Francesca Ogliari
Shabby Home
Patterns and detailed explanations accompanied by drawings, diagrams and pictures will help you to easily make innumerable beautiful creations with your very own hands. Visit my Shabby Home! Fabric roses, angels, embroidered hearts, bunnies and much more are awaiting you in this unique meeting with your inner creativity. You can follow the development of my future creations and newest projects by visiting my blog
beautiFul creatiOns
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Francesca Ogliari
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Shabby Home Shabby Home
11/12/09 14:32
Contents 13 Fabrics and materials 17 General instructions 21 Shabby Home Bunnies 41 The scent of Roses 51 Hearts 59 Angels 73 Shabby Home Geese 81 Shabby Home Chickens 87 Shabby Home Cows 99 Patterns 11
Little Rose You will need
For the rose: one strip of American fabric, 10x50 cm. For the leaves: one strip of green fabric, 10x20 cm. Thermo-adhesive paper, found in specialist shops. Glue gun, found in specialist shops.
Preparation of the fabric and cutting
From the American fabric chosen for your rose cut out a 4x4 cm square and put it to one side. Prepare the fabric for the flower and the leaves as previously described for the big rose. From this, cut out: -Two B petals - Four C petals - Four or Five D petals - Four or Five leaves
Fold the 4x4 cm square in two to make a triangle and sew a line of running stitch along the open sides. Pull the running stitch and fix it with small stitches. Roll up the triangle so as to form a rosebud, and hold it with some glue from the glue-gun. Sew a line of running stitch along the B petals as indicated in the picture. (fig. 1)
fig. 1
Pull the thread to make the petals curl and hold them with some small stitches. Glue these petals around the bud, overlapping them slightly. Make incisions at the bottom of the C and D petals and overlap the two sides of the cut. Beginning with the C petals and then the D petals, make the flower as already explained for the big flower. Finally, down the middle, fold the leaves that you have already cut out. Iron, and then glue them around the rose.
To make the small bud you can follow the initial instructions given for the small rose, stopping at the first ring of petals. To make a big bud, cut out an 8x8 cm square with the fabric folded back to back, containing the thermo-adhesive paper within. Iron the three layers as described for the preparation of the fabric of the roses, so that you obtain only one square. Fold the square in two to make a triangle. Sew a stay-stitch along the open sides and pull the threads. Roll up the triangle and hold it with some small stitches: this is your rosebud! Cover the bottom with small leaves.
Brooch with rose and bud You will need
The fabric to make roses and leaves: Flat-based brooch, found in specialist shops Cotton tape, beige
Make a big rose, the petals for a bud and some small leaves, following the instructions previously given. Make a ribbon with the fabric chosen for the leaves. Around one end of the ribbon, make a bud by rolling up the petals and fix it with some glue. At the bottom cover it with some small leaves. Glue the other end of the ribbon to the back of the big rose. It’s up to you to decide the distance between the big rose and the bud according to your wishes. Sew a flat based brooch on to a small piece of cotton tape. 45
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To make the body, feet and beak of the chickens, follow the instructions given on page 74 or the geese.
Crest and crop
Fold the velvet ribbon to obtain five little rings and sew them together with needle and thread: this is the crest of our chicken! Position the crest at the centre of its head and fix it with little hidden stitches. To make the crop, fold similarly the velvet ribbon but getting only two rings. Fix everything together with a drop of warm glue under the beak. fig. 1
fig. 2
Clothing Patterns on page xxx
bloomers You will need small chicken
One 15x40 cm rectangle of cotton fabric, cream, lace
You will need large chicken
One 20x44 cm rectangle of cotton fabric, cream, lace
To make the bloomers, follow the instructions given on page 26.
fig. 3