Fall 2014
VIP Preview Party 6-8pm | Convention Hall | October 30, 2014
R um m a g e S a l e
At the home of Denise Welch
December 2, 2014
N e w Me m be r S u bm i ssi on De a d l i n e February 15, 2015
S u st a i n e r W i n e
C h e e se
Invitations will be sent | May 12, 2015
Sustainers and Members enjoy the 1st Annual Wine and Cheese at Events on Court!
News from the Guild
P re si de n t s C h ri st m a s Pa r t y
w w w. g a d s d e n s e r v i c e g u i l d . o r g
6am-12pm & 1-2pm | November 1, 2014
I must admit, when I first joined the Gadsden Service Guild I did not entirely grasp exactly what I was committed to. I knew I wanted to make a difference in my community and meet like minded women but wasn’t sure where to start. I can say that I found everything I was looking for in the Guild. However, I don’t think at the time I really understood the power of the organization I was joining. Now I realize that I didn’t just join a volunteer organization, I joined a movement. Every little bit of what you and I do as a guild member--each minute, hour, day and year that we spend collecting and sorting rummage, collecting items for various agencies, working on service projects, attending meetings and organizing special events or community projects not only moves our mission forward but impacts our community. The Guild is a great example of the power a small group of committed women have to influence change in our community! It is an honor and a privilege to be part of such a phenomenal organization and I continue to be amazed at what one group can accomplish in less than a year’s time. For example, last year our group granted over $18,000 to local non-profits in our community with the entire amount being raised by our valiant efforts in the annual rummage sale. I’m confident that whether you are interested in the social, community or philanthropic aspect of our organization that you will find it this year in the Guild. I look forward to working with each and every one of you this year to make an impact for the greater good of our families, our friends, and our community!
Our Annual Rummage Sale will be November 1, 2014 at Convention Hall. Not only is the rummage sale our largest fundraiser, it has allowed us to donate over $55,000 to Etowah County agencies and non-profits over the past three years. We need your help this year more than ever as our community is in dire need of assistance to properly fund these organizations. Any assistance you may be able to give, via item or monetary donations, will be greatly appreciated! If you able to donate, sponsor, or volunteer please contact Kim McCain Hamby at 256.441.0345.
Enjoy cocktails and treats while you shop early and support area non- profits
T hu r s d ay, O c t o b er 3 0 We will begin accepting donations at Convention Hall on Sunday, October 26, at 4pm and will accept until Wednesday, October 29, at 6pm. We are in great need of large items (appliances, furniture) and children’s clothing. Pick ups may be scheduled for large donations and large items by contacting Kim Garbe at 256.490.4324. They may also be dropped off at Calla _____________________________ Donation Forms & 2014 Pricing List are available on our website ________________________________
C o nv e nt io n Ha l l 6 - 8p m Tickets are $10 and are available from any Guild member, Keystone Bank, and Calla Lilies Boutique. Debit and Credit Cards will be accepted Preview Party Pricing is Double Sticker Price
Update your information by sending your address & email to gadsdenserviceguild@gmail.com
Your Guild President,
Visit us on the web: www.gadsdenserviceguild.org
Members working to pack storage units for sale