TALLIS TV SCRIPT SALMA: I think we can all agree that the new Thomas Tallis building is an upgrade from the old building, apart from the old building having character it has nothing on the new building. SAM : Before we go in deph in our articles we brainstormed ideas and decided as a group we would have 4 ideas that we went on to do primary and secondry research on. LUC: Our tallis tv episode is going to cover 4 topics which are: Capita Unused school facilities The Link Community change in Tallis First of all im going to talk about capita. What is capita? Capita was created in 1984 by paul pinder, capita work across eight markets Local government Central government Education Transport Health Insurance Private sector . Now im going hand to Salma whose going to talk about our Capita VT. SALMA: Capita are the UK’s leading business process outsourcing (BPO) and professional services company and has grown consistently over the last 28 years and continually look to new market areas to ensure their long term leading position Capita has many inspiring qualitys such as 46 employees across many market places spread country wide, and a total community investment of £2m but dispite this success there are also some negatives such as it has not been well
recived by the public and media, by having the nickname of crapita and the chief executive bosting about his salary. Are aim is to clear up any rumors about capita to see if they are true or not, and get to know them more as a company. The target audience for our capita piece is students who often use technology in the new school because its something that involves their learning LUC: Another issue that we’re gonna explore is the new facitlies and some of the areas that are not being used for incidence the wasted rooms in the building, such as
the gymnasium; pupils cannot use the huge gym, and can be harshly punished from entering the gym without correct permission, I think room like this is a waste of space, even if it hasn’t come from the school fund, why is it in our building? For this we’re interviewing martin dean, who was responsible for the new school transition to find out his views following a questionnaire response. The target audience for this VT is the student preferably the pupils that have came from the old building and taechers that have came from the old building, the reason for this is because they are the ones that would have seen the changes. Following from this report we’re now going to talk about the link and our concerns over the safety of it use. For this we’ve produced a survey asking people what they feel about it and asking people how they could improve it. Again we will be interviewing martin dean about our concerns and finding out the real story about the links came about