Are you
4 – Houses for sale in Davidson
2 – Houses for sale in Belrose
12 – Houses for Sale in Frenchs Forest (excluding development)
1 – House for sale in Forestville
2 – Houses for sale in Killarney Heights
130 – Properties have sold this year (excluding retirement living)
15.8% - is the market share sold by LJ Hooker Forest
2 – Number of selling agents in our office
The new hospital zoning result is scheduled for late 2019
Dear homeowner. We understand that you might be considering a sale in Spring. Have you thought about taking advantage of the low stock levels now? There is a surplus of buyers currently looking, in fact we met 75 groups through one open house last Saturday. This means you have less competition and more buyers. You couldn’t find a better market to sell than right now. As the leading agency across Davidson, Belrose and Frenchs Forest combined, we have assisted more homeowners in the recent declining market than any other agency.
Shane Broekman Sales Manager | Forest Specialist 0404 044 280 shaneb@ljhff.com.au
If you would like to discuss preparing for sale, timing and the expected sale outcome for your home, don’t delay in calling me to arrange a confidential meeting.
“As a local resident, I help my neighbours sell for more.”
SHANE BROEKMAN | 0404 044 280 | shaneb@ljhff.com.au Another local agent