Urban transformation and City Imagineering He Huang Shantanu
● Context
Inde x
● Key Elements ● Projects ● Target groups & Stakeholders ● Wider impact of City’s Urban Development ● The legacy & Impacts ● Conclusions
Conte xt ●
Finland’s only metropolis and world’s northernmost metro area
Image Source :
Third largest municipality in the Nordic countries
Hosted the Summer Olympics in 1952
Economic crisis in the early 1990s
The City of Culture 2000
World Design Capital for 2012
Intriguing mix of history and high-tech
Key Elements Promoting a identity of the city is a complex process. The strategies generally applied are focused on
Material aspects of the place
Built environment
Immaterial aspects of the place
Slogan, its identity, etc.
Occasionally,a single category is used as an urban branding strategy, but more frequently the categories are used as interrelated processes where the three dimensions are integrated. (Jansson & Power, 2006) Helsinki as a city lies in a multiple shouse of these categories when it come to implementation of these strategies. Image Bilbao&sxsrf=ALeKk00mtjdTrL
Key Elements City marketing objectives
1. Build our future vision and strengthen local pride
Helsinki as a city wanted to build reputation as ●
City of people
Encourage actions and impact within the society
City of transformation
City with world class infrastructure
Use of unique cultural diversity and characteristics.
2. Increase awareness and appeal
3. Make Helsinki services and experiences more accessible and attractive 4. Actions to support the Helsinki brand’s impact locally and Image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=Vision+Icon&sxsrf= internationally https://www.google.com/search?q=Community+Icon
(Helsinki City Marketing Strategies Ahanen, 2020)
Build our future vision and strengthen local pride
Content development with Helsinkians
Business and start-ups promotion
Promote Helsinki as “ City of People ”
Encourage locals to contribute and make
Increase awareness and appeal ●
Increase awareness globally
Facilitate healthy business environment
and internationally ●
the impact
Image surveys with citizens and local businesses
Functionality and usability assessment of marketing tools
Media monitoring in editorial and social media
Create emotional relationships with the city
Performance indicators: ●
Host mega events to attract investments
Performance indicators:
Promote tourism within the nationally
Make it world most advanced city
Image surveys with select international target groups, including business People ●
Media monitoring in editorial and social (Helsinki City Marketing Strategy Ahanen, 2020) media Image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=Vision+Icon&sxsrf= https://www.google.com/search?q=Community+Icon
Make Helsinki services and experiences more accessible and attractive
Actions to support the Helsinki brand’s impact locally and internationally
Produce more data in global language
Use people to find people to contribute ( Use of People as
City as a facilitator of the world’s most advanced everyday life.
Increase local and global well-being and make Helsinki a more attractive city.
City organisation to be perceived and recognised as a more agile and responsive cooperation partner in the future.
Infrastructure) ●
Digitization for seamless experience for tourists and users
Pay attention to physical experience
Branding of multiple opportunity
Performance within theindicators: city. ●
User and user experience metrics in select digital channels and physical locations of encounters
Feedback from within the City organisation and cooperation partners about the functionality and usability of marketing tools
Performance indicators: ●
City organisation and stakeholder participation in brand work with the commitment to actions that support the brand and related results (Helsinki City Marketing Strategy Ahanen, 2020) Image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=Vision+Icon&sxsrf= https://www.google.com/search?q=Community+Icon
Target groups & Stakeholders City understands that there are different stakeholders with specific key messages that are important to them.
Local & International NGO’s Local & International businesses
Local ,State & National Authorities
It is essential to make city marketing content more consistent across the board. Some want to create, others want to experience new things, and some want to focus on their own specific areas of Interest (Helsinki City Marketing Strategy Ahanen,
Architect s Designer s Artist
Local & International media
Religious & Community leaders
Universiti es Education al Institution s
Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https
Architecture in Helsinki’s branding
Talking about architecture ... First of all neoclassical style, Senate Square and the cathedral representing that style very well. Secondly Art Nouveau, as we call here in Finland ‘You Can Style’. (Helsinki destination branding for tourists, 2010).
Helsinki is a hot spot of architecture, they are located throughout the city. ● ● ●
Finlandia Hall and Academic Bookstore by Aalto Stockmann Department Store by Frosterus the main railway station by Saarin
Alvar Aalto designed 19 buildings which are representing Helsinki more than architecture. Source:https://www.littlediscoveries.net/reisen/finland/architektur-in-helsinkiSource:https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/370069294377046991/ meine-entdeckungen/
The relationship with urban development of the city & impact Modern architectural building constitute an important part of Finland’s self understanding and image abroad, but can also be crucial in the branding of the city. What’ more,as a carrier of culture, architecture is inclusive in City culture service, which can promote the wellbeing, citizenship and vitality of society.
Source: https://happyfrogtravels.com/helsinki-modern-and-contemporary-architecture-guid e/
Design Driven City with strong design heritage.
Helsinki has a clear vision: in an open and inclusive city, design is a key driver for the society and an important source of well-being and competitiveness. . World Design Capital 2012 (WDC) wtih theme of the year “Open Helsinki – Embedding design in life�. source: https://www.hel.fi/hel2/tietokeskus/julkais ut/pdf/14_12_03_Arts_and_Culture_in_Helsink i.pdf
Design District in Helsinki ’s branding The Design District Helsinki plays a large role in boosting Helsinki’s reputation as a city of design. It's a cluster of creative businesses and also a neighbourhood association with nearly 200 members In the heart of District is the Design Museum, the Museum of Finnish Architecture and Design Forum Finland. It is creativity, uniqueness, experiences, design and Finnish urban culture.
Source: https://www.hel.fi/hel2/tietokeskus/julkaisut/pdf/14_12_03_Arts_and_Culture_in_Helsinki. pdf
The relationship with urban development of the city & impact The Design District has received a measure of success not only in terms of its membership, but also in promoting the four south Helsinki neighborhoods in which it is located as a choice location for a variety of design business
The District provide exposure to design, and make it easier for the media to publicize design, creating markets for design and service around design.It also improve the images of Helsinki. Further enforced the development of design as strategic tool for transformation of the city. Over 550 projects and 2,800 events in the year World Design Capital 2012..
The legacy & Impacts The place promotion has the following characteristics: First, place promotion is supplydriven. In its purest form, it is nothing more and nothing less than a traditional sender-to-receiver approach to marketing communication. The task is, therefore, to increase the attention (the offerings of) the place receives amongst selected target audiences. (Boisen et al., 2018) Helsinki regional image creation can be considered as a successful ,with the involvement of local actors .
On wider level there has been a lack of coherent planning of the image creation. Helsinki Metropolitan Area consists of Helsinki,Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen with common Public transport and shared services Branding strategies will go in hand in hand To achieve a holistic development.
Hard time in collaboration as since no common agendas There is no common slogan and themes Helsinki attracts many economic developers and people with seminal idea of growth. But lack of regional coordination means that instead of a variety of images and stories are produced that are often at odds with each other. (Jansson & Power,
Image Spource: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2
Conclusions The goal of place promotion has been accomplished when the place has gained the attention of the chosen target audiences. The results of such efforts therefore primarily but not exclusively – belong to the cognitive domain of knowledge and should, therefore, primarily be measured and evaluated within that domain.(Boisen et al., 2018) Place marketing is predominantly concerned with finetuning the place to manage supply and demand, both through promotional measures and other measures aimed at improving the product-market combinations. Therefore, place marketing benefits from an integrated approach, and should not be detached from the actual development of the place.
Helsinki as a city has strongly emerged as a balance between local and international stakeholders.
Strong local artists,design,art and architecture promotion policies.
Hosting of mega event such as Helsinki Design district,EUNIS-2020 has helped city to reform and brought it on global map.
Strong emphasis on user accessibility and digitization of data for multipurpose use has helped in creating a strong mark on city imaginary as a “Smart City of Future”
However one should understand that Urban Branding is a very small part in community building
Integrate Effective d engageme Approach nt
Plannin g
Marketing Sttergies
More holistic integrated planning strategies could be helpful for developing the metropolitan area with the join efforts Image Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2 for combine development of the
Referenc es
Ahanen, E. (2020). The City of Helsinki marketing strategy 2016-2020. http://www.brandnewhelsinki.fi/2020//app/uploads/2016/07/02_Helsinki__strategia_ENG_web.pdf Boisen, M., Terlouw, K., Groote, P., & Couwenberg, O. (2018). Reframing place promotion, place marketing, and place branding - moving beyond conceptual confusion. Cities, 80, 4–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2017.08.021 Jansson, J., & Power, D. (2017). The Image of The City – Urban Branding as Constructed Capabilities in Nordic City Regions. Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, October, 41. https://www.academia.edu/20897714/The_Image_of_The_City_Urban_Branding_as_Constructed_Capabilities_in_N ordic_City_Regions?auto=download Otgaar, A., & Carvalho, L. (2016). World design capital (Helsinki). Delivering Sustainable Competitiveness: Revisiting the Organising Capacity of Cities, 200–218. Http Timmo, Heikkinen. (2009), In from margins: The city of culture 2000 and the image transformation of Helsinki, 200-218. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10286630009358121 Dinnie, Keith. (2010) City branding: Theory and Cases, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 33-34. Ilpo Koskinen. (2009) Design Districts, The MIT Press. 3-7.
Referenc es Video 2019 European Capital of Smart Tourism: Helsinki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpYijinZlPo Welcome to EUNIS 2020 in Helsinki, Finland : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAzjPgdLJEo How To Create A Smart Tourism Destination: Helsinki : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph4ob6I75A8&t=291s Helsinki, Finland: Vibrant Baltic City: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq5XfKwKudQ Helsinki – My Sustainable City : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5AM8Dlqc0M Helsinki destination branding for tourists : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nGm8_3S4dQ Helsinki Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPs_lCNRNDU&t=154s