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Interview: Rayvenn Shaleigha D'Clark

Interview: Rayvenn Shaleigha D'Clark
What actions do you take to practice anti racism?
Speaking up; devoting my life to working with my fellow white people to interrupt our internalized superiority; contribute percentage of my income to racial justice causes; seek to build relationships across race.
Where in the creative curriculum have you or would you consider topics surrounding whiteness or constructions of race?
All of my work addresses and only addresses exposing and interrupting white supremacy
Have you either experienced or witnessed the effect of micro-aggressions, and how did you manage it?
Racism is 24/7, 365 so yes, I have witnessed and perpetrated micro-aggressions. When I perpetrate them and am aware of that fact, I seek to repair them. When I witness others making them, I seek to work with the person perpetrating them and support the recipient.
What activities already exist that transcend racial inequality?
I don’t believe anything does or can transcend racial inequality because it is the system we are all in; there is no space outside of it. The best we can do is continually seek to interrupt and hopefully transform the current system.
How does creative expression combat racial inequality?
It has the potential to expose whiteness. Whiteness stays centered through remaining unmarked and unnamed. To expose it is to interrupt it.
How does your work relate or explore this topic?
My work is centered on the objective of exposing whiteness. This submission is a basic overview of white fragility, and has been published in The Good Men Project.