4 minute read
CBB: Jewish Living — An Evolving Practice
by Monica Steiner The oldest and largest synagogue in Santa Barbara, Congregation B’nai B’rith is rich with memories and tradition, constantly seeking new ways of engaging with Judaism.
CBB strives to always welcome newcomers and remain a familiar and comfortable Jewish home for those who chose long ago to make it their Jewish community.
Whoever you are, and wherever you come from, you are invited to visit, learn, sing, break bread, and roll up your sleeves and work with CBB to help make this a better world.
Jewish Living: An Evolving Practice Living a Jewish life is an evolving practice that includes every aspect of our humanity. It includes friendship, celebration and merriment, thought and discussion, studying with friends and teachers, moments of transcendent awe, shared milestones and support as our lives flex and change. Join CBB for a full festival year of services, celebrations, and observances; engage with CBB in study and action!
Worship CBB is a community encompassing a glorious range of backgrounds and beliefs, goals and practice. Services represent a range of Jewish modes of practice, from
Weekly Shabbat services and minyanim Monthly Shir Halleluyah musical Shabbat service Purim Shpiel and family carnival High Holy Day services ...and more Families with Children – 18 months to 18 years CBB’s Beit HaYeladim Preschool and Jewish Learning Programs are your Jewish journey as part of a lifelong community.
CBB brings families together to experience Judaism in unique personal ways, while celebrating the traditions, holidays, rituals, culture, rites of passage (including full b’nai mitzvah confirmation programs) and life events together.
Education at CBB is not just school. It’s a community and lifestyle helping families raise their children with Jewish heart and a solid Jewish foundation while fostering the Torah and its teachings, friendships, positive self-esteem, community, Hebrew learning, ethical living, and leadership.
“A community is too heavy for any one person to carry alone.”— Pirkei Avot
Lifelong Learning Whether you are new to Jewish study or have been at it for a lifetime, CBB welcomes you to its Beit Midrash (house of study)! Opportunities to delve into Jewish thinking and wisdom with a community of passionate learners empowers engagement with our ancient wisdom and applies its lessons, ethics, and human truths to our own lives.
Adult Hebrew and B’nai Mitzvah classes Torah and Talmud study classes (led by Rabbi Stephen Cohen and guests) The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning,
CBB’s team is a dynamic group, representing the sacred partnership between clergy, staff, and lay leadership. Honored to serve our community, eager to welcome you. Congregation B’nai B’rith is a diverse, inclusive community of individuals and families building together a warm and vibrant house of living Judaism.
Santa Barbara at CBB (Director Dr. Judy Karin) Israel Between the Pages (Israel Book Club, led by Rabbi Daniel Brenner) Jewish Book Club and Short Story Group Sunday Morning Live series featuring fascinating, provocative speakers Annual Reiger Scholar-in-Residence weekend featuring world-class Jewish thinkers and teachers
Engage There are many ways to get engaged, involved, and active at CBB — and something for everyone. Clergy, staff, and lay leaders are always incubating and innovating new programs, and can’t wait for you to jump in.
Boomers of B’nai B’rith Caring Community Havurot Hiking group Interfaith families and outreach Israeli dancing Men of B’nai B’rith Mental Wellness Initiative MUSIC — Children and Adult Choirs led by Cantor Mark Childs, and so much more OpenDor (for 20s & 30s) Pershing Park, feeding the homeless of Santa Barbara Transition House, monthly meals for residents Women of B’nai B’rith SBORTY (CBB Youth Group) Act • Join CBB to care and repair our community, our neighbors, and our world. • The Human Family Project, an interfaith learning, friendship, and social change initiative • Mitzvah Day, a yearly “day of giving” • Yearly home/church rebuilding service trips • Green temple initiative, leading the way for a healthier, greener Earth!
CBB Clergy, Staff, and Board Team With a reputation as a master teacher and Jewish thinker, Rabbi Stephen Cohen has been at CBB since 2004, following 19 years at UCSB Hillel. Musical powerhouse Cantor Mark Childs has served CBB’s congregation since 1991, teaching, leading, and inspiring all ages with his humor and Jewish songs. Rabbi Daniel Brenner joined the CBB team in 2018, bringing his tremendous talent as a leader, musician, and educator to our community.
Executive Director Elizabeth Gaynes comes from a career in the film industry and in personal coaching, and has served CBB in many capacities, beginning in the early 2000s a volunteer leader (originating Mitzvah Day and serving as Groove Gala co-chair). She served as Membership Director for several years until becoming Executive Director in 2015. President Diane Zipperstein has served for many years and in many capacities on CBB’s Board and comes with a background in legal practice. As President, she contributes deep passion, warmth, and intelligence to her leadership of the CBB Board of Trustees, who represent all aspects of our congregation and its operations.
CBB is a proud member of the Union for Reform Judaism.