Kennedy Catholic High School 2021 Course Catalog

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ENGLISH IV: GLOBAL IDENTITIES IN LITERATURE* | L A 1271 | G R A D E 12 | F U L L Y E A R Prerequisites: None Today, there is an urgency for leaders who can understand and demonstrate a cross-national, cross-cultural level of awareness and empathy. In this course, students look at how one can become aware of, and attentive to, social and cultural issues of current times by grappling with the thoughts, questions, and issues from the recent past. Topics include immigrant and inner-city experiences, Shakespeare, intersectionality, war, trauma, and international travel narratives. HONORS ENGLISH IV: GREAT IDEAS* | L A 1 234 | G R A D E 12 | F U L L Y E A R Prerequisite: Student must have earned a C or higher in a junior English class. This Matteo Ricci Program course allows students to earn high school credits with an opportunity to earn 5 college credit hours from Seattle University. This is a full-year course that explores the great classical writers of Greek and Roman literature with a strong emphasis on written expression. Students study the foundations of Western Civilization through Greek and Roman philosophers and their writings of the medieval era. Critical reading and writing skills serve as an effective starting point for any future academic studies. Outcomes and expectations for this course are set by Seattle University. ENGLISH IV: UW COLLEGE WRITING 131* | L A 1279 | G R A D E 12 | F U L L Y E A R Prerequisite: Student should have earned a C or higher in a junior English class and submit an application to the instructor for approval. This is a College in the Classroom Program course, that allows students allows students to earn high school credits with an opportunity to earn 5 college credit hours from University of Washington. Critical reading and writing skills serve as an effective starting point for any future academic studies. Outcomes and expectations for this program are set by the University of Washington and a “passing” grade at the high school level does not necessarily equate to a passing grade at the college level. YEARBOOK JOURNALISM (CTE) | L A 12 14 | G R A D E S 10 - 12 | S E M E S T E R + F U L L Y E A R Prerequisite: Students must have a 2.5 or above English GPA and submit an application to the instructor for approval. Students in this course will produce the yearbook (Imago) while learning writing and publication skills including journalistic writing; caption, head-line, and infographic design; page layout; and photography. Admission to Yearbook Journalism course is by application only. See instructor for application forms.


Washington State guidelines require students take a minimum of two Fine Arts credits as part of graduation requirements (beginning with the class of 2025). Students participating in Visual and Performing Arts Department courses will develop an understanding of the affective dimension of humankind as expressed in vocal and instrumental music, painting, drawing, photography, theatre arts and other media.

VISUAL ARTS DRAWING/PAINTING/PRINTMAKING I (FA) | A R 1103 | G R A D E S 9 - 12 | S E M E S T E R Prerequisite: None Drawing experiences will include a variety of media, techniques, principles, and concepts. Students will apply what they have learned in drawing to the technique of acrylic and watercolor painting. Painting will be supported by personal research in great art and artists. Additionally, students in this course are introduced to the concepts and practical applications of making multiple images through various fine art printing techniques including relief printing, etching, and stenciling.

College Credit Available New Course for 2021-2022

(CTE) Career & Technical Education (FA) Fine Arts Credit


NCAA Approved Course


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