D J 7 Â&#x2026; 4 Un `? ,S H*KW Â&#x2026; 4 U Â&#x2030; Âł `? 0B " MGÂ&#x2018;K @!² > 8 U |! ,Ă&#x20AC;$ 9 /N.N J !! Ă? Ă&#x152;k :4Â&#x2019; 6 6 u 0 " / : L'U vÂ&#x2014; C ,A"ÂŻ !! S U |. 9* 4 . JÂ&#x152; mK |4 9. ,<( ,Q 4) (Ă ' , Â&#x17D; 4Â&#x2019; > 8 U C FÂ&#x17E;2
r bmK , !! " " S U |. 9 bmK |! `? , ! Â&#x152; MM 7 `? ,Â&#x160; @Um |! bmC : ,<( @ 91 `? ,o; Prolegomena @. 9 @. !0Ă&#x201A; @ 9 , b U @ '"'1 $(5 !! Q Âż K @ '"'1 $( 1 0 " / : ' `? Tl MM The Situation After the Council of Nicaea " ' ÂŁ ? @. !0
|. 9 K @ '"'1 $(5 Ä b U @. !0Â @ 9 |4 9. ,<( Q 2 p . ,b' N1 " 4 U M!! ,0{ `? M!! |. 9* 04 MM S U @! ³ tB S ( ] bN*. K C , K . S ;( '? y 4 `? > ? |! ,b' S
d$'K`1 P 4"s , ; 0B "m L ´ m+ S 0 0 4 U7 @4 * U ¿ J01 M 0*? } L ´ 7 p
r T4_. 7 , *U K `0+ , * " 4 U T4 ' : + S 9 06M @4 , 9 " r bmC $(C , @ r M@ 1 > @ E > |! Q ¿ K w+ ,p !<( v 8 S C , x_K p# ,! ; p? p @! '! k't 1 @!<$ ® @ ;D $ k > (Á ,@!F @*CB1 `^ { > , ¿ : 8 , & 0!+ =_ C ! Q ¿ " 4 U *U ,Q ¿ 6 `K . $ ,p# ,! ; -. p? @ . 9 q¸ 6 `K ,/'U @ o ,@! '! º p? ,G(o @t9 ,9 j'" ¿ M;$ .( D ,C+ , * p# 4 ,! ; ~ S M 0 @. 9
@ @òîãbãìîÛa@„ äÛa !! 7 b 04 ¥ ,? ,G( ,@! '! º S @ .É @ mk ,t " ,y 4 QN{ `? > Greek New Testament 4th Revised Edition
36 ὡς δὲ ἐπορεύοντο κατὰ τὴν ὁδόν, ἦλθον ἐπί τι ὕδωρ, καί φησιν ὁ εὐνοῦχος, Ἰδοὺ ὕδωρ, τί @κωλύει με βαπτισθῆναι 38 καὶ ἐκέλευσεν στῆναι τὸ ἅρμα καὶ κατέβησαν ἀμφότεροι εἰς τὸ ὕδωρ, ὅ τε Φίλιππος καὶ @ @ὁ εὐνοῦχος, καὶ ἐβάπτισεν αὐτόν Nestle-Aland 27th edition Greek New Testament 36 ὡς δὲ ἐπορεύοντο κατὰ τὴν ὁδόν, ἦλθον ἐπί τι ὕδωρ, καί φησιν ὁ εὐνοῦχος· ἰδοὺ ὕδωρ, τί κωλύει με βαπτισθῆναι; 38 καὶ ἐκέλευσεν στῆναι τὸ ἅρμα καὶ κατέβησαν ἀμφότεροι εἰς τὸ ὕδωρ, ὅ τε Φίλιππος καὶ
Mὁ εὐνοῦχος, καὶ ἐβάπτισεν αὐτόν Westcott-Hort New Testament 1881 36 ως δε επορευοντο κατα την οδον ηλθον επι τι υδωρ και φησιν ο ευνουχος ιδου υδωρ τι κωλυει με βαπτισθηναι 37 38 και εκελευσεν στηναι το αρμα και κατεβησαν αμφοτεροι εις το υδωρ ο τε φιλιππος και ο ευνουχος και εβαπτισεν αυτον NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRAECE Tischendorf’s 8th edition 36 ὡς δὲ ἐπορεύοντο κατὰ τὴν ὁδόν, ἦλθον ἐπί τι ὕδωρ, καί φησιν ὁ εὐνοῦχος, ἰδοὺ ὕδωρ: τί κωλύει με βαπτισθῆναι; 38 καὶ ἐκέλευσεν στῆναι τὸ ἅρμα, καὶ κατέβησαν ἀμφότεροι εἰς τὸ ὕδωρ, ὅ τε Φίλιππος καὶ ὁ εὐνοῦχος, καὶ ἐβάπτισεν αὐτόν. THE NEW TESTAMENT IN THE ORIGINAL GREEK BYZANTINE TEXTFORM 2005 By MAURICE A. ROBINSON AND WILLIAM G. PIERPONT 36 Ὡς δὲ ἐπορεύοντο κατὰ τὴν ὁδόν, ἦλθον ἐπί τι ὕδωρ· καί φησιν ὁ εὐνοῦχος, Ἰδού, ὕδωρ· τί κωλύει με βαπτισθῆναι; 37 38 Καὶ ἐκέλευσεν στῆναι τὸ ἅρμα· καὶ κατέβησαν ἀμφότεροι εἰς τὸ ὕδωρ, ὅ τε Φίλιππος καὶ ὁ εὐνοῦχος· καὶ ἐβάπτισεν αὐτόν
SBL Greek New Testament (SBLGNT) By Michael W. Holmes 36 ὥĎ&#x201A; δὲ áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ ÎľĎ?ονĎ&#x201E;Îż κιĎ&#x201E;á˝° Ď&#x201E;ὴν ὠδĎ&#x152;ν, ៌Νθον áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎŻ Ď&#x201E;Κ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , κιί Ď&#x2020;ΡĎ&#x192;Κν á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, ៰δοὺ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď : Ď&#x201E;ÎŻ ÎşĎ&#x2030;ÎťĎ?ξΚ Οξ βιĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;θáż&#x2020;νιΚ; 38 κι὜ áź?ÎşÎΝξĎ&#x2026;Ď&#x192;ξν Ď&#x192;Ď&#x201E;áż&#x2020;νιΚ Ď&#x201E;ὸ áź&#x2026;Ď ÎźÎą, κι὜ κιĎ&#x201E;ÎβΡĎ&#x192;ιν áź&#x20AC;ÎźĎ&#x2020;Ď&#x152;Ď&#x201E;ÎľĎ ÎżÎš Îľáź°Ď&#x201A; Ď&#x201E;ὸ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , á˝&#x2026; Ď&#x201E;Îľ ΌίΝΚĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ&#x201A; κι὜ á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, κι὜ áź?βΏĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;ξν Îąá˝?Ď&#x201E;Ď&#x152;ν. The Greek New Testament, Edited from Ancient Authorities, with their Various Readings in Full, and the Latin Version of Jerome, by Samuel Prideaux Tregelles 36 ὥĎ&#x201A; δὲ áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ ÎľĎ?ονĎ&#x201E;Îż κιĎ&#x201E;á˝° Ď&#x201E;ὴν ὠδĎ&#x152;ν, ៌Νθον áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎŻ Ď&#x201E;Κ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , κιί Ď&#x2020;ΡĎ&#x192;Κν á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, ៰δοὺ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď : Ď&#x201E;ÎŻ ÎşĎ&#x2030;ÎťĎ?ξΚ Οξ βιĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;θáż&#x2020;νιΚ; 37 38 κι὜ áź?ÎşÎΝξĎ&#x2026;Ď&#x192;ξν Ď&#x192;Ď&#x201E;áż&#x2020;νιΚ Ď&#x201E;ὸ áź&#x2026;Ď ÎźÎą, κι὜ κιĎ&#x201E;ÎβΡĎ&#x192;ιν áź&#x20AC;ÎźĎ&#x2020;Ď&#x152;Ď&#x201E;ÎľĎ ÎżÎš Îľáź°Ď&#x201A; Ď&#x201E;ὸ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , á˝&#x2026; Ď&#x201E;Îľ ΌίΝΚĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ&#x201A; κι὜ á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, κι὜ áź?βΏĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;ξν Îąá˝?Ď&#x201E;Ď&#x152;ν. The Greek Testament with various readings By H. Alford 36 ὥĎ&#x201A; δὲ áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ ÎľĎ?ονĎ&#x201E;Îż κιĎ&#x201E;á˝° Ď&#x201E;ὴν ὠδĎ&#x152;ν, ៌Νθον áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎŻ Ď&#x201E;Κ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , κιί Ď&#x2020;ΡĎ&#x192;Κν á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, ៰δοὺ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď : Ď&#x201E;ÎŻ ÎşĎ&#x2030;ÎťĎ?ξΚ Οξ βιĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;θáż&#x2020;νιΚ; 38 κι὜ áź?ÎşÎΝξĎ&#x2026;Ď&#x192;ξν Ď&#x192;Ď&#x201E;áż&#x2020;νιΚ Ď&#x201E;ὸ áź&#x2026;Ď ÎźÎą, κι὜ κιĎ&#x201E;ÎβΡĎ&#x192;ιν áź&#x20AC;ÎźĎ&#x2020;Ď&#x152;Ď&#x201E;ÎľĎ ÎżÎš Îľáź°Ď&#x201A; Ď&#x201E;ὸ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , á˝&#x2026; Ď&#x201E;Îľ ΌίΝΚĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ&#x201A; κι὜ á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, κι὜ áź?βΏĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;ξν Îąá˝?Ď&#x201E;Ď&#x152;ν. The Greek Testament with the Readings Adopted by the Revisers of the Authorised Version, and with References in the Margin to Parallel Passages of the Old and the New Testament, by E. Palmer 36 ὥĎ&#x201A; δὲ áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ ÎľĎ?ονĎ&#x201E;Îż κιĎ&#x201E;á˝° Ď&#x201E;ὴν ὠδĎ&#x152;ν, ៌Νθον áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎŻ Ď&#x201E;Κ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , κιί Ď&#x2020;ΡĎ&#x192;Κν á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, ៰δοὺ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď : Ď&#x201E;ÎŻ ÎşĎ&#x2030;ÎťĎ?ξΚ Οξ βιĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;θáż&#x2020;νιΚ; 38 κι὜ áź?ÎşÎΝξĎ&#x2026;Ď&#x192;ξν Ď&#x192;Ď&#x201E;áż&#x2020;νιΚ Ď&#x201E;ὸ áź&#x2026;Ď ÎźÎą, κι὜ κιĎ&#x201E;ÎβΡĎ&#x192;ιν áź&#x20AC;ÎźĎ&#x2020;Ď&#x152;Ď&#x201E;ÎľĎ ÎżÎš Îľáź°Ď&#x201A; Ď&#x201E;ὸ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , á˝&#x2026; Ď&#x201E;Îľ ΌίΝΚĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ&#x201A; κι὜ á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, κι὜ áź?βΏĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;ξν Îąá˝?Ď&#x201E;Ď&#x152;ν. Novum Testamentum Graece By Johann Jakob Griesbach 36 ὥĎ&#x201A; δὲ áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ ÎľĎ?ονĎ&#x201E;Îż κιĎ&#x201E;á˝° Ď&#x201E;ὴν ὠδĎ&#x152;ν, ៌Νθον áź?Ď&#x20AC;ÎŻ Ď&#x201E;Κ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , κιί Ď&#x2020;ΡĎ&#x192;Κν á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, ៰δοὺ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď : Ď&#x201E;ÎŻ ÎşĎ&#x2030;ÎťĎ?ξΚ Οξ βιĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;θáż&#x2020;νιΚ; 38 κι὜ áź?ÎşÎΝξĎ&#x2026;Ď&#x192;ξν Ď&#x192;Ď&#x201E;áż&#x2020;νιΚ Ď&#x201E;ὸ áź&#x2026;Ď ÎźÎą, κι὜ κιĎ&#x201E;ÎβΡĎ&#x192;ιν áź&#x20AC;ÎźĎ&#x2020;Ď&#x152;Ď&#x201E;ÎľĎ ÎżÎš Îľáź°Ď&#x201A; Ď&#x201E;ὸ á˝&#x2022;δĎ&#x2030;Ď , á˝&#x2026; Ď&#x201E;Îľ ΌίΝΚĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x20AC;ÎżĎ&#x201A; κι὜ á˝ Îľá˝?νοῌĎ&#x2021;ÎżĎ&#x201A;, κι὜ áź?βΏĎ&#x20AC;Ď&#x201E;ΚĎ&#x192;ξν Îąá˝?Ď&#x201E;Ď&#x152;ν.
Âť _ I n @. 0 > ,ÂŚ ? ,CB Â&#x160; j Â&#x201E; 9 Ă&#x201A; Â&#x160; j`\ ÂŤ Jakob GriesbachÂľ d$ ! G$ F Â&#x201E;( . ,Â&#x160; j`l p0+ ( K ,@. 9 0 p @! '! Âş $ 9 `Ă&#x201E; p# KÂ&#x203A;" . l > Â&#x201A; 9 Q * GÂ&#x2018;K @ !U 7 J* 1 Â&#x160; j ( 1 ,J* 1 Â&#x160; * Âş p0+
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@ @òrĂâ&#x20AC;ĄÂ¨a@òĂÂ?ĂŽĂ&#x153;â&#x2C6;&#x2019;â &#x201E;a@pbÂť Ă&#x203A;a : < ^ @!B ^ 9!* @9+( ,Â&#x160; j`l p @_. q¸  `? Common English Bible (CEB) 36 As they went down the road, they came to some water The eunuch said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Look! Water! What would â&#x20AC;??keep me from being baptized 38 He ordered that the carriage halt. Both Philip and the eunuch went down to the water, where Philip baptized him Note : [[ Acts 8:36 Critical editions of the Gk New Testament do not include 8:37 ]] Contemporary English Version (CEV) 36-37 As they were going along the road, they came to a place where there was some water. The official said, "Look! Here is some water. Why can't I be baptized?" 38 He ordered the chariot to stop. Then they both went down into the water, and Philip baptized him. English Standard Version (ESV) 36 And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, "See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?" 38 And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK) 36 And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?â&#x20AC;? 38 And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) 36 As they were going along the road, they came to some water. The official said to Philip, “Look, there’s some water. What can keep me from being baptized?” 38 The official ordered the carriage to stop. He and Philip stepped into the water, and Philip baptized him. Good News Translation (GNT) 36 As they traveled down the road, they came to a place where there was some water, and the official said, Here is some water. What is to keep me from being baptized? 38 The official ordered the carriage to stop, and both Philip and the official went down into the water, and Philip baptized him. J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) As they proceeded along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “Look, here is some water; is there any reason why I should not be baptised now?” 38-40 And he gave orders for the carriage to stop. Then both of them went down to the water and Philip baptised the eunuch. Lexham English Bible (LEB) 36 And as they were traveling down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, “Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?” 38 And he ordered the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water—Philip and the eunuch— and he baptized him. The Message (MSG) 36-39 As they continued down the road, they came to a stream of water. The eunuch said, "Here's water. Why can't I be baptized?" He ordered the chariot to stop. They both went down to the water, and Philip baptized him on the spot. New American Standard Bible (NASB) 37 [And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”] Note : [[ Acts 8:37 Early mss do not contain this v ]]
New International Reader's Version (NIRV) 36-37 As they traveled along the road, they came to some water. The official said, "Look! Here is water! Why shouldn't I be baptized?" 38 He gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the official went down into the water. Philip baptized him. New International Version (NIV) 36 As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?â&#x20AC;? [37] 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. Today's New International Version (TNIV) 36 As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?â&#x20AC;? 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.
xB +'9 - , Ă&#x201A; Â&#x160; j`l q¸ `0+ ( K ,@.N!*} n q¸ $ 9 `Ă&#x201E; p# C : 0 " / : 1 D , q( @ Ă? (_KÂ&#x203A; Â&#x2020;ÂŻ S T (8 , k'tÂ&#x17E;1 b U > vÂ&#x17D; Â&#x2019; p q¸ (K& v.() , 0042 King James @q( ,_ ,J* 1 Â&#x160; S @ . U q¸ b U 9+ ,y4o |! 4+ ,@! '! Âş (K& b U Ă&#x152;!B |# !! q( @ Ă&#x2C6;9+ : ,Â&#x160; j`l , 4k ,Â&#x160; /'l @#* Â&#x17E;1 @! '! Âş Ă&#x20AC;$ 9 b n @#* Âź $ Â&#x2030; '! Â&#x160; * d 8 @Â&#x17E; $ Ă 8 V V Âľ @.Âł1 @}0* ! `? $ Textus Receptus J* 1 Â&#x160; @Â&#x17E; Q < ,Âť 'U S 6 Â&#x201E;Âľ Âť|C? J* Â&#x160; Â&#x2018; p Greek
Orthodox Church
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6 `K , ' <(. « J0# > . $ K 9 Q * , C , @8 Ð E<( @! '4 @ , 4k +`8 * @! ' ! @!C! ' C ,_ <( « @! ( J< ( 6 `K , <( « d . { @. 9 q¸ !! Â r A! #U' w+ , . $ K " 4 Un : 8 @ . 9 q¸ @0< 7 k't 1 @0< 7 , < M @ 4 n ,@ + |! G$ F Ä B . p !! `? > Q * Q $¯ 4 dQ (U p? ,dx) @! N{ (t j'" `? _ p0 ,4U
@ @ĂľbĂ Ă&#x153;Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x203A;a@ĂľaĹ Ĺ @òĂ&#x2C6;Ăâ&#x20AC;šÂ&#x17D;@ùþaâ&#x20AC;šĂ&#x201C; r r @q¸ 4 ,$ ' ,5 Â&#x160; @ D J0 !9 J $ ,Â&#x160; S Q *  9!* S .Ă&#x2030; $ ( ( j'" : @*Â&#x17D; U !* =* Â&#x160; j`l p 0 " r [[ .. It is clearly not a part of the original text of Acts .. ]] 35
cc ,"( L D Â&#x2C6; D Â&#x160; Â&#x2C6; QN< |! EÂ&#x201E; ' OO
r : mÂ&#x17D; U x # ; Â&#x160; S =* . Jamison, Fausset Brown [[ ( Acts 8:37 is wanting in the principal manuscripts and most venerable versions of the New Testament. It seems to have been added from the formularies for baptism which came into current use). ]] 36
+ Â&#x201E; J 4. , . { 0 * b ¸87 @!Â&#x201E; q¸ JĂ ,@! !Â&#x17D;( k'tÂ&#x17E;1 > Â&#x160;U 37 :8 ,"( L Âľ OO r cc Âť ! 8 @ Â&#x17E; 1 @.;' 1 ,< = '
r : mÂ&#x17D; U x # > Â&#x160; S =* . 9 " 6 [[ This verse is missing in a very large number of manuscripts (Mill), and has been rejected by many of the ablest critics. It is also omitted in the Syriac and Ethiopic versions. It is not easy to conceive why it has been omitted in almost all the Greek mss. unless it is spurious. If it was not in the original copy of the Acts , it was probably inserted by some early transcriber ]] 37
@! .Ă&#x2020; q¸ 6 `K j `5 '? ,; 9 $ U . ,4U  +$ U , k'tÂ&#x17E;1 x4K ; > vÂ&#x17D; Â&#x2019; ; `? OO r Âş > C. ÂŤ & MAÂ&#x17D; Â? 'C. 7 , 4.(9 @! '! k'tÂ&#x17E;1 ÂĽ!q +`8 J & 1 $'F ,0 |! ,@! '!Â&#x152;n cc M(C4 TU > š  j(k + Â&#x201E; J E<(1 ,,"( L D @!* D
: L'9. Arnold Ehrhardt [[ Acts 8: 37 is a Later insertion ]] 38
cc @987 @+ Â&#x201E; 37 :8 ,"( L OO
35 36 37 38
Darrell L. Bock & Michael H. Burer & W. Hall Harris III & Gregory J. Herrick & David K. Lowery : NetBible, Note 108 in Acts 8. Jamison, Fausset Brown : Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, (Acts 8: 36). Albert Barnes : Barnes Notes on the Old and New Testaments, (Acts 8: 37). Arnold Ehrhardt : the Acts of the Apostles, Manchester University Press, Page: 48.
@ @âbnŠa@Ă&#x2122;Â?Ă&#x; xÂ&#x2019; Â&#x160; `? SÂ&#x2019; * w+ Ă&#x20AC;$ 9 /N.N T K ,37 :8 ,"( L Â&#x160; L'8 _ @. ~ EF , Âż 9 Q * @! '! Âş ,Âťb UD Âľ @ . 9 q¸ ,@ . 9 @! '! k'tÂ&#x17E;1 . ,d(1 Â&#x2C6; r MÂ&#x160; > .Ă&#x2020;#1 Q * Q $Âż @ .Ă&#x2030; dQ (U , xo ,@! ( q¸  ,@ 9 1 @_. q¸ ,Â&#x201A; KÂ&#x203A; |! `? p_ j ^ ,T*U =4" K ,, D ! @+ Â&#x201E; 7 '? Â&#x160; T4Â&#x152; ,=4" ,K S |Â&#x17D; C > (9 bmK T ! Â?'F , `? '. ( 1 ,A.( 4Â&#x152; (_K , Â&#x160; @ r $ Â? ' 1 P C '? `? MM 0 !? J* . 8 . ÂŤ T Â&#x201E; p^n p8' Â?'F , Ă&#x201E; 4 . ,6 `K ~ r MÂ&#x2026; 91 Ă&#x201E; dQ " Â&#x203A;to / $` ,b¸ 1 p ! 1 =. F ,4U J* 1 šD + U p_ 'K '<$ '? !* P' . ,J!9 1 k Ă? . ,< N '<$ ,y 4 `? Lmo p $ J!!9 Q'" M K( @z$ JC!* bm ,JC Â&#x; (#) " `? Â&#x;'U L'U ,J!8( P '
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