the time machine

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The time machine The audience in the time machine is relatively the same as it was in king kong because there are no videos or dvd’s so people can’t watch it at home so they have to see it in the cinema. So the audience is people that go to the cinema. The same amount of people roughly go to the cinema in the 1960’s as they did in the 30’s because to see films like the cinema you would have to go to the cinema as you couldn’t watch it on tv because no one would broadcast it. The only difference is the audience might be more defined by genre then in the 30’s. The budget in the time machine is even bigger then it was in king kong. The budget is about 33% bigger but that is because the technology used in the time machine is more advanced so it cost more then the technology that made the animation for king kong. The budget for the animation is big like in king kong because there are still millions of people going to the cinema to watch the films so the industry is making a lot of money to be able to produce high budget films. The technology used in the time machine is more advanced then the technology used in king kong because king kong was made several decades later when more advanced technology was invented. The animation technique used in the time machine was a bit like pixilation. As in the time machine it showed flowers, candels, and people changing over time. This technology was really advanced for its era as it was only recently invented. The effect of time changing was done by people taking lots of photos of objects or people changing or moving over a long period of time when they were played in quick succession e.g. when the flower was growing that would of taken 3 months or so but each time the flower changed a picture was taken until there was about 50 pictures and there all played in succession so the fps builds up to make it appear as it was moving. The place of exhibition for the time machine was the cinema and only the cinema as dvd or vhs hasn’t been invented. The exhibition won’t have any effect on the quality of the animation because the budget would still be the same as it would more then likely only be made for the cinema but it could have some effect because if it was made for tv they wouldn’t of used the technology they did because it would have been to expensive but it is very unlikely that it would of.

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