Learning Objec4ves
Construct a booklet about the different pre produc4on tools. Review and jus4fy the value of each tool, with some reference to law/ media regula4ons
Pre Produc4on Tools You need to produce a booklet about preproduc4on tools. It must contain; • What it is used for? • Why it is useful? • Reference any law when applicable • Include an example of your work • Strengths and Weaknesses • Do you like the tool?
Exemplar: Release Agreement • •
A Release agreement is a legal form that allows a TV produc4on to use an actor or par4cipant to feature in the produc4on they are making. It is useful because even if you don’t ‘use’ the par4cipant, it covers your work legally, and allows the footage to be agreeable by both par4es, the produc4on and the par4cipant. If you are filming in a loca4on where there is a lot of people, it will s4ll be necessarily to get all the par4cipants to fill in this form. It can be therefore very 4me consuming, and is usually therefore the job of the runner to collect these. I think this tool, although very frustra4ng in large numbers to fill out, is essen4al to any produc4on large or small. Ofcom rules: Consent
Pre Produc4on Tools Tools to be covered are; Loca4on Release Story Board Footage Log GanU Chart/Schedule Asset Log Script EDL Risk Assessment Research Loca4on Recce Regula4ons Call Sheet Proposal/ Ini4al Ideas Budget SWOT Requirements Feasibility study Release Agreement BBFC Ofcom For these, state a paragraph about what they PEGI BECTU do, which industries they relate to, their PCC ASA importance, and an example of one of their
Pre Produc4on Tools
TH 14 JUNE 2013
JACK MARKING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Storyboard: needs a beUer descrip4on of what it is; storyboards aren’t just for filming plans. Call sheet: get rid of tells everyone instead write call sheet is an informa4on sheet for the produc4on and crew used for contac4ng one another; choose another con think of a reason that professionally it could be a problem (lost data) GanU sheet: men4on that it’s a schedule, plans change which means what?; Risk Assessment; legal requirement in any profession for health and safety reasons, quote the law Budget; why is it necessary? Requirements: why is it necessary? Loca4on Recce: Is the loca4on recce for actors or for the produc4on team? Why is it necessary? Overhead diagram: why is it necessary – to map out camera movements/ligh4ng/ space of the loca4on Loca4on release: Men4on the legal constraint it concerns – i.e. Consent; Ofcom Actor Release: See my example, Men4on the legal constraint it concerns – i.e. Consent; Ofcom Script: why is it necessary – allows you to understand the story of the film or media its portraying Shot list: why is it necessary? Who is it for? Shoo4ng script: Reword what it is, it is a script that incorporates camera movements, and dura4on to plot out what a produc4on will look like, *seems Footage Log: A list of shot in sequen4al order from the camera, used to track good takes to eliminate scrubbing through footage at the edit. Asset log: replace borrowed with use. A way of tracking ‘copyright’ material to then seek out ‘usage’, quote copyright rule. EDL: The shot order that you have edited together in the 4meline. why is it necessary (in case footage goes offline or missing, you know what was meant to be there)