Infusion Magazine | June 2020 | Issue 25

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image in my mind. We wrestle! There are unseen devils that we must wrestle and fight. They are real.

The Bible says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. I am talking about problems that come up

The warfare in America has increased. The ruling

with other people. We find a reference to this type

of the Supreme Court regarding gay marriage has

of wrestling in Genesis 30:1-8. Rachel was unable

caused an increase in the level of wrestling. We were

to bear children. She compared herself to her sister,

set back as a nation, and it seems we are now

Leah, who was able to produce children. Rachel said,

recovering. We are fighting against high level evil spirits,

“I am going to make something happen.” She was

and we must wrestle for our country and for our cities.

struggling with comparing herself to her sister. We are in a season when warriors are going to be Many people wrestle with what they believe makes

identified and battle-tested. They are men and women

them unattractive. They compare themselves with others.

of spiritual stature who have been chiseled by wrestling.

It torments them. They wrestle in their minds constantly. There are dark spirits that target anointed churches Maybe you are dealing with people who oppose

and leaders. They want no opposition. And they attend

your ministry or calling. There are those that resist

churches all the time. How do I know that? Matthew 13:19

you with issues at every turn.

says, “When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one,

We all wrestle with things.

and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.” Spirits


are all around and inside churches. These entities are ancient. They have been around since long before we arrived. They know the histories of areas.

Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh

They understand generational and familiar traits. We are

and blood, but against principalities, against powers,

at a disadvantage, but our advantage is this: greater is

against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against

He that is in us than he that is in the world! We have the

spiritual wickedness in high places.”

power to wrestle!

I was introduced to this demonic world in a prayer

I am contending for revival for my church and my city.

meeting with my pastor in the late 1960s. Many have

I am contending for the glory. I am contending for

heard my angel story, but few have heard about other

an awakening!

things that happened in those prayer meetings because I don’t talk about it.


I had experiences with dark spirits. Pastor Wetzel asked

Genesis 32:24-32 tells us that Jacob wrestled

me what I was seeing, and I named what I was looking

with God when he was alone.

at, and he said, “You are seeing correctly.” I was fortunate to be able to see that dark spirit because now, even

How can a mere man with limitations dare wrestle

today, I realize what I am dealing with. I have that

with a limitless God? Jacob had come to a place

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