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Shajahan Chakravarthi
Who am I? I am Shajahan chakravarthi . I live in one of the most beautiful cities of Hyderabad, Andrapredesh. I have been using and doing this computer stuff from around 8 years if memory serves correctly. I was born in Naidupet at Nellore in Andrapredesh . I have spent my entire childhood in St’marys hostel only, schooling and college too. As I fall into December. About My Educational Life I shall start with revealing a little secret. Mostly people around me think that I am so much intelligent. I never could understand why because there is never anything that I did so that I can feel the same too. So with that fact,let me share my educational life so far.I did my Schooling at St.Marys high School . Besides that,I used to take meditation Clases for teenagers , I was also trying my hands with this computer stuff. Somehow, I got so much interested in it only. So I opted for my masters in Computer Applications only. As I went more and more deeper in this B.tech (CSE) , I tried my hands with mostly every