9 minute read
Fine Arts
ENGLISH IV: GLOBAL IDENTITIES IN LITERATURE* | LA1271 | GRADE 12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: None Today, there is an urgency for leaders who can understand and demonstrate a cross-national, cross-cultural level of awareness and empathy. In this course, students look at how one can become aware of, and attentive to, social and cultural issues of current times by grappling with the thoughts, questions, and issues from the recent past. Topics include immigrant and inner-city experiences, Shakespeare, intersectionality, war, trauma, and international travel narratives.
HONORS ENGLISH IV: GREAT IDEAS* | LA1234 | GRADE 12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Student must have earned a C or higher in a junior English class. This Matteo Ricci Program course allows students to earn high school credits with an opportunity to earn 5 college credit hours from Seattle University. This is a full-year course that explores the great classical writers of Greek and Roman literature with a strong emphasis on written expression. Students study the foundations of Western Civilization through Greek and Roman philosophers and their writings of the medieval era. Critical reading and writing skills serve as an effective starting point for any future academic studies. Outcomes and expectations for this course are set by Seattle University.
ENGLISH IV: UW COLLEGE WRITING 131* | LA1279 | GRADE 12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Student should have earned a C or higher in a junior English class and submit an application to the instructor for approval. This is a College in the Classroom Program course, that allows students allows students to earn high school credits with an opportunity to earn 5 college credit hours from University of Washington. Critical reading and writing skills serve as an effective starting point for any future academic studies. Outcomes and expectations for this program are set by the University of Washington and a “passing” grade at the high school level does not necessarily equate to a passing grade at the college level.
YEARBOOK JOURNALISM (CTE) | LA1214 | GRADES 10-12 | SEMESTER + FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Students must have a 2.5 or above English GPA and submit an application to the instructor for approval. Students in this course will produce the yearbook (Imago) while learning writing and publication skills including journalistic writing; caption, head-line, and infographic design; page layout; and photography. Admission to Yearbook Journalism course is by application only. See instructor for application forms.
FINE ARTS FINE ARTS Washington State guidelines require students take a minimum of two Fine Arts credits as part of graduation requirements (beginning with the class of 2025). Students participating in Visual and Performing Arts Department courses will develop an understanding of the affective dimension of humankind as expressed in vocal and instrumental music, painting, drawing, photography, theatre arts and other media.
DRAWING/PAINTING/PRINTMAKING I (FA) | AR1103 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None Drawing experiences will include a variety of media, techniques, principles, and concepts. Students will apply what they have learned in drawing to the technique of acrylic and watercolor painting. Painting will be supported by personal research in great art and artists. Additionally, students in this course are introduced to the concepts and practical applications of making multiple images through various fine art printing techniques including relief printing, etching, and stenciling.
DRAWING/PAINTING/PRINTMAKING II (FA) | AR1104 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: Drawing/Painting/Printmaking I Students in this course build upon the conceptual and technical skills presented in Drawing/Painting/Printmaking I.
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY I (FA) | AR1110 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None This is a course where students explore a variety of ways digital photos are created and used. Students will learn how to properly use a digital camera (all the various capabilities and functions) to capture compelling images. Various programs will be used to edit and enhance photos, lay them out for effect and publication, and create small illustrations. Photoshop and InDesign programs will be provided and utilized.
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY II (FA) | AR1200 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: Digital Photography I Students in this course build upon the conceptual and technical skills presented in Digital Photography I. Studio lighting, specialty lenses, and advanced camera functions are explored along with Photoshop to create finished work.
GRAPHIC DESIGN I (CTE/FA) | AB0905 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None This course will explore the practical and professional applications of illustration and design in the industry today. Students will use digital pens and design software to explore branding and logo design, poster and cover art design, layouts for publications like books, brochures and magazines, design for websites, and fine art applications for digital design software.
GRAPHIC DESIGN II (CTE/FA) | AB1005 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: Digital Arts I and/or Graphic Design I Students in this course build upon the conceptual and technical skills presented in Digital Arts I/Graphic Design I. Emphasis will be in building a summary portfolio of work as well as an artist’s statement.
FILM I (CTE/FA) | AB0906 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None This is an introductory course to learn about the creative process associated with creating a variety of digital media. This course helps students become familiar with a variety of software for creating film, as well as audio recording. Students work individually as well as in small groups to learn techniques and gain a deeper understanding of film history and the emerging trends in motion and sound media.
FILM II (CTE/FA) | AB1006 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: Film I Students in this course build upon the conceptual and technical skills presented in Film I.
3-D DESIGN I (CTE/FA) | AB0907 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None Students learn a variety of methods and techniques while creating 3-Dimensional objects. Students learn the basics of CAD (Computer Aided Drafting), 3-D printing, laser-cutting, woodwork, soldering, clay and foam forming, mold making, and joining techniques. While learning fundamental artistic concepts, students work independently, and collaboratively, to construct a variety of sculptural and practical objects in this class.
3-D DESIGN II (CTE/FA) | AB1007 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: 3-D Design I Students in this course build upon the conceptual and technical skills presented in 3-D Design I.
DESIGN THINKING (CTE/FA) | AR1000 | GRADES 10-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: 0.5 credit of any Fine Arts course This course acts as an introduction to the key concepts, methods, and typical application of Design Thinking in the public and private sectors. It is directed at future problem solvers and those who will be leading, and overseeing, their efforts. In short, this course arms students with a set of methods, tools, and techniques that are both relevant and impactful to career plans, and, potentially, motivate students to learn even more about design thinking in the future. Students work independently, and collaboratively, in applying the Design Thinking process to achieve creative and innovative solutions to existing problems. Primarily focused within the realm of Industrial Design/Applied Art, students draw upon, and develop, skills to move from research, interviewing, ideation, prototyping, and the testing/feedback stages to creativity and innovating. Students use and develop skills acquired from previous 2-D, 3-D, and Film classes as they practice marketing their products and designs.
CONCERT BAND (CTE/FA) | MU0900 | GRADES 9-10 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Introductory instrument experience Open to all freshmen and sophomores with some background in playing a traditional band instrument. Designed as an intermediate group, this band plays at concerts, festivals, and assemblies and combines with Percussion Ensemble and Symphonic Band for marching band performances and sporting events.
PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE (CTE/FA) | MU1000 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Acceptance by audition only Percussion Ensemble is offered to students who wish to enhance their percussion performance abilities, be part of a team atmosphere, and have the opportunity to perform in a number of public situations. Percussion students will participate in all band-related activities. Students will work on percussion ensemble literature and techniques including marimba, timpani, and drumset.
SYMPHONIC BAND (CTE/FA) | MU1110 | GRADES 11-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: Two or more years of band experience or private instruction. Designed as an advanced group, this band plays at concerts, festivals, and assemblies, and combines with Concert Band for marching band performances and sporting events.
CHAMBER ORCHESTRA (CTE/FA) | MU1202 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Background playing traditional stringed instruments such as a violin, viola, cello, and bass. The Chamber Orchestra is offered to students who wish to enhance their string performance abilities, be part of a team atmosphere, and have the opportunity to perform in a number of public situations. The orchestra plays at concerts, Masses, regional assessments, and festivals. All styles of musical performance are taught.
JAZZ ENSEMBLE (CTE/FA) | MU1101 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisites: By audition and at least two years of band experience, or its equivalent in private instruction, and Band Director approval. Members of this group must also be members of another Kennedy Catholic musical ensemble. An elite and demanding musical group, this group meets on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 7-7:55am. Students earn 0.25 credit per semester.
TROUBADOURS (CTE/FA) | MU0910 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None This entry-level mixed concert choir will develop singing skills, musical knowledge, and musicianship. No audition or experience is needed. Performances include school Masses, concerts, and festivals.
KENNEDY CATHOLIC SINGERS (CTE/FA) | MU1201 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Acceptance through audition process This is a women’s ensemble for experienced singers. A wide variety of choral literature is performed, leading to a refinement of vocal technique and musicianship. Performances include school Masses, concerts, and festivals.
EXCALIBUR (CTE/FA) | MU1102 | GRADES 9-12 | FULL YEAR Prerequisite: Acceptance through audition process This is a select ensemble for advanced singers. This group offers an opportunity for choral singing at the highest level, with music from all eras. Performances include school Masses, tours, assemblies, concerts, and festivals.
INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE (CTE/FA) | FA0903 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None An overview of the theatre, its elements, genres and various disciplines, this course involves both academic inquiry and practical exploration of craft. Units include western theatre origins, acting, reading the modern play, genres, mask, improvisation, play writing, and the collaborative process. Students gain both the ability to discuss a work of theatre and to approach it creatively.
ACTING FOR THE STAGE (CTE/FA) | FA1102 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisites: Introduction to Theatre or instructor approval This course lays a foundation for actors who want to work onstage. Craft exercises and modern scene exploration are followed by more advanced units including Shakespeare, clown work, improvisation, sketch comedy, and audition technique. The course also involves creating and performing devised work.
IMPROVISATION (CTE/FA) | FA0902 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None Students learn the principles of improvisation and the discipline needed to perform without a script. By participating in a variety of carefully sequenced theatre games, students develop stage presence, physical and vocal focus, and the ability to work effectively with others.
FUNDAMENTALS OF TECHNICAL THEATRE (CTE/FA) | FA1000 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None In this course, students learn to practice safe and effective stagecraft and design skills with an emphasis on collaboration. Units include tools and safety, scenic design, stage management, lighting and sound, costumes, and props.
PLAYWRITING/SCREENWRITING I (CTE/FA) | FA1002 | GRADES 9-12 | SEMESTER Prerequisite: None In this course, students study the process of writing for the stage by examining dramatic story structure, character, dialogue, theatrical spectacle and production, and by analyzing the relationship of these elements in successful play scripts or productions.