02 06 08 10 14 16
holy und gro ing ers wn v e r kdo loc e hop give away ter rea est g e th harv ked mar god by ke sha up t i
0 2 // H O L Y G R O U N D : P A R T T W O
In the first part of Holy Ground, we discussed the
There are experiences that have happened in your past
fact that God is shifting the ground beneath your
that will cause you to think with an old mindset. They will
feet. It may be the same situation you have been
lie to you and tell you that you are going to fail again,
in for a long time, but now the place of your conflict
but you are going to have to become vulnerable again.
is becoming Holy Ground! So many people are afraid of becoming vulnerable This is Holy Ground! When you recognize your moment,
because they are living in hiding from their conflict.
you can go back to the place that you used to run
You see, Moses had found a way to live in Midian.
away from and say, “I AM THAT I AM has sent me! I AM
He had become comfortable in his place of hiding.
has given me a word! That word is that strongholds are
He was no longer challenged with the conflict that
coming down right now!”
was within him, because he was really a Hebrew, but he was still battling the identity of an Egyptian.
Oh, I want you to get a revelation of this! It is only the power of God that can send you back to the place
The true test of authenticity for who God has made you
where you once suffered defeat, but this time, the ground
to be is when you have to go and present yourself in a
has changed under your feet. This time, you are standing
place that you once tried to run from. Moses was not
on holy ground!
destined for Midian; he was destined to go back into Egypt and bring deliverance to God’s people. He had
The place of shame becomes holy ground. The place
to go back to the place he had run from.
where you failed becomes holy ground. The weakness that caused you to abort the plan of God now becomes
Do you only worship when you sense the “right
the place where you step into your destiny. The ground
atmosphere,” or do you understand that God has
has changed beneath your feet! The place where you
called you not just to recognize that you are standing
once fled in fear is now the place where you are armed
on holy ground, but that He has sent you to take that
with the knowledge of who God has called you
same encounter to a place that needs deliverance?
to be. This is holy ground!
You cannot shift the ground while you are still out there living in Midian! God wants to send you as a channel
You have to step into this. You must perceive where
through which His deliverance can flow.
you are standing. It’s as though God was saying to Moses, “This is holy ground. The place where you
Romans 10:15 says, “and how shall they preach
are standing has shifted. Take off your shoes!”
unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,
You see, you cannot step into a holy moment the same
who bring glad tidings of good things!’”
way you step into everything else. If you want to step into your holy moment, you must become willing to take
What God is calling you to do is going to take the same
your shoes off.
power, the same holy moment that caused the bush to burn and not be consumed. You see, in the same way
The shoes Moses was wearing carried the dust
that He did in the life of Moses, God wants to move
of everywhere he had been in his past, but nothing from
you from familiar ground to holy ground. God had
where he was going. When you take your shoes off, you
destined Moses to shift the ground in a place
lay all of your past aside to step into your holy moment.
of bondage and oppression.
H O L Y G R O U N D : P A R T T W O // 0 3
This is holy ground! In that holy moment that took place on holy ground, God told Moses, “I have heard the cries of My people.” Friend, God revealed the cry before He revealed the solution. When we look to our generation and the chaos in this world, we only hear the cry. But if you would recognize this moment, you would see that as God reveals the cry, that is when the ground begins to shake under your feet. When people are crying out, they are really crying out for the glory of God. This world is actually crying out for the sons and daughters of God to take their rightful position. That is why I say to you right now, this is holy ground! Take your position! Remove from your feet the things that you are still carrying that weigh you down and step into what you know to be your purpose. For many of you, the fire that came upon the bush has not died out, and you can still hear God calling your name from that burning bush. You know what you have to do. It is time to step in. It’s time to take your shoes off and simply say, “Here I am.”
As we approach the end of 2020, I break off of your life every limit, every barrier, and any condemnation that has tried to hold you back. In the mighty Name of Jesus, I remove every excuse that has caused you to run from your position. I believe that God is dealing with you even as you are reading this. Maybe there has been pain and heartache in your story, but no one can bring the glory of God into those situations quite like you can!
The ground is shifting....can you feel it? No more allowing fear and distraction to stop you from stepping in. This is holy ground!
0 4 // H O L Y G R O U N D : P A R T T W O
This may feel like a strange time, but we are reminded
and our school of worship. We really believe that
that one thing is for sure: difficult circumstances will
both of these initiatives will be a huge blessing to the
continually come and things will always be changing,
Body of Christ. Our goal is to raise up 1,000 evangelists
but we will be defined by how we respond to them.
in the next few years who will be sent back to churches
Christians do not allow circumstances to break them;
and ministries in their communities to literally win
we use them to draw closer to the Lord and to fulfill
countless souls to Jesus Christ.
our God-given destiny. That is why we have taken the opportunity during this lockdown season to strengthen
Our worship school will provide critical training in the
our tent pegs as a ministry. We have been vigorously
heart of worship by digging deep into what the original
planning our Gospel Campaigns for 2021, which will
biblical languages have to say, while providing practical
comprise of some of the 2020 campaigns combined
insight into worship ministry in the local church and in
with the ones already planned for 2021. This will make
Gospel Campaigns. We are believing God to raise up
2021 a major faith goal year.
worship ministers who will truly minister to the Lord and lead God’s people into His presence.
The main thrust of our attention, however, has turned to our Worldwide Headquarters and its development,
So, while the enemy thought he would put us all on
all in turn to prepare to raise up the next generation
lockdown, we have been utilizing this time to prepare
of evangelists. In the very near future, we will be making
for an exponential harvest! But this is another gigantic
announcements about our school of evangelism
step of faith for us, because we are believing God for all
0 6 // R E V E R S I N G L O C K D O W N A N D M O V I N G F O R W A R D
the finances to launch the schools, and we are believing
You would be helping us reach thousands of churches,
God to send us students who carry a passion for the lost
ministries, and communities and in turn, millions of lives.
and a heart of worship.
You would be investing in the future of His kingdom. If you are interested in supporting us, please visit
There are two things that we hope you would and select STN HQ
prayerfully consider:
Building Fund. The time is now to build in His kingdom, and I truly believe that there is no greater investment!
1) Please make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list if you are not already, so you will get all the latest updates concerning the schools. In the next few months, we will be announcing the schools and opening up registration. To make sure you don’t miss an update, please visit 2) Prayerfully consider helping us financially as we develop the Worldwide Headquarters. Phase 1 saw us complete our studio (which helps us to reach over 250 million people every week via television and social media) and offices. Phase 2 is completely about the schools.
R E V E R S I N G L O C K D O W N A N D M O V I N G F O R W A R D // 0 7
his is a unique time we find ourselves living in.
They did not know how they were going to put food
This season has been a time full of change
on the table.
and adapting to new situations. For us at Shake
The Nations, we have never had such a long length of
Our team stepped in, and we were able to sponsor
time where we have been unable to travel. Every year
hundreds of Hope Bags to feed pastors in all four
we travel extensively internationally, holding not only
nations to help them during this pandemic. We had
our large Gospel Campaigns but also our Hope Day
volunteer teams on the ground in these nations
Children’s Outreaches.
to help facilitate these outreaches.
While we have been unable to be on the ground,
In addition to continuing our Hope Bag distribution,
our humanitarian outreaches have certainly not
we have also been busy working on our Hope Land
stopped, although they have looked different.
Project. Hope of All Nations has four acres of land that
We have had the privilege of sponsoring Hope
we acquired in Honduras. During this time that we have
Feeding projects in Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala,
not been able to travel, we were able to move forward
and Cuba. Our focus of work was to help local pastors
with the clearing and leveling of our land.
and their families. Churches in these nations were forced to be closed, leaving pastors without weekly income.
0 8 // G I V E H O P E A W A Y
Our plan for the land is to build a food distribution
warehouse where we can store much-needed food
that you are empty, you are actually in a wonderful place
and toiletry items in order to distribute Hope Bags
for God to use your life. No matter what situation you find
throughout the region more rapidly. We also plan
yourself in today, you are never without hope!
to build a Hope House where we will be able to house our Hope Teams, children, and families needing
Charles Spurgeon said, “You will never know the fullness
temporary housing, while we help provide them
of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything
with improved living conditions.
but Christ.”
During the pandemic, I was reminded of the widow
The Lord is looking for our empty vessels that He
in 2 Kings 4. Elisha asked her to go collect all the
can pour His oil in and through. He is looking for those
empty vessels her neighbors would lend her. In a place
who give whatever is left in their house to be a blessing
of desperation and with a debt she could not pay,
to others who are in desperate need.
the one thing she had remaining in her possession, a jar of oil, would become the catalyst for her greatest
There is much work to be done. Luke 10:2 says, “Then He
said to them, ‘The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send
Those neighbors who lent their vessels did not realize
out laborers into His harvest.’”
they were participating in a miracle. Those who were willing to give their emptiness were adding capacity
We are thrilled to announce that in 2021, we will
to what God would pour out. As long as there
begin taking teams on our upcoming Hope Trips.
was an empty vessel, the oil continued to pour out.
If you feel called to the mission field and have a heart
When the emptiness was no more, the oil ceased to pour.
for humanitarian work, we would certainly love to have you join us. If you want to find out more information about
I thought about this in terms of our ministry, our impact,
an upcoming trip, please visit
and how we can participate in someone’s spiritual
Being the hands and feet of Jesus will change your life
breakthrough. It is dependent upon the emptiness
in ways that I cannot even explain.
of those who will lend their vessels to the cause. The impact was directly dependent upon the number
Thank you to everyone who has supported HOAN
of vessels lent to her. The greater the emptiness,
financially this year! Your gift helps us make a difference
the greater the outpouring.
around the world, and we pray the Lord blesses you mightily in return.
Hope of All Nations is looking for those who will lend their vessels to the cause so that God can pour out
If you haven’t yet helped us to #GiveHopeAway, please
His oil of salvation and healing in the nations of the
consider giving financially to bless the poor. Your gift will
world. This, friend, is where we need your help!
impact someone’s life for the Kingdom of God. Help us be the answer to someone’s prayer today.
In this season, you may feel like you have nothing more to give. The thing I love about this story is that although the widow had suffered so much loss, there was still something in her possession that God could use to produce a miracle in her life. Even if you feel
At the beginning of this year, the Lord spoke
What is this thing that we are dealing with?
to Evangelist Nathan and said, “This is the year of the greater harvest!� We all came into agreement with
We prayed and realized that God had not changed
that word, declared it to those around us, and we tried
His mind even though the way the Gospel would
to plan our lives accordingly. Most of us probably thought
be preached would be quite different. We went into
that God was saying we would be holding more Gospel
the studio at our Worldwide Headquarters and began
Campaigns. We felt like this would be a year to pack
to preach, and something amazing happened.
stadiums with the lost so that they could encounter
We started receiving so many testimonies of families
Jesus Christ.
coming to Jesus right in their homes. Many testified of the healing power of God coming into their living
And then 2020 happened. This year has looked nothing
rooms as Evangelist Nathan preached over the airways.
like what any of us could have expected. There have
People were being delivered and set free from the power
been lockdowns in so many nations of the world,
of the enemy, and we were not even with them in person.
and most of our Gospel Campaigns were canceled due to the novel coronavirus. COVID-19 swept through
There is no distance in God! He can overcome
Latin America, raging strong in areas we had been
every obstacle the enemy tries to throw at the people
scheduled to preach the Gospel. Governmental leaders
of God. One thing is for certain: this Gospel shall
would not allow us to come in to hold Gospel Campaigns.
be preached! While on lockdown, we have preached
How could this be the year of the greater harvest?
via social media and television to over 200 million homes.
1 0 // L E G A C Y : T H E G R E A T E R H A R V E S T
This has, indeed, been the year of greater harvest,
Those of us at Shake the Nations would like to invite you
but this year is not over yet!
to join us for Legacy. It is time for the Remnant to rise up.
That is why we are hosting our annual Legacy
Conference at Calvary Christian Center in Ormond Beach, Florida on November 06-08. Pastor Jim Raley, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Evangelist Michael Koulianos, and our own Evangelist Nathan Morris will be ministering as John Wilds and Lydia S. Marrow lead worship. While there will be safety precautions in place regarding COVID-19, we feel that this is a time for the people of God to come together to be encouraged. While the enemy has tried to keep people from breathing, it is time to allow the Holy Spirit to breathe the breath of life into us once again. We believe that God is going to initiate something. He is rekindling a fiery passion for Jesus Christ, and He is giving us a boldness to speak His truth in the midst of these challenging times.
L E G A C Y : T H E G R E A T E R H A R V E S T // 1 1
1 2 // N E W M E R C H A N D I S E
she was all in! Both Jared and Stacy were on the next Gospel Campaign team trip to Guatemala. Jared commented, “There is nothing like seeing it in person. The Bible says, ‘These signs shall follow them that believe,’ and that is what we witnessed.” Stacy said, “My faith and confidence in understanding how good and powerful God is was strengthened. And it was so awesome to be able to share that with a spouse.
It is amazing to see how effortless it can be with God.
you are going to do or just talk and think about?”
it hard. To be able to go on a Gospel Campaign can
He decided to go with us to Belize last year, and what
be life-changing. I would encourage anyone to go and
a great decision that was.
get a firsthand experience of the simplicity of the Gospel.”
fter hearing testimonies from previous Gospel
This experience has caused me to see how simple the
Campaign trips, Jared Cady
Gospel is. It is not complicated. There is nothing we
was asking himself, “Is this something
can do of our own power. It’s all Him. So, let’s not make
While Jared was in Belize, Stacy was watching the Partner Live Stream and asking herself why she did not go. When he came back with testimonies,
C O N N E C T T O T H E H A R V E S T // 1 3
During a daily Bible reading in 1 Kings, something
one of them.
stood out to me about the distinguishing mark of the
Because of
presence of God. “Hear in heaven, Your dwelling place,
this, I wonder if
and do according to all that the stranger asks of You,
many have lost the
so that all peoples of the earth may know Your name
revelation of the necessity
[and Your revelation of Your presence] and fear and
of His authentic presence.
revere You, as do Your people Israel, and may know and comprehend that this house which I have built
Having grown up in the Church and now as an ordained
is called by Your Name [and contains the token
minister, I have seen the ebbs and flows of the Body
of Your presence].” (1 Kings 8:43 AMPC)
of Christ and how we have a tendency to stray from our primary purpose to be marked and permeated
A “token” can be defined as a characteristic
with the presence of the Lord. We try to replace it with
or a MARK of something. As Solomon prayed,
shallow substitutes motivated by selfish ambitions that
he specifically asked the Lord that just as Israel
bring attention to us rather than Him. When you take
had revelation of His presence, the world would have
the tangible presence of God away from the Church,
revelation of His presence and that they would know
you become just like any other gathering of people.
that the Temple was distinguished or “marked by” His presence.
May we never forget that it is ONLY His presence that separates us from others. Moses said, “If Your presence
I want to be “marked by His Presence” and I want
does not go with us, do not bring us up from here…is it
His Church to be marked by His Presence. So many
not in Your going with us that we are distinguished,
ministers and churches are allowing other things
I and your people, from all the other people upon
to mark them. They’re known for successful efforts in so
the face of the earth?” (Exodus 33:15-16) What else
many things but intentionally hosting His presence isn’t
is going to distinguish us from any other group
1 4 // M A R K E D B Y G O D
of people who gather for things such as a ball game,
success and social media “likes”. We have forgotten
party, or backyard BBQ? It’s only His presence that
that it is the Holy Spirit and His Word who should be
marks His Church. When we remove the emphasis
setting our standards, not our peers.
from His manifested presence, we have nothing of substance to offer the world.
We’ve confused anointing with talent, exchanged commotion for devotion and substituted a good time
When Isaiah saw a vision of the Lord filling the Temple,
for the Glory. We’ve exalted corporation above
he saw the train of the Lord, or the substance of the
consecration and convenience above conviction.
Lord permeating the place. This measure of presence
It’s time to get His mark back on His Church! In a revival
will be the only thing that can truly penetrate the dense
culture, the mark must be His presence. There are so
darkness of the hearts of people and the only thing
many other popular positions that can mark you, but they
that truly satisfies a hungry heart. My concern is that
leave a spiritual deficit that rings hollow and a spiritual
we are busier planning our series of sermons, how to
atmosphere that is void of substance. This cannot be
market them, and what entertainment will accompany
an option for a doorkeeper of revival. Our constant
them to keep the attention of the hearers rather than
desire is unrestrained pursuit of the presence of God,
paying the price in the Secret Place to get His presence
and we won’t settle for anything less.
to mark us. We currently have a lot of branding by human ingenuity, I am convinced that if we will pay the price, He will
but what we desperately need is the branding of the
MARK us, and the enticement for people to attend
fire of God that leaves a MARK so indelible that it’s
will not be the latest graphic technique or culturally
undeniable. God wants to kindle a burning in His Church
relevant phrases. It will be because God’s presence
in this hour that makes us firebrands. A branding by
permeates me and the atmosphere of my church.
fire was the trademark of the early believers. They were
When they experience Jesus, everything changes
accused of being drunk, but no one could deny the fiery
and they will change everything around them.
mark of God’s presence that had been burned into them in the Upper Room encounter. The religious admitted that
After 36 years in the ministry, I’m at a season where
if God was behind this early Church that nothing could
real and authentic is very important to me. It takes
stop it, and they were right because nothing did. They
a lot to impress me. Titles, positions, degrees, travel
were doorkeepers of revival and so are we. This mark
itineraries, names and notoriety are less important than
of His presence comes with a price and much of it is
the real mark of the presence of God on a life or ministry.
the pressure of being seared with Him in secret in order
If they’ve got “the MARK”, then I’m thankful because
to have an imprint of Him in public. Marked by God!
I know they paid a very high price for it. I am more hopeful today as I see the tide turning We are at a crucial crossroads in the Church.
and revival desire rising in the hearts of the remnant
We’ve had a decade or more where we have tried
church. The shallow substitutes are running their course
to redefine ourselves without the manifest presence
and Christians are weary from sitting week after week
of God. God has no time to mark us because we’re
in their churches’ empty atmospheres. God always has a
so busy marketing ourselves and even worse,
way of bringing us back to Him and Him alone. In a world
we’re believing our own press. We’ve become
that is marked by evil and chaos, may the righteous
a generation obsessed with numbers, financial
revival remnant arise and choose to be marked by God.
M A R K E D B Y G O D // 1 5
aul and Silas were preaching in Philippi,
I could get your focus back where it belongs. It’s not that
and a demon-possessed young lady was
they’re mad at you; it’s that the enemy does not want you
following them around. She would interrupt
to take the territory God has assigned you to. It’s not that
their preaching to shout, “These men are servants of the
people are not receiving your ministry; it’s that the enemy
Most High God! Listen to them!” Paul turned around and
feels the threat of the Kingdom of Heaven. Don’t get
cast the devil out of her, and she was instantly set free.
offended! Get ready for the shaking!
Most of the churches that we have ministered
They did not only imprison Paul and Silas; they were
in would throw a Holy Ghost party right about then.
put in the inner prison and their feet were put into stocks.
When someone gets delivered, surely, we should
The inner prison was a place of torture. Roman stocks
celebrate. But that is not what happened. Paul
were not just designed to keep you from moving;
and Silas got in trouble for doing something right.
they caused greater strains and ruptures to the body.
Instead of praising God, the crowd had them arrested.
Paul and Silas were certainly being stretched past the point of their comfort.
This attack had nothing to do with Paul and Silas personally. There is great power in zooming out
Why did the enemy not just beat them and throw
to see the big picture. I understand that they were
them into a cell? Why did he care where their feet were?
beaten and arrested. It’s hard to imagine how this altar call could have gone worse. They could have gotten
Deuteronomy 11:24 says, “Every place on which the sole
offended, but the real issue was not that one young
of your foot treads shall be yours...” You see, this was
lady or this mob riot.
the first time that Jesus Christ had been represented in Philippi. The enemy was saying, “You’re not coming
If I could get you to stop taking everything so personally,
1 6 // S H A K E I T U P
in here!” The enemy wanted their feet off of his territory!
As long as their feet were on the ground, the devil’s
These men chose to intermingle their prayer with their
influence was in jeopardy. This fight was not about
praise, and that is always a recipe for breakthrough!
these men individually; it was about the territory!
Cindy Jacobs once said, “If we are to pray without ceasing and we are to let the high praises of God
Take the attack as a compliment. You stepped into
continually be in our mouth, then praise is prayer
the devil’s territory and you made him nervous. It’s hard
and prayer is praise.”
to remember that when you’re the one who has been immobilized by an unforeseen attack. But remember,
Do not wait to feel like praising. Don’t treat praise
the enemy would not respond with such violence
as if it’s not as spiritual as worship. You’re waiting
if he didn’t feel threatened.
for the “good part” of worship. Praise is what leads you to worship. If you are under attack, lift your voice
We must stop agreeing to the terms and conditions
until something happens!
of the attack of the enemy. We have to stop treating a temporary attack like it’s a permanent condition.
At the sound of prayer and praise combined,
When hell is forbidding you to move forward, how will
the substructure of the prison house started shaking!
you respond?
Your prayer and your praise combine to birth a suddenly of God in your life!
Paul and Silas responded by transforming the place of their confinement into a place of consecration.
It took prayer and praise to break their lockdown.
Friend, you can turn any place into an altar! You can
They walked right out of what the enemy had tried
take the place where people defamed your character
to confine them with. When you build an altar,
and make it an altar. You can take the place where you
you become unrestrainable!
were hurt or abused or ostracized and you can turn it into a point of contact with Heaven! When you make
In the middle of COVID-19 and international chaos,
an altar out of the stones that hell throws at your life,
your lost loved ones are listening for your voice. Are you
you rob the enemy of the power of discouragement.
going to agree with the terms and conditions of the attack of the enemy, or are you going to combine your
You must learn to praise God from the place you
prayer with your praise?
did not choose. It’s time to shake it up! Throughout Scripture, God revealed Himself situationally. Abraham would never have known the Lord our Provider had he not had his son on an altar of sacrifice. Israel would never have known God as the Deliverer had they not been in bondage. David would never have known God as the Lord of the Breakthrough had he not been fighting a very real enemy. You want the revelation, but you don’t want the situation! Friend, if you will praise God from the place you did not choose, He will reveal Himself to you!
S H A K E I T U P // 1 7
speaker was Evangelist Nathan Morris. As the photographer, I had to stay focused on my job, and would only hear glimpses of the Word, but thought, “Wow! This is powerful.” One of my friends got saved that day! This year, during COVID-19, I prayed, “Lord, I just want to do your will. Wherever you take me, I will do whatever you want me to do.” I saw a job
opportunity at Shake The Nations and applied. accepted Christ when I was fourteen years old and attending Bethel Church in Dallas, Texas.
At STN, I will be a junior editor. Whenever we do
We moved to another church during my high
something, it is for the Lord, to reach souls who
school and college years, and I went to film school
are in need of God. When I am editing, I am also
and earned a degree in Video Production.
preaching; even though Evangelist Nathan may say the words, I am sharing it to those who are
Then, I felt like God was telling me to go back to
in need. Jesus is coming! Because of that,
Bethel, so in 2014, I joined the Media Department.
we need to gather the harvest. It is an honor
During our youth conference that year, our guest
for God to choose me to do this. was going on. I told my husband, “I don’t know what this guy carries on his life, but I have to get it.” We went to a Shake The Nations meeting, and we both got radically saved. Everything was all about Jesus. Our lives have never been the same since that meeting. In every way, Jesus has completely transformed
us. Our lives look nothing like they did before that came across a YouTube video of Evangelist
night. Before we got saved, I was crippled with fear.
Nathan and Shake The Nations. About a
When I met the person of Jesus, He revealed Himself
week later, a friend of mine sent me another
to me in such a tangible way that it removed that
video from Evangelist Nathan preaching at Calvary
fear off of me. When He set me free from the fear, I
Christian Center in Ormond Beach, Florida. I turned
was able to walk through letting go of unforgiveness.
that on in my car, and it was like a Holy Ghost bomb went off in my car!
As an intern, I will be helping out with administrative things, planning the Legacy Conference, and helping
I skipped forward to the altar call, and I had
out wherever I am needed. I am excited to grow
never seen anything like that before. I started
in my walk with Jesus by being involved at Shake
shaking uncontrollably, and I had no idea what
The Nations.
1 8 // W E L C O M E T O S H A K E T H E N A T I O N S