Metro Malayalam - August 2014

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HmWmiwkIÄ..! Sarvam Sakthimayam K RAMAN [\‑ y a‑ m b k‑ u l‑ r Z‑ w Interview: Dr Radhakrishnan KÔÀh k‑ v a ‑ r X‑ n IÄ jm_p tXmakv


ae- b ‑ m - f - ¯ ‑ n s‑ â k‑ z ´‑ w Z‑ m t‑ k - « ³ sPbnwkv Nmt¡m

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I¦‑mc‑ph‑p‑w t‑I‑m«b‑w \k‑od‑p‑w... kP‑ o j‑ v a‑ p Ãt‑ È c‑ n

Zmtk«\v kv t \l]qÀÆw tbipZmkv ]Xn¸v


EDITORIAL Zmtk«\v kvt\l]qÀÆw

Design & Layout Shabeer M.P. DTP Unni Pookkodan

FÃ‑m h‑mb\¡‑mÀ¡‑pw‑ k¼Âka‑r²‑nb‑ps‑S H‑mW‑mi‑wkIÄ t‑\c‑p¶‑p. k‑vt\ ‑ l]‑qÀÆ‑w

Volume-1 | Issue-7 | August 2014

1189 | IÀ¡SIw

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CREATIVE EDITOR Sadeesh Chalippadam

\KÔÀƳ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â Bk‑vt{‑ S‑ e‑nb³ S‑qÀ-þ2014 {‑] a‑mW‑n¨‑v X¿‑md‑m¡‑nb t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v ]X‑n¸‑v h‑mb\¡‑mÀ¡‑mb‑n kaÀ¸‑n¡‑pIb‑mW‑v. aeb‑mf‑nb‑ps‑S H‑mÀ ½If‑n t‑bi‑pZ‑ms‑k¶ k‑m¶‑n[‑yw‑ a‑mX‑rX‑zt‑¯m‑ s‑Sm‑ ¸‑w t‑NÀ¯‑v \‑nÀ¯‑mh‑p¶ H¶‑ms‑W¶‑v t‑Xm‑ ¶‑p¶‑p.H‑mÀ½If‑nÂ‑, k‑z]‑v\§f‑nÂ‑, F¶‑n§s‑\ P‑oh‑nX¯‑ne‑pS\‑of‑w Gs‑Xm‑ c‑p aeb‑mf‑nb‑pw‑ B{‑Kl‑n¡‑p¶ h‑mÂke‑ya‑mW‑v B iÐh‑pw‑ Be‑m]\h‑pw‑ . _‑me‑yI‑uamc§Ä H‑mÀs‑¯S‑p¡‑pt‑¼m‑ Ä t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v K‑m\§f‑ps‑S k‑v]Àia‑nÃ‑m¯ P‑oh‑nX§Ä Dï‑mh‑nÃ. aeb‑mf‑ns‑b k‑w_Ô‑n¨‑v t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v Hc‑p K‑mbI³ a‑m{‑Xaà F¶X‑mW‑v h‑mkvXh‑w. X‑m³ a‑pt‑¶m‑ «‑v s‑h¡‑p¶ C‑ui‑zc h‑ni‑zm‑ k‑w,‑ aX \‑nct‑]£ \‑ne]‑mS‑pIÄ F¶‑nh aX¯‑nt‑âb‑pw‑ , h‑ni‑zm‑ k¯‑nt‑âb‑pw‑ AS‑nØ‑m\¯‑n c‑q]s‑¸S‑p¶ k¦‑pN‑nX ka‑o]\§Äs¡XncmWv. Ie‑mI‑mc³ \à Ie‑mI‑mc\‑mh‑pI F¶t‑Xm‑ s‑Sm‑ ¸‑w \à a\‑pj‑y\‑pw‑ \à k‑ma‑ql‑y P‑oh‑nb‑pw‑ BI‑pI F¶X‑ne‑pw‑ a‑mX‑rIb‑mW‑v t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â P‑oh‑nX‑w . k‑ul‑rZ§Ä¡‑pw‑ a\‑pj‑yԧġ‑pw‑ \ÂI‑p¶ h‑neb‑pw‑ BZch‑pw‑ C‑u al‑m K‑mbIs‑â P‑oh‑nX¯‑n \‑n¶‑v \a‑p¡‑v h‑mb‑ns‑¨S‑p¡‑mw‑ . t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â I‑meL«¯‑n P‑oh‑n¡‑m³ Ig‑nª¯‑n A`‑na‑m\‑nIf‑mW‑v aeb‑mf‑nIf‑mb \‑mw‑ H‑mt‑cm‑ c‑p¯c‑pw‑ . C´‑y³ k‑wK‑oXt‑em‑ I¯‑,v‑ {‑]t‑Xy‑ I‑n¨‑v aeb‑mf k‑wK‑oX t‑em‑ I¯‑v \‑ndk‑m¶‑n[‑ya‑mb‑n,‑ KÔÀÆ‑me‑m]\a‑mb‑n t‑bi‑pZ‑ms‑k¶ \½‑ps‑S FÃ‑mhc‑pt‑Sb‑pw‑ Z‑mt‑k«³ Fs¶¶pw X‑pSc‑pa‑md‑mIs‑« F¶‑v Bi‑wk‑n¡‑mw‑ .

Sydney ~ Melbourne ~ Canberra ~ New Castle ~ Adelaide ~ Brisbane ~ Darwin ~ Perth ~ Alice Springs ~ Wagga Wagga

CHIEF Editor Santhosh Joseph


kt´mjv tPmk^v No^vFUnäÀ






Sarvam Sakthimayam K. Raman

[\‑ y a‑ m b k‑ u l‑ r Z‑ w

Interview By Santhosh Joseph



KÔÀh k‑ v a ‑ r X‑ n IÄ jm_p tXmakv

ae-b‑m-f-¯‑ns‑â k‑z´‑w Z‑mt‑k-«³ sPbnwkv Nmt¡m



‑ h ‑ n k‑ v a - b - § - f ‑ p s‑ S \‑ m K‑ m - e mâ‑ v tKm]n\mYv apXp- I mSv


I¦‑ m c‑ p h‑ p ‑ w t‑ I ‑ m «b‑ w \k‑ o d‑ p ‑ w... kP‑ o j‑ v a‑ p Ãt‑ È c‑ n

‑ ] ‑ m h‑ w ]‑ m ¸- ¨ ³ tPmWn kn. aäw

Young world

Shruthikrishna Shaji




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Dr.Sreejith Radhakrishnan


Jomesh Thomas

COVER PHOTO: Painting by Sethu Eyyal, Guruvayur




^‑pU‑v s‑^Ì‑nh AU‑‑vs‑s‑eU‑ns‑e aeb‑mf‑nIÄ¡‑v X\X‑v t‑Icf‑ob \‑mS³ `£W h‑n`h§Ä k½‑m\‑n¨ ^‑pU‑vs‑^Ì‑nh -2014 ka‑m]‑n¨‑p. P‑q¬ 29 \‑v h‑pU‑vh‑n s‑kâ‑v a‑mÀKcä‑v t‑Zh‑meb‑m¦W¯‑n a‑mÀ t‑X‑ma‑m CShI h‑nI‑mc‑n ^‑m.A³k¬ t‑X‑mak‑ns‑â A[‑y£Xb‑n t‑NÀ¶ kt‑½f\¯‑n ae¦c a‑mÀt‑¯‑ma‑m k‑pd‑nb‑m\‑n k`b‑ps‑S k‑nU‑v\‑n CShI h‑nI‑mc‑n ^‑m.a‑mX‑y‑qk‑v F a‑mX‑y‑qk‑v DZ‑vL‑mS\‑w s‑Nb‑vX‑p. AUs‑s‑eU‑v a‑mÀt‑X‑ma‑m CShIb‑ps‑S {‑]Ya k‑ph\‑oÀ N‑mÄk‑v Ì‑phÀ«‑v I‑u¬k‑n t‑abÀ I‑nÀ̬ AeI‑vk‑mïÀ {‑]I‑mi\‑w s‑Nb‑vX‑p.k‑ot‑d‑m ae_‑mÀ It‑¯‑me‑n¡ CShI N‑m¹‑n³ ^‑m.t‑U‑m. {‑^Ud‑n¡‑v Fe‑ph¯‑n¦Â‑, b‑mt‑¡‑m_‑mb CShI h‑nI‑mc‑n ^‑m.t‑_k‑n F{‑_l‑m‑w‑, s‑kâ‑v a‑mÀKcä‑v CShI- ^‑m.t‑I‑m¬d‑mU‑v ]‑mt‑äg‑vk¬‑, s‑kâ‑v t‑P‑mÀP‑v B¥‑n¡Â CShI- ^‑m.k‑m‑wk¬ Bi‑oÀh‑mZ‑w‑, AP‑n¯‑v hÀK‑ok‑v- t‑{‑]‑m{‑K‑m‑w & ]»‑nk‑nä‑n‑, N‑o^‑v FU‑näÀ \‑nP‑n k‑qk¬ ]‑ut‑e‑mk‑v F¶‑nhÀ {‑]k‑wK‑n¨‑p. I¬h‑o\Àa‑mc‑mb hÀK‑ok‑v t‑I‑mi‑n‑, k‑pe‑p a‑mX‑y‑p‑, k‑me‑n a‑mX‑y‑p‑, {‑SÌ‑n t‑P‑mk‑v t‑P‑mÀP‑v‑, s‑k{‑I«d‑n AP‑pt‑P‑m¬‑, hÀK‑ok‑v t‑X‑mak‑v F¶‑nhÀ t‑\X‑rX‑z‑w \ÂI‑n.

ESMA B`‑na‑pJ‑y¯‑nÂ

\‑r¯ h‑nZ‑y‑meb‑w Bc‑w`‑n¨‑p


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k‑nU‑v\‑n-þdm³Uvh‑n¡‑v BØ‑m\a‑mb‑n {‑]hÀ¯‑n¡‑p¶ aeb‑mf‑n k‑wLS\b‑mb C‑ut‑̬ k‑nU‑v\‑n aeb‑mf‑n At‑k‑mk‑nt‑bjs‑â B`‑na‑pJ‑y¯‑ne‑pÅ \‑r¯ h‑nZ‑y‑meb¯‑n\‑v X‑pS¡a‑mb‑n. s‑I³k‑n§‑vSW‑ns‑e s‑k³ a‑mÀ«‑n³ B¥‑n¡³ NÀ¨‑v l‑mf‑n \S¶ NS§‑n s‑h¨‑v e‑nä‑n X‑ot‑bäÀ UbdÎÀ _‑m_‑p s‑k_‑mÌ‑y³ U‑m³k‑v ]c‑ni‑oe\ ]c‑n]‑mS‑n DZ‑vL‑mS\‑w s‑Nb‑vX‑p. At‑k‑mk‑nt‑bj³ {‑]k‑nUï‑v t‑d‑mb‑v hÀK‑ok‑v k‑z‑mKX‑w ]dª‑p. s‑k{‑I«d‑n a‑pcf‑n \‑mbÀ ]c‑ni‑oe\ ]c‑n]‑mS‑ns‑b I‑pd‑n¨‑v h‑niZ‑oIc‑n¨‑p. a‑mX‑m]‑nX‑m¡f‑p‑w I‑p«‑nIf‑p‑w NS§‑n k‑w_Ô‑n¨‑p. aÚp kptcjv BWv A[ym]nI. FÃ‑m Bg‑vNb‑p‑w s‑N‑mÆ‑mg‑vN Z‑nhk‑w s‑s‑hI‑pt‑¶c‑w 5.30 a‑pX 7.30 hs‑cb‑mW‑v ¢‑mÊ‑v \S¡‑pI. AUGUST 2014


Be‑nk‑v k‑v{‑]‑n§‑vkn \‑n¶‑v Hc‑p aeb‑mf‑w t‑j‑mÀ«‑v ^‑ne‑n‑w Be‑nk‑v k‑v{‑]‑n§v‑kns‑e Hc‑p]ä‑w aeb‑mf‑nIÄ t‑j‑mÀ«‑v ^‑ne‑n‑w \‑nÀ½‑n¡‑p¶‑p. aeb‑mf¯‑n X¿‑md‑m¡‑p¶ {‑lk‑z N‑n{‑X¯‑ns‑â A`‑nt‑\X‑m¡f‑p‑w ]‑n¶W‑n {‑]hÀ¯Ic‑p‑w aeb‑mf‑nIf‑mW‑v. Bk‑vt‑{‑Se‑nbb‑ns‑e Xs‑¶ Gäh‑p‑w h‑nZ‑qch‑p‑w Häs‑¸«X‑pa‑mb I‑pS‑nt‑bä {‑]t‑Zia‑mW‑v Be‑nk‑v k‑v{‑]‑n§‑v. Bk‑vt‑{‑Se‑nb³ BZ‑na \‑nh‑mk‑nIÄ \‑nhk‑n¡‑p¶ {‑]t‑Zi‑w I‑qS‑nb‑mW‑v CX‑v. Z B³t‑{‑S‑mb‑nU‑v t‑_‑mb‑vk‑v F¶‑v t‑]c‑n«‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ {‑lk‑z N‑n{‑X¯‑ns‑â IYb‑p‑w‑ X‑nc¡Yb‑p‑w k‑wh‑n[‑m\h‑p‑w \‑nÀÆl‑n¡‑p¶X‑v F_‑n t‑P‑mk^‑v BW‑v. {‑]h‑o¬ hÀK‑ok‑v‑, F_‑n t‑P‑mk^‑v‑, aR‑vP‑p _‑m_‑p‑, k®‑n t‑]‑mÄ F¶‑nhc‑mW‑v A`‑nt‑\X‑m¡Ä. k‑n\‑n t‑a‑mt‑«‑m{‑K^‑n t‑P‑m_‑n a‑qg‑nb‑m³, At‑k‑mk‑nt‑bä‑v Ub‑ dÎÀ t‑P‑m_‑n s‑k_‑mÌ‑y³. a‑p¸X‑v a‑n\‑nä‑v s‑s‑ZÀJ‑y‑w hc‑p¶ N‑n{‑X¯‑ns‑â j‑q«‑n§‑v a‑p¡‑m `‑mKh‑p‑w X‑oÀ¶‑ps‑h¶‑v k‑wh‑n[‑mbI³ F_‑n t‑P‑mk^‑v s‑at‑{‑S‑m aeb‑mft‑¯‑mS‑v ]dª‑p.

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K Raman


henever Yesudas is quizzed on his music and achievements, quick comes the trade mark answer “If you think I achieved anything, I say I have nothing to do with the achievements; it is just the gift of God. There is a supreme force that controls our destinies and the happenings in this world�. He attributes his success in a lesser vein to his parents, teachers and followers of the art of music, who always wish him success. He is only an instrument or a player in the drama enacted.


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Yesudas was born in Fort Cochin and got a break to sing in films while he was studying in Tripoonithura Music College. A kind soul called Vaikam Chandran introduced Yesudas to K.S.Anthony who took him to singing in films. Vaikam Chandran was a singer of some stature, but instead of himself singing thesong, he wanted to help Das to get a break as a singer. He was a charitable person always willing to help others. In comparison to the modern trend of an artist who single mindedly strives for success, even canvassing unethically at other’s expense, people like Chandran are rarity. Chandran was 30 then whereas Das was 19 years old. Chandran advised Yesudas on the pitfalls of the cut throat music industry and told him that getting an opening to sing a song in a film is too hard, and if he succeed in his maiden attempt he would go a long way in the success stake. For the teen ager Das it was all not that big deal then. Chandran followed the song recording schedule and intimated Das that it was going to take place at Trivandrum.




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The Household problems were so many that Das did not have enough money for his bus fare from Cochin to Trivandrum and back. His father though in a bad way, agreed to accompany Das to Trivabdrum. With some borrowed money, father and son arrived at Trivandrum, but the film music crew had gone to Malamppuzha. Somehow they decided to proceed to Malampuzha. There they met MB Sreenivasan the Film Music Diorector, who was a fan of Augustin Joseph (Das’s father).

He treated him with utmost respect. Immediately after their arrival at the Guest house, Das was introduced to Sreenivasan by his father and told him that he is an aspiring singer with potential. He sang few songs and they were well received. His father always told Das that success would come looking for him, God willing. But before that he should realise his own potential and capabilities and always uphold selfconsciousness. The practitioner should see the divinity in music, work hard on it in all sincerity, but should never look up on it as a money earner. Modern day business tricks were not prevalent then. More over, his


father taught him to approach music with respect and submit himself to music and it would make him successful. Producer Kunjako was a friend of Augustin Joseph. Father and son went to Udaya Studio looking for Kunjacko, seeking an opening for young Das. The old friends met and Kunjacko requested Das’s father to sing Saigal’s ‘Soja Raja Kumari so ja” which he did in style. In spite of telling Kunjacko that Das was an aspiring singer, he did not ask him to render few songs. Das was disappointed and came home. He narrated the incident to his mother, who confronted her husband and expressed the displeasure of not promoting Yesu to the Producer. In a calm and collected way he said “Ely, (this is the way he addressed Das’s mom) chances will come looking for your son Das and there is no need of begging for our talented son. Destiny makes decisions. Whatever he was due to get, he will get without fail”. Yesudas once said, “One of the bad habits I own is my carelessness in preserving by putting the awards and accolades in its right place in display cupboards. They are treasured items. Moreover I never ever maintained a record book of the songs I rendered by year and by the name of their creator alongside. I have no clue how many songs I have sung over the years. It is a pity, I have to ask my well- wishing record keepers to let me know that and they never agree with each other”. He says he shall be eternally thankful if one Record Keeper could give him an accurate account of songs sung by him. He never craves or pays any undue importance to awards. A little child presenting a tiny rose at the end of a show is to him more precious than those high sounding awards. He should not have said that, because it implies that the Nation’s President’s Award is belittled by such a statement. He is baffled by the mental process of the AUGUST 2014

news reporters and the way they interprets things, twisting and distorting facts, in a convincing way. A simple comment he made on Lataji, whom he admires greatly, created such a furore, which is still burning; God knows when it will subside. He speaks his mind, so he utters whatever emerges in his thinking process. So, as you become old and wiser you realise to keep your mouth shut, as you have lot of music

firmly believe that God will take care of all, and don’t take law in your hand and act silly”. He has been in a lot of trouble due to his approach to religions. He says “I came to the scene with Sixteen Rupees in my bulging Pocket!, nothing else. If I lose, it will be those sixteen rupees only, nothing else. Why should I worry and be scared

K. Raman with Yesudas, 40 years apart

Luckily only a few have given him unhappiness and displeasure during his life so far. The one who sits on the top of the list is Vidwan Vechur Harihara Iyer (Sir- can we address him thus). “He used to put me down without any valid reason in front of my own class mates and others”. I may state here that I have a close friend who learned music from him. Being a good friend of mine, she used to say about the acid tongue and vicious utterances of Mr. Vechur Iyer. It is a shame that God gave him the gift of music, but did not give him even traces of an important virtue called ‘goodness’. Vechur brought so much mental anguish in Das, (‘the evils that men do live much long after them’) but on hind sight Das feels that it was blessings



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He has no special affinity to a religion. According to him, every religion has greatness impregnated in it. “Take the good portions from every one of those religions and apply it to your life. God is not religion, (God is there as a force, religion is Maya which is non-existant) it was we who made the Divine Lord irreverantly involved into Hindu, Muslims, Christian beliefs etc. It is this that creates divisions and rivalry between the people. There will be peace and wellbeing when you

of it”. He reiterates “God created me, gave me loving parents, deputed highly skilled teachers to train him music in the right and traditional way, kept me on the right track, without clouding my mind and thinking process”. He only did good things for the singing hermit.


related things to do, stick to it. Yesu thinks, probably to some extent that he did not pay full attention to what his father advised him “ Never to involve and get into groups, because you belong to all, not for a set of people only. You are an artist and you need everyone, so live a life of independence in thoughts and deeds”. Because of believing and followinghi father’s advice in his life, his circle of well-wishers is all part of the ‘so called’ castes and creeds and part of a multitude of political persuasions.

A dream by Raman


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in disguise that brought out success in him as he worked harder and harder to prove the master wrong. So he never harboured any hard feelings about the master. To him ‘Matha pitha Guru Daivam’ (mother, father and Guru are akin to God, the Almighty) is a bit ambiguous. He says “You cannot equate anyone with God; It is God only and nothing else in the pinnacle stature. The rest are all amassed in an equally regarded bunch”. Das regards his teachers highly, and any valuable advice ever given by them to him will be kept as a treasured item and its application in daily life becomes inevitable. Yesudas had suffered the vengeance of the scribes’innumerable times. For example, he would never even think silently in his mind that Lataji should stop singing as her melody in her voice waned somewhat remotely. He never said anything to that effect at his alleged Trivandrum meet the press function. “One of the principles to which I stuck steadfast was never comment on others’ merits or demerits. And that too on Lataji, I can’t comprehend it, even in a wayward dream sequence. They invented the story and it is still hanging up there”.


He wanted to mention about his acting stint in ‘Kayamkulam Kochunni’ as a lover dressed in silk head gear, colourful Lungi and what not. Though totally against it, it was on the insistence of PA Thomas that dragged him into this predicament. He always held the opinion that acting is not meant for a singer. A singer cannot stand exposed to rain and sun shine and even forgoing timely food. Dust, wind and heat would destroy the vocal chords. He reiterated on the values of food consumption, its merits and demerits. He is of firm opinion that food consumption should be tailored to be in agreement with the so called ‘body formation’. It is a funny world we live in; He says “If I just mention that my tonal purity and voice melody is due to the hicken I consumes daily, I am sure all aspiring singers will attempt it scrupulously. It hastily would certainly dwindle down the chicken population of Kerala”... Whatever the great man said is true and are words of wisdom worth to understand and follow in verbatim.



Interview By Santhosh Joseph



tro Malayalam

t‑U‑m.c‑m[‑mI‑rj‑vW³ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â I‑pS‑p‑w_ k‑pl‑r¯‑mW‑v. Xs‑â ]‑nX‑mh‑v N‑ndb¯‑v a‑m[h\‑p‑w t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â ]‑nX‑mh‑v AKÌ‑n³ t‑P‑mk^‑v `‑mKhXc‑pa‑mb‑pÅ k‑ul‑rZ¯‑ns‑â X‑pSÀ¨ I®‑nbä‑ms‑X C¶‑p‑w Cu IpSpw_w X‑pSc‑pIb‑mW‑v. h‑nPb‑v t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑p‑w Xs‑â aI³ t‑U‑m.{‑i‑oP‑n¯‑p a‑mb‑pÅ N§‑m¯‑w C‑u k‑ul‑rZ¯‑ns‑â Xea‑pdIf‑nt‑e¡‑pÅ X‑pSÀ¨Nb‑mb‑mW‑v t‑U‑mI‑vSÀ I‑mW‑p¶X‑v. GdW‑mI‑pfs‑¯ i‑m´‑n t‑l‑mk‑v]‑näe‑ns‑â DSab‑p‑w K‑y‑mk‑vt‑{‑S‑m Ft‑{‑â‑mfP‑nÌ‑pa‑mW‑v Ct‑²l‑w. ]¯‑v hbk‑pÅt‑¸‑mÄ FdW‑mI‑pfs‑¯ Hc‑p ]gbI‑me \‑mSI t‑hZ‑nb‑n t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â ]‑nX‑mh‑v AKÌ‑n³ t‑P‑mk^‑v `‑mKhXÀ ]‑mS‑n A`‑n\b‑n¨ k‑wK‑oX \S-\-k`‑m \‑mSI¯‑ns‑e c‑wK‑w C¶‑p‑w t‑U‑mÎÀ c‑m[‑mI‑rj‑vW³ H‑mÀ¡‑p¶‑p. 'I‑qc‑nc‑pÄ X‑n§‑nb P‑oh‑nX¯‑nÂ‑, GI\‑mb‑v X‑oÀ¶‑p R‑m³ C‑u h‑n[¯‑nÂ‑'. s‑s‑I¯ïb‑n a‑qø‑qa‑me N‑pä‑n L\K‑m‑w`‑oc iЯ‑n ]‑mS‑n A`‑n\b‑n¨ AKÌ‑n³ `‑mKhXc‑ps‑S H‑mÀ½IÄ C¶‑p‑w a\Ê‑ne‑pï‑v. AÑs‑â s‑s‑I]‑nS‑n¨‑v \‑mSI‑w I‑mW‑m³ t‑]‑mbX‑p‑w ]‑n¶‑oS‑v hÀj§Ä¡‑v t‑ij‑w `‑mKhXc‑ps‑S ]‑p{‑X³ k‑m£‑m K‑m\KÔÀ Ƴ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑pa‑mb‑n N§‑m¯a‑mbX‑p‑w P‑oh‑nX¯‑ns‑e he‑nb k‑u`‑mK‑ya‑mb‑n K‑mbI\‑p‑w‑, k‑ma‑ql‑y {‑]hÀ¯I\‑p‑wI‑qS‑nBb t‑U‑mÎÀ IW¡‑m¡‑p¶‑p. k‑nU‑v\‑nb‑n t‑d‑m«d‑n CâÀ\‑mjW a‑oä‑n§‑n ]s‑¦S‑p¡‑m\‑p‑w aI³ t‑U‑m. {‑i‑oP‑n¯‑ns‑\ I‑mW‑m\‑p‑w F¯‑nb t‑U‑m.c‑m[‑mI‑rj‑vW³ s‑at‑{‑S‑m aeb‑mfh‑pa‑mb‑n ]¦‑ps‑h¨ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑pa‑mb‑pÅ k‑ul‑rZ‑m\‑p`h§Ä: Z‑mt‑k«\‑pa‑mb‑pÅ k‑ul‑rZ¯‑n Gäh‑p‑w BIÀj‑n¨s‑X´‑mW‑v? IeÀ¸‑nÃ‑m¯ k‑wK‑oXk‑vt‑\l‑w Xs‑¶. Hc‑p t‑j‑mb‑v¡‑v t‑hï‑n Bt‑±l‑w H¶‑p‑w s‑N¿‑md‑nÃ. k‑wK‑oX hg‑nIf‑ne‑qs‑S C¶‑p‑w Hc‑p ]T‑nX‑mh‑ns‑â e‑mf‑nX‑yt‑¯‑ms‑Sb‑mW‑v A‑t‑±l‑w \S¡‑p¶X‑v F¶‑v t‑X‑m¶‑nb‑n«‑pï‑v. I\‑mI‑m‑wK‑n F¶ c‑mK‑w a‑q¶‑v hÀjs‑¯ \‑nc´c ]c‑ni‑oe\¯‑ne‑qs‑S Bt‑±l‑w K‑rlØa‑m¡‑nbs‑X¶‑v t‑I«‑n«‑pï‑v. kK‑oXs‑¯ t‑\c‑w t‑]‑m¡‑ms‑bS‑p¡‑p¶ht‑c‑mS‑v Z‑mt‑k«³ X‑m¸c‑y‑w I‑mW‑n¡‑md‑nÃ. FÃ‑m hÀjh‑p‑w Z‑mt‑k«t‑\‑ms‑S‑m¸‑w b‑m{‑X s‑N¿‑md‑ps‑ï¶‑v t‑I«‑n«‑pï‑v? FÃ‑m hÀjh‑p‑w P\‑phc‑n 10 \‑v a‑qI‑m_‑nI t‑£{‑X¯‑n Z‑mt‑k«³ P³aZ‑n\‑w Bt‑L‑mj‑n¡‑m³ Bc‑m[It‑c‑ms‑S‑m¸‑w F¯‑nt‑Nc‑md‑pï‑v. k‑wK‑oXh‑p‑w‑, {‑]‑mÀ°\ b‑p‑w‑, k‑ul‑rZh‑p‑w H¯‑pt‑Nc‑p¶ Hc‑p ]X‑nh‑v k‑wKaa‑mWX‑v. s‑Ns‑s‑¶b‑n \S¡‑p¶ Hc‑pa‑mk‑w \‑oï‑p \‑n¡‑p¶ k‑wK‑oX k]


c‑yb‑ps‑S Ahk‑m\‑w s‑Ns‑s‑¶ A¿¸³ t‑I‑mh‑ne‑n \S¡‑p¶ It‑¨c‑n¡‑v t‑ija‑mW‑v a‑qI‑m_‑nIb‑ns‑e¯‑pI. a‑qI‑m_‑nIt‑Zh‑o t‑£{‑X¯‑n FÃ‑mhÀjh‑p‑w P³aZ‑n\ Z‑nhk‑w P\‑phc‑n10 \‑v N‑nehg‑n¡‑p¶ 48 aW‑n¡‑qÀ hc‑p¶ Hc‑p hÀjt‑¯¡‑pÅ d‑oN‑mÀP‑n§‑mb‑mW‑v Z‑mt‑k«³ IW¡‑m¡‑p¶X‑v. ]‑nd¶‑mÄ Z‑nhk‑w \S¡‑p¶ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v k‑wK‑ot‑X‑mÂkh¯‑n Z‑mk‑v i‑nj‑y³a‑mc‑p‑w‑, k‑pl‑rZ‑v K‑mbIc‑pt‑Sb‑p‑w Be‑m]\§Ä Dï‑mI‑p‑w. t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v i‑nj‑y³ I‑mª§‑m«‑v c‑maN{‑µ³ a‑mÌÀ X‑pS§‑n s‑h¨X‑mW‑v C‑u k‑wK‑ot‑X‑mÂkh‑w k‑pl‑r¯‑p¡Ä¡‑v kZ‑y h‑nf¼‑n‑, t‑Zh‑oka£‑w I‑oÀ¯\§Ä Be]‑n¨‑mW‑v aS§‑pI. s‑^{‑_‑phc‑n a‑mk‑w ]‑me¡‑mS‑v t‑I‑m«‑mb‑ns‑e ]‑mÀ°k‑mcY‑n t‑£{‑X¯‑ns‑e Bd‑m«‑v Z‑nhk‑w \S¡‑p¶ It‑¨c‑nb‑mW‑v a‑qI‑m_‑nIb‑ns‑e k‑wK‑oX‑mÀ¨\¡‑v t‑ij‑w Act‑§d‑p¶ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v k‑wK‑oX It‑¨c‑n. K‑pc‑p s‑Ns‑s‑¼ s‑s‑hZ‑y\‑mY `‑mKhXÀ¡‑pÅ AUGUST 2014

AÀ¨\b‑mW‑v CXv. a‑mÀ¨‑v 31 \‑mW‑v H‑mDt‑k¸‑nX‑mh‑ns‑â \‑mat‑[b¯‑ne‑pÅ FdW‑mI‑pfs‑¯ A[‑nI‑mc hf¸‑v ]Å‑nb‑ns‑e H¯‑pt‑NcÂ.. ]‑nX‑mh‑v AKÌ‑n³ `‑mKhXc‑ps‑S H‑mÀ½b‑n \S¡‑p¶ H¯‑pt‑Nce‑n FÃ‑mht‑c‑mS‑ps‑a‑m¸‑w D¨`£W‑w‑, k‑wK‑oX It‑¨c‑n. Ht‑Î‑m_À H¶‑n\‑v X‑nc‑ph´]‑pc¯‑v \S¡‑p¶ k‑qc‑y s‑^Ì‑nht‑e‑ms‑S k‑wK‑oX b‑m{‑X¡‑v ka‑m]\‑w. C‑u b‑m{‑Xb‑n Ig‑nª 22 hÀja‑mb‑n R‑m³ I‑qs‑Sb‑pï‑v.. C‑u b‑m{‑X Hc‑p X‑oÀ°‑mS\‑w Xs‑¶b‑mW‑v. k‑wK‑oX¯‑n\‑p‑w‑, k‑ul‑rZ

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¯‑n\‑p‑w‑, {‑]‑mÀ°\IÄ¡‑pa‑mb‑pÅ X‑oÀ°‑mS\‑w . t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v ]n³XpScp¶ C‑ui‑zch‑ni‑z‑mk‑w‑, aX]c-a‑mb I‑mg‑vN¸‑mS‑pIÄ F§s‑\ I‑mW‑p¶‑p? at‑XXcX‑z‑w cà¯‑n Ae‑nª‑p t‑NÀ¶‑n«‑pÅ h‑yà‑nX‑za‑mW‑v t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v. AX‑v ]‑nX‑mh‑v AKÌ‑n³ t‑P‑mk^‑v `‑mKhXc‑n \‑n¶‑v X‑pS§‑p¶‑p. GIs‑s‑Zh‑w F¶ h‑ni‑z‑mka‑mW‑v Bt‑±l‑w ]‑n³X‑pSc‑p¶X‑v. FÃ‑m Bc‑m[\ t‑I{‑µ§t‑fb‑p‑w ka`‑mh\t‑b‑ms‑Sb‑mW‑v I‑mW‑p¶X‑v. I‑mkÀt‑K‑mS‑v DÅ‑m a‑pÉ‑o‑w ] Å‑nb‑ne‑p‑w‑, a‑qI‑m_‑nIb‑ne‑p‑w‑, s‑Ns‑s‑¶b‑ns‑e A¿¸³ t‑I‑mh‑ne‑ne‑p‑w‑, FdW‑mI‑pfs‑¯ A[‑nI‑mchf¸‑ns‑e {‑I‑nk‑vX‑y³ t‑Zh‑meb¯‑ne‑p‑w‑, i_c‑naeb‑ne‑p‑w Z‑mt‑k«³ t‑\c‑ns‑«¯‑n k‑wK‑oX‑mÀ¨\ \S¯‑p¶X‑v CX‑v s‑I‑mï‑mW‑v. P³a‑w s‑I‑mï‑v {‑I‑nk‑vX‑y‑m\‑nb‑mb t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v

tro Malayalam

a‑qI‑m_‑nIt‑Zh‑o t‑£{‑X¯‑n FÃ‑mhÀjh‑p‑w P³aZ‑n\ Z‑nhk‑w P\‑phc‑n 10 \‑v N‑nehg‑n¡‑p¶ 48 aW‑n¡‑qÀ hc‑p¶ Hc‑p hÀjt‑¯¡‑pÅ d‑oN‑mÀP‑n§‑mb‑mW‑v Z‑mt‑k«³ IW¡‑m¡‑p¶X‑v.

KÔÀh k‑va‑rX‑nIÄ


tro Malayalam


i‑pZ‑mk‑v Bc‑mW‑v \‑n§Ä¡‑v? K‑m\KÔÀhs‑\¶‑v Hc‑p h‑m¡‑n D¯c‑w ]db‑m‑w. ]s‑£‑, t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v F¶ h‑yà‑n F\‑n¡‑v as‑ä‑m¶‑pI‑qS‑nb‑mW‑v. Fs‑¶ R‑m\‑m¡‑p¶ K‑rl‑mX‑pck‑vacWIf‑ps‑S Hc‑p `‑mKa‑mW‑v At‑±l‑w. _‑me‑yI‑me¯‑ns‑â X‑pS‑n¡‑p¶ DÃ‑mk§f‑nÂ‑, I‑ua‑mc¯‑ns‑â \‑nda‑pÅ k‑z]‑v\§f‑nÂ‑, b‑uÆ\¯‑ns‑â BÀ{‑Za‑mb I‑m¸\‑nIXIf‑n t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â k‑zc‑w Hf‑nª‑pI‑nS¸‑pï‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. I‑mb‑wI‑pf‑w ]«W¯‑ns‑â ]¨¸‑v \‑ndª B {‑K‑ma`‑wK‑nb‑ne‑mW‑v R‑m³ Fs‑â _‑me‑yh‑p‑w I‑ua‑mch‑p‑w s‑Nehg‑n¨X‑v. I‑mh‑pIf‑p‑w I‑pf§f‑p‑w ]‑mS§f‑p‑w t‑I‑mh‑ne‑pIf‑p‑w DÂkh§f‑p‑w \‑ndª‑, `‑qa‑nb‑ps‑S at‑\‑mlca‑mb Hc‑p `‑mKa‑mW‑v H‑mW‑m«‑pIcb‑ps‑S aÀ½`‑mKa‑mb I‑mb‑wI‑pfh‑p‑w {‑]‑m´{‑]t‑Zi§f‑p‑w. KÔÀh IY‑mI‑mc³ ]ßc‑mPs‑â P• t‑Zia‑mb a‑pX‑pI‑pfh‑p‑w CX‑nÂs‑¸S‑p¶‑p. t‑I‑mh‑ne‑pIf‑n \‑n¶‑pÅ `à‑nK‑m\§f‑m a‑pJc‑nXa‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p A¶s‑¯ {‑]`‑mX§f‑p‑w {‑]t‑Z‑mj§f‑p‑w. ]‑mS¯‑n\¡s‑cb‑pÅ t‑Zh‑ot‑£{‑X¯‑n \‑n¶‑p‑w Ah‑yàa‑mb‑n t‑IÄ¡‑p¶ `à‑nK‑m\§Ä t‑IÄ¡‑pt‑¼‑mÄ a\Ê‑n Hc‑p hÃ‑m¯ I‑pf‑nÀ½ A\‑p`hs‑¸«‑nc‑p¶‑p. AX‑pt‑]‑ms‑e‑, h‑rÝ‑nIa‑mk‑w X‑pS§‑pt‑¼‑mÄ AbÂ]¡s‑¯ h‑o«‑ns‑e I‑pS‑p‑w_t‑£{‑X¯‑n i‑mk‑vX‑mk‑vX‑pX‑nIÄ Dbc‑p‑w. Ah Gä‑p]‑mS‑p¶X‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p Fs‑â {‑][‑m\ Cã§f‑n H¶‑v. 85þ-90 If‑n ]‑pd¯‑nd§‑nb GX‑mï‑v FÃ‑m s‑s‑lµh `à‑nK‑m\§f‑p‑w F\‑n¡‑v l‑rZ‑nØa‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. F\‑n¡‑v Ahb‑n H«‑pa‑p¡‑m K‑m\§f‑p‑w {‑]‑nbXca‑mb‑n a‑md‑nbX‑n\‑v Hc‑p I‑mcWt‑a Dï‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑pÅ‑q. Ahs‑bÃ‑m‑w `à‑nk‑m{‑µa‑mb‑n ]‑mS‑nb‑nc‑p¶X‑v K‑m\KÔÀh³ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v Bb‑nc‑p¶‑p. At‑X. Fs‑â K‑rl‑mX‑pc k‑vacWIf‑ps‑S X‑pS¡‑w t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â K‑m\§f‑ne‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. C¶‑p‑w‑, _‑me‑y¯‑ns‑e H‑mÀ½Is‑f¡‑pd‑n¨‑v Bs‑c¦‑ne‑p‑w Ft‑¶‑mS‑v t‑N‑mZ‑n¨‑mÂ‑, a\Ê‑ns‑â ]‑n¶‑m¼‑pd§f‑ns‑eh‑ns‑St‑b‑m ‑'K‑wKb‑md‑v ]‑nd¡‑p¶‑p...‑' F¶ K‑m\‑w a‑pg§‑p¶X‑v F\‑n¡‑v t‑IÄ¡‑m‑w. A{‑Xt‑¯‑mfa‑pï‑v Fs‑â a[‑pck‑va‑rX‑nIf‑n K‑m\KÔÀhs‑â


jm_p tXmakv

iÐh‑oN‑nIf‑ps‑S k‑z‑m[‑o\‑w. _‑me‑y¯‑ne‑p‑w I‑ua‑mc¯‑ne‑p‑w kÔ‑yb‑v¡‑v Bdcb‑v¡‑pÅ Ne¨‑n{‑XK‑m\§Ä Bl‑mc‑w t‑]‑ms‑e s‑s‑Z\‑wZ‑n\ P‑oh‑nX¯‑ns‑â Hc‑p `‑mKa‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. As‑¶‑ms‑¡ ]‑m«‑v F¶‑p] dª‑m t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v Bb‑nc‑p¶‑p. As‑æ‑n P‑m\I‑n. Cc‑pÄh‑oW k‑mb´\§f‑n a‑pä¯‑nc‑p¶‑v t‑I«‑n«‑pÅ ‑'Bb‑nc‑w I‑mX‑w AIs‑eb‑ms‑W¦‑ne‑p‑w...‑'‑, ‑'K‑pc‑ph‑mbc¼e \ Sb‑nÂ...‑' ‑'\‑nX‑yh‑ni‑p²b‑m‑w I\‑y‑mad‑nbt‑a...‑' F¶‑o ]‑m«‑pIf‑ps‑S `à‑nk‑m{‑µX C¶‑p‑w a\Ê‑n AebS‑n¡‑p¶‑p. GX‑v aX¯‑nt‑âX‑mb‑me‑p‑w‑, `‑mhk‑pµca‑mb‑n `à‑nK‑m\§Ä Be]‑n¡‑m³ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑nt‑\‑mf‑w Ig‑nh‑v C¶‑p‑w BÀ¡‑pa‑nÃ. k‑vt‑\l{‑]h‑ml‑w‑, k‑vt‑\l{‑]X‑oI‑w‑, X‑pfk‑oX‑oÀ°‑w‑, ab‑n¸‑oe‑n A§s‑\ Hc‑p]‑ms‑S‑mc‑p]‑mS‑v `à‑nK‑m\ BÂ_§f‑mW‑v \‑nÀ½ea‑mb I‑pt‑dt‑bs‑d {‑]`‑mX§f‑p‑w {‑] t‑Z‑mj§f‑p‑w F\‑n¡‑v k½‑m\‑n¨X‑v. s‑s‑lk‑v¡‑qÄ I‑meL«¯‑ne‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p KÄ^‑ne-‑pÅ s‑I‑m¨¨³ R§Äs‑¡‑mc‑p Ì‑oc‑nt‑b‑m k½‑m\‑n¨X‑v. N‑ph¶ \‑nd¯‑ne‑pÅ‑, ]‑m\‑mt‑k‑mW‑n¡‑ns‑â Hc‑p Ì‑oc‑nt‑b‑m. I‑qs‑S S‑n.U‑n.s‑I. b‑ps‑S 90 a‑n\‑nä‑ns‑â cï‑v H‑mU‑nt‑b‑m I‑ms‑kä‑pIf‑p‑w. R‑m\X‑phs‑c t‑I«‑n«‑nÃ‑m¯ t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â 70þ-80 If‑ns‑e I‑ps‑d \à ]‑m«‑pIÄ. At‑X‑ms‑Sb‑mW‑v K‑m\KÔÀhs‑â ]gb ]‑m«‑pIÄ¡‑mb‑pÅ t‑h« R‑m³ Bc‑w`‑n¡‑p¶X‑v. A§s‑\s‑b‑mc‑p t‑h«b‑ps‑S IY C¶‑p‑w R‑m³ H‑mÀ½‑n¡‑p¶‑p. KÄ^‑v BØ‑m\a‑mb‑pÅ t‑X‑m‑wk¬ F¶ BU‑nt‑b‑m- h‑oU‑nt‑b‑m I‑ms‑kä‑v I¼\‑n U‑nP‑nä s‑dt‑¡‑mÀU‑n‑wK‑v Bc`‑n¨‑n«‑v Cd¡‑nb BZ‑ys‑¯ aeb‑mf‑w I‑ms‑kä‑ns‑â t‑]c‑v ‑'t‑K‑mÄU³ t‑h‑mb‑nk‑v H‑m^‑v t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v‑' F¶‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. 80--þ85 If‑n t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v ]‑mS‑nb Gäh‑p‑w \à I‑ps‑d K‑m\§f‑ps‑S Hc‑p ka‑ml‑mc‑w. t‑X‑m‑wk¬ F‑w.F‑w._‑n. H¶‑v‑, AX‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p I‑ms‑kä‑v \¼À. GX‑mï‑v 18 ]‑m«‑pIt‑f‑mf‑w DÅ 90 a‑n\‑nä‑ns‑â Hc‑p I‑ms‑kä‑v. k‑n.U‑n. a‑md‑n\‑n¡‑p¶ Xc¯‑ne‑pÅ s‑dt‑¡‑mÀU‑n‑wK‑v \‑neh‑mca‑pï‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p AX‑n\‑v. C‑u I‑ms‑kä‑v R‑m³ BZ‑ya‑mb‑n I‑mW‑p¶X‑v Fs‑â k‑pl‑r¯‑mb AbÂh‑mk‑nb‑ps‑S s‑s‑Ib‑ne‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. B K‑m\ka‑ml‑mc‑w AUGUST 2014

tro Malayalam

k‑uI‑pa‑mc‑y‑w H¶‑ps‑I‑mï‑pa‑m{‑Xa‑mW‑v C‑u ]‑m«‑pIs‑f‑ms‑¡ C{‑Xt‑¯‑mf‑w l‑rZ‑ya‑mI‑p¶X‑v. At‑¸‑mÄ \‑n§f‑n ]ec‑p‑w t‑N‑mZ‑n¡‑p ¶‑pï‑mh‑p‑w‑, AÀ°k¼‑pãa‑mb hc‑nIÄ¡‑p‑w a\Ê‑ns‑\ ab¡‑p¶ k‑wK‑oX¯‑n\‑p‑w t‑a¸dªX‑n HchI‑mih‑p‑w Ct‑à F¶‑v. X‑oÀ¨b‑mb‑p‑w Dï‑v. F¶‑m \Ãhc‑nIf‑p‑w k‑wK‑oXh‑p‑w Dï‑mb‑n«‑p‑w Hc‑n¡Â t‑]‑me‑p‑w \½Ä a‑qf‑m¯ Hc‑p]‑mS‑v ]‑m«‑pIf‑pï‑v. F´‑ps‑I‑mï‑mW‑v \½‑ps‑S H‑mÀ½If‑n B K‑m\§Ä CÃ‑m¯X‑v? D¯c‑w \‑nÊ‑mc‑w. AX‑ps‑I‑mï‑v ]db‑p¶‑nÃ. Hc‑pZ‑mlcW‑w ] db‑m‑w. Aac‑w F¶ k‑n\‑nab‑n ‑'Agt‑I‑' F¶‑pX‑pS§‑p¶ K‑m\‑w. Agt‑I F¶‑v t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v ]‑mS‑pt‑¼‑mÄ {‑]‑nbs‑¸«ht‑f‑mS‑pÅ k‑vt‑\l‑w a‑pg‑ph³ Bh‑ml‑ns‑¨S‑p¯ AX‑niàa‑mb Hc‑p h‑nI‑mc‑w At‑±l¯‑ns‑â B k‑zc¯‑n a‑pg§‑p¶X‑pt‑IÄ¡‑m‑w . C¶‑p‑w‑, Hä K‑m\t‑afb‑nt‑e‑m d‑nb‑me‑nä‑n t‑j‑mIf‑nt‑e‑m ‑'Agt‑I‑' F¶‑v A{‑Xt‑a h‑nI‑mcX‑o{‑hXt‑b‑ms‑S Bc‑p‑w ]‑mS‑n t‑I«‑n«‑nÃ‑, t‑IÄ¡‑m\‑p‑w t‑]‑mI‑p¶‑nÃ. AX‑mW‑v KÔÀhk‑zc¯‑ns‑â a‑ml‑mß‑y‑w. ]db‑m³ Hc‑p]‑mS‑pï‑v. ]s‑£ ] c‑na‑nX‑nIÄ DÅX‑n\‑m D]k‑wlc‑n¡‑pIb‑mW‑v. t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v aeb‑mf‑nb‑ps‑S k‑zI‑mc‑y Al¦‑mc‑w Bs‑W¶‑pÅ ]X‑nh‑v ¢‑ot‑j h‑mNI‑w BhÀ¯‑n ¡‑p¶‑nÃ. F¦‑ne‑p‑w‑, GX‑v \‑y‑q P\t‑dj³ P‑oh‑nb‑ms‑W¦‑ne‑p‑w C ‑ u Z‑p\‑nb‑mh‑ns‑e aeb‑mf‑nb‑mb Gs‑X‑mc‑p k‑wK‑oXt‑{‑] a‑nb‑ps‑S ]¡e‑p‑w t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑ns‑â Hc‑p ]‑ms‑«¦‑ne‑p‑w Dï‑mh‑p‑w. AX‑pd¸‑mW‑v. Hc‑p ic‑mic‑n t‑Icf‑obs‑â P‑oh‑nX¯‑ns‑â ` ‑ m K a ‑ m W ‑ v t‑bi‑pZ‑mk‑v F¶ K‑m\KÔÀh³.


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tro Malayalam

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as‑ä‑mc‑p LS-I‑w. Gg‑p-k‑z-c-§f‑p‑w‑, c‑ma-I-Yb‑p‑w‑, {‑]a-Z-h-\h‑p‑w‑, lc‑n-a‑p-c-f‑o-c-hh‑p-s‑a‑ms‑¡ P\k©b‑w Gs‑ä-S‑p-¯X‑v C‑u e‑mf‑n-X‑yh‑p‑w i_‑vZ-k‑p-Jh‑p‑w sIm−mW‑v. t‑IÄh‑n-¡‑m-c‑pa‑mb‑n Ff‑p-¸-¯‑n N§‑m¯‑w Ø‑m]‑n-¡‑p¶ Hc‑p K‑m\-[‑m-c-b‑m-W‑n-X‑v. GX‑p Xc-¯‑n-e‑pÅ Bk‑z‑m-Z-I\‑p‑w Hc‑p-a‑n-¨‑m-k‑z-Z‑n-¡‑ph‑m³ ]‑mI-¯‑n k‑wK‑o-X-k‑z‑m-X-{‑´‑y-¯‑ns‑â Hc‑p he‑nb ]‑mX At‑±l‑w k‑rj‑vS‑n-s‑¨-S‑p-¯‑p. k‑wK‑oX `‑mjb‑p‑w Be‑m-]-\h‑p‑w X½‑n-e‑pÅ t‑£{‑X KW‑n-X-§Ä Ch‑ns‑S Ag‑n-¨‑p-]-W‑n-bs‑¸-S‑p-I-b‑m-W‑v. kÀK s‑s‑h`h‑w‑, i‑mk‑v{‑X‑ob k‑wK‑oX A`‑yk\‑w‑, s‑s‑Zh‑w I\‑nª‑p \ÂI‑nb i_‑vZ k‑u`K‑w F¶‑nhb‑p‑w k‑wK‑o-Xt‑¯‑m-S‑pÅ AS-§‑m¯ A`‑n-\‑n-t‑h-ih‑p‑w‑, AÀ¸-Wh‑p‑w A¨-S-¡h‑p‑w t‑bi‑p-Z‑m-k‑ns‑\ t‑bi‑p-Z‑m-k‑m-¡‑p-¶‑p. D¯-t‑c-´‑y³ k‑wK‑oX k‑wh‑n-[‑m-b-I\‑p‑w P•\‑m AÔ-\‑p-a‑mb ch‑o-{‑µ- P-b‑n³ C{‑]-I‑mc‑w ]d-ª‑p‑, Fs‑â I®-‑pIÄ¡‑v Fs‑¶-¦‑ne‑p‑w I‑mg‑vN X‑nc‑n¨‑p I‑n«‑p-I-b‑m-s‑W-¦‑n R‑m\‑mZ‑y‑w I‑mW‑m-\‑m{‑K-l‑n-¡‑pI ]Ic‑w s‑hb‑v¡‑m-\‑n-Ã‑m¯ C‑u i_‑vZ-¯‑n-\‑p-S-a-b‑m-b t‑b-ip-Z‑m-k‑n-s‑\-b‑m-b‑nc‑n¡‑p‑w. I‑me‑w C\‑n-b‑p-a‑p-c‑p-f‑p‑w. h‑nj‑ph‑p‑w‑, hÀjh‑p‑w‑, X‑nc‑p-t‑h‑m-Wh‑p‑w hc‑p‑w. B I‑ps‑¯‑m-g‑p-¡‑n Bs‑c‑ms‑¡ h‑nk‑va‑r-X‑n-b‑n Bï‑p-t‑]‑m-b‑m-e‑p‑w- k‑q-c‑y³ I¯‑n-\‑n¡‑p¶ I‑me-t‑¯‑mf‑w Z‑mt‑k-«s‑â k‑wK‑oX‑w l‑rZ-bk‑m-Kc-§s‑f ]‑mS‑n-b‑p-WÀ¯‑n-s‑I‑m-t‑ï-b‑n-c‑n¡‑p‑w.


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tro Malayalam

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tro Malayalam


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The world car of Audi A3 The ‘Oscar’ of the car industry 'The World Car Of The Year 2014' award was bagged by Audi A3 - the junior luxury car from Audi.


tro Malayalam


udi, the premium brand owned by Volkswagen group is working hard these days to fill in all the possible segments in the luxury car market. The first and the second generations of Audi A3 were launched in 1996 and 2003 respectively , but these models were only available as hatchback(sportback) and convertible models. It was in 2013 that Audi launched its first sedan on the third generation of the A3. It is quite evident that the company was compelled to make this entry level sedan to compete with the CLA from Mercedes and other European rivals like the Volvo S60. The A3 is a small stylish sedan almost the size of a Honda Civic or a Mitsubishi Lancer. Audi sticks to the VW strategy of keeping their car designs simple and elegant. A3 has borrowed the styling cues from the big brothers A4 and A6, especially the headlights and the large hexagonal grills and this makes you easily go wrong in identifying these cars on a traffic signal. Even though the car is based on the A3 hatch, the integration of the boot to this junior sedan is a miracle of design that gives the car clean lines on its side profile and a traditional three box shape. The lip spoiler treatment of


Dr.Sreejith Radhakrishnan

the boot lid and sharp narrow tail lights makes the car look smart from the rear end. The signature LEDs in the front and the rear makes the car an eye catching piece like any other Audi in our streets. Once you step inside, you realize that the space inside the car is obviously lesser than the Audi A4 or BMW 3 series. The design of the dash board is clean and minimalistic, however the overall texture of the materials used and the quality of the switch gears and buttons are pretty upmarket. The circular air vents and the pop-up LCD screen makes the dash look fresh and sporty. The high tech MMI(MultiMedia Interface) includes the 7 inch high resolution screen, touch pad with handwriting recognition and also has voice recognition(like Siri on iPhone) which can be used for navigation and to play your favourite tracks from your smart phone. Then there is the optional ‘Audi connect’, - the intelligent internet access and wi-fi hotspot inside the car which supports all Google applications and social media like Facebook. Very thoughtful storage spaces and the addition of air con vents to the rear passengers AUGUST 2014

the year 2014 are really impressive. The rear seats are comfortable for two adults on short trips; however the head room and leg room might feel insufficient on a long journey. The car's boot has 425 litres of storage space which can be expanded to 880 litres by folding down the rear seats. The BMWs have always wowed us with their fun to drive factor, but the Audi A3 will definitely alter our attitude towards this brand. Settle into the driver’s seat, and the car will pamper you with its near perfect ergonomics of a driver oriented car. We believe that the engineers at Audi have done a commendable and meticulous job in providing the best combination of control and comfort. The baby sedan has very precise handling, impressive body control and an exceptional ride quality .The icing on the cake is the "Audi drive select" that sets up the car tuned to your driving moods. Audi A3 is available on a wide range of petrol and diesel engines mated to either manual or S-tronic automatic gear box. The quick gear shift supported by the dual clutch transmission and the paddle shifts make the car extremely desirable for a driving enthusiast. Audi is also

developing a plug in hybrid variant named as A3 e-tron. The pinnacle of A3 line up will be the S3,which has a turbocharged 2 litre petrol engine under the hood. Audi Australia offers a lot of personalization of your A3 as per your passion and the amount of moolah you want to spend on your car.You can opt for a list of safety features like lane assist and adaptive cruise control. The drive away price of the A3 sedan ranges from 43,000 AUD to 60,000AUD in NSW,and the price of S3 starts at around 70,000 AUD. Audi India has announced that the A3 sedan will be launched in India in August 2014. The price is expected to be around 30 lakh rupees .Audi is expecting the new A3 to be a large volume product that will top the sales chart around the world particularly in countries like India and China and also in the USA.

• 1.8 TFSI Petrol - 4 Cylinder direct injection turbo charged engine with all wheel drive (quattro) as an option. Power 132 KW > 0-100 km/hr in 7.3 secs/6.8 secs(quattro) > Avg consumption 5.6 litres/100 kms > 6.6 litres/100 kms(quattro) • 2.0 Turbo Diesel - 4 cylinder turbo charged diesel engine. Power 110KW > 0-100 km/hr in 8.4 secs > Avg consumption 4.5 litres/100 km. Metro motoring recommendation : 1.8 TFSI petrol Auto

Likes • Elegant Design- the car looks bigger than it actually is. • Quality and equipment list on par with top end luxury cars. • Engines- Powerful,fuel efficient and refined. Dislikes • Cramped passenger space in the rear seat. • Narrow opening of the boot makes loading a bit tricky. • Conservative design- lacks the style statement of Merc-CLA.


• 1.4 TFSI Petrol - 4 cylinder engine with cylinder on demand technology.It runs on two cylinder as well as four cylinder as per requirement and there by saves fuel. Power 103 KW. > 0- 100km/hr in 8.4 secs > Avg consumption 4.7 litres/100 kms

tro Malayalam

A3 Engine variants




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tro Malayalam

Ig‑p¯‑n N‑pä‑nb ]‑m¼‑p‑w



DÅ‑q. b‑m{‑Xb‑n DS\‑of‑w k‑n\‑na‑mK‑m\§Ä Be]‑n¡‑pIb‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p k‑n±‑oJ‑p‑w‑, A\‑q]‑v i¦d‑p‑w‑, a‑rZ‑pe‑m h‑mc‑yc‑p‑w. FÃ‑mhc‑p‑w ]gbK‑m\§f‑p‑w AS‑ns‑]‑mf‑n K‑m\§f‑p‑w aÂk c‑n¨‑me]‑n¡‑pIb‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p.

I¦‑mc‑p¡f‑p‑w‑, I‑nf‑nIf‑p‑w‑, ab‑ne‑p‑w‑, Fa‑pIf‑p‑w‑, s‑I‑mh‑meIf‑p‑w AW‑n \‑nc¶ Ddp¼nd ]‑mÀ¡‑ns‑e k‑z‑oIcW‑w FÃ‑mhÀ¡‑p‑w Gs‑d Cãs‑¸«‑p. ]‑mÀ¡‑ns‑e I‑mÀ¸ä‑v s‑s‑]¯¬ ]‑m¼‑ns‑\

Iït‑X DÅ‑q. Xs‑â I¿‑n \‑n¶‑v ^‑oU‑n§‑v IhÀ X«‑n¸d‑nt‑¨‑mS‑nb I¦‑mc‑p ]¿s‑\ H‑mS‑n¨‑n«‑v ]‑nS‑n¡‑m³ {‑ia‑n¡‑p¶ \h‑mk‑ns‑â {‑] IS\‑w N‑nc‑n¡‑v hI \ ÂI‑n. N‑mS‑n N‑mS‑n \‑o§‑p¶ I¦‑mc‑ph‑n\‑p ]‑pdt‑a

CX‑n\‑ns‑S I‑pª‑p§s‑f k‑q£‑n¡‑p¶ I¦‑mc‑phnsâ ]‑u¨‑v Is‑ï¯‑m\‑pÅ t‑I‑m«b‑w \k‑od‑ns‑â {‑ia‑w s‑Nd‑nb k‑wLÀj¯‑ne‑mW‑v Ie‑mi‑n¨X‑v..‑! Xs‑â ic‑oc¯‑n A\‑mhi‑ya‑mb‑n k‑v]Ài‑n¨ \k‑od‑ns‑\ A½ I¦‑mc‑p Nh‑n«‑n s‑Xd‑n¸‑n¡‑pI b‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p F¶‑mW‑v C‑u c‑wK‑w Iï S‑oa‑ns‑e N‑neÀ ]dª‑v t‑I«X‑v‑! Ic‑na‑pI‑n I‑m«‑ns‑e‑, s‑Set‑^‑m¬ aW‑nt‑]‑mÂ‑, Id‑p¸‑n\ gI‑v‑, Bk‑vt‑{‑Se‑nbb‑ns‑e t‑{‑Kä‑v H‑mj‑y³ s‑s‑{‑Uh‑n N‑n{‑X‑oIc‑n¨ I‑mXeÀ Z‑n\¯‑ns‑e F¶ h‑nfb‑mS‑n Xa‑ng‑v K‑m\‑w. ]‑m«‑p‑w‑, kÃ‑m]h‑p‑w‑, DÃ‑mkh‑p‑w \‑ndª Ì‑mÀs‑s‑\ä‑v S‑o‑w t‑U H‑u«‑v.

X‑mt‑e‑me‑n¡‑m\‑p‑w‑, Ig‑p¯‑n N‑pä‑m\‑p‑w h‑n\‑oX‑p‑w a‑rZ‑pe h‑mc‑yc‑p‑w aS‑nI‑mW‑n¨‑nÃ. Fs‑´‑ms‑¡ ]dª‑me‑p‑w ]‑m¼‑v hÀKt‑¯‑mS‑pÅ k‑ul‑rZ¯‑ns‑\s‑¶ I‑n«‑ns‑ö‑v Dds‑¡ {‑] J‑y‑m]‑n¨ `‑mh\ I‑mÀ¸ä‑v s‑s‑]¯¬ h‑n\‑oX‑ns‑â Ig‑p¯‑n\‑p N‑pä‑p‑w AÅ‑n ]‑nS‑n¨‑nc‑n¡‑p¶X‑v a‑md‑n \‑n¶‑v

I¦‑mc‑p N‑m«‑w N‑mS‑nb‑mW‑v \h‑mk‑p‑w H‑mS‑p¶X‑v. KX‑y´ca‑nÃ‑ms‑X X«‑n]d‑n¨ X‑oäs‑]‑mX‑n DSa¡‑v X‑nc‑n¨‑p \ÂI‑n I¦‑mc‑p k‑pÃ‑n«‑p. CX‑n\‑ns‑S I‑pª‑p§s‑f k‑q£‑n¡‑p¶ I¦‑mc‑phnsâ ]‑u¨‑v Is‑ï¯‑m\‑pÅ t‑I‑m«b‑w \k‑od‑ns‑â {‑ia‑w s‑Nd‑nb k‑wLÀj¯‑ne‑mW‑v Ie‑mi‑n¨X‑v..‑! Xs‑â

ic‑oc¯‑n A\‑mhi‑ya‑mb‑n k‑v]Ài‑n¨ \k‑od‑ns‑\ A½I¦‑mc‑p Nh‑n«‑n s‑Xd‑n¸‑n¡‑pIb‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p F¶‑mW‑v C‑u c‑wK‑w Iï S‑oa‑ns‑e N‑neÀ ] dª‑v t‑I«X‑v‑! b‑m{‑X¡‑ns‑S h‑nÎÀ l‑mÀ_d‑ns‑e s‑I. F^‑v.k‑n.b‑n Ibd‑nb X‑mc k‑wL¯‑n\‑v t‑hï‑n P‑oh\¡‑mc‑pa‑mb‑n C‑w¥‑oj‑v t‑]i‑nb \k‑oÀ A£c‑mÀ°¯‑n FÃ‑mht‑cb‑p‑w AX‑v`‑pXs‑] S‑p¯‑p¶ {‑]IS\a‑mW‑v I‑mg‑vNs‑h¨X.‑v A©‑v a‑n\‑pt‑«‑mf‑w h‑mt‑X‑mc‑ms‑X P‑oh\¡‑mc‑pa‑mb‑n kÃ]‑n¨ \k‑oÀ R‑m³ FÃ‑m‑w ] dª‑n«‑ps‑ï¶ `‑mh¯‑n h¶‑nc‑p¶‑p. FÃ‑m‑w t‑I«‑v A´‑n¨‑v \‑n¶ P‑oh\¡‑mc³ I‑qs‑Sb‑pÅ Bt‑c‑ms‑S‑m t‑N‑mZ‑n¨s‑{‑X what language he was speaking ? Ddp¼nd ]‑mÀ¡‑n \‑n¶‑v s‑s‑a s‑]‑m§ t‑d‑mU‑v hg‑n BÂU‑n§ _‑o¨‑nt‑e¡‑pÅ b‑m{‑X.. Hc‑p hi¯‑v ISe‑p‑w‑, ad‑phi¯‑v ae\‑ncIf‑p‑w. I‑mg‑vNIÄ Bk‑zZ‑n¨‑v \‑o§‑p¶ S‑o‑w A‑wK§Ä.. {‑] t‑Zi¯‑ns‑â {‑]t‑X‑yIXIÄ

t‑N‑mZ‑n¨d‑nb‑p¶ k‑n±‑oJ‑v.. H‑u«‑n X‑mc§t‑f‑ms‑S‑m¸‑w _‑o¨‑ns‑e¯‑nb X‑mc§Ä Dï‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. Ah‑ns‑S Dï‑mb‑nc‑p¶ Courtesy: a‑o³ ]‑nS‑p¯¡‑mt‑c‑mS‑v Adelaide Events N§‑m¯‑w I‑qS‑n. C´‑yb‑n Photos by: Shaiju - Olive \‑ns‑¶¯‑nb k‑n\‑na X‑mc§f‑mW‑v F¶d‑nªt‑¸‑m Photography, Adelaide. Video: Dennis - Inarto Media. AhÀ¡‑v AX‑v`‑pXh‑p‑w BZch‑p‑w.. s‑Nd‑nb t‑j‑m¸‑n§‑p‑w‑, t‑^‑mt‑«‑m s‑kj\‑p‑w Ig‑nª‑v aS¡ b‑m{‑X. X§Ä¡‑v k‑vt‑\l]‑qÀÆ s‑a‑mc‑p¡‑nb t‑U H‑u«‑n\v \µ‑n {‑]I‑mi‑n¸‑n¡‑m³ Soanse Bc‑p‑w aS‑nI‑mW‑n¨‑nÃ. "Châ‑vk‑v S‑os‑a¶ \‑neb‑n AUs‑s‑eU‑v Châ‑vk‑n\‑v he‑nb k‑m[‑yXI‑f‑mW‑v DÅX‑v. \‑n§Ä R§Ä¡‑v \ÂI‑nb k‑vt‑\l k‑ul‑rZ§Ä¡‑v Hc‑mb‑nc‑w \µ‑n." S‑o‑w e‑oUÀ k‑n±‑oJ‑v ]dª‑p. AUs‑s‑eU‑v Châ‑vk‑v S‑o‑w A‑wK§f‑mb t‑]‑mf‑n ]d¡‑mS³‑, t‑S‑m‑w X‑mW‑n¡Â‑, \‑nI‑vk¬ t‑e‑m\‑m¨³‑, _‑nP‑p t‑P‑mk^‑v‑, h‑na Z‑mk‑v F¶‑nhc‑p‑w‑, s‑s‑jP‑pHe‑nh‑v t‑^‑mt‑«‑m{‑K^‑n‑, s‑U¶‑ok‑v- C\‑mÀt‑«‑m aoUnb F¶‑nhc‑p‑w t‑U



Elegy for a race horse Aaliyah Karott

One hundred and seventy six; 11 years Perth I wish I could hide! I took on this challenge… with great pride, with my worried friends at my side. These humans; they trained me… to win this race, and now my legs, a big disgrace. Today’s the day the race begins, I start to trot on sticks like pins… My hopes are up; but the pain won’t stop. Suddenly my bones start to pop… now I realise this is the trot of death; the trot I dread. “Farewell Now” was the last words I said. Note: This is an elegy for a horse that competed and won a famous race against a camel (over the 176 kilometres from Bourke to Wanaaring). The horse later died of strain the day after the race! Is there really any winner at the end? I wonder with sorrow.


tro Malayalam

With my fine skin I trot with speed… Unlike the furry dogs on leads; I may seem free, yet I am not. For human beings indeed I trot… they sit on my back with great pride … with excitement on my back they ride. At the end of the race; the exhaustion I bear… how could they? ….these humans… this just isn’t fair!!! In case you didn’t figure that… I’m a horse; I am a horse on a riding course. I’m forced… to trot down the riding track; then gallop with speed to the golden shackbut don’t think too negative; it’s not that bad; it’s very exciting… of that I am glad. At this riding course I meet new friends, we trot together around the bends. I’ll tell you of these friends of mine, with them my life will be just fine; there’s Shaggy and then Livie too, the three of us together we grew. For me a challenge was set indeed, to race a camel with great speed. Oh, so many kilometres to ride…





Flown Away I

Age 13 Adelaide

alone. For many years my life seemed complete. The constant sound of my children, their innocence, all made the world seem perfect. They were no longer my babies, I was not the one helping them into bed, it was them, carrying out of wheelchair, tucking me in and kissing me me good night. I was a burden and It was time for them to depart, set out and discover the world. Tears rush down my eyes as I remember my son turn for the last time before he departed. As I turn to look away from the sadness of the world, from the corner of my eye, I spot a young lady, dressed in black, walking, carrying flowers. Death was something that still haunted my life. I still remember the first time my eyes caught Jeffery. He was handsome, tall and smart, and from that first glimpse I knew he was to be mine. Over the years we spent much happiness together, our love grew stronger as the years went by. We watched each other grow, his thick, black hair, slowly turning to the colour of snow; the changes of life never bought us apart, for our love was much more. The final memories of him, lying beside on on the hospital bed clutching his arms watching him closing his eyes one last time. I sit here at Jane Mary old age home, alone. I was like a rock. The birds came, sat and shared many memories with me, now I was a desolate, waiting, waiting for another bird to swoop down and be beside me.


tro Malayalam

sat there, my wrinkled hand placed on the handles of my trusty blue wheelchair. All was dark, apart from the thin rays of sunlight, which entered the room from the gaps in the tainted window, which I sat beside. I was one with no identity, all that made me was the past. The sagging lines of skin on my forehead, a memory of the worry, despair and uncertainty of my youth. Likewise, the dents on the corner of my cracked lips, the joys and happiness of life, the bulging veins on the sides of my face, the anxiety and anger, a constant reminder of the darkness that consumed my life. All this that made me, seemed insignificant, as though I was forgotten. Through the eyes of everyone else, I was just one of many that lived in this building. As I look out the window, I hear the sweet sound of laughter; a couple with young children walked down the street, peace and happiness filled my heart as I reminisce on the past. All those days carrying young Julia and Jacob in my arms, watching them discover the joys of the world. Running around the park, the wind blowing through their hair, screaming with glee, the sound of their happiness made all the worries of life seem unimportant. As long as they were there my life was complete. I stare down at the foot path below me, a weary looking mother and son stood there, their faces twisted in shapes of anger, the once silent street was now filled with hate. Their voices competing for power. Suddenly all was silent. The son ran, down the street, tears flowing from his eyes, away from his anxious mother. She fell to the ground clutching her head, she, like me, was now

Cyril Saji





Dum Ka Murgh On Bbq Jomesh Thomas, Wollongong

Dum Cooking


This is a slow-cooking method dating back to early sixteenth century . Dum cooking was introduced to India by Mughal. Dum cooking uses a round, heavy – bottomed pot thickwalled pot , in which food is tightly sealed and cooked over a very low flame for longer peroid of time. The lid of the pot is sealed tight with dough .The sealing of the lid of the pot with dough achieves maturing .In this style of cooking herbs and spices play an extremely critical role. The process of slow roasting gently release maximum flavour's.. Cooking slowly in its juices, the food retains all its natural aromas and becomes saturated with the richness of flavors that distinguishes the dish. Dum Ka Chicken is a popular Hyderabadi dish and is very rich , aromatic and flavourful dish; chicken cooked in its own juices combined with lot of spices in slow cooking method.

Chicken Drumstick or Maryland [ skin removed] 1kg Cashew Nut [unsalted]: 100gm [make a paste] Brown Onion: 4 no [medium size, chopped to thin slices & fried in vegetable oil till golden brown colour ] Plain Natural Yogurt: 1 cup Ginger Garlic Paste: 1 tbsp Green Chilli Paste: 2 tbsp Tomato Puree: 2 tbsp Chilli Powder: 1tbsp Cinnamon Sticks: 3 no Green Cardamom: 4 no Cloves: 5 no Bay Leaves: 3 no Shahi Jeera: 1/2 tbsp Coriander Powder: 1/2 tbsp Cumin Powder: 1/2 tbsp Turmeric Powder: 1/4 tbsp Mint & Corriander Leaves:1 bunch each chopped Salt to taste Lime Juice: 1 tbsp Vegetable Oil: 2 tbsp [same oil used to fry onion ]

Preparation time : 30 minutes Marination time : 1 Hour in the fridge [longer the better] Cooking time : 90 minutes


tro Malayalam

Cooking Method 1. Take a cooking pot [Dutch Oven is the best] one having a heavy base with a lid add chicken pieces , cashew nut paste, ginger garlic paste, fried onions, yogurt, green chilly paste, red chilly powder, whole garam masala , cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric, salt, chopped mint,chopped coriander , lime juice and add oil. Mix this well rest it for 1 hour in the fridge. 2. Make a chapati dough and place on the edges of the lid and seal it tight . 3. Preheat BBQ machine for 15 minutes on hight flame,hood down. 4. When its ready place the pot on the hot plate on BBQ machine and keep all burner on low flame for 60 minutes, hood down. 5. After 60 minutes switch off burner on the hotplate and leave the other side burner on for 30 minute more ,hood down. 6. After 30 minutes switch off the burner and leave it till the dish is ready to be served. Serve the dish with roti , nan or basmati rice.



Abrahams Eettickal


tro Malayalam

aebmfn @ Australia



]‑mh‑w ]‑m¸-¨³




tro Malayalam


¸-¨³ ]t‑ï Hc‑p h‑ml-\- t‑{‑]a‑n-b‑m-W‑v. I‑p«‑n-¡‑m-e¯‑v I‑q«‑p-I‑m-c‑p-a‑m-b‑n- h‑m-X‑v s‑h¨‑v s‑s‑k¡‑n-Ä -k-h‑mc‑n \S-¯‑n-b-t‑¸‑mÄ Dï‑mb t‑hZ\‑mP\-I-a‑mb Hc‑p k‑w`h‑w ]‑m¸-¨s‑â H‑mÀ½b‑n a§‑ms‑X a‑mb‑ms‑X X§‑n- \‑n¸‑p-ï‑v. ]‑m¸¨\‑p‑w I‑q«‑p-I‑m-c\‑p‑w I‑qS‑n X§-f‑ps‑S {‑]‑nb h‑ml-\a‑mb s‑s‑k¡‑nÄ Bh‑p-¶{‑X t‑hK-¯‑n Fg‑p-t‑¶-ä‑p-\‑n¶‑v Bª‑p Nh‑n-«‑n- ]-d-¸‑n-¡‑pI-b‑m-W‑v. ]‑m¸-¨³ ^bÀ F©‑n³t‑]‑ms‑e CS-h‑n-S‑ms‑X s‑_Ã‑p‑w a‑pg-¡‑n ]‑mb‑n-¡‑p-Ib‑m-W‑v. ]‑m¸-¨-\‑mW‑v a‑p³]´‑n-b‑nÂ. GX‑mï‑v h‑oS-S‑p-¡‑p¶-X‑n\‑v Hc‑p h‑nf‑n-¸‑m-S-Is‑e F¯‑m-d‑m-b-t‑¸‑m-t‑g¡‑p‑w t‑d‑mU‑ns‑e Hc‑p he‑nb IÃ‑n SbÀ X«‑m-X‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-


h‑m³ l‑m³U‑ne‑p s‑h«‑n-¨X‑p‑w ]‑m¸-¨³ CSX‑p l‑m³U‑ns‑e ¹‑mÌ‑nI‑v IhÀ D‑uc‑n-t‑]‑m¶X‑p‑w Hc‑p-a‑n-¨‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. h«‑w-X‑n-c‑nª s‑s‑k¡‑nÄ l‑m³U‑n-e‑n\‑p a‑pI-f‑n-e‑qs‑S ]g-b-I‑me k‑n\‑n-a-b‑ns‑e Ìï‑v k‑o\‑n ]d¶‑p h‑og‑p¶ \‑mb-I-s‑\-t‑]‑ms‑e Hc‑p hi‑w-I‑p¯‑n t‑d‑mU‑nt‑e¡‑v ]‑m¸-¨³ ]d-¶‑ph‑o-W‑p. AX‑nt‑hK-X-b‑n h¶ h‑og‑v¨b‑mb-X‑n-\‑m {‑K‑mhÂt‑d‑m-U‑n-e‑q-s‑S-b‑pÅ b‑m{‑X t‑X‑mf‑n-t‑eb‑p‑w ka‑o] {‑]t‑Z-i-s‑¯b‑p‑w s‑X‑me‑nb‑p‑w a‑m‑wkh‑p‑w N‑pc-ï‑n-s‑b-S‑p-¯‑ps‑I‑m-ï‑mW‑v Ah-k‑m-\‑n-¨-X‑v. I‑me-t‑as‑d ]‑n¶‑n-«-t‑¸‑mÄ k‑z´-a‑mb‑n Hc‑p \‑me‑v N{‑I iIS‑w ]‑m¸-¨³ k‑wLS‑n¸‑n-¨X‑v Xs‑â h‑nt‑Z-i-h‑mk-¯‑n-\‑n-S-b‑n-e‑m-W‑v. Bc‑w`-I‑me {‑]‑mc‑m-_‑vZ-§Ä¡‑v \S‑p-h‑n X«‑n-I‑q-«‑n-b -i-

tPmWn kn. aäw

IS‑w Hc‑p- s‑I‑m¨‑p a‑mc‑p-X‑nI‑mÀt‑]‑m-e‑pÅ St‑b‑m«b‑psS‑ Ì‑mÀs‑eä‑v Bb‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. AX‑n-t‑hK ]‑mX-b‑n-e‑qs‑S Xs‑â s‑I‑m¨‑p I‑md‑p-a‑mb‑n ]‑mb‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ X«‑p-I‑n-«‑n-b‑m s‑]‑mS‑n-t‑]‑me‑p‑w a‑n¨‑w I‑n«‑nÃt‑Ã‑m F¶X‑v ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ h‑nj-®-\‑m-¡‑n-s‑b-¦‑ne‑p‑w Xs‑â Ct‑¸‑m-gs‑¯ k‑m¼¯‑nI N‑pä‑p-]‑m-S‑p-I-f‑ps‑S \‑nPØ‑nX‑n cï‑m-a-s‑X‑m-¶‑m-t‑e‑mN‑n-¡‑p-h‑m³ CS‑w \ÂI‑n-b‑nà F¶-X‑mW‑v kX‑y‑w. ad‑n-b‑m-½b‑ps‑S t‑P‑me‑n-Ø-e-t‑¯-¡‑p ]‑peÀI‑m-s‑e-b‑pÅ t‑{‑U‑m¸‑v H‑m^‑p‑w s‑s‑hI‑p-t‑¶-c-§-f‑ns‑e ]‑n¡‑v A¸‑pa‑mb‑n-c‑p¶‑p iI-S¯‑ns‑â {‑][‑m\ IÀ¯-h‑y‑w. `À¯‑m-h‑p-t‑±‑y‑mK‑w A\‑p-j‑vT‑n¡‑p¶ _l‑p-`‑q-c‑n-]£‑w ]‑pc‑pj-t‑I-k-c‑n-If‑p‑w b‑ms‑X‑mc‑p ]c‑m-X‑nb‑p‑w ]c‑n-`-h-h‑pa‑nÃ‑ms‑X ka-b-_-Ô‑n-X-a‑mb‑n s‑Nb‑vX‑p-t‑]‑m-I‑p¶ kh‑mc‑n ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ hÃ‑ms‑X t‑_‑mdS‑n-¸‑n-¨‑p X‑pS-§‑n-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. Hc‑p-Z‑n-hk‑w ]X‑n-h‑p-t‑]‑ms‑e XW‑p-¸‑p-I‑m-e¯‑v I¼‑nf‑n ]‑pX-¸‑n-\‑p-Å‑n a‑p«‑p‑w aS¡‑n hfª‑p I‑nS-¶‑p-d-§‑p¶ ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ ]‑peÀI‑ms‑e X«‑nD-WÀ¯‑n ad‑n-b‑m½ ]dª‑p AUGUST 2014


a‑mb‑n I‑md‑ns‑â k‑oä‑n-t‑•e‑pÅ I‑p«‑n-k‑oä‑v k{‑¼-Z‑mb-¯‑ns‑â h‑ne ]‑m¸-¨³ a\-Ê‑n-e‑m-¡‑n. k‑mb‑n-¸‑ns‑â _‑p²‑ns‑b a\-Ê‑ms‑e \µ‑n ]d-ª‑p. ]‑n¶‑nÂ\‑n¶‑p‑w a‑p¶‑nÂ\‑n-¶‑p-a‑pÅ CS‑n-b‑ps‑S I‑mT‑n\‑y‑w ]‑m¸-¨-t‑\b‑p‑w aIt‑fb‑p‑w iI-S-¯‑n-\‑p-Å‑n I‑pS‑p-¡‑n. h‑nt‑Zi c‑mP‑ys‑¯ BZ‑ys‑¯ h‑ml-\‑m-]-IS‑w ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ Bs‑I A¦-e‑m¸‑n-e‑m-¡‑n. X‑ma-k‑n-b‑ms‑X Xs‑¶ t‑d‑mU‑v t‑»‑m¡‑m-bX‑p‑w t‑]‑me‑ok‑v I‑mÀ s‑s‑kd³ a‑pg¡‑n ]‑mª‑p-h-¶X‑p‑w H¸-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. ]‑m¸-¨³ N{‑I-h‑y‑q-l-¯‑nÂs‑¸« A`‑na-\‑y‑p-h‑ns‑\t‑]‑ms‑e \‑nt‑ÝX-\-\‑mb‑n I‑md‑n-\‑p-Å‑n Cc‑p¶‑v h‑nbÀ¯‑p-s‑I‑mï‑v AS‑p-¯‑p-h¶ t‑]‑me‑o-k‑p-I‑mcs‑\ Zb-\‑o-b-a‑mb‑n t‑\‑m¡‑n. BdS‑n s‑]‑m¡-a‑pÅ At‑c‑mK Z‑rV-K‑m-{‑X-\‑mb k‑pµ-c³ k‑mb‑n¸‑v I‑md‑ns‑â t‑U‑mÀ Hc‑p-h‑n-[-¯‑n he‑n¨‑pX‑pd¶‑v ]‑m¸-¨-t‑\b‑p‑w aI-t‑fb‑p‑w iI-S-¯‑n\‑v ]‑pd-s‑¯-¯‑n¨‑p. Xs‑â k‑z]‑v\h‑ml-\¯‑ns‑â Z‑pc-hØ ]‑m¸-¨s‑â kÀÆ \‑mU‑o-R-c-¼‑p-I-s‑fb‑p‑w- X-IÀ¡‑p-¶-X‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. ]‑n¶‑n X«‑nb h‑m\‑ns‑â s‑s‑{‑UhÀk‑mb‑n-¸‑m-s‑W-¦‑n Hc‑p I‑qk-e‑p-a‑n-Ã‑ms‑X ]‑m¸¨s‑\ t‑\‑m¡‑n ]dª‑p. ""t‑d‑mU‑v É‑n]‑d‑n Bb-X‑n-\‑m É‑n¸‑v BbX‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p‑w''.Xs‑â kIe ià‑nb‑p‑w k‑w`-c‑n¨‑v Ahs‑â t‑a‑m´¡‑v H¶‑p s‑I‑mS‑p-¡‑p-h‑m³ ]‑m¸¨s‑â s‑s‑I Xc‑n-¨‑p. CX‑v \‑mS-Ãs‑Ã‑m. X´¡‑v h‑nf‑n¡‑m\‑p‑w XÃ‑m\‑p‑w DÅ k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y‑w \j‑vS-s‑¸-«-X‑ns‑â t‑JZ-t‑¯‑ms‑S ]‑m¸-¨³ c£I-c‑m-s‑b-¯‑nb t‑]‑me‑ok‑v Ga‑m-•‑ms‑c {‑]X‑o-£-t‑b‑ms‑S t‑\‑m¡‑n. Hc‑p t‑]‑me‑o-k‑p-I‑m-

c³ k‑ua‑y-X-t‑b‑ms‑S ]‑m¸-¨t‑\‑mS‑v t‑N‑mZ‑n¨‑p Fs‑´-¦‑ne‑p‑w kl‑m-b‑w-B-h-i‑y-a‑pt‑ï‑m? At‑¸‑m-g‑mW‑v Dd-¡-¯‑n I‑nS-¶-]S‑n I‑md‑n-\‑p-Å‑n IS¶‑p-]-ä‑nb ]‑m¸-¨s‑â hk‑v{‑X[‑m-cW‑w s‑]‑mX‑p-\‑n-c-¯‑n s‑s‑II‑p-ª‑p-a‑mb‑n I‑p¯‑n-b‑nc‑n¡‑m³ ]ä‑n-b-Xà F¶‑p t‑_‑m[‑y-a‑m-bX‑v. t‑I«-]‑mX‑n t‑IÄ¡‑m-¯-]‑mX‑n ]‑m¸-¨³ Zb-\‑o-b-a‑mb‑n t‑]‑me‑o-k‑nt‑\‑mS‑p ]dª‑p‑, hÃ- h‑n-t‑[-\ b‑p‑w h‑o«‑n-s‑e-¯‑n-¨‑m he‑nb D]-I‑m-c-a‑m-b‑n-c‑n¡‑p‑w. DS-s‑\Xs‑¶ ]‑m¸-¨\‑p‑w aIÄ¡‑p‑w k‑z´‑w X‑ma-k-Ø-e-t‑¯¡‑v t‑]‑me‑o-k‑vI‑m-d‑n Hc‑p c‑mPI‑o-b- b‑m{‑X Xc-s‑¸-«‑p. P‑oh‑n-X-¯‑n-e‑m-Z‑y-a‑mb‑n I‑päh‑m-f‑n-b‑m-I‑ms‑X t‑]‑me‑ok‑v I‑md‑ns‑â ]‑n³k‑o-ä‑n s‑Rf‑nª‑n-c‑p¶‑v b‑m{‑X-s‑N¿‑pt‑¼‑mÄ \‑m«‑n-s‑e-§‑m\‑p‑w Bb‑n-c‑ps‑¶-¦‑n Xs‑â Ø‑nX‑n F´‑m-t‑bs‑\ F¶‑v H‑mÀ¯‑p. Xs‑â N‑p¡‑n N‑pf‑p-§‑nb I‑mÀ he‑nb hï‑n-h¶‑p s‑]‑m¡‑ns‑b-S‑p-t‑¯‑mï‑p t‑]‑mI‑p-¶X‑p‑w ]‑n¶‑oS‑v IfI‑vä‑v s‑Nt‑¿-ï‑p¶ Øeh‑p‑w aä‑p h‑ni-Z‑m‑w-i§f‑p‑w FÃ‑m‑w s‑s‑Ia‑m-d‑p¶X‑p‑w t‑]‑me‑ok‑v I‑md‑ns‑â N‑nÃ‑p-IÄ¡‑n-S-b‑n-e‑qs‑S a\Ê-a‑m-[‑m-\-t‑¯‑ms‑S Iï‑p. h‑o«‑n F¯‑n¨‑v Fs‑´¦‑ne‑p‑w Bh-i‑y-a‑p-s‑ï-¦‑n Dd-¸‑mb‑p‑w h‑nf‑n-¡-W‑w- F-¶‑p]-dª‑v h‑nk‑n-ä‑n‑wK‑v I‑mÀU‑p‑w \ÂI‑n- i‑p-`-Z‑n-\‑m-i‑w-k-If‑p‑w t‑\À¶‑p b‑m{‑X-b‑m-I‑p¶ t‑]‑me‑o-k‑p-I‑ms‑c t‑\‑m¡‑n s‑s‑I h‑oi‑n-s‑I‑mï‑v ]‑m¸-¨³ a\-Ê‑n ]dª‑p.. ""H‑mÀ¡‑m]‑p-ds‑¯ CS‑n-b‑m-s‑W-¦‑ne‑p‑w Ch‑ns‑S CS‑n-s‑h«‑v s‑kä¸‑mt‑W..‑!''




‑'_‑m¡‑n h¶‑n«‑v Dd§‑m‑w‑, t‑\c‑w s‑s‑hI‑n‑'. cï‑p hbÊ‑p-I‑mc‑n aIs‑f Dd-¡-¯‑n \‑n¶‑p-W-c‑ms‑X {‑i²‑m-]‑qÀh‑w s‑I‑m¨‑p k‑oä‑n-e‑p-d-¸‑n¨‑p k‑pc£‑n-X-]‑q-«‑p-I-s‑fÃ‑m‑w C«‑v _Ô‑n-¨‑p-d-¸‑n¨‑p. ac‑w-t‑I‑m¨‑p¶ XW‑p-¸‑n Xs‑â ] X‑nh‑v I«-³I‑m¸‑n ad-¶X‑v ]‑m¸-¨\‑v Hc-]-i-I‑p-\-a‑mb‑n t‑X‑m¶‑n. ad-‑nb‑m-½-b‑m-s‑W¦‑n X‑m³ t‑P‑me‑n-I-g‑nª‑v hc‑p-t‑¼‑m-t‑g¡‑p‑w s‑Nb‑vX‑p X‑oÀt‑¡ï h‑o«‑p t‑P‑me‑nIÄ H‑mt‑c‑m-¶‑mb‑n ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ H‑mÀ½-s‑¸-S‑p-¯‑p-I-b‑m-W‑v. ] e-t‑¸‑mg‑p‑w ad‑p-]S‑n ]‑m¸¨³ Hc‑p a‑qf-e‑n HX‑p-¡‑n. iI-S¯‑ns‑â t‑hKX I‑q«‑n ad‑n-b‑m½-s‑b t‑P‑me‑n-Ø-e-¯‑n-d¡‑n. t‑d‑mU‑n t‑\c‑nb ag N‑md‑p¶‑p-ï‑v. k‑q£‑va-X-t‑b‑ms‑S I‑mÀ \‑nb-{‑´‑n¨‑v ad‑n-b‑m½ ad-¡‑ms‑X s‑N¿W‑w F¶‑pI¸‑n¨ t‑P‑me‑n-IÄ¡‑v a‑p³K-W-\‑m-{‑Ia‑w \ÂI‑ns‑I‑mï‑v Hc‑p stop signal  \‑nÀ¯‑n-b‑n-«‑n-c‑n-¡‑p-I-b‑mb‑n-c‑p¶‑p. At‑¸‑m-g‑m-WX‑v k‑w`-h‑n-¨-X‑v.- ]‑n-¶‑n-e‑qs‑S ]‑mª‑p-h¶ Hc‑p h‑m³ ]‑m-¸¨s‑â s‑I‑m¨‑p I‑md‑ns‑â ]‑ndI‑n AX‑oh ià‑n-t‑b‑ms‑S CS‑n-¨‑p. H‑mÀ¡‑m-¸‑p-ds‑¯ CS‑n-b‑ps‑S BL‑m-X-¯‑n ]‑m¸-¨s‑â I‑mÀ a‑p¼‑n-e‑pÅ s‑s‑N\-¡‑m-c‑n-b‑ps‑S a‑p´‑nb I‑md‑ns‑â ]‑n³`‑m-Kh‑p‑w CS‑n¨‑p XIÀ¯‑p. ]‑m¸-¨³ ac-Ws‑h-{‑]‑m-f-t‑¯‑ms‑S Xe ]‑n¶‑nt‑e¡‑v s‑h«‑n¨‑v t‑\‑m¡‑n. Xs‑â {‑]‑nb aIÄ¡‑v Fs‑´-¦‑ne‑p‑w ]ä‑nt‑b‑m F¶‑m-b‑n-c‑p¶‑p. CS‑n-b‑ps‑S BL‑m-X-¯‑n aIÄ s‑R«‑n Ic-b‑p-¶‑ps‑ï-¦‑ne‑p‑w `{‑Z-a‑mb‑n Dd¸‑n¨ s‑I‑m¨‑p k‑oä‑n aIÄ k‑pc-£‑n-X-b‑m-b‑n-c‑n-¡‑p¶‑p F¶-I‑mc‑y‑w ]‑m¸-¨\‑v Gs‑d Bi‑z‑m-k-t‑a-I‑n. A¶‑m-Z‑y-

tro Malayalam

h‑nt‑Zi c‑mP‑ys‑¯ BZ‑ys‑¯ h‑ml-\‑m-]-IS‑w ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ Bs‑I A¦-e‑m¸‑n-e‑m-¡‑n. X‑ma-k‑n-b‑ms‑X Xs‑¶ t‑d‑mU‑v t‑»‑m¡‑m-bX‑p‑w t‑]‑me‑ok‑v I‑mÀ s‑s‑kd³ a‑pg¡‑n ]‑mª‑p-h-¶X‑p‑w H¸-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p.

We often see a flock of migratory birds e.g. geese flying in a V- formation in the sky. Such a flight has two advantages. While fly- ing in a Vformation each bird can keep

an eye on the leader. More importantly, the pattern helps to save energy. A flying bird wings churn the air and leave a air current behind. Each bird is in a position to get a lift from the current left by the bird ahead. Thus it is easier for all the birds, ex- cept of the leader. During long distance flight, birds like geese often take turns in the lead position.

Why do we see images move in a flipbook? Think about this : Every picture in a flip book is still. It might be a drawing of a house, or a photo of a butterfly, or a picture of a dinosaur, but each image on each page is motionless. However when you flip the pag- es quickly , the pic- tures look like there're moving.


tro Malayalam

Why does that happen?

When we look at anything, the images that are formed on the reti- na of our eyes do not get erased at once, in- stead persist for one fifteenth of a second after the object has disappeared from our view. What we see as a continuous show of images on movie screens is really a series of still films . But the image of each scene does not fade from the retina before another takes it's place. This event is called persistence of vision. APRIL 2014



Ready to have a laugh ?... Ha Ha !!! 1. How may blocks can you put in an empty box? 2. What has four legs , but can't walk? 3. What has a hundred limbs, but cannot walk? 4. What goes up when rain comes down? 5. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand ? 1. One. After that the box is not empty anymore 2. A table 3. A tree 4. An umbrella 5. Palm tree

Why do birds fly in a V-formation ?

Shruthikrishna Shaji 11 years, Hilversum, The Netherlands

Chuppan's By Shaji Krishnan, Netherlands

AUGUST APRIL 2014 2014

American Pie

t‑_‑mÀ½¡heb‑n \‑n¶‑p‑w ]S‑nª‑m«‑p I‑nS¡‑p¶ hg‑nb‑ns‑e Bd‑mas‑¯ h‑oS‑vao\p Fenk_¯v Texas, USA


a‑p¯‑w s‑hb‑v¡‑md‑pÅ h‑ndb‑v¡‑p¶ N‑pï‑pIf‑nÃ‑ms‑X‑, ‑ 's‑â t‑a‑mf§‑p £‑oW‑n¨‑p t‑]‑mbt‑Ã‑m‑'s‑b¶ BßKX§f‑nÃ‑ms‑X... Gt‑X‑m I‑pät‑_‑m[t‑¯‑ms‑S.. DÄhe‑nt‑h‑ms‑S.. Xe I‑p¼‑n«‑p \‑n¡‑p¶., h‑nfd‑nb aª¨‑mb‑w ]‑qi‑nb N‑phc‑pIf‑p‑w‑, Ic‑nb‑nebS‑n¡‑ms‑X a‑pä‑w I‑mW‑ms‑X I‑nS¡‑p¶ h‑oS‑p‑w‑, I‑mS‑v Ibd‑n¡‑nS¡‑p¶ ] d¼‑p‑w. X‑pc‑p¼‑n¨ X‑mt‑¡‑m ¡‑q«§f‑ns‑e‑ms‑¶S‑p¯‑p h‑oS‑v X‑pd¡‑pt‑¼‑mÄ \‑neh‑nf‑n¡‑p¶ h‑nP‑mK‑nc‑nIÄ‑, a‑md‑mebe¦c‑n¨‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ k‑z‑oIc‑ Wa‑pd‑n‑! Z‑pj‑n¨ h‑mb‑ps‑I«‑n¡‑nS¡‑p¶ AI¯f§Ä‑, ]‑mäb‑p‑w ]‑q¨‑nb‑p‑w I‑pS‑nb‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ ]gb AS‑p¡f‑, s‑]‑mS‑n ]‑nS‑n¨‑p I‑nS¡‑p¶ Aea‑mcIÄ‑, ] gb j‑oä‑pIe‑mhcWa‑n«‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ Cc‑p¸‑pa‑pd‑nIÄ.. Fs‑â \\ª I®‑pIf‑nt‑e¡‑p t‑\‑m¡‑m³ aS‑n¨‑p Ahc‑ps‑S ß‑mh‑pd§‑p¶ h‑oS‑v Dd¡‑w \S‑n¨‑p I‑nS¶‑p. Ahc‑ps‑S BZ‑ys‑¯b‑p‑w‑, Ahk‑m\s‑¯b‑p‑w h‑oS‑v‑... {‑U‑o‑w l‑uk‑v... s‑k‑mc‑p¡‑q«‑nb‑p‑w‑, k‑zÀ®‑w ]Wbs‑¸S‑p


tro Malayalam

S‑nt‑bä¡‑mc‑mb \½Ä CS¡‑ns‑S At‑\‑y‑m\‑y‑w t‑N‑mZ‑n¡‑p¶ N‑ne t‑N‑mZ‑y§f‑pï‑v. "C‑u hÀj‑w \‑m«‑nt‑e¡‑pt‑ï‑m? "F¶‑mW‑v b‑m{‑X? Ft‑¸‑mf‑mW‑v aS¡‑w? Ahc‑pï‑mb‑nc‑p¶t‑¸‑mÄ F\‑n¡‑o t‑N‑mZ‑y§Ä¡‑p¯c‑w ]db‑m³ \‑qd‑p \‑mh‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. N‑net‑¸‑mÄ t‑N‑mZ‑n¨‑ns‑æ‑n t‑]‑me‑p‑w \‑m«‑nt‑e¡‑pÅ b‑m{‑Xs‑b¡‑pd‑n¨‑v R‑m³ h‑mN‑meb‑mh‑pa‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. C¶‑v.. Ahc‑nÃ‑m¯ \‑mS‑v‑.. Ahc‑nÃ‑ms‑X s‑N¶‑nd§‑p¶ FbÀt‑]‑mÀ«‑v‑! Cs‑öd‑nª‑ps‑I‑mï‑v Ahs‑c X‑ncb‑p¶ I®‑pIÄ‑..! \‑m«‑p¡‑mc\‑mb S‑mI‑v-k‑n¡‑mcs‑â I‑pie‑mt‑\‑zjW‑w... cï‑v aW‑n¡‑qÀ \‑of‑p¶ \‑m«‑p‑w]‑pdt‑¯¡‑pÅ b‑m{‑X. Ah‑ns‑S‑, Fs‑¶ I‑m¯‑nc‑n¡‑m\‑mc‑pa‑nÃ‑ms‑X... Fs‑¶ I‑mW‑pt‑¼‑mÄ X‑nf§‑p¶ XfÀ¶ I®‑pIf‑nÃ‑ms‑X... s‑X‑me‑n N‑pf‑nª‑, Rc¼‑v ]‑nWª‑p I‑nS¡‑p¶ s‑ae‑nª s‑s‑IIf‑ps‑S Be‑n‑wK\ a‑nÃ‑ms‑X‑, Ih‑nf‑ne‑p‑w‑, s‑\ä‑nb‑ne‑p‑w



t‑]cb‑p‑w N‑m¼b‑p‑w t‑e‑ms‑e‑me‑nb‑p‑w AX‑v It‑ï§eS‑n¨‑p... t‑hWs‑a¦‑n N¡ t‑hc‑ne‑p‑w I‑mb‑v¡‑ps‑a¶ c‑oX‑n ad¶‑p.. t‑X³hc‑n¡ C\‑n I‑mb‑v¡‑ps‑¶ Cs‑ö‑pÅ X‑oc‑pa‑m\¯‑ne‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p‑! A½ t‑»‑m¡‑m^‑ok‑n \‑n¶‑p‑w s‑I‑mï‑v h¶‑p \« ä‑n ‑X U‑n s‑X§‑pIs‑f‑m¶‑p‑w Hc‑p s‑hÅ¡‑m t‑]‑me‑pa‑nÃ‑ms‑X aïbS¨‑p \‑neh‑nf‑n¡‑p¶X‑v t‑I«‑p.. ]‑pÃ‑p Ibd‑nb a‑pät‑¯¡‑v h‑oï‑p‑w hc‑pt‑¼‑mÄ... A½b‑ps‑S ]‑qt‑´‑m«¯‑ns‑â Ahi‑nã§Ä Hc\‑mYt‑{‑]Xs‑¯t‑¸‑ms‑e BÀ¡‑p‑w t‑hï‑ms‑X I‑nS¶‑nc‑p¶‑p. Ah‑nSh‑ns‑Sb‑mb‑n s‑hÅ H‑mÀ¡‑nU‑p‑w

{‑_b‑nU t‑_‑ms‑¡ s‑NS‑nIf‑p‑w h‑n[hIs‑ft‑¸‑ms‑e s‑hÅk‑mc‑nb‑m Xe ad¨‑p \‑n¶‑v h‑nX‑p¼‑n... ]‑q¡f‑nÃ‑ms‑X \‑n¶ I‑pä‑na‑pÃbX‑ns‑â Xf‑nc‑neIf‑mÂ... Fs‑â I®‑p\‑oÀN‑me‑pIÄ X‑pS¡‑ph‑m³ Hc‑p {‑ia‑w \S¯‑n. Fs‑â I®‑pIf‑ps‑S t‑X‑mc‑m¯ s‑]b‑v¯‑v Iï‑p Fh‑ns‑St‑¡‑m t‑]‑mI‑m\‑nd§‑nb N‑mäÂagb‑p‑w I‑qs‑S¡‑qS‑n. ‑'s‑]b‑v-s‑X‑mg‑nt‑ª‑mf‑v I‑pt‑«‑y‑, a\s‑k‑m¶‑p i‑m´a‑mhs‑«‑' F¶s‑Xs‑¶ CS¡‑nS¡‑ns‑S H‑mÀ½‑n¸‑n¨‑p s‑I‑mï‑nc‑p¶‑p. h‑n§Â \‑nÀ¯‑n ag¯‑pÅ‑ns‑¡‑m¸‑w Fs‑â I®‑p\‑oÀ¯‑pÅ‑nIf‑p‑w h‑mh‑n«‑p \‑neh‑nf‑n¨‑p. ]e hÀj§f‑mb‑n A¸³ A½¡‑v {‑]Wb]‑qÀÆ‑w k½‑m\‑n¨ aªt‑d‑mks‑¨S‑nIf‑ps‑S I‑qÀ¯ a‑pÅ‑pIÄ Iï‑p R‑m³ `bt‑¶‑m? C\‑n Hc‑n¡e‑p‑w ]‑q¡‑ns‑ö h‑mi‑nb‑n CeIf‑p‑w a‑pÅ‑pIf‑pa‑mb‑v \‑n¡‑pIb‑mW‑v Hc‑p I‑me¯‑ne I‑mW‑ms‑X ]‑q¯‑nc‑p¶ aªt‑d‑mks‑¨S‑n‑! hÀj¯‑ns‑e‑m¶‑p a‑m{‑X‑w ]‑q¯‑nc‑p¶ IÃ‑y‑mWk‑uKÔ‑nI‑w AIs‑es‑bh‑ns‑St‑¡‑m t‑\‑m¡‑n Bc‑ps‑St‑b‑m hch‑v I‑m¯‑n-c‑p¶‑p ... R‑m\‑p‑w‑!.



tro Malayalam

I®‑v X‑nc‑p½‑n R‑m\‑pWÀ¶‑p h¶‑p It‑c‑mÄ t‑I«X‑v C‑u h‑mX‑ne‑n N‑mc‑n \‑n¶‑mb‑nc‑p¶‑p. If Ibd‑n \‑n¡‑p¶ ]d¼‑n\‑p‑w Dï‑v Fs‑´‑ms‑¡t‑b‑m ]db‑m³. s‑X‑mïb‑n XSª D½‑n\‑oc‑nd¡‑n a‑nï‑m\‑mh‑ms‑X ]‑mh‑w ]d¼‑v h‑nX‑p¼‑n.


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