Golden Rule Days

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The Future of Memories

pg. 9

The First “Class” Photograph

pg. 5

To The Nines

pg. 14

Family At School

pg. 34

Penelope Dreadful

pg. 18

The Friends Album Goes Home

pg. 36

The Healing Brush

pg. 24

The Golden Rule Album

pg. 52

Shades Centerfold

pg. 48

Prom & Corsage

pg. 80


pg. 92

Behind The Camera

pg. 86

Painting A Life History

A Little Class

Dreadful Secrets

Graduation Day

Miss Golden Rule Days

How Will You Know



On The Cover A graduate of the Indiana Common Schools

pg. 110


Sheri Fenley

Missy Corley

Questions & Answers Their Beginnings

George Kendall Warren

School Photo Souvenirs

pg. 114

Teacher & Student

In Every Issue From My Keyboard

pg. 4

Letter from the editor

The Last Picture Show

The graphic image on the back of a carte-de-visite or cabinet card

Download The Magazine

All photographs that not credited are in the collection of footnoteMaven.

Back Cover



Penelope Dreadful is the alter ego of Denise Levenick. Denise authors the blog, The Family Curator and gives us something “Dreadful” every month.

Janine is the new author of The Healing Brush Column. She also owns Landailyn Research & Restoration and is an award winning restorationist.




Denise is the author of The Future of Memories Column. She also writes the blog Family Matters and experiments with her iPad

Sheri writes The Year Was . . . Column. She also authors the blog The Educated Genealogist.

Caroline is the In2Genealogy Columnist. She is also the author of the Family Stories blog.




Maureen is author of the “To The Nines” column. Well-known as the Photo Detective she has authored many books on family history and photography.

Craig authors the Appealing Subjects column. He also writes the blog Geneablogie.

Maven edits Shades Of The Departed The Magazine. She also writes the blog footnoteMaven and Shades of the Departed.

From the Editor

"School Days" ("When We Were a Couple of Kids") Cover, sheet music, 1907

Courtesy of Library of Congress

Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1882), the distinguished looking gentleman to the left, is best known as an artist and inventor of the telegraph. But were you also aware he is known as the father of “American Photography?”

The First “Class”


Quarter Plate Daguerreotype of a Woman Telegrapher

Cowan Au


And its story!

6 Shades MAGAZINE | Golden Rule Days 2013

Daguerreotype of Louis Daguerre in 1844 by Jean-Baptiste Sabatier-Blot WikiMedia


Le Dyorama, an engraving by Marlet of Daguerre’s Diorama, 1824.

"M. Daguerre appointed yesterday at noon to see my telegraph. He came, and passed more than an hour with me, expressing himself highly gratified at its operation. But while he was thus employed, the great building of the Diorama, with his own house, all his beautiful works, his valuable notes and papers, the labor of years of experiment, were, unknown to him, at that moment becoming the prey of the flames. His secret indeed is still safe with him, but the steps of his progress in the discovery, and his valuable researches in science are lost to the scientific world."

Engraving of Daguerre’s Diorama. A Diorama was a display of large paintings and photographs on thin canvas with the light shining from behind. Daguerre was an artist who produced theatrical backgrounds.

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This is a copy of the class photograph taken from Photography in America: The Formative Years 1839-1900, A Documentary History, (1978) by William Welling. An excellent reference. Welling lists the source of the photograph as in the private unpublished collection of Mrs. Joseph Carson of Philadelphia. In 1996, the Library of Congress acquired the Marian S. Carson Collection numbering more than 10,000 American manuscripts, broadsides, pamphlets, photographs, prints and drawings, dating from before the Revolution to the end of the 19th century. A search of the Library of Congress did not uncover the photograph. However, I felt this a photograph that had to be seen to

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Carolina Digital Lib. & Archives.

understand the beginnings of class group photography.

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Capt. William H. Barrett, Jr.

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Postcard of the USS National Defender sent from Capt. Barrett.

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Hill’s Manual 1887

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Penelope Dreadful’s School Photograph A thespian at heart.

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Inset of larger photograph

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Mr. Moulthrop advertised “The largest Camera in the State, affords remarkable facilities for taking group pictures and large heads by the instantaneous process.� Yale Banner, 1881

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Left: The author in Kindergarten. Can you identify me? Opposite Page Top: : Hazel Harris (Great Grandmother Holding Sign) - Maple Grove School, Bourbon County, Kansas - 29 April 1911 Middle: Garnett High School, Anderson County, Kansas, 1930, Darrell Kenneth Skillman - Second row knelling - fourth from left striped sweater. Bottom: Seniors Garnett High School, Anderson County, Kansas, 1934, Mary Ellen Harris. Back row of girls second from right. Below: Mummy Dahling, front row, sixth from left with bow James Madison School Kindergarten Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California Miss Kester Teacher,1943

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Ellis Burton Wilson

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St. Nicholas Magazine April, 1921

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Miss Golden Rule Days

Photo In The Collection Of footnoteMaven

Great Grandma Is A Centerfold

Miss Golden Rule Days is a Graduation Photograph; graduate with diploma, corsage, and a basket of flowers. Cabinet card by Edwin & Winans, Onconta, N.Y. Successor to Mereness & Winans. While we may enjoy looking at the lovely young woman, we can’t celebrate her accomplishment as her family failed to identify her, the date, or what graduation she celebrated. Mores the pity.

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School Arts, 1915

The Golden Rule Album Surely it would give us a sense of space if we could see clearly a little further behind us. Would it not be a good plan if every family appointed a historiographer. The Living Age, 1913

Class Photographs

This is an absolutely amazing quarter plate ambrotype with original seals measuring approximately 3.25 x 4.25 inches in very good condition. It’s last known place of origin was south central New Hampshire. It is offered for sale by Theprimitivefold on eBay for $1,499.99. The ambrotype also includes a handwritten note by one of the young girls. I so hope it goes to a good home, a home where it is shared for educational purposes.

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Music Class A handsome class of musicians who obviously use the Tone Touch Technic. This is a card mounted photograph whose card has deteriorated to the point that the information for the photographer is missing.

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This is one of the most poignant photographs in the album. There are no student names, no school name and the photographer isn’t known. The photograph was probably captured by an itinerant photographer or a local amateur. It is the inscription that attracted me to the photograph. My ďŹ rst school, I was 16, as was the third boy from my right.

Left and Opposite: Another r ural photograph probably taken by an itinerant photographer. It appears the children knew the photographer was coming, fancy hats and jackets, some Sunday best, but contrast the number of little bare feet. No shoes, but at least they were in school.

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Above: The girls of Mrs. Bryant’s Somewhere in the photograph is Sophie Beckwith. But where? Card Mounted Photograph No photographer identification

Learn one thing new everyday. The Mentor, 1918.

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Individual Student Photographs Student photographs taken at school in front of a black backdrop.

A sales tool sent to the teacher in 1932. Students could purchase individual photos of the entire class in a pocket size booklet. Unknown students. Unknown photographer.

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Carte-de-Visite Lillian Atherton Smith & Bousley, Salem, Mass. Salem Normal School in Salem, MA. 1875

Right: Leigh Hanchie Class 1896 Armstrong Studio 7 Main Street, Watertown

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School Activities

University of Oregon Libraries - Special Collections and University Archives

Carte-de-Visite Penmanship Class Unknown

“Dixie Queens” - Two young girls eating lunch. Lane County, Oregon. Roy Andrews, 1912

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School Outing - Flags Baseballs, Bats & Baseball Hats The Steps of Carnegie Hall NYC - ca. 1906 Maven’s Grandmother Lillian Salter

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The F. Gutenkunst Co. 1700 N. Broad 712 Arch, Phil. Pa. USA ca. 1893-1900

Sorority Sisters? Certainly taken in the style of sorority photographs of the time. Beautiful photograph with no identification.

A May Day Celebration in one of Carnegie Hall’s Classrooms Maven’s Uncle Edward J. Greene, Jr.

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School Athletics

Football Captain above Varsity Football Team right Yale University Yearbook, 1913

Girls Basketball Team, 1901 Northern Illinois University

Two young men simulate a game of football in a photographer’s studio. While the uniforms are quite different from those of today, it is the shoes that caught my attention. Ballet anyone? Miller, Ashland, Penna.

Yale's four-oared crew team with 1876 Centennial Regatta trophy

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Can you imagine playing basketball in the above costume. Vassar College Archives 1896 Class Women’s Basketball Team

The first women’s intercollegiate basketball game was between Cal and Stanford, April 4, 1896. Stanford beat Cal 2-1in a game played in San Francisco.

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Unknown Hall, Meriden Conn. ca. 1900 Inscription: Thought To Be Head Teacher Meriden School

Teachers Teacher’s Creed I believe in boys and girls, the men and women of a great tomorrow; that whatsoever the boy soweth the man shall reap. I believe in the curse of ignorance, in the efficacy of schools. In the dignity of teaching, and in the joy of serving others. I believe in wisdom as revealed in human lives as well as in the pages of a printed book, in lessons taught, not so much by precept as by example, in ability to work with the hands as well as to think with the head, in everything that makes life large and lovely. I believe in beauty in the school-room, in the home, in daily life in and out of doors. I believe in laughter, in love, in faith, in all ideals and distant hopes that lure us on. I believe that every hour of every day we receive a just reward for all we are and all we do. I believe in the present and its opportunities, in the future and its promises and in the divine joy of living. Amen. Edwin Osgood Grover 68 Shades MAGAZINE | Golden Rule Days 2013

Marion Royce, Student Jennie Morgan, Teacher Boston Bank Note & Lith’o Co.

Faculty of Park College 1903-04 All identiďŹ ed Photographer Unknown Card Mounted Photograph

Opposite Page Bottom Right: Frances E. Willard Veeder, Albany, New York Willard appointed president of Northwestern Female College in 1871. When it merged with the Northwestern University, she became college dean and professor of esthetics.

Reward Of Merit To Bruce Davenport From F. A. Bouham

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1916 Graduates of Holsey Academy Graduating Ministers and Teachers Cordele, Ga.

The Crisis, July 1916 Photographed by The Holsey Academy, Cordele, Ga.

Graduation Class Group Photographs

Unknown Unknown Photographer Inscription Verso: Graduating Class in Arenzville, Ill. Auntie at left (Note - poor Auntie is the one with the ink X on her head.)

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Ambrotype/Tintype filing series (Library of Congress) Liljenquist Family

Individual Graduate Cap and Gown

Top Right: Unusual side profile Card Mounted Photograph Ruth Hinman’s Maternal Grandfather’s older sister. Jeannette Reed. who lived to be 101 years old.

Card Mounted Photograph Unknown Leo H. Dresser, Winfield, Kans. ca. 1900 Shades MAGAZINE | 71

The Cap and Gown In America, 1896.

Above: Cabinet Card Unknown I.M. Moll 222 W. Main St. Norristown, PA

Cabinet Card Unknown Blessing & Co. Baltimore, MD ca. 1880-1904 72 Shades MAGAZINE | Golden Rule Days 2013

Individual Graduate With Diploma Graduates appear with cap and gown— sometimes—but, alas, without the diploma which was, likely as not, left on the table at home . The obliging photographer supplies a diploma—ribbon and all. Abel's Photographic Weekly. 1922.

Unknown Ninth Plate Embossed Colorized Tintype J. H. Pope’s Premium Gallery Baltimore ca. 1860s

Left: Unknown Real Photo Postcard Surry Studio Wenatchee, Wa. ca. 1913-1918 Inscription Verso: Grandpa’s Racus

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Diploma cont. Emma Everson Fermann Stoughton, Wis. Date Unknown Inscription Versa: Luthera Kasberg, Please send yours in return, as you forgot it Sat. evening.

Right: Pensive young woman with diploma and bouquet Card Mounted Photograph Montfort, Handel Hall, 40 E. Randolph St. Chicago ca. 1900

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Diploma cont. Left: A young man and his diploma. P.M. Kinder, Art Gallery Akron, Ind.

Right: A young woman standing on a box with her diploma. She may have been standing on the box to raise her to the level of the background. Colorized Card Mounted Photograph No photographer information

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Pictorial Yearbooks

Indiana State Normal School at Terre Haute. ISNS was founded in 1865, but did not open its door until 1870. "Normal," or teacher education, schools and colleges. 1900 Yearbook.

Cover of the 1907 Indiana State Normal School Catalog. Read more about the history of ISNS here - http:// ch2p1.pdf

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University of Southern California El Rodeo 1910

Henry Ossian Flipper was the ďŹ rst African American to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy (West Point). Born March 21, 1856, in Thomasville, Georgia, Flipper was the son of Festus Flipper and his wife Isabelle, both of whom were slaves.

WEST POINT CLASS OF 1882 C. W. MCIVER ALBUM This beautiful album is for sale on eBay for $4,999.93 by alleghenyantiques.

West Point cadets started the practice of wearing gold class rings in 1835.

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Sunday School Photographs

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W. Ga r la ernard n of B The C ollectio

The ďŹ rst national Sunday School effort in America began in 1824.


Unknown The Ideal Photo Studio 476 Temple Street Opposite Temple Place Boston, Mass. 1895

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PPhotographs ROM

“Prom Girl� Illustration Hamiltonian 1898

When did the custom of proms begin in America?

Pictures of student life at Yale, 1779-1988 (inclusive). Manuscripts & Archives, Yale University 1918

A group of Yale Students and their dates at prom 1918.

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This 1909 University of Montana Junior Prom dance card shows our young woman danced to the Waltz, the Two Step, the Three Step, and the Barn Dance for a total of twenty-four dances played by the H. H. Shander’s Orchestra.

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Filling Out A Dance Card

Dressed For Prom?

Are these young women on their

events and a prom was certainly a life

way to Prom? Their costume

event, but unless our ancestors were

suggests a formal occasion. The dress,

vigilant in documenting an event on

the corsage, the gloves, fan and

the photograph or our young woman

handkerchief were all appropriate to a

has her tiny dance card in her hand

prom. But they might also be

we can only speculate.

appropriate to a debutant ball, and perhaps even a wedding. These are expensive studio portraits indicating the importance of the

Do you have an early identified prom photograph in your family? We’d love to see them. Send an email to with your photograph and all the particulars.

event. Photographs memorialized life Shades MAGAZINE | 83


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Yearbooks and their beginnings

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George Kendall Warren

The inventor of the photoillustrated college yearbook.

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Inscription: “Photographically I am Yours My Dear McNeel. Geo. Kendall Warren. Lowell Mass. Dec. 1859”


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86 Shades MAGAZINE | Golden Rule Days 2013

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Harvard Photographic Yearbook 1870 Photographer - George K. Warren Richard Theodore Greener, Harvard College's ďŹ rst black graduate and the ďŹ rst black graduate of a toptier university (Slater, "The Blacks who First Entered the World of White Higher Education" p. 48-9).

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Cornell University Library, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art

View of Harvard and Radcliffe, the Delta, Cambridge, Massachusetts George K. Warren, ca. 1862 Shades MAGAZINE | 89

A Good Read From - a yearbook from 1860, (featured in Behind The Camera) complete with farewell messages from classmates. The yearbook’s owner was a Texan at Rutgers College in New Jersey, a scion of a plantation family who would go on to die for the Confederacy. On close study, the messages from his mostly northern classmates reveal much about the complexities of the “brothers’ war.”

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Sample annotations in GoodReader with the tools displayed. Screenshot by the author.

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A look at the tools available in GoodReader’s file management facility. Screenshot by the author.

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A look at a Wikipedia article as displayed in the Discover app. Screenshot by the author.

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Library Before The iPad



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Preston School, Preston, WA

Advertisements for teacher souvenirs appeared in all magazines marketed to schools and teachers.

Missouri School Journal 1899

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Thomas Public School District No. 13 North Twp., Marshall County, Indiana Pearle Bondurant, Teacher 1907

School Is Out Student Post Card With Photograph 1916 T. C. Wilson

Cabinet Card Wendell Printing Co. known for the printing of Remembrance Cards. John A. Logan, Teacher, 1904

Reward of Merit To William C. Whitney - From M. J. Horner 1859

Produced By Fenner Brothers William & Charles Lima, Ohio Mary B. Goble, Teacher, 1901

Two 1899 Teacher Souvenirs, the oldest in my collection. Left: Nellie E. Brainerd Primary Room LaFayette, Illinois Right: Mary A. Jackson School District No. 55 West Carns Neb.

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The School Journal, 1910

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August 2013

Cops & Robbers



. Evan

an D Mr. Ev

Born: June 23, 1849, Myrthur Tydville, Wales Married: July 1873, Anna L. Reed Died: July 14, 1916, Erie, PA

Glenwood Hotel and Dancing Hall on Cayuga Lake, August 1910

Photographer Evan D. Evans was born in Wales but emigrated to the United States when he was twelve. He established a photography studio in Corning, New York, in 1874. In 1881, a devastating fire destroyed his gallery in Corning and he then moved to Ithaca and opened the University Art Gallery where, until at least 1901, he specialized in portraits of Cornell students. The "Evans University Art Gallery" became the official photographer for Cornell College class books and other college publications. Evans achieved renowned success for his portraiture work due to the many thousands of students who came from around the country to study at Cornell University. Outside of photography, Mr. Evans built and owned one of the finest summer hotels and grounds in Central N. Y., called the Glenwood Hotel. (See photo above.)

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