Shalva National Center 2017 Annual Report

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Dear Friends, Shalva continues to bring hope and love to children with disabilities and their families, supporting them on their journey towards fulfilling lives. It is not only these families that Shalva impacts, but the community around us as well. Operating for over a year, the new Shalva National Center has become a beacon of inclusion and a magnet for members of the community of all ages. Neighborhood children come and play in our beautiful accessible playgrounds. People from all over Jerusalem drop in to our boutique and inclusive Café Shalva for delicious food in an inspiring ambience. Business and professional groups as well as educational programs from all over the country choose Shalva as a venue for their conferences, symposiums and/or recreational events. We are witnessing extraordinary ‘reverse inclusion’ as the general public is becoming part of the center’s fabric, with over 120,000 visitors since our opening day. Who would have imagined, twenty-eight years ago, that Shalva would grow to these proportions? When our son Yossi was injured at the age of eleven months, he entered a world of darkness and silence. Seven years later he miraculously broke through those barriers, and learned to communicate via sign language and speech. Remembering her desperate prayer and promise from years before, that if G-d would help Yossi, she would dedicate herself to helping other mothers, my wife Malki said, “it’s payback time”. We established Shalva with one after school program for five youngsters with disabilities and it grew quickly. At Shalva, our mission is a continuous journey of realizing dreams. Our genesis is the quiet dream of a struggling mother, our daily work is dedicated to helping each child realize his or her dreams and full potential; and our legacy is the fulfillment of a dream for Israel to become a more advanced and inclusive society. Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey. With heartfelt gratitude,

Kalman Samuels Founder and President, Shalva

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2,000 Including:

participants with disabilities from infancy to adulthood

200 babies and mothers 200 toddlers 1,000 children 600 young adults


family members who receive support and guidance

WE’RE ON A MISSION to provide quality care for people with disabilities, empower their families, and promote social inclusion.


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Because we believe that every person should have the opportunity to maximize his/her potential. We develop programs, pioneer therapy and wellness solutions, and create global communities around the common goal of inspiring hope and changing the lives of people with disabilities and their families.

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Shalva provides an all-encompassing range of services for thousands of individuals, from infancy to adulthood, and their families. Non-denominational and free

of charge, Shalva’s therapy and education programs serve the entire spectrum of Israeli society regardless of religion, ethnicity, or socio-economic standing. Shalva enables families to raise their children with disabilities within the family framework. A thread of inclusion runs through all of Shalva’s programs; empowering people with disabilities to become contributing members of society and ambassadors of change, accepted and valued as equals. Shalva’s award winning programs are all authorized by Israeli government ministries and are certified to offer services to every category of disability.


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313,970 hours of therapy annually 350 staff members, therapists,

and special education professionals

73 national service volunteers 39,500 hours of exercise, physical training and hydrotherapy annually

Weekly basketball, soccer, judo, & tennis sessions

Ages 6–21

Overnight and Weekend Respite Dedicated by Susan and Leonard Feinstein Children between the ages of 6-21 sleep over at Shalva’s Respite Center

Ages 0-18 months

Ages 1–6

Early Intervention

Inclusive Education

Me and My Mommy In Memory of

Inclusive Day Care and Preschools

Maurice Lowinger Arriving just weeks after birth, infants with disabilities are guided to achieving their first developmental milestones through intensive parent-child therapy sessions. Parents struggling with the foreign and isolating reality of raising a child with disabilities find hope and acceptance by becoming co-therapists in their child’s rehabilitative process.

Shalva’s Inclusive Day Care and Preschools offer an enriching curriculum that promotes the values of inclusion, respect, and appreciation of diversity. The preschool prepares children with and without disabilities for integration into the mainstream education system by first grade. A staff of educators, social workers, and therapists collaborate to create a

one night a week and up to two weekends each month. They receive individualized guidance in personal care, enjoy fun evening activities and master independence all while their families receive a rare opportunity to rejuvenate their spirits and focus on personal needs.

Ages 6-21

Rehabilitative Recreation After School Activity Center In Memory of Sima & Rubin Wagner

vibrant program that facilitates physical

The After School Activity Center is

and cognitive growth, and inspires

where Shalva’s children, together

inclusive friendships.

with peer volunteers from the broader community, enjoy daily therapyoriented activities such as sports, drama, arts, music and swimming. The program’s experiential learning curriculum prepares children with disabilities for the transition to adulthood and the world beyond.


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Ages 6–21

All ages

Summer Camp

Oral Health for Everyone

During summer vacation, 300 children with disabilities participate in day and overnight camps at the Shalva National Center. Shalva’s camp uniquely demonstrates both inclusion and reverse inclusion by enabling children with disabilities to experience public attractions and activities together with peer volunteers from the broader community.

All ages

Family Support Shalva supports parents so that they can raise their children with disabilities at home within the family framework. A staff of social workers and disability professionals provide personal counseling and conduct ongoing support groups for parents, grandparents, siblings, and disability caregivers. Shalva empowers parents to find hope and belonging, create

OHEV is a pioneering program geared toward decreasing the cost and risk of dental treatments for children with disabilities and improving their longterm health and quality of life. The program includes regular dental checkups, individualized oral health guidance, classroom education and seminars for parents and caregivers.

All ages

Sports and Wellness Thousands of children with disabilities from across the country regularly utilize Shalva’s state-of-the-art, accessible gymnasium, swimming pools and sports facilities. They enjoy a range of physical activities such as hydrotherapy and swimming lessons, inclusive basketball teams in partnership with the Hapoel national youth league, and Shalva’s rehabilitative Judo school.

family cohesion, and lead thriving lives.

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HOPE FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE Programs for Adults

An adulthood of dignity and fulfillment Shalva provides a supportive framework for adults

craft workshops for members of the broader community. Café

with disabilities so that they can live independently as

Shalva and the Shalva Band promote an inspiring inclusive

contributing members of society. Shalva employs adults with

culture that counteracts employment discrimination trends by

disabilities in various positions and departments such as

presenting individuals with disabilities at the forefront of elite

teaching assistants in the inclusive preschools, kitchen and

social establishments.

maintenance staff, musicians in the Shalva Band, and waiters at Café Shalva, among others. Our employees participate in social support groups and professional workshops to receive the ongoing guidance necessary to navigate an inclusive workplace setting. At Shalva’s Employment Workshop Studio, adults with disabilities work as creative instructors and lead



Shalva serves as a model for successful workplace inclusion and enables adults with disabilities to escalate previously unattainable rungs of Israeli social hierarchy.

12 facilities at Shalva designed to employ individuals with disabilities

4 vocational courses opened this year to prepare young adults for employment

The successes of Shalva’s employees with disabilities confirms that not only are they capable of delivering a superb product, but they are also deserving of the full respect and recognition of their community as equal members of society.

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The greater Shalva family is making a difference People from around the world are engaging their communities and joining Shalva in changing the way the world understands, cares for, and embraces disability. Tens of thousands of people around the world participate in Shalva’s community and inclusion initiatives which take place regularly at the Shalva National Center and around the world. They are dedicated volunteers, marathon runners, patrons of the Shalva Band, or families celebrating Bar/ Bat Mitzvahs. They may have come to Shalva for an afternoon in the park, a tour on a visit to Israel, a business lunch meeting at the cafÊ, or a music performance in the auditorium. One step into the world of Shalva; however, can contagiously turn these everyday experiences into an inspiring connection with the most genuine and hopeful side of humanity. Our greater Shalva family is made of kind-hearted, ordinary people and national dignitaries alike, individuals and entire communities that have taken upon themselves the common mission of inspiring hope and changing the lives of people with disabilities.



Disability awareness programs on


4 continents

Over people touched by one of Shalva’s inclusion projects

575 Team Shalva runners from around the world running for hope, love and human dignity


Inclusion and Community Initiatives

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Team Shalva in the Jerusalem Marathon

Cultural Events

Café Shalva

The Shalva National Center also

Café Shalva has been positively

functions as a community center for the

reviewed for its delicious menu and

broader community, hosting comedy,

inviting atmosphere. Equally as

music, and theater performances

Shalva’s team of 1,000 runners infuses

important, the popular restaurant

several times a month. Shalva’s 340-

the Jerusalem Marathon with purple

attracts thousands of diners with its

seat auditorium enables people with

shirts and a contagiously inspiring

excellent service. Exemplifying true

disabilities to experience culture while

energy. Together with over 575 runners

inclusion, adults with disabilities work

simultaneously exposing thousands of

from abroad, celebrity and national

side-by-side their peer counterparts

people from the broader community to

heroes, volunteers, and of course

without disabilities as waiters and

the world of disabilities.

sous-chef; offering a new quality of

Shalva’s children and their families, Team Shalva annually kicks off the marathon’s “community run”.

Shalva Band The Shalva Band is comprised of eight talented musicians with disabilities who are employed by Shalva and perform by invitation with celebrity artists and at cultural events. Inspiring crowds with its professional musical repertoire and charm, the band is a model of inclusion for audiences around the world.


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cuisine, experience, and life.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Shalva SHOP Programs

The Shalva National Center gift shop

Families from around the world make Shalva a meaningful part of their Bar/ Bat Mitzvah celebrations. They engage their communities in chesed projects on behalf of Shalva’s children, dedicate gifts to support our programs, or celebrate with a party at the Shalva National Center in Israel.

offers visitors a selection of artistic and unique items for sale, such as jewelry, homeware, toys, and Judaica; some of which are produced by adults with disabilities at Shalva’s studio workshop. Purchases serve as meaningful souvenirs and all profits directly support Shalva.

Shalva Ambassadors Volunteer Program Three hundred youth volunteer at Shalva on a weekly basis, providing backbone support to our programs and one-on-one attention to Shalva’s children. Their genuine care, friendship and positive energy are invaluable components of Shalva’s magical inclusion. They are Shalva’s ambassadors in their home communities, in Israel and abroad.

Shalva National Park for Inclusion The Shalva National Park for Inclusion is enjoyed by hundreds of children from Shalva’s programs and the broader community on a daily basis. It is Jerusalem’s only public park with playground installations that are completely disability accessible. A place where children play and grow together as equals, the Shalva Park is a is a colorful and genuine display of inclusion.

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45,000 people attended events and conferences at Shalva - the success of reverse inclusion 5,300 visitors as part of organized

groups came to the Shalva National Center from around the world

120 concerts by the Shalva Band in front of 40,000 audience members 3,000

Over people attended Gala dinners in Israel, USA, Canada, UK, Mexico & Russia

Thousands of children play in the National Park for Inclusion

1,467,349 reach of combined social media posts


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Where There Is Hope There Is Life The Shalva National Center houses all of Shalva’s programs and operates as an inclusive community center. The new center is located in the center of Jerusalem and was purposefully positioned by the Jerusalem Municipality to be the welcoming face of Israel’s capital and a representation of Israel’s strides toward innovation and inclusion.


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The Shalva National Park for Inclusion in memory of Ambassador Roland E. Arnall

The Steven Diamond Sports and Wellness Center

Recanati-Kaplan Auditorium

The Sports Center is a hub of

inclusive casts, with disability

community-wide, inclusive fitness

accessible stage features and podiums

activities for Shalva’s children and the

as well as inclusive audiences, with

Located at the entrance of the Shalva

broader public. Shalva houses some

various simultaneous translations

of Israel’s largest and most advanced

for people with visual and auditory

disability accessible sports facilities;

impairments. The auditorium is the

including an expansive multi-purpose

home stage of the Shalva Band and is

gymnasium, swimming pools that are

designed to be an equal opportunity

specially designed for therapy purposes,

work setting for people with disabilities.

National Center campus, the National Park for Inclusion is the first disability accessible playground of its kind in Jerusalem. Open to the public and free of charge, the eye catching, bi-level park features a constellation of special, disability accessible installations with a wide variety of colors, sizes and levels

completely accessible locker rooms, therapy rooms, and a fitness center with disability accessible equipment.

of challenge.


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Shalva’s 340 seat auditorium has the highest density of wheelchair accessible seating in the country. The auditorium is designed to accommodate

The Manette and Louis Mayberg CafĂŠ Shalva

Susan and Leonard Feinstein Respite Floor

Open to the public, Cafe Shalva is a

The Respite Program allows nearly

boutique cafe that is also an equal-

200 children with disabilities, between

opportunity work setting where an

the ages of 6 and 21, to participate

The Leisure and Activity Center houses

inclusive staff work as managers,

in weekly overnight and bi-weekly

several therapeutically oriented

waiters, and hosts. The cafe

weekend stays throughout the year.

recreational facilities; including a drama

provides internship and employment

The program provides a rare opportunity

room, music room, art studio, petting

opportunities for Shalva’s young adults

for children with disabilities to cultivate

zoo, soft play area designed for older

and serves as a model of successful

independence skills while their families

children, as well as a dental clinic.

workplace inclusion.

experience a vital respite period.

The Leisure and Activity Center

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THE KIND OF HOPE that has Global Impact


Sharing knowledge and success with the world

Through years of successful program development, Shalva

By sharing knowledge and experience, initiating research studies, and establishing partnerships with disability-care institutions, Shalva is effectively shaping social policy and changing the standards of disability care and inclusion on global levels.

engages in partnerships with government bodies, medical

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has established models for early intervention therapies, inclusive education, and family support that are impacting the care of children with disabilities around the world. Shalva centers and universities around the world to advance the field of disability services. Shalva’s International Academic Research Commitee ensures that Shalva’s programs are developing in accordance with the most advanced disability research. Throughout the year, the Helen Sarah Steyer and Thomas Mark Steyer Education and Training Center hosts conferences on disability care topics for hundreds of professionals.

Delegations from around the world - including the USA, Canada, England, Germany, Holland, Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Czechoslovakia, India, South Korea, Bahrain, Mexico & South Africa - visited Shalva to learn about our models of care.

Relief and refuge during times of national crisis

The Shalva National Center was architecturally designed to

Shalva is Israel’s official National Crisis Response Center for People with Disabilities. The Center provides people with disabilities from across the country with comprehensive services and immediate response to their needs during periods of national crisis; including physical safety, rehabilitative stability, and social and emotional support.

disability accessible shelters in adjacent proximity to ample

offer wide-scale disability accessible shelter. The building is incomparable in size and scope to other facilities in Israel. The center houses Israel’s largest and most advanced facilities for long-term residence and therapy intervention. Shalva’s underground parking lot can convert into a residence facility for 1,200 people and is stocked with emergency supplies storage rooms. This unprecedented initiative was developed by Shalva in partnership with the IDF’s home front command and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services. Action plans include immediate implementation of country-wide transportation, hundreds of trained volunteer staff, delivery of supplies, as well as ongoing supervised aid and therapies. During times of peace, Shalva hosts educational seminars for disability professionals and security personnel about safety regulations pertaining to individuals with disabilities during emergencies and national crisis.

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Partnership with Russian Jewish Congress to implement Shalva models in Russia’s disability care institutions

New disability accessible facilities in the Shalva National Center enable the After School Activity Center program to expand and include groups of children with complex physical disabilities

Grand Opening celebration of the Shalva National Center attended by hundreds of donors from around the world


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A YEAR OF HOPE Rehabilitative judo school opens under the direction of Olympic Medalist Judoka Ori Sasson

20 people from around the world climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, to benefit Shalva

Employment Studio Workshop opens to

The Shalva Band embarked on a month-long trip where

the public, operated by Shalva's adults

they crisscrossed the globe, performing in front of

with disabilities who instruct inclusive

thousands at Shalva events and local schools, JCCs

craft workshops for groups from the

and other venues. The band travelled to the USA,

broader community

Canada, Mexico, UK and Russia.

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‫י‪.‬ב‪ .‬יובל בינוי והנדסה‬

‫ה נ דס ה‬

‫א ז ר ח י ת‬

‫בניה והנדסה בע"מ‬

‫יוניון‬ ‫מוטורס‬ ‫בע"מ‬ ‫‪Hayovel lines‬‬ ‫עבודות ציבוריות ואחזקת כבישים בע“מ‬ ‫טל‪09-7655178 .‬‬

‫נתיבי היובל‬


‫‪Pharmaceutical Consulting Israel, Ltd‬‬

‫‪S H A LVA 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T / C H A N G I N G L I V E S‬‬


Partnering for Hope

Social Enterprises

Checkout Charity

Shalva cultivates relationships with

This year Shalva has launched several

Checkout Charity is an initiative

a diverse body of corporate entities,

social enterprises within its operation

involving large corporate chains in

thus fostering mutually beneficial

as a non-profit charity. Monthly

which cashiers inspire customers to

relationships for the betterment of

concerts and cultural events at the

donate to Shalva at the conclusion of

individuals with disabilities and society

Shalva National Center’s auditorium,

their shopping experience. This project

as a whole. Supporters from various

Café Shalva, the Employment

has proven to be both successful and

industries have stepped forward;

Workshop Studio and the Shalva SHOP

popular in spreading awareness of

jumpstarting initiatives, coming to

have directed significant revenue

Shalva’s message while also collecting

Shalva for company-wide volunteering,

to benefit Shalva’s operations while

crucial funds.

and providing resources in the name of

simultaneously providing people from

increasing Shalva’s national impact.

the broader community with purposeful and meaningful experiences.

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2017 BUDGET * Expenses:


10 9 17

57 7

Programs for Children and Families 57%

Inclusion and Community 17% Initiatives

Early intervention 5%

CafĂŠ Shalva

Inclusive education 23%

Shalva SHOP

Rehabilitative recreation and respite 24%

Community events

Sports and wellness 4% Other programs1%

Research and Education 9%

Programs for Adults 7%

Management and Fundraising 10%

Independent living in the community Vocational training and employment

90% Programs, 7% Management, 3% Fundraising



15 45 40

Donations 45% Israel 13% United States 23% Other Countries (UK, Canada, Mexico, Russia) 9%

Government 40% Inclusion and Community Initiatives 15%

Added value of volunteers:


American Friends of Shalva

Canadian Friends of Shalva

This value is based on hours worked at the Israeli minimum

EIN: 56-2676533

ID: 13577 3943 RR0001

wage. In order to not overstate both our annual fundraising

British Friends of Shalva

Shalva Israel

and expenditures, Israeli accounting conventions require

Charity Commission

Charity Registration Number

that we reflect this same non-cash value in our financial

Registration Number: 1081887


operations. * Budget approved sustainable and accountable by the Ernst and Young Global Limited accounting firm


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Reuven Rivlin President of Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel

Nir Barkat Mayor of Jerusalem

“Every time I meet members of Shalva’s

“I wish to acknowledge the remarkable

staff, volunteers, and the extended

"When people come to Jerusalem, they

work of the Shalva organization and

Shalva family, I come to understand

ask me what they should see. I tell them

the invaluable role this organization has

what is love, what is endless dedication,

to visit Shalva. You don't come out the

played in Israel’s development.”

same person; the center changes you."

what is giving. And for this I thank you.”

Colonel Golan Wach Home Front Command of the Israel Defense Forces

Shimon Peres OBM Former President of Israel

“Shalva established an amazing center

come to Shalva and witness the other

which I would call no less than a “Noah’s

side of Israel. The most noble, loving and

Ark”, To care for the weakest people in

caring Israel. I am proud to be part of

society who need it the most.”

this Israel.”

“All those who criticize Israel should

Standards of Management

Government Partners

Shalva is the proud recipient of the ISO 9001:2008 certification for compliance with the highest international standards of quality management. Shalva is one of six exclusive non-profit organizations to receive Midot’s Seal of Outstanding Effectiveness; the only one to do so in the field of disability services. Shalva’s financial accountability and transparency have merited a four-star rating on Charity Navigator and have been recognized with Gold status by GuideStar. With nearly three decades of award winning program development, Shalva has been distinguished with several prizes and endorsements; including the Ruderman Prize for Inclusion, the President of Israel’s Prize for Excellence, and the

‫משרד החינוך‬ ‫מינהל חברה ונוער‬

Knesset Speaker’s Quality of Life Prize.

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This is what happens when you bring TOGETHER Parents who are dedicated to giving their children the best lives and futures

Children who are supported to achieve their dreams Professionals who see abilities and create possibilities

A society that cares for its citizens 32

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Communities that believe in opening new doors for

opportunity Friends who know that everyone can make a difference

There is HOPE

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Norman Alpert*

Adam Chill*



Nathan Low* Leon Wagner*

Yoni Leifer* SECRETARY


Jacques Semmelman*

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Raanan Agus Jane Gol Michael Kleinberg Mitchell Presser Daniel Schwartz Loren Weiss









Johanna Brooks

Jerry Kushner

Gaby Hirsch

Debbie Fisher





Lenny Rothschild

Gordon R. Diamond

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis

John Corre

Esty Edell

Esther Wachsman

Howard Goldring

Eli Grossman Renee Lieberman

Ronen Kannor Michelle Shemtob

Aleta Shiff Brucyne Sud Scott Woodrow







Ehud Savyon

Malka Margalit, PhD

Dr. Ariel Tennenbaum




Yaron Kestenbaum

Jake Burack, PhD

Dr. Joseph Shapira

Ziv Langer

Michael Guralnick, PhD

Liat Rahat, MA

Sefi Mei-Zahav

Amid Ismail, BDS, MPH, MBA, DRPH

Liron Benisti, MSc, MA

Yan Piskunov

Arie Rimmerman, PhD/DSW

Helen Roet-Nitzan

Melvyn I. Semmel, EdD, FAPA, FAAMR

Baruch Shkalim Haim Taib


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*Executive Committee


Shalva continues to grow thanks to the generosity and support of dear friends in Israel and around the world. Together we are inspiring hope, changing lives and creating a better, more inclusive world.

ISRAEL Shalva National Center 1 Shalva Road POB 34449, Jerusalem 9134302 T +972-2-651-9555 F +972-2-653-5787 E

USA American Friends of Shalva New York 315 Fifth Avenue, 6Th Fl. New York, NY 10016 T +1-212-725-0900 F +1-212-725-5624 E California 1880 Century Park East Suite #200 Los Angeles, CA 90067 T +1-424-204-7453 E Florida 78 S.W. 7th Street, Suite 500 Miami, FL 33130 O +1-786-814-5368 M +1-954-536-8481 E

UK British Friends of Shalva Suit D, Kiln House 15-17 High Street Elstree, Herts, WD6 3BY T +44-203-866-5741

CANADA Canadian Friends of Shalva 201 Bridgeland Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6A 1Y7 T +1-647-884-3636 F +1-416-256-4003 E The Israel Association for Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities 36

MEXICO Mexican Friends of Shalva Hacienda del Ciervo #27 - 504 Hacienda de las Palmas Huixquilucan Edo de Mexico CP 52787, Mexico City T +52-55-52163542 E

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