How the Shaarey Zedek Obtained the Czech Torah Scroll
Czech Torah Scroll (Holocaust Scroll Trust) Memorial Scroll
Trust: #1483
By Mel Lazareck about his mother, Anna Lazareck (Updated April
Following the death of my father in 1976, my mother spent her winters in Los Angeles at which time she volunteered at the Skirball Jewish Museum.
Having an Orthodox background, fluency in Hebrew, and a degree in anthropology, she was well suited for many of the museums projects.
One of these projects centered around interpreting and identifying Torah binders. These binders served as the wrapping of the Torah scrolls and, as was the custom in Europe, the binders portrayed by illustration and word the life cycle events of that particular community.
She was intrigued by the stories the binders told. Tracing the source of the Skirball Museum Torahs to Westminster Synagogue in London, England, she made the acquaintance of the curator Mrs. Ruth Shaffer, the daughter of the Yiddish writer, Sholem Asch.
She learned from Ruth that the real accumulation of Torahs and many other Jewish articles was located at The Jewish Museum in Prague, Czechoslovakia, which was opened in 1906. 210,000 items were
shipped to the museum during the war from communities in Bohemia and Moravia. Nothing was sent to Prague from other countries.
The Prague Museum came into being as a result of the Nazi Germany directive to accumulate Jewish religious articles in order to establish a museum for the “former” Jewish race. The government of Czechoslovakia ended up with a large accumulation as the majority of these religious articles from destroyed synagogues throughout Europe were sent to Prague. Thus the Jewish Museum of Prague came into existence. In 1963 the Czech Government offered the scrolls for sale and Ralph Yablon gave the money so that 1564 Torah and other scrolls were brought to London in 1964. Nearly 500 binders/wimples came with the scrolls. There was only one transaction, not many over several years.
My mother wished to visit Prague, and through business associates in that region, I arranged for her to spend several weeks there in the late 1970’s. During her stay, she worked on identifying and translating a variety of these artifacts.
She made many new friends whom I had the opportunity to meet when we stopped over on a trip to Israel (mother, my son Adam and myself) and spent a few days in Prague (1985).
Following her original stay in Prague, she wanted our community to have a connection with an article from the former Jewish communities in Europe. She arranged to acquire under the term “permanent loan” from the Westminster Synagogue in London, a Torah that came from a Czech the town of Slany in the Bohemia region where Jews lived since the 14th century. Apparently the Czech government would not allow any items to be moved from the State Jewish Museum. However, the Westminster Synagogue had a lot of influential former Czechs now living in London, as members. These members managed over the years to obtain some articles and, fortunately for my mother, they were prepared to provide a Torah for our synagogue on “permanent loan”.
Regardless, the Torah, which at one point was dedicated at our synagogue, became known as the Holocaust Torah and is used for Yizkor.
We received this Torah in 1981. I believe she had some input on the Torah cover, and possibly the crown and/or pointer adorning it. At the end of the photos is a picture of the Torah cover and the dedication information.

As a matter of general interest, my mother and her family lived for a while at the synagogue located at the time on Dagmar Street. She was born in the basement of the synagogue on Simchas Torah.
Visit www.szwinnipeg.ca/czechtorahscroll to view updated photos of the scroll, and links to the Memorial Scrolls Trust Website.
Psalm 144:3-4
Yizkor Service
God, what is a human being?
Yet you notice us.
What is a person? Yet you think of us.
Humanity is like a breath, our days like a passing shadow.
Psalm 90:6 In the morning, it blossoms and sprouts, but in the evening it wilts and shrivels.
Psalm 90:12 Teach us to use each day, to bring our hearts to wisdom.
Psalm 37:37 Guard the perfect, and watch over the upright, for that person’s end is peace.
Psalm 49:16 Surely God will save my soul from the clutches of She’ol, for God will take me in. Selah.
Psalm 73:26 My own energy and courage failed, but my heart’s strength and my portion, is God—forever!
Eccles. 12:7 Dust returns to the earth as it was before, while the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Adonai, mah adam vateda’ehu, ben enosh vat’chashvehu?
Adam lahevel damah; yamav ketzel over.
Baboker yatzitz vechalaf, la’erev yemolel veyavesh. Limnot yameinu ken hoda, venavi levav chochmah.
Shemor tam ure’eh yashar ki acharit le’ish shalom.
Ach Elohim yifdeh nafshi miyad She’ol, ki yikacheni. Selah.
Kalah she’eri ulevavi, tzur levavi vechelki
Elohim le’olam.
Veyashov he’afar el ha’aretz keshehayah, veharu’ach tashuv el haElohim asher netanah.
Psalm. 8:5-6 I wonder how you could notice one person or acknowledge a human being. Yet you made them only a little less than God and crowned them with glory and splendour.
Psalm 16:8-9 I have always set God before me and can’t be swayed from my purpose. So my heart is glad, my honour content, my flesh will dwell in safety.
Psalm 103:15-17 A mortal’s days are like grass, sprouting just like the vegetation in a field, but a wind passes through it, and it’s gone without a trace of its existence.
But God’s kindness comes from before time; it lasts forever for those who fear God; God’s righteousness continues for generations.
Mah enosh ki tizkerenu
uven adam ki tifkedenu
Vatechasrehu me’at me’Elohim, vechavod vehadar te’atrehu.
Shiviti Adonai lenegdi tamid
ki mimini bal emot.
Lachen samach libi, vayagel kevodi; af besari yishkon lavetach.
Enosh kechatzir yamav; ketzitz hasadeh, ken yatzitz.
Ki ru’ach avrah bo, ve’einenu, velo yakirenu od mekomo.
Vechesed Adonai me’olam; ve’ad olam al yere’av; vetzidkato livnei vanim.
May God remember my dear husband [name] who has gone to his repose.
May his soul be bound with the bond of life, and may his rest be honour, complete joy in your presence, eternal bliss at your right hand. Amen.
In Memory of a Husband

Yizkor Elohim nishmat ba’li hayakar [name] shehalach le’olamo.
Ana tehi nafsho tzerurah bitzror hachayim, utehi menuchato kavod, sova semachot et panecha, ne’imot bimin’cha netzach. Amen.
In Memory of a Son
May God remember my dear son [name] who has gone to his repose. May his soul be bound with the bond of life, and may his rest be honour, complete joy in your presence, eternal bliss at your right hand. Amen.
May God remember my father, my teacher [name] who has gone to his repose.
May his soul be bound with the bond of life, and may his rest be honour, complete joy in your presence, eternal bliss at your right hand. Amen.
In Memory of a Father
Yizkor Elohim nishmat beni hayakar [name] shehalach le’olamo. Ana tehi nafsho tzerurah bitzror hachayim, utehi menuchato kavod, sova semachot et panecha, ne’imot bimin’cha netzach. Amen.
Yizkor Elohim nishmat
avi mori [name] shehalach le’olamo.
Ana tehi nafsho tzerurah bitzror hachayim, utehi menuchato kavod, sova semachot et panecha, ne’imot bimin’cha netzach. Amen.
May God remember my dear wife [name] who has gone to her repose.
May her soul be bound with the bond of life, and may her rest be honour, complete joy in your presence, eternal bliss at your right hand. Amen.
In Memory of a Wife
Yizkor Elohim nishmat ishti hayekarah [name] shehalchah le’olamah. Ana tehi nafshah tzerurah bitzror hachayim, utehi menuchatah kavod, sova semachot et panecha, ne’imot bimin’cha netzach. Amen.
In Memory of a Daughter
May God remember my dear daughter [name] who has gone to her repose. May her soul be bound with the bond of life, and may her rest be honour, complete joy in your presence, eternal bliss at your right hand. Amen.
May God remember my mother, my teacher [name] who has gone to her repose. May her soul be bound with the bond of life, and may her rest be honour, complete joy in your presence, eternal bliss at your right hand. Amen.
In Memory of a Mother
Yizkor Elohim nishmat biti hayekarah [name] shehalchah le’olamah.
Ana tehi nafshah tzerurah bitzror hachayim, utehi menuchatah kavod, sova semachot et panecha, ne’imot bimin’cha netzach. Amen
Yizkor Elohim nishmat imi morati [name] shehalchah le’olamah.
Ana tehi nafshah tzerurah bitzror hachayim, utehi menuchatah kavod, sova semachot et panecha, ne’imot bimin’cha netzach. Amen
In Memory of Other Relatives and Friends
May God remember the souls of [names] who have gone to their repose.
May their souls be bound with the bond of life, and may their rest be honour, complete joy in your presence, eternal bliss at your right hand. Amen.
In Memory of Martyrs

Yizkor Elohim nishmot [names] shehalchu le’olamam.
Ana tiheyena nafshoteihem tzerurot bitzror hachayim, utehi menuchatam kavod, sova semachot et panecha, ne’imot bimin’cha netzach. Amen.
May God remember the souls of all our Jewish brothers and sisters, who gave their lives as martyrs to declare your holiness! May our lives reflect their bravery and dedication and our deeds exhibit the purity of their hearts, and may their souls be bound with the bond of life and their eternal rest be in honour, filled with the joy of your presence, comforted, in your power forever, and let us say: “Amen.” Amen
Yizkor Elohim nishmot
kol acheinu benei Yisra’el, shemasru et nafsham al kidush hashem.
Anah yishamah bechayeinu hed gevuratam umesirutam, veyera’eh bema’aseinu tohar libam,
vetiheyena nafshoteihem tzerurot bitzror hachayim, utehi menuchatam kavod, sovah semachot et panecha, ne’imot bimin’cha netzach, venomar: “Amen.” Amen
The Memorial Prayer
The leader chants a prayer for all those whom we remember today. This version of the El Male Rachamim honours the memory of Holocaust victims and the fallen soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces.
God, full of compassion, dwelling on high, grant proper rest in the shelter of your presence in the ranks of the saintly and pure, radiant like the bright heavens, to the souls of the holy and pure, our Jewish brothers and sisters, who were murdered and slaughtered, burned and butchered by the Nazis in the lands of our persecution their martyrdom declared your holiness! and the souls of the men and women soldiers of the Israel Defense Force who gave their lives at the battle front for the sake of their land and people.
El male rachamim shochein bamromim, hamtzei menuchah nechonah tachat kanfei haShechinah, bema’alot kedoshim utehorim, kezohar haraki’ah mazhirim, et nishmot hakedoshim vehatehorim acheinu benei Yisra’el, shenehergu veshenishchatu veshenisrefu vshenitbechu al yedei haNatziyim be’artzot hashmad al kidush hashem, ve’et nishmot hachayalim vehachayalot shel Tzeva Haganah leYisra’el, shemasru nafsham al sedei hakrav be’ad artzam ve’amam.
As we pray that their souls may ascend may they rest in the Garden of Eden so, compassionate ruler, shelter them beneath your wings Forever and gather their souls in the bond of life. God is their true inheritance, and may they rest in peace in their resting place, and let us say: “Amen.” Amen

Ba’avur she’anachnu mitpalelim
be’ad aliyat nishmatam
beGan Eden tehei menuchatam
lachein, Ba’al Harachamim, hastirem beseter kenafecha le’olamim,
utzeror bitzror hachayim et nishmatam.
Adonai, hu nachalatam, veyanuchu veshalom al mishkavam,
venomar: “Amen.” Amen
This version of the El Male Rachamim honours the departed whose memory we cherish.
God, full of compassion, dwelling on high, grant proper rest in the shelter of your presence in the ranks of the saintly and pure, radiant like the bright heavens, to the souls of all those whom we have remembered today as a blessing.
As we pray that their souls may ascend may they rest in the Garden of Eden so, compassionate ruler, shelter them beneath your wings Forever and gather their souls in the bond of life.
God is their true inheritance, and may they rest in peace in their resting place, and let us say: “Amen.” Amen
El male rachamim shochein bamromim, hamtzei menuchah nechonah tachat kanfei haShechinah, bema’alot kedoshim utehorim, kezohar haraki’ah mazhirim, et nishmot kol eleh shehizkarnu hayom livrachah.
Ba’avur she’anachnu mitpalelim
be’ad aliyat nishmatam
beGan Eden tehei menuchatam
lachein, Ba’al Harachamim, hastirem beseter kenafecha le’olamim, utzeror bitzror hachayim et nishmatam.
Adonai, hu nachalatam, veyanuchu veshalom al mishkavam, venomar: “Amen.” Amen
Let it be great, let it be holy, God’s great name Amen in the world created by God’s will, which God will rule in sovereignty, in your lifetime and in your days and in the lifetime of all Israel, quickly and soon.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May God’s great name be blessed forever and ever and ever.
Blessed and praised and glorified and exalted and elevated and honoured and raised and hailed
be God’s holy name, blessed may it be
Above all (On Yom Kippur far above all)
blessing and song, praise and repentance that are spoken in this world.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May there be great peace from heaven and life for us and the entire Jewish community.
Now you say, “Amen.”
Making peace in heaven above, may God bring peace to us and to all Israel.
Now you say, “Amen.”
Mourner’s Kaddish
Yitgadal veyitkadash
shemeh rabah—Amen
—be’almah di verah chir’uteh veyamlich malchuteh, bechayechon uv’yomechon uvechayei dechol beit Yisra’el ba’agalah uvizman kariv.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen.
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach le’alam ul’almei almayah.
Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa’ar veyitromam veyitnaseh veyit’hadar veyit’aleh veyit’halal shemeh dekudshah, Berich hu. Berich hu.
Le’elah min kol (On Yom Kippur Le’elah le’elah mikol) bir’chatah veshiratah tushbechatah venechematah, da’amiran be’almah.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen.
Yehei shelamah rabah min shemayah—vechayim—
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el, ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen.
Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el, ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen.
The Service of Unveiling
The service consists of a reading to set the mood, the “unveiling” of the headstone, a time to reflect on the deceased or to say a few words, the memorial prayer, and the Mourner’s Kaddish. While it can be performed alone or with a few people, a minyan is preferable.
1. Select one or more readings, either from the unveiling booklet, or from any other source that you find meaningful, to be read aloud in English or in Hebrew.
2. Write the name of the deceased into the blanks in the text, where appropriate.
3. Designate who will remove the cover.
4. You may wish to have everyone just reflect silently, on what the deceased meant to them. You may also wish to have someone say a few words by way of eulogy.
5. Designate who will read the inscription from the stone.
In former times, the inscription on the headstone was an elaborate tribute to the virtues of the occupant of the grave. Nowadays simplicity is preferred: Contemporary inscriptions generally include no more than the Hebrew and English names of the deceased, and the date of the death according to the Jewish and secular calendars.
The top of the headstone generally bears the letters נ"פ , standing for po niqbar or po nitman: “here lies,” and at the bottom, the letters 'ה'ב'צ'נ'ת, standing for tehi nishmato/a tserura bitsror hachaiyim : “may his/ her soul be bound up in the bond of life.”
The use of tombstones is an ancient custom, dating back to biblical times: “ And Jacob set a pillar upon her grave.”
It has become our custom to consecrate the tombstone with a service. Since the tombstone is covered with a cloth, which is removed by the family during the service, the ritual has come to be known as the unveiling.
While the unveiling usually takes place twelve months after the death, because of the harshness of our winters, unveilings are often scheduled during the summer months.
While anyone may officiate at an unveiling, it is preferable for the family to conduct this ritual, as the basis for this service flows from the custom of visiting the grave of one’s family on the day of their Yahrzeit. Officiating at the unveiling offers an additional opportunity for the family to pay tribute to the deceased as well as to speak to the living about the meaning of life and death.
The unveiling may be led entirely in English, or in a mixture of English and Hebrew.
Psalm 23
We begin our service with a reading from the Book of Psalms
A psalm of David.
The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing
He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me to water in places of repose; He renews my life; He guides me in right paths as befits His name. Though I walk through a valley of deepest darkness I fear no harm, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me.
You spread a table for me in full view of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my drink is abundant. Only goodness and kindness shall pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell In the house of the Lord for many long years
Mizmor l’David.
Adonai roi
Lo echsar.
Binot deshe yarbitzeini
Al-mei menuchot yanahaleini.
Nafshi yeshovev
Yancheni vema’g’lei-tzedek
Lema’an shemo.
Gam ki-eilech
B’gei tzalmavet
Lo-yira ra
Ki-atah yimadi
Shivtecha umishan’techa
Hemah yenachamuni.
Ta’aroch l’fanai Shulchan
Neged tzorerai
Dishanta vashemen roshi
Kosi revayah.
Ach tov vachesed
Kol yemei chayai
L’orech yamim.
Removing the Cover From the Stone
We invite the immediate family to prepare to remove the cover
A thousand years, in the presence of the Eternal One, are but a day; the years of our life, a passing hour. Life has been given and life has been taken, and through it all we praise God ’s name.
We have been pained by the void created with __________’s passing. Yet love is as strong as death. The bonds created by love are eternal. And ours is the blessing of memory, through which the lives of our departed continue to be with us.
In the name of __________’ s family and friends, we consecrate this monument, as an expression of our love and respect.
We invite the family to now remove the cover from the stone.
Once the cover has been removed, the inscription is read aloud.
The letters at the bottom of the stone,
are read out as follows:
For a male:
te-hi nish -ma-to tse-ru-ra bits -ror ha-cha -yim
May his soul be bound up in the bond of life.
For a female:
te-hi nish -ma-tah tse-ru-ra bits-ror ha -cha-yim
May her soul be bound up in the bond of life.
And let us say: Amen.
The Memorial Prayer - For a Male
The El Male Rachamim is now recited
God, full of compassion, dwelling on high, grant proper rest in the shelter of your presence in the ranks of the saintly and pure, radiant like the bright heavens, to the soul of
Who has gone to his eternal home
As we pray that his soul be remembered may he rest in the Garden of Eden so, compassionate ruler, shelter him beneath your wings forever and gather his soul in the bond of life.
God is his true inheritance, and may he rest in peace in his resting place, and let us say: “Amen.” Amen
El male rachamim shochein bamromim, hamtzei menuchah nechonah tachat kanfei haShechinah, bema’alot kedoshim utehorim, kezohar haraki’ah mazhirim, et nishmat ____ ben ____ shealach l’olamo.
Ba’avur she’anachnu mitpalelim be’ad hazkarat nishmato, beGan Eden tehei menuchato, lachein, Ba’al Harachamim, hastirehu beseter kenafecha le’olamim, utzeror bitzror hachayim et nishmato, Adonai, hu nachalato, veyanuach beshalom al mishkavo, venomar: “Amen.” Amen
The Memorial Prayer - For a Female
The El Male Rachamim is now recited
God, full of compassion, dwelling on high, grant proper rest in the shelter of your presence in the ranks of the saintly and pure, radiant like the bright heavens, to the soul of
Who has gone to her eternal home
As we pray that her soul be remembered may she rest in the Garden of Eden so, compassionate ruler, shelter her beneath your wings forever and gather her soul in the bond of life.
God is her true inheritance, and may she rest in peace in her resting place, and let us say: “Amen.” Amen
El male rachamim shochein bamromim, hamtzei menuchah nechonah tachat kanfei haShechinah, bema’alot kedoshim utehorim, kezohar haraki’ah mazhirim, et nishmat ____ bat ____ shealchah l’olamah.
Ba’avur she’anachnu mitpalelim be’ad hazkarat nishmatah, beGan Eden tehei menuchatah, lachein, Ba’al Harachamim, yastireha beseter kenafecha le’olamim, utzeror bitzror hachayim et nishmatah, Adonai, hu nachalatah, vetanuach beshalom al mishkavah, venomar: “Amen.” Amen
Let it be great, let it be holy, God’s great name Amen —in the world created by God’s will, which God will rule in sovereignty, in your lifetime and in your days and in the lifetime of all Israel, quickly and soon.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May God’s great name be blessed forever and ever and ever.
Mourner’s Kaddish
Yitgadal veyitkadash shemeh rabah—Amen
—be’almah di verah chir’uteh veyamlich malchuteh, bechayechon uv’yomechon
uvechayei dechol beit Yisra’el
ba’agalah uvizman kariv.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen.
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach le’alam ul’almei almayah.
Blessed and praised and glorified and exalted and elevated and honoured and raised and hailed be God’s holy name, blessed may it be—
Above all
(Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur far above all)
blessing and song, praise and repentance that are spoken in this world.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May there be great peace from heaven and life for us and the entire Jewish community.
Now you say, “Amen.”
Making peace in heaven above, may God bring peace to us and to all Israel.
Now you say, “Amen.”
Yitbarach veyishtabach veyitpa’ar veyitromam
veyitnaseh veyit’hadar veyit’aleh veyit’halal shemeh dekudshah,
Berich hu. Berich hu. Le’elah min kol
(Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Le’elah le’elah mikol)
bir’chatah veshiratah tushbechatah venechematah, da’amiran be’almah.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen.
Yehei shelamah rabah min shemayah—vechayim—
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el, ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen.
Oseh shalom bimromav
hu ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el, ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen.
Conclusion of the Unveiling
We conclude this ceremony with a time -honoured tradition. Whenever we visit the cemetery, we leave a token of our presence. We find a little stone, perhaps to remind us of God —so often referred to as Tzur Yisrael , the Rock of Israel and place it upon the monument. We thus express our prayer that __________ find perfect peace within the eternal embrace of God, who continues to love the people Israel, in death as in life.
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
In Memoriam
We remember members who have been taken from our midst during the past year.
Richard Akman
Sheila Altman
Sheldon Altman
Oscar Antel
Isaac Battel
Maxine Benditt
Neil Benditt
Louis Billinkoff
Harold Black
Shelley Blum
Neil Charach
Elaine Charlat
Sherry Chochinov
Clarice Danzker
Rhoda Feldman
Matthew Glass
Paul Granovsky
Sylvia Gunn
Steven Hayman
Stanley Hyman
Sarah Kredentser
Clifford Levi
Bryna Levin
Wendy Lyons
Gordon C. Pollock
Judith Roman
Frederick (Rick) Shatsky
Daniel Sussi
May Tallman
Bill Worb
Trudy Yusim
All of Blessed Memory
In memory of loved ones who perished in the Holocaust, and to all the Six Million who succumbed.
Indicates an individual who perished in the Holocaust
One More Candle Project (See page 29 for information)
Earl and Cheryl Barish
In memory of Norbert Balon
Hannon Bell and Kenneth Bell
In memory of Chaja Frydman
Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman
In memory of Raul Altarac
Morley and Terri Bernstein
In memory of Abraham Getzelevich
Menucha Geritz
Allan and Gloria Cantor and Family
In memory of Izrail Amburg
Maxine Cristall
In memory of Yefroym Lyabel
Brenda Tessler and Joel Donen and Family
In memory of Bracha Perkes Teslar
Shlomo Zalman Teslar and Breindl Guralnik Teslar
Sima Goldblat Guralnik
Natan and Yenta Guralnik
Moshe Guralnik
Yitzhak and Golda Guralnik
Monik Guralnik
Ephraim Tennenbaum and Riva Teslar Tennenbaum
Glory and Larry Fleisher
In memory of Motel Primack
Rochel Primack and Family
Myra Frieman
In memory of Samuel Friedman
Gizella Friedman
Emil Friedman
Berril Friedman
Judith Friedman
Earl and Suzanne Golden and Family
In memory of Miriam Kriger
Beth Goldenberg
Jonathan, Sharon, Ben and Jonah
Laura, Shechar, Shoshana, Eliana and Mira
In memory of Zyama Arderman
Barbara and David Goldenberg and Family
In memory of
Marta Bachrach
Lotty Goldenberg
Barbara Goszer and Family
In memory of Shulim and Sali Goldfischer
Tonia Goldfischer Goszer, Goldfischer Schneid and Hartfeld Families
Ellen and Daniel Hamburg
In memory of Levie Brest
Belle Jarniewski and Family
In memory of Itzchak Leb Jarniewski
Chaye Beile Jarniewski
Dobe Rochel Jarniewski
Geile Jarniewski
Motel Jarniewski
Wolf Jarniewski
Moishele Jarniewski
Elke Jarniewski
Chana Friajdla Thomme Wartcka
Abram Moscak Wartcki
Natan Wartcki
Sharon and Murray Knazan
In memory of Vinuca Alkalaj
Robyn, Jeff and Noah Lieberman
Amy, Gabriel and Kayden Brawerman
Josh Lieberman and Emily Chambers
In memory of Yaacov and Nacha Lieberman
Jack and Elka Debbie (Szternfeld) Lipkin
Hailey Lipkin
Marissa and Rob Nathan
Rubie Mae, Max Aden, Chloe Dylan
In memory of David and Hinda (Wexler) Szternfeld
Miriam Szternfeld
Szternfeld Family
Wexler Family
Brenda Odwak and Family
In memory of Raizy and Meyer Guss
Shia and Hinda Odwak
yizk r
Sandy and Marvin Polanski and Family
In memory of Sara Les
Lynn Pollock, Debbie Pollock and Benjamin Phillip Pollock In memory of Sarah Hijmans
Sheila Rabb and Family In memory of Felosh Gollenberg
Lorne and Louise Raber
Lindsay Raber Adams and Brian Adams In memory of Tiberiu (Tibi) Abraham
Beverly and Bryan Schwartz and Family
Francie and Eric Winograd and Family
In memory of Genia Weiss
Bumek Weiss
Cyla Weiss
Hancia Weiss
Nusia Weiss
Salek Weiss
Herman and Ro’zia Warshauer
Munio and Adela, Kubus Spiegel
David and Salka Siegal
Izak Wegner (Kleist)
Jacquie Seipp and Family In memory of Marianna Aalsvel Jeanette Fransman
Jackie Wassermann In memory of Jakob Wassermann
Hannchen Wassermann
Alice and Bill Weissmann In memory of Willi Leon Tuttmann Maurice Aandagt
Clare Whiteman In memory of Elisabeth Aandtagt
Ruth Zelcer, Children and Grandchildren In memory of Zelda and Hirsch Zelcer
Elzbeita, Louis and Lothar Brauer
The Eichner Family
We Shall Never Forget
One More Candle
The One More Candle (OMC) organization offers you the opportunity to “adopt a memory” so that a child, murdered in the Shoah, has someone to remember them, by saying Kaddish, or by lighting One More Candle, yearly.
Please go to
to adopt a memory.
One More Candle is a registred charity. There is no charge.
If you so choose, donations may be made to One More Candle by e-transfer to donate@onemorecandle.org, through canadahelps.org (Search “One More Candle Inc”), by cheque to One More Candle Inc., 295 Elm Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3M 3N6, or to Shaarey Zedek’s Minyan Fund by calling 204-452-3711.
Note: The symbols appear in this booklet indicating OMC children who have been adopted by congregants.
We Remember
Our dearly departed loved ones.
Indicates an individual who perished in the Holocaust
One More Candle Project Child (See page 27 for information)
Jackie Akman and Family
In memory of
Richard Akman
Barbara Hochman
Jack Rubin
Leon Rubin
Gail Asper O.C.,O.M., LL.D., Michael, Stephen and Jonathan Paterson
In memory of
Ruth (Babs) and Israel Asper O.C., O.M., Q.C.
Mark and Zita Bernstein
Aubrey Asper
Sara and Maurice Bernstein
Cecilia and Leon Asper
Adele and Phil Sheps
Chana Freedman
Etta Charloff
Leanne Asper
Ruthie Matas
Allison and Robert Axelrod, Gavin and Steven Rishona and Hartley Hyman, Gregory and Izzie
In memory of
Gail Hyman
Robert Hyman
Irving Hyman
Sara Hyman
Stanley Hyman
Toots Mesbur
Dr. J.B. Mesbur
Allison and Robert Axelrod, Gavin and Steven
In memory of
Pat Axelrod
Joe Axelrod
Merle Axelrod
Earl and Cheryl Barish and Family
Calvin and Mary Gutkin and Family
In memory of
Mary and Jack Barish
Dorothy and Daniel Gutkin
Arline Roseman
Penny Gottlieb
Leo Weiss
Earl and Cheryl Barish
In memory of Norbert Balon
Marie Barrett
Harley Schachter and Roxana Tarin Pisheh
Jeffrey Schachter and Elan Marchinko
Akiva Naim Marchinko Schachter
Daniel Schachter and Melisa Poiron
In memory of Elizabeth Schachter
Elaine and Bill Bebchuk
In memory of
Ettie and Joseph Bebchuk
Pauline and Samuel Zinman
Bess and Mitchell Schachter
Marian Margolis
Rita Bebchuk
Morris Labovitch
Dick and Minnie Bell and Family
In memory of
David and Helen Bell
Morley and Betty Bell
Abraham and Freda Bay
Alec and Jen Goldman
Morris and Dorys Silver
Dr. Richard Bell
Hannon Bell and Kenneth Bell
In memory of
Rose and Leon Bell
Anne and Solomon Rabinovitch
Isaac and Pnina Bell
Rae and Arthur Bell
Fred and Pauline (Rabinovitch) Essers
Nancy Susan Manusow
Chaja Frydman
Bonnie Cham and Lorne Bellan and Family
In memory of
Ruben Bellan
Ruth Bellan
Max Cham
Shirley Cham
Abe and Toni Berenhaut
In memory of Menicha Berenhaut
Morris Berenhaut
Betty Schwartz
Mayer Schwartz
Lil Silverman
Miriam Berenhaut
Leah Schwartz
Hunter Isaac Handley
Ben Berkal and Shirley Labman
In memory of
Rabbi Louis Berkal
Sara Berkal
Raul Altarac
Shirley Labman and Ben Berkal
Cyril and Jean Labman
Steven Scheer
In memory of Nathan Labman
Lillian Labman
Glenda Scheer
Morley and Terri Bernstein
In memory of Dorothy Yates Goldberg
David Yates
Jodi Bernstein
Anne and Harry Bernstein
Marla and Barry Bernstein
Abraham Getzelevich
Menucha Geritz
yizk r
Marjorie Blankstein and Family
In memory of
Morley Blankstein
Dr. Maxwell and Rose Rady
Max Zev and Lena Blankstein
Barry McArton
Mindel and Tom Olenick
Evelyn Blankstein
Wolfe and Ida Blankstein
Cecil and Claire Blankstein
Arthur Blankstein-Ure
Eva and Joe Dolgin
Tom Gilman
Ruth Hess Dolgin
Dr. Fred and Pearl Blankstein
Maxine Berkowitz
Alvin and Ruth Druxerman
Jacquie Shulman
Bella Urie
Saul Urie
Margaret Rady
Leslie Chavin
Faye Bloomfield and Family in memory of Al Bloomfield
Claire Breslaw In memory of Paul Granovsky
Shelley Breslaw-Wynne
Samuel and Chasie Nelko
Maxwell and Sally Nelko
Ernie and Shirley Nelko
Sid and Gwen Nelko
Irvin and Sonya Yaffe
Abraham and Rose Granovsky
Barbara Granovsky
Jerome Breslaw and Family
In memory of Sadie and Harry Breslaw
Ian Breslaw
Shelley Breslaw-Wynne
Debby Bricker and Family
Michael Perl and Family
In memory of
Martin Bricker
Marilyn Perl
Lucille Bricker
Irving Bricker Tiebel (Toby) Binder
Debby Bricker and Family
Lesley and Laurie Goldberg and Family
Harriet and Martin Glazer and Family
In memory of Estelle Roitman
Samuel Roitman
Gary and Pamela Brooker
Alana and Matthew
Ivy and Rachel
In memory of Larry and Alice Brooker
Brian Brooker
Monte Kowall
Debby and Bobby Brown
Jenna, Adam, Zack and Mimi Sawyer
Jonah and Danielle
In memory of Ashley Brown
Dee Buchwald and Family
In memory of
Harold Buchwald
Frank Buchwald
Bessie Buchwald
Claire Besbeck
Joseph Besbeck
Robert Besbeck
Laila Kesselman
Ted Kesselman
Andrew Kesselman
Mira and Martin Buchwald
Robyn, Jeff and Noah Lieberman
Amy, Gabriel and Kayden Brawerman
Josh and Emily
Susan, Jonathan, Jenna and Matthew Buchwald
In memory of Clara and Ralph Hamovich
Bessie and Frank Buchwald
Laila and Lawrence Kesselman
Harold Buchwald
Ted and Andrew Kesselman
Dora and Aron Lieberman
Allan and Gloria Cantor and Family
In memory of
Elsie and Maurice Cantor
Lily and Jacob Shapiro
Albert Shapiro
Elvin and Diana Shapiro
Ben Zion Cantor
Sora Sima and Osher Zelicovitch
Freda and Benjamin Zelicovich
Brochah Zelicovitch and son Osher Zelicovitch
Israel and Idka Drory
Reverend David and Adele Cantor
Schmilich and Shaindel Portigal
David and Clara Portigal
Reverend David and Lily Prince
Lee Cantor
Lora and Winston Burke
Anne and Jack Moroznick
Noreen and Irving Glassner
Izrail Amburg
Sandra Caplan and Family
In memory of Barry Caplan
Allan & Bertha Glazerman
Fred Glazerman
Max & Annette Caplan
Margo Cates
In memory of
Ted and Luba Cates
Rose and Samual Kay
Judy Charach and family
In memory of Neil Charach
Irvin Charach
Fanny Charach
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Haderra and Mark Chisick
Adam, Michelle and Penny and Willa Chisick
Samantha, Noah, Kara and Max Globerman in memory of Max and Tamara Chisick
Ben Karasick
Irene Karasick-McMurrich
John McMurrich
Shelley Chochinov
Paul, Fraya, Elaine and Dyanna Zaidman
Ellen Zaidman
Melissa and Jessica Schwarz
Harriet Zaidman and Cecil Rosner
David, Mark and Michelle Rosner
In memory of Ben and Nellie Zaidman
Isaac and Fanny Merkel
Dora, Sonya and Bessie Zaidman
Shelley Chochinov
In memory of Morris (Moishe) Aaron Chochinov
Alex and Rose Chochinov
Shelley Chochinov In memory of Morris Merkel
Freda Merkel
Chazzan Stephen Merkel
Marcia Cogan and Family In memory of Louis Cogan
Debbie Maslowsky
Arthur and Sarah Cohen
In memory of Sam and Evelyn Maslowsky
Barbara Maslowsky
Jerry Maslowsky
Abraham and Freda Yacowar
Alexander Ziskind and Shaindel Maslowsky
Jack and Sarah Cohen
Dolly and Lawrence Cohen
In loving memory of Ted Cohen
Bev and Moe Cohen
Tammy and Sam Shragge
Beatty and Alan Nozick
Hy and Bernice Nusgart
Fanny and Eddy Nusgart
Robert and Irene Corne
In memory of HI (Hyman) Corne
Yhetta Corne
Lillian Genser
Lawrence Genser
Steven Genser
Maxine Cristall
In memory of Marcy Dempsey
Eva and Reuben Cristall
Minnie and Peter Cristall
Rose and Ben Hechter
Ted Hechter
Max Levenstein
Yefroym Lyabel
Marty Diamond
Launi, Jocelyn and Madden Diamond
David Vickar
In memory of Sharon Diamond
Brenda Tessler and Joel Donen and Family
In memory of
Faye and Ernie Tessler
Priscilla and Mel Guberman
Norman Donen
Lillian and Joseph Bender
Molly and Jack Donen
Rose and Louis Gusman
Harvey Chargo
Jack Gusman
Chaika and Nuchem Kirshner
Jack Gusman
Marion and Monte Moglove
Robyn Diamond
Millie and Ralph Drabinsky
Nancy Jenoff
Samuel Donen
Ethel and Al Segal
Elaine and Leonard Paul
Ida and Enrico Krasnipol
Gloria, Nada, and Stuart Kohm
Marty Tennenbaum
Fima Finkleman
Carol and Neil Duboff
Debra Herst
Jonathan and Narisa Duboff
Michael Duboff and Juli Mandelbaum
Rachel and Jonathan Katz
In memory of
Eleanor and Max Herst
Carol and Neil Duboff
Jonathan and Narisa Duboff
Michael Duboff and Juli Mandelbaum
Rachel and Jonathan Katz
In memory of
Nathan Duboff
Lloyd Secter
Rena and Daniel Elbaze
Seri and David Blatt
Dov and Sarah Secter and Families
In loving memory of Marcy Secter
Molly and Jack Secter
Jack and Anne Moscovitch
Rena and Daniel Elbaze and Family
In memory of Isaac Elbaze
Nathan Elbaze
Gavriela Geller and Mark Elkin
Bonnie Geller
In memory of
Larry Geller
Michael Elkin
Shirley Geller
Zelda Elkin
Mark and Gav, Jonathan, David,
Samuel and Joshua
In memory of Michael Elkin
Louis and Molly Elkin
Myer and Sarah Sakinofsky
Ezriel Sakinofsky
yizk r
Ronda and David Erenberg, Max, Mikaela and Jona
In memory of
Miriam and Morris Erenberg
Brina Erenberg
Dorothy Yates Goldberg
Marlene Shore
Shari Erenberg
Hailey and Alanna Cormier
Carly Erenberg
Brenlee Erenberg and Family
In memory of
Anne and Joseph Erenberg
Barry Erenberg
Lillian Feinstein
In memory of
Lloyd Feinstein
Marla Feinstein
Jack and Bella Medved
Louis and Amelia Feinstein
Pearl Medved
Glory and Larry Fleisher
In memory of
Sonya and Joseph Chula
Anne and Sam Sprecher
Max Fleisher
Barry Fleisher
Motel Primack
Rochel Primack and Family
Marlene Potash
Adam Potash
Shirley Lipkin
John Kushner
Ned Haagerman
Beverley Fingerhut
Brownie Fleishman and Family
In memory of
Harold Fleishman
Esther and Ben Pierce
Ray and Jack Fleishman
Maurice (Moe) and Ethel Pierce
Fred and Sara Pierce
Max Pierce
Jack Pierce
Patty Bay Sherman
Sam Bay
Jack Sherman
Dave Nepon
Harvey Sawyer
Richard Pierce
Rosalie Pierce
Janet Fleishman and Family
In memory of
Brian Joel Fleishman
Clara and Jack Feingold
Rietta and Jerry Floom
Ari, Emily, Jack and Lily Floom
Rachael, Dan, Jaden and Hart Yusim
Tali Floom and Juan Schujman and Lev Schujman
In memory of Lillian and Samuel Trachtenberg
Anne and Robert Floom
Leo Madden Yusim
Roxy and Martin Freedman
In memory of
Kerry Hrabinsky
Evelyn Berinstein
Max Berinstein
Brownie Freedman
Samuel Freedman
Thelma Travis
Shirley and Robert Freedman and Family
In memory of
Ann and Morris Freedman
Leonard Freedman
Ethel and Alex Bober
Sunny Bober Louwrier
Pinya and Mary Silver
Lucy and David Mogle
Sonia and Max Spector
Freda Fisher
Wilfred Fisher
Morris Fisher
Sonia and Bernard Mandel
Karina Louwrier Sarney
Pima and Gideon Wigman
Myra Frieman
In memory of Arnold Frieman
Samuel Friedman
Gizella Friedman
Emil Friedman
Berril Friedman
Judith Friedman
Benjamin Thompson
Norma Thompson
Hasia Thompson
Laura Diamond, Lesley Garber and sons
In memory of
Peggy and Laurie Diamond
Janet and Edward Garber
Harvey and Lee Garfinkel and Family
Reesa and Jerry Webb and Family
In memory of
Shirley and Irvin Garfinkel
Rose and Nathan Garfinkel
Alice and Israel Kasloff
Marvin Garfinkel and Family
In memory of
Merle Garfinkel
Arthur Vinsky
Betty Vinsky
Jennie Garfinkel
Saul Garfinkel
Sam Cohen
Eda Cohen
Molly Clarice Pitsch
William (Bill) Kluner
Phyllis Kluner Hatskin
Betty Sucharov
Dr. Daniel Globerman and Family
In memory of Karyn Globerman
Morley and Dintzie Globerman
Morris and Rachel Globerman
Nathan Pollock
Sylvia and Harvey I. Pollock
Aaron and Bertha Heifitz
Beth and Bobby Goldberg,
Zachary and Karlene, Jessica and Stefanie
In memory of Manley Goldberg
Anne and Bill Goldberg
Howie Goldberg
Ida and Bennie Lichter
Sadie and John Craft
Hinda Ritter
Rebecca and Jack Ritter
Norman Swedko
Peter Swedko
yizk r
Phyllis Goldberg
In memory of Manley Goldberg
Howie Goldberg
Ann and Bill Goldberg
Ida and Ben Lichter
Hinda Ritter
Earl and Suzanne Golden and Family
In memory of Morris and Bertha Golden
Noah and Lillian Epstein
Morley Golden
Miriam Kriger
Beth Goldenberg
Jonathan, Sharon, Ben and Jonah
Laura, Shechar, Shoshana, Eliana and Mira
In memory of
Jerrold (Jerry) Goldenberg
Sadie and Ben Goldenberg
Esther and Joe Roman
Gail Roman
Sara and Moshe Goldenberg
Liba and Abe Osinovsky
Sima and Louis Romanovsky
Bessie Fainstein
Celia and Louis Fainstein
Zyama Arderman
Barbara and David Goldenberg and Family
In memory of Louis Bernstein
Benjamin Goldenberg
Sadie Goldenberg
Jerrold Goldenberg
Marta Bachrach
Lotty Goldenberg
Elaine Golumbia
Jennifer and Hart Stitz
In memory of
David & Sarah Golumbia
Jeanette and Harry Stitz
Maureen and Jeremy Gordon
Jack Gardner
Harriet and Sid Rosenbaum and Families
In memory of Edith and Morris Gardner
Barbara Goszer and Family
In memory of Shulim and Sali Goldfischer
Tonia Goldfischer
Goszer, Goldfischer Schneid and Hartfeld Families
Adam Goszer
Yonah Pansy Goszer
Eliahu and Pesel Goszer
Boris and Eve Goszer
Eric and Ruby Green
In memory of Catherine Lacey-Green
Tina and Benjamin Green
Nell and Ben Hallis
Saul and Brenda Greenberg and Family
In memory of
David and Shirley Greenberg
Douglas and Maisy Thomson
Brian Thomson
Percy and Ruth Thompson
Pauline and Harry Fainstein
Esther and Harry Ginpil
Ronald Fainstein
Stan and Clara Fainstein
Isaac and Sophie Greenberg
Lolly and Saul Guttman
In memory of
Mary and Louis Segal
Martin Segal
Fanny and Henry Guttman
Esther Weidman
David Guttman
Ellen and Daniel Hamburg
In memory of
Ida and Wolfe Blankstein
Morley Blankstein
Dora and Israel Hamburg
Evelyn Blankstein
Esther and Cyril Gaum
Ann Smith
Karen and Julius Wise
Elie H. Hamburg
Arthur Blankstein-Ure
Fred (Ingy) Blankstein
Louis Cogan
Chuck Rubin
Levie Brest
Sue and Frank Hechter and Family
In memory of
Irving and Lenore Hechter
Louis and Rachel Mindell
Frank and Minnie Hechter
Monty and Marion Saper
Martha Saper
Ethel Hechter
Evelyn Molotsky
William and Minnie Mindell
Ussher Claman
Bonnie and Michael Helper
In memory of
Sam Zinman
Pauline Zinman
Mandy Helper
Yetta Helper
Marisa and David Hochman and Family
In memory of
Rhona and Jerry Bass
Miriam Corne and Gary Hyman and Family
In memory of
Moishe and Frances Settler
Sara and David Hyman
Jackie and Burt Gorenstein
Lanny and Marni Jacob and Family
In memory of Rose and Irvin “Itz” Jacob
Belle Jarniewski and Family
In memory of
Samuel Jarniewski
Sylvia Jarniewski
Henry Jarniewski
Itzchak Leb Jarniewski
Chaye Beile Jarniewski
Dobe Rochel Jarniewski
Geile Jarniewski
Motel Jarniewski
Wolf Jarniewski
Moishele Jarniewski
Elke Jarniewski
Chana Friajdla Thomme Wartcka
Abram Moscak Wartcki
Natan Wartcki
yizk r
Penny and Gerald Kalef
In memory of
Rose and Malick Peikoff
Anne and Edward Kalef
Marni Kalef
Elsa and Mark Wall
Myrle Fogelman
Harvey Kalef
Gerald Libling
Earl and Ettie Robinson
Sheila and Don Katz
Andrea and Solomon Kohn
Steven, Michelle, Seth and Lev Kohn
In memory of
Sheldon Kohn
Leonard J. Pollock
Shaindel and Sam Kohn
Thora and Fred Ornstein
Esther and Hy Pollock
Lily and Myer Adler
Rose and Harry Katz
Anne and Sam Epstein
Bella and George Lubotta
Rachel Ornstein
Fay-Lynn Katz
Matthew, Desiree and Lyla Katz
Cara Katz, David, Miles and Nora Coodin
Jonathan, Rachel, Phoebe and Otis Katz
In memory of
Morris Katz
Esther Katz
David Katz
Philip Katz
Mayer Gutwilik
Toby Gutwilik
Louis and Cheryl Kessler and Family
In memory of
Bernard Kushner
Marion Kushner Posen
Abe Posen
Eda and Jack (Yasha) Furman
Peggy and Toby Kessler
Ruth Klapman
Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren
In memory of
Sam Klapman
Ruben and Rose Youssiem
Joseph and Fanny Klapman
Harry and Sonia Klapman
Esther Klapman Bleiberg
Meyer and Gladys Klapman
Max and Faye Klapman
Michael and Rita Klapman
Esther and Albert Goffstein
Beverley Demsky
Paul Demsky
David Youssiem
Norma (Klapman) Rubenstein
Lynn (Klapman) Henoch
Marilyn Brooke Goffstein
Saul Youssiem
Don Gordon
Norman and Toby Klapman
Samuel Klapman
Barry Klapman
Bryan Klein and Family
In memory of
Bea and Harry Klein
Susan Halprin Kllein
Elyse and Kenneth Halprin
Tracey Halprin
Sharon and Murray Knazan
In memory of
Sally and Harry Maslovsky
Sylvia and Jack Knazan
Vinuca Alkalaj
Heather and Jeff Koplovich and Family
In memory of
Leya Tapper
Richard Tapper
Louis Cogan
Sherri Cogan
David and Bertha Cogan
Charles and Sadie Koplovich
David Walder
Molly and Nate Cohen
Hy Kraitberg and Terri Slotnick
In memory of
Simma Kraitberg
Jack Kraitberg
Mamie Kraitberg
Charlie Kraitberg
Shirley Velin
Ted Velin
Ida McElrea
Max Kraitberg
Morris Kraitberg
Larry Kraitberg
Pearl Kraitberg
Evelyn Kraitberg
William Adler
Eva Adler
Sheppy Adler
Barbara Mazo
Louis Slotnick
Freda Slotnick
Audrey and Daniel Kravetsky and Family
In memory of
Sara Kravetsky
Fred Kravetsky
Gary Kravetsky
Alvin Kravetsky
Goldie Kravetsky
Sam Porter
Sonia Porter
Lorne Kravetsky
Sylvan Goodman
Marion Goodman
Norman Goodman
Florence Bubis
Irv Bubis
Hester Kroft and Family
In memory of Guy Kroft
Charles and Heloise Kroft
Monte and Sally Israels
Lyonel and Esther Israels
Sylvia Markel
Babs Asper
Cara and Jonathan Kroft and Family
In memory of Arthur and Pearl Lerner
Moe Lerner
Guy Kroft
Phyllis Laveman
In memory of Earle Laveman
Rose Tokar
Goldie Laveman
Charna Laveman
Sam Laveman
Sue Weiss
yizk r
Mel and Karyn Lazareck and Family
In memory of
Samuel and Anna Lazareck
Anne and Joe Levin
Ruth Neiman
Maurice (Moe) Selby
Selma and Leo Shearer
Daniel Jason (Danny) Krindle
Will Hechter
Rick Lee and Laurie Shapiro
Michael Lee and Caroline Herbert
Jude and Leif Herbert-Lee
Amy Lee and Matt Burt
Sadie and Pearl Lee-Burt
In memory of
Myer and Tillie Shapiro
Lillian Taylor
Joan Abbey
Ruth Lehmann and Eric Ellis and Family
Paula Black and Family
Allie Lehmann and Paul Bender and Family
In memory of
Goldie Lehmann
Mossy Lehmann
Marli and David Lerner
In memory of
Ruth and Bill Shell
Arthur and Doris Lerner
Chana and David Shell
Rae and Phil Cohan
Angie and Allan Levine
Alexander, Shannon, Ana and McCartney Levine
Mia, Geoff and Kole and Erica Shaffer
In memory of Alexander and Edith Tenenbein
Marvin and Bernice Levine
Sam and Sarah Kliman
Clara and Aaron Levine
Moses and Ruchel Kives
Sara and Harry Tenenbein
Robyn, Jeff and Noah Lieberman
Amy, Gabriel and Kayden Brawerman
Josh Lieberman and Emily Chambers
In memory of Dora and Aron Lieberman
Karen and Julius Wise
Ralph and Clara Hamovich
Frank and Bessie Buchwald
Esther Goldie and David Wise
Anne and Joe Chmelnitsky
Yaacov and Nacha Lieberman
Jack and Elka Debbie (Szternfeld) Lipkin
Hailey Lipkin
Marissa and Rob Nathan
Rubie Mae, Max Aden, Chloe Dylan
In memory of Mendel Szternfeld
Rachel (Goszer) (Szternfeld) Goldstein
Dr. Arnold Goldstein
Max and Celia Lipkin
Eliyhau and Pesel (Bronfman) Goszer
David and Hinda (Wexler) Szternfeld
Miriam Szternfeld
Szternfeld Family
Wexler Family
Jacob and Reesa Lipkin
Nathan Polonsky
Minnie (Foxman) (Polonsky) Gibbs
Abraham Gibbs
Boris and Eve Goszer
Harry and Becky (Polonsky) Gorsky
Harriet and Ted Lyons and Family
In memory of
Edith and Ruvin Lyons
Freda and Mandel Lyons
Bessie and Hymie Hecht
Rose and Alex Jacob
Aubie and Sophie Jacob
Kenneth Howard Allan Jacob
Sarah and Frank Ratner
David, Joshua, Amy, Kristen, Miles, Archie and Stella Manusow
In memory of Nancy Manusow
Florence Manusow
R. “Meech” Manusow
Elaine and Neil Margolis In memory of
Doris and Hymie Margolis
Sarah and Jack Muryn
Benjamin Muryn
Howie Stillman
Lillian Titleman
Shirley and David Permack
Carol McArton and Family In memory of Barry McArton
Morley Blankstein
Ruth Meltzer and Family In memory of Marvin Meltzer
Irene, David and Jesse Boxer-Meyrowitz
Elana and Jonathan Waldman
Jody Leslie Boxer
In memory of
Albert Boxer
Phyllis Boxer
Jackie Boxer
Issy and Esther Boxer
David and Sylvia Wolfe
Gertie and Lazar Meyrowitz
Sam and Esther Rutman
Sam and Cecile Meyrowitz (Meyers)
Arlene Gladstone
Jackie Boxer-Leslie
Sheree Walder Morantz and Richard Morantz
Ethan, Sean and Emily Morantz
In memory of Larry Walder
Robert Walder
Marilyn Walder
Saul Morantz
Ara, Jeff, Harlan and Emma Morris
In memory of Merle Garfinkel
William Morris
Betty Vinsky
Arthur Vinsky
Jenny Garfinkel
Saul Garfinkel
Myra Kravetsky
Hy Kravetsky
Tammy Kravetsky
Dora Morris
Harry Morris
Molly Pitsch
Betty Sucharov
yizk r
Patti Morris and Family
In memory of
Bill Morris
Hy and Myra Kravetsky
Harry and Dora Morris
Tammy Kravetsky
Gloria (Adler)and Jerry Moscovitch,
Susan Moscovitch
Darrel and Taylor Kilburn
Dan Moscovitch and Family in memory of
David Michael Hartley Moscovitch
Marla Alaine Moscovitch
Alana Michelle Moscovitch
Millicent (Hallis) and Harry Allan Adler
Aaron (Ronald Larry Adler) Udlar
Freda (Bruser) and Cantor Samuel (Shmilik) Hallis
Shava (Rothman) and Isaac Adler
Jennie (Kankewitt) and Morris Moscovitch
Minnie Michla (Levine) and Wolf Velvel Kankewitt
Betty (Moscovitch) and Joseph Wohl
Murray Sheldon Wohl
Walter Kenneth Morris
Earl Wolfe Moss and Adele (Perles)
Craig Moss
Gloria (Adler) and Jerry Moscovitch and Family
In memory of
Libby (Hallis) and Sam Geller
Daryl Geller
Evelyn Hallis
Fannie (Hallis) and Ben Permack
Rose (Hallis) and Sam Shapira
Arnold Shapira
David and Reesa (Weidman) Shapira
Joyce (Shapira) Rubinstein
Chuck Rubinstein
Leonard and Bunty (Berg) Shapira
Paula (Hallis) and Lou Swartz
Sam and Rose (Zipursky) Hallis
Pamela (Hallis) and Moishe Silver
David Hallis
Harry and Elsie (Goldstone) Hallis
Sid Hallis
David Murray Hallis
Ben Beryl Hallis and Nellie Beatrice (Greenberg) Hallis
Jerry and Gloria Moscovitch and Family In memory of
Izzy and Sara Kankewitt
Hymie and Marge (Tadman) Kankewitt
Barbara (Kankewitt) Johnston and Tracey
Hinda (Kankewitt) and Harry Herman
Joe, Cecil, Hymie and Ben Herman
Betty (Kankewitt) Stringer - Sewchuck
Ethel (Kankewitt) and Charlie Kravetsky
Max, Hymie and Rose Moscovitch
Malka (Lerner) and Joseph Lerner
Diana (Dinky) Kudlatz
Beverley Segal
Gerald and Mickey Namak
In memory of Abraham and Fanny Shniderman
Rose and Louis Namak
Minda Namak
Les Namak
Noah and Vera Witman
Geta and Sam Namak
Max and Ruth Braunstein
Roberta Short
Molly Pitsch
Neville Family
In memory of
Harold and Fay Schwartz
Boris and Sonia Jacobson
Abe and Sophie Schwartz
Isador Jacobson
Dave and Sarah Jacobson
Carol Nitikman Foster
In memory of Pearl Greisman Black
James Ephriam Black
Cecil Black
Herb Black
Louise Rubin
Dorothea B. Nitikman
Israel Nitikman
Aaron and Katherine Nudler and Family
In memory of Morris Nudler
Brenda Odwak and Family
In memory of
Norman Odwak
Harry and Celia Odwak
William and Minnie Mindell
Raizy and Meyer Guss
Clara and Isaac Galsky
Louis and Rachel Mindell
Shia and Hinda Odwak
Sam Odwak
Laurie Thompson
Samuel Stedman
Harry and Lisa Odwak and Family
In memory of Frank Shiffman
Norman Odwak
Ian Baruch
Melanie Baruch
Ezra Ukashi
Ran Ukashi
Fabiana Pachter
Jorge Krapirca
In memory of Jose Pachter
Raquel Kurgan de Pachter
Chava Ukashi
Fabiana Pachter
Jorge Krapirca
In memory of Isaac Krapirca
Esther Fanny Roitberg de Krapirca
Paula Parks
Sheldon Parks
Louis and Hildy Parks
In memory of Vita and Sydney Parks
yizk r
Rory Paul and Family
In memory of
Barb Paul
Leonard Paul
Elaine Paul
Mary Paul
Alex Paul
Abraham Footlick
Anne Footlick Stalmaster
Marc Scott Kleiman
Ray Standil
Ariel, Mati, Lara, Tali and Shirly Pelich
Silvia, Daniela, Ivan and Erik Bucker In memory of Maximo Bucker
Sybil Plattner In memory of Harry Plattner
Rose and Alex Jacob
Sophie and Aubie Jacob
Rose and Itz Jacob
Ted Jacob
Kenneth Jacob
Gary Jacob
Esther and Isaac Plattner
Maxine Geller
Sylvia Bronstein
Pat Brody
Shirley and Jack Zaidman
Sandy and Marvin Polanski and Family In memory of Al Aronovich
Bessie (Aronovich) Stern
Pearl Aronovich
Izzy Aronovich
Shirley and Dave Polanski
Anna Freedman
Annie and Aaron Packer
Sharon Vinsky
Walter J. Stern
Migie and Walter Lampe
Lucy and Max Rifkin
Sara Les
Rocky Pollack
Hart and Nancy, Lisa and Andy
Mitchell, Shane, Noah, Talia, Seth and Casey In memory of
Sharon Pollack
Nettie and Harvey Pollack
Myrna and Myer Mitchell
Robie Wayne
Lynn Pollock, Debbie Pollock and Benjamin Phillip Pollock In memory of Mischa Pollock
Phillip and Rose Bell
Abraham and Sylvia Bell
Benny Bell
Sarah Bell
Sam and Sluva Pollock
Myra and Chaim Kravetsky
Gordon and Mimi Pollock
Harvey and Sylvia Pollock
Monte Kowall
Sarah Hijmans
Maureen Pollock
Richard, Sarah, Raya, Sydney and Max
Adam, Sam, Benny and Goldie
In memory of Max Minuk
Benny Rubin
Raymond Pollock
Edith Minuk
Sam Minuk
Gordon Pollock
Mimi Pollock
Randee Pollock and Ian Altman and Family
In memory of
Sandra and Joshua Forster
Mollie and Harry Shames
Ethel and Max Forster
Elaine Altman
David and Lillian Altman
Max and Viola Frank
Richard Pollock, Sarah McKinnon, Raya Pollock, Sydney
Pollock and Max Pollock
In memory of
Raymond Pollock
Sheila Rabb and Family
In memory of
David Rabb
William and Molly Pitch
Louis and Irene Rabinovitch
Felosh Gollenberg
Avis Raber
Mark and Samantha, Daniel and Diana,
Jonathan and Benjamin
Ethan, Jacob and Isaac
In memory of
Alan Harvey (Ari) Lipson
Monte Raber
Leah Weinberg
Sharon Stokoloff and Estelle Raber
In memory of
Reta and Michael Raber
Faiga and Abraham Raber
Sara and Max Hochman
Bella and Harry Garfinkel
Jack and Marcia Raber
Esther and Joseph Sadofsky
Ralph and Ginger Sadofsky
Harold and Rita Sadoff
Moe and Jay Sadoff
Dorothy and Harry Gordon
Lorne and Louise Raber
Lindsay Raber Adams and Brian Adams
In memory of Wilfred and Rose Raber
Allan and Marian Zelickson
Louis and Annie Zelickson
Mitchell and Sara Abrams
Max and Dora Abrams
Judy Oigman
Harry Ginsberg
Sam and Dolly Barish
Simcha and Liba Raber
Max and Sonia Stitz
Dave and Shaino Stitz
Marty Stitz
Reesa (Raber) and Jerry Lavitt
Marty Lavitt
Anne (Raber) and Harry Lewengood
Eleanor and Morris Burke
Tiberiu (Tibi) Abraham
Leigh and Steven Raber and Family
In memory of Bernard and Freda Raber
Edward Halprin
yizk r
The Rabkin Family
In memory of Mayer and Mavis Rabkin
Mendle and Malka Chaikin
Jacob & Anna Rabkin
The Slonim Family In memory of Morley Slonim
Bonnie Robinson and Daniel Rosenfeld
In memory of Ettie and Earl W. Robinson
Rose and Malick Peikoff
Esther and Sydney I. Robinson
Marni Kalef
Susan and Gerald Rosenby and Family
In memory of
Dr. Abraham and Lucy Rothstein
Harry and Fay Rosenby
Martin Rosenby
Helene Rosenby
Charles and Toby Kanovsky
Richard Kanovsky
Marvin Rothstein
Dr. Morel Rubinger
David A. Rosner
In memory of Charles and Cecilia Rosner
Moses and Yachid Rosner
David and Lottie Black
Joanie and Jack Rusen and Family
In memory of
Harold and Tommie Schachter
Charles and Mollie Rusen
Toby Sawyer
In memory of
Harvey Sawyer
Ray and Jack Fleishman
Harold Fleishman
Belle and Max Sawyer
Terry Sawyer
Annette Klein
Brent Schacter and Sora Ludwig
Isanne Schacter
Jennifer Schacter and Neil Rockman
Miriam and Michael Stoller
In memory of
Claire and Irvin Schacter
Bertha and Joseph Ludwig
Beverly, Bryan, Michael and Lainie Schwartz
In memory of
Philip and Gertrude Weiss
Shelley Weiss
Eva, Abraham and Harry Goot
Solomon and Celia Weiss
Erna and Herman Kimmel
Leo Weiss
Miriam and Preston Segal
In memory of Jennie and Isadore Segal
Bessie and Samuel Maslovsky
Joel Maslovsky
Carrie Maslove
Molly Pechet
Barney Charach
Bruce Frome
Jacquie Seipp and Family
In memory of
Esther Seipp
Max Seipp
Phillip Z. Feldman
Louis Seipp
Minnie Goldie Seipp
Sara Seipp
Sam Seipp
Isadore Seipp
Yhetta Belle Seipp
Alex Feldman
Anna Mindel Feldman
Marianna Aalsvel
Jeanette Fransman
Fayth and Yale Shaffer
Geoff, Mia, Kole and Erica Shaffer
Seth, Lauren, Ira and Navy Shaffer
In memory of
Irvin and Kay Sera
Mickey and Gladys Shaffer
Emily and Marvin Shane and Family
In memory of Abraham and Zahava Baum
Paul and Pauline Shane
Dr. Fred Shane
Leonard Shane
Phil, Sandy, Jeremy and Ana Sheegl
In loving memory of Isaac and Sophie Szczygiel
Sean Sheegl
Joel and Penny Shefrin
In memory of Conrad Shefrin
Miriam Shefrin
Fred Shapiro
Rosalie Shapiro
Barney Sneiderman
Al Shell
In memory of Ruth Shell
Fanny and Charles Shore and Family
In memory of Max Shore
Mollie Shore
Carl Solomon
Sabina Solomon
Maureen and David Milner
Shelley and Richard Ross
Karen Grant
Roberta and Lyle Silverstein
Tracie and Morgan Ganetsky
Great Grandchildren
In memory of Faye and Allan Grant
Ron Singer and Michelle Singer
In memory of
Harry and Lillian Singer
Max and Jenny Singer
Morris and Rose Shapiro
Andie and Noel Solomon and Family
In memory of
Pearl Palay
Sydney Palay
Eva Hollander
Samuel Hollander
Abraham Palay
Ida Palay
Rosa Solomon
Rick Solomon
Moishe Solomon
Yetty Bihman
Haim Bihman
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Lewis, Deb, Max and Sawyer Stern
David, Marsha, Zev, Nathan and Jason Stern
In memory of Walter and Zora Stern
Louis and Fay Ditlove
Allan Stern
Jocelyn Stern
Susan Stern
Leyla Grant
Mel Stern
Cyril Stern
Keith Stern
Leonard Harris
Joseph Stern
Bessie Stern Aisenstat
Jackie Stillwater
Martin, Maya and Caleigh Stillwater
Dr. Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater
Dr. Laurie and Ginny Stillwater
In memory of
Richard Stillwater M.D.
May and Roy Soltzman
Laura and Harry Stillwater
Jack Olin
Allan Olin
Rose Desser
Jory and Jacqueline Stillwater
Laurie, Ginny, Reese and Richard Stillwater
In memory of Richard B. Stillwater
Thelma Sures
Howard Sures and Florence Krakauer
Greg and Shane
In memory of George and Lola Sures
Thelma Sures In memory of Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Friends
Sophie Thompson
Syd and Janet Thompson and Family
Jeff and Val Thompson and Family
In memory of Laurie Thompson
Harry and Celia Odwak
Saul and Ida Thompson
Isaac and Doris Zipursky
Myer and Nettie Katzman
Sam Odwak
Norman Odwak
Henry Thompson
Dr. Sam Stedman
Morley and Charlotte Zipursky
Dr. Alvin and Freda Zipursky
Brenlee Carrington Trepel, Brent, Skyler and Sierra Trepel
In memory of Ruth and Charlie Rubinstein
Sid Trepel
Sheila and Louis Waterman
Sadie and Louis Trepel
Ethel and Ben Moss
Samuel C. Oretsky
Howie and Bea Rypp and Family
Robyn Rypp and Arnie Usiskin and Family
In Memory of Morley and Shirley Rypp
Buirt and Fanny Segal
Larry Enkin and Sharon Segal Enkin
Joseph and Rose Rypp
Julius Rypp
Meyer Rypp
Susan, Eric, Michaela and Chloe Vickar
In memory of Marni Kalef
Harry Vickar
Eve Vickar
In memory of Harry Vickar
Ed and Marion Vickar
Norman and Florence Vickar
Morris and Ann Vickar
Joe Vickar
Ike and Margaret Vickar
Sam and Gertrude Vickar
Arthur and Irene Weinberger
Carla and Wayne Vickar
In memory of
Freda (Halparin) and Stanley Fox
Gnessie and Joe Vickar
Pam and Marty Vine and Family
In memory of
Sherry and Myer Thompson
Eleanor and Morris Burke
Rita and Alec Vine
Bernice and Saul Birnbach
Marion and Allan Zelickson
Laurie Thompson
Henry Thompson
Miriam and Bert Shatsky
Ida and Saul Thompson
Arthur and Denise Waldman
Jonathan, Elana and Kaia Waldman
Miriam, Tom, Asher and Levi Hildahl
In memory of
Sydney and Golutha Fleishman
Brian Fleishman
Shia and Sarah Waldman
Celeste Waldman
Shirley Wasserman
Cita Wasserman and Hartley Yuffe
Dr. Ronald Wasserman and Dr. Devra Kellen
Beth and Jacalyn
In memory of
Jack Wasserman
Samuel and Fay Schicher
Leo and Selma Shearer
Jackie Wassermann
In memory of
Sigi Wassernann
Becky Conway
Toby Conway
Malcolm Conway
Jakob Wassermann
Hannchen Wassermann
Julius Wassermann
Alfred Florsheim
Erna Florsheim
Alice and Bill Weissmann
In memory of
Michael and Edith Waisman
Joe and Chana Waisman
Max Waisman
Willi Leon Tuttmann
Ivan and Sarah Gillespie
Abraham and Baba Katz
Joe and Clara Katz
Hy and Rose Katz
Harry Heinrichs
Maurice Aandagt
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Clare Whiteman
In memory of
Morris and Bessie Whiteman
Frank and Sarah Ratner
Clara Waisman
Joseph Waisman
Ressa Reitza Waisman
Carole Ann Speer
Efim Frumin
Elisabeth Aandtagt
David Wilder
In memory of
Diane Wilder
Joseph and Sunny Schachter
Phyllis and Marshall Wilder
Anne and Israel Braunstein
Sam and Molly Medoff
Joseph and Claire Rissin
Harry and Miriam Rissin
Harry and Rivka Schachter
Neil and Dorothy Finklelstein
Alex and Ann Cantor
Joseph and Hattie Wilder
Jack Neaman
Beth Schachter
Sandy and Phyllis Brody
Wendy Wilder and Family
In memory of
Sam Wilder
Jack and Rose Wilder
Max and Sally Nelko
Francie, Eric, Abby, Jill and Richard Winograd
In memory of
Philip and Gertrude Weiss
Shelley Weiss
Eva, Abraham and Harry Goot
Solomon and Celia Weiss
Erna and Herman Kimmel
Leo Weiss
Lois and David Wolch and Family
In memory of
Linda (Wolch) Tapley
Frances Wolch
Russell Wolch
Reuben Ludwick
Gertrude Ludwick
Richard L. Yaffe
In memory of John Statham
Philip and Pearl Yaffe
Sam and Mary Yaffe
Jacob and Bessie Wolfson
Greg, Mandy, Sari, and Alexa Yakubovich
In memory of Alter Yakubovich
Etel Yakubovich
Sura Rusevich
Manya Margulius
Martin Margulius
Penny Yellen
In memory of Barney Yellen
Esther and Mickey Divinsky
Rose and Abe Yellen
Sonya and Herb Gross
Martin Zimmerman
Rhonda and Harry Youell and Family
In memory of
Joyce and Lou Fingerote
H. William and Gisela Youell
Penia and Sura Ita Fingerot
Eve Udin
Eva and Frank Taran
Sharon and Sam Fingerote
Lorraine and Gordon Luetke
Cindy and Rob Yusim
Marlee and Mitch Hurst
Lauren and Seth Shaffer and Adam Yusim
In memory of
Abie Rosenberg
Moe and Trudy Yusim
Norma and Alex Rittberg
Naomi Palansky
Michelle Moyer
Doreen Rubinfeld
Harry Rubinfeld
Arnold and Beverly Zatser
In memory of Lily and Harry Rubenstein
Eva and Louis Zatser
Moyshe Zatser
Ruth Zelcer, Children and Grandchildren
In memory of
Joseph Zelcer
Helena Brauer
Max Brauer
Zelda and Hirsch Zelcer
Elzbeita, Louis and Lothar Brauer
The Eichner Family
Fanny Levy and Gustavo Zentner
Emma and Abby Zentner
In memory of
Marta Silvia Wexler
Jose Marcos Levy
Lillian Zentner
In memory of
Hersch Zentner
Pam Zentner
Eva and Max Bober
Harold Bober
Ethel and Percy Zentner
Sam Muchnik
Marilyn Smith
Alex, Harriet and Joel Zimmer
Jared, Leanne, Julie and Hannah Akman
Linda Rumberg
In memory of Leo and Jeanette Zimmer
Alex, Harriet and Joel Zimmer
Jared, Leanne, Julie and Hannah Akman
Bob, Allison, Gavin and Steven Axelrod
In memory of Joseph and Pat Axelrod
Ken, Lori, Jenna and Lexie Zimmer
In memory of Jack and Eda Furman
Bernard Kushner
Marion Kushner Posen
Abe Posen
Emil Zimmer
Judith Zimmer
Joachim and Antonia Kaufmann
Yizkor Dates
Below is a schedule of Yizkor dates along with Minyan Service times where Yizkor is recited.
Year 8th Day of Pesach (22 Nissan)
2nd Day of Shavuot (7 Sivan)
Yom Kippur* (10 Tishrei)
Sh’mini Atzeret (22 Tishrei)
2024 Sat, Oct 12* Thu, Oct 24
Service 9:00am Yizkor 10:30am
2025 Sun, Apr 20
Minyan 9:00am Yizkor 10:30am Tue, Jun 3
Service 9:00am Yizkor 10:30am Thu, Oct 2* Tue, Oct 14
Service 9:00am Yizkor 10:30am
*Please contact the shul office at 204-452-3711 or hello@szwinnipeg.ca for information.
5786∙2025 Yizkor Book
If you would like to submit an entry for next year’s Yizkor Book, please contact Estelle Raber, Life Cycle Director, at 204 975 3484 or estelle@szwinnipeg.ca by the end of August 2025.
Megillat Hashoah
Information about the 2025 commemoration will be announced in the Spring.
This annual service is a commemoration of the systematic persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators. We also remember other groups who were persecuted or targeted for genocide, including the Roma, the disabled, political opponents, Poles and other Slavic people, Soviet prisoners of war, Jehovah’s Witnesses, gay men, some members of the clergy, and others.
Brought to you by Congregation Shaarey Zedek in partnership with the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada
Information: 204 452 3711 hello@szwinnipeg.ca Everyone is welcome