Infusion Magazine | June 2020 | Issue 25

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ISSUE 25 // JUNE 2020

“Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. Then Moses said, ‘I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.’ So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, ‘Moses, Moses!’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ Then He said, ‘Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.’”


e have stepped into a new decade.

God who works in you both to will and to do for His good

These are unprecedented times, and as

pleasure.” When you walk with God, you must understand

the people of God we must be awakened

that He is never at a standstill. He is always moving!

to the truth that He is ushering in His soon return. Beyond

He is moving right now. His plan is being released in you

your agenda, there is destiny that God has purposed for

and through you, so that you may be a vessel of honor,

your life that He is faithful to fulfill.

filled with the power of The Holy Spirit. If we want to see His glory, we must learn to move with Him. Through

God has chosen you to speak His Word to this generation

every step of obedience, God will lead us further into our

for such a time as this! Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is

God-given destiny.

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This is the power of a true relationship with Christ.

When God births deliverance, the enemy always tries

The book of Colossians says that you have died and

to abort the plan of God.

your life is hidden in Christ. This is why the psalmist said, “He is my hiding place.”

Moses was called, but he was not ready, so God hid him. God didn’t just hide him; He hid him in the very

Jesus Christ spoke of the Kingdom being like a treasure

house of Pharaoh, the man who was trying to kill Moses.

hidden in a field. God has hidden treasures in your life

While He hid Moses, He taught him all about his enemy.

for His glory and for His purpose. There are some things

God is so awesome that He made Pharaoh pay the

that God has hidden in your life, that have yet to be

mother of Moses to nurse him!

revealed through you. What God has put in you will not return to Him void. You will fulfill your purpose!

Let me tell you, when God reveals what He has hidden in your life, Hell had better get ready! So many times, the

That is why the enemy is always trying to hinder you

enemy would have taken you out, but God was hiding

from discovering your true purpose in Christ. He is

you! Perhaps you have been frustrated that people have

searching to find the hidden treasure of what God is

not recognized your anointing, but you need to realize

about to do next upon the earth. 1 Corinthians 2:6-8

that God has not yet revealed it. You may not be ready.

says, “However, we speak wisdom among those who

God will not bring you out until you are ready.

are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we

Moses struggled all his life because he was both

speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden

a Hebrew and an Egyptian. His birthright was the

wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our

destiny of God, but he found himself in a place

glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had

of bondage. He dealt with this tension of being chosen

they known, they would not have crucified the Lord

but also struggling with the environment that God

of glory.” The devil thought that the Cross was his idea!

had placed him in. He was destined to lead the children

But hidden in the Cross was your future. Hidden in the

of Israel from slavery, but God had hidden this in him

blood was your salvation and healing, and the devil never

and it was not yet revealed.

saw it coming, or he would never have crucified the Lord of glory! Thank God for the power of the blood, because

Many times, people find themselves struggling with

hidden from satan was the true purpose of God and

an identity crisis. You are called, but you still have issues.

His plan of salvation!

It’s the struggle of being a son, but also feeling unworthy of the inheritance. I meet people all over the world

Moses was a man who had been chosen by God

who have a powerful anointing, but they have an identity

to lead a people out of bondage. He was destined

crisis, because they are not walking in the fullness of who

to lead an entire generation out of slavery and into

they are in Christ. That is why at the point at which

their purpose, but Hell was searching for him. From the

God would release them into their ministry, they abort

moment Moses was born, Hell said, “Kill the womb.”

the plan. I know people who were called to the nations,

When Jesus was born, the enemy did the same thing.

and right now, they are not even in the Kingdom!

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It was this tension he felt when he saw the Egyptian

to hide, when God touches you, something is about

beating one of his people. The identity crisis of Moses

to shift in your life!

caused him to see something within himself, but yet, he reacted in a carnal way and he killed the Egyptian.

It was the same desert it had always been, but when God came, the ground shifted. What once was,

He fled from the conflict and found himself in a desert

was now no more.

place. But when Moses thought it was over, he did not realize that God was about to invade the atmosphere!

Friend, God wants to change the very ground beneath your feet. Maybe you don’t understand why people who

There have been many sermons and writings concerning

were once close to you are no longer with you. It’s not

the burning bush. I don’t want to discuss that. I want

them; it’s you! The ground has shifted. Your vision has

to bring out the truth of where Moses was standing.

been lifted to a different horizon!

The ground was about to shift under his feet. What was once a place where he fled the destiny of God was about

You may not know it right now, but at this very moment,

to become holy ground.

the ground is about to move beneath your feet. You might be in the same situation you have been in for a long time,

You see, Moses was running because of the conflict.

but now, the ground is shifting! The place of your conflict now becomes holy ground. You begin to see opportunity

Some of you have been running for years. You love God,

where you saw lack. You see healing where you once

but you are running from an issue in your life that always

saw brokenness. You see doors begin to open that had

seems to abort God’s plan. You can be called, anointed,

previously been slammed in your face. God is shifting

and chosen; but in the same way the wheat grows with

the ground beneath your feet! What was once just

the tare, the anointing will grow with conflict. You must

familiar territory has now become holy ground.

kill it. In Part II of this message, we will go a little deeper Moses had a conflict that caused him to run to a desert place, shepherding a flock God had never called him to tend. So many times, through circumstance or wrong choices, people end up in deserts doing anything but what God called them to do. They wonder why God was hiding them, but God was giving them time to deal with the thing that was destroying them. God comes to Moses in the midst of a conflict and says, “Moses, this is holy ground.” But don’t miss this: it was the same ground that he had been on for years! Oh, I love to preach about when God takes something unholy and makes it holy, and He uses it for His glory! You see, the very things that you think you have

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in our study of holy ground.


“ I

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against Spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. EPHESIANS 6:10-13

don’t think I’ve ever seen a time when God’s people

“But I see another law at work in me, waging war against

were as tired and weary as they are today. The Bible

the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the

clearly says in the book of Daniel that the spirit of the

law of sin at work within me,” Romans 7:23. Paul was

antichrist would try to wear out the children of the Most

saying, “When I want to do good, I have to wrestle with

High. There are many people who have been battling for

something.” He said that it was in his fallen make up.

a long time. I want you to know that the Lord knows about your struggle.

In my family tree and yours, we find things that are particular proclivities. My last name is Kilpatrick, and

I want to address the DYNAMICS OF WRESTLING.

there are things within our family tree. My dad was

There are four scriptural categories listed in the Bible

married five times. He was someone whose ways and

where we wrestle.

tendencies I have tried to avoid. But I have found that no matter how turned off I was to what I saw in him, those


things are attempting to manifest in me.


There can be things that you have seen in your


parents that troubled you that now knock at your door. Some families have traits that are troubling and


have manifested for generations. We fight against low self-esteem issues, authenticity, anger issues, sexual perversions, addictions, or sins of the past.

No matter who you are, all of us are birthed into this human realm. We are subject to our environment,

It’s not that you don’t want to do good, but you are

and one thing that we all have in common is that we

constantly wrestling. You wrestle with your mind and your

wrestle with things within ourselves. We wrestle with


our personal struggles, our inabilities, or our lack of capabilities. Every one of us has inner struggles.

You must pray until you get the victory!

W E W R E S T L E // 0 7


image in my mind. We wrestle! There are unseen devils that we must wrestle and fight. They are real.

The Bible says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. I am talking about problems that come up

The warfare in America has increased. The ruling

with other people. We find a reference to this type

of the Supreme Court regarding gay marriage has

of wrestling in Genesis 30:1-8. Rachel was unable

caused an increase in the level of wrestling. We were

to bear children. She compared herself to her sister,

set back as a nation, and it seems we are now

Leah, who was able to produce children. Rachel said,

recovering. We are fighting against high level evil spirits,

“I am going to make something happen.” She was

and we must wrestle for our country and for our cities.

struggling with comparing herself to her sister. We are in a season when warriors are going to be Many people wrestle with what they believe makes

identified and battle-tested. They are men and women

them unattractive. They compare themselves with others.

of spiritual stature who have been chiseled by wrestling.

It torments them. They wrestle in their minds constantly. There are dark spirits that target anointed churches Maybe you are dealing with people who oppose

and leaders. They want no opposition. And they attend

your ministry or calling. There are those that resist

churches all the time. How do I know that? Matthew 13:19

you with issues at every turn.

says, “When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one,

We all wrestle with things.

and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.” Spirits


are all around and inside churches. These entities are ancient. They have been around since long before we arrived. They know the histories of areas.

Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh

They understand generational and familiar traits. We are

and blood, but against principalities, against powers,

at a disadvantage, but our advantage is this: greater is

against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against

He that is in us than he that is in the world! We have the

spiritual wickedness in high places.”

power to wrestle!

I was introduced to this demonic world in a prayer

I am contending for revival for my church and my city.

meeting with my pastor in the late 1960s. Many have

I am contending for the glory. I am contending for

heard my angel story, but few have heard about other

an awakening!

things that happened in those prayer meetings because I don’t talk about it.


I had experiences with dark spirits. Pastor Wetzel asked

Genesis 32:24-32 tells us that Jacob wrestled

me what I was seeing, and I named what I was looking

with God when he was alone.

at, and he said, “You are seeing correctly.” I was fortunate to be able to see that dark spirit because now, even

How can a mere man with limitations dare wrestle

today, I realize what I am dealing with. I have that

with a limitless God? Jacob had come to a place

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in his life where he was blessed immensely. But the physical and material blessings were not what he was after. He was left to face himself for what he was: a deceiver and a conniver. Jacob was a wrestler. After seeing himself as the wretch that he was, he had God in his arms and would not let Him go until he got his destiny, a name change included. Jacob realized he needed God more than material things. He was a man alone with God with a chance to get what he needed. You might overcome wrestling with people’s issues and with demons, but you can’t go into your destiny until you wrestle with God! Only God can meet certain needs. God wanted the deceiver and swindler Jacob. He wanted to have him become a prince, Israel. It took a wrestling man to get that. A lot of times, we know what we want to change, but when God touches it, we wrestle with God to try to hold on to what we know needs changing. Jude 3 says, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” We must contend! This means to strive against difficulties, to struggle to surmount (a difficulty), to maintain, to assert, to engage in a campaign in order to win. Wrestle, wrestle, wrestle!

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1 0 // G U A T E M A L A G O S P E L C A M P A I G N

On the first weekend of March, Evangelist Nathan

before; we knew He would do it again.

and the Shake The Nations Team traveled to Jalapa, Guatemala, for our first Gospel Campaign of the year.

When Evangelist Nathan got on the platform, the people

This was our first campaign in Guatemala, and our team

received the unadulterated, unapologetic Gospel of

was so expectant to see God pour out His Spirit.

Jesus Christ. The first night was important, because the campaign was broadcast throughout Guatemala.

Jalapa is more of a rural place, so the people who

The nation has not had an evangelistic event like this

attended the meetings were extremely poor people.

in over thirty years, so they offered to broadcast the

Many of them have no internet access, so they have

message of Jesus for free.

never seen anything like the meetings we held. They were in wide-eyed wonder to see the move of God.

The TV spokesmen were planning on a three-minute interview with Nathan Marrow that quickly turned

Walking into the outdoor stadium, we saw a mountain

into twenty minutes. He kept making declarative

in the background with a cloud hovering over the summit.

statements like, “You are going to see salvations,

It felt like God was waiting for us. We were there before

miracles, and deliverances.”

the people arrived, so we covered the arena in prayer as well as the over ninety buses that were bringing those in need of the Gospel. People started streaming through the entryway of the stadium when the musicians took the stage. There was such anticipation as to what God was about to do. Those on the Prayer Team who had been before had a concept of what it would be like, while those who were joining us for the first time weren’t sure, but the Holy Spirit came mightily during the worship. We expected to see our God move among the people, because He is faithful. He has done it so many times

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They had no frame of reference for this. They had only

the Remnant to take it back to local communities all over

heard Bible stories; they had never seen God work like

the world.

this before. But when you walk by faith in what you have already seen the mighty hand of God do, you have a

The second night, it felt like we were living in the Gospels.

heart of expectation that pleases the Lord. That is the

Word got out about what was happening at the stadium

kind of faith that causes miracles to begin to happen.

through the television broadcast, so the curious came. As Evangelist Nathan was preaching that night, there

As the Holy Spirit moved the hearts of the people with

was such a tangible sense of a spiritual hindrance. There

the message being preached, the front of the stage

was obviously a battle taking place. At the prompting of

was flooded with people wanting salvation and the

the Holy Spirit, Evangelist Nathan rebuked the power of

freedom that only comes through the name of Jesus

witchcraft. As he did, people began to manifest demons.

Christ. It was an amazing sight to see. The main pastor

Deliverance rolled in all over the stadium, and the

who coordinated the event was lying on the stage,

hindrance was broken because of the power of the name

overwhelmed by the magnitude of how God was

of Jesus. God truly demonstrated His authority in that

answering the prayers that he and his team had prayed.


The TV spokesmen were in tears seeing what God was doing in their country.

The people of Jalapa were so beautiful, yet they were desperate and their needs were great. Before the

Whenever God would begin to heal the crippled, as they

preaching was even over, the people started moving

testified of their healing, that miracle would begin to

toward the front to encounter the Lord. We saw Him save,

reproduce itself. Whenever someone would testify that

deliver, and heal all across the stadium.

God had healed a condition, all over the stadium, people would receive healing from the same condition, just like a

Typically, the Prayer Team is able to move through the

spiritual ripple effect. We know that testimony throws the

crowd and pray for people. This night, the crowd was

door open for God to do something again, but when you

so dense that they were not able to move around. We

see it firsthand, it is life-changing!

watched in amazement as the people figured out how to rotate around them. The healings, the changes in

The stories from the Prayer Team from the first night were

countenance, the people being touched by the love of

remarkable. The excitement in their voices and the tears

the Father; this is the life of a Christian.

in their eyes as they recounted their hands being used by God for mighty miracles was a delight. This is one of the

The Lord began to wake up the Church to rise up in

reasons we do what we do. We love to plow the ground

power once again. Churches from all over Guatemala

of the nations and to awaken the Church from the inside

seemed to come alive to the fact that Christianity is not

out. We want to remind the Church of the power of the

something that’s boring. It is exciting, interactive, and

Gospel, which is Christ in the Church! We want to equip

vibrant. When you see what God can do through the unity of the Church, it is so encouraging.


Gospel Campaign!


1 2 // G U A T E M A L A G O S P E L C A M P A I G N

We were honored to take the Gospel to Guatemala, and we are so grateful for all those who came together in prayer and financial support to make this campaign possible. We give God all the glory!

up from the front and said, “I bind the spirit of witchcraft,” and people just started to fall out all over the place. God was showing up and the people of Guatemala were getting delivered. Being a part of this Gospel Campaign was different for me than being at the Bay Revival. In the Bay, I enjoyed being a spectator to the miracles and hearing the testimonies, but it was so much more fun to put my hands on it and no longer be a spectator. I was an active part of what was going on there. The presence of God was the same at both places. Everything God was doing was just the same as being in a Bay meeting. It just felt bigger for me because I got to be a part of it and I didn’t have to sit on the sidelines and watch. I felt at home at the campaign because my heart is with the Bay. That’s where I first experienced the Holy Spirit. It was emotional because I got to be at the campaign with this team that I witnessed the Holy Spirit with. God brought this full circle for me. I was sick for four years with debilitating leg pain. Megan Rotella is the Children’s Pastor of Church

I was in a wheelchair, and in four years, I took 17,000

of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama. She recently

Ibuprofen pills. While we were in the altar in Guatemala,

was a part of our Gospel Campaign Prayer Team

we came to this one lady who caught my attention.

for Guatemala. Here’s what she had to say:

She needed prayer for leg pain. I wanted to pray for


her because that meant something to me. I got down

was amazed at the amount of people that came

on the ground and I laid my hands on her feet.

up for salvation at the end. I’ve been in American

When I did, something rose up in me and I thought,

church services, where a couple of people come

“Oh no devil, you have no permission to be here. I have

up for salvation. People came rushing up to the front

authority over this and you’re not staying!” The miracle

of the stadium, and I thought that was incredible!

happened immediately! I stood up and she said,

I also thought it was amazing to see the amount of

“The pain is totally gone!”We rejoiced, and then

people that just came up wanting healing. They were

I asked her how long she had been in pain. She said

totally believing that they were coming up and getting

she had been in pain for four years, which is how long

something. They didn’t come half-heartedly.

I had been in pain. When she said that, I immediately

knew what a huge victory that was for her because

I have never in my life seen as many demonic

I had experienced it myself.

manifestations at one time! No one was praying for them or touching them. Evangelist Nathan got

To those who have never stepped out in faith

M E G A N ’ S F I E L D S T O R Y // 1 3

to do something like this, I want to say to you, get out of spectator mode! I think it is easy to grow to the size of your environment. There are certain fish that will only grow to the size of the tank you put them in. So, if you have a big aquarium, that fish can grow to be a foot long. But if you have a little fish tank, that fish will only be a few inches long, because it can only grow to the size of the tank that it is in. I think it is easy for people involved in ministry to only grow to the size of their environment and then become comfortable. That was me. I was used to feeling comfortable in my environment. Then, I went to this Gospel Campaign, and I felt so small because I found a fish tank that was a lot bigger than I was used

and prophesying over people, but praying with people


for healing was intimidating to me. I didn’t know that

of the revival, and thousands of souls were being swept

I had doubts that God could use me in that way.

into the Kingdom. Many nights, I led worship for over four

to being in. It was beyond my comfort zone. I found something that scared me at first. I’m used to praying with people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit

t was January of 2011 in Mobile, Alabama. We were right in the middle of a mighty move of God that became known as the Bay Revival.

We had been seeing powerful miracles every night

hours as God let His glory be manifested in our midst. If you’ve never gone on a campaign, you should go!

It was a season that was full of landmark moments

If you have gone before, you should go again

for my life, where God did not just do something

because there is room for growth. I’m going back!

corporate, but He met with me in such a personal

I love knowing that there is still opportunity for me

way that I was often unaware of those around me.

to grow and for Jesus to show up. But that night in January was different. If I could be honest with you, I did not feel the presence of God within a mile of the place. I had done my best to lead worship, Pastor Kilpatrick was trying to lead well, and Evangelist Nathan had preached his heart out. I still felt nothing. I remember praying, “God, the revival has only been going on for six months. Are you done?” Discouraged, I handed off to my assistant worship leader and simply walked to the side of the platform. Right then, I heard a loud scream from the back of the room. You see, there was a young lady there

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who was deaf in one of her ears. In fact, she had a

to what God has done, you are throwing open the door

$36,000 surgery to install a cochlear implant, which

of the supernatural and inviting God into your life to do

only gave her a little bit of hearing.

it again!

On a night when I didn’t get my Pentecostal goosebumps,

Revelation 19:10b says, “For the testimony of Jesus

God reached down and opened that young lady’s ear

is the spirit of prophecy.” Many times, the way you close

and completely restored her hearing! Her doctors had

the gap between where you are now and the miracle you

to remove the implant, and they were astounded that

seek is your testimony. When you open your mouth and

she was hearing normally. Oh, praise God!

rehearse the wonders that God has done in your past, You are welcoming Him into your present and your future.

A couple of years later, Evangelist Nathan was ministering in California. He played the testimony video of the girl

Take some time today and tell your story. As the old-time

from Mobile receiving her hearing. As it turned out,

Pentecostals used to say, “The power is in the telling.”

in the California church, there was a young lady with a cochlear implant. When she heard the testimony, she decided that if God could do it in Mobile, he could do it in California. Right there in her seat with no one even praying for her, she was totally healed by the power of God! This is the power of testimony. The Hebrew word for testimony has the basic meaning, “to do it again.” You must catch that revelation! Every time you testify

T H E P O W E R I S I N T H E T E L L I N G // 1 5



od has desires for our lives! He wants us

in our faith, our family, and in our future.

to live in the fullness of what Jesus paid for at the Cross. In order to walk in the fullness of what God intended

Third John is a short letter from the Apostle John

for your life, Jesus must be Lord of your life. The Bible

to a fellow Christian leader named Gaius. John is

says in Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth

emphasizing the importance of truth, the source of joy,

the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God

and what is God’s will. The word “pray” in our text is

has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

the Greek word “Euchomai,” which means, “To pray, will, and wish.” The Holy Spirit is revealing through this text

Being saved implies not only being born again; but it

what God desires for His people.

also includes deliverance, healing, being made whole, protection, and being rescued in spirit, soul, and body.

God’s desire is that the Body of Christ may prosper

To be saved means we have eternal life, we have a new

in all things and be in health, just as our soul prospers.

way of living, we have a new identity, and we are able

We need to fully understand what true biblical prosperity

to live the abundant life that Christ gives us. In order to

means for the Body of Christ. The Greek word for

appropriate the victory through Christ, we have to renew

prosperity used in third John is the word “Euodoo.”

our minds and accept it by faith. We must renew our

The definition of this word means to succeed in reaching,

understanding through the Word of God (Romans 12:2).

to help on the road, to have a prosperous journey. The Kingdom manifests through God’s Word in your I believe John’s desires for Gaius reflect the heart

mouth. Speak the Word by faith to your sickness, to your

of God and His desires for our lives. God’s desire for

depression, and to your oppression. The Father desires

the Church is that we enjoy our journey with Jesus

for you to walk in complete victory.


God’s desire is for this generation to think about the future. He wants us to leave a legacy behind. This will The Webster’s 1913 Dictionary defines the family

depend on the intimate relationship we have with the

as “The group comprising a husband and wife and

Holy Spirit.

their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.” However, this

We read about the secret of intimacy in Psalms 1:3:

definition has changed and evolved over the years.

“He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,

The enemy knows that in order to paralyze society,

that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also

he needs to break the family structure.

shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”

God’s desire for the family is found in Deuteronomy

We do not see how a tree feeds itself because

6:4-7: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!

the feeding comes from the root under the ground;

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,

however, we know a tree is being fed properly when

with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these

we see it bear fruit. In order to secure a bright future

words which I command you today shall be in your heart.

for the next generation, we need to be like the tree

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall

planted by the rivers of water being fed from the secret

talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk

place. We need to feed our spiritual roots from the river

by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”

of God, which is the Holy Spirit.

We need to restore the family altar. Christ must be

The word for prosper in Psalms 1:3 is the Hebrew word

the head of the household, and fathers need to be

“tsalach.” It means to break out, or to push forward.

a Christ-like example as the head of the family.

God’s desire is for our generation to push forward

Mothers need to nurture, guide, and love with

and leave a future full of the fire of the Holy Spirit.

the maternal instincts given by the Holy Spirit. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to bring about the fulfilment God’s desire is to cancel and obliterate every

of God’s desires for our lives, so that we can bring glory

generational curse of divorce, hate, jealousy, strife,

to His name!

greed, and disunity in the family. Jesus will reverse every curse! Enjoy the journey and make the declaration from Joshua 24:15: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

The Bible teaches us in Exodus 3:6 that our God is known as “… the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Our Creator is a generational God. He sees beyond our present generation, because the inheritance is not only for us, but for the generations to come.

G O D ’ S D E S I R E S // 1 7

at Ramp Conferences for over two years. During that time, I also served on The Ramp Church Worship Team. I have known since I was a child that I was called to full-time ministry; however, while I was connected to The Ramp, the Lord started to clarify the direction He wanted me to go. I began having multiple dreams and I received prophetic words from several ministers and key spiritual voices in my life. They all involved reaching the nations with the Gospel. I began asking the Lord for direction and clarity. In December of 2018, I heard the Lord say I was to step out and go fully into ministerial work. After praying, fasting, and talking to my family and several other ministers in my life, I felt complete peace about that transition. I know God has been preparing me for such a time as this. My heart is to serve and to see souls saved. I believe God is going to bring revival and shake the world back to life! Brittney Crews is the newest intern at Shake The

I moved to Apopka, Florida on January 16, 2020,

Nations Ministries. We are excited to have her on

and started my journey as a missionary to the nations!

the team, and we want to introduce you to her.

I am interning with Shake The Nations, which is a

Here is her story:

ministry that reaches thousands of souls around the world every day! It has been amazing! I went on

I was raised at Free Chapel under Pastor Jentezen

my first Gospel Campaign to Belize with STN this past

Franklin. I was filled with the Holy Spirit when I was eight

December. God completely healed a lady that was blind!

years old. I played basketball for The University of Georgia

There were people getting off their crutches and

and graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor’s degree in

getting out of wheelchairs! God did so many miracles,

biology. After graduating, I served under my father, Dr.

lives were changed, and souls were saved! My heart

Terry Crews, as Director of our two Wellness Centers in

beats for this very reason!

Georgia. My family and I were a part of The Ramp Ministry with Mrs. Karen Wheaton for over five years. We served as

I will be traveling every month seeing God move in the

the Hospitality Team for guest speakers and singers

lives of the people He loves so much! I am helping the ministry administratively and also traveling to churches.


Our Internships


1 8 // S H A K E T H E N A T I O N S I N T E R N S H I P S

I want to encourage you that everything God has promised you He will bring to pass. I’m living proof! Don’t let the enemy tell you that it will never happen. God’s timing is perfect! Just put your trust in Him and He will lead you to where you need to be.

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