Shannon McNamara Portfolio 2017

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Shannon McNamara Creative Multimedia PRogrammer










Shannon McNamara Creative Multimedia Programmer

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Logo Design Me, Myself and I Digital Videos Final Year Project Mollys Home Baking Imagine Dragons Mid West Electronics Movies, Music & More Southside Culinary Arts

Ge ne ra li nf o Da t eofBi r t h

27Dec ember1 994

L oc a t i on

L i mer i c k ,I r el a nd

E duca t i on

Sh a nnonMcNa ma ra

Hi gherDi pl omaCr ea t i v eMul t i medi aPr ogr a mmi ng, L i mer i c kI ns t i ut eofT ec hnol ogy

201 6Pr es ent

Ba c ha l ori nS c i enc e( Honour s )I nt er netS y s t emsDev el opment L i mer i c kI ns t i t ut eofT ec hnol ogy

201 5201 6

Ba c ha l ori nS c i enc eI nt er netS y s t emsDev el opment L i mer i c kI ns t i t ut eofT ec hnol ogy

201 2201 5

Ac hi evei ng:Sec ondCl as sHonour s

Ac hi evei ng:Pas swi t hgr adeMer i t2 Rec ent l yc ommenc i ngaPos t gr a dua t ei n Cr ea t i v eMul t i medi aPr ogr a mmi ngi n L i mer i c k I ns t i t ut eof T ec hnol ogy . Ac hi ev i ngs ec ondc l a s shonor s t hr oughoutUnder gr a dua t e . Dev el opi ngk nowl edgeofpr ogr a mmi ngl a ngua ges , webdes i gn, s of t wa r edev el opmenta nds ur r oundi ng i s s uesofda t a ba s ema na gements y s t ems .

Ski l l s HTML&CS S J a v a S c r i pt T ea mWor k J a v a AdobeI l l us t r a t or

S c oi l Ca r mel

2007201 2

E xpe ri e nce Sal esAs s i s t ant P enney s Cr es entS hoppi ngCent r e,Door a doy l e

201 6201 7

Ret ai lSal esAs s i s t ant S ha nnonAi r por tAut hor i t y Co. Cl a r e

201 5201 5

I nboundMar ket i ngSpec i al i s t Vi s i t or M Moy l i s hCa mpus ,L i mer i c k

201 5201 5

Seas onalRet ai lSal esAs s i s t ant S ha nnonAi r por tAut hor i t y Co. Cl a r e

201 4201 4

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01 . 0631 . 1 0

01 . 0301 . 09

01 . 0731 . 08

I nt e re st s

AdobePhot os hop S QL Dr ea mwea v er PHP Al gor i t hms Pr obl em S ol v i ng Pr oj ec t Ma na gement Cr ea t i v i t y

Musi c

Re a di ng

Dra wi ng

Ma ke up

Ani ma l s

Cont a ct sh a nnon_mcna ma ra 94� h ot ma i l . com

08571 56945

h t t ps: / / www. be h a nce . ne t / K001 74394cf 5

www. l i nke di n. com/ i n/ sh a nnonmcna ma ra b5b6786

Logo DesignS

Me, Myself and I The aim of this project was to develop a web application based on me, myself and I. The main component of this project was to add our curriculum Vitae to our website and showcase various projects we have part-taken in through our undergraduate course and our postgraduate course

Digital Video

1. Portrait of a Location - Animal Sanctuary The aim of this project was to make me aware of space ad location as more than simply neutral or circumstantial areas for setting scenes. As this project was for a group, we decided our location was limerick animal welfare to raise awareness of the area. my main was role was producer. As producer it was my aim to edit shots taken on the way,

Digital Video 2. Moving one or more people through space Nightmare

The aim of this project was to produce a video based on moving one or more people through space. As the video is moving people through space it must include a narrative story. My Role forThis project was camera producer. as camera producer it wasmy responsibility to operating the camera and capturing shots and angles.

digital Video 3. LIT Promotional Video

My role for this project was director. As director I workied close with both Camera operatorand producer to ensure that the aims of theprojects are met

The main purpose of this video is attract potential students at both a national and an international level; to increase awareness of Limerick Institute of Technology especially in terms of the diversity of courses and for the diverse of social platforms such as, Twitter, Facebook and the official LIT website. Blog Link:

The Front-End Development of an Internet Based Social Media System In this final year project,I attempt to implement a front-end social media system. From communication tools, to story sharing with families and friends social media plays a major aspect in all of our lives. Each and every day social media is developingto provide the upmost interactive system to its users. The aim of my project was to implement a social media system that interacts with the back-end of the system using a custom application program interface

Mollys Home Bakiing A mobile application for a baking company. This application will allow customer order products such as cakes and cupcakes from the company and allow the administrator view the orders within the application. An administrator must login to the application to view orders. Users can contact the company within the application using a form or permissions to ring the company.

A mobile application for a baking company. This application will allow customer order products such as cakes and cupcakes from the company and allow the administrator view the orders within the application. An administrator must login to the application to view orders. Users can contact the company within the application using a form or permissions to ring the company.

Imagine Dragons

Mid West Electronics Mid West Electronics is a company offering suppliers of a high quality products and services to electronics industry. Our company formation provides you with the tools you need for your company. Our team of experienced manufacturers and testers will help you get the right structure and place to develop into your ideas. This project was developed as a group. It was developed using various languages including: PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS and hosted using It was my job to develop customer orders, work orders, lot traveler to good notes, new product data and update lot traveler.

Movies, Music & More

The system required is a user friendly web based internet application for a retailer that will allow users to purchase DVDs online. Users will be allowed to browse the stock of DVDs available and to preview certain details of any DVD

Southside Culinary Arts

For this project, I had to develop a website based on a club or society in my area.I decided to develop an information club website, which provides users with information on the cooking club, receipes, pictures and text. This website also allows users to contact the group with any queries or information they would like to know

Shannon McNamara Creative Multimedia PRogrammer

Thank You..

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