Beacon 06-09-24

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week of June 09, 2024

Shalimar UMC

Lead Pastor

Dr. Alan McBride

Pastors and Staff

Dr. Brad Bradford Worship Pastor

Rev. John Kelsoe Associate Pastor

Gerald Batton Custodian

Chris Bennett Director of Student Ministry

Karen Cardinez Office Administrative Assistant

Miranda Colgan Director of Camp Ministries

Tanner Dubose Communications Assistant

Denise Heath Financial Secretary

Sarah Hicks Director of Children’s Ministry

Karen Jadin Preschool Director

Tony Mallini Interim Church Administrator

Heyward McKenzie Chef

Amanda Marshall Nursery Coordinator

Sara Morrison Financial Assistant

Forrest Oliver Assistant Respite Director

Leigh J. Rice Respite Director

Ben Savage Director of Worship Arts

Stay In Touch! Shalimar United Methodist Church 1 Old Ferry Road, Shalimar, FL 32579 (850) 651-0721

Our Vision

Christ-centered, multi-generational, family & community relevant ministries through WORSHIP , DISCIPLESHIP , and MISSION .

Our Mission

We REACH our community with the good news of Jesus Christ. We TEACH how to love God and to love one another as ourselves. We SEND disciples into the world to share their experiences of Jesus.

Weekly Schedule

Week of June 9th

Sunday, 9th

Monday, 10th

Tuesday, 11

Upward Worship Service 8 am Freedom Worship Service 10:37 am Traditions Worship Service 11:00 am
Sunday School 9:15am
Sunday School 9:15 am Shalimar Students Sunday School 9:15 am Special Buddies Sunday School 9:15 am Shalimar Kids in Freedom Worship 10:37 am Kelsoe Family Reception 12 pm Special Buddies 5 pm
Bread House 9 am Threads of Love 10 am Connect Team Rehearsal 5:30 pm Alanon 6 pm Alateen 6 pm Lighthouse Rehearsal 6 pm Trustees 6:30 pm AA 8 pm
Joyful Place 10 am Freedom Rehearsal 5:30 pm Men’s Group 6 pm Old Testament Studies 6 pm Prayer Group 6 pm Women of the Old Testament 6 pm

Wednesday, 12th

Blessings for Children 9 am Bread House 9 am Joyful Place Volunteer Orientation 12 pm Reboot Recovery 5 pm Fellowship Dinner 5 pm Shalimar Kidz Club 5:30 pm Youth Choir Commissioning Concert 5:45 pm Gloryland 6 pm Rejoice 6 pm Chancel Choir 7 pm AA 8 pm Thursday, 13th Joyful Place 10 am Friday, 14th Bread House 9 am Russ Youngblood Funeral 11 am Saturday, 15th Adult Pickleball 9 am

This Week in Worship

Sunday, June 9, 2024


8:00am – In-Person & Online

Message by Rev. John Kelsoe

Victory Over the Storms

Mark 4:35-41

Worship Led by Rev. Dr. Brad Bradford

Upward Worship Team


10:37am – In-Person & Online

Message by Rev. John Kelsoe

Victory Over the Storms

Mark 4:35-41

Worship Led by Ben Savage

Freedom Worship Team


11:00am – In-Person & Online

Message by Rev.John Kelsoe

Victory Over the Storms

Mark 4:35-41

Worship Led by Rev. Dr. Brad Bradford

Chancel Choir, “Jesus Saves”

Tracy Mank, “Hymn of Heaven”

Church Life

Christian Education Time

Last week, we launched our new worship renewal service schedule. Part of that launch is the opportunity at the 9:15 am hour to be involved in new and continued discipleship groups. Several age-appropriate offerings exist for children, students, young adults, and adults. Pastor Brad has also started a new class! Please look at the insert in the worship guide and consider joining a group that will take you deeper into your journey with Christ Jesus. If you are unsure which group to join, connect with a pastor or Susan Duagard, our liaison for Sunday morning education. She can be reached by the front office ( to get in touch.

Rev. John Kelsoe Moving Forward in Christ

All are invited as Pastor John will be the Preaching Pastor in all three services today. Following the services, our Church will have a farewell Reception for John, Stephanie, Victoria, and Ana Grace at noon in FLC room 106. Please take every opportunity to express thanks to the wonderful Kelsoe family for their ministry here at Shalimar Church. Baskets are available in the FLC and Narthex for cards and farewell gifts for the Family.

Youth Choir Commisssioning Concert

Our Youth Choir is prepping for their annual Choir Tour! Please join us on Wednesday, June 12th at 5:45 for their Concert as we send them off to the greater Chicago area! Dinner is available and optional for $8 at 5 pm. An RSVP is required to the Church Office by noon on Tuesday, June 11th. You do not want to miss this time of worship and sending.

Dear Church family,

This Sunday, June 9th, at noon our Church will prayerfully, and with thanks send John and Stephanie Kelsoe and their two wonderful daughters forward into pastoral ministry at another United Methodist Church.

John has been appointed as the Pastor-in-Charge at Marlow United Methodist Church in Baldwin County, near SilverHill, Alabama starting on the first of July. It’s truly amazing to me to see how ready he is, as enabled by God, to serve a church as their pastor. Marlow will receive a blessing in John and Stephanie Kelsoe! He clearly understands the commitment to people whom God puts in his life and knows very well how to express love, support, and encouragement to the persons around him, including me.

I have found deep comfort in watching John display what it means to be a pastor and a preacher in the life of the local church while here at Shalimar. It’s been an utter joy to watch him “find his voice” in the midst of the Holy Spirit’s inspiration as he proclaims God’s Word to God’s people. At the same time over the course of this year, I have felt great pride in John for tackling graduate-level theological studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky, online and in-class, while also giving a full-time level of service to the families of our Church. And recall with me that he has been doing this as a newly-wed husband to Stephanie and dad to two girls, having only married Stephanie Morris in March of 2023.

An Update From Pastor Alan

Most notably, working with Ben and the worship team in the Freedom worship service, I’ve been very excited to see the number of people who have joined our church as full professing members under John’s ministry and the numerous baptisms he has done. In fact, numerically, speaking, he has me beat.

However, as one who has been in pastoral ministry for 32 years, I have found great excitement in watching the next generation of pastors through John and am well pleased with the full scope of experience he has gained while serving here for only a year.

I can honestly say that John has jumped in with both feet to any ministry task I’ve asked of him, and he performed such tasks with excellence, diligence, and passion. All the more, he has a demonstrated ability to fill in the cracks, seeing ministry opportunities that needed to be fulfilled, and grabbed hold of them with equal excellence. I will miss working in the vineyard alongside him.

Please plan on being here on this Sunday as we honor the Kelsoes for their ministry among us. He will be the Preaching Pastor in all three services, then at noon, we will have a farewell reception for the family in FLC room 106. There will be a basket in the Narthex and FLC if you would like to provide cards, letters of encouragement, or donations for the family. Understand that while we will pray for him as he and Stephanie move out of ministry here, I will be asking this Body of Christ to continue to pray daily as the Kelsoes fulfill God’s calling in Christian ministry at Marlow UMC.

In the remaining weeks of June, after the 9th, join me in offering assistance, gifts of meals, and labor to help them physically move to their new appointment. Karen and I have done it 7 times, and the help of this Church Family will be much needed and warmly appreciated.

With Thanks to Almighty God,

Offering Moment

Joyful Place Volunteers

Missions Moment

Blessings for Children has been serving children in our local community for over 5 years! Blessings for Children provides new t-shirts, underwear, diapers, socks, toiletry items, and school supplies to children newborn through 5th grade. We also provide gently used clothing and toys to these families. These items are donated by our church family, families we serve and ReRuns 4 Wee Ones in Valparaiso.

If you are interested in volunteering a few hours once a month, please call Robin Hays 850-621-7014. We are open from 9:00 - 12:00 on Wednesday mornings. The team has a lot of fun and fellowship providing support to God’s children.

A New Small Group is Starting Soon

Beginning on Tuesday, June 11th at 6 pm, Nancy Litten will be starting a new small group under the name of Women of the Old Testament This will be an 8-week study held in FLC Room 207. No workbook needed, but a study bible is encouraged. For more information, please contact the Church Office at 850-651-0721. We look forward to the revival and renewal that this small group will bring to Shalimar Church.

Flower arrangements and roses can be given to the glory of God and displayed each week in the Sanctuary worship services. Reservations for altar flowers can be made using the reservation book in the Sanctuary Narthex or by calling the Church Office at (850) 651–0721.

Children’s Ministry Summer Activities

Attendance 06.02.24 8:00: 122 10:37: 131 11:00: 138 Kids: 15 Livestream: 103 TOTAL: 509

Are you passionate about helping people feel welcome and enjoy themselves over a delicious meal? If so, consider serving on the Hospitality Team during the weekly fellowship time at Wednesday night dinner and Sunday morning brunch. Contact Chef Heyward McKenzie during the fellowship times for more information.

If Fellowship Dinner is not on your plate, then we have other opportunities! God has designed us with a unique combination of gifts, passions, and life experiences to spread the Gospel. Let us know which areas of ministry you want to serve in by completing an Every Member In Ministry (EMIM) form at

Good of the Church

We had a blast this week at Vacation Bible School! With your help, we were able to provide the Lord’s blessings to over 250 kids. Thank you to everyone who helped with VBS in any way possible. Whether it was your time, commitment, or even prayers, your role was what made this week memorable for the Children of God. This year, they raised money for bilingual bibles for people in Cuba!

Vacation Bible School

Week 212 – May 24th

Food Distribution Numbers

13 New Families visited last week, representing 51 individuals.

Items always needed!

1. Toilet paper is a must need each week!

2. Canned Meat; Tuna, Chicken, and Spam!

3. Canned Vegetables: Corn, Green Beans, and Mixed!

4. Dried goods, beans and rice!

5. Fruit, potatoes, and onions

If you don’t have time to shop, you can donate money to The Bread House by sending a check to SUMC, MEMO line put “Bread House.”

Questions? contact Pete Peters, 703.395.2437, or Robin Hays 850-621-7014.

Feels like summer is here but that hasn’t slowed down the visitors at the Bread House!

This Week Total 608 bags collected 80,125 448 bags given out 61,289
tons) 0 cards
470 members served 60,86
given out
130 families served
Contact Us Phone Email Address Website (850) 651-0721 1 Old Ferry Road Shalimar, FL 32579 Facebook Find Us Shalimar UMC Instagram shalimarumc App Stores Shalimar United Methodist Church

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