The Hi-Point Journeys Guidebook

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YOU CAN SEE TOMORROW Career Pathways | College Preparation

Leadership Development | Community Service Lifelong Friendships | 21st Century Learning Mentoring | Technology | Practical Experience

OUR MISSION Since 1974 Ohio Hi-Point’s mission has been to develop our most valuable resource—people—by providing quality career-technical and academic education. Learn more at

Overview Founded in 1974, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center is a two-year career-technical school district serving 14 partner school districts in five counties. Total students: While it changes from year-to-year, there is typically between 650–700 students on the Bellefontaine Campus, with another 900–1,000 students in Satellite programs. 10 career-technical schools offer 37 programs for high school students

Career-Technical Education Today’s CTE provides students: academic subject matter taught with relevance to the real world employability skills, from job-related skills to workplace ethics career pathways that link secondary and postsecondary education second-chance education and training education for additional training and degrees, especially related to workplace training, skills upgrades and career advancement

86 917 679 50 12 $ 165k

Overall Career/College Placement Rate

Satellite Students

Main Campus Students

OHP Students Advancing to College

Total Number of Satellite Locations

Amount Earned for Scholarships

or Shelby Shafer, the opportunities to get involved and grow her leadership skills are limitless as a student at Ohio Hi-Point Career Center. In fact, during her summer break, she was presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend Ohio Business Week in Youngstown, after her instructor, Ms. Amanda Blackburn, encouraged her to do it. Ms. Blackburn had attended as a teenager herself and thought Shelby would excel at the experience. Having seen Shelby do well in her classroom (Information Technology) and in student organizations like Business Professionals of America (BPA), Ohio Hi-Point was more than happy to help her cover expenses for this learning experience.



“I had a blast at OBW (Ohio Business Week) and plan to get others involved with this great opportunity! It was such an amazing experience! The whole week centers around the EEP (Emerging Entrepreneur Project) where you and the company you’re assigned to builds a business from scratch. Each day you have a speaker and activities relating to different areas of business to help you in your endeavors to

Whether you are into planning fun events or fundraisers, enjoy serving your community, want to improve your leadership skills or want to engage in competition, Ohio Hi-Point has plenty of student activities:

get a product or service to market. I was voted Chief Marketing Officer.”

MAKING NEW FRIENDS “We worked so hard and so long on our projects, that we couldn’t help but get close quickly. Each member of my company became like family to me. We even had a reunion already! Despite all the hard work though, you have the opportunity to have fun. We had free time several times during the day, and did things such as organized games, go to the pool or play cards, and we had a dance, which was, in my opinion, better than any school dance I’ve ever been to (prom included).”

LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE “Overall, the OBW experience changed my life. And, I know you don’t believe me (I didn’t believe people on the promotional video saying this stuff, either!) but, if you give these new learning experiences a chance, you’ll be surprised what you can get out of them.”

Business Professionals of America, for students pursuing careers in business and IT. SkillsUSA, which teaches leadership and citizenship to complement skill training. DECA, which prepares emerging leaders for careers in marketing and more! Student Ambassadors help market and recruit new students to the Career Center and serve as public relations ambassadors to the community during the school year. Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) for students pursuing careers in the healthcare industry. FFA, a dynamic youth organization that is part of agriculture education. FCCLA, an in-school organization that is part of Family & Consumer Sciences. Hi-Point Journeys, our student social media experiment, that equips students with digital technology to tell the story of OHP.

SHELBY’S JOURNEY View blogs and video from Shelby at



You can choose from 37 career-technical training programs to fulfill your desire to focus on a specific skill set, but you will also have the opportunity to fulfill your core curriculum requirements at Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, learning from our top-notch academic instructors.



At OHP you have the opportunity to earn all of your required high school academic credits.

Through our unique School-to-Work internships, students have opportunities to gain real-life work experience during the school year or in the summer.

TECH PREP OHP provides opportunities for our students to prepare for college through our partnerships with Ohio colleges and universities. Tech Prep gives students a head start on college by enabling with chances at earning FREE college credit saving you and your family money on college tuition!

ADVANCED OHP offers high-quality, college prep classes as part of their academic curriculum that meets all of the requirements for students looking to advance to post-secondary education.

HANDS-ON Sitting in desks is not what happens at Ohio HiPoint. Half the day might be spent in the “normal� classroom, but the other half is spent in your hightech labs actually participating in projects that matter. From building real houses to cooking up real meals for real customers, our students run businesses, design, repair, program and are fully engaged in 21st Century learning.

SCHOOL OF HEALTH & SCIENCE Programs: Health Technology, Health Technology Satellite at Marysville H.S., Biomedical Science Satellite at Marysville H.S. and Urbana South Campus

SCHOOL OF CONSTRUCTION Programs: Carpentry, Construction Technology Satellite in Marysville, Electricity, Masonry, Plumbing & Pipefitting, Building Maintenance

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Programs: Teaching Professions Satellites at Bellefontaine H.S., Marysville H.S. and Urbana South Campus, Early Childhood Education

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE Programs: Electronics Engineering, Architectural & Mechanical Design

SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Programs: Agriculture Business & Production Satellites, Agriculture Foundations Satellites, Professional Turf & Landscaping, Animal Management

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Programs: Business Administration, Administrative Office Specialist, High School of Business at Graham H.S., Financial Services & Risk Assessment Satellite at Graham H.S.

SCHOOL OF GENERAL STUDIES Programs: Family & Consumer Science, Career-Based Intervention, Project SEARCH

SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DIGITAL MEDIA Programs: Information Technology, Printing & Graphic Arts, Information Tech/Digital Media Satellite at Graham H.S., Information Tech/Support & Service Satellite at USV H.S.

SCHOOL OF HUMAN SERVICES Programs: Cosmetology, Culinary Arts

SCHOOL OF TRANSPORTATION Programs: Auto Collision Technology, Diesel Technology, Auto Services, Auto Technology, Aviation Occupations Satellite in Urbana

ACADEMIC COURSES Basic English College Prep English Honors English Communications Basic/Technical Reading Basic Math Integrated Math Algebra I & II Geometry College Math Pre-Calculus Calculus Environmental Science Principles of Technology Cell Biology Macro-Biology Integrated Science Chemistry Physics Dual-Enrollment Anatomy & Physiology Spanish I, II, III, & IV Integrated Social Studies Current World Issues Economics 20th Century American History United States Government Honors Government Psychology Sociology Street Law Computer Applications Introduction to Technology Web Page Design I & II Personal Finance CAD I & II Blue Print Reading for Construction or Manufacturing Mechanical Design

HI-POINT EDUCATION At OHP, your school day is broken down into half academic classes and half lab time, where you work on projects focused around your program of choice. Learn more at


Our teachers are some of the best in the profession. Our career-technical instructors combine their years of practical work experience in their discipline with strong classroom preparation to create a 21st Century learning environment, one that combines technology, practical laboratory projects and strong critical thinking assignments. Combine their expertise with our academic instructors and our students receive a truly well-rounded learning experience that prepares them for college, career and life. TALENT SHOWCASE No matter what career-technical program is chosen, students always are equipped with the opportunity to showcase their unique talents.

21st CENTURY TECHNOLOGY Ohio Hi-Point is one of the few school districts in Ohio to provide laptops for each and every one of its students at a minimal fee. The laptops coupled with our WiFi campus in Bellefontaine enable students to engage in the latest technology to prepare them for a global workforce. Teachers integrate technology into their classroom experiences, many not even using textbooks.

PRACTICAL LEARNING Our Health Technology students go into the field during their clinical field experiences, while our Culinary Arts students run their own restaurant, the Sloan Inn. Our Professional Turf & Landscaping students are busy maintaining the school’s campus, while students in the Supply Chain Management program at Urbana High School are busy planning, managing and marketing Hi-Point’s Alumni & Friends online apparel store. The practical learning experiences go on and on and make for the most well-rounded educational experience you can receive while in high school.

BE WHO YOU ARE Our students are expected to look the part of the profession during the school day, but each student is allowed the freedom to be who they are. It’s that feeling of acceptance and belonging that makes Hi-Point become a second home to so many of our students.

LAPTOPS FOR ALL Nearly every student enrolled in a program at Hi-Point receives their own personal laptop to utilize inside, and outside, the classroom. Learn more at


aniel McCully was tops in his class at Riverside and at Ohio Hi-Point Career Center. His success academically is propelling him towards what he hopes is a career as a physician’s assistant. The pathway to making that happen for Daniel began when he made the decision to step out of the traditional classroom into the Hi-Point Experience. Enrolling in the rigorous Health Technology program in the School of Health & Science on the Bellefontaine Campus, gave Daniel a head start in a career in medicine that will save him money, time and put him ahead of many who are starting their college journey. Daniel is already on his way to earning his R.N. license in two years at Clark State Community College and plans to continue on to The Ohio State University to receive his bachelor of science in nursing and later become a physician’s assistant. “I would’ve had to jump through so many more hoops to accomplish my career goals and would have spent so much more on tuition had I not come to Ohio Hi-Point,” offered Daniel.

COLLEGE CREDITS “We always tell people about the college credits you can earn at Ohio Hi-Point, but it doesn’t really set in until you graduate high school and you realize all the classes you are now able to skip over because you were able to take them in high school. Getting my STNA (State-Tested Nursing Aide) course at Hi-Point was one of the biggest. I would have had to take it in preparation for college, but coming here and taking it, having OHP pay for it and getting college credits for it made it so much easier.”

COLLEGE CREDIT AGREEMENTS WITH: Clark State Community College University of Dayton University of Cincinnati Hocking College Edison State Community College Wright State University-Lake Campus


Rhodes State College

“The academic classes at Hi-Point were challenging and they definitely prepared me for college. I took a college course through Clark State soon after graduation and my dual-enrollment anatomy and physiology

Bowling Green State University

class at OHP helped prepare me for it.”

STRONG TEACHERS “My teachers helped prepare me and the school gave me the chance to ‘test out’ of a number of classes required at college, including the math classes and English classes, so now I get to focus more on my nursing classes while at Clark State.”

DANIEL’S JOURNEY Daniel was one of the original Hi-Point Journeys bloggers. See what he is up to now by visiting

University of Northwestern Ohio Cincinnati State Community College Owen Community College Sinclair Community College Columbus State Community College Urbana University Ashland University North Central State College Students can earn anywhere between 4 and 40 hours of FREE college credit while at Ohio Hi-Point!



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Through our various student organizations, the Hi-Point Experience includes building up your leadership skills, whether that’s in public speaking, working in teams, designing innovative projects or representing the school district, our students walk away ready to lead.

The Bellefontaine Campus is the site of the highest point in Ohio, Campbell Hill, which is just over 1,500 feet above sea level. Obviously this is where we get our name from, but it also makes our campus unique and collegiate-like with multiple buildings hosting multiple programs. It also offers students the chance to learn outdoors on various projects, including at our Land Lab, located off of Sloan Blvd.

During the senior year all Hi-Point student design, plan and execute their own Senior Projects. This capstone project allows each individual student to showcase both their academic and career-technical skills and show who they are and what they’ve learned.

Students are encouraged to remain involved in their home schools even while enrolled at Hi-Point. OHP is a partner with all 14 of our school districts and each home school cooperates with us to allow every student to remain involved in sports and other extra-curriculars.

The Bellefontaine Campus is a former Air Force Base, home of the 664th Radar Squadron, which provided coverage during the Cold War. Several buildings on campus are the original buildings that were here during that time and the 664th Veterans still remain connected in support of the Career Center



While most of our programs are hosted at our historic campus in Bellefontaine, the site of Ohio’s highest point, Campbell Hill, over the past decade we have expanded our reach to bring our programs closer to you. We have more than 20 Satellite Programs in Logan, Champaign, Auglaize, Union and Hardin Counties to cater to your educational goals.

McGuffey Kenton



33 75 Bellefontaine




St. Paris Urbana


Bellefontaine Main Campus > We host 22 careertechnical training programs at this location. It’s also the site for our student-run businesses such as the Hi-Point Salon and the Sloan Inn. Urbana South Campus > Our Urbana Campus opened

its doors in 2009 and is the site for our Biomedical Science and Teaching Professions Satellite classrooms.

Aviation Occupations Flying Lab > Located at Grimes

Field at the Urbana Municipal Airport, students who study in our Aviation Occupations Satellite are fully engaged in the aviation experience. The classroom, located amongst airplanes and other aviation equipment makes for a once-in-a-lifetime lab experience!

Urbana High School >

The Supply Chain Management Satellite is located within Urbana High School, allowing students in Champaign County (or from wherever, really) have the opportunity to prepare for careers in marketing and distribution. This program is helping to meet the demands of filling jobs in the supply chain industry.

Graham High School > Graham High School hosts six of our Satellite Programs, including Agriculture Business & Production, Family & Consumer Sciences, Career Based Intervention, the High School of Business, Financial Services & Risk Assessment and Information Technology/Interactive Media. U-Co Industries > Through a partnership with U-Co Industries, the Construction Technology Satellite builds a full-scale house for a family with disabilities in the area. These students not only get to hone their construction skills through this practical experience, but also have the chance to serve the community!


Marysville High School > Students can study in one of

our many Satellite Programs located in classrooms in Marysville High School! Programs located here include Biomedical Sciences, Teaching Professions and Health Technology.

Kenton High School > Kenton High School plays host to our Agriculture Business & Production Satellite.

Upper Scioto Valley High School > At USV, students can enroll in our Information Technology/Support & Service, Career Based Intervention or Family & Consumer Sciences programs.


Waynesfield-Goshen Middle School > Our partner school district at Waynesfield-Goshen hosts one of our middle school Career Based Intervention Satellite programs.

270 Bellefontaine High School > Right in OHP’s backyard in Bellefontaine, students with the desire to enter the field of education can take advantage of our Teaching Professions Satellite location at Bellefontaine High School.


obby Smayda, who graduated from our Electronics Engineering program in 2010, is the perfect example of the student-athlete balancing life at his home school (Indian Lake) and at Ohio Hi-Point Career Center. Smayda, who is attending Miami University (Ohio) to study computer networking, played sports all four years of high school, including the final two while studying at Ohio Hi-Point. He was the captain of Indian Lake’s Varsity Football team and also participated in track and field. For Smayda, coming to Hi-Point and remaining involved at his home school was an easy combination, made easier by the flexibility provided by OHP with scheduling and allowing student-athletes to be released early, if needed. The advantages, for Smayda, who received All-League Mentions while playing football for Indian Lake, were even more rewarding because of the chance to not only be involved in sports and extra-curriculars at his home school, but also having the chance to be involved in new ones while enrolled at Hi-Point.

A NATURAL BALANCE “Balancing sports and Hi-Point was easy. It was a seamless transition. I just arrived to practice a few minutes late and my coaches were always fine with it. I had absolutely no problems.”

ALL WORTH IT “There were some things back at my home school I missed out on, but it was still worth it. I had other activities going on at OHP, like SkillsUSA.”

EXTRA-CURRICULARS “At my home school I played football and ran track. I was also involved in National Honor Society, Key Club and Spanish Club. While at Hi-Point I was active in SkillsUSA and the National Robotics Challenge.”

WORDS OF ADVICE “I knew multiple people at Hi-Point who were in sports and band and they had no problems balancing it at all. And, I made so many new friends here. My advice is to take the jump. You live life once. It’s now or never.”

BOBBY’S LIFE PLANS See what Bobby is up to now that he successfully completed his program at OHP. He talks about his future on our YouTube Channel

STAY INVOLVED AT YOUR HOME SCHOOL We work with your home school to ensure that you make it to your sports or extra-curricular activities on time Many of our students have been varsity athletes, band members, show choir members, involved in student leadership activities, on the prom committee, class officers and more back at their home schools. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THESE ACTIVITIES UP WHEN YOU COME HERE While you do have to leave many of your friends behind at your home school, most of our students would tell you that they have never lost friends by coming here. In fact, most would tell you that coming here allowed them to make even more friends! After all, you are joining students from 14 school districts and five counties! You can earn scholarships not only from your home school, but also through Ohio Hi-Point. In fact, we offer scholarship opportunities that you can’t earn at your home school through our OHP Scholarship Fund and our Alumni & Friends Scholarship Fund



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Students at OHP enjoy an active student life and have opportunities to get involved in being student ambassadors or student bloggers.


Each student is able to display unique skills like this student in Culinary Arts.

Our campus is set-up like a college campus and our students get to take advantage of being here by often working outdoors. Students wear lab shirts or industry-appropriate clothing while students at Hi-Point to help them get used to the workforce.

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Ashley was one of our Top 15 students at OHP, an honor given out each year to our top academic students. Jason gets to take his love of building things and put it to use in a lab like Architecture & Mechanical Design. Our student commons area in the cafeteria is a place students can relax and gather with their laptops and the WiFi technology on campus. OHP is the home to Campbell Hill, the highest point in the state of Ohio. Students get to participate in Field Days several times during the year enjoying karaoke, basketball, tug-of-war and more!

THE ‘REAL WORLD’ Sophomore year is the time to begin thinking of your future. College? Career? Life? Big decisions await. While that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your youth, you should begin to think about what you want your future to look like. Why not consider allowing Ohio Hi-Point Career Center to make it a little easier by taking advantage of our college and career preparation during your junior and senior years of high school? SET YOUR PATH Have a specific goal in mind, but want to talk with someone about it first. Our Recruitment Coordinator is here to help. Email her at to ask her your questions.

Here’s how we can set you on the right path: Job Placement |

Students are assisted in finding jobs in their field of study by OHP’s Placement Coordinator. OHP’s placement rate in 2006 was 92%, which included placement in full-time employment, higher education, and the military.

School-To-Work Program | Students who meet grade point average and attendance requirements may be eligible for early placement following their first year at OHP. Students can complete summer internships and be released from school for work in their field of study during the senior year. This program allows students to earn graduation credits while being paid a salary and gaining a valuable on-the-job experience. Business, Industry, & Labor Partnerships | Partners from business, industry, and labor are actively involved in programs in many ways. They guide curriculum development, provide classroom demonstrations, judge local skill events, provide internship sites for students, and serve as mentors. Alumni & Friends Association |

OHP’s Alumni & Friends Association, established in 2008, is a way for our students to connect with potential employers and other friends of OHP. A career network is available to all current and former students and OHP’s business and community partners.

Our enrollment process is a personal experience for each and every student and family. We want to get know you, answer your questions and help you explore all of your options to help you reach your goals.

Here’s how you get started: Online application: You can download an application from our website at Make sure you download the correct application. You can download an application for the Bellefontaine Campus or the Satellite application. If you are unsure simply fill out the Bellefontaine Campus application. Paper applications: Paper applications can be picked up in numerous locations, including your home school guidance office or at Ohio Hi-Point Career Center.


Once you have filled out an application, turn it in to your home school guidance counselor and it will be forwarded to our Student Services Office.

Admission: We start accepting applications in January of the students’ sophomore or junior year (for senior-only programs) and continue through the Spring and Summer. The state limits career-technical class sizes to 25 students per teacher. Some programs have many more students apply than can be accepted. It is important for the student to apply early to their chosen program. If a student is not accepted into his/her first choice, that student may be placed on a waiting list or accepted into a program of second choice until space becomes available. Attendance, grade point average, total credits toward graduation and date of application are all considered when admitting students to over-subscribed programs.

Explore Hi-Point Students considering attending Ohio Hi-Point Career Center during their junior and senior years or considering a Satellite Program should take every opportunity to explore their program(s) of interest beforehand. We encourage the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to ask questions, visit the Bellefontaine Campus or Satellite location and take advantage of exploring during Sophomore Career Days, the Taste of the Future Open House/Career EXPO or during a Tech Tuesday.

Here are some different ways you can explore before making a decision to apply: Tour the Bellefontaine Campus during Sophomore Career Days. Meet the instructors and visit the labs during the Taste of the Future Open House/ Career EXPO held each year at the Bellefontaine Campus Schedule a Tech Tuesday visit to spend half-a-day in your lab of choice. View our Tech Tuesday page for more information on dates. Visit Hi-Point Journeys,, our site dedicated to our students who are blogging, filming and photographing their journey throughout the school year. By following along you can get an inside look at what life is like at OHP from the viewpoint of real students Schedule a personal visit. Our Recruiting Coordinator would be happy to facilitate a personal visit with you and your parent(s)!

APPLY NOW! Go to and find an application to download or visit your Guidance Office to pick one up!


pencer Williams wants to do a little bit of everything. A student at Upper Scioto Valley High School, one of Ohio Hi-Point’s 14 partnering school districts, Spencer is heavily involved in the entire school experience. And not just at USV, but also at Hi-Point, although he rarely is at an OHP location. Spencer is a student in the Teaching Professions Satellite program based in Marysville. How does he do this? His Teaching Professions instructor, Mrs. Judy Fletcher, works with Spencer independently to give him the opportunity to be enrolled in the program that prepares high school students for a career in the field of education long before stepping foot on a college campus. Why does he do it? Because his career goals are clear: he wants to be a teacher, and then, someday, a superintendent. Ohio Hi-Point’s Satellite Programs, which are located in 25 various locations provide students like Spencer with the opportunity to prepare for college and career without having to travel far (or at all) from their home school.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS TO NOW “I had absolutely no interest in Ohio High Point. Maybe it was the impression I was given? But I wouldn’t change anything today! After coming here all I could think was ‘wow!” The bond between students and administration has tremendously changed my opinion of Ohio Hi-Point. I have a lot of respect for the leaders of OHP and a passion for what the school stands for.”

ON MY OWN “The favorite part of my program is the fact that I’m getting so much college credit for free! I also really like that I’m on my own most of the time, which makes it more laid back, and that’s how I learn best.”

HIGHLY INVOLVED AT USV AND OHP “I’m involved in 4-H, Student Council, Drama Club President, FFA Vice President, Big Brother Big Sister of Hardin County, Teen Experience Consular, Lima Memorial Hospital ‘Volunteen’, Alger Food Pantry Volunteer, Hardin County Junior Fair Board, Future Educators Association, National Tech Honor Society, Relay for Life Organizer, 4-H Awareness Team.”

BIG PLANS FOR THE FUTURE “I want to be a very successful person. I have promised myself to obtain my Doctorate in Education. Any chance I get to learn something new I’m going to take it. My plans are to major in Agriculture and Extension Education to be an Ag Teacher and FFA advisor. Later, I plan to get my Masters in Education then move onto my Doctorate. I ultimately want to serve as a school principal and then eventually a school superintendent.”

SPENCER’S JOURNEY See video and photos from Spencer and follow his blog posts about his time in OHP’s Teaching Professions Satellite at


FOLLOW THEIR JOURNEYS TO DISCOVER YOURS Want to see what life is really like at Hi-Point and interact with our current students? Then visit us on and read the blogs, watch the videos and view the photos taken by our student bloggers. Then, “like” our Facebook page, where you can ask the questions you want to ask about the Hi-Point Experience.

PATHFINDER Need help finding your career pathway? Go to to complete the Pathfinder Quiz and personalize your Hi-Point Journey!

Career-Technical Training: Our students receive relevant training and learning that provides them with an advantage in the job market. Hands-On: Bored with sitting in a desk and taking notes? Students in our programs simulate actual work situations, including running a real restaurant and salon, networking computers, building homes and golf greens, repairing cars, designing websites, working with patients and more. College Credits: In todayʼ’s economy saving money is important to everyone. Students at OHP have opportunities have opportunities to earn to between earn between 4 and440 and hours 40 hours of FREE of FREE college college credit!credit! Awards & Scholarships: Last year our students student won wonstatewide statewideand andnational nationalawards awardsininvarious various leadership and skills competitions and earned over $165,000 in scholarship money because of being at Ohio being at Hi-Point. Ohio Hi-Point. Laptops & Technology: All of our students receive a laptop to use in and out of the classroom. Our campus Our campus is completely is completely wireless wireless and students and students havehave ample ample access access to alltoofall theoflatest the latest tech tech gadgets gadgets to utilize to utilize in state-of-the-art in state-of-the-art classrooms. classrooms. Unique Programs: Where else can you study aviation, earn your cosmetology license, build a house, design and build a golf green and walking pathways, work with live animals, cater parties and meals, work with preschoolers, grade papers and plan lessons, design robots, and more all while in high school? Sports Activities: You can take part in your exciting career training program without giving up home school activities. Students are encouraged to remain involved in their home school athletic programs and we work with each individual student to ensure scheduling is flexible to allow it. Involved Faculty & Staff: Our teachers and administrators are committed to your success.

Convenience: Even if you feel that you donʼ’t want to spend a full day at Hi-Point, you can still study a career-technical study a career-technical program program and return and return to your tohome your home schoolschool for half-day for half-day academics academics classes. classes. Or, you can you Or, select can from select ourfrom manyour Satellite many Satellite ProgramsPrograms at a location at a location closer tocloser you. to you. Student Life: From school dances to community service to extra-curricular activities, Hi-Point offers the full high the full high school school experience. experience.

VISIT US & SEE FOR YOURSELF You can sit in on classes, visit the labs, meet with students and our teachers and have all of your questions answered. To schedule a visit: Call 937-599-3010 ext. 1384 or email


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