Recalibrated Leadership Competencies at Different Leadership Levels

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Recalibrated Leadership Competencies at Different Leadership Levels Competency Drives Business Results

Leading Organisations

Leading Leaders

Leading Multiple Teams

Leading Teams

Is alert to emerging trends and issues which might affect the business; proactively suggests changes to align the organization with the changing environment; is able to interpret financial and qualitative data to make sound business decisions

1. Understands and interprets key financial data; points out the costs and benefits associated with a particular course of action; monitors current developments and trends and is able to quickly respond to, cascade and implement change

1. Helps others understand how their work goals and activities relate to the organization’s vision, mission and strategic direction; recognizes opportunities and drives action at the appropriate moment and within the given deadlines; has good knowledge of day to day departmental financial performance and how it impacts the business

Seeks best practices inside and outside the organisation to anticipate risks; has the confidence to make decisions in uncertain situations; identifies the implications and risks of alternative courses of action; goes out to make these work, looking beyond existing organisational boundaries

2. Understands and promotes the organisation’s business needs and policies on risk mitigation; anticipates risks by adapting work methods to changing technology and environments; makes timely decisions based on best available information; acts quickly and decisively in a crisis or in other time-sensitive situations

2. Displays a positive attitude in the face of ambiguity and change; is able to perform risk analysis; provides sound guidance to team in difficult situations

3. Role models strong leadership, 3. influence and accountability for the achievement of strategic business outcomes; contributes to shaping business practices and policies that will reinforce empowerment, ownership and accountability

Takes accountability for achieving strategic business priorities; inspires and empowers others to take ownership to deliver on the outcomes; drives synergies across teams to deliver the best possible outcomes

3. Coordinates and creates synergies across teams to collectively achieve business results; finds ways to overcome obstacles with minimum guidance; pushes self and others for results; drives empowerment, ownership and accountability

3. Successfully manages, supports and stretches self and team to deliver on agreed results

4. Stays focused on priorities which are critical to success and sustainable profits; recognises problems and takes rapid and well-informed actions to resolve business performance that falls below plan

4. Sets, maintains and ensures clarity in 4. the direction (i.e. vision and strategies) for the organization, clearly defines short and long term priorities and outcomes; recognizes potential threats and swiftly refocuses the organization on new priorities as changing situations dictate

Translates strategic priorities into clear outcome-focused objectives and provides direction to achieve these priorities; is able to spot areas that impact the bottom line and initiate swift remedial action

4. Understands and is able to communicate priorities critical to business success; sets clear targets and standards for tracking and monitoring performance and behaviours; ensures processes are in place to support individuals in achieving these standards; recognizes and overcomes setbacks and takes remedial action to deliver results

4. Shows a positive approach in keeping own and teams efforts focused on the goals that really matter; regularly monitors own and team’s work against milestones or targets and acts promptly to keep work on track and maintain performance

5. Always acts with the customer in mind; pays attention to detail and is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of customers, both internal and external

5. Anticipates how plans and actions of 5. the business will affect the customer in the short term and the in the long term; balances the needs of the customer and the organisation

Appreciates tradeoffs between meeting customer expectations and those of the organisation; displays an eye to detail; anticipates customers’ needs and concerns and looks for ways to add value beyond stated expectations

5. Strives to consistently exceed service standards; looks out for details and continuously benchmarks own services; shows customers that their perspectives are valued; effectively manages customer expectations and keeps them updated on the services they are receiving

5. Ensures that the team understands and responds to customer needs in a timely and effective manner; has an attention to detail and follows-up with customers during and after the delivery of services to ensure that their needs have been met


Generic Effective Behaviors

Can be counted on to consistently deliver business results with a bottom line and customer centric approach.

1. Understand trends across industries; draw accurate conclusions from financial and qualitative data and respond with agility to drive necessary change

1. Has an in-depth understanding of 1. industry trends; is able to identify opportunities to drive strategic change; is able to pre-empt and project the strategic implications from effective financial analysis and recalibrate strategies to address these implications

2. Can manage risk and uncertainty; exercises sound judgement when faced with difficult situations and is looked to for direction in a crisis

2. Recognises risks and is able to analyse the situation in uncertain, ambiguous environments; takes action with a sense of urgency to drive the business forward; is patient, tenacious and resourceful in the face of risk and uncertainty or in moments of crisis

3. Takes ownership and initiative towards achieving business goals; drives empowerment, ownership and accountability; pushes self and others for results



香格里拉各领导级别领导者能力重定义 能力要求

推动业绩的 实现



以强烈的责任感维持 盈利底线,坚持客户 为中心以获得业务增 长

1. 洞察行业发展趋势,从财务 定量分析和其他定性分析中 获得精确的商业推论,并在 推动必要的变革方面反应敏 捷。

2. 能够管理风险和其它不确定 因素,在危机发生时,勇于 和善于作出果断决策,指出 正确的发展方向。

3. 充分发挥自身和他人的积极 性和责任心,以主人翁精神 追求业务目标的达成。

4. 聚焦于“能使业务成功、能 带来可持续盈利”的首选关 键点。在业绩表现低于预期 时能够发现潜在的问题并采 取快速而明智的行动。

5. 以客户为中心,关注细节, 致力于满足内外部客户的期 望和需求。





1. 深入理解行业趋势,洞悉推动 战略变革的机遇;高效分析财 务报表,发现症兆,预测其涵义 并重新调整战略

1. 敏锐地觉察对商业发展有影响 1. 理解并解读关键财务数据,指出特 1. 帮助员工理解工作目标与日常 的端倪、事件和趋势;主动倡 定行动方案中的成本和收益;监督 营运活动如何与企业愿景、任 议变革让企业应时而变; 能解 当下发展和走势并对变革迅速反 务和战略方向相统一;识别机 读财务和其他量化数据,做出 应,分解下达和执行。 会并在恰当时刻,在既定期限 理想的商业决策。 内发起行动;对职能部门的日 常财务有很好认知并理解财务 对业务的影响

2. 识别风险,在不确定,模糊的环 境下分析形势;带着紧迫感采 取行动、推进业务发展; 面对 风险和不确定事件或危机时 刻,行事耐心,坚毅且足智多谋

2. 寻找企业内外最佳实践预测商 2. 理解并推行公司的商业需求和风险 2. 以积极心态面对模糊和变化的 业风险;在不确定的环境下自 降低政策;企业的工作方式常常为 环境;能进行风险分析;在困 信决策; 能鉴别出各类备选行 适应技术和环境的变化而调整,你 难时期能指引团队。 动方案可能带来的影响和风 必须能预测由此带来的风险。能依 险;跳出框架,不受制于企业现 据所获的最佳信息,及时做出决 行的各种界限,让行动行之有 策;在危机或其他紧急形势下,行 效。 事迅速、果断。

3. 在卓越的领导力、强大的影响 力和责任心方面,做到以身作 则,以实现战略上的业务成 果;在向员工赋能、增强员工 主人翁意识和责任心方面,致 力于构建与之匹配的最佳实践 和业务政策。

3. 以达成战略优先目标为己任,激 3. 在团队间协调并建立协同一起完成 3. 成功管理,支持并挑战自己和 发和赋能他人以主人翁精神完 商业目标;在最少指导下,自寻方 团队达成既定结果 成工作;推进跨团队协作以取 法扫除障碍;推动“向员工赋能、 得最佳结果 授权”,驱动员工的主人翁精神和 责任心

4. 设定,维护并确保本企业目标 和方向的清晰(比如愿景和战 略), 清晰定义短期和长期业 务优先级和要达成的结果; 了 解潜在风险,当形势发生变化 时,迅速将企业转向新的业务 重点

4. 将战略重点细化到清晰的、成 4. 理解并能表述商业成功的关键优先 4. 积极帮助自己和团队聚焦关键 果导向的目标上,并为达成这 事项(战略重点);为跟踪、监督 目标;定期监督自己和团队工 些战略重点提供指引;能发现 员工绩效和行为,设定清晰目标和 作的里程碑或目标,行事迅 影响底线的基本面,并迅速启 标准; 确保现行的工作流程能支 速,让工作在轨道上稳步进 动补救措施。 持每位员工达标;认识和克服阻 行。 碍,采取补救措施,交付结果

5. 预见商业计划和行动给客户在 短期和长期带来的影响,平衡 顾客和企业之间的需求

5. 在满足客户期望和企业期望之

5. 持之以恒,不断超越服务标准;从 5. 确保团队理解并能对客户需求 间做权衡; 关注细节;揣测 细节着手,持续将服务进行外部标 做出及时和高效回应;关注细 客户的需求和关注点,寻找各 杆对照;重视每位客户的想法;高 节,跟进客户包含中期和后 种方法使客户获得超越预期的 效管理客户期望并不断刷新客户服 期,确保其需求被满足 附加值。 务体验。


Recalibrated Leadership Competencies at Different Leadership Levels Competency Builds Collaborative Partnerships


Generic Effective Behaviors

Leading Organisations

Leading Leaders

Leading Multiple Teams

Leading Teams

Facilitates business success by building and maintaining supportive, responsive and trusting relationships with a wide range of stakeholders within and outside Shangri-La

1. Builds collaborative partnerships, relationships and networks to deliver business outcomes, both internally and externally

1. Builds a strong network of collaborative relationships and partnerships at the highest levels within the industry and across other industries

1. Identifies, creates and maintains strategic partnerships that facilitate the achievement of business goals

1. Maintains a strong network of connections to enable successful delivery of outcomes; actively nurtures both formal and informal contacts to facilitate the progress of work

1. Builds reciprocal relationships and works collaboratively with other teams and functions

2. Seeks inputs from and listens to others; fosters open dialogue and is able to deliver clear, concise and compelling messages when communicating upwards and outwards

2. Drives a diverse and collaborative working culture which encourages transparency and open communication; seeks and encourages others to seek inputs from others; effectively handles strategic communications

2. Encourages clear, open and respectful dialogue; actively demonstrates the desire to seek inputs from others; engages confidently with stakeholders at different levels; clearly articulates messages to achieve desired outcomes

2. Facilitates a safe environment that encourages open dialogue and communication; delivers messages to both small and large groups in a well organised, clear and articulate manner keeping the audience in mind

2. Listens actively; use simple, easy to understand language so that others understand; exhibits confidence and enthusiasm when presenting information

3. Is able to create and maintain an environment of trust by demonstrating integrity, competence, credibility and consistency in interactions with others regardless of level or cultural background

3. Maintains and sustains an environment 3. Creates an environment of trust; of trust by modelling the key tenets of establishes and maintains personal trust in action: integrity, confidence, credibility, acts with integrity; lives competence, credibility, consistency up to commitments, accepts and clarity of communication responsibility for actions, is regarded as fair and equitable

3. Demonstrates integrity and inclusiveness by being open, acting with empathy and being respectful of all skills and viewpoints; creates a mutually supportive environment across teams that fosters trust and collaboration, sharing information, best practices, and expertise across teams

3. Acts with integrity; treats team members with respect, trust, dignity and empathy; respects individual differences

4. Proactively addresses conflict and removes obstacles to collaboration

4. Confronts issues and challenges assumptions with partners and stakeholders in an assertive yet constructive way that prevents recurrence of conflicts that are obstacles to collaboration

4. Trains, coaches and advises team leaders on resolving differences or dealing with conflicts; recognises conflicting priorities and initiates joint problem solving to address conflicts and prevent their recurrence

4. Listens to differing points of view; understands and appreciates opposing perspectives; facilitates discussion and resolution of conflicts or disagreements that hinder collaboration; understands the root cause of conflicts and address them.

4. Resolves conflict among team members sensitively and fairly, taking into account differing viewpoints so as to clarify, understand and establish common ground.

5. Exhibits a sense of speed and interest to assist and cooperate with colleagues and teams across departments, functions, hotels and hubs

5. Creates a culture of leveraging and mobilizing strengths across teams; breaks down barriers to teamwork; being flexible and responsive to changing business priorities

5. Drives a culture of mutual collaboration, proactively mobilising resources as needed across departments, functions, hotels and hubs

5. Encourages co-operation and brings together complementary skills/expertise; is quick to respond and leverage synergies across teams in relation to business needs

5. Initiates collaboration within teams and across teams and proactively supports others in the delivery of their work


香格里拉各领导级别领导者能力重定义 能力要求

建立合作伙 伴关系


与所有内部和外部的 利益相关方建立和保 持相互支持,相互配 合和相互信任的合作 关系,以利于企业取 得成功






1. 无论在公司内部还是外部, 建立起各种合作伙伴关系, 以实现业绩指标的完成。

1. 与本行业和跨行业最高级别领 导者建立网络和紧密合作伙伴 关系

1. 发现,创建并保持与战略合作 1. 维持紧密人际网络以利于工作成 伙伴的关系,从而加快业绩指 功完成; 积极滋养正式和非正式 标的达成 接触, 以加快工作进程

1. 建立互惠关系,与其他团队 和职能协同工作

2. 认真倾听他人建议,鼓励公 开讨论,以确保上下级沟 通、内外部沟通的精确性和 高效性。

2. 推进多样性和合作性的职场文 化, 鼓励透明、公开的讨论, 寻求并鼓励员工向他人寻求反 馈, 高效展开战略讨论

2. 鼓励清晰、公开和互敬的对 2. 营造安全氛围, 鼓励公开对话和 话, 积极以身示范向他人寻求 沟通,面向小团体或大团体用精心 反馈的意愿, 与不同层级干系 组织的语言清晰表达诉求, 让听 人自信互动, 清晰表达诉求, 者记忆深刻 以完成预期目标

2. 积极聆听,用简单,易懂的 语言让对方便于理解,在演 讲及呈现的时候,彰显自信 和热忱

3. 与他人建立并保持互信的人 际关系。无论对方的身份和 文化背景;确保展现自身的 正直,干练,可靠和前后一 致等专业形象。

3. 用“以身作则”来践行信任的 核心原则,从而维护一种可持 续的信任文化,这里的“以身 作则”包含以下行为特征:正 直、自信、有能力、可靠、前 后一致及清晰沟通。

3. 建立互信的人际关系, 树立并 3. 思想开明,赋有同理心,对所有技 维持个人公信力, 行事正直, 能和观点都能敬重对待, 以身示 坚守承诺, 承担责任, 公平公 范正直和包容的品质; 团队间营 正 造起互帮的氛围, 推动团队间的 信任和合作, 信息、最佳实践和 专业技术的分享

3. 行为正直,尊重,信任团队 成员,维护其尊严,用同理 心待人, 尊重团队成员的差 异

4. 鼓励以积极的态度解决冲 突,扫除合作障碍。

4. 以积极的态度和建设性的方式 4. 培训, 辅导以及向下属领导者 4. 倾听不同意见, 理解并欣赏反方 直面来自于合作伙伴和干系人 提供建议如何处理冲突差异, 观点, 鼓励讨论并找到阻碍合作 的问题和挑战,防止冲突再次发 理解冲突的优先级关键因素, 的冲突和分歧的解决方案。找到 生,扫除合作障碍 共同解决冲突并防止冲突再次 冲突的根源并加以解决。 发生

4. 细心而公正地处理团队成员 间的冲突,考虑不同立场的 观点,以便澄清、理解及建 立共同点

5. 以高效、主动的方式协助并 配合其它部门,职能单位, 酒店和区域中心的同事和团 队的工作。

5. 营造一种在团队间善用和调动 5. 推进互相合作的文化,在部 5. 鼓励合作,取长补短,利用跨团 优势的文化;打破团队间的壁 门、职能单位、酒店和区域中 队协作的力量对业务需求做出迅 垒; 在“业务优先级多变的” 心之间,根据需要积极地跨区 速反应和满足 情况下,能做出灵活快速的反 调动资源 应。

5. 发起团队内部和外部的合 作,积极支持他人完成工作


Recalibrated Leadership Competencies at Different Leadership Levels Competency Drives Innovation


Generic Effective Behaviors

Leading Organisations

Fosters an environment at work that supports experimentation, rewards risk taking, accepts failure, reinforces curiosity and continuously challenges the status quo

1. Thinks out of the box and challenges status quo; is nimble and responds with agility to changing business environments; comes up with new and unique ideas to creatively solve business problems leveraging ideas and best practices from other industries

1. Creates a culture of continuous innovation by challenging self and others to change and think differently; stays ahead of the game by anticipating and responding with agility to changing environmental needs; is aware of and leverages best practices from other industries

2. Effectively manages the creative process of others; creating an environment that converts failures into learning opportunities

Leading Leaders 1. Stays open-minded and encourages others to bring new perspectives. Challenges status quo and accepted assumptions; drives a culture of flexibility and responsiveness, mobilising resources to respond swiftly to changing priorities; seeks and adopts best practices across industries

Leading Multiple Teams

Leading Teams

1. Provides an environment where individuals and teams are encouraged to consider new ideas and think about better ways of working; actively seek ideas from a wide range of sources and use these to inform own thinking

1. Puts aside preconceptions and listens with an open mind to new methods and ideas from employees and stakeholders

2. Puts in place processes that encourages 2. Manages and sustains the creative others to see the positive outcome of process that will encourage creativity doing things differently; empowers and breakthrough thinking; suspends others to make decisions and seek judgement and solicits inputs from solutions without fear of failure or others who have divergent criticism perspectives; uses mistakes as an opportunity for learning

2. Encourages individuals and team members to share new perspectives without fear of failure or criticism.

2. Understands and recognizes the value of other points of view and ways of doing things; learns from mistakes and displays a positive attitude when new initiatives do not proceed as expected; does not indulge in or encourage blame game

3. Is able to make connections among previously unrelated notions; judges how new ideas will play out at work; thinks through and supports the process of implementation.

3. Role models the ability to identify patterns across situations that are not obviously related; identifies key or underlying issues in complex situations; removes any roadblocks preventing the implementation of new ideas

3. Is able to and teaches others to recognise key points and patterns in disparate data/information that may not have been readily apparent; creates pathways to support the implementation of innovative initiatives.

3. Makes sense of disparate information; sees patterns and trends; is open to new perspectives, expands thinking on existing solutions and facilitates the process of implementing new ideas

3. Proposes ways to do things differently to improve work methods, outcomes and team performance; adapts behavior in response to new information or changing circumstances; encourages others to drive forward change; enables the team to succeed in making change happen.

4. Actively embraces, adopts and contributes to innovation; rewards and actively encourages others to be innovative and to suggest opportunities for change

4. Leads and commits time and effort required to support innovative initiatives; proactively supports and embraces the changes

4. Demonstrates the ability to challenge existing practices in order to become more effective; puts in place systems and processes that encourage and reward innovation

4. Seeks and encourages ideas, improvements and measured risk taking in implementing innovative solutions to business challenges

4. Encourages, acknowledges and rewards innovative ideas that add value; brainstorms and looks for ways to improve systems and structures

5. Models innovative thinking by championing new technology and exploring ideas that extend beyond the scope of current responsibilities.

5. Seeks out opportunities for innovation and has the courage to take calculated risks; champion innovation and the use of current technology within the organization

5. Explore, understand and apply technology to achieve efficient and effective business results

5. Anticipates having to adapt work methods to changing technology and environments

5. Makes efforts to optimise process workflows efficiently using technology.


香格里拉各领导级别领导者能力重定义 能力要求



营造一种鼓励试验, 奖励冒险,允许失 败,激发好奇心和不 断挑战现状的良好氛 围






1. 跳出思维框框,挑战现状, 对商业环境的改变有足够的 敏锐度,用创新和与众不同 的思维应对业务问题,善于 进行跨界思考。

1. 营造持续创新的企业文化,激励 1. 自己和他人做出改变并从不同角 度思考问题;高瞻远瞩,预判变化 的商业环境并敏捷应对;跨界借 鉴最佳实践案例

2. 积极促进员工的创新活动, 鼓励将失败转变成学习经 验。

2. 建立流程鼓励他人正视以不同方 2. 管理并维护创新流程,鼓励创新 2. 鼓励个人和团队成员分享新视角, 式做事带来的积极成果;授权下 和突破性思维;停止主观评判并 不必担心失败和责备 属制定决策和寻找解决方案,不 征询不同观点人的意见; 视错 必担心失败和责备 误为学习的机会

3. 善于从无序的经验中寻找新 的思路,预判新想法在工作 中的效用,考虑充分,并支 持具体的执行过程。

3. 树立榜样,从无序的情形中找到 3. 自己能够并教导他人在不同且 3. 理解不同的信息;看到模式和趋势; 3. 建议用不同方法做事来改进工 模式;在复杂情形下找出主要或 不明显的数据/信息下找出要点 敞开心胸接纳新观点, 对现有解决 作方法,工作结果和团队绩效; 潜在问题;扫除阻碍新想法实施 和模式;创建方法支持创新举措 方案进行延伸思考并促进新想法的 面对新信息或变化的环境能调 的障碍 的最终实施 落地实施 整自己行为做出回应;鼓励他人 推动变革; 帮助团队成功地进 行改变

4. 拥抱创新,顺应创新,投资 创新,嘉奖和鼓励员工的创 新思维和活动,寻求变革机 遇。

4. 引领并投入必要的时间和精力支 4. 展示能力挑战现有方式,使之更 4. 探寻和鼓励新想法、推进改善举措 4. 鼓励,认可并嘉奖那些凸显价值 持创新举措; 积极支持和拥抱变 有效;建立体系和流程对创新进 并在实施创新解决方案应对商业挑 的创新思维;头脑风暴并寻找方 革 行鼓励和嘉奖 战时,承担经过斟酌的风险 法改进企业体系和架构

5. 做勇于创新的模范,应用新 技术探索超出本职工作的新 方法

5. 寻找机会进行创新并勇于承担经 5. 探寻、理解并应用科技去获取 5. 为适应不断变化的技术和环境,能 5. 努力运用技术优化工作流程, 过权衡的风险; 拥护创新并在企 快速有效的商业结果 先行一步调整工作方法 使之更有效 业内启用现代科技

开明豁达并鼓励他人带入新观 1. 提供环境,以激发个人和团队产生 1. 放下成见,用开放心态倾听来自 点;挑战现状和假设;推动灵活 新点子,并思考更好的工作方法;从 员工和干系人的新方法和新主 和迅速反应的企业文化,调动资 大量的资源中积极探寻新点子并进 意 源迅速应对不断变化中的业务 行应用,从而形成自己的思路 重点(优先事务)。 2. 理解并认识到他人观点以及做 事方法的价值;从错误中学习并 在新举措不如期望时,表现出积 极态度;不纵容或助长对此的指 责和非难


Recalibrated Leadership Competencies at Different Leadership Levels Competency Leads Teams

Definition Develops and leads high performing teams to achieve business goals, role modelling the Shangri-La values.

Generic Effective Behaviors

Leading Organisations

Leading Leaders 1. Sets a clear aligned direction for the hub with focussed priorities, responsibilities and outcomes

Leading Multiple Teams 1. Translates strategic priorities into clear outcome focused objectives; clarifies business priorities, roles and responsibilities and secure individual and team ownership

Leading Teams

1. Sets challenging goals aligned to the strategic vision; establishes clear direction and clearly defines priorities and accountabilities

1. Is able to shape, articulate and clarify Shangri-La’s vision and business model and help people see their role within it

1. Sets goals that are clear, specific and measurable; plans, coordinates and manages internal and external resources to accomplish assignments within the given deadlines

2. Creates a working environment that encourages change adaptability and demonstrates respect for individual differences; fosters mutual trust, open dialogue and a sense of belonging; uses clear and respectful language even in difficult situations

2. Creates a culture that supports taking 2. Creates a working environment that 2. Gives people a sense that change is 2. Is open to new ideas and perspectives responsible risks and one where change encourages change adaptability; drives achievable and that their contribution that come with change and innovation; is expected and supported; is known as sharing of resources and knowledge matters; builds rapport and creates a culture acknowledges and respects diverse a credible leader who demonstrates and breaks down structural and where diversity and cross-team perspectives; builds team cohesiveness respect for individual differences; functional barriers; puts in place collaboration are valued and rewarded; is and acts to promote a diverse, friendly, fosters mutual trust, open dialogue and practices that build trust, mutual clear and respectful when communicating and respectful environment conducive a sense of belonging; role models clear collaboration and foster a sense of with others, either in person or through to a sense of belonging and promoting and respectful communication, both belonging; creates a safe environment written communication, no matter how team morale and productivity; is clear written and in person that encourages open dialogue and challenging the situation may be but respectful when communicating coaches individuals and teams to do the difficult messages same; leads by example clear and respectful communication both written and in person even in difficult situations

3. Empowers others and effectively delegates tasks; utilises the full range of skills and resources available, leveraging strengths within the team

3. Allows others to take the lead and the 3. Conveys confidence in direct reports’ 3. Recognises strengths across and within credit by stepping to one side to grow ability to be successful; empowers teams leveraging complementary skills and capability and confidence; exemplifies a others by delegating authority and expertise; encourages and empowers teams culture that empowers and supports responsibility, allowing for flexibility to and individuals to resolve problems on their others in taking independent decisions; do tasks in one’s own way; offers own; avoids prescribing a solution; coaches gives people latitude to make decisions encouragement and support especially others and challenges them by asking in their own sphere of work when others have experienced a questions to help them work out the setback answers for themselves; provides a safe space for others to take risks so that they can develop their capabilities

3. Understand capabilities within the team; delegates responsibility to individuals and makes them accountable for successful execution without micromanaging; resists the temptation to take over

4. Is an effective communicator with the ability to connect with and influence people; listens actively, demonstrates empathy and a mature approach to managing the emotions of self and others.

4. Role models clear and credible 4. Communicates strategically, considering 4. Customises and adapts communication to communication within and outside of aspects such as optimal messaging and appeal to the specific interest, need and the organisation; provides employees form of communication; communicates level of the audience; uses open-ended and stakeholders with a variety of complex issues clearly and credibly with questions and active listening to encourage communication vehicles or forums in widely varied audiences; actively asks others to provide information about which to express their ideas and questions and checks for underlying needs or issues; considers others concerns; listens actively, demonstrates understanding; anticipates and concerns and adjusts own communication empathy and a mature approach to prepares for responses or reactions of accordingly; seeks inputs and sees things managing the emotions of self and others with sensitivity and assertiveness from others’ perspectives; expresses others negative feelings constructively.

4. Is accessible and invites two-way communication; seeks to understand through facts and information prior to drawing conclusions or taking action; maintains eye contact and listens actively and objectively without interrupting; conveys understanding and empathy from the other person’s perspective; responds to concerns in a respectful manner; presents relevant information in a timely, logical, clear and consistent manner.

5. Walks the talk and leads the living of the Shangri-La values. Projects credibility, poise and confidence even under difficult conditions.

5. Acts as a trusted leader who leads by example and consistently role models the Shangri-La core values; projects credibility, poise and confidence even under difficult conditions

5. Consistently role-models and helps 5. Puts the Shangri-La core values in action; is 5. Understands and demonstrates the others live the Shangri-La core values; able to cascade the essence of these values Shangri-La core values with guests and remains calm and manages emotions in to individuals and teams; manages personal colleagues; builds self- awareness to complex and demanding situations anxieties and remains positive and focused improve credibility as a role model; in achieving outcomes despite setbacks remains calm in a crisis


香格里拉各领导级别领导者能力重定义 能力要求



建立和领导一个高绩 效的团队,实现公司 业绩目标,践行香格 里拉价值观



1. 设定符合公司战略愿景,并且 有挑战性的目标;为团队指明 清晰的发展方向;明确业务重 点以及各自的工作职责。

1. 有能力塑造、表述以及澄清香 格里拉的愿景、商业模型并帮 助他人了解各自在其中的角色

1. 为区域中心设定一个符合企业 1. 将战略优先事项转化为结果明确的 1. 设定清晰、具体、可衡量的目 战略的方向指引,包括聚焦的 重点目标;理清业务优先等级以及 标;计划、协调并管理内外部 业务重点、职责和需要达成的 各自的角色和职责,并确保个人和 资源在既定时间内完成任务 结果。 团队的主人翁意识

2. 营造有利于促进变革,尊重个 人差异的工作氛围;鼓励开展 相互信任,公开和友好的沟 通,培养团队归属感。那怕遇 到不利的处境也要保持平和尊 重的心态和良好的沟通方式。

2. 营造鼓励承担责任风险且利于 变革的企业文化;被视为有公 信力的领导,以身示范尊重个 人差异;促进相互信任、坦诚 对话以及归属感;树立榜样以 清晰和尊重的方式进行面对面 交流或书面沟通

2. 营造工作环境鼓励变革适应能 2. 给员工一种感觉:变革是可以实现 2. 以开放心态接纳变革和创新带 力;推动资源和知识共享并打 的,每个人的贡献都很重要;建立 来的新想法和新观点;加强团 破体制和职能壁垒;在建立互 融洽的关系并营造一种重视和嘉奖 队凝聚力并促进多元、友好和 信、互助、提供归属感方面, 多元和跨团队协作的企业文化;无 互相尊重的工作环境,帮助建 多多实践;营造一个安全环 论情况多挑战始终以清晰和尊重的 立归属感,促进团队士气和生 境,鼓励坦诚对话并辅导个体 方式进行面对面或书面沟通 产力;以清晰和尊重的方式传 和团队积极效仿;树立榜样, 达棘手的讯息 即使在艰难处境下,也要以清 晰和尊重的方式进行面对面或 书面沟通。

3. 充分授权,发挥每个团队成员 的长处,充分利用团队中所有 的技能和资源。

3. 傍其身,助其力,促其信,让 员工勇于承担领导者地位,敢 于接受相应的荣誉;树典型, 营造充分授权和支持他人独立 决策的企业文化;给予他人空 间,在他自己工作范围内独立 作决策。

3. 表达对下属能力的信心;通过 3. 认识各个团队内部和团队之间的优 3. 知道团队的能力;授予员工任 赋予其权力,明确其责任进行 势,利用彼此互补的技能和专长; 务职责,不进行微观管理,让 授权;给予空间自由让其以自 鼓励并授权员工和团队自行解决问 员工自己负责工作的成功执 己的方式行事;遇挫则及时给 题;避免事先提供解决方案;辅导 行;阻止自己取而代之的想法 予鼓励和支持 并通过提问挑战他人,帮助其自己 想出答案;提供安全空间让其承担 风险从而发展其能力。

4. 成为一个高效的沟通者,包括 主动联络和影响他人,倾听他 人的意见,表达同理心,管理 好自己和他人的情绪。

4. 在企业内、外树立榜样,进行 清晰和有公信力的沟通;向员 工和干系人提供各种形式的沟 通方式或提供论坛来表达各自 想法和关注;积极聆听,表达 同理心并以成熟的方式管理自 我和他人的情绪

4. 有策略地沟通,顾及周全,比 4. 根据具体的兴趣点、需求和听众层 4. 任何人都可以进行沟通且鼓励 如最佳的通讯和交流形式;清 次来设计并调整沟通;用开放式提 双向沟通;在得出结论或采取 晰且令人信服地向广大而多元 问以及积极聆听鼓励他人提出潜在 行动前,先通过事实和信息了 的听众沟通复杂问题;积极提 需求或问题;考虑他人关注点并相 解情况;保持眼神交流,不打 问,核对是否被对方理解;预 应地调整自己的沟通;寻求反馈且 断、以客观的心态积极聆听对 估并作出准备,以敏锐且自信 从不同视角看待事物;建设性地表 方;表示理解且从对方观点进 的方式回应他人 达负面情绪 行同理;以尊重的态度回应对 方的顾虑;及时地、逻辑性 地,清晰地且前后一致地呈现 相关信息。

5. 在践行香格里拉价值观时表现

5. 成为可信赖的领导,以身作则 并持之以恒践行香格里拉核心 价值观,即便在艰难形势下依 旧表现得具有公信力,稳重和 自信

5. 持之以恒地树立榜样,帮助他 5. 将香格里拉核心价值观转化为行 5. 理解并向宾客和同事展示香格 人践行香格里拉核心价值观; 动;将核心价值观分解到个人和团 里拉核心价值观;自觉建立起 保持冷静并在复杂严厉形势下 队;管理员工焦虑:尽管有挫折, “提高公信力”的榜样意识; 管理好情绪 也要以积极态度专注于将要取得的 遇危机保持沉着。 成果。

出言行一致,无论在何种情况 下,始终如一地展现正直,可 信,冷静和自信的香格里拉领 导者形象。





Recalibrated Leadership Competencies at Different Leadership Levels Competency Develops People

Definition Understands and is committed to people development. Identifies and supports growth opportunities providing encouragement through coaching and constructive feedback.

Generic Effective Behaviors

Leading Organisations

Leading Leaders

Leading Multiple Teams

Leading Teams

1. Builds feedback loops into work and provides regular, timely and constructive feedback for performance and development

1. Drives and role models a culture that encourages regular, timely and constructive feedback for performance and development; inspires and motivates others to adopt the same approach

1. Set clear expectations for the need of continuous and open lines of communication; create an environment where timely and constructive feedback for performance and development is expected and appreciated

1. Create opportunities for team leaders to provide feedback on the overall performance of their teams and where they are facing obstacles; Is able to clearly identify performance and development gaps and gives guidance and reinforcement to enhance performance across teams

2. Recognises potential and understands the development needs of team members; listens to and encourages regular development discussions

2. Champions the strategic importance of people development and talent management; identifies and nurtures future leaders and serves as their sounding board; builds capability strategies to support career development and succession planning

2. Identifies potential and grows sustainable talent across functions; drives initiatives for development, talent and career management; takes time out for regular development discussions

2. Recognizes potential and understands the 2. Hold regular conversations with team development needs of team members; members in order to understand their has ongoing career dialogues to identify aspirations and developmental needs; and develop high potentials as future identifies team members who exhibit department heads. a potential for career growth

3. Jointly creates development plans, sets and gets buy-in to challenging and stretch developmental goals; revisits development needs in times of change

3. Takes a strategic perspective to identifying the capability needs of the organisation; unleashes potential of senior leadership; raises the bar for performance by setting challenging objectives; reinforces development when driving change

3. Sets standards and obtains buy-in to challenging and stretch developmental goals; jointly creates development plans and encourages others to develop their people through development dialogues and action plans; identifies and offers opportunities for growth during change implementation

3. Encourages team leaders to put in place their own individual development plans; supports them to take responsibility for their development; co-creates challenging and stretch developmental goals; encourages and supports development in change

4. Monitors progress throughout the year; recognises and celebrates successes; provides support through coaching

4. Creates a culture of coaching, mentoring and appreciation through role modelling; seeks opportunities to coach and develop the next generation of senior leaders; supports events that recognise employees and celebrate successes

4. Develops an environment that nurtures coaches and mentors within the organisation; dedicates time to supporting and empowering leaders to be coaches and mentors to others; monitors progress and actively shares knowledge and expertise; makes time for acknowledging and celebrating successes

4. Builds an environment that supports 4. Is aware of the diverse contributions coaching for performance and gives of team members; delegates work to coaching support to improve individual develop capabilities; serves as a go to and team results; provides people with person and provides coaching support the opportunity to develop new skills to help improve job skills or learn new and accept new responsibilities that go ones; celebrates personal and beyond their daily tasks; acknowledges professional achievements and appreciates contributions; celebrates successes

5. Supports a culture of lifelong learning by providing opportunities for both formal and informal learning; encourages diversity.

5. Builds a strong culture of continuous 5. Makes lifelong learning a reality by lifelong learning and knowledge sharing encouraging a range of both formal though both formal and informal and informal learning experiences; interventions; drives equality and creates an inclusive environment, diversity in access to knowledge and one from which all staff, including learning under-represented groups can benefit

5. Promotes sharing of expertise across teams; ensures that learning opportunities (both formal and informal) are fully explored with equity and diversity

1. Understands the difference between feedback for performance and feedback for development; offers tangible and realistic suggestions on how team members can bridge their performance and development gaps in a clear and constructive manner

3. Works with individuals to create individual development plans and set stretch goals; monitors performance against these goals to identify individuals that have the potential to grow

5. Takes ownership of team and individual development by seeking opportunities for continuous learning, both formal and informal; actively shares knowledge among peers and offers advice to less experienced colleagues


香格里拉各领导级别领导者能力重定义 能力要求



充分理解员工发展的 必要性,发现并支持 员工成长的机会。通 过教练和给予建设性 反馈来激励员工






1. 建立绩效管理和员工发展的 制度性机制,提供例常的, 及时并有建设性的反馈。

1. 推进并身体力行定期、及时的 建设性绩效反馈和人员发展的 企业文化,激励他人积极践行

1. 定下持续和开诚布公的沟通基 1. 创造机会让团队领导者做全面的绩 调;营造工作氛围让及时建设性 效反馈报告,汇报他们工作中的难 绩效反馈和人员发展被期许和 点; 能指明绩效及发展不足,提供 重视 指导和帮助,从而提升和加强团队 绩效表现。

1. 理解绩效反馈与人员能力发展 反馈之间的区别, 提供切实可 行的建议,帮助团队成员以清 晰和建设性方式弥补绩效和能 力发展的差距

2. 及时发现员工的潜能和职业 发展需要,认真倾听,展开 常态化的职业发展讨论。

2. 捍卫人员发展和人才管理的战 略重要性;发现并培养未来领 袖,给予坚强后盾,为职业发展 和接班人计划制定能力培养策 略

2. 在各部门中间找到高潜人才进 2. 认识团队的潜能并理解团队成员的 行积极培养;推动人员发展、人 发展需求; 进行持续职业发展对 才和职业发展的倡议及计划;花 话,发现并发展未来部门领导者 时间进行定期的人员发展讨论

2. 与团队成员定期进行会谈, 发 现其志向和发展需求,找到团 队成员职业发展具备的潜能

3. 与员工一起制定培养计划, 就一些具有挑战性目标与其 达成一致,然后经常性地与 其回顾,及时发现新的问题 和要求。

3. 带着战略眼光发现组织的能力 需求; 帮助高级领导者的释放 潜力;通过设定有挑战的目标 提高绩效标准;加强变革时的 人员发展

3. 设定标准并获得大家对挑战性 发展目标的拥护; 和下属一起 共同制定其发展计划并鼓励他 通过职业发展交流和行动计划 发展他的下属; 在变革实施过 程中, 寻找并提供员工成长机 会

3. 与员工共同创建个人发展计划 并设定挑战性目标;参照目标 监督其绩效,发现员工成长潜 能

4. 持续性地考核员工发展进展 情况,表彰已经获得的成果 和进步,及时给予教练式辅 导。

4. 通过以身作则营造一种教练、 导师和正向欣赏的企业文化; 寻求机会辅导和发展下一代高 级领导者; 支持员工表彰和庆 祝活动

4. 在企业内发展一种孕育教练和 4. 营造一种环境来支持绩效辅导并大 导师的环境; 花时间支持并赋 力支持改善个人和团队成果的辅 能领导者成为他人的教练和导 导; 提供机会发展员工新技能并承 师;观察进度并积极分享知识和 担超出日常工作范围的新职责;认 专业技能;腾出时间表彰员工和 可和感激员工的贡献,庆祝胜利 进行庆祝活动

4. 认识团队成员的不同贡献; 分 配工作发展员工能力;充当专 人并提供教练辅导帮助员工提 高工作技能或学习新技能; 庆 祝个人和职业成就

5. 通过提供正式和非正式的学

5. 营造一种强烈的学习型企业文 化,推动持久终生学习以及正 式和非正式知识分享;创造获 取知识和学习的平等机会和多 样途径

5. 通过鼓励一系列正式、非正式 5. 推崇团队间的专业分享,确保学习 的学习体验,使“终生学习” 机会(包括正式和非正式) 在公平 成为现实; 营造包容的氛围,使 性和多样化的原则下,被充分利 全体员工中的任何一员,无论 用。 职位高低,无论活跃与否,全 部能从中获益

5. 以团队和员工的发展为己任, 寻求持续学习的正式和非正式 机会; 积极在伙伴之间分享知 识, 向经验不足的同事提供建 议

习机会,倡导、支持终生学 习的文化氛围。鼓励多元 化。

3. 鼓励团队领导者实施个人发展计 划; 支持他们对自己的发展负责; 一起共同制定挑战性的发展目标; 在变革时鼓励和支持发展计划


Recalibrated Leadership Competencies at Different Leadership Levels Competency Develops Self

Definition Exhibits a continuous and proactive desire to learn; acquires knowledge and skill-sets to meet existing and future business needs.

Leading Organisations

Generic Effective Behaviors

Leading Leaders

Leading Multiple Teams

Leading Teams

1. Is committed to and takes responsibility for own growth and development.


Creates an environment which encourages employees to take responsibility for own growth and development; drives ownership of learning; leads by example


Role models commitment to continuous learning and selfdevelopment; self-assesses against standards for current position to identify learning needs


Continually acquires and applies new knowledge and learning to improve job performance; encourages individuals and teams to do the same; puts in place systems to recognize commitment to selfgrowth and development


Demonstrates initiative in professional self-development; takes actions to continuously learn functional and leadership skills

2. Learns on the job, analyses failures and successes for improvement; shares best practices


Fosters an environment where failures and successes are used as learning opportunities; shares best practices, experiences and knowledge to build organisation capability


Demonstrates a positive approach to learning on the job; uses experiences across locations as learning opportunities; leads by example a culture that encourages knowledge sharing


Learns from experiences on the job, reflects on and analyses both successes and failures and makes constructive efforts to change and improve; shares best practices and transfers acquired knowledge and expertise across functions


Encourages on the job learning, puts in practice systems that encourage peer learning and reflection; shares experiences and best practices and offers advice to less experienced colleagues

3. Is aware of personal strengths and weaknesses; seeks and accepts constructive feedback


Creates an environment where open feedback is encouraged; is aware of personal strengths and weaknesses; proactively solicits feedback to enhance awareness of own strengths and weaknesses


Encourages and promotes open feedback. Is aware of personal strengths and weaknesses; seeks and is open to inputs on own performance and effectiveness


Proactively seeks feedback to assess blind spots and improve knowledge, skills and behavior


Strives to understand personal strengths and weaknesses; responds positively to feedback given and takes actions to make changes based on the feedback

4. Takes a humble approach to learning from others, both senior and junior


Leads by example by being in a continuous learning mode, does not hesitate to ask questions and bridge knowledge gaps.


Acknowledges knowledge gaps and is open to learning from others, irrespective of their position and seniority; listens to and accepts advice from experts


Is an opportunistic learner, open to learning from all sources and people, both senior and junior


Takes advantage of learning opportunities provided (e.g. courses, feedback from supervisor or peers) to meet requirements of current job

5. Commits to and consciously allocates time and effort required to upgrade knowledge and skills, and change attitudes.


Builds and supports a culture that encourages a commitment to learning, continuous improvement, knowledge and skills acquisition and willingness to change attitudes.


Creates an environment that encourages commitment to allocating time and effort required to upgrade knowledge, skills and change attitudes


Recognizes opportunities for selfdevelopment; exhibits initiative to plan for and commit time for own growth and self-development


Makes the effort towards creating time for enhancing knowledge and building required functional and leadership skills


香格里拉各领导级别领导者能力重定义 能力要求



求知若渴,对未来的 业务需求作好充分的 储备






1. 重视自我提升与发展。

1. 营造环境鼓励员工自我提升和 发展;推动自主学习并以身示 范做榜样

1. 成为持续学习和自我发展的 榜样; 以当前职位要求标准 进行自我评估寻找学习需求

1. 持续获取新知识并将其应用于改 善工作绩效; 鼓励员工和团队积 极效仿;建立体系,认可对自我提 升和发展的投入

1. 积极主动进行专业类自我发 展;持续性主动地学习专业类 和领导力技能

2. 从工作中学习,从正反二方 面的经验中学习和提高,与 他人共享最佳实践。

2. 营造环境让成功和失败均被视 为学习机会; 分享最佳实践, 经验和知识,塑造企业能力

2. 积极表态鼓励从工作中学习; 视跨区域的经验为学习机会; 以身示范营造鼓励知识分享 的企业文化

2. 从工作中提取经验,对成功和失败 进行反思和分析并努力作出建设 性的改变和改进;分享最佳实践并 在部门之间传递知识和经验

2. 鼓励从工作中学习;建立体系, 鼓励员工学习和反思; 分享最 佳实践并向经验不足的同事提 供建议

3. 了解自身的长处和短处,主 动寻求和虚心接受反馈。

3. 营造环境鼓励公开透明反馈; 意识到个人强项和弱项;主动 征求他人反馈,提高对自己强 项和弱项的认知

3. 鼓励和推行公开透明反馈, 意识到个人强项和弱项;寻求 并坦然面他人对自己工作业 绩和工作有效性的意见。

3. 积极寻求反馈,发现自我盲点并提 升知识,技能以及改善行为

3. 努力理解个人的强项和弱项; 对获得反馈做出积极回应,并 基于反馈内容作做出改变

4. 虚心向人学习,无论其地位 的高低。

4. 以身示范做持续学习的好榜 样,不耻下问且努力填补知识 空白

4. 承认知识的空白并无论对方 职位和年龄高低,虚心向他人 学习,倾听并接受专家建议

4. 利用一切机会进行学习, 通过多 种渠道向他人学习,无论其职位高 低

4. 利用提供的学习机会(比如课 程,上司以及伙伴的反馈)满足 当前工作的要求

5. 为自己留出时间来填补自身 知识方面的不足,并愿意改 变对学习的认知。

5. 营造并扶持这样的企业文化: 在学习、持续精进、知识技能 获取、变革意愿等方面,鼓励 员工的积极投入和承诺。

5. 营造环境鼓励对时间和精力 的投入以更新知识,技能及转 变认知。

5. 在自我成长和能力发展方面,制 定计划、投入时间,展现出自己 在积极行动。

5. 努力腾出时间,提升知识并建 立必要的相关部门专业技能和 领导力技能


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