DSF Fall Registration

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for one of the most fun, butt-kicking classes around. All of the equipment at Dakotah! Sport and Fitness will be used. Hit the track, TRX, battle ropes, tires, sledgehammers, plyo boxes, and more.

YODA! • Sept. 29 – Nov. 5 • Tuesdays & Thursdays (12 classes) • 6:30-7:30 pm • Ages 18+ • Instructor: Carolyn Rathbun • Fee: $60/six weeks To register, visit dakotahsport.com. Questions? Contact Carolyn Rathbun at 952-496-6879 or carolyn.rathbun@dakotahsport.com

Swim Dakotah! Welcome to the Swim Dakotah! program. This newly-designed swim program is intended to build confidence and safety in the water. This program is made up of 10 levels; each level serves an important purpose to the progression of learning to swim. Class sizes are smaller allowing more time to practice skills and give the swimmer more attention during class. Our instructors have been trained in and out of the pool and continue to work on their skills to keep our swim program consistent. Swim Dakotah! is technically based with levels that progress to allow the swimmer to learn more efficiently while having fun. Minimum of two participants per class. If there are not enough registered for a particular class, you will be notified at least two days in advance of the cancellation. Free lesson assessments are available. Please call (952) 496-6891 for more information.

Registration deadline for all classes: One week prior to start date.

Level 1: Bubbles

Ages 3-17 • 30-minute class Ratio 4:1 • $55/member, $85/guest A good starting point to become comfortable and safe in the water, your child will learn water adaptation, working towards putting their face in the water, and building up to assisted floats. Skills taught: Water adaptation, Submerge face with no goggles, Submerge face with goggles, Breathing control, Assisted front and back float, Assisted front and back. Skills to be tested: 10 bobs with nose bubbles, Face in water five seconds; no goggles, Assisted front float 20 seconds, Assisted back float 20 seconds Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 10 - 10:30 am Opt. 2: 4 - 4:30 pm Opt. 3: 5 - 5:30 pm Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (Fridays) Opt. 4: 11 - 11:30 am

Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 5: 10 - 10:30 am Opt. 6: 11 - 11:30 am Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 7: 4 - 4:30 pm Opt. 8: 5 - 5:30 pm

Level 2: Floats

Ages 3-17 • 30-minute class Ratio 4:1 • $55/member, $85/guest Learn to float, streamline, and move in the water, with the assistance of equipment. Building up to swimming independently, kids will transition from a front float to a back float to be able to breath. Skills taught: Front float unassisted, Back float unassisted, Scoops on frontunassisted, Controlled flip, Introduce flutter kick, Retrieve ring. Skills to be tested: Front float unassisted 15 seconds, Back float unassisted 20 seconds, Controlled flip front and back three times, Scoops face in 10 feet unassisted. Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 10:30 - 11 am Opt. 2: 4:30 - 5 pm Opt. 3: 5 - 5:30 pm Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (Fridays) Opt. 4: 11:30 am - Noon Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 5: 10:30 - 11 am Opt. 6: 11 - 11:30 am Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 7: 4:30 - 5 pm Opt. 8: 5 - 5:30 pm

Level 3: Kicking

Ages 3-17 • 30-minute class Ratio 4:1 • $55/member, $85/guest The primary focus in this level is kicking. Your child will learn to flutter kick,as well as dolphin and breast-stroke kicks to lead up to treading water. Skills taught: Streamline flutter kick, Flip breath, Sculling on front, Dolphin kick, Elementary backstroke kick, Treading water. Skills to be tested: Elementary backstroke kick 20 feet, Dolphin kick 20 feet, Flutter kick on front and back with streamline 20 feet each.

Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 10 - 10:30 am Opt. 2: 4 - 4:30 pm Opt. 3: 6:15 - 6:45 pm Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (Fridays) Opt. 4: 11 - 11:30 am Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 5: 10 - 10:30 am Opt. 6: 12:15 - 12:45 pm Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 7: 4 - 4:30 pm Opt. 8: 6:15 - 6:45 pm

Level 4: Arms

Ages 3-17 • 30-minute class Ratio 4:1 • $55/member, $85/guest Learn freestyle, backstroke, and elementary backstroke. Side breath and the breakdown of the butterfly arms are introduced. Skills taught: Backstroke arms with kick, Elementary backstroke, Butterfly underwater stroke, Sculling front and back, Introduce side breath, Freestyle with kick, flip breaths. Skills to be tested: Freestyle with three flip breaths 20 feet, Backstroke 20 feet, Elementary backstroke 20 feet, Sculling front and back 20 feet each. Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 10:30 - 11 am Opt. 2: 4:30 - 5 pm Opt. 3: 6 - 6:30 pm Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (Fridays) Opt. 4: 11:30 am - noon Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 5: 10:30 - 11 am Opt. 6: Noon - 12:30 pm Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 7: 4:30 - 5 pm Opt. 8: 6 - 6:30 pm

Level 5: Freestyle & Backstroke

Ages 3-17 • 30-minute class Ratio 4:1 • $55/member, $85/guest Your child will master freestyle and backstroke with proper breathing, rotation, and technique. Work continues with specialty strokes, such as butterfly and breaststroke.

Swim Dakotah! Skills taught: Freestyle with side breath, Backstroke with rotation, Elementary backstroke, Streamline breaststroke kick, Sitting dive.

Skills taught: Flip turns and stroke transitions, Butterfly proper breathing, Breaststroke proper timing, Standing dives, Freestyle and backstroke refinement.

Skills to be tested: Freestyle; four side breaths 25 yards, Elementary backstroke 25 yards, Backstroke with proper shoulder rotation 25 yards, Breaststroke kick with streamline 15 yards.

Skills to be tested: Flip turns and stroke transitions, Standing dives, Butterfly and breaststroke for 25 yards, Freestyle and backstroke for 100 yards each.

Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 4:30 - 5 pm Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 2: 10:30 - 11 am Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 3: 4:30 - 5 pm

Level 6: Butterfly & Breaststroke

Ages 6-17 • 30-minute class Ratio 4:1 • $55/member, $85/guest It’s time for the hard strokes. Your child will master butterfly and breaststroke, while building endurance. Skills taught: Butterfly correct timing, Breaststroke correct timing, Treading water, Knee dives, Somersaults. Skills to be tested: Treading water for one minute, Butterfly with correct timing for 15 yards, Breaststroke with correct timing for 15 yards. Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 5:30 - 6 pm

Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 2: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 3: 5:30 - 6:15 pm

Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 2: 11:30 am - noon

Level 10: Swim Team

Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 3: 5:30 - 6:15 pm

Level 8: Endurance

Ages 6-17 • 45-minute class Ratio 6:1 • $55/member, $85/guest By this level, your child will have all the tools to be safe in the water, or the beginnings of a competitive swimming career. It’s about building endurance, while still taking time to use and correct technique. Skills taught: 100-yard IM with correct turns, 200-yard freestyle with flip turns, 100-yard backstroke with turns, Treading water, Technical work with speed for free-style, backstroke, butterfly and breast stroke. Skills to be tested: 100 yard IM with correct transitions, 200 yard freestyle with flip turns, 100 yard backstroke with turns, Treading water three minutes. Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 6:15 - 7 pm Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 2: 12:15 - 1 pm

Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 3: 5:30 - 6 pm

Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 3: 6:15 - 7 pm

Ages 6-17 • 45-minute class Ratio 6:1 • $55/member, $85/guest Level 7 is about stroke refinement, and the mastery of proper turns and dives, including flip turns and proper stroke transitions.

Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 5:30 - 6:15 pm

Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 5:30 - 6:15 pm

Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 2: 11:30 am - Noon

Level 7: Turns

Skills to be tested: 200 yard IM with proper turns, Standing dive, 30 minute swim with turns nonstop

Level 9: Jr. Swim Team

Ages 6-17 • 45-minute class Ratio 8:1 • $55/member, $85/guest Skills taught: Endurance and stroke drills, Correct standing dive, 200 yard IM with turns, Swim non-stop for 30 minutes with flip turns, turns.

Ages 8-17 • 60-minute class Ratio 10:1 • $55/member, $85/guest For kids 8 -17 years old who have passed Level 9 or can pass Level 9 requirements. Work on endurance and technical refinement of all strokes. Skills to be tested: Continue to build endurance while focusing on correct technique of all strokes. Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 6 - 7 pm Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 2: Noon - 1 pm Nov. 10-Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 3: 6 - 7 pm

Swim Dakotah! Parent Tot 1

Adult 1

Special Needs

Skills taught: Water adaptation, Submerge face, no goggles, Blow bubbles, Assisted front and back floats, Humpty Dumpty from side, Zooms under water.

Skills taught: Become familiar with the water, while learning beginner swimming skills and water safety. We will work with you at your pace to guide you to swimming independence.

Skills taught: Work on water safety, following the Swim Dakotah! levels and skills.

Ages 6-18 months • 30-minute class Ratio 6:1 • $55/member, $85/guest Swim instruction with parent and child.

Necessary to advance: Age: 18 months, Child must be 3 years old to begin Level 1. Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 10 - 10:30 am Opt. 2: 4 - 4:30 pm Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (Fridays) Opt. 3: 11 - 11:30 am Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 4: 10 - 10:30 am Nov. 10–Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 5: 4 - 4:30 pm

Ages 18+ • 30-minute class Ratio 2:1 • $75/member, $105/guest Adult swim instruction

Necessary to advance: Advance to Adult 2 when you are comfortable in the water and can swim continuously.

Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 11:30 am - Noon Opt. 2: 7 - 7:30 pm

Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 11 - 11:30 am Opt. 2: 7 - 7:30 pm

Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 3: 1-1:30 pm

Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (Fridays) Opt. 3: Noon - 12:30 pm Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 4: 1 - 1:30 pm

Adult 2

Skills taught: Water adaptation, Submerge face, no goggles, Blow bubbles from nose, Assisted front and back floats, Zoom underwater, Scoops and kicks with noodle.

Skills taught: Refine your swim strokes or train for a triathlon in this class, designed to allow you to progress the way you want. Increase endurance and improve your skills.

Necessary to advance: Child must be 3 years old to begin Level 1.

Necessary to advance: Continue to build endurance. Focusing on correct technique of all strokes.

Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 10:30 - 11 am Opt. 2: 5 - 5:30 pm

Ages 18+ • 30-minute class Ratio 2:1 • $75/member, $105/guest Adult swim instruction

Sept. 15-Nov. 3 (Tuesdays) Opt. 1: 11 - 11:30 am Opt. 2: 7 - 7:30 pm

Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (Fridays) Opt. 3: 11:30 am - noon

Sept. 18-Nov. 6 (Fridays) Opt. 3: Noon - 12:30 pm

Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 4: 11 - 11:30 am

Sept. 19-Nov. 7 (Saturdays) Opt. 4: 1 - 1:30 pm

Nov. 10–Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 5: 5 - 5:30 pm

Nov. 10–Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 5: 7 - 7:30 pm

Private Lessons

Nov. 10–Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 4: 7-7:30 pm

Nov. 10–Dec. 10 (Tuesdays, Thursdays) (No lessons 11/24 or 11/26) Opt. 5: 7 - 7:30 pm

Parent Tot 2

Ages 18-36 months • 30-minute class Ratio 6:1 • $55/member, $85/guest Swim instruction with parent and child.

Ages 3+ • 30-minute class Ratio 2:1 • $75/member, $105/guest Swim instruction for children and adults with special needs.

Available upon request. Lessons are scheduled based on participant and instructor availability. All 30-minute lessons are private to semi-private. Please contact the Aquatic Manager at 952.496.6891 for more information or to schedule lessons.

Skating Lessons Learn To Skate Skate Dakotah!’s professional instructors custom tailor group lessons to the individual skater’s needs. After an on-ice assessment during initial lessons, the skater is placed in the most appropriate class available. Here the instructor teaches elements of skating appropriate for the class’ skill level. Skaters earn badges as they complete each set of skills. Each class level requires completion of several badges, and therefore, must be taken more than once. Skills taught in each class build on skills learned previously. The curriculum is designed to allow the skater to achieve one badge at each session skated. Our goal is for skaters to have fun while learning to skate in a safe and pleasant environment. Skate Dakotah! lessons are one hour long: 30 minutes of instruction, 30 minutes of practice. Only enrolled skaters will be allowed in the practice area.

Opt. 1: Oct 26 - Dec 7, Mondays Practice Time: 6:10 - 6:40 pm Lesson Time: 6:40 - 7:10 pm Opt. 2: Oct 24 - Dec 5, Saturday Practice Time: 10:50 - 11:20 am Lesson Time: 11:20 - 11:50 am

Critters Can Skate Age 4 yrs+

Five Badges Earned: Brave Beetle-1 Daring Dragon-4 Fantastic Frog-2 Racer Rabbit-5 Wiggly Worm-3 Skills taught: Fall, get up, stand, walk, march, glide, table top, frog hop, snowplow stop, beetle, backward wiggle, stop, dip, two-foot spiral, scooter, pivots, forward swizzles, airplane turns, backward skate, forward skate into one foot glide, bunny hops. Goal: Skater demonstrates the idea of each element, including each step necessary to complete it. Opt. 1: Oct 26 - Dec 7, Mondays Practice Time: 6:10 - 6:40 pm Lesson Time: 6:40 - 7:10 pm Opt. 2: Oct 24 - Dec 5, Saturdays Practice Time: 10:50 - 11:20 am Lesson Time: 11:20 - 11:50 am

Call 952.496.6868 for more information.

Cosmic Skater


Can Skate Curriculum or Racer Rabbit badge. Previous lessons required.

$70/Member $90/Non-Member

Registration Closes October 23

Parent & Little Skater (PALS) Age 3

Five Badges Earned: Lollipop-1 Candy Cane-2 Peppermint Twist-3

Lemon Drop-4 Jaw Breaker-5

Age 4 yrs+

Prerequisite: Completion of Critters

Six Badges Earned: Earth-1 Sun-2 Moon and Stars-3

Wind-4 Fire-5 Ice-6

Skills taught: Forward glide, stroke, crossovers, one-foot snowplow stop, T-stop, backward swizzles, one-foot glide, pumps, three-turns, forward lunge and spirals, pivots, one-foot spin (4 revolutions), waltz jump, forward inside and outside edges.

Skills taught: Fall, get up,stand, walk, march, glide, table top, frog hop,beetle, backward wiggle, stop, dip. All skills are taught initially with the adult assisting the child, and then with the child skating independently.

Goal: Skater demonstrates the form of the elements, including correct body position and edge use.

Goal: Children age three becomes independent from parent on the ice.

Opt. 2: Oct 24 - Dec 5, Saturday Practice Time: 7:40 - 8:10 pm Lesson Time: 7:10 - 7:40 pm

Opt. 1: Oct 26 - Dec 7, Mondays Practice Time: 7:10 - 7:40 pm Lesson Time: 7:40 - 8:10 pm

Crystal Freestyle I

Beginning freestyle skating. Prerequisite: Completion of Cosmic Skater Curriculum, Ice badge or equivalent skills. Previous lessons required. Four Badges Earned: Turquoise-1 Amber-3 Coral-2 Onyx-4 Skills taught: Backward inside and outside edges; waltz jump and onefoot spin-off backward crossovers; spiral into lunge; half-flip, half-lutz, split and toe loop jumps; perimeter stroking, mohawk, inside spread eagle, ten step footwork. Goal: Skater demonstrates presentation of elements, including correct form and power, using entrance and exit positions. Opt. 1: Oct 26 - Dec 7, Mondays Practice Time: 6:10 - 6:40 pm Lesson Time: 6:40 - 7:10 pm

Skating Lessons Crystal Freestyle II

Intermediate freestyle skating. Prerequisite: Completion of Crystal Freestyle I Curriculum, Onyx badge or equivalent skills. Previous lessons required. Seven Badges Earned: Amethyst-1 Ruby-5 Sapphire-2 Diamond-6 Topaz-3 Aurora Borealis-7 Emerald-4 Skills taught: Single salchow, mazurka, half loop, stag and flip jumps, jump combination: footwork; back, changefoot, attitude, blur, and camel spins and spin combination; waltz three, power three, waltz eight, back inside three and forward outside three turns; edge pulls. Goal: Skater presents elements, including correct form and power, using entrance and exit positions. Opt. 1: Oct 26 - Dec 7, Mondays Practice Time: 6:10 - 6:40 pm Lesson Time: 6:40 - 7:10 pm

Hockey Trax I

Age 4 yrs+ Hockey skating skills for first time hockey skaters through Rookie Mites. Five Badges Earned: Brave Bear-1 Snowy Owl-4 Mighty Muskie-2 Breezer Bobcat-5 Ice Otter-3 Skills taught: Elementary skating skills, back C-cuts, hockey turns, onefoot snowplow stops left and right. Goal: Skater demonstrates each element and each step necessary to complete it.

Hockey Trax II

Hockey skating skills for second and third year Mites or skaters with skill development of Breezer Bobcat Badge. Prerequisite: Completion of Hockey Trax I, Breezer Bobcat Badge or equivalent skills. Previous lessons required.

Four Badges Earned: Referee Raccoon-6 Goalie Gray Wolf-7 Hat Trick Hedgehog-8 Face Off Fox-9 Skills taught: Focus on edge work and increased strength for power skating. Goal: Skater demonstrates form of the elements, including correct body positions, balance, speed and edge work.

Hockey Trax III

Hockey skating skills for fourth year Mites through Squirts or skaters with skill development of Face Off Fox badge. Prerequisite: Completion of Hockey Trax II, Face Off Fox badge or equivalent skills. Previous lessons required. Five Badges Earned: Power Play Panther-10 “Cool Moe� Hawk-11 Hockey Turn T-Rex-12 Breakaway Badger-13 Slap Shot Shark-14

Fitness Classes Skills taught: Intense edge work, fine tuning of body positioning while doing elements, and increasing speed through turns. Goal: Skater demonstrates presentation of elements, including correct body positions, balance, edge work, speed, power and agility.

Hockey Trax I, II, III Class Options

Opt. 1: Oct 26 - Dec 7, Mondays Practice Time: 7:10 - 7:40 pm Lesson Time: 7:40 - 8:10 pm Opt. 2: Oct 24 - Dec 5, Mondays Practice Time: 10:50 - 11:20 am Lesson Time: 11:20 - 11:50 am

Adult Hockey

Skills taught: Forward skating, crossovers, back C-cuts, power turns, edgework, and drills. Goal: Adult skater learns beginning through advanced hockey skating skills. Skater progresses at individual pace within a class. Opt. 1: Oct 26 - Dec 7, Mondays Practice Time: 7:10 - 7:40 pm Lesson Time: 7:40 - 8:10 pm

Adult Freestyle

Skills taught: Basic skating skills for stroking, backward skating, footwork, and spins. Goal: Adult skater learns beginning through advanced recreational figure skating skills. Skater progresses at individual pace within a class. Opt. 1: Oct 15 - Dec 3, Mondays Practice Time: 7:10 - 7:40 pm Lesson Time: 7:40 - 8:10 pm

Private Skating Lessons Dakotah! Sport and Fitness also offers private skating lessons. Coaching is available for beginner through senior competitors. Adult skating and hockey skills coaching are also available. For more information on private lessons, please contact: Kate Charbonneau sk8coachkate@gmail.com Lorie Charbonneau coachlorie@msn.com Laura Mitchell sk8lulu@aol.com

Call 952.496.6868 for more information. Fees: $70/Member $90/Non-Member To register, visit dakotahsport.com


Contact Carolyn Rathbun at 952.496.6879 or Carolyn. rathbun@dakotahsport.com

TRX Hard Core

It’s the next level of training. Your muscular strength and endurance will be tested when combined with cardiovascular movement. We will be utilizing TRX suspension straps, tires, battle ropes, kettlebells and more! Join us for a total body workout that will challenge you! Opt.1: Aug 31 - Oct 12, Mondays 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm *No Class Sept. 7 Opt.2: Sept 9 - Oct 14, Wednesdays 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Age: 18+ Instructor: Beth Carr Fee: $60


Skills Training Each session is conducted one-on-one with local high school coach, Matt Duoos. Sessions consist of drills and a video analysis with an emphasis on shooting form. Matt Duoos began coaching basketball for Prior Lake in 1995 and is currently an assistant coach at Prior Lake High School. Fee: $25 session/Member $35 session/Non-Member For more details, call Matt Duoos at 513.314.8459 or the Dakotah! Fitness Desk at 952.496.6874

Cancellation Policy Withdrawing from an activity, league or lesson after registering for that event will be handled in the following way: • Withdrawing from the time of registration to the start of the first event will be assessed a $10 cancellation fee. This procedure may be performed online. • Withdrawing between the first and second events will be assessed a $10 cancellation fee and the pro-rated value of the first event. This procedure must be performed by the department manager. Phone numbers are posted on the activity header in this booklet.

• No refund will be issued if withdrawing after the second event.

• Medical refunds will be made with proof of a signed medical statement by a physician. Refund amount will be under the discretion of Dakotah! Sport and Fitness.

Program Participation Policy Dakotah! Sport and Fitness members have full access to all programming offered at the facility. Guests/non-members of Dakotah! Sport and Fitness have access to most programming offered, except where noted. Guests/non-members will only have access to the club during the day and time of the program. If registering a guest/non-member of Dakotah! Sport and Fitness, you must first create a guest account for that person. Simply click on “Become a Guest” on the main account access page. If you experience problems with creating a guest account, please call the Membership Desk at 952.496.6872.



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THROUGHOUT THE FALL September 18 • October 30 November 20

6:30 – 8 pm

Membership Account Access and Registration System To access your membership account information and registration system: • Provide your email address by stopping by or calling the DSF Membership Desk at 952.496.6872 • Know your member number. Our membership department is able to help if you do not know yours. • Follow the link under “Member Login” • Members then click on “Forgot Your Username/Password” to set up your new account. By creating your online membership account, you now have access to: • Program Registration • DSF Account Summary • Attendance Reports • Billing Information • Make membership payments online • Make reservations for courts and other DSF services online.





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