Dong Village Going for UNESCO, 2015

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A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status UNESCO World Heritage Center ICOMOS China Tsinghua University, School of Architecture Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute Tsinghua Heritage Conservation Institute Tongdao Dong Autonomous County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province

A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status

A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status

Tongdao County, Hunan Province

I. Introduction In 2012, Dong villages in Tongdao County, Hunan

on their code of conduct called Kuan. This natural and

Province, along with those in Guizhou and Guangxi

social harmony is representative of the community spirit

provinces initiated a joint application for World Cultural

in a traditional agricultural settlement. With timber as

Heritage status. The villages were successfully inscribed

its major building material, Dong architecture is known

on the Tentative List of World Cultural Heritage based

for its mortise and tenon connections that spare metal

on World Heritage criteria iii, iv, and v. As the 12th

fixtures. Its combined structure of Chuandou and Ganlan

largest minority in China, the Dong people have inhabited

that produces impressive overhang for the building, is

the southwest mountain area for centuries. They are

an ingenious design for the mountainous topography.

known for their typical form of compact settlement

The best example of Dong architecture can be found in

around a drum tower in a peaceful landscape of

their soaring drum tower. As a living heritage of Chinese

mountain, river, field, forest, and village. Parallel to the

agricultural civilization, the Dong culture stands out in

dynamic equilibrium between human and land, the Dong

the process of urbanization and globalization thanks to its

developed a special model of social governance based

integrity and authenticity.

A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status

II. Workframe The six villages along Pingtan River in Tongdao

In spite of top-down mobilization, there is a visible

County, Hunan province, namely Yutou, Pingtan,

lack of understanding of World Heritage values among

Yanglan, Zhongbu, Gaobu, are among the most significant

local villagers. How will nomination affect their life?

of all Dong villages in China. Commissioned by Tongdao

What measures are effective for conservation? Without

County Government, Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning

clarification, these questions will impede application.

and Design Institute (THUPDI) in Beijing is responsible of their World Heritage status application and conservation planning.

A reliable and friendly communication with the villagers is therefore indispensable for a positive outcome of application. After careful planning, a work

Work on the research and application began with a

group of conservation experts and passionate young

comprehensive analysis of the existing threats to Dong

volunteers was established, and, in 2014, the Journey

villages. In addition to physical decay, the villages are

of Communication for the Dong villages applying World

threatened by loss of cultural identity, external impact,

Heritage status started.

changes of social structure, mindset and management, and demographic decline. All these, however, are essential to the Dong people.

A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status

III. Activities The Journey of Communication took place in Aug 2014 and Aug 2015, consisting of five activities. One: Face to Face with the Chiefs In Dong villages, the traditional social structure continue to be effective where the elders participate day to day management, with the village chief and secretary in charge of administration. Having this in mind, the work group invited the chiefs, secretaries and the elders to a roundtable with county officials in charge of cultural heritage and rural development, building up a communication platform of local community, experts, and county authorities. The chiefs explained the villagers’ current understanding of World Heritage status application, difficulties in conservation, and priorities, to which county authorities responded. Experts then elaborated the application plan and its significance. Such open dialogue proves extremely helpful in founding a common ground for the application, where confidence is built among all.

A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status

Two: Drum Tower Salon The villagers are the foremost custodian of the village, whose understanding and commitment is critical to its successful conservation. On the other hand, it is the same village where they live and labor. There used to be conflicts between local desires for development and improved life and heritage conservation because of ineffective communications. Stakeholders are therefore invited to speak their minds at a special salon in the drum tower, where the Dong host important public consultation, and traditional rituals and events. With village chiefs and county magistrates seated among villagers, an open and extensive discussion is launched concerning the relationship between conservation and economy, the confusions for local development, and administrative issues. Experts went on to highlight the importance of combining heritage conservation with sustainable development. An agreement was eventually reached among all stakeholders thanks to the salon.

A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status

Three: Public Presentation and Promotion Public presentations were carried out in the villages of Gaobu, Hengling and Yanglan, focusing on three themes: the values of Dong villages, why and how to conserve the Dong villages, how conservation and World Heritage status application can improve the Dongs’ life. Examples of World Heritage villages around the world were introduced to the villages for illustration. The work group explained the principle of “protecting the most valuable heritage in the world, and facilitating a specific development based on local traditions and cultural resources for the villagers”. For each village, their Outstanding Universal Values and contents to protect are elucidated, as well as potential changes to the villages after nomination. Villagers are also preliminarily trained to protect their heritage and avoid known mistakes. The presentation content was also available in a variety of forms. Panels were put up throughout the village, with oral interpretations when necessary. Work group also produced illustrated pamphlets and disseminated them among villagers. It is hoped that all these can raise the villagers’ awareness and pride in their cultural heritage by an enhanced understanding of the values, significance, elements and conservation measures of their heritage, leading to a community-wide consensus followed by spontaneous village heritage conservation.

A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status

IV. The Future In June 2007, World Heritage Committee

The application of Dong village for World Heritage

included “promotion of local community’s role in

status has triggered a series of grassroot activities that

heritage conservation“ in the 5C strategy for World

generated significant social impact. Public good is the

Heritage conservation. Local community is therefore

priority for the work group, which is committed to the

increasingly important for rural heritage conservation,

sharing of heritage knowledge by involving the general

and preserving the cultural essence and ensuring

population. Experts are also transformed from the

sustainable development is fundamental to social good.

“think tank for the authority” to “field worker with

Historic village, outstanding in its uninterrupted cultural

the people”, serving not only the manager of heritage

formation and social organization, sustains the cultural

but also the property owner. Engaging the local villagers

identity, social structure, local belief and lifestyle of

in the application is vital to building up a common

time honored traditions. All of these are central to the

network for the experts, villagers, local authority, where

autonomous organization and management of living

knowledge and opinion can be exchanged for improving


heritage conservation. It is believed such efforts will bring a vibrant life to the Dong villages, transforming heritage of the past to the welfare of the future.

A Journey of Communication Dong Villages Applying for World Cultural Heritage Status

Excerpt from YANG Yuqi’s essay: There goes the Dougong component, each with its distinctive character. Unique in their form and position, they are created in unique hands, with unique tools. Perhaps in the heart of Moshi, every one of this beautiful timber flower represents a perfect Platonic world. Yet every imperfection it bears in reality makes it unique. Indeed, it is imperfection that makes up the real world. Elaborately chiseled and carefully assembled, the timber flowers are such amazing creation that blossoms with centuries of wisdom. Through the fresh budding, light and shadow play in the maze of Dougong. No cheer, no applaud. Just quiet gaze. When the flower withers, a new one is born in the hand of Moshi In the face of destiny, I smile.

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