week of June 16, 2024

week of June 16, 2024
Dr. Brad Bradford Worship Pastor
Gerald Batton Custodian
Chris Bennett Director of Student Ministry
Karen Cardinez Office Administrative Assistant
Miranda Colgan Director of Camp Ministries
Tanner Dubose Communications Assistant
Denise Heath Financial Secretary
Sarah Hicks Director of Children’s Ministry
Karen Jadin Preschool Director
Tony Mallini Interim Church Administrator
Heyward McKenzie Chef
Amanda Marshall Nursery Coordinator
Sara Morrison Financial Assistant
Forrest Oliver Assistant Respite Director
Leigh J. Rice Respite Director
Ben Savage Director of Worship Arts
Christ-centered, multi-generational, family & community relevant ministries through WORSHIP , DISCIPLESHIP , and MISSION .
Our Mission
We REACH our community with the good news of Jesus Christ. We TEACH how to love God and to love one another as ourselves. We SEND disciples into the world to share their experiences of Jesus.
Week of June 16th
Sunday, 16th
Monday, 17th
Wednesday, 19th
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Happy Father’s Day!
8:00am – In-Person & Online
Message by Rev. Dr. Alan McBride
What’s In Your Hands?
Romans 5:1-2, 6-8
Worship Led by Tracy Mank
Upward Worship Team
Tracy Mank, Nathan and Anna Love, “Abide” Gloryland, “Good News”
Communion Celebrated by Rev. Dr. Alan McBride
10:37am – In-Person & Online
Message by Rev. Dr. Alan McBride
What’s In Your Hands?
Romans 5:1-2, 6-8
Worship Led by Ben Savage
Freedom Worship Team
11:00am – In-Person & Online
Message by Rev. Dr. Alan McBride
What’s In Your Hands?
Romans 5:1-2, 6-8
Worship Led by Charlie Curry
Tracy Mank, Nathan and Anna Love, “Abide”
Chancel Choir, “Refiner’s Fire”
Faith Tovrea, Lisa Given, Greg Hutto, trio
Gloryland, “Good News”
Join us on Sunday, June 30th for our Patriotic Service! This is a service of remembrance, salutation, memorial, and prayer. Two services will be held in the Sanctuary at 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Between services, a brunch will be provided by Chef Hayward in the Family Life Center. Please note that there will be no freedom service on this day, and there will also be no Sunday School hour. We can’t wait to see what our wonderful Chancel Choir and orchestra have in store for us.
Our next Church Council meeting will take place next Monday, June 24th at 6:30 pm in the Family Life Center. In this meeting, Mr. David Wildman of WildmanDesign will present the essential elements of our Revisioning and Renewal Process. Previously, this was referred to as “Re-Branding”. Reflecting on who we are, our 73 year legacy, and how best we tell the story of Jesus to our community, David will present to our Council one or two potential names for our Church. He will also present a new logo and color themes for us and a template for our new Website. Most importantly, he will recommend the central messages we need to communicate outside our walls to our community in order to bring more people to know Jesus Christ. All are invited to attend!
Nearly 12 years ago, God blessed the Church Family at Shalimar United Methodist Church when He brought Brad and Rhonda Bradford to serve in an excellent ministry. Countless are the ways that both have expressed Jesus’ love to each of us as a congregation. Dr. and Mrs. Bradford have been invited to serve another church as Worship Pastor and spouse later this summer. June 30th will be the Bradford family’s last Sunday here at Shalimar. We will come together at noon in the Family Life Center to express our thanks and gratitude to Brad and Rhonda with a fellowship lunch and reception following the morning services. All are invited and no reservations are required.
Celebration Luncheon for Rev. Dr. Brad and Mrs. Rhonda BradfordBlessings for Children has been serving children in our local community for over 5 years! Blessings for Children provides new t-shirts, underwear, diapers, socks, toiletry items, and school supplies to children newborn through 5th grade. We also provide gently used clothing and toys to these families. These items are donated by our church family, families we serve and ReRuns 4 Wee Ones in Valparaiso.
If you are interested in volunteering a few hours once a month, please call Robin Hays 850-621-7014. We are open from 9:00 - 12:00 on Wednesday mornings. The team has a lot of fun and fellowship providing support to God’s children.
A new bible study began this week on Tuesday! Nancy Litten has started the group under the name of Women of the Old Testament This will be an 8-week study held in FLC Room 207. No workbook needed, but a study bible is encouraged. For more information, please contact the Church Office at 850-651-0721. We look forward to the revival and renewal that this small group will bring to Shalimar Church.
Flower arrangements and roses can be given to the glory of God and displayed each week in the Sanctuary worship services. Reservations for altar flowers can be made using the reservation book in the Sanctuary Narthex or by calling the Church Office at (850) 651–0721. This weeks arrangements are from Tami Kelly “In loving memory of my mother, Pat Kelley. Love, Tami and Pepper
Are you passionate about helping people feel welcome and enjoy themselves over a delicious meal? If so, consider serving on the Hospitality Team during the weekly fellowship time at Wednesday night dinner and Sunday morning brunch. Contact Chef Heyward McKenzie during the fellowship times for more information.
If Fellowship Dinner is not on your plate, then we have other opportunities! God has designed us with a unique combination of gifts, passions, and life experiences to spread the Gospel. Let us know which areas of ministry you want to serve in by completing an Every Member In Ministry (EMIM) form at
When Jesus taught the disciples to pray, he began this model prayer we all know by addressing God in prayer as “Father”. Throughout the 4 Gospels, Jesus continually related to others the closeness of relationship and the vital importance of this oneness with His Father in heaven.
On Father’s Day today, our Church wants to proclaim our deep thanks for all Fathers and the role they play in our lives, their closeness of relationship and the vitality of all of life’s lessons we can learn from Dads. As a Church, we also pray for fathers among us and everywhere as a very important part of the well-being of families and the fabric of society which God created.
Please find every way to love on your Dad today, or recall with thanks the lessons he taught you about how to pattern your life when he was in your life. Thanks be to God!
Food Distribution Numbers
13 New Families visited last week, representing 51 individuals.
1. Toilet paper is a must need each week!
2. Canned Meat; Tuna, Chicken, and Spam!
3. Canned Vegetables: Corn, Green Beans, and Mixed!
4. Dried goods, beans and rice!
5. Fruit, potatoes, and onions
If you don’t have time to shop, you can donate money to The Bread House by sending a check to SUMC, MEMO line put “Bread House.”
Questions? contact Pete Peters, 703.395.2437, or Robin Hays 850-621-7014.
Feels like summer is here but that hasn’t slowed down the visitors at the Bread House!