2 minute read
Interview: Heather Scholl
Interview: Heather Scholl
What actions do you take to practice anti racism?
I co-facilitate a workshop, Confront White Womanhood. We examine the ways white women uphold and benefit from white supremacy through historical context, personal story sharing, and vulnerable discussion to empower attendees to disrupt white supremacy within themselves and community
Have you either experienced or witnessed the effect of microaggressions, and how did you manage it?
I witness micro aggressions regularly. It is always a negotiation of when and where I address them, but I find through the use of curiosity and naivete I am able to subtly bring light to the irrationality of microaggressions.
How does your work relate or explore this topic?
My primary body of work entitled “Whitework” is an examination of white women’s roles in the establishment and maintenance of white supremacy. The pieces range from home to wearable items and are things that we may surround ourselves with every day or on special occasions. These handmade items are adorned with imagery and quotes and while having an innocuous intimate feeling at first glance; reveal harsh stories of racial injustice upon closer examination. This work utilizes different white on white techniques but is primarily stitched in whitework embroidery.
The pieces included are “The Heroine’s Veil”, which explores the white savior complex and how white women are often hurting in their “aid” efforts. And “A (white) Woman’s Work”, a quilt that using a lyching scene to address the ways white women normalize the violence against black people and help to make it a family affair.
How does creative expression combat racial inequality?
Creative expression is one tool in combating inequality. Through our creativity we are able to imagine new futures and envision new solutions. It is through these methods that we are able help other discover and more deeply understand the reality of racial inequality.

A White Womans Work detail.

A White Womans Work detail.

A Heroines Veil.