A Start-Up Pitch on Cigarette Butt Disposal

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Presentation by team Tale Tellers

Presentation by team Tale Tellers

leave those behind! BUTTS

The one with direction

Meet the Team

The one with execution

The one with visualization

Krati Bangard Parina Vaghani Shaily Parikh
Today we won't be focusing on the
Source: National Geographic. (2019, August 13). What’s the World’s Most Littered Plastic Item? Cigarette Butts | National Geographic.
obvious health issues


we will
Source: National Geographic. (2019, August 13). What’s the World’s Most Littered Plastic Item? Cigarette Butts | National Geographic.
be looking at the
in it
While this is a conscious choice...
This definitely shouldn't be!

Why do we need to talk about this?

30.8 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes.

Source: Burden of Tobacco Use in the U.S. (2022, August 8). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

75%of smokers report doing it.

Source: Why are cigarette butts the most littered item on earth? (2019, March 19). Truth Initiative.

Throwing cigarettes on the ground or out of a car is so common that -

These cigarette

before turning into microplastic pollution in the environment nicotine and heavy metals leach

Why aren't people more careful?

Lack of access to proper butt disposal

Lack of access to proper butt disposal

Lack of awareness about the butts being non-biodegradable

Lack of access to proper butt disposal

Lack of awareness about the butts being non-biodegradable

Habit of stubbing the butt on the ground

While the current disposal solutions look like these,
They aren't motivating enough for people to be responsible..

Enter team Tale Tellers

Enter team Tale Tellers

Determined to keep the butts inside!

Ideation >>>




Incentivize Gamify

Existing box

Proposed box

Small tweak in the existing packaging

Playing with customer's existing mental model

No need to find a dustbin or a new product

1 regular size cigarette has 8 mm diameter 8mm 24 mm

3 rows

Currently, 1 cigarette packet has 20 cigarettes arranged in 3 rows


Proposal to increase the thickness by 8mm

existing thickness

Keeping the number of cigarettes as it is

4 rows

20 cigarettes

Not changing the customer's buying requirements

ace left on the side, we will be compartment with a lid, for se off their cigarette butts.

extra space Closable disposal

We will put grit paper to help people put their cigarettes out so that they don't burn a hole in their pockets literally!

grit paper

Additionally, we also propose to add a warning right next to the grit paper saying:

"BURN WARNING: Put out your cigarettes completely to avoid fire hazard"

our prototype

And guess what...

Philip Morris designed the most common and widely used, flip-top cigarette packets.

Since then, the design has not changed



Philip Morris designed the most common and widely used, flip-top cigarette packets.


Since then, the design has not changed



How would the cost differ?

Cost of tobacco product waste cleanup for 30 cities combined, in USA.
million No added cost
money spent here can be invested into the packaging instead!
+ Grit paper
materials for this are feasible & accessible for all cigarette companies. Source: Alvarez, L. (2020, July 29). Cigarette Butts and Other Tobacco Product Waste Costs Taxpayers Millions of Dollars. Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center.

How do we plan on getting profitable as the designers for this packaging?

1 2
Patent this design Sell the design


media campaigns about awareness

Social media to advertise about correct disposal

3 4
the start of our presentation, approx. Also, FYI

Also, FYI

the start of our presentation, approx.

6.5million cigarette butts have been disposed...

Leaving you with that, Thank you.

Appendix >>>

Key partners Key Activities

Our key partners will be cigarette companies since we will be pitching this design to them only. Another important player who will play a part in this journey will be grit paper and normal paper manufacturers.

Also Government approval will be required to put up a fire hazard warning.

The essential pursuit will be to patent the design and then approach cigarette companies who will eventually go to convenience stores and gas stations.

Key Resources

Our key resource would be the patent. All other investments & assets will be primarily belonging to the cigarette companies.

Our solution aims at solving the customer's issue of not being able to find a dustbin nearby or for them to carry a different portable product altogether, just for the purpose of disposing of their cigarette butts.

While the goal is to cater to their mental model and give them something handy, we can't not mention reducing the number of fire hazards like wildfires.


We would build this awareness and maintain the relationship via social media campaigns.


Each and every person on this planet who smokes cigarettes. There could be three categories here:


The method to launch the design and spread awareness would be social media promotions on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & YouTube.

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

The basic costing for the new packaging will only include costing for paper & grit paper. The money spent on cleaning the butt litters can be invested into the packaging instead, leading to no additional cost for anyone, neither the customers nor the cigarette companies.

-People who dump the butts in dustbins, but face difficulty in finding the dustbins in their proximity

-People who throw the butts on the streets out of habit.

-People who carry a separate product for this very purpose.

As for us, the designers, we would generate the revenue by patenting the design and then selling the design (not the patent) to the cigarette companies across the globe.

Value Propositions

3 million In 2021, approximately

by International Coastal Cleanup

Source: Burden of Tobacco Use in the U.S. (2022, August 8). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

items were collected

17% Out of these,

Source: Burden of Tobacco Use in the U.S. (2022, August 8). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

were cigarette butts

Source: Why are cigarette butts the most littered item on earth? (2019, March 19). Truth Initiative.

Studies estimate that smokers litter as many as 65% of their cigarette butts

In a study conducted by Cindy Zipl, the executive director of Clean Ocean Action

There's something about flicking that cigarette butt.

"It's so automatic"

Existing patented design for cigarette butt containers, but the biggest drawback for this is that it hasn't been seen in the market yet.


Caffeineconsumptonandcigarettesmokngtendtooccurwthin thesameindvdualsandatthesametme-whatifwe nnovateth coffeecoverorthe idtobecomeaminiciggdisposalcontanerorigami/krgam

A compartment below the cigarette packet it when you flip the packet the side where you to dispose opens up and when you flip back, other side from where you will get your cigar

A compartment in existng box for di butts which closes when requred

Wecoudalsolookatashtraygamfcaton-theashtray smadefromspring ikematera,youtpitoffandthe butthastoland nsideratherthankeeppoppingout

Cigtippingis supposedto“fun” andcomes naturalyto smokers.Sohow aboutwedesgna gamewhich would etthem tipitoffbutnot onthestreets-so likedustbin shootinggameor something

What fweentcethemtothrowawaythebuds n amannerwheretheymaygetrewarded.For example-everytmetheydisposeabutt noneof theinstaleddustbns theyscantheQRcodeon thedustbinandtheyMAYwinupto$50 which cancomefromthemoneybeingsavedtopick/ cleanthesebutts nthefirstpace)

individualcigaretteitself. Youknowjusthowmost peoplenowknowthatthey needtocrushtheirsoft drinkcansbeforedisposing them.

Loyatypointsforcustomeswhodsposeofcorecty soyou getsome goodie maybea ighe orsomethngwth hepacke

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