Shaheer Saad Architecture Portfolio 2019

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SHAHEER SAAD Portfolio 2019

University of Manitoba Undergrad selected works portfolio


Enhance 01


Ribbon Park






NPD Residence 29


Dubai Mall Facade


Private Villa 45


Hand drawings



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Term Winter 2018 | Project Structure + Threshold | Location U of M, MB, Canada Course Studio 2 (group project) | Instructor Jae Sung Chon | Duration 3 Weeks Group Members Kayla Heppner, Paul Susi, & Shaheer Saad | Tools Hand drawing, Sketchup, AutoCad, Photoshop, & Lumion


Enhance The project design was mainly driven by these questions. How can a public structure typify a threshold experience in our environment? How do we detect and/or engage those structures? How can the notion of a structural construct re-define spaces, functions, activities and other context determinants? What are the environmental elements/ambiances in sequential space that affect our inhabitation? The group realized through exploration that the true area of concern is the dark and abandoned space between John A. Russel Building and Architecture 2. The group’s challenge was to make this area safer. To solve this issue the group concluded that light, and the sense of presence are the key elements to make this space more trusted and approachable.


Phenomenon An in-depth site study led to a magical discovery: During sunset, the west-setting sun rays would rebound off the adjacent John A. Russel building windows and bounce beams of life onto the hard stone facade of the Architecture 2 building stairwell. This became an opportunity to develop the design around it.



Section facing north Scale 1:100


South Plans

North Plans

Threshold A reflective structure was designed to highlight the phenomenon discovered and amplify the reflected sunlight off the stairwell The void between the stairwell facade and the structure became an opportunity to design unconventionally shaped rooms extended from the stairwell landings to provide an exciting experience and spaces that could be utilized by the faculty students and members. The spaces will be exposed to the outdoor conditions which will create a sense a sense of presence for pedestrians.


Structure The designed structure does not only maximize the reflected sunlight and creates a unique experience on the outside but also acts as shade structure for students and staff members using the rooms on the inside.



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Term Fall 2018 | Project Connections + Infrastructure | Location Fort Garry, MB, Canada Course Studio 3 (Individual project) | Instructor Leanne Muir & Dr. Richard Perron Duration 1 Month | Tools Hand drawing, Sketchup, Photoshop, Lumion & Model making


Ribbon Park This project dealt with re-imagining the city of Winnipeg while enhancing the city’s connections and infrastructure. The project design attempts to solve many of the city challenges which include: How can we encourage active transportation? How can we design better public spaces that suits all ages? How can the design improve the city’s ecological services? The design concept focuses on the relationship between Downtown Winnipeg and the river. Winnipeg also known as muddy waters. Winnipeg is built around two major rivers, the Red River and the Assiniboine River. However, over time we forget about the importance and the significance of the river due to our daily heavy involvement within the city. Therefore, how can we reveal the river importance to the community and make it part of our daily urban centered lives instead of isolating it.


Alternative Vision The big vision for downtown Winnipeg is to reveal the importance of the river and the waterfront ‘s ecological services. Currently the services are only revealed at the water edge and fade out as you move towards the city center.


ipeg is built around two major . However, over time we forget of the river due to our daily heavy an we reveal the river importance aily urban centered lives instead the city’s identity in the river and ng the rive into the city. These nt with the river, active transportation

The collage explores revealing the city’s identity in the river and the opportunities that can emerge as we bring the rive into the city.




The section explores and ima active transportation through

Scale 1:500


City to river and river to city blending strategy

City to river and river to city blending strategy


The section explores a closer blends into the city and beco

Scale 1:500 BRINGING THEexplores RIVER INTO THE CITY The section a closer relationship between the river and our daily urban lives

as the river front weave through the city and becomes part of our routine.

The section explores and imagines the river as being part of the city and the possibilities of active transportation through water and habitat migration


Park + Plaza The park design mimics the character and the subtle topographic design of the adjacent existing park to create a continuous and harmonious experience as one would transition from one side to the other. The road was designed to feature a plaza to encourage pedestrians engage with the streets and easily cross from one side to the other. The plaza features vertical fountains to regulate traffic informally by stopping cars as they shoot upwards.

1 Existing corten steel wall 2 Existing structure 3 Clover 4 Tall prairie grass 5 Japanese Elm tree 6 Elm tree 7 Accessibility ramp 8 Threshold to park 9 Fountain plaza 10 Traffic fountain 11 Bollards 12 Seating

Design Plan Scale 1:100


Connection to Bonnycastle Park

Sand blasted concrete fountain plaza

Threshold to Ribbon Park

Section through fountain plaza facing West Scale 1: 300

Fort Garry Place

Accessibility ramp

Partially shaded mound

Shady path

Sunny mound

Sunny Path

Shady mound

Forty Garry Park

Section through park mounds facing North Scale 1: 500


A linear series of fountains are used in plaza to control vehicular traffic informally and move pedestrians in a linear direction.




Scan me

For an animation walk through video


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Term Winter 2019 | Project Collaborative space | Location U of M, MB, Canada Course Studio 4 (Individual project) | Instructor Brenda Brown | Duration 5 Weeks Tools Hand Sketching, Sketchup, Photoshop, Lumion & Model making


Relief The project intentions was to design an informal collaborative space for students and faculty members on campus to share knowledge and have informal academic discussions. The site design was mainly informed and driven by the conducted interviews with students and faculty members. Each interviewee had a different opinion on what they seek in a space to work, collaborate or even hangout. However, a quiet peaceful space, a lot of sunlight and a lot of seating were common answers among most interviewees. The design thrived to combine these three common answers to create a space with a variety of experiences for students and staff members using water, seating, light, and shade through a sustainable strategy and design.

This project was selected to be showcased at the RAIC annual festival in Toronto


Design Iterations One of the main design concerns was the placement of the proposed greenhouse in relationship to the sun path and whether it would be connected physically to the existing buildings or not. Also, the design process thrived to create a variety of spatial experiences on a small site while maintaining the existing vegetation.



Design Layout The greenhouse is placed in center of the courtyard to maximize the use of sunlight as well as the use of space. By placing the greenhouse in the center I was able to divide the space into different rooms/zones to accommodate different experiences.



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Section facing North Scale 1: 50



Pergola Space / Water Feature


Open sunny space


Shaded Seating Space


Greenhouse Interior Space

Design Plan Scale 1: 300


Sustainable Design Strategy The site design focuses on the on the concept of “Living Machines� by John Todd and water treatment. Black water from the surrounding buildings is treated through Ecomachines inside a greenhouse on site and reused again as grey water on site to serve the buildings in context.





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Term Fall 2019 | Project Transit Oriented Development | Location North Point Douglas, MB, Canada | Course Studio 5 (Individual Project) | Instructor Jean Trottier | Duration 3 Months | Tools Hand drawing, Sketchup, AutoCad, Photoshop, & Lumion


NPD Residence The intentions of this project was to design a Transit Oriented Development on a former industrial site. The project aimed to design a residential development with a pedestrian infrastructure to minimize the use of vehicles and take advantage of the adjacent transit. The project explored the potential of designing spaces in a residential development that could be shared by both the public and the residents. The challenge of such design was how can we design spaces that is inviting to the public in a residential context and at the same time design the space in a way that maintains the privacy of the residents from the public users. This design problem was tackled through the use of topography and vegetation to manipulate views and create soft edges and barriers.


Design Layout The residential massings consist of high rises and town houses to create a variety of residential scales on site. The residences over look a central courtyard like space that can be shared by the public and the residents on site.

Section AA Scale 1:200 31



Design Plan Scale 1:1000

Section BB Scale 1:100


Design Inspiration Most of the designed spaces were inspired by the existing railway infrastructure topographic form and material to represent the site character and history in the proposed design.








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Employer Loci Architecture + Design| Term Summer 2018 | Project Dubai Mall Facade | Location Dubai, UAE | Supervisor Hamad Khoory | Duration 2 Months | Team Roger Doyle, Nadia Barwani & Shaheer Saad Tools Hand drawing, Sketchup, Photoshop, & V-Ray


Dubai Mall Facade During my Internship in summer of 2018 at Loci Architecture + Design, I had the opportunity to work directly with the design director on the conceptual design phase of the Dubai Mall facade. My role in the project involved developing conceptual sketches of different design proposals while continuously communicating my ideas and concepts with the design director to further refine and enhance the designs. I was also given multiple design options to 3D model in detail and render. My role also involved attending the client meetings regularly to discuss the progress of the project and present to the client the final design proposals.


Design Iterations The design iterations involved proposing different massing characters that can offer different spatial characteristics and can adapt to different uses over time.



Final Design Conceptual Render and 3D Model by Shaheer Saad


Project under construction 2019


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Employer Loci Architecture + Design | Term Summer 2019 | Project Private Villa | Location Abu Dhabi, UAE | Course Co-op (group project) | Supervisor Hamad Khoory | Duration 2 Months | Team Roger Doyle & Shaheer Saad | Tools Hand drawing, Sketchup, AutoCad, Photoshop, Physical Modelling


Private Villa During my Co-op term I had the opportunity to work directly with the design director on the conceptual phase of a private villa located in Abu Dhabi. My role involved doing the site analysis which included doing site visits and documenting the current site conditions as well as documenting the sun paths and wind condition to identify the opportunities and constraints of the project, My role also involved assisting the design director with conceptual sketches, 3D modeling, and physical modeling.


Conceptual Massing One of the main client requirements was to have a “U� shaped house looking over a courtyard. Therefore, basic 3D massing diagrams and plans were created to communicate the possible configurations.



3D Modeling / Massing Once the design plans, sections, and elevations were developed, I started 3D modeling the villa in SketchUp in more details. The 3D model was always used as a reference to further adjust the design and the massing details.


Hand Cut Wood Model


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“Spaces n Places” Over the past summer, I started “Spaces n Places”, an architectural sketching series that aims to document the different architectural languages of different cultures around the world. Drawing in ink allowed me to capture the essence and the architectural details character of each building.










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SHAHEER SAAD Portfolio 2019

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