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S H A I N A (S U N J I N) K I M (S H A I N A) S U N J I N


S haina S . K im Por tfolio Appl y i ng f or G SD Ma ster in A r chitectur e (Mar ch 1) +82 10-8579-7640 Lottecastle APT 101-204 893, Daechi 4-dong, Gangnamgu Seoul, South Korea 135-841



Random Release Artistic Works


Theater of Knowledge Library


Library on Community Library


House of Onda Riku Residential

S H A I N A (S U N J I N) K I M (S H A I N A) S U N J I N



Communication Trap Educational


Behind the Cut Commercial


Rabbit Hole Commercial


Green Bill to Green Ville Urban Planning


Architen Extracurricular




The Ruins of Villa Adriana

297x420mm Pastel 2010

297x420mm Colored Pencil, Pastel 2010


Villa Rotonda

Exeter Library

297x420mm Pencil 2010

297x420mm Pencil 2010

Muller House by Adolf Loos 545 x 788mm Pencil 2009


Breaking Down Walls 310 x 340mm Acrylic, Wood 2013

A digital library,without bookshelves and open to the public like a park in the city. Focusing on the essence of public libraries of sharing ideas and acting as a creative workshop, the whole facility is a supporting cooperation and creative work for PPP(People Powered Publishing). Also, all materials are provided by e-books and screens, including works published by the library users themselves.

THEATER OF KNOWLEDGE - Graduation Project - Mention of Honor, KIFA Competition - Excellence Award, Ewha W. Univ. - Digital library - Instructor : Tonghoon Lee - Spring, 2012


Paradigm Shift in Reading

Industrial age

The Essence of Public Library

Information age

Networked age

We are living in a world where we can download anything, anywhere, anytime. People even publish contents on the web of their own. What will become of public libraries in this kind of network age? Defining libraries as mere storages of books leads us to a simple answer ; libraries will no longer be needed.

Future Library ?

Long before libraries’ role of community center was acknowledged as nowadays, the essence has always been in communication and production of knowledge. The ancient library of Alexandria was more of a workshop facility for scholars, providing board and lodging than a facility for collection of books. From that time to the Renaissance and the Middle ages, the library was all about the useres making use of the data, communicating with others and creating new informations, adding to the collection of knowledge. Therefore, the essence of a library lies in the cycle of reading, communication, and creating. From that sense, libraries must provide user-focused, rich environment for that cycle to take place. Moreover, libraries no longer have to keep piles of books as contents have changed its form to digital resources, which leaves the library to its pure essence alone : place for communication and production. This kind of place for pure creativity will be more in need as the boundary between readers and publishers no longer exist, and more and more people are in need of such space for creative activities.

People Powered Publishing


Digital Library as Theater of Knowledge

ng socializing support creative activityy

1. Materialize the loop of sharing,creating and communicating existing on the web 2. Act as a real member of community, not as anonymous user on the internet 3. Occurence of actual and immediate communication : Drama of Community

Ideas for New Library

Quantity of Information

Quality of Experience



No stacks, No bond

Looking for book

Looking for space


Site Analysis sis Kyungbok Palace ce Seoul Art Museum eum Traditional Housing using Duksung Girl’s School Pungmoon Girl’s l’s School

As a ‘Theater of Knowledge’ where ‘drama of communication’ can spontaneously take place lace in such planned setting, the library will be a place where people can experience inspiring communication and production on of new ideas.

Excavation Site e Anguk Street

Categorizing by communication size

T site of this project The roject 42-1, Songhyun-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul, is a place piled up with layers of different uses from history. TThis area is subjected ected to height regulations regulations, corressponding to the historical buildings surrounding the land land. The site is now being investigated as historical remains of the Josun dynasty have been excavated. b

A Access Strategy

Size Distribution

All kinds of events can be held in the new digital library as a place for creating knowledge and sharing ideas. Communication and collaboration are held in spontaneous and random aspects. Research, creating, publishing, and resting activities should be integrated instead of being seperated in designated rooms to catalyze the communication circulation. Each mass should be able to contain its own community ecosystem independently.



Clusters of programs are distributed responding to the grid, which also acts as the main route guide. Porous penetration is intended for a casual expression of the library, just as shopping.

conventional library : specific entrance


Digital Library : natural penetration

Library Composition Natural flow into the site is intended by landscaping the entire site with level variation, meeting all boundary at ground height. Therefore, access is possible from all sides, inviting people to the library as an open park. Level division is scaled to human size for various uses, such as reading, chatting, and other outdoor activities. XLarge

Upper Level Library

Free Wi-fi

Large Medium Small

Wooden Platform

Stepped Park with ramp

Green Platform 24h Open Office Hours

Underground Library

Historical Park

Sunken Plaza




Upper Level

Underground Level

A-A’ Section

B-B’ Section

A small local library be re-defined as a community space mediated by information, an indispensible resource in the contemporary society. In planning the new Gosan Public Library, we aim to put an equal or larger emphasis on 'communication spaces' which is meant for diverse socio-cultural interactions among community members.

LIBRARY ON COMMUNITY - Daegu Gosan Public Library Ideas Competition - Public Library - Team of 5 : prof. Tonghoon Lee prof. Hyunggul Kook Shaina Kim Chorong Baek Eungyung Jeon - Responsible for design, diagrams, plan - Fall, 2012


Before modernization, the well in a traditional Korean village functioned as an important space for the surrounding community. While villagers had to go to the well everyday in order to obtain water, it played a larger role than merely supporting biological well-being of the community. People in the village met each other at the well and enjoyed spontaneous communication which was crucial to maintaining and strengthening the sense of community. The well was a space for social networking, education, and play. In modern Korea where basic conditions for life are supported by highly-developed urban infrastructures, can small local libraries possibly become a space for meaningful communication, a role once played by community wells?

Site Strategy

Program Strategy

Ahn mountain




Traditional library Dalgubeol Road info.


Contemporary library


information communication 3F

Site Plan



Vertical distribution of program community


Site condition


information communication library

Close connection among programs

1F P

Library under lifted park view to ‘Ahn mt.’

public presence

library main access

The northern edge of the site is lifted in order to sensitively respond to the above-mentioned scale difference between the north and the south. The view from the sloping roof reaches the Ahn Mountain to the far south. The northern edge of the building rises above the tall trees of the adjacent public park and helps create public presence seen from the Dalgubeol Road.


Attracting public flow

We propose that the 'communication spaces' be located on the lower floors near the main public access and the 'information spaces' be located right under the sloping roof. This sectional configuration also allows for possibility for intimate connection between the information space and the communication space on each floor.

The stepping 'information spaces' are connected by communicating stairs along the west and east edges. These stairs allow for various circulation routes, and also work as spaces for sitting and reading. The elevator core provides quick and easy access to each floor and mediates between the information space and the communication space on every floor.




metal panel cladding 10m


stone cladding

A House for the novelist Onda Riku, a mystery writer from Japan. She writes stories with characters of convoluted interrelationships and mysterious pasts. Each character has their own side of story,and from that story, readers realize that seemingly irrelevant events all intertwined. Most of her novels have sad, but beautiful atmosohere dominating the story.

HOUSE OF ONDA RIKU - 2nd Year Studio - Conceptual House - Instructor : Jeongju Kim - Spring, 2009


Material Study

Study Models


Brass + Etching Solution / Black Stain



Copper + Etching Solution Section

Copper + Black Stain

I started to embody the convoluted interrelations between characters by connecting programmed masses into a tie, overlapping each other. The most private program eventually came to the top floor,at the ende of the sequence, but with a direct access to the entrance. The skin of the building was carefully chosen to convey the mysterious atmosphere, which would be deepen by time as the metal rusts away.



Interior Perspective




A remodeling project, for a school building in the Ewha Womans University campus. The goal was not just to renew the facilities, but to correspond to the paradigm shift in education. The new plan differs from the old plan, which was forming a strict atmosphere with divided classromms and desks in rows, in terms of the open space with minimal walls and sufficient space for group discussions.

COMMUNICATION TRAP - 4th Year Studio - Mention of Honor, Remodeling Competition - Educational Building - Instructor : Jongmoon Choi - Spring, 2011


Site Analysis

Remodeling Strategy St t

Hellen len Hall, Ewha W. Univ., Seoul building lding area floor or area completion mpletion

1,341,75 sq.m 4,518,97 sq.m 02 March, 1957

Main facade, 1957

Few people know w the fact that Helen Hall was originally built as the school library, and it is now supe superficially rficially allocated to the school of nursing. Moreover, most classes are held at the Ewh Ewha ha woman’s university’s hospital and the building is used for about 50 undergraduate undergraduate students. People usually recognize the building by the foodcourt(ground floor), and the cafeteria(top floor) which has a direct access from the central lilibrary, brary, which are both frequently used by library users. Externally, Helen Hall has a unique facade of strict vertical grids with depth. From the inside,it gives a experience exp perience of various levels, though not actively, due to o two times of past extensions. extension ns.

Progam Analysis lysis


Remodeling Strategy


Educational Space Paradigm


Conceptual Progress Structure

The goal of a remodeling project is not to try to make a building look new, but to make it more usable, preserving the existing identities at the same time. Then, how do we define the extent of preservation? The range varies from minimal facility renewal to overall reconstruction leaving the least. I believe the decision should start from defining what elements identify the original building ; what makes the building itself. It can be the cultural style, the historical condition at the time it was built, or the spatial experience of the users,etc. Therefore, during this project I put emphasis on the unique and memorable elements. In conclusion, I decided that the unique facade, the interrelation with the central library which can be expanded to a overall flow from the top floor to the ground floor, and the ambiguous level varieties should be the factors I should preserve and exphasize. In addition, I sorted up the programs according to the users. : students and faculty members. The “L” shaped mass is soley contributed to the offices, and the interval spaces which I installed as the “traps” should be mixing spaces for all users. Revealing and preserving identifying characteristics, I propose a remodeling project with spaces responding to a new education paradigm, which are not to be fit in the current space composition.




In the past, educational spaces aimed for studies focusing on one particular academia, cultivating experts, and therefore schools consisted of rows of divide,closed rooms of classrooms and studyrooms. However, as vast amount of knowledge have been accumulated by time, making it a necessity for people to cooperate with people of different experties, different approachs had been made in education.interdisciplinary knowledge and creative application has been demanded, with cooperation and discussion abilities with others. Therefore, the original space with closed rooms are outdated and the campus needs open spaces suited for discussion and group works, stimulating communication. As for Hellen Hall, as the buillding is no more used for classes except for several occasions, most classrooms are currently vacant. Also, the geologic condition suggests high potential of a gathering space for students, as it is facing the central library, where all students at campus gather up. As a matter of fact, there has been complaints from students asking for more grouping space in campus to conduct various projects. : The campus facility is not catching up with the shifting paradigm of pedagogy.



North Facade

Site Plan



5th Floor Wall

Outer Wall






1st Floor Wall


A karaoke building in Akihabara, Japan, which is a mecca for otakus from all over the world. Inspired by manga cuts, we started from the idea of connecting these cuts from different pages in order to give the sense of actually walking through pages, feeling like one has become the actual character in the manga.

BEHIND THE CUT - Archmedium Competition - Tokyo Replay Center - Team of 3 : Moonyoung Jeong Shaina Kim Jiwon Lee - Responsible for design, diagrams, section, render image - Winter, 2012




People who are defined as "otakus"' are widely known as people who have obssessive, or even 'freakish' interest in subcultural areas such as manga, video games, and anime. They are often pictured as lonely people who are trapped in their own world, an outcast. However, if you look closer enough and tilt the eye, they compose a vast network of community and socialize beyond countries, races, age, and all other typical boundaries of the society in the name of common interest. In this aspect, the culture of otaku has a potential of universal communication with such unprecedent mixing of social classes. We expect that the new Tokyo Replay Center can be a hub for that vast communication, a start in Akihabara.

According to our intepretation of the Otaku culture and Akihabara, we picked out the concept of contrast : there is more than what you see on the surface. We came up with the idea that manga, can be a symbolistic medium containing this concept of contrast. The scene you see in the cut is actually a partial image of what is really behind the page, which is an expanded world with a story. Therfore, by connecting specific cuts from each continuous page, we represent the concept that a cut is merely a cropped scence of a vast storyline, and enable people experience continuous programs, and feel like they are actually a character of a manga story.



Karaoke Slabs

Karaoke Rooms 7th floor plan TTicket icket box/entrance from ground level as photo zone

Duplex shopping area from entrance with digital display

View looking atrium from multi purpose area

multi purpose open gallery

Mass and Circulation

5th floor plan

Auditorium Multipurpose Shopping

costume play parade / Queue line

3rd floor plan

Manga Cut Layers Media Wall projected and pixelized from interior

2nd floor plan


1. video game shop

6. sky lounge

11. multi purpose

2. anime shop

7. figure display

12. gallery

3. media/manga shop

8. information

13. storage

4. auditorium

9. karaoke

14. reception

5. bar/kitchen

10. shop

15. ticket box

user = manga character

A cosmetic shop inspirated from “Alice in Wonderland� by Louis Carrol. In the story, a girl grows up by experiencing adventures in a mysterious world, slipped within through a rabbit hole, which is a transition space. The rabbit hole symbolizes the shift between adolescence and maturiazation, and thus represents the image of shopping cosmetic makeup products for a girl.

RABBIT HOLE - 2nd Year Studio - Cosmetic Shop - Instructor : Tonghoon Lee - Fall, 2009


Study Models, Sketches




Final Model




The Apgujeong Apartment Block is one of the oldest and biggest apartment complex in Seoul, Korea. This place has beenin the middle of controversy between the public and the residents since the whole complex is facing the Han River, blocking it from the public. Therefore, I suggest a plan to conciliate privacy and publicity, corresponding to the city fabric scale.

GREEN BILL TO GREEN VILLE - 4th Year Studio - Urban Planning - Instructor : Kwangsoo Kim - Fall, 2012


Site Analysis

Site Issues Han River Publicity

1. Everyone should be able to access from city to public park

2. View from opposite side of the river determines the image of the city

Apartment Flat Sustainability

Green area per person 1. Massive Construction

2. Deteriortion (@ Gangnam-gu)

3. Reconstruction

Green area @ Hanyang H : 85,391 ㎥ Population : 17 17,231

D ra



le dif

fere nce f ro m A pa rme nt c o th e s u r ro u n mple ding x iso latio n

w th

e su r ro u ndin but g fa h ow bric ? ne sca wg le rid?

Concept C oncept

bringing in the city fabric scale

public sequence green ass city fabric

vehicle access/parking plan

Encouraging continuous city activities by breaking down the apartment block ac according to the surrounding city fabric scale. Continuous city activities eventually leads to more publicity on Han River, since th the fundamental problem was the sense of simply open the block the public, but to make closure the apartment block was creating. The goal of this project is not to simp mediation between the privacy and publicity, some people percept the private block as part of the city fabric. As to maintain the mediati gestures are made to make a mental boundaries.

Discontinuity between blocks

piloti plan Continuous events and accessability

residential program 28








June, 2009 the idea of making the first group of architecture students without schoo school boundaries started from a simple question of “How other students from different schools deal with architecture?” We started from scratch making connections, and kicked off with students from 10 different schools sharing and discussing each other’s projects. Our activity of discussing and participating in group projects other than schoo school assignments helped us having more profound insight in understanding architecture and facing different point of views. Many students who felt the need of communication with a broader perspective joined inn and the group which started with 37 members grew into a group of 300 members from 15 different schools in 4 years. Our boundary of activities also expanded to collaborating with other social associations for creative activities and exhibiting our works in public.


S H A I N A (S U N J I N) K I M (S H A I N A) S U N J I N


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