kennedy catholic high school
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2 0 2 0 V I S ION 2020 VISION
2020 VISION Our Legacy
In the mid-1950s, Seattle Archbishop Thomas Connolly had a vision of expanding Catholic secondary education in Seattle. The Archbishop’s mission was to provide an authentic Catholic education to all students. The mission was dedicated to fostering a relationship with God, educating the whole person, and inspiring a life-long commitment to learning and service. And he planned to do this by developing secondary education as an extension of the Parishes. While in Rome in 1963, Seattle Archbishop Thomas Connolly learned of the assassination of then, U.S. President John F. Kennedy. He knew he would build and name the new high school in South Seattle in honor of the late president, the nation’s first and only Catholic president. It would be named John F. Kennedy Memorial High School. On Saturday, May 29, 1965, at 5pm, Archbishop Thomas A. Connolly turned over a shovel of dirt as part of the groundbreaking ceremony for this school. The actual construction of the school took three years. The 196,000 square foot, four-story building was constructed on 17 acres of land. At the center of the school was (and still is) the chapel. It represented the Church as the central figure of the school. In March, 1966, 242 eighth grade students took the entrance exam with the desire of becoming the first class to graduate. Those 181 original students at Kennedy Catholic spent their first seven and one half months of classroom time at St. Thomas Parish in Riverton Heights. The doors of Kennedy High School opened in the late April of 1967 with 250 students and the first principal was Rt. Rev. Monsignor John P. Doogan. 2
ON MAY 29, 1965
“Our twin goals must be: A new standard of excellence in education and the availability of such excellence to all who are willing and able to pursue it.�
J O H N F. K E N N E D Y, F E B R U A R Y 2 3 , 1 9 6 1
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2020 VISION Our Destiny
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School is dedicated to graduating leaders, following Christ. We accomplish this goal by living the mission of the Archdiocese of Seattle; pursuing our Catholic Identity and making a Catholic education accessible to all students. And we achieve this while maintaining the highest for expectations from both staff and students. At Kennedy Catholic, we believe in educating the whole individual through faith formation, academics and athletics/co-curricular activities. Highest priority is placed on the teacher as the catechist, both in faith formation and academics. Students share this expectation, creating a rich learning environment. A comprehensive course of study provides rich curriculum for all learners at all levels and allows students to pursue pathways for college and beyond. Finally, the Kennedy Catholic family is committed to their spiritual focus, believing that knowing and living one’s faith must accompany a personal encounter with Christ. We continue to renew our commitment to our founders’ vision birthed by the parish communities 50 years ago, and to pursuing the school that God destined us to become. In 2009, John F. Kennedy Memorial High School was renamed, John F. Kennedy Catholic High School merging the tradition of the school with a renewed emphasis on our Catholic faith and the excellent reputation of a Catholic education. To date, the Kennedy Catholic Family is over 9,500 graduates impacting the world in incredible ways.
Our Pursuits Taking us though the year 2020, Kennedy Catholic will continue to set the standard that defines Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Seattle and will preserve what it means to be a Lancer: a school staffed with teachers passionate about developing the potential of every student; a facility that meets 21st century standards; a community that exemplifies Catholic teaching; students surrounded by families that celebrate what makes them unique in God’s eyes; and a giving ethic that sustains the gift of a Kennedy Catholic education. 5
T h e S t r at e g i c P l a n P r o c e s s A Strategic Planning Committee for Kennedy Catholic High School was formed in August 2012 with the task of formulating a list of goals and objectives to be fulfilled over the course of the 2013-2020 school years. Its responsibilities included: • Approving guidelines for the strategic planning process • Establishing protocol the committee would utilize to make informed, intelligent decisions on key issues • Conducting a series of focus groups, surveys, and interviews to solicit feedback from all key constituencies • Integrating all goals and objectives into a single, comprehensive seven-year strategic plan • Guiding communication of the Strategic Plan to all constituents and managing the adjustment of the plan accordingly
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Feedback from Kennedy Catholic’s varied constituencies — faculty and staff, advisory board, students, parents, alumni, community and parish leaders, extended families, future families, and donors — was solicited during focus group sessions conducted by Mike Prato, Principal, and Amy Hall, Advancement Director, from November 2012-February 2013. Faculty and staff met by department to provide input and feedback; a digital survey was sent to the entire Kennedy Catholic community in April 2013. The advisory board reviewed priorities and the vision for the future of the school from May-August 2013. As a result of the above, the committee identified six critical success factors Kennedy Catholic should address by 2020: • Catholic Identity and Faith Formation • Teaching and Learning • Governance and Leadership • Enrollment and Accessibility • Facilities Management • Marketing, Advancement and Sustainability The committee and key decision makers drafted goals and objectives that best address the aforementioned critical success factors. The following report contains the findings of the committee and the goals in no particular order, as approved by the administration and advisory board. The process included a review of the Kennedy Catholic Mission, Vision, and Educational Philosophy.
Our Mission to Graduate Leaders Following Christ in a school community that is accessible, diverse and committed to pursuing the fullest potential of every student.
Our Vision To thrive as an Archdiocesan Catholic high school with a rigorous, dynamic and comprehensive curriculum rooted in academic innovation, while pursuing the fullest potential of every student. Kennedy Catholic will prepare students for life-long learning while fostering personal integrity and critical thinking skills. With our Catholic faith and the Gospel traditions as our guide, Kennedy Catholic will cultivate leaders in and out of the classroom who reflect Christian values. Our faith will serve as the driving principle for decision-making in all areas of student life. Students will graduate prepared to be leaders in the Church, the local and the global community. Kennedy Catholic will strive to be an environment where the entire community works together to model Christian life which serves to unite and inspire all.
202 0 VIS ION E d u c at i on a l P h i l o s op h y
We believe —The Lancer Family including staff, teachers, parents, alumni, community groups, and agencies form collaborative, networking relationships that are student-centered an d focused on providing the necessary support for all students to succeed in school. Teachers are caring and qualified professionals committed to working collaboratively to maximize student potential by upholding rigorous standards and incorporating best practices. Education is a gradual process of acquiring knowledge, faith, skills, and character while implanting a will and curiosity for learning. This is accomplished by addressing the unique abilities of all students in a college preparatory environment so they continue to learn and live in a global society. Parents reflect Family and model Catholic Christian values. They are involved, supportive, and committed to creating a school that is accessible to all. Students form a diverse, respectful, and active school community. They demonstrate leadership through their work ethic, service, and their pursuit of knowledge, school spirit, and commitment to spiritual growth. As an Archdiocesan Catholic High School, we anchor ourselves to the Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching, fulfilling the mission of the Church with its accessibility, inspiring a call to live as Jesus lived.
Assumptions— The goals and objectives determined by the committee were informed by a set of assumptions about the mission and nature of Kennedy Catholic High School over the next seven years. • Overall the mission of the school, a coed Catholic Archdiocesan school that strives to meet the needs of all students at a variety of levels while emphasizing college preparedness, will not change. • Our commitment to the Catholic faith tradition and to the Archdiocese of Seattle is first and foremost in what we do and how we operate. • Kennedy Catholic demonstrates strength in financial operations and in the results of charitable giving efforts. To maintain these results, we must focus on enrollment management, tuition, rising costs, and available tuition assistance.
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• In light of the school’s mission, diversity is essential. This includes diversity in socio-economic situation, racial and cultural background, learning styles and objectives, passions and talents, among others. The faculty, staff, administration, and advisory board should also reflect this diversity. • Kennedy Catholic is committed to providing students and families with personalized resources to develop skills needed to excel in an increasingly demanding, competitive, and global post-high school world. • Kennedy Catholic will continue to operate from its current campus. Necessary facility modifications will be addressed by renovation, expansion, and upgrading of our aging campus. • We are committed to offering a wide variety of co-curricular activities for all interested students. • Kennedy Catholic will strive to welcome the involvement of alumni, parents, and friends with planning for the school’s future and charitable efforts to advance our mission.
2 020 VIS ION Goal One Serve as a model in our commitment to Catholic identity and the spiritual formation of the entire Kennedy Catholic community.
Objectives • Ensure Catholic identity and the faith transformation experience is embedded across all disciplines and school activities. • Outreach to parishes, churches, colleges and universities will continue the spiritual formation of our students upon graduation broadening an ecumenical alliance to nurture faith. • Increase service opportunities for students and families to reinforce our commitment to living out our faith and providing students with meaningful leadership opportunities. • Actively include the broad Kennedy Catholic community (parents, extended families, alumni, friends) in school Masses, liturgies, retreats, and service. • As catechists for the faith, formal opportunities for adult faith formation will be provided to all faculty and staff.
2020 VISION Goal Two Provide a provocative educational relationship that challenges the fullest potential of every Kennedy Catholic student.
Objectives S T U D E N T A D VA N C E M E N T
• Within each discipline, curriculum is coordinated both vertically and horizontally so that every Kennedy Catholic graduate reaches their fullest academic, spiritual, social, and leadership potential. • Every student will have access to their college or university of choice, including an increase in the number of applications to prestigious higher education institutions. • Formative classroom assessments ensure all disciplines are focused on developing innovative pedagogies and deep thinking skills needed for post-high school success. • Implement technology across all disciplines as a means of improving and innovating teaching practices and student learning. STUDENT LIFE
• Provide and foster a safe environment where discipline is enforced and faculty, students and parents are committed to integrity. • Continue to create and enhance opportunities for students to engage our culturally diverse international population. • Continue to create and enhance opportunities for students to participate in our award-winning fine arts and music programs. • Senior exit interviews foster and reinforce student communication with the administrative team. • Create formal opportunities that will promote peer-to-peer mentoring. • Formalize the student leadership program to ensure opportunities that inform, challenge, and inspire our students. • Expand student immersion service so all students have international, national and/or local experience. FA C U LT Y A N D S TA F F D E V E L O P M E N T
• Actively recruit, obtain and retain highly qualified and effective teachers and staff. • Professional development becomes a focus of all staff as they model continual improvement. • It is the professional responsibility of all staff to work to improve their
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instructional practice as well as to contribute to the instructional
successes of their colleagues. All faculty and staff play an active role as a member of a professional learning community.
• Introduce a modified block schedule to increase courses in technology, engineering, and science and allow more active student-teacher interaction in every discipline. • Conduct an annual academic audit to ensure a robust and dynamic selection of courses. • Partner with existing programs and organizations on STEM opportunities for all students. • Formalize engineering and robotics programs. • Expand and explore on-line academic options to enhance the course catalog.
2020 VISION Goal Three Refine the governance and leadership structure of the school.
• Focus on advisory board development in alignment with the strategic goals and vision of the school’s future. • Develop a plan to select future board members in alignment with the priorities identified in this strategic plan. • Strengthen the advisory board structure to support donor cultivation and solicitation. • Create appropriate board committees and functions and populate those committees with leaders in relevant disciplines and areas of expertise. SCHOOL LEADERSHIP
• Move to a President/Principal model of school leadership including development of clear and accurate job descriptions. • Ensure the school administrative structure and composition will ensure success and implementation of the strategic plan. PA RT N E RS H I P S
• Develop a formal volunteer program and promote opportunities for volunteering throughout the school. • Partner with the school volunteer organizations (Parent Club, B-Sharp, Boosters) to ensure the performing arts, school activities, and athletics are well funded and supported. • Build business relationships and explore shared resources to expand student and faculty entrepreneurship opportunities.
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2 020 VIS ION Goal Four Cultivate a robust, dynamic, and globally diverse student population.
• Actively preserve the integrity of student enrollment to reflect the Seattle and South King County population and community. • Seek the assistance of charitable giving, corporate and foundation support to ensure Kennedy Catholic is accessible to all students and turn no one away based on financial need alone. • Identify policy and adhere to standards for the budgeting and distribution of financial aid. • Regularly evaluate criteria for and evaluation methods of the school scholarship program. • Enhance the Kennedy Catholic co-curricular program to attract and retain scholar athletes and scholars in the arts of all abilities and interests. • Institute an annual survey to evaluate the effectiveness of admissions practices and processes and respond where necessary. • Deepen and maintain healthy and growing relationships with the leadership of Catholic partner parishes and schools. • Broaden efforts to attract Catholic families currently enrolled in public and secular schools. RETENTION
• Create a formal student retention program including the institution of an annual satisfaction survey as a means for identifying areas to improve quality of experience for current families. • Enlist all available resources to support admission efforts including faculty, staff, coaches, alumni, current and past parents, grandparents and other friends of the school. BUSINESS PRACTICES
Incorporate technology into the internal processes of the school including enrollment application, financial aid distribution, registration, and tuition payment processing to enhance the experience of all families and ensure high standards of service. ACCESSIBILITY
• Expand student transportation options to provide greater accessibility. • Enhance the entrance of the school to ensure ADA access and create a welcoming, attractive environment. 15
2 020 VISION Goal Five Develop a Master Plan for future development of the
• Prioritize the construction of new facilities aligned to a Master Plan. • Renovate the Chapel to accommodate full class liturgies and Masses and host small performing arts concerts and productions.
campus facilities and grounds.
• Design and build a home field complete with a practice field, track and accommodations for football, soccer, lacrosse, and track and field and a performance area for the marching band. • Remodel the school locker room facilities. • Renovate the school gymnasium to maximize the use of the space and ensure safety of all students. • Transform the school library into a true information and technology hub. EXISTING FACILITIES
• Identify and prioritize short and long term physical plant and technology infrastructure needs. • Complete the renovation of third floor science complex into a state-of-the-art facility. • Increase indoor and outdoor signage.
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2020 VIS ION Goal Six
Advance the
• Expand major giving initiatives and secure partnerships with
philanthropic culture of the school. Use advanced marketing and communications strategies to ensure the continued success and future development of Kennedy Catholic.
corporations and foundations. Deepening existing partnerships
and foster shared resources.
• Strengthen alumni and family relations through high-quality events,
personal contacts, and regular, targeted communications.
• Develop a planned giving program and introduce expanded opportunities
to support the school through wills, trusts, and other tools.
• Focus on a commitment to excellence and hospitality at all levels
of the organization.
• Formalize the Kennedy Catholic ‘brand’ and heighten its awareness
and recognition.
• Develop an integrated marketing and communications plan.
2020 Next Steps Strategic planning is a continuous process that does not end at the development of the plan. Rather, this is the beginning of the process. Those responsible for the achievement of key strategies in the 2013-2020 plan will be engaged in the process of further developing the necessary components to implement the plan. They will identify specific actions to implement the strategies, time-frames for implementation, resources needed for implementation, and measures of achievement.
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V I S ION Conclusion The Kennedy Catholic strategic planning process has not only confirmed the school’s great strengths and excellent reputation, but also has identified opportunities that, if acted on, will help ensure the school’s future reputation for excellence. As the strategic planning process continues in the months ahead with the development and implementation of action steps designed to move Kennedy Catholic toward its 2020 Vision regular updates will be shared with alumni, faculty, parents and students. Ultimately, the success of the plan will depend on the support and involvement of many individuals across all stakeholder groups.
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2 0 2 0 V I S ION
Kennedy Catholic High School | 140 S. 140th Street | Burien, WA 98168 206.246.0500 |