Yr 13 interview techniques lo2 and l03 what to include

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  Quantitative research   Qualitative research   Company or subject information

e.g. Research by psychologists L. Rowell Huesmann, Leonard Eron and others found that children who watched many hours of violence on television when they were in elementary school tended to also show a higher level of aggressive behavior when they became teenagers. http://www.apa.org/research/action/protect.aspx

  What COULD you discuss in the interview?   What areas do you have the POTENTIAL to


  Base this on the initial research you have done.

E.g. Age classification; Themes - Sex, Drugs, Violence, Examples - GTA, Clockwork Orange,

  What would YOU like discuss in the interview?   From the research what do you think should be

discussed, and what specifically interests you and why? Relate this to the research you have done.

E.g. Violence in the media; Violent lyrics = Slipknot = example = why its of interest.

  What will be the problems when discussing this


  What is going to prevent your programme from


  What will you have to resolve to make it work?

E.g. Music industry: Getting successful artist to interview – use underground artists.

  What is the interviewees opinion on the subject –

point of view?

  What qualifies them to be interviewed on the

subject? How do they relate to topic?

  Why have you chosen them? What made you pick

them to be interviewed?

  How will they perform in front of a camera? Will they

be confident/nervous? Do they need prompts?

Either an interview with your interviewee or an interview on the subject you are covering – analyze it. Look at the following;   Key questions   Developmental questions   Interview style   What parts may you borrow to help your

interviews?   Why is it bad, what do you plan to do better?

  From the research, what facts/dates will you use

to incorporate into your questioning?

  What will you use to prompt your questions to

get the best response from your interview?

  What is your key information – why is it key – why

is it helpful?

  What do the general public think about your topic?   What is their opinion?   What changes may you make based on results?   What information will you use as facts for your interview?

e.g. LOL – Questionnaire - Based on the results (people not knowing the game) what adaptations do you need to make in order to make your product sell to the audience

  What do the general public think about your


  If you have multi guests, have a pre interview

asking their opinions on subject/other interviewees and use it in the interview.

e.g. Violence in media – pre interview and use it to combat each others thoughts.

  Primary and secondary research.   Primary; Questionnaire, Pre Interview, Survey – at

least one per group

  Secondary; Website, Books, Magazine, Online

forums, TV, Radio, Observe events – at least three.

  Put your name under the work you did!!

  Primary and secondary research.   Primary; Questionnaire, Pre Interview, Survey – at

least one per group

  Secondary; Website, Books, Magazine, Online

forums, TV, Radio, Observe events – at least three.

  Put your name under the work you did!!

  Explain the purpose of your interview(s) and your

interview techniques.

  Think about your show's format/genre (television

documentary, chat show, magazine show, TV news interview).

  Give a programme synopsis.

  Location   Date and time   Appropriate setting   Recording methods   Ambient considerations   Talent liaison   Requirements of interview

  Structuring: Question formulation – key questions,

developmental questions – in order of content

  Scripting of interviewer input – if you haven’t got a

strict set of questions, prepare questions to prompt your interviewees

  Consideration of interview style – reflect the

questions/introductions to suit the style of your programme

  Definition of structure of interview (e.g. introduction,

progressive questions, summary)

  Client liaison - discuss with teachers ideas about the

topic/questions and interviewees, how progress is going

  Interviewee management dealings - release forms,

interview question previews or at least giving them a preview of the topic

  Editorial compliance - gaining consent (release

forms), informing of where interview will be published/broadcast & copyright issues for programme – look at Ofcom rules

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