Montage editing Eisensein – Soviet Montage -‐ Intellectual Montage 1924 Strike & 1925 Battleship Potemkin è Logical montage è outside of Hollywood system è Kuleshov -‐> Kuleshov experiment repeated images it’s context – juxtapositioning that helps audience create narrative. è Kuleshov edited together a short film in which a shot of the expressionless face of Tsarist matinee idol Ivan Mosjoukine was alternated with various other shots (a plate of soup, a girl, a little girl's coffin). The film was shown to an audience who believed that the expression on Mosjoukine's face was different each time he appeared, depending on whether he was "looking at" the plate of soup, the girl, or the coffin, showing an expression of hunger, desire or grief respectively. Actually the footage of Mosjoukine was the same shot repeated over and over again. è in pait necessity è capitalist nation -‐ trade embargo è had nothing had to find something on convey the political ideas and order and that’s why its conveyed in a different way. 1960 Psycho Hitchcock Shower sequence -‐ suggesting not seeing è used to get around censor and to intensify the screen action è makes the audience uneasy as you feel unsure what you’ll see next 1991 Oliver stone ‘JFK’ – condensing story time – creating sense of threat è agrarian state è limited industry è several time zones/ languages è very little infrastructure è feudal? è JFK montage used a a device for condensing story time into short amount of screen time è Shot duration political events è Speech from his predecessor è Home video of personal life and family è Hysterical woman – different plot space* è JFK looking relaxed è Shots of digital shock è Shots of crowd and surroundings * time running out impending doom – intellectually suggest ideas to prompt connections
1985 Rocky IV Training montage – condensing story time to shorten screen time è 2 plot spaces – 2 training narratives conflict è Condensing story time so it takes up less screen time – combined with continuity techniques -‐> graphic matches 2002 Bowling for Columbine – contemporary intellectual montage è High lighting gun culture and aggressive foreign policy in the US by using montage è Hollywood montage however is mainly used to progress time in the product. Create a timeline showing montage editing through time – using You Tube for examples – make the different boxes different colours to show different styles of montage editing. Hip Hop montage – unintellectual è Taking of a drug (used in films to get around the censor) or doing of a dance and its cut up into pieces. è Jazzing up a single action è Not illustrating conflict Hollywood took montage – intellectual form and trashed it by making it adaptable to different form that weren’t as clever or as intellectual.