Wozupi Tribal Gardens Planting Guide

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About Wozupi Tribal Gardens


Wozupi Tribal Gardens is a certified organic farm committed to growing food in a way that nourishes the earth, the community, and people’s minds and bodies. We opened in 2010 and are owned and operated by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, a federally recognized, sovereign Indian tribe, located southwest of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Wozupi means “garden” in the Dakota language.

Using environmentally-sustainable and fair labor practices, we grow organic vegetables, herbs and fruit, produce eggs, honey, and maple syrup, and provide educational, therapeutic, and fun opportunities at the farm and through community outreach. Our greenhouses, high tunnels, production vegetables, orchard and eggs are certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 3


Bare-Root Trees For best results, plant trees as soon as possible. If you must store for a few days, at a minimum, trees should be kept out of direct sunlight and roots kept moist. A garage may work well as a temporary holding space. Ideal conditions are dark, cool temps (optimum 38-45 degrees Fahrenheit) and high humidity. If trees must be stored for a prolonged period of time, consider planting into a pot or heel into the ground in a shady area.


Site Selection Select a site in full sun with well-draining, fertile soil for most fruit trees. Some native fruit trees and shrubs will tolerate partial-shade and more diverse soil types. Ensure site will accommodate the tree at its final height and width.

Sun Requirements:

Trees may survive in partial sun, but require a minimum number of sun hours to produce flower buds and fruit. Most trees calling for full sun should have a minimum of six hours. If sun hours are questionable, you may need to check your site several times throughout the day to observe sun patterns.

Well Drained Soil:

Conduct a simple drainage test to ensure roots will not get “wet feet.� Dig a hole 12 inches deep and fill it with water. Water should drain away at roughly 1/2 inch per hour and be completely drained after 24 hours. Results may be inaccurate after heavy periods of rain.

Before you select your site and start digging, contact the agency responsible for locating utilities to mark utility lines. 5



Remove all packaging materials. Soaking the roots into a bucket of water for up to an hour will give the tree a chance to fully hydrate before it goes into the ground. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate roots WITHOUT bending them. Cut damaged roots with a pruning sheer and ensure clean, straight cuts. Cut damaged roots or any extra-long roots that the hole will not accommodate. It is better to widen or deepen the hole than it is to prune the large roots, if possible. Small thin roots should be lightly pruned to avoid bending in the hole. If adding amendments, mix into the back-fill soil at this time. If adding mycorrhizae fungi, make sure it is in contact with tree roots at this time. Build a little mound of back-fill soil at the base of the hole for the tree roots to rest on and to help eliminate air pockets while filling in the soil. Place the tree in the hole to ensure the hole is at a proper depth. The tree must be buried deep enough to ensure the crown of the roots are below the soil line. The graft union should be two to four inches above the soil line. The graft union will look like a seam at or near the base of the tree and may bulge slightly. 6

Hold the tree erect in the hole. Make sure it is straight from all angles. Begin back filling into the hole. Reposition smaller roots as necessary so they can flare out as they once were in the nursery, opposed to letting them bunch together. If working with a clay soil, water the back-fill soil when hole is half full. Water again after it is completely filled. Slightly lifting and lowering the tree can help the soil fill into any possible air pockets. Upon filling the hole completely, ensure the tree is directed straight out of the ground and not leaning. If it is leaning, wiggle and straighten the tree and lightly tamp soil back down. Soil can be lightly tamped down. AVOID over pressing and packing the soil too tightly. Water the tree thoroughly. A layer of mulch, such as wood chips, around the base of the tree will help retain soil moisture and reduce weed competition. Do not build the mulch up around the trunk where moisture can collect.


BLUEBERRIES Blueberries like sandy, well-drained soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.4. This is critical. If you do not know your soil pH, do a soil test. Peat moss and sulfur will help lower your pH to desired levels. Select a site with full sun. At planting, dig a hole a couple inches wider than the root ball and as deep as the roots, and mix one cubic foot of peat moss with top soil until the hole is filled four inches from the top. Set the plant and cover the roots with the remaining peat-soil mix. In heavy soil, an equal amount of peat can be mixed with an equal amount of soil. Set plants 5 feet apart with rows 10 feet apart. Apply four inches of wood chip mulch in a two feet wide band after planting, and maintain a four-inch depth and four-feet band over the life of the planting. Water well. Blueberry roots are shallow and will dry quickly.

STRAWBERRIES Plant strawberries 12 inches apart in the garden. Be sure the crown (the part where the roots meet the shoots) is NOT planted deeper than the surface of the ground. It must be exposed for survival of the plant. They enjoy full sun to light shade. They will send out runners that will root and develop new plants for the next season. Many gardeners prefer to plant strawberries in pots or garden boxes to prevent them from overtaking the garden. 8

GRAPES Before planting grape vines, you should soak the vines in water overnight before planting. Dig a hole ideally approaching 24-36 inches deep and wide enough to allow the roots to spread out some. If the soil has a high clay content, you may want to consider adding in a soil amendment, such as peat moss in a one-to-one ratio. You may also want to trim the roots if needed to fit into the hole. Do not excessively trim the root system. Place a small mound of earth in the bottom of the hole and lay the roots out around the mounded earth. Be certain that the root system is below the top of the hole. You should select a single spur with no more than three or four buds coming off of the rooted vine for that year’s growth. Water well at planting. Water frequently in the first year of growth. Keep weeds down around the vines reducing competition for the establishment of the vine. Grow vine up trellis and do not let it grow along the ground.




Spacing: 16” staggered pattern Soil Temp: 45-85°F Light: Full sun is best. Partial shade tolerated. Bad Companions: Strawberry, snap bean, pole bean Considerations:

Avoid following with cabbage family plants.


Spacing: 16-18” staggered pattern Soil Temp: 60-65°F Light: Full sun is best. Partial shade tolerated. Bad Companions: Kohlrabi, pole bean, strawberry Considerations:

Avoid following with cabbage family plants.



Bad Companions: Strawberry, pole bean, tomato


Spacing: 12-18” Soil Temp: 45-85°F Light: Full sun is best. Partial shade tolerated.


Avoid following with cabbage family plants.


Spacing: Trellised 18”, Ground 36” Soil Temp: 70-80°F Light: Full sun is best. Bad Companions: Aromatic herbs, potato Considerations:

Avoid rotating with other cucumber family plants.




Spacing: 18” staggered pattern Soil Temp: 80-90°F Light: Full sun is best. Bad Companions: Fennel Considerations:

Follow with beans or peas.

GROUND CHERRIES Spacing: 2.5’ Soil Temp: 65-90°F Light: Full sun is best.

Bad Companions: Pole bean, dill, fennel, potato Considerations:

Avoid following eggplant, potato, pepper, tomatillo, and tomato.



Bad Companions: Pole bean, tomato


Spacing: 16” Soil Temp: 60-65°F Light: Full sun is best. Partial shade tolerated.


Avoid following cabbage family plants.


Spacing: 6-8” staggered pattern Soil Temp: 50-65°F Light: Full sun is best. Light shade tolerated. Bad Companions: Pole bean Considerations:

Avoid following with cabbage family plants.




Spacing: 6” Soil Temp: 60-65°F Light: Full sun is best. Light shade tolerated. Bad Companions: Bean, pea Considerations:

Avoid following onion, garlic, shallots, and chives.


Spacing: 8-12” for smaller varieties, more for larger varieties Soil Temp: 55-65°F Light: Full sun best. Light shade tolerated. Bad Companions: No bad companions. Considerations:

Avoid following with radicchio, endive, escarole, and artichoke. 14


Bad Companions: Potato


Spacing: 16” Soil Temp: 70-85°F Light: Full sun is best.


Avoid following with cucumber, pumpkin, summer squash, and winter squash.


Spacing: 4-6” Soil Temp: 55-75°F Light: Full sun is best. Light shade tolerated. Bad Companions: Asparagus, bean, pea, sage Considerations:

Follow squash or lettuce. Avoid following onion or legume family plants.



SUMMER SQUASH Spacing: 18-24” Soil Temp: 65-75°F Light: Full sun is best.

Bad Companions: Potato Considerations:

Avoid following winter squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and melon.


Spacing: 4-5” staggered for entire plant harvest, 8-10”

staggered for outer leaf harvest

Soil Temp: 50°F+ Light: Full sun is best. Light shade tolerated. Bad Companions: Beet, spinach Considerations:

Avoid following beet and spinach. Follow legume family plants. 16


Bad Companions: Pole bean, dill, fennel, potato


Spacing: 2.5” Soil Temp: Light: Full sun is best.


Avoid following eggplant, potato, pepper, and tomato.


Spacing: 15” unsupported, 24” supported Soil Temp: 70°F Light: Full sun is best. Bad Companions: Pole bean, dill, fennel, potato Considerations:

Avoid following potato, pepper, and eggplant.



WINTER SQUASH Spacing: 18-24” Soil Temp: 65-75°F Light: Full sun is best.

Bad Companions: Potato Considerations:

Avoid following summer squash, tomato, and melon.


Spacing: 12-18” Soil Temp: 70-75°F Light: Full sun is best. Bad Companions: Small children, fennel, kohlrabi Considerations:

Avoid following tomato, potato, and eggplants.



Bad Companions: Beans, cabbage, cucumbers


Spacing: 4-8” Soil Temp: 70-75° F Light: Full sun is best.


Avoid rotating with marjoram or oregano.


Spacing: 6-8” Soil Temp: 55° F+ Light: Full sun to partial shade. Bad Companions: Beans, peas Considerations:

Avoid rotating with onion family plants. 19



Spacing: 6”-8” Soil Temp: 55-65° F Light: Full sun to partial shade. Bad Companions: Tomatoes Considerations:

Avoid rotating with carrot family plants.


Spacing: 12” Soil Temp: 60° F+ Light: Full sun to partial shade. Bad Companions: No bad companions. Considerations:

As lemon balm is a member of the mint family, consider planting in a location where mint has not previously been planted. 20


Bad Companions: No bad companions.


Spacing: 6”- 8” Soil Temp: 55-80° F Light: Full sun to partial shade.


Avoid rotating with marjoram and basil.


Spacing: 6”- 8” Soil Temp: 60° F+ Light: Full sun to partial shade. Bad Companions: No bad companions. Considerations:

Avoid rotating with carrots, celery, or parsnip. 21



Spacing: 12”-18” Soil Temp: 60-90° F Light: Full sun to partial shade. Bad Companions: Cucumber Considerations:

Avoid following with basil, cucumber, marjoram, and oregano.

THYME Spacing: 6”- 8” Soil Temp: 55° F Light: Full sun to partial shade. Bad Companions: No bad companions. Considerations:

Transplant thyme. Thyme may over winter and return the following year. 22


Bad Companions: Beans, tomatoes, kohlrabi


Spacing: 12”-15” for full growth with blooms Soil Temp: Plant after last frost. Light: Full sun is best.


Follow beets.


Spacing: 24”- 36” apart in all directions Soil Temp: Plant after last frost. Light: Full sun to partial sun. Considerations:

Pull off seed heads or it will drop seeds and resow itself.




Spacing: 6”- 8” Soil Temp: Prefers to be sown in cold soils in late fall or early spring. Light: Full sun to partial shade. Considerations:

Can be direct sowed or transplanted.


Spacing: 24” Soil Temp: Sow in early spring after last frost. Light: Full sun is best. Considerations:

Can be direct sown but prefers to be transplanted.


LAVENDER Considerations:


Spacing: 24” Soil Temp: Sow plants in early spring in warm conditions. Light: Full sun to partial shade.

Transplanting is recommended.

PEPPERMINT Spacing: 6” Soil Temp: 55° F+ Light: Full sun to partial shade. Considerations:

Perennial spreads quickly and can be invasive. Consider container growing.



ST. JOHN’S WORT Spacing: 16”- 24” Soil Temp: Plant after last frost. Light: Full sun is best. Considerations:

Can be directly sowed or transplanted. Sow in early spring.

FEVERFEW Spacing: 12” Soil Temp: Sow in spring after last frost. Light: Full sun is best. Considerations:

Can be directly sown but prefers to be transplanted.


VALERIAN Considerations:


Spacing: 12”- 24” Soil Temp: Sow in early spring after last frost and keep moist. Light: Full sun to partial shade.

Best to be transplanted.


952.233.9182 | wozupi.com

2041 140th St. NW • Prior Lake

Owned and Operated by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community

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