Week of September 22nd, 2024
Week of September 22nd, 2024
Rev. Chad Ozee Worship Pastor
Gerald Batton Custodian
Chris Bennett Director of Student Ministry
Karen Cardinez Office Administrative Assistant
Miranda Colgan Director of Camp Ministries
Tanner Dubose Communications Assistant
Denise Heath Financial Secretary
Sarah Hicks Director of Children’s Ministry
Karen Jadin Preschool Director
Tony Mallini Interim Church Administrator
Heyward McKenzie Chef
Amanda Marshall Nursery Coordinator
Sara Morrison Financial Assistant
Forrest Oliver Assistant Respite Director
Leigh J. Rice Respite Director
Ben Savage Director of Worship Arts
Week of September 22nd
Wednesday, 25th
Pastor Alan announces that beginning Sunday, October 13th, there will be an important and effective shift in the schedule for the Worship Ministry and our Sunday School and Small Group ministries. With Pastor Chad Ozee’s arrival as our Worship Pastor, Freedom Worship will move forward to 9:30 am. This creates a better window to allow new families to come experience connection in the life of The Church at Shalimar.
We are also aligning our Sunday School and Small Group ministries to begin at 9:30 am to assist with the movement and flow of our Church Family. As Freedom Worship moves to 9:30, we have a great opportunity to begin Small Group and Sunday School ministries for all age groups during the 11:00 hour. Please contact Pastor Alan, Sarah Hicks, Director of Children’s Ministries, or Chris Bennett, Director of Student ministries for more information.
The Church at Shalimar has been extremely blessed to have Ben Savage, his gifts and passion, and the wonderful blessings of his spouse Angelina. Serving our church and community for eight years, we are called to celebrate and give thanks to Ben, Angelina, and Almighty God. Please plan to be part of a special reception for the Savages on Sunday, September 22nd at noon in our FLC as Ben steps away from Staff Ministry Leadership.
Our next church council meeting will be held Monday night at 6:30 pm in the FLC. All are welcome to attend.
Children’s Ministry has kicked off their Wednesday night programming, Kids Club (Kindergarten –5th grade). What a joy it was to hear the excitement in the kids around the church!
If you know of any K-5th graders in your family, neighborhood, etc. invite them to join us for a funfilled night. This program includes fellowship and dinner, as well as learning Scripture through Bible stories and music with games/crafts that reinforce the Scripture. In December, we will celebrate all that we have learned through telling one of the most exciting stories of all times, the birth of Jesus in our musical, The Bethlehem Beat.
5:00-5:30pm Dinner
5:30-6:15pm Choir
6:15-7:00pm Rotations (Bible, games, crafts, playground)
For more information, contact Sarah Hicks, Director of Children’s Ministry at We look forward to connecting with the children!
~ The Kids Club Team ~
A huge thank you to the church and all our volunteers for contributions of care package items and time! Thanks to you, 140 packages went out to remind our deployed troops that they are loved, appreciated, and never forgotten. We look forward to working with everyone again in November for our Christmas packages. Thank you from Deb, Jeanne and the rest of the Blue Star Mothers.
At Reboot, we’ve helped over 20,000 people from all walks of life find healing from trauma. Now it’s your turn. Come join us September 18 from 5:30 to 7:30PM for our 12 week, faith based and peer led course. Dinner is included. Contact Deb Hutto at (850)240-2564 or
Get ready to have a good time and do your body a favor. Chair Zumba started this week. It will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 pm in the Children’s Space. Come as your schedule allows. Dawn Hamilton will be the leader and she is a certified Zumba instructor. The charge will be $5 per class. Please call Nancy Kahrs or the church office 850-651-0721 if you have questions. Bring a friend and join the fun.
If you have participated in an Emmaus Walk or Chrysalis Flight, or want more information about them, the Shalimar cluster invites you to join us on Sunday, October 6, at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck lunch in the Family Life Center! It has been awhile since we've met, and we can't wait to see you! Bring your favorite dish and let's enjoy some fellowship time together! Please contact Amanda Harris (850-6513888) or Melanie Schenck (850-496-6314) if you have any questions!
Did You Know that the Missions’ Committee at The Church At Shalimar has new leadership?
Ms Robin Hays and Ms Sandra Brown will serve as Co-chairs of the Missions’ Committee through the end of 2024. We offer our sincere thanks to Mr. Pete Peters for his many years of service and dedication as the Missions’ Chair! Please join us on Tuesday night, September 24th, at 6:00 p.m., at Cross Corner to learn more about volunteering with Missions at The Church At Shalimar!
Flower arrangements and roses can be given to the glory of God and displayed each week in the Sanctuary worship services. Reservations for altar flowers can be made using the reservation book in the Sanctuary Narthex or by calling the Church Office at (850) 651–0721 REQUEST YOUR
Our Young Adult Ministry is returning soon, and the new leader, Alicia Csati, would love your input and feedback! Connection with others is so important that we do not put an age range for this ministry so that anyone beyond 18 years of age is welcome to attend. For more information, please visit or scan the QR Code above!
On Sunday Mornings, we have a few individuals who take time out of their morning to pick up folks from Brookdale and The Meridian Assisted Living Facilities to attend church services. Each Week, Keith Latimer leads up a team for the job and would love additional drivers or riders to help. No special license is needed. It only takes a short amount of time to train for operating the lift for a wheelchair. Contact Keith at keith_e_l@Yahoo. com or contact the Church Office. This opportunity would not be possible without your help! Your giving allows for our church vehicles to be properly maintained to make things like these happen!
The Church at Shalimar has an amazing Children’s Ministry. Whether it’d be Bible Studies, Friday Funday, or Camps and other retreats, Sarah Hicks is doing an amazing job leading this group, but it could not be done without your help. Your financial giving is a big part of this ministry that allows for resources to be acquired, but there is something even bigger. The giving of your time in service to this Ministry means nothing but the world to these Children of God and Sarah. Some areas that she would love your help are:
Sunday Worship | 10:37/11:00 am
Teachers (Lead games/crafts)
Weekly Bible Studies | 3:30 – 4:30pm
3rd grade Tuesdays
4th/5th grade Thursdays
Monthly | 5:30 – 7:30pm
Friday Funday
To get plugged in, email or Contact the Church Office at (850)-651-0721
One area of ministry here at The Church at Shalimar that your support and giving go to is our Audio/Visual/ Lighting Ministry. Your giving helps to maintain the equipment needed to make services happen and allows for upgrades to enhance service experiences. However, services cannot happen without people on the team! This team works behind the scenes projecting lyrics, controlling the camera for our live stream people, and making sure people can be seen and heard on stage. This is where your acts of service can come in! If you would like to serve on our AVL Team, contact the Church Office! No experience necessary, we will train you!