Shalva National Center 2022 Annual Report

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20 22 Annual

Dear Friends,

This year has been one of incredible growth and development at Shalva.

We created new rehabilitation and support programs for our children, adults and families in the aftermath of nearly two years of COVID lockdowns. We launched Shalva's Family Support Center, opened more independent living residences, and developed a performing arts program with a beautiful new facility- just to name a few.

It was wonderful to see our programs up and running at full capacity once again and to welcome back our hundreds of visitors and volunteers. Together we experienced many celebrations and gatherings; among them the After School program's annual art exhibit and FestiShalva musical, the RiklisCooperberg Culinary Institute graduation ceremony, Me and My Mommy Family Weeks and more. The Shalva Institute hosted several conferences, educated thousands of civil service employees in Israel and facilitated the development of disability services in countries across the globe.

Thanks to your support, we continue to expand our impact; and inspire and better the lives of people with disabilities and their families in Israel and beyond.


Our Commitment

Thirty-two years in, our commitment to our founding principles are stronger than ever.

Equal access and opportunity

Our beneficiaries represent the spectrum of Israeli society and participate with equal opportunity regardless of religious affiliation, ethnic background, or financial capability.

Family first

Our rehabilitative care and family support programs are inherently intertwined. We believe that the strength of a family is a critical contributor to a child's rehabilitative success.

A center of excellence

Our programs are developed with the highest professional standards and delivered with nurturing care and love, serving as models for optimal care. Recognized as an international leader in the field, the Shalva National Center is designed to embody values of hope and human dignity.

What we've achieved together

Lifecycle Care Hope Supported Families

We believe that every child is a world of potential. With access to quality care and Shalva's successful support models, they are able to grow and advance their rehabilitative progress at every age and stage of development.

From day one, our children, adults and families embark on a journey of hope, gathering points of light toward a bright future.

We empower families of people with disabilities to find acceptance, cultivate fortitude and lead thriving lives. At Shalva, they receive the professional support and tools they need to care for their children at home, within the family framework.

Dignity Inclusion Independence

Day-in and day-out, we are strengthening abilities, celebrating interests and discovering talents so that our children and adults can develop with dignity and lead purposeful and meaningful lives.

We create unique opportunities for people with disabilities to experience the benefits of inclusive education, social contexts, employment and communitybased living. Shalva's social enterprises and awareness campaigns inspire a more inclusive society.

We work with each child and adult to maximize their individual potential for independence. From self-feeding during infancy to successful employment during adulthood, our children and adults flourish as individuals and as contributors to the broader community.

Priority areas

Supporting children and families with rehabilitative care

Empowering adults to live independently

Sharing of knowledge through global partnerships and education

Promoting inclusion with social enterprises

2022 Updates

2022 in Numbers


children and adults with disabilities benefit weekly from therapies & programs


2,000 family members receive support and professional guidance

adults with disabilities in our employment and vocational training program

disability care professionals working around-the-clock and 200 trained volunteers

children of all ages benefit from sports and wellness activities


72 children attend Shalva's Summer Camp with an almost equal amount of volunteers


National Service Interns 79 residents with disabilities 60 adults participating in social programming at Shalva three times a week

900 participants in the different Oral Health for Everyone Programs


international conferences Down Syndrome Conference POAH Conference Snoezlen Conference


2022 Updates

Shalva's Founder Receives National Accolade at Israel's 74th Independence Day Ceremony

Kalman Samuels was honored with lighting a torch at Israel's Independence Day Torch Lighting Ceremony, distinguished for his remarkable contribution to Israeli society through Shalva. Kalman dedicated his torch lighting to his wife Malki with whom he founded Shalva; his son Yossi, who inspired Shalva's establishment and "In honor of all the children and adults with disabilities in Israel, in honor of their devoted families, in honor of the thousands of wonderful volunteers, and in your honor, our friends and partners, whose support and belief in Shalva's children and their families enable us to continuously work on their behalf."

2022 Updates

2022 Updates

The annual ceremony, held at the burial site of Theodor Hertzl on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem, is attended by over 5,000 government ministers, members of the Knesset, IDF veterans and diplomatic dignitaries and is viewed via broadcast by millions of people across the country. The ceremony's highlight is the lighting of twelve torches, symbolizing the biblical twelve tribes, which are lit by select citizens who have significantly impacted Israeli society. The torch lighting ceremony is accompanied by music, dance performances and fireworks; kicking off Israel's Independence Day celebrations on a national level.

scan to watch

A New Home for Shalva’s Performing Arts Programs

With the start of the school year, Shalva launched a performing arts program for music, drama and dance with a remarkable new facility called Dr. Dan’s Room.

The room has three stages, one for music, one for dance and one for drama, musical instruments, theater props, interactive virtual reality equipment as well as a beautiful and inspiring interior design. It is always bustling with laughter, movement and creativity.

Dr. Dan's Room honors the legacy of Dr. Daniel Cammerman OBM, a beloved pediatrician who passed away tragically and was known for his love of children and music. His family and friends from around the world contributed to the facility's establishment through a dedicated crowdfunding campaign in his memory. Today, hundreds of children at Shalva enjoy music therapy and lessons, benefit from rehabilitative drama and dance programs, and discover their talents in performing arts like never before.

2022 Updates: Programs for Children

A Display of Talent and SelfExpression at Shalva’s Art Exhibition

The After School Activity Center's annual art exhibition opened to family members, staff and the broader community in July, culminating an incredible year of Shalva’s art therapy program and celebrating our children's talent.

Donors Helen Steyer and Tommy Steyer sponsored the program and the exhibit at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when it proved to be one of the most beneficial and consistent rehabilitative outlets for our Shalva children. The long-awaited art exhibition was especially appreciated this year after an unexpected two-year suspension of public and programwide gatherings. Over one hundred art pieces were presented by Shalva’s artists themselves. Displayed according to art medium and theme, the pieces illustrated our children’s expressions of their heroes, favorite landscapes, and themselves.

Updates: Programs for

Celebrating Together at Shalva

This year, thirty-six children with disabilities celebrated their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs at Shalva together with their families and friends.

Shalva hosted four separate parties at the Shalva National Center over the course of the year, where

Shalva families gathered as a community to celebrate their children and their very special place as members of the community. The parties included festive meals, music, dancing and entertainment as well as a display of meaningful projects that the children prepared together with the Shalva staff. Throughout the year, an additional fifteen children from countries around the world also chose to include Shalva in their Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations. Each of the children and their families integrated Shalva into their celebrations in their own unique way. They organized awareness and charity projects in their home communities, dedicated a portion of their gifts as a donation to Shalva, and some even had parties with the Shalva children during their family visits to Israel.

2022 Updates: Programs for Children

Providing Refuge

In August, during Operation Breaking Dawn, Israelis once again faced Gaza rocket attacks, with sirens sounding in the central and southern parts of the country.

Missile attacks are especially challenging for people with disabilities, who cannot reach secure shelters within the given period of a few seconds. For many, this is an impossible task. In response to the crisis, the Shalva National Center once again opened its doors to individuals with disabilities and their families from Ashkelon and surrounding southern towns.

Kalman Samuels, said that “Helping families with children with disabilities is embedded in Shalva’s DNA. And what help can be more essential than possibly saving a human life? We are ready, and we are glad to be able to provide shelter, in the most caring way.”

2022 Updates

New employees and new Independent Living apartments

Shalva's employment programs and independent living opportunities were significantly expanded in 2022.

Shalva's employment program finds job placement for adults with high levels of independence within Shalva's programs and at workplaces in the broader community. For adults with lower levels of independence, Shalva operates a creative workshop that provides skill training in various crafts as well as professional guidance in developing social communication skills and workplace etiquette.

Shalva operates eight independent living apartments in the community with several more residences on the horizon.

2022 Updates: Programs for Adults

Rising in Rank soldiers

oFFicially enlisted to IDF

Shalva's Rising in Rank soldiers were fully enlisted in the IDF this year, following a training period which included educational preparation and volunteer military service.

In lieu of a typical, grueling boot camp period, Shalva and the IDF created an induction program that is suitable to the needs and abilities of individuals with disabilities. Shalva's soldiers completed an intensive trek over several days which involved meaningful components designed to build comradery and instill a profound connection with the land and the people of Israel.

In March, the soldiers had a traditional swearingin ceremony at the Western Wall where they were officially recognized as soldiers in the IDF, following which they began their service in various army units including the Jerusalem Border Patrol, National Border Patrol, Central Command and Military Intelligence. The Rising in Rank program builds an immense sense of national pride and belonging for the participating

soldiers and establishes them as equal, respected and contributing members of Israeli society. The program also helps young adults with disabilities master skills which will benefit their future employment and independent living experiences.

2022 Updates: Programs for Adults

Cooking Up a Better More Inclusive World

After a temporary suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we reopened Shalva’s Riklis-Cooperberg Culinary Institute.

Culinary professionals from the Teamim Culinary School escorted fifteen adults with disabilities through an eight-month long course in basic culinary skills. Some of our graduates have already been hired by local restaurants and catering companies; and all of them have experienced a significant boost to their personal potential for independent living in the community. Being able to prepare meals with confidence and creativity is a skill for life and an essential part of assuming responsibility for one's own basic needs. Being able to cook for others, both personally and professionally, offers an additional element of social contribution and bonding. The skills that Shalva’s graduates learned through the culinary course will continue to escort them day-in and day-out on their personal journeys of independent living.

2022 Updates: Programs for Adults

2022 Updates: Programs for Adults

The Community is Getting Creative at Shalva

After five years of incredible growth, Shalva’s creative workshop has started branching out with workshops open to the broader community.

Shalva’s creative workshop provides daily employment for over sixty adults with disabilities who hone their communication, fine motor and independent living skills while learning a variety of artistic techniques and producing marketable products that are sold at the Shalva SHOP, art fairs and corporate events. Shalva operates five creative workshops; including pearl jewelry design, decorative soap making, ceramics, woodworking and sublimation printing. This year, Shalva’s employment program and tours department are collaborating to offer creative workshops experiences for groups and individuals from the broader community. In this capacity, our Shalva employees are serving in new roles as instructors and assistants; working side-by-side in a harmonious and inclusive setting.

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Sharing our Knowledge at Home and Around the World

The Shalva Institute co-hosted two international conferences this year, which brought together hundreds of disability care professionals in a variety of areas.

Shalva co-hosted Israel's firstever Snoezelen (Multi-Sensory Environments) conference with the International Snoezelen Association. Among the presenters were Shalva’s Snoezelen therapists as well as the founder of Snoezelen Therapy, Ad Verheul who joined from the Netherlands via Zoom. The program offered a broad and enriching array of recent research findings, applicable methodologies and personal perspectives of both therapists and clients.

Shalva Institute
2022 Updates:

2022 Updates

Shalva also co-hosted the All Smiles Shine Global Summit together with Project Accessible Oral Health (PAOH), Penn Dental Medicine, The Hebrew University, the Henry Schein Cares Foundation and the Robert I. Schattner Foundation. The international conference took place at the Shalva National Center and was attended by academic and corporate leaders in the field of dentistry and disability care.

Earlier in the year, Shalva and the Hadassah Medical Center cohosted the twentythird annual International Down Syndrome Day Conference. Shalva's professional representatives also presented at two additional international conferences this year, the OECD's Biennale Conference on education and the triennial International Society on Early Intervention Conference.

Partnering for Social Change with Israel's Police Force

This year, the Shalva Institute took its “Intro to Disability” workshop to a national level by partnering with the Israel Police Forces in a multiyear project to train over 5,000 police officers at the Shalva National Center.

As part of the program, police officers belonging to various units in the Israeli Police Force come to Shalva in small groups to complete an interactive workshop, tour the center and volunteer with our program participants. The purpose of the workshop is to teach police officers how to identify people with disabilities and engage with them appropriately in the context of their daily work. They emerge with a newfound understanding and appreciation for disability care and inclusion from both professional and personal perspectives. As our world becomes more inclusive and people with disabilities are included in a variety of arenas, the Israeli Police Forces are making an effort to advance their professional training in tandem.

2022 Updates: Shalva Institute

PM Lapid to Individuals with Disabilities: We're in This Together!

Shalva had the honor of hosting Prime Minister Yair Lapid who chose to announce a historic government bill that allocates some NIS 2 billion to integrating people with disabilities into society, at Shalva.

The bill, that was initiated by Yair Lapid and Welfare and Social Services Minister Meir Cohen, provides needed funding for a range of new services. Shalva will play a significant role in this exciting new development.

By choosing Shalva as the location to present this important law, the government showed just how strong their support for the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities into society is. We thank them for this honor and on behalf of Shalva's children and families, thank them for

making sure this new law was voted in.

Yair Lapid, who himself is a father to a woman with disabilities, said that with this law the State of Israel is saying to individuals with disabilities, "We are in this TOGETHER!"

2022 Updates

The Shalva National Center

Welcomes Route 16 Highway

Travelers to Jerusalem

Route 16, a highway with an exit next to the Shalva National Center, opened at the end of August after three years of construction. This critical piece of infrastructure connects various parts of the country to Jerusalem,

Introducing Team Shalva in the New York Marathon

This November, Team Shalva made history as the first Israeli running team to participate in the prestigious TCS New York City Marathon.

All sixty-five Shalva runners successfully crossed the finish line, having run a collective 2,472.66 kilometers in support of Shalva's children, adults and families. This year's team included several seasoned marathon runners as well as some first-timers; each bringing their

own life story to the track. The runners trained over the course of months prior to the marathon and became ambassadors of Shalva through the awareness and fundraising campaigns that they held in their home communities and among their personal circles of contact. Shalva is already registered as a New York Road Runners charity partner for next year's marathon and we are looking forward to many more runners joining us on the streets of New York City.

2022 Events and Special Projects

Events and Special Projects

Team Shalva in the Jerusalem Marathon did not let (a lot of!) rain stop them from running their hearts out all the way to the finish line. Almost 100 runners ran the actual marathon and in the Community Run, we went from being the biggest team to the ONLY team to show up!

At Shalva we teach our kids to never give up even if it seems impossible, and they showed us and all of Jerusalem exactly how to do that!

Our fifth group successfully climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest free standing mountain in Africa, for Shalva's children. They climbed 5,895 meters thereby fulfilling personal dreams and changing the lives of Shalva's children who directly benefit from their efforts.

2022 Events and Special Projects

Events and Special Projects

The annual Shalva Hapoel Jerusalem Basketball Team with Yahav Bank was a ball!

Shalva's children and families are invited to a game dedicated to them, the players come onto court wearing Shalva shirts and our kids get to play on the court during halftime leaving them with priceless memories.

Renowned artist Marc Bennett created a collaborative art piece together with Shalva's children, staff and volunteers.

Entitled; "Where There is Hope, There is Life.”, the artwork can be seen in the lobby of the Shalva National Center. Special thanks to all the passionate and dedicated people that contributed to making this project happen.

2022 Events and Special Projects

2022 Events and Special Projects

FestiShalva gives EVERY child at Shalva the chance to shine.

Dressed up in intricate costumes that are created with love by the national service volunteers and customized to each child - and where applicable their wheelchairs and walkers - they sang, danced and performed their hearts out to an audience of friends and family members.

Shalva's children with disabilities who are part of our Judo Program were invited to perform training exercises on the main mat during the 2022 Master's competition in Jerusalem. Chairman of the Judo Association, Moshe Ponti, proposed the initiative and our children were thrilled to take part, showing the whole world that even children with disabilities, if you believe in them, can train and even compete in a Judo competition.

200 young athletes from around the world visited Shalva as part of a cooperative program with Maccabi World Union who were hosting the Macabbi Youth Games in Israel. Youngsters from England, France, Italy, Hungary, Holland, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and the United States toured our Center and then engaged in athletic activities with our children.

Fundraising events connect Shalva supporters across regions

Shalva Israel's Gala Dinner celebrated 32 years of endless giving. 750 dear friends and supporters from across Israel joined us for an evening of music, friendship, and inclusion. Highlights of the evening included the Shalva Band performing "Hits of the 80's", the renowned comedian, Adir Miller, and Miri Michaeli.

Events and Special

2022 Events and Special Projects

Super fun being a superhero American Friends of Shalva held a virtual gala celebrating Shalva's superheros. Hundreds of supporters across the US tuned in to take part in the celebration.

In June, Shalva Israel held a telethon on Channel 13, one of Israel's major television channels which involved local corporate sponsors and donations, large and small, from donors from across Israel.

Shalva UK's successful "I'm IN!" crowdfunding campaign included donations and matched funding from our UK and Israeli donors.

Shalva Canada hosted an evening of Music and Hope for Shalva and it was wonderful returning for in-person events.

We thank our dedicated donors and event committees for their unwavering support and commitment to Shalva.

2022 Updates

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Commander of the Central Command, Major Yehuda Fuchs Major General Tomer Bar Commander of the IDF Air Force Legal Advisor to Government, Attorney Gali Beharev Miara Chairman of the Labor, Welfare and Health Committee of the Knesset, MK Adv. Efrat Rayten Minister of Education, Yifat Shasha Biton H.E. Neil Wigan OBE British Ambassador to Israel Prime Minister of Israel, Yair Lapid and Minister of Social Welfare, Meir Cohen Israel's Minister of Defense, Benni Gantz, Minister of Culture and Sport, Chilli Tropper and Chairman of the Economic Committee 2022 Updates Commissioner of Israel's National Fire and Rescue Authority, Captain Eyal Caspi Ronen Bar, Director of Shin Bet Commander of the Jerusalem District, Superintendent Doron Turgeman

First Lady of Israel, Michal Herzog and First Lady of Ecuador, María de Lourdes Alcívar

H.E. Lisa Stadelbauer Canadian Ambassador to Israel Member of Knesset Tatiana Mazarsky and Deputy Foreign Minister (Yesh Atid) Idan Roll Nick Vujicic Motivational speaker and NYT best seller

Checkout Charity

Checkout Charity is an initiative involving large corporate chains in which cashiers inspire customers to donate to Shalva at the conclusion of their shopping experience. This project has proven to be both successful and popular in spreading awareness of Shalva’s message while also collecting crucial funds.

2022 Corporations

Corporate Partners in Israel

Hayovel lines לבויה יביתנ Pharmaceutical Consulting Israel, Ltd

2022 Financials

Income: $21,471,000

Donations 34% Government 39% Other incomes 2% Social Enterprises 14% Value of Volunteers 11% 34% 2% 14% 11% 39% American Friends of Shalva 14% Shalva Israel 17% Other 3% Café Shalva 11% Events and Conferences 1% Shalva SHOP 0.5% Shalva Band 1.5%

Budget reviewed and approved sustainable by Ernst and Young. In accordance with Israeli law, value of volunteer work is calculated in both the expenses and income of the budget.

Expenses: $22,067,000


Independent Living in the Community 7% Employment 2% Circle of Support 1% Rising in Rank 2%

Café Shalva 10% Events and Conferences 0.6% Shalva SHOP 0.4% Shalva Band 2%

57% 12%

for Children and Families 57%
Social Enterprises 13% for Adults 12%
Management and Fundraising 8% Value of Volunteers 10%
8% 10%
Me and My Mommy 3% Inclusive Day Care & Preschools 32% Rehabilitative Programming and Respite 20% Sports and Wellness 1.5% OHEV and other programs 0.5%
Management, Finance 3% Fundraising 5%


Shalva National Center

1 Shalva Road

POB 34449

Jerusalem 9134302

T +972-2-651-9555

F +972-2-653-5787



American Friends of Shalva

315 Fifth Avenue, 6Th Fl. New York, NY 10016

T +1-212-725-0900

F +1-212-725-5624



Shalva UK

Suite 174, Kinetic Business Centre, Theobald Street

Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 4PJ

T +44-020-8387-1221



Canadian Friends of Shalva

201 Bridgeland Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M6A 1Y7

T +1- 647-884-3636

F +1- 416-256-4003


The Israel Association for Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

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