Rtn. P. Gopalakrishnan District Governor (2017-18)
of Monthly Information Letter Encouraging Service
Rtn. S. M. Balaji District Rotaract Committee Chair (2017-18)
Celebrating the 50th year of Rotaract
Rtr. B. Balachander District Rotaract Representative (2017-18)
This copy is provided to you for promoting the activities in our district. Hope that you’ll help us reaching new MILES.
Rtr. S. Shaji James District Editor (2017-18)
MILES OF JULY 2017 Voice of the DRR “Welcome to the Golden Jubilee Year of Rotaract. This year is very special because we are stepping into the 50th year of Rotaract. Many Rotaractors from various District have contributed in bringing Rotaract to this landmark. So, we should observe this 50th year in a very special manner. The DG and the DRCC are extending their full support for the growth of Rotaract. Also, the present RI Director Rtn. C. Baskar is from our home district whose support can add flavor to our growth. As we have certain prides to speak about, we also have added responsibilities. For sure, we are going to contribute the best and make the World Rotaract to turn towards us. Before starting our year, we completed the District Team Introduction and District Team Training Seminar which is not common considering the Past where everything will be conducted only after the start of the year. Thanks to our Governor and DRCC for supporting us in both the events. Special mention to Rtn. Vikranth and Rtn. Aravindh of Solaimalai Group who took over the big expenditure of providing the food and accommodation to our District Team for two days. The theme for my year is Global Opportunity to LeaD (GOLD). Not limiting our works within the district, we are about to reach out globally with the best of our efforts. We have given the theme relating to the Governor’s theme Go the Extra Mile and Serve (GEMS). GOLD shines better with GEMS. Yes, Rotaract with the support of Rotary in our District is going to reach new MILES.” Regards, Rtr. B. Balachander DRR (2017-18) +91 96263 51115 rtrbalachander@gmail.com
From Editor’s Desk “Well, we started the Golden year with much of energy and enthusiasm. MILES is a step of innovation added this year for appreciating and encouraging various events involved by our Rotaractors. It also serves as a tool to know the MILES that are set to be achieved. From my experience in Rotaract, I have gained a stable personality and high sense of responsibility. And by that, I’m working on this DML (District Monthly Letter) which I hope that it could give a comprehensive and structured outlook. Kindly share us your opinions about this DML, so that we can look upon some improvements. We are yet to work on our plans and reach new MILES. Explore..! Experience..! Excel..!”
Contact: +91 75981 19483
Email: shajijames7@gmail.com
MILES OF JULY 2017 Sharing his thoughts Rtn. PDG. S. Rajendran Assistant Rotary Coordinator 2017-18 “Congratulations for publishing MILES and best wishes for your success as an Editor. The DRR Rtr. Balachander has started the new year 2017-18 in a new way by introducing so many new methods in governing and administering the Rotaract District Organization. When I had the opportunity of attending the Team Introduction Ceremony, I was amazed by the way the team was presented. And also it was a very good sign for the organization to see on stage four consecutive DRRs promising to work together. The incoming DRR Rtr. Balachander is an enthusiastic person to execute the things in a nice way. I see in him a prospective future Rotarian and he will be a good leader there also. My best wishes for a great year.”
Greetings from our Youth Icon in Rotary Rtn. Allirani Balaji Youth Service Chairman 2017-18 “My dear Rotaractors, Wishes to All. Recently, I had a good opportunity to meet the District Rotaract Officials in DTTS at Madurai. On seeing all your participation, involvement and team spirit in this event. I am really glad to be a part of such energetic team of youth. Hats off to DRR. Balachander and his team for making Rotaract clubs more vibrant this year. Here I wish each and every one of our Rotaractors to take their responsibility and be responsible for yourself, for your life, for who are you and who you want to be. That responsibility should NEVER be in someone else's hands. Stop giving others the responsibility and power to rule your life. Stand up for yourself. Don't ever think that people don't need you. You are important. You are needed for the society. Stop looking at heroes and become one for yourself and for those around you and who need you to be. Be the best of what you can be and make something every day you can be proud of, as a Rotaractor. Love the life you live and live the life you love. Be Strong..! Be Yourself..! Be a Good Rotaractor..!”
Contact: +91 75981 19483
Email: shajijames7@gmail.com
MILES OF JULY 2017 RSAMDIO speaks our ‘Might’ PDRR Rajesh Subramanian President – RSAMDIO 2016-17 “Dear Rotaractors, Greetings from Rotaract South Asia MDIO!!! Stepping into Golden Jubilee year of Rotaract, I would like to take a moment to sincerely thank the great effort of all the Rotaractors in the past that made a positive influence in the society. Their selfless actions, perseverance and achievements made this organization great and cross the test of time with flying colors. Rota-year 2017-2018 has a perfect platform to begin with, a young an energetic team to lead the districts, the fellowship between clubs and districts are super active like never before, many collaborative opportunities are in the horizon to set up projects to support literacy, mental health and cleanliness. No Rotaractors or Clubs is alone, we have a great support system in place, our leaders will be the wings of your dreams to fly high, all we need is a clear vision and channelize our efforts in implementing the right projects. In the words of the great visionary A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, “Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts results in action” I wish that all of our vibrant Rotaractors to collectively dream for a better world and our actions should make a constructive difference around us. Special Thanks to DRR Balachander, Rotaract District 3000 and his team for providing me this opportunity to address our Rotaractors through their DML. I wish them great success with their endeavors. Dream Big!”
Introducing #hashtag We are introducing another feature for promoting the activities by introducing a new hashtag exclusively for our DML. Now a days, It has become a common practice of sharing every activities in social media. So, When you post any information related to Rotaract in Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, use the hashtag #RotaMiles along with the general hashtag #Rotaract and the Golden Jubilee hashtag #Rotaract50. We will fetch the needed information directly and include it in the DML.
Contact: +91 75981 19483
Email: shajijames7@gmail.com
MILES OF JULY 2017 Golden Team and Theme Introduction Date: May 28, 2017 Venue: Hotel PLA Amrith, Karur The Quality team of potential leaders is selected looking at the skills, talents and performance over years. The District Team was introduced by our District Governor Rtn. P. Gopalakrishnan and then he unveiled the big cut out of the District Theme. The Team was felicitated by PDG Rtn. S. Rajendran.
The Rotaract Theme for the year 2017-18 in our District is Global Opportunity to LeaD which is abbreviated as GOLD. The Team therefore is called as Golden Team.
Releasing the Directory Cover The Cover Page for the Directory is released with full of merry. Our DRR handed over the pack with Directory Cover to the DG and he unwrapped the pack displaying the Cover Page. Directory is another great piece of concern, because we started our works before 8 months to publish the Directory very earlier than it’ll be processed usually. The data for the Directory is being processed and the editing work is in full swing. The Complete Directory has been planned to be released during the month of August, 2017.
Contact: +91 75981 19483
Email: shajijames7@gmail.com
MILES OF JULY 2017 Golden Team Training Seminar (GTTS) Date: June 24 & 25, 2017 Venue: Solaimalai Engineering College, Madurai The District Team Training Seminar (DTTS) is named as GTTS as it is conducted for the Golden Team. The event was a grand success, because our District members proved themselves with a maximum strength. The best of it is that we could mark an attendance of 95%. This is a good sign that the Golden Year is going to reach new MILES with the Golden Team.
The training is focused on all areas knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each member in the team. We also had a discussion on all the events that are planned to be conducted this year. The members are instructed on their tasks and responsibilities that they are supposed to fulfill. Overall it was an exciting event with much of edutainment. Our District Governor Elect Rtn. R.V.N. Kannan made his special presence for the Camp Fire. Our whole hearted thanks to Rtn. Vikranth and Rtn. Aravindh of Solaimalai Group who took over the responsibility of food and accommodation. Contact: +91 75981 19483
Email: shajijames7@gmail.com
MILES OF JULY 2017 Dates to Note: July 9, 2017 (Sunday) 04.30 pm XXVII Installation of DRR & District Officers 2017-18 Venue: Prem Mahal, Karur July 22 & 23, 2017 PETS & SETS (For Presidents and Secretaries of all clubs in District) Venue: Anna University – BIT Campus, Trichy
Send us your News – Please!!! If you have any considerable projects in your clubs, share with us so that we can include it in the DML. We can’t get your news unless you tell us about it.
Disclaimer The information in this DML is intended to provide readers with resources and information which they may find useful and of interest. We take all reasonable steps to keep the information current and accurate
Contact: +91 75981 19483
Email: shajijames7@gmail.com