Shalva Ambassadors
Humans of Shalva 2016-2017
Letter from Kalman Dear Shalva Ambassadors, Thank you very much for choosing to spend your time volunteering at Shalva. I am deeply touched by your sensitivity toward our children and your dedicated work. Our programming enriches the lives of hundreds of children with disabilities and supports their thousands of family members. Your valued contribution has enabled us to continue providing these life-changing programs, inspiring hope and creating a more inclusive Israeli society. You became part of the Shalva Family during a very auspicious time in Shalva history, when we moved into our new home, the Shalva National Center, and made Jerusalem the host city of the largest and most advanced center for disability care in Israel. This is an exciting new chapter in Shalva’s ongoing legacy of spreading love, hope, and human dignity. You joined us during a paramount period of growth, and made this great transition possible- and for that I thank you. I warmly invite you and your family to visit Shalva when you are in Jerusalem and take pride in the fruits of your dedicated work and partnership. With heartfelt gratitude,
Kalman Samuels Founder, Shalva
Letter from Sammy To Shalva's fantastic volunteers, I am so appreciative for everything you have done for Shalva this year. As you all know more than anyone, Shalva is an incredible place. The love, warmth, and happiness that permeates through the halls is something that takes over a person having even the most difficult of days. What is it that makes Shalva so special? The kids of course are amazing. The building is stunning. There's very often free food or swag. The challah on Thursdays always smells great. The underwater music in the pool is just plain mind blowing. But for me those all come second. For me what makes this place more inspiring, more uplifting, and more magical than anywhere else are the "Humans of Shalva" in this book. Now I know what you're all thinking, "Ya ya, that's all sweet and everything but you HAVE to say that." Well with all due respect, it couldn't be more true. This year I have had the opportunity to meet hundreds of yeshiva and seminary students from all over the world. There are people who “do chessed” and there are those that “embody chessed”. The difference is that anyone can “do” a good deed, it takes a really special person to “be” a person of chessed and spread joy to others by just being around. The genuine love and the way that you guys give of yourselves every week in order to see others smile and succeed is nothing short of inspiring. The passion that you have for Shalva and its mission is what makes Shalva the special place it is. You guys have impacted me, the Shalva kids and their families, and the organization as a whole; you have also impacted the world. “Amor me’at v’aseh harbeh” is definitely the way that you have lived by through teaching and inspiring everyone who meets you to not just “do” the right thing, but “BE” the right thing. Keep on doing the little things and give your all to everything you do. Yes, the ball pit is a blast, and yes, who doesn't like walking around with a cool key card, but its people like you that make Shalva the magical place of inspiring hope and changing lives. With much gratitude and admiration,
Sammy Schaechter Director of Overseas Volunteers & Programming
About Shalva Shalva, The Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, is dedicated to providing transformative care for individuals with disabilities, empowering their families and promoting social inclusion. Non-denominational and free of charge, Shalva’s programs provide an allencompassing range of services for thousands of individuals from infancy to adulthood. Additionally, Shalva supports and enables families to raise their children with disabilities within the family framework. Through nearly three decades of award-winning programs, Shalva partners with various institutions in advocacy efforts to create a more inclusive society. The Shalva National Center's advanced programs and facilities create new frontiers in disability rehabilitation, research, and inclusion; defining new standards in the field and impacting the world beyond those in Shalva's direct care.
Jerusalem Marathon's
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A BBY SAY S I star t ed worki ng i n the pool at Shal va in October. From t he f i r st day I knew I w ould love w or ki ng i n t his posi ti ve and l oving envir onment . The ki ds are so encouragi ng of each ot her. They're each so f un, inspi r ing, and f ull of energy. The exci tement in t he pool i s compl et ely cont agious! The kids each have such adorable and hilarious personal it i es. They make my day and constantl y make me l augh!
H A NNA H S AY S T h e t im e I h ave spe n t in Sh al va has t rul y h e l p e d m e so l i d i fy t he fo u n da ti on I b uil t f or m yse l f i n I sr ae l th i s ye ar . T h e si mcha th at I f e e l i n t h e Sh al va C e nt e r i s l ike no o ther . A f t e r sp e n di n g t he w e e ke n d a t Shal va I w e n t h o m e wi t h a smi le gl u e d t o my face. Wi t h th e ye a r e nd i ng I ca n t r uthf ul ly say t h a t vo l u n t e e r i ng i n Sh al va h as b een o ne o f t h e b e st e xp e rie n ce s tha t I h a ve h ad i n I sra e l . I l oo k f o r w a rd t o co mi ng a nd vi si t i ng i n t h e fu t u r e.
T h e si m c h a t h at I f e el i n the Shalva C en t er i s l i k e n o o t h er .
A LEX SA YS When I fir st h ea r d a bo u t th e Shalva Center , I knew I wa n ted to g e t involve d. To be ho nest, b e fo re I volu ntee r e d at Shalva I never r ea lly h a d mu ch e xp o sur e to child re n with d isa b ilitie s. Wh at I th o u gh t would be a cha lle n ging e xp er ien ce tur n e d ou t to be an extr eme ly in sp ir in g o n e. The re is a war mth tha t r e so n a te s fro m th e secon d yo u wa lk in to th e b u ild in g , wh ich co me s fr om the amazin g sta ff a n d th e ha pp iest kids yo u'll e ve r me e t. Th e Sha lva Cen te r is more th a n ju st a b u ild in g - - it's a se co nd h ome.
T h e Sh a l va Center is m o r e t h an just a b u i l d i n g - i t 's a s e co n d h o m e.
BEN S A Y S The firs t time I visited Shalva, I was amazed. Even though the children there have inc redibly c hallenging liv es, it is still one of the happies t places I have ever been too. It's probably the only place where every single person there, child and v olunteer, are always s miling and happy. From that day on I knew I wanted to be a part of the Shalva community.
ARIA SA YS Volunteeri ng at Shal va w as rew arding, upl i fti ng, and gr at i f yi ng. There is a st rong f eeling of l ove and homeyness t hat permeat es t he enti r e (beaut if ul ) bui l ding. From t he f irst t ime I visi ted Shal va to al l t he t imes I came back t o vol unteer these f eel ings alw ays remained t he same. The ser vi ces Shal va pr ovi des, and t he car e t hey take in doi ng so i s i nspiri ng. I am t rul y t hankf ul that I was abl e t o assi st i n car ryi ng out t hei r mi ssion.
E MI LY S A Y S Spending time with Shalva members this year was truly humbling and eye opening. Amongst many other songs of הודאה, singing טוב להודותwith these girls reminded me how thankful I am for all the gifts Hashem bestows upon me that are so often taken for granted. I have a newfound kavana and love for עם ישראל. The impact that the Shalva girls have on the people around them is non repayable; For the ability to unlock one's highest potential is the great gift, and I believe that is exactly what they do.
The ability to unlock one's highest potential is t h e g r e at e s t gift.
BEN SA Y S Sh a l va sh o w ed me th e tru e b eau ty o f in clu sio n an d tog e th e rn e ss . On the Sh alv a Oray ta S h a b ba to n, I w itn e ss e d pu re a nd ta n g i b l e ac ts of k in d n e s s a s I ha v e ra re ly se en b e fore. With d a n c i n g , s in gin g, an d p la yi n g w i th th e ch il d re n i n S hal va , th at Sh a b b a t be ca me o n e o f th e b e st I ha v e ev er ex pe rien ce d . S ha l va c re a te s an ama z ing op p ortun i ty fo r li fel o n g frie n d s h i p s a n d me mo ri e s.
The true b ea u t y o f i n cl u si o n a n d t o g et h er n es s.
O RE N S A Y S The Shabbat I spent at the Shalva Center was one of the most meaningful Shabbatot I’ve had during my year in Israel. I came wi th a handful of my friends from Orayta, not knowing what to expect. But when I had the chance to meet the members of Shalva, I got to know a group fil led with spirit, enthusi asm, and verve for l ife. Not onl y did I apprecia te the beautiful, massive Shal va Center Bui lding (can we go back to the ball pit?), but I made a bunch of new friends and had an amazing time getti ng to know a ton of incredible peopl e. Whether we were dancing to some zemi rot or talki ng across the table or runni ng around in the park, we all connected seamlessly and over the course of Shabbat it fel t as i f we were one group, all coming together to lift our spi rits up.
A DIR SAY S Shal va ha s been an amaz ing ex perienc e for me. I've had th e o pportu ni ty to s pend time with th em e very week th is entire year and get to kno w the m. See ing the ki ds smi le was part of the rea son th at made me want to c ome back eve ry wee k. F rom da nce pa rties to c hal la h b aking , the re 's nev er been a ti me where I wasn 't mo re th an hap p y to be th ere . I hon estly feel th ose kids ha ve made a bi gger impac t on my l ife tha n I h a ve on thei rs. I don't k no w how my ye ar in isra el wo uld 've b een i f I was n't able to do Sha lv a e very week . T he s taff a nd k i ds he re h a ve re al ly c h ange d my l i fe.
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JOEY SA YS I beli eve that the best way to descri be Shal va i s expect the unexpected. Before I started volunteeri ng this year I was extremel y anxi ous that I woul dn't be able to cope wi th the stress I thought woul d come worki ng wi th chi l dren wi th special need s but I was compl etel y wrong. The time I spend at Shalva i s honestl y my favouri te time of the week. All the chi l dren at Shal va are incredible and i t's due to the love and ki ndness which they receive from Shal va. Even though I sometimes face a l anguage barri er, when you smile to a child and they smi l e back, no translati on i s required. I l ook forward to continuing my work at Shal va over the comi ng years (but maybe not in the Jerusalem Marathon again!)
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A SH IRA SA YS As se mi n a ry a n d ye sh iva stu d e nts, we a re to l d th at o u r yea r in Isra e l is fo r u s, b u t vo l u n te eri n g at Sh al va ha s ta u g h t me th a t i t's so mu ch mo re . I'l l n ever forg e t th e fi rst time I w a s p a rtn ere d wi th o n e o f the gi rl s in my ק ב וצ הfo r a n e ve nt. I w a s w o rri e d she would b e d isa p p o in te d th a t sh e d i d n 't g e t o n e of the ma d rich o t, b u t w he n sh e w a s to l d sh e w o u l d be with me , sh e ra n o ve r w i th th e b i g g e st smi l e a n d hugged me . Th e fe e lin g o f se e i n g a ch i l d smi l e a n d knowing th a t yo u a re p a rt o f th e re a so n th e y're smiling is u n p a ra l le l e d . Eve ry ti me o n e o f my חניכ ותrun to me fo r a h u g o r e ve n re me mb e r my name, I kn o w I'm a p a rt o f so me th i n g sp e ci a l . I w i l l alw ays b e g ra te fu l fo r th e o p p o rtu n i ty I h a d a t Shalva to b e a p a rt o f so me th i n g b i g g e r th a n myself.
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KA YLA SAY S Thi s ye a r I h a d th e h o n o r a n d mo st a mazi n g op p ortu n ity to b e a vo l u n te e r a t th e Sh a l va Ce n te r. Sha lva i s a p l a ce w h e re yo u a re su rro u n de d b y l ove . I vo lu n te e r a t Sh a l va e ve ry We d ne sd a y mornin g , I ca n te ll yo u wi th o u t a n y h e si tati on tha t i ti s the h ig h li g h t o f my w e e k. Wa l ki n g i n to my cl assro o m se e in g my ki d s a n d th e te a che rs I wo rk wi th a n d th e b rig h tn e ss o f th e i r te e th wh e n th e y smi l e fro m e a r to e a r w a rms my h e a rt. Th e se ki ds fro m a ll d iffe re n t a g e s g e t to co me to a p l ace w he re th ey kn o w th e y w i ll b e w e l l ta ke n ca re o f, th ey kn o w th at th e y a re su rro u n d e d b y p e o p l e th a t lo ve th e m oth er th a n th e ir o w n fa mi l i e s, b u t th e p e op l e i n Shal va b e co me yo u r fa mi l y. I w a l k o u t o f th e mo st b e a uti fu l Sh a lva Ce n te r b u i l d i n g a n d e ve ry ti me I co me o u t w i th th e fe e l i n g o f a se n se o f re w a rd a nd re l i ef kn o w in g th a t e veryo n e th e re i s i n a ma zi n g h a n ds. Sh a l va is my h o me .
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JEN SAYS V o l u n t ee r i n g a t Sh al va h as b een a t ra n sf o r m at i ve e xp e ri en ce . T he st aff he re g i ve s m e t h e o pp o rt u ni t y to ta ke par t i n e ve r yt hi n g t h at h a p pe n s ar ou nd her e-i n clu d in g a n i m al th e ra p y, h yd ro ther apy, a n d r e g u l ar cl assr oo m i n te ra cti ons. The r e l a t i o n sh i p s I ha ve cr ea te d he re , wi t h b o t h ch i l d r e n a n d sta ff al i ke , a r e l if ech a n g in g . I w i l l m i ss t h e sp i r it e d a t m o sp he r e a n d w a r mth o f th e Sha l va e n vi ro n m e nt .
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CHEVI SAY S Work ing at Shalva has been s o inspiring. I love seeing the teac hers lov e for every single k id and attention to everything. I lov e playing with the children es pecially tak ing them outside and s itting with them on the swings . It’s always so nice to see their s miling faces!
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DAHLIA SAY S As a gap year student, volunteering at Shalva has been one of my favorite parts of the year. The staff is incredible and the children are amazing. Every time I enter the building I am overcome with friendly smiles and warm hellos. I feel fortunate to have been granted this opportunity to give to such an unbelievable organization. I will miss all of the children in !קבוצת נועםAnd everyone at Shalva!
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ALEEZA SAYS Shalva has Become my home in Israel. Ever since I've been involved with Shalva for over 3 years now, I've come to witness the magical and loving aspects of Shalva. I’m so fortunate to have made everlasting bonds with the adorable children in גן יהודית, and the many after school groups that I mentor in the pool. Every single Monday and Thursday I am greeted with hugs and kisses from all the children in גן יהודית, especially from שירה. A few months ago, I fell while transferring buses and I walked into my גןwith a big bandage around my knee. The kids covered their mouth with shock when I showed them my knee, and all of a sudden I received 8 kisses to make my boo-boo feel better. The most concerned child of my well being was שירה. To this day, שירהalways points to my scar and ask כואב לך. This is just one small example of the love I receive and give for all the kids at Shalva. There is no greater joy than for a child at Shalva to remember your name and get excited when they see you. I am so blessed to have benefited tremendously from learning vital life lessons from the precious angels at Shalva.
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DAN I SA YS I always he ard ab o ut Sha lva from my friends wh o we nt on Ma c h Ha c h an d who ran the Je rusa le m Mara th on , a nd I was alway s inte res ted in the o rg a ni z ati on. When I c ame to Isra el for the ye ar, Sa mmy c ame to s peak to my semin ary abo ut vo lun teering at Shal va on Monday aftern oo n s. I was s o ex cited to fina ll y be able to v ol un tee r th ere! Sin ce th e v ery fi rs t week I s tarted , my e xp erienc e at Sh alv a has been so s pec ia l . I wo rk wi th קבו צת א לה, and together wi th the g i rl s we si ng, s wi m, dan ce and play games . I a m so thank ful that I h ad the opportunity to vol un tee r for Shal va thi s y ear and I hope to visi t a ga in whenev er I retu rn to Is rael!
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A VI SAY S I have always l oved doing Chessed, but I was never able to experi ence it as I di d volunteeri ng at Shalva this year. I love swimming and helpi ng ki ds with speci al needs, so I thought that thi s woul d be a great opportuni ty. I go to Shalva every week and whenever I feel down I take a l ook at the ki ds that we are hel ping and see them all smi le. It makes me feel so much better that it pushes me to want to come back every time. They have changed me so much that I am hopeful ly comi ng back for Shana Bet and goi ng to volunteer at Shal va agai n next year.
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DAN IE LLE SA YS This year I had the amazing oppor tunity to volunteer at Shalva, I wasn't expecting how much it would have impacted my life. The happiness and positivity at Shalva is tr uly inspir ing. Ever y week I look for war d to the time I get to spend at Sh alva and it's r eally the highlight of my week. Shalva is mor e than just a school or an after school pr ogr am, it's a family. Having the oppor tunity to see the kids gr ow and impr ove thr oughout the year was such a r ewar ding exper ience. Thr oughout my time at Shalva, I lear ned so much fr om ever y teacher ,volunteer and child ther e, whether it be to always be happy or how to love and car e for one another . The exper iences and the things I've learned this year will stay with me for ever . Realizing that I wanted to become a special education teac her was completely thanks to my time spent at Shalva and I have tr emendous gr atitude for all that they have taught me.
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GIL A SA YS Shalva has always been the hi ghl i ght of my week! I began coming once a week and spent the afternoon i n the Gan havi ng l unch and pl ayi ng with the kids. Seei ng the ki ds i nteract, pl ay and learn from one another was i nspi ring and soon I began comi ng more often. I can't bel i eve that my time with these adorabl e ki ds has come to an end and my memori es from vol unteeri ng here thi s year will always bri ng me back whenever I'm i n israel. They're the most speci al and amazi ng children ever and they deserve everythi ng!! I want to wish everyone at Shal va good l uck and may it al ways be thi s incredi bl e pl ace ful l of so much love, li ght and happi ness.
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G ABI S AY S This year I had the honor and privilege to join the Shalva family. Over the course of the year, I devoted a significant amount of time each week to spend at Shalva, volunteering throughout the building. Whether helping out in the gan classrooms or dancing at the chaggiahs, my volunteer work never seemed like "work" to me. My time at Shalva was never te dious and always filled my day with the excitement, energy, and passion that runs through its halls on a daily basis. I was fortunate enough to create inseparable bonds with other members of the Shalva family, and I got to witness first hand the tremendous growth of the kids in my gan throughout the year. I will never forget the day I returned to Shalva after Pesach vacation and leaving the buildi ng stunned at the amount of growth that the kids had endured over just the small vacation period I was gone. Not only did their physical appearance change, but their speech, walking ability, and activity increased as well. I am forever grateful to have been a part of the lives of these kids and for the programming, facilities, and incredible staff at Shalva, who are the reason that these children will continue to succeed. Because of Shalva, I will be leaving this year with a dedicated drive to better the lives of anyone who may need it. While I may be leaving Israel after a long and meaningful year, I will never leave my Shalva family.
DANIELLE SAYS Whenever anybody asks me what t he hi ghli ght of my year was, I i mmedi atel y respond with 'Shal va'. Goi ng t o Shalva was one of t he best par t s of my week. I r eal l y enjoyed w orking with t he kids, and just bei ng in that amazi ng envi ronment . I learned so much f rom Shal va, and feel so l ucky t o have had t he oppor tuni t y t o part icipat e!
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AVI GAYIL SA YS Wh e n I s tarted volunteeri ng with th e k i n d e r g a r te n clas s, I i mme d i a te l y fe l t part of the Sha l v a fa mi l y. I look ed forward to my we e k l y v i si ts at Shal va as I kn e w the y we re alway s both fu n a n d r e wa rd ing. It has bee n a ma zi n g to ha ve s een the ch i ld r e n g r o w o ver the c ours e of th e y e a r . My y e a r in Is rael would n o t h a ve b e e n the same without my e x p e r ie n ce at Shalva. I look fo r wa r d to c o mi ng back to visi t!
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A Y E LE T SAYS C om i n g t o S ha lva mak es ev er y w e e k s o mu ch b ri gh ter f or me ! I t 's s o am az i ng wa t c h i n g th e k i ds g row and l earn o v e r t h e c ou r se of the ye ar , a n d se e in g t he m al ways s m i l e . I l o ve Shal va so mu ch I d ec i d e d to com e b ack and d o a y ea r o f Sherut Leum i he re !
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ESTH ER SAY S Getting to volunteer in Shalva was such an eye-opening experience. The amount of effort that every single per son puts into these kids is astounding. Witnessing everyone’s love and dedication to ever ything they did was so incredible and m ade Monda y my favor ite day of the week. I’ve lear ned so m uch fr om the girls in Gefen and their madrichot- Gefen really is like a fam ily and I’m so gr ateful to have been a part of it.
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GABI SAYS The Tuesdays I get to spend at Shalva are my fuel for the rest of the week! Walki ng i nto my gan and seeing my kids' faces light up never gets ol d. I started volunteering at Shal va in the begi nni ng of the year, and fall more in love with my kids every day. Wedne sday through Monday are very difficult days for me! Warmth and joy permeate the Shalva buil ding and allow for these kind of strong connections to develop. I am so grateful for my experience at Shal va thi s year.
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DAVI D S AYS I t 's ve r y ve ry sim pl e . An yon e l oo ki ng f o r th e h a p p i e st pl a ce on e a rt h i s l o o ki n g i n a l l t h e w ro n g p la ces. The se co n d yo u t a ke a ste p in Sh al va, yo u 'l l r e a l i ze t h a t t h e re 's n o wher e e l se i n t h e w o r ld w i th t h a t a mount of h a p p in e ss f l o wing th ro u gh i t s ve i ns. So m e o f t h e b e st mome nt s o f my l if e h a ve b e e n sp e n t i n Sh al va, w he t he r w h i le vo lu n t e e r i ng or ru nn i ng in th e m a r a t h o n . T h a nk yo u to Sh a l va fo r a ll t h e y d o !
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BI NYA MIN S AY S C om i n g to Sh alva eve ry week he l p s me a p p re cia te ev er y t h i ng G- d has given m e. T he o p p o rt u n i ty t o be wit h a d ul ts a n d ch i ld ren wit h s i mi l a r i t i e s a n d d if fer en ces is ve r y s p e ci a l . I h ave gr own a l ot f r o m v o l u n t eer ing at Shalva a n d I a m l o o ki ng f or war d to c o n ti n u in g th e r elat ionship.
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I hav e ne ver f el t s o r el evan t . H e l pi n g wi t h the se k id s h a s g i ve n me a n a ppr e ci a t io n o f w h a t I u se d t o t ake f o r g r a n t e d . Sha l va has ch a n g e d m e . I fe el l i ke a b e tte r m a n .
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ELIOR S AY S Ea c h ti me I walk i nto Shal va I feel a se n s e of j oy and e xcitement. Swi mmi n g i n the pool provides a ch il l e d o u t e n vi ronment for ev e r yo n e to ha v e a g ood time, e s pe c i a l l y d u r i ng pool bask etball. Eve r y we e k wh en I come ba ck to Yes h i v a I fe e l in vigor ated to co n ti n u e l e a r n ing throughout the we e k.
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LIA NA SA YS Ever y time I walk into Shalva my day instantly gets better . No matter what I'm doing there the atmosphere is unlike anything I've ever felt. It's everything you need in one place. A home, a community, a family. I'm honor ed to be a part of the team and can't wait to be a par t of Sha lva's future.
It's e ve r y t h i n g y o u n e ed i n o n e p l ac e. A h o me , a co mm u n i t y , a family.
PENINA SA Y S Shalva is an incr edible organization and I am so happy I had the chance to volunteer ther e this year! It is a place wher e ever yone belongs. I will miss ever yone fr om קבוצת קפ ןso much! Thank you Shalva :)
RACH EL SAY S Going to Shalva every week was defi nitely a highlight of my year in Israel. I woul d constantly be telling my fri ends all about the fun experiences I had. Whenever I would see the girl s in my class and they would recogni ze me I was thri lled that I was actuall y making an impact. No matter where I am in the world I can' t wai t to support Shalva and te ll everyone about it!
MA RC S A Y S Having volunteered in Shal va as a soldi er in uni form, I reall y expected that I would excite the kids more than they would excite me, but I was proven wrong. Comi ng straight from base every other Thursday to volunteer real ly has had a profound impact on me, gi ving me the energy and desire to want to do more. The environment in Shalva is re all y i ncredibl e and l ifts everyone who walks into the buildi ng.
MENDY S A Y S When I first walked into the ori gi nal bui l di ng of Shal va I was quite overwhelmed, I didn't know a si ngl e soul , but I felt something special . As I was goi ng regul arl y, I started feeling more at home. Now I consi der Shalva as part of my family. When I wal k i n the buil di ng everyone gives me such a warm smi l e. There were some days I was tired and had no i ntenti on of goi ng to Shalva, but I di d anyways and the ki ds gave me so much life and excitement! I bel i eve Shal va had a huge impact on my year in Israel and I coul dn't have pi cked a better way to spend my Tuesday's. Thank you Shalva, for gi ving me such an honor!
SAM SAYS Volunteering at Shal va had been an amazing experience. Shalva is not just an organizati on, it's a fami ly as well as a pl ace filled with fun and happiness. Being able to interact with these kids has taught me what i t means to be selfless and responsible.
S h al va i s n o t just an organization, i t ' s a f a mi l y.
REBE C CA SA Y S Sometimes in our lives w e ar e lucky enough to fi nd our s el ves i n si tuati ons that i m pact us i n a way w e did not anticipate. These enc ounter s don' t s im pl y leav e y ou w ith a pos i ti ve ex per i ence, but they add to your perspecti ve i n a m uc h deeper , fundamental w ay . When I s tarted v olunteering at Shalva, I had never wor ked with peopl e with spec i al needs, m y H ebr ew w as n' t so great, and I only help out i n the pool onc e a week , so I fi gured that i n m y c ase a l i ttl e bi t w oul dn't go s uc h a long way. W hat I di dn't real i ze was that the uni vers al l anguages of sm il i ng, hel pi ng out w i th both the l ittl e and the big things , and si mpl y show i ng that y ou care woul d car ry me farther than any w or k ex per ience or language fluency could. There's nothing l ik e the feel i ng I get when I walk into the r oom where the i ncr edi ble and har d w ork i ng Bnot Sher ut are so appreciative of me bei ng ther e, and bei ng greeted by s m i l es from the gi rl s w ho don't ev en reali ze how much they hi ghlight m y w eek when they l augh at m y Am eri can acc ent and grab m y hand because they want me to s tick by thei r s ide. Ev er y one in Shalva i s uni fi ed w i th the common purpose of m aki ng a di ffer ence, but our differ ences ar e w hat give us a com m on purpose. Volunteering has r eal l y show ed m e the val ue of each and every pers on and what they bring to the world not just despi te our differ ences, but because of them . Shal v a is the k ind of place where y ou walk into and i nstantly know not onl y what c om passi on is , but w hat r es pec t i s, and walk out undoubtedl y changed for the better . I am so thankful for getti ng to be a part of Shal v a this past y ear and even w hen my time her e ends, w hat I gai ned i s som ethi ng I wi l l al w ay s take w i th m e.
MAGG IE SA YS When I was figur ing out what I would be doing my year in Isr ael to make it mor e meaningful, I heard about Shalva. Having a br other who is autistic, I hear d stor ies about Shalva and the amazing things they do for children with special needs. My b r other Jak e is curr ently 21, and after hear ing that Shalva had gans for little childr en with down syndrome and other developmental disabilities, I knew that would be something I mus t involve myself in. Ever y Monday I go to the classroom with four year old boy s and girls, and it tr uly is the highlight of the week. Nothing makes me happier than the smiles and hugs I r eceive fr om all the kids when I fir st come in. We play together and sing together , cr eating memor ies that I will r emember forever . Shalva has become a major par t of my life this year in isr ael and I am truly thankful to have gotten the opportunity to get involved. I hope to continue my involvement back in New York.
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M IC HA EL SA YS One of the gr eatest investments of time I've made dur ing my year in Israel has been the the time I've spent at Shalva. The beautiful Shalva building and the smiling faces of the kids have become an integral par t of my week. Now that I know the in credible impact Shalva has on the lives of these childr en and their families, I have a deep sens e of pr ide, knowing that I am a par t of something much gr eater than myself. The job might not be easy, but I believe that that is exactly what makes it all the mor e wor th it.
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MOSH E SA YS Since the beginning of the year a couple of friends and I took upon ourselves to come every Tuesday to Shalva. At first, I only felt comfortable because I knew Sammy, but other than that it was difficult adjusting with the language barrier. Though, as time went on, I quickly picked up on the language and started forming relationships with the group that I am with- Oranim. They remembered my name and I remembered theirs; from then on it was history. The love in the atmosphere every time I come into Shalva is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It took a while, but it came to a point where I realized how incredible Shalvais. It enables kid s, teenagers, and adults, the same opportunity that everyone else in the world has. The most amazing part is that it doesn’t even slightly feel like it’s out of pity or even a chessed, it’s out of the beautiful love that everyone has with each other. The relationships I formed at Shalva are ones that will never be forgotten. Shalva impacted my year in an incredibly positive way and I don’t even wa nt think what it would be like without it. Shoutout to Sammy Schaechter for making this all possible and for giving me the opportunity to be apart of the SHALVA family.
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N A TALIE SA YS Ther e’s nothing I look for war d to as much as going to Shalva ever y week. I feel so connected to the ador able childr en with whom I have the pr ivilege of doing Hydr otherapy with, and I know saying goodbye to them, and my Shalva family, is going t o be one of the har dest par ts of leaving Isr ael this year . Shalva is such an incr edibly war m and giving place, and I only wish it wer e possible for me to continue my volunteer ing from overseas! Still, I know Shalva will always have a place in my hear t!
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RAC H EL SAY S Working i n the pool thi s year has been the most incredible experience. Orit and Chana have been so great in teaching me the techniques and importance of hydrotherapy and the kids have been amazing. Despite being pooped on, nearl y drowned and clung to by the kids I will never forget my year in the pool with them. Shoutout to Elchanan and hi s diving!
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SA BRINA SA YS Shalva was the foundation to my growth in some ways. It showed me that I was capable of a lot more than I thought I was. I' m so grateful I was gi ven the opportuni ty to vol unteer with such amazing people and work wi th the most amazing ki ds i n the world. Someone once asked one of the kids "What do you have?" and she had the most amazing response. She sai d "I have Downs Syndrome, but I' m still perfect".
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SA R A SA YS I had the privi lege of spending one of the monthly gi rl s' shabbatons in Shalva and i t was an amazi ng experi ence. The atmosphere is one of complete happi ness and care for the peopl e there and i t was contagious. Being able to interact wi th all the gi rl s and just make them smile was such a rewardi ng experi ence. It was a shabbos I wi ll never forget. I wish there were places li ke Shal va all around the world - it trul y is one of a kind!
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S IMON SA YS One moment in particular that stuck with me was spending Shabbat at Shal va. Shabbat was a blend of unadulterated joy and warmth that was felt at every meal , session and minyan. Bui lding connecti ons with the kids was trul y speci al and watchi ng them r efuse to take anything too seri ously left a profound impact on me in the way that I rel ate to the world around me.
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DAN I SAY S My experi ence at Shalva has been nothing short of amazi ng! From pl ayi ng wi th the kids i n the pool, doing art projects, hangi ng out in the playground and seei ng them in their el ement is really amazing to be apart of. My time at Shal va this year has real l y been something I will remember forever!
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SOL OMON SAY S I've never been a big swi mmer and I’m far from a swim enthusi ast. Being in the pool wi th my Shalva buddies and helping them swim is ti ri ng and hard but every ti me I get a smile, a smirk or see a kid conquer their fear it makes i t al l totally worth it. I' m there to try and put a smile on thei r faces but i n reality they’re the ones who put a smi le on mine.
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YA KIR A SAY S Volunteeri ng this year at Shal va has taught me that it doesn't take a great range of skil ls or super-human effort to be able to work with people with special needs, but the truth i s that as long as you have desi re and compassion, thi s type of v olunteeri ng does not require any kind of extraordinary skil l . I always leave Shal va with a huge smile on my face because whether i t be volunteering i n the down syndrome nursery or having a chagiga for Chanukah, I feel the love and warmth from everyone in the buil ding just from my few actions and this has made a huge impact on my li fe.
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RONIT SA YS My weekly visits at Shal va have defini tely been a highlight of my year in Israel. I remember bei ng nervous to hold the babies at the beginning of the year because they seemed so smal l and now I can' t put them down! I am proud to have been a part of th eir growth thi s year and wi ll miss them so much. This year wi ll forever be a part of me and Shalva is a place I will al ways yearn to return to.
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AM ANDA SA YS There is nothing that I l ook forward to more than endi ng my week spendi ng time wi th the kids at Shalva. It has very qui ckl y become a highlight of my Semi nary year. The ki ds in Shal va have taught me the importance of loving and accepting unconditional ly, and that even the smallest kind gesture, a smil e or a hug, can make someone's day. Shal va i s tr uly the best place on earth!
E ve n t h e s ma l l e st ki n d gesture, a smile or a h u g , c an m ak e so me o n e 's d ay
TA LIA SA YS Thi s year, I have had the honor of working as a hydrotherapi st at Shal va wi th both Ori t and Chana. Duri ng the course of my volunteering, I was able to form cl ose bonds with the children (shout out to Yoni and Ahoovy). They are all so special, ki nd natured and beautiful that I have grown to love them so much. Shalva is without a doubt the warmest home I have ever wal ked i nto and I truly feel like part of their family. Volunteering here has been the greatest part of my gap year and I know I wi ll always be wel come for visits! I l ove Shal va!!!!!!!
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YI TZI SA YS Shalva isn't like the bus station wher e people come and go. It's a place filled with fun and laughter that once people come they can never leave. A place wher e at every cor ner ther e is a differ ent activity . As I swipe my key car d each week to en ter Shalva, I wonder what's in stor e for the day. A car nival? Chanukah par ty? Painting? Pool par ties? Lions ? No day in Shalva is the same as the next. Every day is its own adventur e. It's a r ocking place. Ther e is nothing better than playing tag in the pool or making snow angels in the ball pit. Ever y second I spend in Shalva is filled with excitement. The kids come r eady for all of the upcoming a ctivities. Whether it's the pool, basketball, ar ts and cr afts, or the ball pit, each activity is one of a kind! At the end of the day, seeing major ity of the kids leave with a s mile makes ever y moment spent her e pr ecious.
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LEETAL SA Y S I never thought about maki ng Aliya unti l I started i nterning at Shalva. There is somethi ng in the ai r there, somethi ng magical. The beauty of Israel and Judaism is palpable every ti me I enter the bui lding. I' m grateful everyday that I'm able to tak e part i n the magi cal experience that is Shalva.
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REBE CCA SA Y S I'm so gl ad I got to experience vol unteeri ng at Shalva. The energy there is great - you can feel the encouragement and excitement no matter what the hour. You can tell that the faculty all love what they do. You' ll rarel y see someone not smil ing at Shalva. I' m so l ucky I got to experience the Shal va greatness.
The energy at S h al va i s g r e at .
NA T AL Y S A Y S Working at various organizations for kids with speci al needs have al ways left me confused: How is it that these ki ds don' t necessaril y do anything for us and we sti ll l ove them so uncondi tionall y? Shal va has taught me the real meaning of love. Gi vi ng- the more we give, the more we l ove. Volunteering here was a huge part of my Israel experience, and I t hink it gave me better i nsi ght in gi ving, loving, and how to be the best version of myself I can possi bl y be.
Mazal Tov!
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Her future begins with a ball
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USA American Friends of Shalva 315 Fifth Avenue, 6Th Fl. New York, NY 10016 T +1-212-725-0900 F +1-212-725-5624 E
UK British Friends of Shalva Suit D, Kiln House 15-17 High Street Elstree, Herts, WD6 3BY T +44-203-866-5741 E
CANADA Canadian Friends of Shalva 201 Bridgeland Avenue Toronto, Ontario M6A 1Y7 T +1-647-884-3636 F +1-416-256-4003 E
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Mexican Friends of Shalva Hacienda del Ciervo #27 - 504 Hacienda de las Palmas Huixquilucan Edo de Mexico CP 52787, Mexico City T +52-55-52163542 E