Yr 12 interview techniques 3rd july cover

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Hello petals As you know, some of you are with me at Gatwick airport. For those who aren’t I have set you the lovely task of star=ng your introduc=on to the essay. Read through the slides to help you understand what you need to write, and I’ve even produced a lovely starter game for you! Missing you Miss Shackley

Learning Objec=ves

Compose and jus=fy your understanding of interview techniques by wri=ng the start of your Interview Techniques essay. Differen=ate interview ques=ons, style, structure and purpose.

Interview techniques Ques=on types: p , c , single, lt , direct, gg =ve Interview v : hard news, inves=ga=ve, promo=onal, bat , ain , light hearted v v :introduc=on, developmental ques=ons, confidence building, key ques=ons, sound-­‐bites, summary, wind-­‐ up

Interview techniques Ques%on types: open , closed, single, mul=ple, direct, sugges=ve Interview styles: hard news, inves=ga=ve, promo=onal, comba=ve, entertainment, light hearted Interview structure: introduc=on, developmental ques=ons, confidence building, key ques=ons, sound-­‐bites, summary, wind-­‐ up

Brief introduc=on to the interviews and the Techniques and Purposes of interviews EMEPLAR

There are a range of different programmes that feature interviews, news programmes, entertainment programmes, documentaries and more. With all interviews, there is a purpose, and depending on its purpose, an interview will use a technique that works best to fulfil its purpose. For example, if an interview is to provide informa=on on the latest album from Adele, it is likely that the format will be an entertainment programme as the subject is promo=onal and therefore you would expect techniques such as confidence building, because such a ‘high profile’ celebrity is on your show, meaning you will get high audience figures. Therefore interview techniques are very reliant on the genre of the programme.

Introduc=on START with the types/genre of programmes that interviews are in, which, of course, are all FACTUAL TV programmes. Chat Shows (give examples and explain the interview style) News (give examples and explain the interview style) Factual Entertainment (such as magazine shows, give examples and explain the interview style) Documentaries (give examples and explain the interview style) *and explain if they are INFORMAL or FORMAL interviews

Introduc=on NEXT explain the different Interview Techniques used, giving examples and very briefly explaining them; ques%on types interview style communica%on skills structure of interviews *(don’t explain every single type of ques=on and interview style here – you will do that in the main body of the essay)

Introduc=on •  FINALLY explain the Purpose of Interviews i.e. Research: -­‐ finding out informa=on Enhancement of audience understanding Informa%onal: -­‐ presen=ng informa=on Interpre%ve: -­‐ expressing or explaining opinion Emo%onal: -­‐ allowing audience insight to a situa=on in a way that creates an emo=onal reac=on (laughter, sadness, empathy...)



Within factual programme, a genre of programme that would contain interviews are Chat Shows, an entertaining and promo=onal style

Within factual programme, a genre of programme that would contain interviews are Chat Shows, for example Jonathan Ross EXPLAIN MERIT and Alan Carr’s Chaby Man, an entertaining and promo=onal style. Within factual programme, a genre of programme that would contain interviews are Chat Shows, for example Jonathan Ross and Alan Carr’s Chaby Man. The style of interview in this type of programme would be a mix of entertainment and promo=onal. This is evidence by the interviee usually being in COMPREHENSIVELY ntertainment industry, where they are on the show to DISTINCTION the eadver=se their latest work, which suggests they are EXPLAIN promo=ng their work. The entertainment style comes from the way that these interviewers interact with their interviewees, i.e. making jokes, building rapport by compliments and asking interviees ques=ons that focus around them, i.e. fulfilling the purpose of the interview, which is to give informa=on about what they are promo=ng

Sentence Starters •  Interviews are a common feature of a range of different programmes. Even within Factual entertainment programmes there are different kinds of interview for different kinds of factual entertainment programs… •  Genre is significant to specific interview style. An audience can simply iden=fy the inten=ons of the programme and therefore will know what to expect in its delivery. For example… •  Factual television programmes typically feature interviews which can be composed in a number of different ways depending on the type of programme they are. •  Interviews play an important role in many different types of television programming.

Recipe Time Think of all the structure ‘ingredients’ needed to make an interview Put your hands up to answer GO!

Recipe Time Think of all the interview style ‘ingredients’ needed to make different interviews Put your hands up to answer GO!

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