hme- s sâ³- k v ao\p Fenk_¯v
t]mf¨nd¡Â sIm¨p½³ apXemfnbpsS {]kàn k¡dnb
Pm¡pw tdmkpw ]ns¶ Rm\pw sPbn³ kndnbIv
Mercedes Benz S Class
Ultimate in Luxury Dr.Sreejith Radhakrishnan
t‑ I - c - f ‑ o - b ‑ w
C‑ u A- S ‑ p - ¡ - f t‑ X ‑ m - « - § Ä..!
Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ
]Snbnd§pt¼mÄ FEBRUARY 2014
Me 2
EDITORIAL EDitoR Santhosh Joseph EDitoRial tEam James Chacko Bipin Paul Girish Sivan Dr.Abraham Thomas maRkEting Binu V George WEBSitE managEmEnt Zaneer Vattackary PhotogRaPhy Rakesh.VR aDviSoRy BoaRD K.P.Jose Babu Sebastian John Jacob Jaysree Menon Prakash Palakkil mEDia ConSultantS Sudhir Das Radhakrishnan Nair Supriya Pillai Biju Joy Balu Chathanath Geevarghese Kollannur
CoRRESPonDEntS Sydney Shameer melbourne Johny C Mattom Benila Ambika Canberra Srijith Gangadharan Brisbane Vijay Kumar Boby Thomas Darwin Mathew Varghese Perth Praven Vasudevan Nair Dubbo Rajesh George aliceSprings Gini Joy kERala CoRRESPonDEntS
Jose Peter O.P. Suresh CREativE EDitoR Sadeesh Chalippadam DESign & layout Shabeer M.P.
Printed and Published by Metro Malayalam Group ABN : 89544830746
´‑yb‑n as‑ä‑mc‑p s‑Xs‑cs‑ªS‑p¸‑ns‑â I‑ml‑ fa‑pbc‑pIb‑mb‑n. h‑nt‑Zi§f‑n P‑oh‑n¡‑p¶ \‑m‑w s‑Xs‑cs‑ªS‑p¸‑pIf‑n t‑Ihe‑w I‑mg‑vN¡‑mc‑mb‑n a‑md‑n\‑nÂt‑¡ïhcà F¶‑v X‑nc‑n¨d‑nt‑bïX‑pï‑v. C´‑y‑m al‑mc‑mP‑y¯‑ns‑â ]‑pt‑c‑mKX‑nb‑p‑w A`‑nh‑r²‑nb‑p‑w k‑z]‑v\‑w I‑mW‑p¶hc‑ms‑W¶‑nc‑ns‑¡, hc‑p¶ t‑e‑mIk`‑m s‑Xs‑cs‑ªS‑p¸‑n c‑mP‑y]‑pt‑c‑mKX‑n¡‑v k‑z‑oIc‑nt‑¡ï \‑ne]‑mS‑pIs‑fs‑´¶ h‑yàX \‑m‑w H‑mt‑c‑mc‑p¯c‑p‑w c‑q] s‑¸S‑p¯‑ns‑bS‑pt‑¡ï‑nb‑nc‑n¡‑p¶‑p. P\‑m[‑n]X‑y c‑oX‑nb‑n t‑Ìä‑ns‑â `cW‑w `‑qc‑n]£‑w t‑\S‑p¶ c‑m{‑ã‑ob ]‑mÀ«‑n t‑\X‑rX‑z¯‑ne‑mW‑v \‑‑nÀÆl‑n¡s‑¸S‑pI. Bk‑vt‑{‑Se‑nb t‑]‑ms‑e P\‑m[‑n ]X‑y h‑yhØ‑nX‑n \‑ne\‑n¡‑p¶ ka‑ql§f‑ne‑p‑w CX‑v _‑m[Ia‑mW‑v. F¶‑m C´‑yb‑n `cW‑w s‑s‑Is‑I‑mÅ‑m³ c‑m{‑ã‑ob ]‑mÀ«‑nIÄ k‑z‑oIc‑n¨‑p hc‑p¶ ka‑o]\§Ä ]et‑¸‑mg‑p‑w P\‑m[‑n]X‑y¯‑ns‑â _‑me‑yZiI§s‑f H‑mÀa‑n¸‑n¡‑p¶X‑mW‑v. \‑mÄ¡‑v \‑‑mÄ hfÀ¶‑v h‑ni‑nãa‑mt‑Iï C´‑y³ P\‑m[‑n] X‑y¯‑n P‑mX‑nb‑pt‑Sb‑p‑w‑, ]W¯‑nt‑âb‑p‑w‑, X‑mÂ] c‑y§Ä ]‑nS‑na‑pd‑p¡‑nb‑nc‑n¡‑p¶‑p. `‑oa‑mI‑mc³a‑mc‑mb h‑yhk‑mb t‑I‑mÀ¸t‑dä‑v k‑wL§Ä Hc‑p c‑mP‑y¯‑ns‑â {‑]I‑rX‑n h‑n`h§Ä¡‑v h‑ne]db‑p¶‑p. P\Xs‑b h‑mkØe§f‑nÂ\‑n¶‑v B«‑n ]‑mb‑n¡‑p¶‑p‑, c‑mP‑y¯‑ns‑â c‑m{‑ã‑ob `‑mh‑n \‑nÀ®b‑n¡‑p‑w h‑n[‑w X§f‑ps‑S X‑m¸c‑y§Ä \S¸‑ne‑m¡‑p¶‑p. AS‑p¯I‑me¯‑v t‑I‑mSX‑n i‑n£‑n¨ a‑n¡ Ag‑naX‑n t‑Ik‑pIf‑ne‑p‑w t‑I‑mÀ¸t‑dä‑v c‑m{‑ã‑ob t‑\X‑r¯‑z§f‑ps‑S ]¦‑v h‑yàa‑mWv. c‑mP‑ys‑¯ \b‑nt‑¡ïhc‑ms‑c¶‑v \‑‑nÀ®b‑n¡s‑¸S‑p¶ t‑e‑mIk`‑m s‑Xs‑cs‑ªS‑p¸‑n {‑]‑h‑mk‑nIf‑ps‑S I‑mg‑vN¸‑mS‑pIÄ I‑qS‑n AhXc‑n¸‑n¡‑m³ \a‑p¡‑v {‑ia‑n¡‑m‑w. t‑e‑mI ]c‑nNb¯‑n \‑n¶‑v \‑‑ms‑aÃ‑m‑w DÄs‑¡‑mÅ‑p¶ P\‑m[‑n]X‑y¯‑ns‑â‑, c‑mP‑y ]‑pt‑c‑mKX‑nb‑ps‑S D¶X a‑qe‑y§Ä DbÀ¯‑n I‑mW‑n¡‑p¶hs‑c \a‑p¡‑v ]‑n³X‑pW¡‑m‑w.
Contact & feed back: Ph:0061 0405574795 malayalamaustralia@gmail.com www.metromalayalamonline.com
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Disclaimer: The views, opinions and comments expressed in Metro Malayalam are solely those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the views of the management.
Malayala Malayalam m
Volume-1 | Issue-3 | February 2014
kt´mjv tPmk^ tPmk^v FUnäÀ santhoshjos@gmail.com
sat{Sm aebmf¯nsâ Ignª e¡w hmbn¨p. \¶mbn«pïv. sImÅmw. {]tXyIn¨v ao\p Fenk_¯nsâ tImfhpw aqhn dnt¸mÀ«pw. sPbn³ kndnb¡nsâ l¨nbpw sXm½\pw hfsc hyXykvXhpw F¶m kXy kÔX ]peÀ¯p¶Xpamb Hscgp¯mbncp¶p. \m«nse current fashion trends, shopping places, popular boutiques
F¶nh ^mj³ tImf¯n DÄ s¸Sp¯nbm \¶mbncn¡pw. \mS³ ]mNIhpw tNÀ¯v Ip¡nwKv tImfw hn]pes¸ Sp¯mw. aebmfn kaql¯nse ASp¯amks¯ ]cn]mSnIÄaebmfw ¢mÊpIÄ, kn\naIÄ, tjmIÄ F¶nh IqSn DÄ s¸Sp¯Ww. Anju, Quakers Hill
Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ ]Snbnd§pt¼mÄ Column
16 24 30 19 39 32 12 35
Pm¡pw tdmkpw ]ns¶ Rm\pw
sPbn³ kndnbIv
{]hmknbpsS cpNnt`Z§Ä
jm_p tXmakv
]mhw ]m¸¨³
tPmWn kn. aäw
hme- s sâ³- k v tU
ao\p Fenk_¯v
t]mf¨nd¡Â sIm¨p½³ apXemfnbpsS {]kàn k¡dnb Spiritual Tree
Jasbeer Musthafa
Dr.Sreejith Radhakrishnan
Eccentric Maharajas
K Raman
14 22 t‑t‑IX‑m-c-«-f-§‑o-bÄ‑w C‑u A-S‑p-¡-f
Me Me
tro tro
Malayalam m Malayala
Thanks for the magazine, I really appreciate the team work and effort you all have contributed to make this a reality. Honestly I feel the content is ok, I would like to see more local news in community, information that is useful for community and information about our tradition, social, culture, etc. Contents for different age groups especially for teens can be included. They are the future.
\µ-Ip-amÀ at¨¯v
8 News n events
Sajid Pulimootil Siddique Sydney
Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ
]Snbnd§pt¼mÄ UÂlnbn BwBZvan ]mÀ«n XpS§nsh¨ Ipän¨qev hn¹hw tIPcnhmfnsâ cmPntbmsS tZiob Xe¯nte¡v ]SÀ¶p ]nSn¡ptam? AtXm asämcp apøq hn¹hambn HSp§ptam Bw BZvan ]mÀ«nbpsS apt¶äw? Bkvt{Senb³ aebmfn kaql¯n \n¶pÅ cm{ãob {]hÀ¯Icpw \nco£Icpw ]s¦Sp¡p¶ kwhmZw.
C´y³ cm{ãob ]cnXØnXn‑ bn BwBZvan ]mÀ«n apt¶m«v sh¨ AgnaXn hncp² kao]\w, FEBRUARY 2014
temI¯nse Gähpw henb P\m[n]Xy cmPyamb C´ybnse cm{ãob, kmaqly kmlNcy§sf DÄs¡mïp sImïmtWm Bw BZvan ]mÀ«n X§fpsS cm{ãob ZÀi\w cq]s¸Sp¯nbn«pÅsX¶ {]kàamb tNmZyhpw \ne\n ¡p¶pïv. apJya{´n Øm\w cmPn‑ sh¨ Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ tZiob
cm{ãob¯n kPohamIpt¼mÄ Cu tNmZy¯n\pÅ D¯cw {]IS amt¡ïn hcpw. F´mbmepw C´y³ cm{ãob¯n ASp¯Imes¯m¶pw Iïphcm¯ DWÀhn\pw ]pXnb Nn´IÄ¡pw BwBZvan ]mÀ«n ImcWambn«pïv F¶ Imcy¯n kwibanÃ. cm{ãob¯n \n¶v A\yh¡cn¨p t]mIp¶ ]pXnb XeapdIÄ¡nSbn cm{ãob Aht_m[w krãn¡m³ Achnµv tIPcnhmfn\pw BwBZvan ]mÀ«n¡pw Ignªn«pïv. apJya{´n Øm\w cmPnsh¡pt¼mÄ Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ tIm¬{KÊns\ Xntcbpw _nsP]ns¡Xncmbpw D¶bn¨ dneb³kv _Ôhpw hcp¶ temIk` sXscsªSp¸n GXv coXnb {]Xn^en¡psa¶Xpw, tZiob cm{ãob¯n Bw BZvan ]mÀ«nbpsS Øm\sas´¶pw Im¯ncp¶pImWmw.
tro tro
C´y³ P\m[n]Xy Ncn{X¯n A]qÀÆambn kw`hn¨ cm{ãob amäamWv UÂlnbn IïsX¶ Imcy¯n XÀ¡anÃ. Hcp hÀjw am{Xw ]g¡apÅ Hcp cm{ãob ]mÀ«n Hcp kwØm\¯nsâ A[nImc¯nse¯p¶Xpw tZiob A´À tZiob Xe¯n AXv NÀ¨bmhp¶Xpw BwBZvan ]mÀ«n kzoIcn¨ \ne]mSpIfptSsbm, {]hÀ¯\ coXnIfptStbm {]tXy‑ IXIÄ sImïpw ssIhcn¨t\« §ÄIqSn IWs¡Sp¯p sImïm bncn¡pw.
km[mcW¡mcsâ ]mÀ«n F¶ CtaPv, P\Iob `cW coXn F¶nh P\§sf BIÀjn¡p¶Xmbncp¶p. CXns\Ãmap]cn Achnµv tIPcnhmsf¶ t\Xmhv ]mÀ«nbpsS ]²XnIÄ {]hÀ¯\ Xe¯n hcp¯n ImWn¨p sImSp¡p¶Xnepw hnPbn¨p. {]Jym]\§Ä \S¸nem¡p¶Xnepw, apJya{´n Bbncns¡ ]n³XpSÀ¶ emfnXyhpw C´y³ cm{ãob¯n \n¶v \ã amb P\§fpsS {]Xn\n[n, P\ tkhI³ F¶ apJOmb Hcp t\Xm hn P\§Ä IïXpw BwBZvan ]mÀ«nbpsS P\Iob ]cnthj¯n\v ImcWambXmbn \nco£IÀ NqïnImWn¡p¶p.
Malayalam m Malayala
Znhkw UÂln apJya{´n Øm\¯v Ccp¶ Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ Øm\w cmPnsh¨v ]Sn bnd§pt¼mÄ C´y³ P\m[n]Xy Ncn{X¯n tcJs¸Sp¯nsh¡p ¶Xv F´mbncn¡pw? apøq hn¹h¯n\v kam\amb Hcp Xm ¡menI DWÀ¨bpsS, D³amZ¯nsâ Xnc XÅ am{Xtam AXv?
P\Iob `cWcoXn {]iwk\obw BwBZvan ]mÀ«n UÂlnbn XpS§nsh¨ P\Iob `cW coXn {]iwk\obamWv. C´y³ kmlNcy¯n tIm¬{KÊn\pw, _nsP]n¡pw FF]n krãn¡p¶ shÃphnfn \ÃXn\mWv. hcp¶ temIk` sXscsªSpt¸msS Bw BZvan ]mÀ«nsb Ipdn¨v IqSpX hyàX e`n¡pw. UÂlnbn DKmï³ h\nXIsf A]am\n¨ \S]Sn \ymboIcn¡X¡XÃ.
C´y³ P\m[n]Xy Ncn{X¯n A]qÀÆambn kw`hn¨ cm{ãob amäamWv UÂlnbn IïsX¶ Imcy¯n XÀ¡anÃ.
Malayalam m Malayala
Êwibw ]dbmw al¯zw ZÀin¡mhp¶ A]qÀÆw cm{ãob t\Xm¡fn HcmfmWv Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ. kXy¯ntâbpw, \oXn bptSbpw ]£¯v \n¡p¶ HcmÄ¡pw XÅn ]dbm³ ]äp¶ hyàn¯zaà tIPcnhmÄ. C´y³ cm{ãob¯n ssItamiw h¶ kXykÔX, \oXnt_m[w, BßmÀ°X, cmPykvt\lw, t]mcm« at\m`mhw, emfnXyw C§s\ Hcp t\Xmhn\mhiyamb KpW§fmWv tIPcnhmÄ apt¶m«v sh¡p¶Xpw {] tbmK ¯n hcp¯p¶Xpw. P\§fpsS ASnØm\ Bhiy§Ä ]cnKWn ¡msX PmXnbpsSbpw aX¯ntâbpw ASnØm\¯n thm«v _m¦v cm{ãobw Ifn¡p¶ cm{ãob ] - mÀ«nIfpsS Iq¯c§mWv C¶v C´y. C´y³ cm{ãob¯n `cW {]Xn-]£w F¶ km[yX am{Xta \mfnXp hsc P\§Ä¡v thm«v sN¿pt¼mÄ Dïmbncp¶pÅq. BwBZvan Hcp Hcp BÄ«Àt\äohv ]mÀ «nbmWv. FF ]n s¡Xnsc hnaÀi\w D¶bn¡p¶hÀ X§Ä \mfnXphsc ioen¨ cm{ãobcoXnIfpambn B ]mÀ
FÃm ]mÀ«nIfpw CXv ]pd¯v ]dbp ¶nÃ. AXpsImïmWv FÃm ]mÀ«n Ifpw Bw BZvan ]mÀ«n bpsS Cu \ne ]mSns\ FXnÀ¯Xv. `mcX¯n\v {]Xo£\ÂIp¶ {]Øm \amWv BwBZvan ]mÀ«n. cm{ãobs¯ ip²oIcn¡m³ IqSnbmWv ]mÀ«n {ian¡p¶Xv. AgnaXn XpS¨v \o¡pI F¶Xv FF]nbpsS \bw asäÃm taJeIfpsS ip²oIcW-¯n\pw ImcWamIpw. FÃm taJeIsf Ipdn¨pw ]mÀ«n¡v ImgvN¸mSpIÄ Dïv. Achnµv tIPcnhmfns\ C´y³ P\X tIÄ¡p¶Xv KmÔnPnsb t_m_n tXmakv {ihn¨Xv t]msebmWv. Bßmhn‑ (BwBZvan ]mÀ«n {]hÀ¯I³) sâ kzcw BWv Cu----t\Xm hn {_nkvs_³ \n¶pw tIÄ¡pI. Hcp tNmZyw tNmZn¡pt¼mÄ adptNmZyw tNmZn¡p¶ t\Xmhà Achnµv In«p¶ kw`mh\IfpsS IW¡pw tIPcnhmÄ. km¼¯nIt{kmXÊpw hnhcmhImi Bw BZvan ]mÀ«nbn AWntNcW \nba¯nsâ Iogn sImïphcm³ sa¶v Rm³ ]dbnÃ. F¶m F. F. ].n hmZn¡p¶Xns\ kn.]n.Fw AgnaXn ImWpt¼mÄ AXv Nqïn DĸsS FXnÀ¡p¶p. P\§fn ImWn¡m³ XtâSw ImWn¡Ww. \n¶v Hcp cq] kw`mh\ e`n¨m AgnaXn \m«p\S¸msW¶ \n-e]mSv AXpw IW¡n ImWn¡Wsa amdWw. \ÃXns\ t{]mXvkmln¸n ¶mWv Bw BZvan ]mÀ«nbpsS ¡p¶ kao]\w ssIsImÅWw . \ne]mSv. tImÀ¸tdäpIfn \n¶v ]äp¶ IW¡nÂs]Sm¯ ]Ww FÃm ]mÀ«n ^ïpIfnepw F¯p¶pïv. «nsb XmcXayw sNbvXv t]mhpI bmWv. P\§fpsS ASnØm\ {]iv\ §Ä ad¶v aX¯ntâbpw PmXnbp tSbpw ASnØm\¯nepÅ thm«v _m¦v cm{ãobamWv C´ybnse an¡ cm{ãob ]mÀ«nIfpw {]tbmKn¡p¶Xv. Sn.hn.bpw kmcnbpw \ÂIn thm«v tiJcn¡p¶ ]mÀ«nIÄ [mcmfw. BUw_c kwkvImcw FÃm cm{ãobt\ Xm¡fptSbpw coXnbmbn amdn bncn¡p¶p. cm{ãob ]mÀ«nIÄ¡v
C¶v \ne\n¡p¶ cm{ãob ]mÀ«nIfpsS A[mÀanIXbn \n¶pw Agna Xnbn \n¶pw P\hncp² kzP\]£]mX \S]Snbn \n¶pw DÅ tamN\ ambn«mWv BwBZvan ]mÀ«nsb P\w ImWp¶Xv. Achnµv tIP-cn-hmÄ kmaqly{]Xn_²XbpÅ, km[mcW¡mcsâ ]«nIbn s]Sp¶ CÑmiàn bpÅ KmÔnb³ e£y§fpsS km£mXv¡mc¯n\mbn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ t\XmhmbmWv Rm³ ImWp¶Xv.
Ipcymt¡mkv knUv\n
cn{Xw {kãn¨psImïv Xs¶ ZÂln XnscsR-Sp¸n F F ]n h¶Xv sNdpXm¡n ImWn¡p¶nÃ. tIm¬{KÊv cm{ãob ]mÀ«nbpsS apJ¯v IpänNqevsImïv ASn¨p Xs¶ hnPbw t\Sn F¶Xv {it²bw Xs¶! ]s£ChnsS Ct¸mÄ Iïp hcp¶Xv Bw BZvansb CSXv]£ {]Øm\t¯mSv XmcXayw sN¿p¶XmWv. Hcp ^ntemk^n CÃmsX DÅ P\¡q«w BWv F.F. ]n. Acm{ãob hmZw ]dªmWv Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ BZyIme¯v s]mXp cwK¯v CSs]Sp¶Xv. C´y³ `cW cwKs¯ AgnaXn am{XamWv C´ybpsS {]iv\w F¶v hnizkn¡m³ am{Xw
wBZvan ]mÀ«n hnaÀi\ ¯n\oX cmsW¶ [mcW icnbÃ. X§Ä hnip² cmsW¶ a«nepÅ BwBZvan ]mÀ«n A\pbmbnIfpsS kao]\w icnbÃ. AsXms¡ sXfnbn ¡s¸tSïXmWv. BwBZvan ]mÀ«n ]d bp¶ coXnbn AgnaXn CÃmXm¡m \mIptam? C´ybn tImÀ¸tdäpIÄ F§s\bmWv thcp]nSn¨Xv? tImÀ¸tdäpIsf \nb{´n¡p¶ XS¡apÅ ImXemb Imcy§fn A`n{]mbapÅXmbn ImWp¶nÃ. aäv ]mÀ«nIÄ ap³ Ime§fn F´p sNbvXp F¶Xm bn-cn¡cpXv tNmZy§Ä¡pÅ adp]Sn. ImgvN¸mSpIÄ F§s\ GXv coX‑ nbn \S¸nem¡pw, F´v amä§Ä hcp¯m\mWv t]mIp¶Xv F¶n
IgnbnÃ. Hcp temIv]m _n am{Xw ]cnlmcw BhpIbpanÃ.A[nImc tI{µ§fn [qÀ¯v Dïv F¶ hkvXpX \ne\nÂs¡ Xs¶. Hcp temIv]m _n AÃmsX s]m-Xp
sdPn ]q¡q¯v tIcf {]hmkn kwLw Hmkvt{Senb (saw_À, sk³{S tImÀUnt\j³ I½nän ) {]iv\§fn Bw BZvan ]mÀ«n P\§fn ap¶nÂsh¡m³ H¶pw CÃ. s]mXp hnjb§fnÂ, \yp\]£ hnj§bfn ChcpsS \ne]mSpIÄ C\nbpw ]pd¯p hcm\pïv. ^mknÌv §s\ \ne]mSpIÄ hyàam¡Ww. hSt¡ C´ybnse {Kma apJysâ t\XrXz¯n \S¡p¶ Jm¸v ]©mbs¯¶ kwhn[m\s¯ A\pIqen¡p¶ BwBZvan ]mÀ«n cm{ãob¯nte¡v hnZym`ym-
cmtPjv tPmÀPv Utºm kapÅhÀ IS¶phcWsa¶v hmZn¡p¶p. hnZym`ymkapsï¶v IcpXn AgnaXnamdm³ t]mIp¶nÃ. kmaqlyt_m[w DïmIp¶Xv hnZym`ym k¯neqsS am{XaÃ. BwBZvan ]mÀ«n CSXpaà heXpaà F¶v ]dbp¶p. F¶m CSXp]£w ]dªncn¡p¶
tImÀ¸-tdäv `cW¯n\v FXnsc bYmÀ° _Z P\§Ä B{Kln ¡p¶p. AXv Acm{ãob hmZw ]dªp XmXvImenI t\«w Dïm¡n A[nIm c¯n F¯nbm H¶pw sN¿m³ Bhnà F¶v Dd¸mWv. AXnsâ Hcp t\ÀImgv¨bmWv Zn\§Ä am{Xw \ne \n¶ UÂlnbnse kÀ¡mÀ. F¶ncp¶mepw amä§Ä kzmKXmÀlw Xs¶. amä§sf t\Àhgnbn F¯n Hcp bYmÀ° aq¶mw _Z hchn\p \ap¡v ImtXmÀ¡mw. apøq hn¹hw t]mse aWanÃmsX BhmsX Hcp tIm¬{KÊv _nsP]n _Z Bhm³ FF]n¡v Ignbpw F¶v hnizkn¡m³ Im¯ncn¡Ww.
Imcy§Ä BWv \S¸nem¡m³ {ian¡p¶Xv. CXv cïpaÃm¯ Hcp hgn km[yaÃ. FF]n. D¶bn¡p¶- Imcy§Ä CSXp]£ coXnbnÂam{Xta \S¸n hcp ¯m³ Ignbp. Bw BZvan ]mÀ«nsb \bn¡p¶Xv A¸À anUn ¢mÊv hn`mK¯n s¸«hcmWv. Ahcn Hcp Acm{ãob Aht_m[w \ne\nev¡p¶pïv. Ct¸mgs¯ klNcy¯n amä§Ä hcp ¯m³ `cWLS\ DÄs¸sS hyhØnXn A\pIqeasæn F§s\ F¶v ]dtbïXpïv. BwBZvan ]mÀ«n XoÀ¨bmbpw Hcp cm{ãob t_m[h¡cW¯n\v ImcWambn«pïv. kzbw hnaÀi\w \S¯p¶p F¶Xv amXrIm]camWv. Bw BZvan ]mÀ«nsb¸än A´naamb Hcp hnebncp¯Â \S¯m\mbn«nÃ. Im¯ncp¶v ImWpI F¶ kao]\ amWv Rm³ kzoIcn¨ncn¡p¶Xv.
tro tro
tPmkv hcm¸pg
iob Xe¯nepÅ Hcp ]mÀ«nbmbn Bw BZvan ]mÀ«nsb ImWm\mhnÃ. UÂln bnse am{Xw Nne kw`h hnImk§fpambn _Ôs¸«v cq]s¸«v h¶ Hcp cm{ãob ]mÀ«nam{XamWXv. AgnaXn CÃmXm¡pI F¶ Hscmä e£yw am{Xta B ]mÀ«n¡pÅ Xmbn ImWp¶pÅq. s]s«¶v cq]s¸«ph¶ Hcp ]mÀ«n s]s«¶v Xs¶ £bn¨p t]mIm \mWv km[yX. Achnµv tIPcnhmÄ P\Iob\mb t\XmhmWv F¶Xn XÀ¡anÃ. F¶m {]Xn kÔnIsf XcWw sN¿m\pÅ tijn Cà F¶mWv apJya{´n Øm\w cmPnsh¨XneqsS hyàamIp¶Xv. AdnhnÃmbvasImïmWv cmPnsh¨Xv. temIk` sXscsªSp¸n Bw BZvan ]mÀ«n Ne\§Ä krãn¡psa¶v IcpXp¶nÃ. tIm¬{KÊn\v Bw BZvan ]mÀ«n Hcp Xc¯nepapÅ `ojWnbÃ. C´y `cn¡m³ C´y³ \mjW tIm¬{KÊnt\ Ignbq F¶v P\§Ä¡v Adnbmhp¶ ImcyamWv.
Malayalam m Malayala
OICC. sk³{S I½än sk{I«dn, Bkvt{Senb.
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Ticket Rate: Platinum -Adult Gold-Adult Silver -Adult
$150.00 | Platinum -Child $30.00 $100.00 | Gold -Child $30.00 $60.00 |Silver Child $30.00
Ì‑mÀ s‑s\ ‑ ä- v‑ S‑qÀ 2014 P‑q¬ 6\‑v B-cw‑ `‑w
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I‑p-«‑n-IÄ X‑n-c‑n s‑X-f‑n-b‑n-¨‑p e‑n-ä‑n X‑o-t‑b-äÀ B-c‑w-`-a‑m-b‑n k‑n-U‑v-\‑n-b‑n a-e-b‑m-f‑w e‑n-ä‑n X‑o-t‑b-äÀ {‑]-hÀ¯-\¯‑n-\‑v X‑p-S-¡-a‑m-b‑n. e‑n-ä‑n X‑o-t‑b-äÀ ]-c‑n-i‑o-e-\ ]-c‑n-]‑mS‑n-b‑n ]-s‑¦-S‑p-¡‑p-¶ I‑p-«‑n-IÄ h‑n-f-¡‑v s‑X-f‑n-b‑n-¨ ]-c‑n]‑m-S‑n-b‑n c-£‑n-X‑m-¡-f‑p‑w‑, A-`‑y‑p-Z-b-I‑m‑w-£‑n-I-f‑p‑w ]-s‑¦S‑p-¯‑p. k‑n-U‑v-\‑n a-e-b‑m-f‑n A-t‑k‑m-k‑n-t‑b-j³ {‑]-k‑n-U-ï‑v s‑I.]‑n.t‑P‑m-k‑v ]-c‑n-i‑o-e-\ ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n D-Z‑v-L‑m-S-\‑w s‑N-¿‑p-¶-X‑n\‑p-Å Z‑o-]‑w h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ°‑n AÀ-P‑p³ ]‑n-Å-¡‑v s‑s‑I-a‑m-d‑n. a-ä‑v h‑n-Z‑y‑mÀ°‑n-IÄ Z‑o-]-§Ä s‑X-f‑n-b‑n-¨‑v ]-c‑n-i‑o-e-\ ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑nb‑p-s‑S D-Z‑v-L‑m-S-\‑w \‑nÀÆ-l‑n-¨‑p. P-k‑v-\ hÀK‑o-k‑n-s‑â K‑m-\‑mÀ¨-\-t‑b‑m-s‑S B-c‑w`‑n-¨ ]-c‑n-]‑mS‑n-b‑n t‑S‑m-W‑n I-t‑¼‑m-k‑v s‑N-b‑v-X h-b-e‑n³ k‑wK‑o-X-h‑p‑w D-ï‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p. k-t‑´‑m-j‑v t‑P‑m-k-^‑v k‑z‑m-K-X‑w ]-d-ª‑p. e‑n-ä‑n X‑o-t‑b-äÀ U-b-d-ÎÀ _‑m-_‑p s‑k-_‑m-Ì‑y³ ]-c‑ni‑o-e-\ ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n-s‑b I‑p-d‑n-¨‑v h‑n-i-Z‑o-I-c‑n-¨‑p. ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n-b‑p-s‑S `‑m-K-a‑m-b‑n A-\‑o-j‑v X-¿‑n A-h-X-c‑n-¸‑n-¨ I-f-c‑n]-b-ä‑v A-h-X-c-W‑w B-IÀj-I-a‑m-b‑n-c‑p-¶‑p.
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F-k‑v-a-b‑p-s‑S h-c‑p-¶ H-c‑p hÀj-s‑¯ {‑]-hÀ-¯-\ ]-c‑n-]‑m-S‑n-IÄ¡‑v I-½-ä‑n c‑q-]‑w \Â-I‑n. a‑mÀ-¨‑v a‑m-k¯‑n {‑]-t‑Z-i-s‑¯ a-e-b‑m-f‑n I‑p-S‑p‑w-_§-f‑p-s‑S _‑mÀ_-I‑y‑q H-¯‑p-t‑N-c-e‑p‑w. G-{‑]‑n A-h-k‑m-\ h‑m-c‑w F-k‑v-a-b‑p-s‑S H‑u-tZ-‑y‑m-K‑n-I D-Z‑vL‑m-S-\-h‑p‑w \-S-¡‑p‑w. I‑p-«‑n-IÄ-¡‑p-Å a-e-b‑m-f‑w ¢‑m-Ê‑v, j-«‑n S‑qÀ-®-s‑aâ‑v F-¶‑o {‑]-hÀ¯-\-§-f‑p‑w B-k‑q-{‑X-W‑w s‑N-b‑v-X‑n-«‑p-ï‑v.
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Email: wattlegrovecricket@gmail.com
Ultimate in Luxury
Mercedes Benz S Class
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V‑yX‑z¯‑ns‑â N‑nÓa‑mb s‑aÀk‑nUk‑v s‑_³k‑v 2013  ]‑pd¯‑nd¡‑nb Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑v h‑ml\ t‑{‑]a‑n If‑ps‑S a\‑w Ihc‑p¶ c‑q]`‑wK‑nt‑b‑ms‑S t‑e‑mI¯‑ns‑e {‑][‑m\ s‑¸« h‑ml\ h‑n]W‑nIf‑n F¯‑nIg‑nª‑p. BU‑w_ch‑p‑w‑, k‑pJb‑m{‑X¡‑pÅ AX‑y‑m[‑p\‑nI k‑wh‑n[‑m\§f‑p‑w CW¡‑n t‑NÀ¯‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ s‑aÀk‑nUk‑v s‑_³k‑v Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑ns‑\ I‑pd‑n¨‑pÅ h‑nt‑ij§Ä \‑nch[‑nb‑mW‑v. t‑e‑mI¯‑ne‑mZ‑ya‑mb‑n k‑oä‑v s‑_Âä‑v FbÀ _‑mK‑v F¶ ]‑pX‑nb FbÀ _‑mK‑v- k‑wh‑n[‑m\‑w Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑n s‑_³k‑v \‑nÀ½‑mX‑m¡Ä ]c‑nNbs‑¸S‑p¯‑p¶‑p. s‑lU‑ve‑m‑w_‑ns‑â I‑qs‑S kÖ‑oIc‑n¨‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ C³{‑^‑ms‑dU‑v I‑y‑mad k‑wh‑n[‑m\¯‑ne‑qs‑S Night Assist Plus F¶ k‑wh‑n[‑m\h‑p‑w‑, hï‑n k‑zb‑w ]‑mÀ¡‑v s‑N¿‑p¶ Active Parking, I‑md‑n\I‑w a‑pg‑ph³ e`‑n¡‑p¶ WiFi k‑wh‑n[‑m\‑w‑, Magic Body Cotnrol, Attention Assist k‑wh‑n[‑m\‑w F¶‑n§s‑\ k‑zb‑w _‑p²‑n s‑s‑Ihc‑n¨ BU‑w_c I‑md‑mb‑n s‑_³k‑v Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑ns‑\ Häh‑m¡‑n h‑nt‑ij‑n¸‑n¡‑m‑w. s‑_³k‑v F©‑n\‑obd‑nwKv aä‑v \‑nÀ½‑mX‑m¡f‑n \‑n¶‑v h‑yX‑yk‑vXa‑mI‑p¶X‑v k‑mt‑¦X‑nIXb‑p‑w‑, k‑uµc‑yh‑p‑w‑, BU‑w_ch‑p‑w Ich‑nc‑pt‑X‑ms‑S CW¡‑n t‑NÀ¡‑p¶X‑ne‑qs‑Sb‑mW‑v. s‑_³k‑v Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑n ]‑pX‑nbX‑mb‑n AhXc‑n¸‑n¨ a‑mP‑n¡‑v t‑_‑mU‑n I¬t‑{‑S‑mÄ I‑md‑ns‑â a‑p³]‑ns‑e {‑]Xe¯‑ns‑â DbÀ¨ X‑mg‑vNIÄ a‑p³ I‑q«‑n {‑K‑n I‑y‑madIÄ d‑oU‑v s‑N¿‑pIb‑p‑w AX‑n\\‑pkc‑n¨‑v h‑oe‑pIf‑ps‑S kk‑vs‑]³j³ {‑Ia‑oIc‑n¨‑v hï‑n I‑pe‑p§‑ms‑X b‑m{‑X‑nIÀ¡‑v a‑nI¨ b‑m{‑X‑m k‑pJ‑w \ÂI‑pIb‑p‑w s‑N¿‑p¶‑p.
Dr.Sreejith Radhakrishnan
Text and coordination: Santhosh Joseph
BÎ‑oh‑v ]‑mÀ¡‑v AÊ‑nÌ‑v BIs‑« ]‑mÀ¡‑n§‑v Øe¯‑n\ c‑pI‑n (Parallel parking & Kerb side parking) \‑nÀ¯‑n _«¬ AaÀ¯‑nb‑m I‑mÀ k‑zb‑w ]‑mÀ¡‑v s‑N¿‑p¶ k‑wh‑n[‑m\‑w BW‑v. s‑s‑\ä‑v s‑s‑{‑Uh‑n‑wK‑n s‑lU‑v e‑m‑w_‑ns‑â {‑]I‑mi ¯‑n\‑pa¸‑pda‑pÅ XS椀 (DZ: Bk‑vt‑{‑Se‑nbb‑n hg‑nb‑n {‑]X‑y£s‑¸S‑p¶ I‑wK‑mc‑p¡Ä‑) s‑lU‑v e‑m‑w_‑nt‑\‑mS\‑p_Ô‑n¨‑pÅ C³{‑^‑mdU‑v I‑y‑madIÄ d‑oU‑v s‑Nb‑vX‑v U‑mj‑v t‑_‑mÀU‑ns‑e k‑v{‑I‑o\‑n s‑s‑\ä‑v h‑nj³ Ct‑aP‑mb‑n I‑mW‑n¡‑pIb‑p‑w s‑s‑{‑UhÀ¡‑v a‑p³Ic‑pX FS‑p¡‑m³ Ig‑nb‑pIb‑p‑w s‑N¿‑p¶‑p. a‑p³]‑n t‑]‑mI‑p¶ hï‑nb‑pa‑mb‑pÅ AIe‑w hï‑n Xs‑¶ IdI‑vä‑v s‑N¿‑p¶ Distronic plus proximity k‑wh‑n[‑m\‑w‑, I‑mä‑pÅt‑¸‑mÄ hï‑n hi§f‑nt‑e¡‑v s‑X¶‑n t‑]‑mI‑mX‑nc‑n¡‑m\‑pÅ Cross wind Assist, A{‑i²a‑qe‑w hï‑n s‑s‑e³ a‑md‑n H‑mS‑p¶X‑v Hg‑nh‑m¡‑p¶. Active Lane Keep Assist, 360 U‑n{‑K‑n I‑y‑mad k‑wh‑n[‑m\‑w‑, s‑s‑»â‑v k‑vt‑]‑m«‑ns‑e Ne\§Ä s‑k³k‑v s‑N¿‑p¶ Blind Spot Assist F¶‑n§s‑\ Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑ns‑â t‑k^‑vä‑n ^‑o¨d‑pIÄ a‑nI¨X‑mW‑v. Z‑oÀLZ‑qc s‑s‑{‑Uh‑n‑wK‑n\‑ns‑S £‑oW‑w a‑qea‑pï‑mI‑p¶ s‑s‑{‑Uhd‑ps‑S AekX a\Ê‑ne‑m¡‑n {‑]X‑nIc‑n¡‑p¶ Aä³j³ AÊ‑nÌ‑v BW‑v as‑ä‑mc‑p {‑]t‑X‑yIX. AS‑nb´‑nc k‑mlNc‑y§f‑n s‑s‑{‑UhÀ t‑{‑_¡‑v s‑]Ue‑n I‑m AaÀ ¯‑p¶X‑n\‑p a‑p³t‑] BI‑vkt‑eäd‑n \‑n¶‑v I‑ms‑eS‑p¡‑p¶ t‑hKX a\Ê‑ne‑m¡‑n hï‑n k‑zb‑w t‑{‑_¡‑v s‑N¿‑p¶ AU‑m]‑vä‑oh‑v t‑{‑_¡‑n‑wK‑v k‑nÌ‑w Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑ns‑â a‑m{‑X‑w ^‑o¨À BW‑v. FEBRUARY 2014 FEBRUARY 2014
C U‑n s‑s‑eä‑n‑wK‑p‑w AX‑n\\‑pk‑rXa‑mb‑n s‑kä‑v s‑N¿‑mh‑p¶ k‑pKÔh‑p‑w s‑_³k‑v Fk‑v ¢‑mk‑ns‑\ t‑Ihe‑w Hc‑p h‑ml\s‑a¶X‑n\¸‑pd‑w Ne‑n¡‑p¶ Hc‑p DZ‑y‑m\ A\‑p`ha‑mt‑b‑m‑, at‑\‑mlca‑mb‑n AW‑nb‑ns‑¨‑mc‑p¡‑nb Hc‑p ib\ a‑pd‑nb‑mt‑b‑m t‑X‑m¶‑n¸‑n¡‑m‑w. 24 N‑m\ B‑w¹‑n^bd‑p‑w 24 k‑v]‑o¡d‑pa‑mW‑v _ÀaÌÀ I¼\‑n Fk‑v ¢‑mk‑n\‑mb‑n Hc‑p¡‑nb‑nc‑n¡‑p¶X‑v . {‑X‑o U‑n k‑uï‑v k‑nÌ‑w F¶‑v \‑maIcW‑w s‑Nb‑vX‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ H‑mU‑nt‑b‑m k‑wh‑n[‑m\‑w t‑e‑mI¯‑ns‑e Xs‑¶ a‑nI¨X‑mW‑v. k‑oä‑pIÄ¡‑v a‑p³]‑ns‑e 12 C©‑ns‑â U‑n h‑n U‑n k‑v{‑I‑o³ BW‑v as‑ä‑mc‑p {‑]t‑X‑yIX. BU‑w_c¯‑n\‑v a‑mä‑p I‑q«‑m³ ]t‑\‑mca‑n¡‑v k¬ d‑q^‑p‑w DÄs‑¸S‑p¯‑nb‑nc‑n-¡‑p¶‑p. 2012  s‑_³k‑v \‑nÀ½‑mW‑w \‑nÀ¯‑nb s‑ab‑v_‑m¡‑v {‑]‑oa‑nb§f‑ps‑S D]t‑`‑mà‑m¡s‑f X‑r]‑vX‑n s‑] S‑p¯‑p¶ c‑oX‑nb‑ne‑mW‑v Fk‑v ¢‑mk‑v c‑q] I¸\ s‑Nb‑vX‑nc‑n¡‑p¶X‑v.. t‑d‑mÄk‑v t‑d‑mb‑vk‑v, s‑_â‑ve‑n I‑md‑pIs‑f I‑nS]‑nS‑n¡‑p¶ c‑oX‑nb‑n \‑nÀ½‑n¨ Fk‑v ¢‑mk‑v e£‑y‑w
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s‑h¡‑p¶X‑v k‑q¸À e£‑zd‑n Cãs‑]S‑p¶ k¼¶c‑mb h‑ml\ t‑{‑]a‑nIs‑f Xs‑¶b‑mW‑v. Bk‑vt‑{‑Se‑nbb‑n cï‑v e£¯‑n a‑p¸¯‑n\‑mb‑nc‑w t‑U‑mfÀ a‑pX \‑me‑v e£¯‑n ]X‑n\‑mb‑nc‑w t‑U‑mfÀ hs‑cb‑mW‑v Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑ns‑â h‑ne. 2014 P\‑phc‑nb‑n C´‑y³ a‑mÀ¡ä‑n Cd§‑nb Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑ns‑â h‑ne cï‑v t‑I‑mS‑n cq] hc‑p‑w . C´‑yb‑n CX‑nt‑\‑mSI‑w 120 hï‑nIÄ _‑p¡‑v s‑Nb‑vX‑v Ig‑nª‑p. CX‑n 10 hï‑nIÄ t‑Icf¯‑ne‑mW‑v. BZ‑y hï‑n t‑Icf¯‑n e‑pe‑p DSa b‑qk^‑v Ae‑n IcØa‑m¡‑n Ig‑nª‑p.
BU‑w_c¯‑ns‑â ]‑mca‑yXs‑b¶ c‑oX‑nb‑ne‑mW‑v Fk‑v ¢‑mÊ‑ns‑â Câ‑oc‑nb U‑ns‑s‑k³ s‑Nb‑vX‑nc‑n¡‑p¶X‑v. ]‑ndI‑v his‑¯ k‑oä‑ns‑\ I¼\‑n h‑nt‑ij‑n¸‑n¡‑p¶X‑v Business Lounge F¶‑mW‑v. t‑]c‑v k‑qN‑n¸‑n¡‑p¶X‑pt‑]‑ms‑e h‑na‑m\§f‑ns‑e _‑nÊ‑n\Ê‑v ¢‑mÊ‑ns‑â k‑uIc‑y§f‑mW‑v X¿‑md‑m¡‑nb‑nc‑n¡‑p¶X‑v. s‑s‑l I‑z‑mf‑nä‑n s‑eXÀ k‑oä‑pIÄ ak‑mP‑n‑wK‑v k‑uIc‑ya‑pÅ d‑ns‑s‑¢t‑\g‑vk‑pIÄ BW‑v. k‑oä‑n\‑p a‑p³]‑n t‑^‑mÄU_Ä t‑{‑S s‑kä‑v e‑m¸‑v t‑S‑m¸‑v s‑h¡‑m\‑p‑w `£W‑w Ig‑n¡‑m\‑p‑w D]t‑b‑mK‑n¡‑m‑w. Gg‑p h‑yX‑yk‑vX \‑nd§f‑n s‑kä‑v s‑N¿‑mh‑p¶ B‑¼‑nbâ‑v FÂ
Malayalam m Malayala
s_³kv Fkv ¢mÊn ]pXnbXmbn AhXcn¸n¨ amPn¡v t_mUn I¬t{SmÄ Imdnsâ ap³]nse {]Xe¯nsâ DbÀ¨ XmgvNIÄ ap³ Iq«n {Kn IymadIÄ doUv sN¿pIbpw AXn\\pkcn¨v hoepIfpsS kkvs]³j³ {IaoIcn¨v hï‑n Ipep§msX bm{XnIÀ¡v anI¨ bm{Xm kpJw \ÂIpIbpw sN¿p¶p.
Movie Review
Nandkuma Macheth
\‑p-hc‑n a‑pX s‑^{‑_‑p-hc‑n 9 hs‑c-b‑pÅ Hc‑p a‑mk-¡‑me‑w 11 ae-b‑mf k‑n\‑n-a-If‑p‑w cï‑v s‑Xe‑p¦‑v k‑n\‑n-a-If‑p‑w k‑m£‑m t‑a‑ml³e‑m h‑nPb‑v I‑q«‑ps‑I«‑ns‑â I‑qXd Xa‑ng‑v k‑n\‑na P‑nÃ-b‑p-a-S¡‑w k‑w`-h_-l‑p-e-a‑mb 30 -Z‑n-h-k-§Ä¡‑mW‑v ae-b‑mf k‑n\‑na‑m ]c‑n-kc‑w k‑m£‑y‑w hl‑n-¨-X‑v. A¼X‑p t‑I‑mS‑n-b‑n I‑qS‑p-I IfI‑vS‑v s‑Nb‑vX Nc‑n{‑X h‑nP-b-h‑p-a‑mb‑n Z‑ri‑y‑w AX‑ns‑â a‑pt‑¶ä‑w X‑pS-c‑p-¶‑p.-h-e‑nb {‑]X‑o£If‑ps‑S ]‑n³_-e-¯‑n F¯‑nb ]‑rY‑z‑n-c‑m-P‑ns‑â eï³ {‑_‑nU‑vP‑p‑w‑, a½‑m-k‑ns‑â a‑m¶‑mÀ a¯‑mb‑n k‑v]‑o¡‑n‑wK‑p‑w‑, Z‑pÂJ-d‑ns‑â ke‑me s‑a‑ms‑s‑_Âk‑p‑w XIÀ¶-S‑n-ªt‑¸‑mÄ \h‑m-K-X-c‑mb A{‑_‑n-U‑vs‑s‑j\‑p‑w P‑qU‑v BâW‑nb‑p‑w \‑nh‑n³t‑]‑m-f‑ns‑b \‑mb-I-\‑m¡‑n Hc‑p-¡‑nb 1983‑, H‑m‑w i‑m´‑n H‑mi‑m\ F¶‑o- N‑n-{‑X-§Ä a‑nI¨ {‑]X‑n-I-c-W-t‑¯‑ms‑S h‑nPb-¸-«‑n-I-b‑n CS‑w ]‑nS‑n-¨‑p. a½‑q-«‑ns‑b aP‑o-Z‑m¡‑n {‑]t‑a‑mZ‑v ]¿-¶‑qÀ k‑wh‑n-[‑m\‑w s‑Nb‑vX _j‑o-d‑ns‑â _‑me‑y-I‑me kJ‑ns‑b h‑r²-I‑me kJ‑n-s‑b¶‑v h‑nf‑n-¨-hs‑c I‑pä‑w-]-d-b‑m³ Ig‑n-b‑n-s‑Ã-¦‑ne‑p‑w k‑n\‑na H«-\-h[‑n {‑]t‑X‑yI-X- IÄs‑I‑mï‑v \‑ne-h‑mc‑w ]‑peÀ¯‑n. t‑P‑mj‑n a‑mX‑y‑ph‑ns‑â »‑mI‑v t‑^‑mdÌ‑v‑, at‑\‑mP‑v I‑m\b‑ps‑S N‑mb‑ne‑y‑w‑, S‑n h‑n N{‑µs‑â `‑qa‑n-b‑ps‑S Ah-I‑m-i‑n-IÄ F¶‑o ka‑m-´c k‑n\‑n-a-IÄ \‑ne-h‑mc‑w ]‑peÀ¯‑n-s‑b-¦‑ne‑p‑w X‑nt‑b-ä-d‑n b‑ms‑X‑mc‑p Ne-\h‑p‑w Dï‑m-¡‑ms‑X IS-¶‑p-t‑]‑m-b‑n.
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Malayala Malayalam m
osayile kuthira meenukal is an adventurous comedy thriller movie which unfolds through the story of two main characters portrayed by Asif Ali and Sunny Wayne that happened to meet each other in a much unexpected situation. Directed by Ajith Pillai and produced by Niyas Ismail under the Production of Frames Inevitable, this big budget film is designed to reveal Malayalam screens in an unusual extravagant style. Its locations and technical experimentations are expected to craft a stunning out that will capture your sensations. The beautiful islands of Lakshadeep are where the major part of this story is happening besides the different locations in Kerala which are also playing its part. Along with Asif Ali and Sunny Wayne, Swati Reddy is in the female lead with many other enchanting faces prominent to the industry and close to your hearts. Cinematography of Abhinand Ramanujam and Music of Prashant Pillai are well expected to transform the theaters into an experience unfelt before. Mosa is a word in Lakshadweep language which means big sea waves and Kuthira meenukal are sword fishes which are labeled as utterly selfish with the habit of attacking each other.
R.T. s‑\³k¬ Fg‑pX‑n k‑wh‑n-[‑m-\‑w- s‑Nb‑vX
t‑a‑ml³e‑me‑p‑w h‑nP-b‑nb‑p‑w ]‑nX‑mh‑p‑w ]‑p{‑X-\‑p-a‑m-b-`‑n\-b‑n¨ a‑mk‑v ak‑me Xa‑ng‑v ]S‑w P‑nà N‑mt‑h-d‑p-I-f‑mb ^‑m³k‑p-I‑ms‑c ]ä‑n¨‑p. BâW‑n s‑]c‑p-¼‑m-h‑qÀ t‑Ic-f-¯‑ne-t‑§‑m-f-a‑n-t‑§‑mf‑w 200 t‑I{‑µ-§-f‑n Z‑nh-t‑k\ A©‑p‑w Bd‑p‑w t‑j‑mI-t‑f‑m-S‑n¨‑v Hs‑c‑mä Bg‑vN-s‑I‑mï‑v 12 t‑I‑mS‑n ]‑ng‑n-s‑ª-S‑p-¯‑p. cï‑m‑w h‑mc‑w a‑pX Bs‑f‑m-g‑nª k‑n\‑na‑mi‑me-I-f‑n a‑p³I‑q«‑n k‑z‑oI-c‑n¨ h‑mW‑nP‑y X{‑´‑w h‑nP-b‑n-¡‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ I_-f‑n-¡-s‑¸-S‑p-¶X‑v ]‑mX‑n-c‑m-{‑X‑n-b‑ns‑e d‑ne‑ok‑v {‑]X‑o-£‑n¨‑v D‑uW‑p‑w Dd-¡h‑p‑w \j‑vS-s‑¸-S‑p¯‑n k‑n\‑n-a -I‑m-W‑m-\‑mb‑n F¯‑nb t‑{‑]£-I-c‑m-W-‑v. k‑n\‑na Hc‑p I¨-h-S-a‑m-W‑v. Gs‑X‑mc‑p I¨-hS hk‑vX‑p-h‑ne‑p‑w AX‑v Ah-I‑m-i-s‑¸-S‑p¶ a‑qÃ‑y‑w I‑n«‑ms‑X h¶‑m AX‑n ] c‑mX‑ns‑]S‑m-\‑pÅ Ah-I‑mi‑w D]-t‑`‑m-à‑m-h‑n\‑v \½‑ps‑S c‑mP‑y¯‑v DÅ-t‑¸‑mÄ Xs‑¶ k‑n\‑na F¶ h‑yh-k‑m-b¯‑n A¯-c-¯‑n b‑ms‑X‑m-c-h-I‑m-ih‑p‑w AX‑v I‑mW‑p¶ t‑{‑]£-I\‑v CÃ‑ms‑X t‑]‑mI‑p-¶X‑v \‑nc‑m-i‑m-P-\-I-a‑m-W‑v. RATING :
1983 RATING :
‑n¡ä‑v F¶ P\-{‑]‑nb s‑Kb‑n-‑wa‑ns‑â ]Ý‑m-¯-e¯‑n F¬]-X‑p-I-f‑p-s‑S s‑\‑mÌ‑mÄP‑n-bs‑b ] c-a‑m-h[‑n D]-t‑b‑m-K-s‑¸-S‑p¯‑n Hc‑p I‑pª‑p {‑]t‑Z-i-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w Ah‑n-Ss‑¯ b‑ph-X‑z-¯‑n-s‑âb‑p‑w IY-]-dª A{‑_‑nU‑v s‑s‑j³ F¶ \h k‑wh‑n-[‑m-b-Is‑â 1983 F¶ k‑n\‑na X‑nt‑b-ä-d‑pI-f‑n h‑nP-b‑n-¨‑p-a‑p-t‑¶-d‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ AX‑v {‑I‑n¡-ä‑n\‑v t‑hï‑n k‑z´‑w {‑]Wb‑w t‑]‑me‑p‑w Dt‑]-£‑n-t‑¡ï‑n h¶ ct‑a-i³ F¶ IY‑m-]‑m-{‑X-¯‑ns‑â P‑oh‑n-X-h‑o-£-W-§-t‑f‑m-S‑pÅ ae-b‑mf‑n-b‑ps‑S s‑FI‑y-Z‑mÀV‑y-a‑mb‑n a‑md‑p-¶‑p. X\‑n¡‑p \j‑vS-s‑¸« k‑z‑mX{‑´‑y‑w Xs‑â aI\‑p \ÂI‑n-s‑¡‑mï‑v ct‑a-i³ h‑yhØ‑m-]‑nX ]‑nX‑r-þ-]‑p{‑X k¦Â¸-§s‑f s‑hÃ‑p-h‑n-f‑n-¡‑p-¶‑p-ï‑v. k‑wh‑n-[‑m-b-I³ {‑]‑nb-ZÀi³ X‑m³ P‑oh‑n-X-¯‑n Iï‑n-«‑pÅ N‑pc‑p¡‑w N‑ne \à N‑n{‑X-§-f‑n H¶‑mb‑n 1983þs‑\ h‑nt‑i-j‑n¸‑n-¡‑p-t‑¼‑mÄ ae-b‑m-f-k‑n-\‑n-a-b‑ps‑S a‑md‑p¶ I‑me-L-«s‑¯ A‑wK‑o-I-c‑n-¡‑m³ ]g-b-I‑me k‑n\‑n-a‑m-¡‑mc‑p‑w \‑nÀ_-Ô‑n-X-c‑mI‑p¶‑p F¶‑v a\-Ê‑n-e‑m-¡‑m‑w.
Hmw im´n Hmim\
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ak‑me¡‑q«‑pIf‑pw‑ ]Ic‑p¶ aWh‑pw‑ c‑pN‑nb‑pw‑ a‑m{‑Xa‑pÅ Hc‑p `£Wk‑m[\‑w hfs‑ct‑hK‑w \½f‑n Hc‑p aS‑p¸‑v k‑rã‑n¡‑pw‑ . F¶‑mÂ‑, k‑vt\ ‑ l¯‑ns‑â aWh‑pw‑ c‑pN‑nb‑pa‑pÅ K‑rl‑mX‑pcXIf‑ps‑S ak‑me¡‑q«‑pIÄ k‑zXt‑h Ae‑nª‑pt‑NÀ¶‑nc‑n¡‑p¶‑, A½b‑ps‑S AS‑p¡fb‑n \½Ä Iï‑pX‑pS§‑nb B \‑mS³ `£W¯‑ns‑â c‑pN‑n acW‑whs‑c Hc‑p {‑]h‑mk‑nb‑pw‑ aS‑p¡‑nÃ. AX‑ps‑Im‑ ï‑mW‑v t‑Im‑ W‑v{I ‑ o‑ ä‑v t‑a¡‑qcb‑v¡v‑ X‑ms‑gb‑pÅ K‑ym‑ kS‑p¸‑n Dï‑m¡‑ns‑bS‑p¯‑v a‑mÀ_‑nÄ ]‑mf‑n¡‑v a‑pIf‑n h¨‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ I‑mkt‑dm‑ f‑n AS¨‑ph¨‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ A¸§t‑f¡‑mÄ Ic‑n]‑nS‑n¨ AS‑p¡fb‑ns‑e AcIÃ‑n\‑pa‑pIf‑n h¨‑nc‑n¡‑p¶ Ì‑o ]‑m{‑X¯‑ns‑e Bh‑n ]d¡‑p¶ A¸§Ä R‑m³ s‑Im‑ X‑nt‑bm‑ s‑S H‑mÀ¡‑p¶X‑v. \‑m«‑nt‑eb‑v¡v‑ t‑]‑mI‑m³ X¿‑ms‑dS‑p¡‑p¶ Hc‑p aeb‑mf‑n {‑]h‑mk‑n s‑I‑mX‑nt‑b‑ms‑S I‑m¯‑nc‑n¡‑p¶X‑v Dähc‑ps‑S k‑vt‑\ lh‑mÂke‑y§Ä a‑m{‑XaÃ. \‑mS³`£W§f‑ps‑S s‑I‑mX‑nb‑qd‑p¶ aWh‑p‑w c‑pN‑nb‑p‑w I‑qS‑nb‑mW‑v. a\Ê‑ns‑\ I_f‑n¸‑n¨‑ps‑I‑mï‑v a‑m{‑Xt‑a ‑"AÃ‑' F¶‑p]db‑m³ \‑n§Ä¡‑v Ig‑nb‑q. \‑n§s‑f \‑n§f‑m¡‑nb B c‑pN‑nt‑`Z§s‑f Hc‑n¡e‑p‑w ad¡c‑pX‑v. ad¶‑m \‑n§Ä \‑n§fÃ‑mX‑mb‑n a‑md‑pIb‑mW‑v.
C‑u ]db‑p¶hÀ Ad‑nb‑p¶‑nà Xt‑±i‑obc‑n \s‑Ã‑mc‑p ]¦‑p‑w Ct‑¸‑mÄ t‑N‑md‑p‑w Id‑nIf‑p‑w Ig‑n¡‑m³ X‑pS§‑nb‑n«‑ps‑ï¶‑p‑w k‑m¼‑md‑p‑w ckh‑paS¡a‑pÅ Id‑nIf‑ps‑S aW‑w AhÀ‑v s‑I‑mX‑nt‑b‑ms‑S Bk‑zZ‑n¡‑p¶‑ps‑ï¶‑p‑w. F¶‑nc‑p¶‑me‑p‑w hÃt‑¸‑mg‑p‑w Hc‑p h‑yX‑yk‑vXXb‑mh‑mw‑ . D¯t‑c´‑y³ `£Wh‑n`h§Ä ]c‑o£‑n ¡‑m\‑mb‑n At‑\I‑w C´‑y³ dt‑Ìm‑ dâ‑pIÄ k‑nU‑v\n‑ b‑ne‑pï‑v. ] s‑£ t‑JZ]‑qÀÆ‑w ]dª‑ps‑Im‑ Ås‑«,‑ F{‑X BV‑w_c]‑qÀ®a‑ms‑W¦‑ne‑pw‑ h‑nce‑n F®‑mh‑p¶ Ht‑cXc‑w `£Wk‑m[\§f‑mW‑v FÃ‑m dt‑Ìm‑ dâ‑pIf‑ne‑pw‑ e`‑ya‑mI‑p¶X‑v. \‑m\‑mXc‑w c‑mP‑y§f‑ns‑e k‑wk‑v¡m‑ c§f‑ns‑e s‑sh ‑ h‑n[‑ya‑mÀ¶ `£Wt‑iJc‑w e`‑ya‑mI‑p¶ Hc‑p c‑mP‑ya‑mW‑v Bk‑vt{‑ S‑ e‑nb. Cä‑me‑nb³‑, at‑ej‑y³‑, X‑mb‑,v‑ s‑aI‑vkn‑ ¡³‑, B{‑^n‑ ¡³‑, {‑io‑ e¦³ A§s‑\ Hc‑p]‑ms‑Sm‑ c‑p]‑mS‑v. Fs‑â I¼\‑nb‑ps‑S X‑mgs‑¯ \‑neb‑ne‑pÅ at‑ej‑y³ dt‑Ìm‑ dâ‑n R‑m³ \½‑ps‑S s‑]m‑ t‑dm‑ « Iï‑n«‑pï‑v. h‑m§‑n Ig‑n¨‑n«‑pa‑pï‑v. Bc‑v Bc‑ps‑S Bib‑w ]IÀ¯‑n F¶X‑ns‑â Nc‑n{‑Xhk‑vXp‑ XIÄ F\‑n¡d‑nb‑nÃ. F¶‑nc‑p¶‑me‑pw‑ hfs‑c c‑pN‑nIca‑mb Hc‑p `£Wa‑mW‑v at‑ej‑y³ s‑]m‑ t‑dm‑ «. ]s‑£,‑ X‑pSÀ¨b‑mb‑n a‑q¶‑v Z‑nhk‑w AX‑v Ig‑n¨‑m ]‑ns‑¶ hÃ‑ms‑¯m‑ c‑p aS‑p¸‑mW‑v. Ah‑ns‑Sb‑mW‑v \½‑ps‑S ]c¼c‑mKX `£W¯‑ns‑â alX‑zh‑pw‑ t‑a•b‑pw‑ s‑hf‑ns‑¸S‑p¶X‑v. C‑u ]dªX‑nÂ\‑n¶‑v Hc‑p I‑mc‑yw‑ hfs‑c h‑yàa‑mW‑v. F®b‑pw‑
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Me 26
Knowing period of PURPLE Crying Dr. Chinchu Ann Varghese, Canberraa
P U R P L E ............................................ ‘It was so discouraging’ said a dad . “Our baby giggles & seems fine during the day & almost like clock work, she starts crying around evening. She is healthy & growing. So why does she cry like this ??? ’ ............................................ Crying, irritability and reflux are common and quiet normal for babies in the first few months of life. But excessive crying , difficulty feeding & chronic vomiting can stress out new parents. All breast feeding animals tested have a similar developmental stage of crying more in the first months of life as human babies do. The period of PURPLE crying is a new way to help parents understand this time in their baby’s life , which is a normal part of every infant’s development. It is confusing and concerning to be told your baby ‘has colic’ because it sounds like it is an illness & throwing in some FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 2014 2014
PAIN-LIKE FACE A crying baby may look like they are in pain, even when they are not.
medications to treat the symptoms of colic reinforces the idea that there is something wrong with the baby. The period of PURPLE crying begins at about 2 weeks of age and continues until about 3-4 months of age. During this phase baby can cry for hours & nothing seem to sooth them.Period of PURPLE crying doesn’ t mean that the baby will turn purple while crying . It is an acronym to help parents understand the characterstics of an infant’s crying during this phase.
LONG LASTING Crying can last as much as 5 hours a day, or more.
your baby may cry more in the late afternoon and evening.
although frustrating, is simply a phase in their child’s development that will pass. After learning about PURPLE crying parents have said, ‘ Finally they have given it a name for what we our babies are going through instead of the word ‘colic’ which was hard to get a handle on !!!’
During this phase the parents often think that there must be something wrong with their child or they would not be crying like this. Often parents say their baby looks like he/she is in pain.Even after a doctor’s check up which shows that the baby is plum normal , they still go home & cry for hours, night after night.
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Crying can come and go and you don’t know why.
RESISTS SOOTHING Your baby may not stop crying no matter what you try.
Malayala Malayalam m
So PURPLE crying lets parents of new babies know that this phase of crying is indeed normal. And
PEAK OF CRYING Your baby may cry more each week, the most in month 2, then less in months 3-5
Me 28
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tPmWn kn. aäw ¯‑ne‑pw‑ ]c‑nl - m‑ k - ¨ - n‑ c - n‑ ¡‑pw‑ I‑mc-Wa‑ms - b ‑ ¦ - n‑ e‑pw‑ ]‑m¸-¨³ a\-Êp‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï‑v as‑ät‑Xm‑ t‑em‑ I-s¯ ‑ ¯‑nb‑nc - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . h‑na‑m\¯‑n\‑pÅ - n‑  Hc‑ph - n‑ [‑w IS¶‑p] - ä - n‑ bt‑¸m‑ Ä Hc‑p BI‑mi - k - p‑ µ - c‑n ]‑p©‑nc - n‑ t- b ‑ m‑ s‑S ]‑m¸-¨s‑â s‑sI ‑ b‑n \‑n¶‑pw‑ s‑]«‑n- h‑m§‑n Xeb‑v¡v‑ a‑pIf‑n DÅ I‑m_‑n\ - n‑  h¨‑v AS-¨p‑ _-Ôh-Êm‑ ¡ - n‑ . X‑ma-kn‑ b - m‑ s‑X Xs‑¶ k‑oä‑v _Âä‑nS‑p¶ - X - n‑ \ - p‑ Å \‑nÀt‑±i‑w t‑I«t‑¸m‑ Ä k‑oä‑v_Âä‑v s‑sI ‑ b‑ns - e ‑ S‑p¯‑v ]‑m¸-¨³ BI‑mi k‑pµ-cn‑ s‑b X‑ncª‑p. s‑ae‑nª‑v s‑Im‑ e‑p¶ - s‑\b - p‑ Å as‑äm‑ c‑p BI‑mi - k - p‑ µ - c - n‑ b‑ps‑S k‑ma‑n] - y‑ h‑pw‑ KÔ-hp‑ s - a ‑ Ã‑mw‑ k‑oä‑ns‑â s‑Im‑ f‑p¯‑v Hc‑nb - v‑¡Â I‑qS‑n D‑uc‑nh‑n«- m‑ t‑em‑ F¶‑v h‑oï‑pw‑ h‑oï‑pw‑ N‑n´‑n¨ -- p‑ s - I ‑ m‑ ï - n‑ c - p‑ ¶‑p. a\Ê‑v s‑sI ‑ ]‑nS- n‑ b - n‑  HX‑p§‑p¶‑nÃt‑Ãm‑ F¶‑mt- e ‑ m‑ N - n‑ ¨ - t- ¸ ‑ m‑ s - g ‑ m‑ s‑¡ ad‑nb - m‑ ½ F¶ {‑]n‑ b-Xa - b - p‑ s‑S c‑u{‑Z` - m‑ h - t- ¯ ‑ m‑ s‑Sb‑pÅ X‑pd‑n¨‑p t‑\m‑ «‑w H‑mÀ½b‑n h¶-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä A¯cs‑am‑ c‑p DZ‑ya - ¯ - n‑  \‑n¶‑pw‑ DÄh-en‑ b - m‑ ³ DÄt‑{] ‑ cW I‑n«‑n. X‑ma-kn‑ b - m‑ s‑XXs‑¶ N‑pï‑n Af-hn‑ e - [ - n‑ I - w‑ e - n‑ ]‑vÌn‑ ¡‑v h‑mc‑nt‑X¨ t‑Km‑ X-¼p‑ - \‑nd - a - p‑ Å H¯- s‑]m‑ ¡h‑pw‑ H¯ h - ® - h - p‑ a - p‑ Å BI‑mi - k - p‑ µ - c‑n t‑{S‑ m‑ f‑nb - p‑ a - m‑ b‑n ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ ka‑o] - n‑ ¨ - n‑ «‑v GX‑v drink t‑hW‑w F¶‑p k‑ua‑ya - m‑ b‑n t‑Nm‑ Z‑n¨-t¸ ‑ m‑ Ä \‑m«‑ns‑e ]«-¨m‑ c - m‑ b‑w a‑m{‑Xw‑ AS‑n¨ -- p‑ i - o‑ e - n‑ ¨ ]‑m¸-¨³ Ad‑nb - m‑ s‑X H¶‑p- ]-Xd - n‑ . t‑{S‑ m‑ f‑nb - n‑ e - q‑ s‑S H¶‑p It‑®m‑ S- n‑ ¨ - X - n‑ \‑v t‑ij‑w _‑obÀ I‑p¸‑nb‑nt- e ‑ ¡‑v h‑ncÂN‑qï‑n. I‑n«‑nb ¥‑mk‑v Hä-he - n‑ b‑v¡v‑ I‑me‑nb - m‑ ¡‑n H¶‑pI - q‑ S‑n h‑oi‑nt‑b¡‑mw‑ F¶‑mi - t- b ‑ m‑ s‑S ¥‑mk‑v X‑nc‑ns‑I \ÂI‑nbt‑¸m‑ Ä aZ‑ma k‑pµc‑n "Thanks']dª‑p Øe‑w I‑me‑nb - m‑ ¡‑n. A[‑nI‑w s‑sh ‑ I‑ms‑X Xs‑¶ DS¨ Dc‑pf - ¡ - n‑ g - §‑pw‑ t‑hh‑n¡‑m¯ ]¨-¡d - n‑ b‑pw‑ ak‑me ]‑pc-fm‑ ¯ Cd¨‑nb - p‑ s - a ‑ Ã‑mw‑ ]‑m¸-¨s‑â a‑p¼‑ns‑e FEBRUARY 2014
column k‑oä‑ns‑eh‑ns‑St‑bm‑ AZ‑ri - y‑ a - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ '‑ Tray'b‑ne‑qs‑S {‑]X‑y£ - s - ¸ ‑ «‑p. A½-¨n‑ b‑ps‑S {‑]t‑{X‑yI ak‑me - I - q‑ «- n‑ e - p‑ ï - m‑ ¡‑nb a‑o³¡-dn‑ b‑pw‑ GX‑m\‑pw‑ aW‑n¡‑qd - p‑ I - Ä¡‑v a‑p¼‑v a‑m{‑Xw‑ Ig‑n¨ Xs‑â {‑]n‑ b-s¸ ‑ « s‑]m‑ t‑dm‑ «- b‑pw‑ _‑o^‑pw‑ a\Ê‑nt‑e¡‑v X‑nI-«n‑ h - ¶‑p. i‑nj‑vSI - m‑ e‑w CX‑mt‑Wm‑ Xs‑â `£W‑w F¶‑mt- e ‑ m‑ N‑n¨t‑¸m‑ Ä ]‑m¸-¨s‑â DÅ‑ns - e ‑ h‑ns‑St‑bm‑ Hc‑p s‑hÅ‑nS‑n s‑h«‑n. a‑p¼‑n I‑n«‑nb `£W‑w H¶‑p c‑pN‑n¨ - p‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ ¡‑ph - m‑ ³ t‑]m‑ e‑pa‑pX‑nc - m‑ s‑X ]‑m¸-¨³ flight‑  I‑n«‑nb ]‑pX-¸n‑  Xeb‑pw ‑ ad¨‑v ]‑mX‑na - b - ¡ - ¯ - n‑ t- e ‑ ¡‑v hg‑pX‑n h‑oW‑p. Ie-ie - m‑ b a‑q{‑Xi - ¦ Ft‑¸m‑ s - g ‑ m‑ ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ ab-¡¯ - n‑  \‑n¶‑pW - c - m‑ ³ \‑nÀ_-Ôn‑ X - \ - m‑ ¡ - n‑ . I‑pd-¨[ - n‑ I - t‑\c‑w a‑q{‑Xi - ¦ AS-¡n‑ ¸ - n‑ S- n‑ ¨ - p‑ s - h ‑ ¦ - n‑ e‑pw‑ Ø‑nX‑n \‑nb-{´ ‑ W - h - n‑ t‑[ba‑mI - p‑ ¶‑nà F¶ Dd¨t‑_m‑ [‑yw‑ . cï‑pw‑ I¸‑n¨‑v BI‑mi - k - p‑ µ - c‑ns‑b h‑nf‑n¨‑v toilet Fh‑ns - S‑ b - m‑ W‑v F¶‑p At‑\z‑ j‑n¡ - p‑ h - m‑ ³ P‑mf‑yX - t- b ‑ m‑ s - S‑ b - m‑ s - W ‑ ¦‑ne‑pw‑ ]‑m¸-¨³ X‑oc‑pa - m‑ \ - n‑ ¨‑p. Hc‑p ]c‑nl - m‑ k - ¨ - n‑ c - n‑ t- b ‑ m‑ s‑S aZ‑ma k‑pµ - c‑n ]‑m¸-¨\‑v toilet N‑qï‑n¡ - m‑ W - n‑ ¨‑p s‑ImS‑p¯ - p‑ . Hc‑ph - n‑ [‑w ]‑nS-sª ‑ -
- ¯ ‑ X - n‑ b - t- ¸ ‑ m‑ g - m‑ W‑oä‑v toilet\‑v AS‑ps W-dn‑ b - p‑ ¶ - X‑v Gt‑Xm‑ hb-än‑ f - ¡‑w ]‑nS‑n¨ k‑mb‑n¸‑v I‑pd-¨[ - n‑ It‑\ca‑mb‑n DÅ‑ne - n‑ S‑w ]‑nS‑n¨ - n‑ c - n‑ ¡ - p‑ ¶ - p‑ s‑h¶-Xv‑. X‑pSÀ¨-bm‑ b H¶‑pc - ï‑v a‑p«‑ns - \ ‑ m‑ ¶‑pw‑ k‑mb‑n¸‑v ]‑pd-¯p‑ h - c - m‑ \ - p‑ Å `‑mha‑nà - . k‑wKX‑n hj-fm‑ I‑pat‑Ãm‑ F¶‑p Ic‑pX‑n I‑pª‑p¶ - m‑ f - n‑  A½¨‑n ] T‑n¸ - n‑ ¨ kI-e ] - p‑ W - y‑ m‑ f - ³a‑mc - p‑ s - S‑ b‑pw‑
In«nb ¥mkv Hä-h-enbv¡v Imenbm¡n H¶p-IqSn hointb¡mw F¶m-i-tbmsS ¥mkv XncnsI \ÂInb t¸mÄ aZma kpµcn “Thanks’]dªp Øew Imenbm-¡n. s‑\t‑h\b‑pw‑ s‑Nm‑ Ã‑n _‑oht‑dP‑v t‑jm‑ ¸‑ns‑â a‑p¼‑n A£-a\ - m‑ b‑n I‑yq‑ h‑n \‑n¡‑p¶ a‑pg‑pI - p‑ S- n‑ b - s - \ ‑ t- ¸ ‑ m‑ s‑e I‑m¯‑p\‑n¶ - p‑ . ]‑pd-¯n‑ d - § - n‑ b k‑mb‑n¸ - n‑ s‑â a‑pJs‑¯ Bi‑zm‑ k‑w ]‑m¸-¨s‑â t‑Zj‑yw‑ Cc-«n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¨ - p‑ . k‑mb‑n¸ - n‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ S‑v k‑wk‑mc - n‑ ¨ - p‑ \ - n‑ ¡‑ph - m‑ ³ ka-ba - n‑ à - m‑ ¯-Xn‑ \ - m‑ e‑pw‑ ,‑ IS‑n¨ - m‑  s‑]m‑ «‑m¯ C‑w¥‑oj‑v ]dª‑p k‑mb‑n¸ - n‑ s‑\ s‑R«‑n-
¡-Ws - a ‑ ¶{‑Kl-ap‑ ï - m‑ b - n‑ c - p‑ s - ¶ ‑ ¦ - n‑ e‑pw‑ t‑Zj‑yh‑pw‑ k¦-Sh‑pw‑ FÃ‑mw‑ X‑pe‑y- Af-hn‑  ka-\z‑ b - n‑ ¸ - n‑ ¨‑v ]‑m¸-¨³ Hc‑p X‑pd‑n¨ - p‑ t- \ ‑ m‑ «- ¯ - n‑ s - e ‑ m‑ X - p‑ ¡‑n toilets‑â DÅ‑n Ibd‑n Øe‑w ]‑nS‑n¨ - p‑ . I‑mc‑yw‑ k‑m[‑n¨‑p Ig‑nª-t¸ ‑ m‑ g - s‑¯ k‑mb‑qP‑yw‑ Hc‑p t‑Im‑ S‑n t‑em‑ «-dn‑ b - S- n‑ ¨-hs‑â DÅ‑n t‑Xm‑ ¶‑p¶ B\-µ¯‑nt‑es‑db‑mb - n‑ c - p‑ ¶ - p‑ . flesh s‑N¿‑ph - m‑ \‑mb‑n Iï _«¬ AaÀ¯‑nb - t- ¸ ‑ m‑ Ä Dï‑mb t‑Tm‑ F¶ i_‑vZw‑ ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ hÃ‑ms‑X s‑R«‑n¨ - p‑ I - f - ª p‑ . p‑ lain- s‑â Gs‑X¦ - n‑ e‑pw‑ `‑mK‑w s‑]m‑ «‑ns - X ‑ d - n‑ ¨‑v t‑]m‑ t‑bm‑ IÀ¯‑mt‑h.. {‑]h‑mk - - t‑em‑ I - ¯‑nt‑e¡‑pÅ Xs‑â b‑m{‑X ]c-te ‑ m‑ I-¯m‑ t‑Wm‑ F¯‑m³ t‑]m‑ I‑p¶ - X‑v F¶‑v ]‑m¸-¨³ B[‑nt- b ‑ m‑ s‑S HmÀ¯‑p. aW‑n¡ - q‑ d - p‑ I - Ä \‑oï b‑m{‑Xb‑ps‑S b‑mX\ a‑pt‑¼m‑ «- p‑ Å Xs‑â {‑]h‑mk P‑oh‑nX - b - m‑ {- X ‑ b - p‑ s‑S X‑pS-¡a - m‑ t‑Wm‑ F¶‑v ]‑m¸-¨s‑\ Bi-¦m‑ I - p‑ e - \ - m‑ ¡‑n. ]‑p©‑nc - n‑ t- b ‑ m‑ s‑S Xs‑â hc-hp‑ w‑ I - m‑ ¯‑v FbÀt‑]m‑ À«‑n I‑m¯‑p\ - n‑ ¡‑p¶ ad‑nb - m‑ ½ - s - b ‑ b‑pw‑ k‑z]‑v\w‑ Iï‑v CS-bv‑s¡ ‑ t- ¸ ‑ m‑ s‑gm‑ I‑n«‑nb _‑nbd‑pw‑ AI-¯m‑ ¡‑n ]‑m¸¨³ ]‑mX‑n ab-¡¯ - n‑ t‑e¡‑v Hc‑n¡ -  I‑qS‑n h‑oW‑p.
{]hm-k-tem-It¯¡pÅ BZyB-Im-i-bm{X 2003 sabv 2 :------ {]hmk -Po-hn-X-¯n ]m¸-¨\v Hcn-¡epw
ad-¡m-\m-hm¯ Znh-k-am-W-Xv. \m«nse DÄ\m-S³ {Kma-¯n \ n¶pw Hcm-bncw kz]v\-§-fp-ambn ] m¸¨³ Xsâ ]p¯³s]«n-I-fp-ambn kztZi¯v \n¶v hntZit¯¡v ] d-¶Xv. A¶mWv Iq«p-ImÀ hgn ] d-ªptI«n«pÅ kpµcnamcmb FbÀtlm-Ì-kp-am-cpsS cq] hpw `mhhpw teme-lrZb-\mb ] m¸¨sâ a\-Ênse BZy-hn-am-\-bm{X-sb-¡p-dn-¨pÅ Bi-¦-IÄ FÃmw ]msS Xqs¯-dn-ªn-cp-¶p. apïn\ pw jÀ«n\pw ]Icw Pohn-X-¯n-emZy-ambn kq«pw tIm«p-an«v I®m-SnbpsS ap¼n \n¶-t¸mÄ CXv Xm³ FEBRUARY 2014
Spiritual Tree
Jasbeer Musthafa
Tat Tvam Asi (That You Are)
he four glorious Vedas give four great messages to us. Those great Vedic statements (mahavakya) are: Tat Tvam Asi (That Thou Art) from Samveda (Chandogyopanisad), Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman) from Yajurveda (Brhadaranyakopanisad), Ayam Atma Brahman (This Self is Brahman) from Atharva Veda (Mandukyopanisad) and Pragnanam Brahman (Brahman is Consciousness) from Rgveda (Aitareyopanisad).
the sensations. When a person apprehends this Oneness with Brahman, he is unmindful of the idea that he is an embodied being. When Shvetaketu came of age, his father sent him to an Ashram for his education as was customary in those days. When Shvetaketu returned home after twelve years of education, Uddalaka asked him, “What did you learn while in the Ashram, my son?”
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Malayala Malayalam m
Tat Tvam Asi can be translated variously as “That art thou,” “That thou art,” “Thou art that,” “You are that,” or “That you are.” It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad (6.8.7) in the dialogue between Uddalaka and his son Shvetaketu. The essence of this statement is that the Self - in its original, pure, primeval state - is completely or partially identical with the Ultimate Reality (Brahma) that is the ground and source of all phenomena. Here the meaning of the word ‘THAT’ encompasses the Brahman associated (with the living and nonliving things) that adjuncts of creation, preservation and destruction. The direct meaning of the word ‘THOU’ comprises the individual soul associated with the body and mind which only has little knowledge, little power, and limited freedom. The statement “THAT THOU ART” delivers a mystical experience of Oneness which is beyond the body, mind, senses and ego and
“I learned everything that can be known, father,” Shvetaketu replied. After hearing this, Uddalaka became silent and thought, “What pride! Such superiority is born only out of ignorance. My son has not yet grasped the essence of the supreme knowledge of Brahman which brings humility.” Shvetaketu noticed the change that came over his father and inquired, “Why did you become so quiet, father?”
“Dear son,” replied Uddalaka, “You say that you know everything that can be known. Then you must know that knowledge or wisdom by which what is unknown becomes known and what is unseen becomes seen?” “No, I don’t,” replied Shvetaketu. “But please, father, tell me about it.” Uddalaka continued: “Dear, learn from me! The reality about sleep! When a man goes to sleep, as they say, he is wrapped by the Real! He has slipped back to his own. And so they say he sleeps, because he has slipped back to his own. And just as an eagle tied by a cord, flying hither and thither, and finding no other resting place, comes to rest where he is tied, so indeed, the man’s mind flying hither and thither, and finding no other resting place, comes to rest in vital Breath; for Mind is bound by vital Breath. Dear, learn from me! The meaning of hunger and thirst! When a man hungers, as they say, the waters guide what he eats. Thus you must know that what he eats grows and sprouts forth; and it cannot grow without a root. Through the earth that has sprouted forth, you must seek the root, the waters. And through the waters that have sprouted forth, you must seek the root, Radiance. And through Radiance that has sprouted forth, you must seek the root, the Real. For all these beings, dear, are rooted in the Real, resting in the Real, abiding in the Real.
Tat Tvam Asi can be translated variously as “That art thou,” “That thou art,” “Thou art that,” “You are that,” or “That you are.” It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad (6.8.7) in the dialogue between Uddalaka and his son Shvetaketu.
Uddalaka said: “Let it be so dear.” “Dear, as the honeybees gather the honey from many a tree, and weld the nectars together in single nectar; and as they find no separateness there, nor say: I am the nectar of that tree; I am the nectar of this tree.
Shvetaketu said: “O Master, teach me more.”
Shvetaketu replied: “It is salty.”
Uddalaka said: “Let it be so dear.”
Thus, indeed, dear, all these beings, when they reach the Real, know not say: We have reached the Real. O Shvetaketu, this soul is the Self of all that is, this is the Real, this is the Self; THAT THOU ART!”
Uddalaka asked his son to bring a fruit of that fig‑tree.
Shvetaketu said: “O Master, teach me more.”
Shvetaketu divided it into two.
Uddalaka said: “Let it be so dear.” “Dear, these eastern rivers roll eastward; and the western, westward. From the ocean to the ocean they go, and in the ocean they are united. And there they know no separateness, nor say: This I am, that I am. Thus indeed, dear, all these beings, coming forth from the Real, know not, nor say: We have come from the Real. O Shvetaketu, that soul is the Self of all that is, this is the Real, and this is the Self; THAT THOU ART!” Shvetaketu said: “O Master, teach me more.” Uddalaka said: “Let it be so dear.” “Dear, if anyone strikes the root of this great tree, it will flow and live, if anyone strikes the middle of it, it will FEBRUARY 2014 FEBRUARY 2014
Shvetaketu said: “Master, here is the fruit.” Uddalaka said: “Divide it into two.”
Uddalaka asked: “What do you see in it?” Shvetaketu said: “Atom-like seeds, Master.” Uddalaka asked him to divide one of the seeds in two and asked: “What do you see in it?” Shvetaketu replied: “I see nothing at all, Master.” Uddalaka said: “Dear, the soul is that you perceive. From that very soul the great fig‑tree comes forth. O Shvetaketu, believe then, dear, that this soul is the Self of all that is, this is the Real, this is the Self; THAT THOU ART! Shvetaketu said: “O Master, teach me more.”
And he did so and the Master said to him: “Bring to me that salt you put in the water last night!” And looking for its appearance, Shvetaketu could not see it, as it was melted in the water. Uddalaka asked him to taste the top of the water and asked: “How is it?”
Uddalaka asked him to taste the middle of it and asked: “How is it?” Shvetaketu replied: “It is salty.” Uddalaka asked him to taste the bottom of it and asked: “How is it?” He said: “It is salty.” Just so, dear, you do not see the Real in the world. Yet it is here all the same. O Shvetaketu, this soul is the Self of all that is, this is the Real, this is the Self; THAT THOU ART! lesson: The man who wishes to know the THAT (Brahman) which is in THOU (self) may set to work in three ways. He may start by looking inwards into his own THOU and, by selfreasoning and self-willing, come at last to knowledge of the Self. Or, he may begin with the THOUS (selves) existing outside himself and try to realize their essential unity with God and, through God, with one another and with his own being. Or, finally (no doubt this the best way), he may seek to approach the ultimate THAT (Brahman) both from within and from without and comes to realize God experimentally.
Uddalaka said: “Let it be so dear.”
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Shvetaketu said: “O Master, teach me more.”
Uddalaka said: “Put this salt in water, and come to me early in the morning.”
Malayala Malayalam m
O Shvetaketu! This is the soul, the Self of all that is, this is the Real, this is the Self; THAT THOU ART!”
flow and live; if anyone strikes the top of it, it will flow and live. But if the life of one branch leaves, that branch dries up; it leaves a second that dries up; it leaves a third that dries up; if it leaves the whole, the whole dries up. Thus indeed, dear, you must understand; when abandoned by Life, verily, this dies; but Life itself does not die. O Shvetaketu, for that soul is the Self of all that is, this is the Real, this is the Self; THAT THOU ART!”
Thus you must know, that what he drinks grows and sprouts forth; and it cannot grow without a root.
Me 34
Eccentric Maharajas
K Raman
The King’s playground ‘H
The life of women in the Royal Harems always remained a well discussed juicytopic. As a matter of fact no one could tell the clear truths with their nitty gritty details of the Harem life.We heard only of second hand informations on Harem life, and it could not be fully authenticated and believed. A Harem consisted generally upwards of 300 or so specially chosen exotic women who were the King’s mistresses.The favourites few of the master occupied the top positions in the hierarchy. These women were guarded by highly trusted and specially chosen soldiers and Eunuchs,a system that began from days as far back as wecould remember. These unfor-
tunate women (so we assume) never could meet men, and their physical desires and companionship could be satisfied only by the ‘lone ranger’ who hadnumerous wives to take care of all round the year with no rest in between. A year long wait for just one Royal conjugal visit to one particular inmate was of a common duration. Though they had a pampered existence, life inside must be entirely boring. The king had favourite mistresses and concubines (male lovers) and if he visited them regularly their stature got elevated. They became powerful and influential. The law of nature says that if someone won, some others had to lose. The harem had various
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Malayala Malayalam m
arem’ is commonly branded as a restricted areain a polygamous household or in short the high statured king or wealthy lord’s sexual playground. The word has been recorded in the English language since 1634 via Turkish word harem. In Arabic ‘harem/aram’ means ‘forbidden/ restrictedor sanctum’.Assortments of women who livedhere competed with each other to win the master’s favour, leading to acquiring enormous wealth. Historically this Harem system is believed to have originated in Near East. In North Indian states as well as in few of the South Indian states, like Hyderabad this evil system existed all along in full glory.
Eccentric Maharajas
money, we cannot presume.When the king cast his eyes on younger arrivals the older mistresses were retired or pushed back to oblivion like a slippery dip. The king was always looking for youth, freshness, vitality and attractiveness. There were various divergent groups of women in the harem and intense rivalry and bitchiness was exhibited by them within the groups and this was a common trend inside all harems. Intense boredom and leading an aimless When a woman was attracted life facing a blank screen of nothby an amorous king she was ingnessdeclined their mental hapsnatched from her home and piness. The King took occasionaly brought in front of the king; none selected groups of his favourite not even the victim objected to it, Harem girls for communal baths out of fear of reprisals or greed for in the rivers and the inmates were escorted by Eunachs only. The King frolicked with his nude Harem The operation of the members with no trace o f worries in his mind as Harem was managed by well as no males around, not even his trusted male a full female crew which body guards. They might be thinking that if Lord Krishna had 16,008 included an army of wives why not we have a fraction of it. We cannot Eunuchs in key positions. make these clowns enlightened because the Lord used the pretext to The women guards, tough save the 16,008 lady prisoners by promisand fierce looking wore i n g the evil Narakasuran that he would marry male uniforms with a load those condemned souls.
statured inmates like princesses, women of evil nature,conniving bitchy women, nautch girls, belly dancers,transvesties, slave girls, dancers specialised in provocative dancingetc (the mastershated monotony and liked verities). Invariably they spent their time grooming themselves to look alluring and charming to catch the eyes of the king. They also tried their level best to keep up the status to be higher statured in comparison to the other co-inhabitants. Depending on the wishes and power of the kings fresh new women were brought regularly to become mistresses of the king.So it was a swelling group.
of weaponry, were ready at the beck and call of the king
Almost without exception Indian Maharajaha’s were Polygamous and had a number of concubines and mistresses (little wives), apart from the officially recognised Queen who popped up for ceremo-
nialpageantries only. The operation of the Harem was managed by a full female crew which included an army of Eunuchs in key positions. The women guards, tough and fierce looking wore male uniforms with a load of weaponry, were ready at the beck and call of the king and the chief of Harem to subdue and punish the trouble making mistresses and concubines. They looked and behaved like commandos of Hollywood movies. The Eunuch in charge of the operation was called as ‘Kancukin’, a very powerful and influential member of the Royal court. It was widely reported- something like this- over the years that the “Maharajah of Kapurthala in particular led an opulent ‘dream’ life style’; hisonly two favouritepastimes in life were women and France (in that order). If he liked a particular woman, he visited her regularly inside the Harem ‘chupke chupke’and during each of his conjugal visits; he willingly presented a Cartier diamond necklace or a Faberge egg, a sack of gold coins or whatever the darling flirtingly asked in return forher services. His visits (sambandham trips) were virtually kept secret. He dressed immaculately; his specially made sugar pink turbans were studded with priceless, Diamonds, Rubies and Saphaires, a priceless assortment of precious gems. In his belt he had studded a gold topaz, the biggest of its kind in the world. His harem had FEBRUARY 2014
Eccentric Maharajas well over 300 handpicked beauties and he could not remember their names, but addressed them as darling or dear. His junior village girls were identified as A1 or B2. He had regular arrivals of Harem girls almost on a daily basis, sometimes two lots in a day. His daily routine consisted of sitting on the veranda for long hours watching passers-by in the busy road below. His eyes wandered looking for attractive young ladies. The moment he showed expression of interest in any of them whoever it may be, the guards scooped on her and brought the catch ‘on a platter’ to his Highness. There were no challenges, questioning or expression of unwillingness from no one concerned”. Now this story on another Royal Highness is interesting too. “When Maharajah Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, His Highness ExtraordinaireGCSI, GCIE, GCVO, GBE etc,
(1891-1938) died he had 332 damsels, some of whom he frequented even the very day before he passed away. Officially he married 10 times of which one marriage was with 4 sister princesses of Himachal Pradesh Royal Household.He sired 88 children (official account) with countless other unofficial children known to have existed of his encounters with countless women. Ifthe Nizam was known as the most ‘Exalted’ Highness, Bhupinder was realistically glorified as the most ‘exhausted’ Highness, due to his heavy work load; complimenting him for his womanising exploits. He spent most of his time acquiring the most alluring beauties from far and wide procured by his ever active agents who went round looking for beauties. He was a crazy man who went round walking on Sivaratri day in broad daylight stark naked, smeared in ashes and decorated with the
priceless diamond studded breast plate and displaying his genitals full on ( including some glorification of it, I do not wish to mention here). On either side of the road leading from his opulent palace to the Siva Temple men and especiallyyoung women crowded around and wildly clapped and swooned as he passed by. These love stuck women wereacknowledging the manifestations of his ‘Princely organ’. On one occasion he kept a train loaded with 1000 passengers waiting for an hour until he had finished his grooming formalities. In those days everything revolved around the king. British rulers helped to get rid of the Harem to some extend but in a free India that system of Polygamy was totally wiped out, so say the Administration”. Jai Ho, you colourful Royals of that era who clowned their life through.
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Models: Grace Sarah Paul | Milan Mary Paul | Shervin Sabu Aysha Sumeirah Sajith | 5.Sahil Sajith | 6.Meryl Grace Varghese Jewel Mary Varghese | Olivia thankam Binu
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