SHS Strategic Plan 2023-2028

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INTRODUCTION What started as “an experiment” on a Cambridge porch more than 100 years ago is now a thriving, diverse, progressive school community empowering students t o b e i n tteelllleeccttuuaallllyy aaddvveennttuurroouuss aanndd w h o l e h e a rrtteeddllyy jjuusstt. . T h e c o r e v a l u e s o f Shady HIll’s founders still remain as we continue to evolve and change as a school. The last three years have revealed the best of Shady Hill School. We are adaptable, creative, resilient, valuesdriven and community minded. As we look forward we will be undertaking a great revival of what we do best. Shady Hill’s Renaissance will rediscover and reimagine our community.

SHADY HILL STRONG At Shady Hill School, we prepare our students for the complex and unpredictable world. We’ve brought that same perspective as we focus on Shady Hill’s future. Our strategic priorities are simple: We will focus on people, program, and community engagement. Shady Hill Strong is our plan to ensure academic excellence in a diverse community where everyone feels a sense of belonging. Warmly,

Mark J. Stanek Head of School

STRENGTHEN THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM We will reinvest in our overall academic program to adapt to the changing needs of today’s world. We will continue to maintain our unique campus in order to enhance learning.

INITIATIVES Devote time and space for faculty reflection on our academic program including our Thematic Studies/Central Subject approach and our cross curricular connections. Bolster our social-emotional and learning support structures for students. Develop a scope and sequence for the integration of technology and develop responsible digital citizens.

REIMAGINE THE EMPLOYEE JOURNEY The heart of Shady Hill is its faculty and staff who need to be fully supported and fairly compensated. We will focus on strengthening our culture to attract and retain the most talented faculty and staff so they may thrive professionally and personally.

INITIATIVES Investigate and build an employee wellness program with particular focus on three areas: relationship building and collaboration, overall health and wellbeing, and growth and recognition. Research options for an employee grant program that allows faculty and staff to consistently and creatively reimagine curriculum. Employ creative hiring strategies to attract the most talented and diverse faculty and staff.

REINVIGORATE OUR COMMUNITY The power of the Shady Hill community has allowed us to exist for over 100 years. We will rebuild connections, engage in innovative strategies, while ensuring access and belonging for all members of our community.

INITIATIVES Reflect upon the changing and diverse needs of Shady Hill parents in order to ensure a strong home/school partnership. Increase socioeconomic diversity and strengthen a sense of belonging. Design and create more flexible use of campus space to enhance community engagement and to support programs.

ABOUT THE PROCESS During the 2022-23 school year, a steering committee of Board members, faculty, administration, alumni and parents led an engagement process with all constituents to hear their thoughts on Shady Hill’s priorities for the future. This inclusive, feedback-rich process allowed participants to share their ideas in person, by zoom and through written responses. The feedback and priorities were approved by the Board and will serve as our compass for the next three to five years.

STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Elizabeth Gerstner P’25, P’25 Kim Henry P’27, P’30 Katherine Hesko P’27, P’30 (Faculty Rep.) Lidiane Jones P’25, P’30 Devereaux McClatchey P’25, P’27, P’30 Matt Ogden P’23, P’27, P’29 Satu Parikh P’24, P’26 Pratt Wiley '91

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