Dec Issue 2012

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ATTU News Press Cynthia Rothrock Costa Rica Vacation Master Torella Janelle Staley Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic Consuelo Encinas Tammy Rider Lacey Schuckman Dana Stamos Barbara Finney Tonya Jackson Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi Grandmaster Robert Zellner Sifu Steve Kraselsky Grandmaster Allah Freedom Chris Wilcox Sifu Richard Meier King David Nelson, PhD Master Nelson Pinto Aurelien Henry OBAMA John Wooten JS Wooden Stephen Kaufman Dr. Parvez Alam



Copyright©2012 – 2006 by ATTU's American MA Master magazine™ All Worldwide Rights Reserved! ii

Action Power Hour Radio Show Tues Night 7 PM Listen to the show connected to the link

The Martial Art's #1 Radio Talk Show

The world’s largest gathering of Martial Arts and MMA Superstars, Film, Combat Celebrities, and renowned Masters from around the world will take place once again on Jan 25 & 26 2013 at the Tropicana Casino & Resort in Atlantic City N.J. One Weekend with 8 Events. Thousands from around the globe will gather to meet, greet and share with one another. There is something for everyone!!! Join us for a 2 day Trade show and expo with over 75 health and martial arts suppliers. There will be over 30 Celebrity autograph and photo booths. We have 50 FREE seminars with training from the BEST of the BEST. There will also be a Martial Arts Business Forum with Renshi Allie Alberigo, where school owners can join in free classes on how to make there school and business run more successfully. There will also be a Martial Arts Casting Call and auditions. For those who want to compete or watch others compete, there will be a full Martial Arts Tournament produced by Master Jose Torress and a MMA Point Tournament Produced By Sifu Bam Johnson. On Friday Night ROC PRO MMA Show will be Presented by Master Louis Neglia of We will top off the weekend, with one of the largest gala Banquets in Atlantic City with the world’s largest assembly of celebrities, champions, suppliers and movers and shakers in martial arts industry along with thousands of attendees. This event is nicknamed “The Academy Awards of Martial Arts” and offers a friendly and exciting weekend for all. Come see your favorite Martial Arts , MMA , Wrestling , and TV and silver screen the stars, all under one roof. A small sampling of featured guests include Cynthia Rothrock, Chuck Zito (Oz & Sons of Anarchy ), Don (the Dragon) Wilson, Bill (Superfoot) Wallace, Dan Severn (UFC), Phil Morris (Mission Impossible & Seinfeld ), Hank Garrett (Car 54 Were Are You), Christine Bannon Rodriquez, Michael Jai White (Spawn, Mike Tyson Movie), David Toma, James Lew, Cary Tagawa (Mortal Combat, Hawaii 5O, Revenge) Kevin Sorbo (Hercules) Frank Shamrock (UFC), Ray Mercer (World Champion Boxer), Martin Kove (The Karate Kid and Rambo II) Adrian Paul (Highlander) The SAFEST” place in the world on January 25 & 26, 2013 is at The Tropicana Casino and Resort Atlantic City, New Jersey. For more information go to or call Alan Goldberg at 718-856-8070 or email him at


Order Here;


When you order any of Kyoshi Faraday's “GREAT BOOKS� please leave him a review to let him know you found it with the help of your friends at ATTU. An in depth look into the past and present life of a professional Martial Artist. Currently holding the title of Kyoshi a 7th Dan Black belt professor Faraday tells his story of trials and tribulation's. Michael P. Faraday... Buy New $25.00 Plus S/H This was the very first book that I had professional published while learning how the entire process works. There are a few errors as to spelling & context; However it was done for a great cause & 15% of all sales during the year are donated by me to The Relay for Life in person each & every year. By 7th Dan Kyoshi Professor Michael P. Faraday Living the martial way; "" a new vision " the five rules a path to becoming a master . . . . . In this book i describe adversity within all aspects of our life, and how destiny is carried out from the choices of paths that we decide to act upon! Michael P. Faraday... Buy New $25.00 Plus S/H

By 7th Dan Kyoshi Professor Michael P. Faraday

An informative book entailing thirty years of studying Martial Science, and Living the Martial Way. Michael P. Faraday... Buy New $25.00 Plus S/H These are the views of a true Master of the Martial Sciences! Celebrating thirty years in Living The Martial Way ... I have traveled all over the World studying, training, teaching, and competing. Within these pages are what I believe to have been forgotten by most in their training today, and which need to be re - discovered for this new iteration of Martial Artists! By 7th Dan Kyoshi Professor Michael P. Faraday




American MA Masters magazine

Cover ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Advertisement – Cynthia Rothrock -----------------------------------------------------------Advertisement – Action Martial Arts ---------------------------------------------------------Advertisement – Kyoshi Faraday --------------------------------------------------------------INDEX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ATTU News Press -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cynthia Rothrock – Costa Rica Vacation -----------------------------------------------------Interview – Master Torella and Janelle Staley -----------------------------------------------Interview – Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic -----------------------------------------------------------------Consuelo Encinas (Behind The Sean) --------------------------------------------------------Tammy Rider – The Responsibility Of Power -----------------------------------------------Lacey Schuckman – MMA Combat Sports ---------------------------------------------------Dana Stamos – Technology and Transparency in the Martial Arts -----------------------Barbara Finney – Universal Balance ---------------------------------------------------------Tonya Jackson – What SOKS Means To Me ------------------------------------------------Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi – Ninjitsu and Behind The Sean --------------------------------Grandmaster Robert Zellner – Honoring Professor Ronald Duncan ---------------------Sifu Steve Kraselsky – Women's Self defense ----------------------------------------------Grandmaster Allah Freedom - Martial Artist Grow Up ------------------------------------Chris Wilcox – Training for women and children -------------------------------------------Sifu Richard Meier King – Can Iron Palm Work For You? ---------------------------------------------David Nelson, PhD – Dim Mak...for Emotional Self-Defense ------------------------------------------Sifu Richard Meier King – Simple Tools -----------------------------------------------------Grandmaster Robert Zellner – The dangers of Martial Arts self proclaimed masters ---Master Nelson Pinto – The Art of Endless Options ------------------------------------------Advertisement - Aurelien Henry OBAMA ----------------------------------------------------Advertisement – John Wooten ------------------------------------------------------------------CHRONOLOGY OF VIOLENCE AGAINST PHILADELPHIA CHURCH HKB -----Advertisement – Stephen Kaufman -----------------------------------------------------------Dr. Parvez Alam – Fighting For Lives --------------------------------------------------------Advertisement – ATTU -------------------------------------------------------------------------Back Cover ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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10/01/2012 ATTU News Press / Publisher ATTU UPDATE Founder Anthony Elam / Sha Poe Ryu Elam Greetings to all our ATTU members and friends from around the world ! ATTU once again is growing its abilities in meaningful areas of both martial arts and business, our members will soon be reaping the rewards of our labor. We are currently working on the development of a limited open conference call, that will allow us to address various topics within ATTU, the martial arts community and other topics that may interest certain people or groups. We are in hope that this service will be utilized by everyone and will serve as more than a great place to discus a given topic “but” will provide our callers with real information which they can apply. Details concerning this “new” venture will be posted in our next issue. As most of you know and for those who don't or are new to ATTU, on March 2nd 2012 we were hit with an EF-3 Tornado and due to that event we have went under various revisions and are still overcoming the effects of the circumstance the tornado set us in. Further, due to the recent disaster that struck the East Coast “HURRICANE SANDY”, our organization is working with other organizations in New York to help gain aid and relief to those effected by this disaster. ATTU has first hand experience in this area as pertains to the true needs of people and the problems which occur during the relief effort within the disaster area. To view our personal experience, please review our Special Magazine Edition Entitled ( ENCOUNTER WITH NATURE ) by clicking on the link below, This publication is based on the true story of what I and my family as well as our county encountered on 03/02/2012. Because of this encounter we are able to understand first hand of some of the real issue that individuals and communities have to over come. Therefore it is our intention to help these organization with providing various relief to our brothers and sisters in these areas via our publication and networking ability. When faced with a national disaster it truly takes a national effort, people helping people is the only true way to get the aid out there. Government organizations on various levels have proven to be ineffective and bogged down due to government regulations that are detrimental to truly helping individuals in their time of need. Policies and regulations are important “but” when they become a hindrance to the over all objective they need to be modified in an effort “not” to do away with them “but” rather allow for individuals to utilize basic assurances as pertains to health and safety and move forward with getting relief to those in true need.


From the Desk of

December 1, 2012

Reynardo “Nikko” Gutierrez, Executive Vice President, ATTU

Greeting to all staff, friends, family, affiliates, and associates. Here we are at our last issue of the year, the Christmas Holiday Issue. We are happy to say that it is by far the largest issue to date and dedicated to our Sisters in the Martial Arts community. Am also elated that our associate Cynthia Rothrock has honored us by gracing our Cover, to begin our honoring of “Women in the Martial Arts”. What an honor! Our Editor Sha Poe Ryu Anthony G. Elam has been working quite hard on this issue gathering material, flyers articles, interviews, announcements etc., leaving the year with our best issue to date. I had the honor and privilege of interviewing two women for this issue so that we can see two separate views from two ideally different women in the martial arts. The first one, a student of Master Alfredo Torella by the name of Janelle Staley. A unique and dedicated young woman, a Black Belt as of April of this year in Kwonbop. The second, is a seasoned practitioner by the name of Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic from Croatia. She is the Founder of Sinanju Shin Do. Take note of the differences of opinion and views regarding martial arts and their involvement. Another unique feature in this issue is the discussions and reintroduction of Dim Mak, Breaking, Iron Palm, Chi Energy and Baguazhang Tri Gram. ATTU is in the planning stages, with my Sifu as well as Sha Poe Ryu Elam's Steve Kraselsky, and several others to hold a Breaking and Chi Exhibition, tentatively scheduled for sometime in June of 2013, called The American Temple Training Union's CONTINUED COMBAT CHI (CCC EXHIBITION). It is my understanding that this was inspired by our very own Sha Poe Ryu Elam and Sifu Steve Kraselsky, inspired by the teachings of baguazhang which possess incredible breaking technique's. Am looking forward to this event. My personal welcome to the newest members of our humble organization, beginning with Grandmaster Allah Freedom who I discovered had a lot in common other than the martial arts in my discussions wit him. Kaiso John Kovacs, another admired gentleman of mine. Miss Janne Mi Kim Young Mi our new International Representative in Denmark., Mr. Will Rios, Regional Director in Georgia, Mr. Ty Brooks, Chief Communications Affiliate. Our Representative Aurelieu Henry Obama, Nepal Rep Sunil Nakarmi, Executive Editor, Gwendolyn Halliday, Our new Graphics guy Mr. Eddie Johnson, Miss Tonya Jackson Representative in Delaware, Mr. Oliver Antoine, New York Rep, Mr. Khaaligu Wilson also a New York Representative, and of course Mr. Chris Wilcox New York State Director and newest addition to Sung Jitsu Ryu Warriors, I have accepted and will be training this inspirational practitioner very soon. Ms. Barbara Finney Research Analyst, and of course our featured Celebrity gracing our cover, the Lady Dragon herself Miss Cynthia Rothrock our Executive Martial Arts Ambassador. My sincere welcome to all of you. It was decided that this is our last Bi-monthly issue and we will be going back to a monthly issue beginning in January 2013. Awesome indeed! Well I will no longer keep you on this page. I want you to enjoy what is within. On behalf of President Sheila Elam, Founder Sha Poe Ryu Elam and their family, my daughter Jazmyn, and me, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas Holiday, Whether you call it Holiday, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, or Christmas it is still a holiday season to celebrate among us, the ATTU family and the community as well. The very best to every single one of you alongside your families. A very Prosperous New Year to you as well. God bless you all. In Budo, Reynardo “Nikko” Gutierrez, Soke Executive Vice President, ATTU






New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg Bans Food Donations For Homeless Shelters ! Bans Home-Cooked Meals for the Homeless !

New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, bans food donations to the homeless and victims of Hurricane Sandy ! Clearly this Mayor has no idea of how to combat a disaster and the citizens of NY, will pay for his nutritional agenda. Hungry citizens could care less about a little salt ! Some have even went as far as dumpster diving for food “this is an out right shame” ! When government on any level can “stop” people from helping people to the point they can not eat, its high time to reevaluate policies, regulations, laws and implementation procedures. New Yorkers should be utterly outraged at their Mayors hindering of getting them the relief they need in times as this. It may be that a few good words and the ability to show he had their best interest at heart will suffice the majority to get him re-elected “but” there will surely be strong opposition from those New Yorkers that have suffered and heard their children's cries because of hunger. In retrospect the Mayor, was going to move forward with the NYC Marathon regardless of the disaster until he received overwhelming backlash by the citizens of NY. As we all know the “most important issue” is getting the citizens of NY, and NJ, the relief they desperately need right now ! The next question is will New York citizens re-elect their Mayor ?



When disaster strikes they are there ! Red Cross Mission Statement The humanitarian mission of the American Red Cross connects us to people and communities across the nation and around the world. The common bonds of humanity and compassion unite us together, not just in the face of emergencies and disasters, but in helping our neighbors every day. Since being founded by Clara Barton in 1881, the Red Cross has been a consistent lifeline for people when they need us the most. The depth and breadth of our services – whenever and wherever they're called for – is unmatched by any organization in the world. Mission Statement The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. Vision Statement The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that... all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care, shelter and hope; ...our communities are ready and prepared for disasters; everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving blood and blood products; all members of our armed services and their families find support and comfort whenever needed; and in an emergency, there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives. Fundamental Principles of the Global Red Cross Network Humanity The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace among all peoples.


12/01/2012 ATTU ATTU News Press TAKING ACTION ATTU UPDATE PROVIDING SUPPORT Impartiality It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, Religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to given priority to the most urgent cases of distress. Neutrality In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. Independence The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement. Voluntary Service It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. Unity There can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. Universality The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.



American Red Cross Board of Governors 2012 - 2013 Cesar Aristeiguieta, M.D., F.A.C.E.P.

Richard C. Patton

Paula E. Boggs, Esq.

Laurence E. Paul, M.D.

Richard K. Davis

Joseph B. Pereles, Esq.

Allan I. Goldberg, M.D.

Maj. Gen. Josue J. Robles, Jr.

James W. Keyes

Melanie R. Sabelhaus

Bonnie McElveen-Hunter

H. Marshall Schwarz

Gail J. McGovern

William S. Simon

Judith A. McGrath

Steven H. Wunning

Suzanne Nora Johnson

Corporate Officers Gail McGovern (President and CEO)

Bonnie McElveen-Hunter (Chairman) Mary Elcano (General Counsel and Corporate Secretary)

Brian Rhoa (Chief Financial Officer) Dale Bateman (Chief Audit Executive) 7

12/01/2012 ATTU ATTU News Press TAKING ACTION ATTU UPDATE PROVIDING SUPPORT A Brief History of the American Red Cross As one of the nation’s premier humanitarian organizations, the American Red Cross is dedicated to helping people in need throughout the United States and, in association with other Red Cross networks, throughout the world. We depend on the many generous contributions of time, blood, and money from the American public to support our lifesaving services and programs. Clara Barton and a circle of her acquaintances founded the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1881. Barton first heard of the Swissinspired global Red Cross network while visiting Europe following the Civil War. Returning home, she campaigned for an American Red Cross and for ratification of the Geneva Convention protecting the warinjured, which the United States ratified in 1882. Barton led the Red Cross for 23 years, during which time we conducted our first domestic and overseas disaster relief efforts, aided the United States military during the Spanish-American War, and campaigned successfully for the inclusion of peacetime relief work as part of the global Red Cross network–the so-called “American Amendment” that initially met with some resistance in Europe. The Red Cross received our first congressional charter in 1900 and a second in 1905, the year after Barton resigned from the organization. This charter–which remains in effect today–sets forth the purposes of the organization which include giving relief to and serving as a medium of communication between members of the American armed forces and their families and providing national and international disaster relief and mitigation. Prior to the First World War, the Red Cross introduced its first aid, water safety, and public health nursing programs. With the outbreak of war, the organization experienced phenomenal growth. The number of local chapters jumped from 107 in 1914 to 3,864 in 1918 and membership grew from 17,000 to over 20 million adult and 11 million Junior Red Cross members. The public contributed $400 million in funds and material to support Red Cross programs, including those for American and Allied forces and civilian refugees. The Red Cross staffed hospitals and ambulance companies and recruited 20,000 registered nurses to serve the military. Additional Red Cross nurses came forward to combat the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918. After the war, the Red Cross focused on service to veterans and enhanced our programs in safety training, accident prevention, home care for the sick, and nutrition education. We also provided relief for victims of such major disasters as the Mississippi River floods in 1927 and severe drought and the Depression during the 1930s. The Second World War called upon the Red Cross to provide extensive services once again to the U.S. military, Allies, and civilian war victims. We enrolled more than 104,000 nurses for military service, prepared 27 million packages for American and Allied prisoners of war, and shipped over 300,000 tons of supplies overseas. At the military’s request, the Red Cross also initiated a national blood program that collected 13.3 million pints of blood for use by the armed forces.


12/01/2012 ATTU ATTU News Press TAKING ACTION ATTU UPDATE PROVIDING SUPPORT After World War II, the Red Cross introduced the first nationwide civilian blood program that now supplies more than 40 percent of the blood and blood products in this country. During the 1990s, we engineered a massive modernization of our blood services operations to improve the safety of our blood products. We continued to provide services to members of the armed forces and their families, including during the Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf wars. The Red Cross also expanded our services into such fields as civil defense, CPR/AED training, HIV/AIDS education, and the provision of emotional care and support in the wake of disasters. Since 2006, the Red Cross and FEMA have worked together helping government agencies and community organizations plan, coordinate and provide feeding, sheltering and family reunification services for people affected by disasters. Today, the supporters, volunteers and employees of the American Red Cross provide compassionate care in five critical areas: People affected by disasters in America Support for members of the military and their families Blood collection, processing and distribution Health and safety education and training International relief and development



Since our country truly began taking the threat of terrorism seriously, we have undergone various changes in our every day lives as well as travels and so forth. Years before 9/11 America suffered from various terror attacks both here at home and abroad with lives lost “but” when the scope of 9/11 was felt and a face put on terrorist the U.S. began changing and due to the change new agencies were developed. In 1979, President Carter issued executive order 12127, which merged a lot of prior organizations meant to aid in the case of natural disasters into one federal group – FEMA. As of October 8, 2011, FEMA has 7,474 employees across the country – at Headquarters, the ten regional offices, the National Emergency Training Center, Center for Domestic Preparedness/Noble Training Center and other locations. FEMA is not the team, but part of a team. That team includes federal partners, state, tribal and local officials, the private sector, non-profits and faithbased groups and the general public. On March 1, 2003, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This shows that the agency is not only comprehensive “but” is as all agencies prone to error due to overcoming integration with several other agencies and organizations to hone it to what America needs for true response to various events. To find out more about FEMA and its function visit


12/01/2012 ATTU ATTU News Press TAKING ACTION ATTU UPDATE PROVIDING SUPPORT Setting the agency into action and working to complete its job takes much more than a simple word from the President, it takes many people working in conjunction with one another as well as a vast network of Federal, State and local government, agencies and organizations to systematically address any given disaster and these things take time. While it is completely understandable that response is the primary issue, it still requires boots on the ground and an assessment of the actual need as well as prioritizing and controlling various aspects of the situation. This calls for each official to not only do their job “but� stay informed concerning the event.

From delegating authority on all levels to assessing the situation on the ground to developing a plan of action takes time to render certain services. The simple fact is, once the agency is set into action the day to day events are handled on a state and local level with update on progress, concerns or imposing problems sent up the chain of command and/or to the agency that is prepared to handle the situation at hand. Recently FEMA has been frond on by disaster victims because of their lack of truly helping and overwhelming bureaucracy and red tape.



Raising aid for victims of

Hurricane Sandy




In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which hit the eastern seaboard and decimated several area's in New Jersey and New York, left many people in need and some in desperate need, because of losing everything from the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.

Great Kills Lodge No. 912

When natural disasters take place, it has become necessary as well as an American tradition to step forward with open arms to help those who are in need. It is with great pride and a humble heart that ATTU is taking action to provide support to organizations with boots on the ground and serving on the front line that can render the help that victims and needy families are disparate for in this time of tragedy and destruction. The Masons have an exemplary record for stepping forward and at times such as this and providing true help to those in need. Their support and leadership is second to none, their resolve dates back over the centuries and has been noted on the front line when it come to honor, integrity, loyalty, respect and compassion for their fellow man. They are a shining example of what hard work, dedication and perseverance can achieve in life. In order to be the best that anyone can be, they first have to give the best they have and this great organization dose just that ! This holiday season ATTU ask, that you make a generous donation to the Great Kills Lodge No. 912 in a true effort to help the victims and needy families that had their lives turned upside down because of Hurricane Sandy. ATTU understands that there are many who can give and there are those who simply do not have it to give and for those who do not have it to give, please pray for those who do in order that the victims and needy families will have their needs met this holiday season. ATTU and all of its members want to take this time to thank each and every one of you for “both� donating and praying for all those who are suffering because of Hurricane Sandy.



RW RW Robert Robert E. E. Welsh, Welsh, Jr., Jr., PDDGM PDDGM & & ATTU ATTU Executive Executive Vice Vice President President Soke Soke Reynardo Reynardo “NIKKO” “NIKKO” Gutierrez Gutierrez



Please send your kind donations to; RW Robert E. Welsh, Jr., PDDGM Secretary Great Kills Lodge No. 912 718 490-5944- CELL W.: Reynardo Gutierrez, PM Ritual Rennaisance Director, Staten Island Lodge #66 718 713-7149 The Masons are a 501-c non Profit Organization and all donations are tax deductible, so please give generously and help this great organization help those who are in desperate need this holiday season.


12/01/2012 ATTU News Press ATTU UPDATE Executive Editor ( Gwendolyn Halliday) Gwendolyn Halliday currently resides near Madison, WI. She is a mother of 3, owner of cats and ferrets, a commissioned jewelry maker, and a published writer. Ms. Halliday is an intermediate martial artist with experience in American Freestyle Karate, Krav Maga, and other disciplines sampled throughout life. Additionally, Ms. Halliday is a certified Aromatherapist and has considerable experience with other natural healing modalities such as nutritional therapies (herbs and vitamins) and energy work (Reiki and Qigong). A highly spiritual individual, Gwendolyn Halliday is revisiting an old hobby of studying the metaphysical properties of semi-precious gemstones and incorporating these into her upcoming jewelry designs.

“T he Gw C o en m do i ly n n g Ha So lli d o ay n Co lle ct i on �


12/01/2012 ATTU News Press Executive Regional Director, R – 7 ATTU UPDATE Richard Meier King Sifu Richard Mieir-King has been involved in Kung-Fu since the 1970's (July, 1971) and currently teaches 5 Animal and 5 Family style Kung-Fu, as taught to him by Professor Gilbert Bates, in the City of Lakewood, California as well as classes in Yang T'ai Chi Ch'uan and Chi Kung. Sifu Mieir-King conducts seminars and workshops on subjects including Kung-Fu, SelfDefense, Weapons, etc. His instructor is Professor Gilbert Bates, a Master under Grandmaster Wong Ark Yuey of the 5 Animal and 5 Family System. Professor Gilbert Bates holds a doctorate in oriental philosophy and was also a student of other Masters such as the late Dr. Fenia Woo and Mai Lu Chiang.



12/01/2012 ATTU ASSOCIATE M.B. Allah Freedom Grandmaster Freedom martial arts career began in 1963 as a Cub Scout in Harlem, NY where he focused on the basics of Judo, Jujutsu and Karate. In the late 60's he met Sensei Lopez and the began structured training regimen of Goju Ryu Karate. Later, as a purple belt,Gout met a Sensei of Hawaiian Kempo, Ken Sappio who possessed impressive techniques resembling the patterns of Goju Ryu. His journey soon led him to Sappho the famous St. Johns Community Center in Brooklyn, NY under the positive St. Johns influence of the legendary Professor Moses Powell and his unique system of Jujutsu and Street-ology. In the 1970's "Obosan" Owen Watson of Chinese Goju, Gave Freedom oldschool, hard-knocks training. Obosan honed his spirit, developed his mind and body. Grandmaster Freedom was fortunate enough to study under the Legendary GRM. Black Hawk Sancarlos (Founder of the Sancarlos System) and was promoted to the Title of Master on April 4th 1997, Soke Adul Bilal, Founder of "Biliailan Ryu Jujitsu" encouraged Freedom, into developing his own system which he calls "Makoto Ryu JujitsuTe". In 2009 Soke Bilal awarded Allah Freedom the level of 10th Degree Red Belt, "Soke"!


12/01/2012 ATTU News Press ATTU ASSOCIATE COLUMNIST ATTU UPDATE Prof. John Kovacs, Soke Prof. John Kovacs, Soke Founder of : Yishendo Escrima Ju-Jutsu Founder of : Tree of Life Society - A Modern Warriors Guild Founder of : I.M.A.S. - Integrated Martial Arts Systems Recognized in three national prestigious martial art organizations as founder of "Yishendo Escrima Ju-Jutsu" and the oldest and largest governing international group has recognized "Yishendo" as well.


Favorite Quotations "you cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong" - Abraham Lincoln�



12/01/2012 ATTU STATE DIRECTOR Tonya Jackson I am a native New Yorker, now residing in Delaware. I am the Managing Partner of the School of Kemetic Sciences (SOKS), handling the business side of this entity. Prior to the creation SOKS, I have worked in Administration industry for over 13 years. During this time, I have built a strong acumen in personnel and human resources, customer and personal services, administration and management, social perception, education and training, sales and marketing and public safety in numerous for profit and non-profit industries. I am a member of the Prestige Academy Charter School Board of Directors School and an Event Planner/Coordinator by nature as well as professionally. In my free time, I design logos, for clothes, business cards etc…, and create artwork in various medias. Due to my creative, artistic, imaginative yet analytical nature, I am sensitive with a unique approach to life. This interesting mixture of idealism and skepticism presents me as the ideal candidate to not only inform and educate people on the benefits of the art of self-defense but to demonstrate and educate on a unique and beneficial style known as the Cross Technique created by Christopher Wilcox, Founder of the SOKS. In creating “The Cross Techniques” Chris has developed personalized styles within executing his signature technique, for his instructors and trainers. My personalized style, Chris has developed over the past three years, is the butterfly. In many cultures, the butterfly represents new life from the old life. As well as to the physical aspect of self-defense, I am a big supporter of the mental concepts of self-defense. By teaching individuals to be aware of their surroundings and to trust their instincts this is the first step to safeguarding themselves. I whole-heartedly share in the belief to teach mental and physical self-defense/offense as well as developing healthy mind and body I want people to learn about themselves. If you know yourself you understand, trust and act upon your core instinct, which factors in on avoiding and/or neutralizing unwanted situations. My intent is to contribute to providing a platform for a healthy harmonious way of life.


ATTU News Press DENMARK 12/01/2012 ATTU International Representative ATTU UPDATE Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi Born on April 19, 1972 Home Town, Daegu, South Korea She is proficient in 8 languages; English, Danish, French, Korean, Swedish, Norwegian, German and Spanish. She is a graduate of; HF Centret Eftersl忙gten Class of 1990 路 Copenhagen, Denmark. 1993 Graduated from Copenhagen Business School. Resides in Denmark Martial Art; Ninjitsu


12/01/2012 ATTU News Press ATTU UPDATE MEMBERS SERVICE ( Tyrone Brooks ) Hello, my name is Tyrone Brooks and I have the distinct pleasure of partnering with Mr. Elam to deliver communication solutions throughout your organization. Our goal is to maximize your outreach with your service/product through telephone conferencing systems and Online Meeting Services that allow up to 1000 participants. These are designed for presentations, meetings, and any collaboration you so choose. These services will be available throughout the U.S and Canada and various international countries as well. Your teleconferencing line is available to you 24/7 and there is no need to schedule or make reservations. For more information regarding this opportunity, please reach out to me at your convenience.

ATTU Pushing Forward Developing Brighter Futures



Vacation Time With; THE LADY DRAGON Cynthia Rothrock


Arenal Active Volcano

First stop today was at one of the biggest coffee plantations here, Starbucks buys 70 percent of all the coffee harvested....was interesting that the beans are all picked by hand....


Manual Antonio Beach 24

Chilling after a hard day on the river, no shower, no make up.... but wine LOL — with Cynthia Rothrock and Cynthia Rothrock.

Instead of eating at the hotel, I decided to go with our tour leader Tex to a local place...we drank an interesting alcoholic drink... and I had a beer, now that's a rarity — with Cynthia Rothrock.


Let's Get Going On A Great Adventure !

The bridge over to the cabin, very rickety.... 26

Zip Lining in Costa Rica Getting hooked up and ready to go go go......

Before I got STUCK WOO HOO WEEE Ops !

Guess what, my weight was too light and I was the only one stuck. I stopped had to turn around and go hand over hand and pull myself back...only ME...hahahaha...but was kind of fun, after I said OH OH 27

A Little Rain Isn't Going To Stop This Adventure !

DRENCHED.... and loving it ! Now I am in heaven, I LOVED walking in the rain , hiking to four falls, was drenched when I got in the bus, so wet my rain gear didn't help at all....but guess because I'm a pisces I love to run and play in the rain....our whole trip is going to be in the rain, it's the RAINY season here.


A Piece Of Cake


This is the falls I rappelled down today...185 ft Big adrenal rush....LOL


Let's Conquer This Puppy !

This is the river we rafted for two view from my cabin, not bad.....


One Of Natures Treasures

We went to the natural hot springs, felt great after a day of action, and they were really hot !

Breathtakingly beautiful


Natures Surprise

Beautiful Mangrove Trees.... Paddling along, easy and peaceful through these amazing tunnels of mangrove trees, another treat from nature. The next treat from nature was a tree that was the home of some Swamp Bats, don't you just love when nature throws you a curve LOL.....


Amazing Wild Life

The plants and wildlife is pretty amazing here....

So sweet mom and baby.


Rules Of Nature

We saw a chase between this eagle and a turkey kind of bird, the eagle won :( he dove on him and injured him, and than went in for the kill....not really thrilled with seeing that....although others thought it should have been on Prey, Animal Planet 34

Cultural History

I'm amazing and you know what ! I know it !


Natures Little Wonder

My favorite Costa Rica it !


Island Treasure

Just hanging out in the trees



Stop being a mean monkey's and just smile for the camera... 38


Eating lunch and a monkey in the tree.....

Taken from my balcony, squirrel monkey..... 39

Zen Please, I'm on vacation !



Oh No..... They found me !


Natures Dangers


Video Trailer – China O brine

Rothrock & Avedon - No Retreat No Surrender 2

Above the Law Rothrock

Cynthia Rothrock - Martial Combat (The Encyclopedia Of Martial Arts)

Lady Dragon 2


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The Lady Dragon 44

Cynthia Rothrock



Being that this issue highlights “Women in the Martial Arts” beginning with the ever so awesome, “THE LADY DRAGON“, GM Cynthia Rothrock who graces our cover in this months issue, quite an honor! We do have a very special interview actually two interviews with two women I had the pleasure of addressing regarding their standing and views as women in the martial arts community. The first being, Miss Janelle Staley who was introduced to me by her instructor Master Alfredo Reynardo Reynardo “Nikko” “Nikko” Gutierrez Gutierrez Torella, KWONBOP COMBAT Founder and Headmaster. Back in early October I ATTU ATTU Executive Executive Vice Vice President President requested from Master Torella someone I can interview for this article and her readily and immediate recommended Janelle Staley, and I can now see why and you the readers will see why as well once you read her interview. Miss Janelle and I have been in contact since our introduction and to say the least she is one pretty awesome lady. Her dedication to her training has earned her a promotion to Black Belt earlier in the year. Before moving forward, read what Master Torella has to say about his student, Janelle Staley.

“I met Janelle Staley in mid 2009 at a Seminar here in Michigan that a Master had put together , i was invited to share my system of Kwonbop Combat . After the Seminar Janelle asked me where my school was and other information because she liked my system and wanted to try some classes with me . Janelle informed me that she trained several years with different instructors and never found a fighting system that was fit or suitable for her, until now... A few weeks passed and she comes to my school for an initial instruction, after class she tells me “This is what I was looking for all my life and definitely want to train in Kwonbop“. Janelle Staley has been with me since 2009 , she earned her Black Belt in April 2012, was promoted in Italy at the USIMAA-WASCA Hall of Fame event. There is something very special about this young lady ... Janelle is a single mother of 2 and works two jobs sometimes 3 to support her self and her children! In addition, what people don't know is that she lives more than 3 hours away from my school, that’s right 3 hours! Janelle trains with me every other week and has to drive 3 hours to my school and 3 hours back home . Janelle has traveled with me several times to Italy, has assisted me in seminars as Uke and has helped promote the Kwonbop Combat system all over the world . She is a hard working young lady, a fighter, a Warrior in my book !!!! I have a lot of admiration and utmost respect for her as a student and personal friend . I have never met a women with such drive and such spirit who is always willing and ready to help, support and give advice or a helping hand. I am very proud of her and wish her the best of success in all of her future endeavors regarding the martial arts....


Master Torella and Janelle Staley Janelle Staley is a 1ST Degree Black Belt Warrior. Student of KWONBOP COMBAT System. Representative of the USIMAA United States Italian Martial Arts Alliance in the World and can proudly say a personal friend of mine. Master Alfredo Torella , President of the USIMAA and General Director of WASCA in the United States. Thank you Master Torella. The following is an insight of one unique mind expressing her views as a Lady Warrior in the Martial Arts today. Ladies and Gentlemen, Miss Janelle Staley. 1) How long have you been studying the Martial Arts, what system you are studying? Janelle : “I have been studying the martial arts for 20 years. I am currently studying Kwonbop Combat, under the instruction of Master Alfredo Torella”. 2) What prompted you to begin studying martial arts and what drew you to Master Torella and Kwon Bop. Janelle : “When I was 3 years old I used to emulate Bruce Lee from the TV. My parents thought I was being funny until they put me in Tae Kwon Do at 9 years old and I stuck with it. I was drawn to Master Torella because of his incredible knowledge of how the body mechanics including energy, joint manipulations, his V system, and hand to hand or empty hand combat. It is real combat, not sport”. 3) Are any of your family members also studying Kwonbop or training in other disciplines other than yourself? Janelle : “My brother-in-law started training with me in Kwonbop Combat with Master Torella but discontinued because of commitments of college studies and work”. 4) My favorite training is Kumite and Makiwara, what would yours be, and what is a typical training session for you? Janelle : “My favorite training is Bunkai (the application) and sparring. A typical training session would be combinations drills and then Bunkai with partner. It is always different though, Master Torella teaches by who is in attendance. Meaning, he knows what each student needs to work on so it can be different depending on who is there. It is his unique diversified method”. 5) Prior to training with Master Torella have you studied with anyone else or other systems if so can you tell us about them? Janelle : “Prior to Master Torella I trained in Tae Kwon Do with Sensei Frank. I trained with Master Birch and Sensei House in Tang Soo Do. I have trained with Master Jay Penfil in Tang Soo Jutsu. I have also trained with Coach Eric Evers in Prodigy Boxing. MMA Gyms that I have trained with are KO Boxing with Lonny McQueen and Spyder Submissions with Brett Spardella”.


6) As a woman in the Martial Arts what obstacles if any were you met with? Janelle: “One of the obstacles that I’ve come across, are the geographical locations of the martial art dojos. I have to travel long distances for lack of dojos in my area, to train with instructors who are authentically committed to martial values and have experience and genuine knowledge they can share with me and others. When I train with these instructors I look for martial values and critically skilled technique, such as Master Torella”. 7). There are notable and accomplished Martial Arts women, who are your favorite or inspirational one. Do you emulate anyone of them? Janelle: “I admire Grandmaster Jill Hernandez’s strength. She has overcome some internal pain from martial arts training and has prospered to achieve what she has become today, a Grandmaster. If she can do it, I have the same determination and dedication, therefore so can I”. 8) Who do you consider the most inspirational Martial Artist, why? Janelle : “Master Alfredo Torella inspires me the most. With all of his accomplishments he is still very humble and shows humility towards others. He excels with his physical techniques, ability and mental wisdom. I hope to become as wise and skilled as he is one day. He perseveres in his goals and is very successful. I wish to be the same”. 9) We all in our community consider Martial Arts our way of life, is this so with you as well and what do you adapt to your daily from martial arts? Janelle : “Martial arts are my way of life. Since I have been 9 years old in the martial arts, I have developed selfdiscipline, self-respect, perseverance, humility, and indomitable spirit. I strive to finish everything I start, whether it is work, college education, or martial art training. I have the self-discipline to control my emotions, my thoughts, and my physical body. I respect others' strengths and weaknesses. I am always willing to help anyone physically or mentally”. 10) Now that you have achieved your 1st Dan and have now begun your new journey, what are your aspirations now with Martial Arts and Kwonbop? Janelle : “Even though I earned my 1st Dan, I will continue learning improving my techniques and strive for perfection. My goal is to excel further in the martial arts and in my personal life”. 11) How do you think you will make your mark in your contributions to the Martial Arts Community? Janelle : “My mark in the Martial arts community would be to continue assisting others in reaching their goals in improving their mindset ready to meet the challenges of training in the Martial Arts. It is my hope that they benefit by my assistance and acquire the same”.


12) You have and were part of one of the most important historical events in Martial Arts in Master Torella's “Return of the Dragon Challenge”. What was it like to be part or participate in that awesome event? Janelle: “To be a part of Master Torella's Return of the Dragon Challenge was very exciting! It felt good to be a part of something that brings the martial arts community together. To learn from each other and witness everyone's talents and abilities was amazing! I met good people and had a wonderful time”. 13) Define Janelle the Lady Dragon and the Janelle the Lady. Janelle : “I utilize the values that were taught to me since my younger years from the martial arts. I feel as though martial values are positive and right for everyone to live by. I have balanced physical, mental, and spiritual well-being because this trinity is in unity and synced to and with each other. That is the Lady Dragon in me. Being Janelle the Lady, I have a will to assist, guiding them on their paths, because I am nurturing and compassionate of others. I love my friends and family and support them in all their endeavors. I don’t mind being their strength when they are down. Everyone I know calls me for guidance; regardless of their age, they call me. I have become disciplined in work ethics as adapted from Martial Arts. 14) You may now be considered a role model for all the little Lady Dragons, what advice would you offer to future Janelle’s? Janelle : “My advice to others is to do your best! Give your all everyday! Know that everything happens for a reason and do not let bad things in life get you down! The purpose is for you to learn and grow as individuals. Solve your problems and live life to the fullest. Happiness starts from within and can be a rippling effect to others. Be the one to make someone smile, be the one to help others, be one with you. Strive to better yourself, but respect others along the way”. 15) That one word that describes Janelle would be? Janelle: “The one word that describes me is. Serene” Janelle it was a great pleasure to interview you and on behalf of the American Temple Training Union, MA Masters Magazine, Staff and ATTU community we wish you the very best of wishes on all of your future endeavors and an incredible Holiday Season with your two beautiful girls. My deepest admiration for your dedication to the martial arts and your family. OSS! Reynardo “Nikko” Gutierrez, Soke Executive Vice President, ATTU Associate Chief Editor, The American Temple Training Union MA Masters Magazine 718.713.7149



Reynardo Reynardo “Nikko” “Nikko” Gutierrez Gutierrez

ATTU ATTU Executive Executive Vice Vice President President

A different perspective from a seasoned Martial Artist. Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic is the Founder and Headmaster of SINANJU SHIN DO Close Combat Martial arts. Note that her views are direct and more simplistic than that of our previous interviews with Janelle Staley. It may have been because of the language barrier between our two worlds. Much of the responses I had to clarify as best as I could. Ladies and Gentlemen, Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic


1. How long have you been involved in the Martial Arts and what is your System? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “I have been involved for 32 years and starting training in Karate and Aikido for the better part of my life. Today I have own style SINANJU SHIN DO-Close combat martial art, I am Founder and Headmaster with Kancho Goran Dudaš- Rt. Lt. Colonel. Of SINANJU SHIN DO, Close Combat Martial Art. Members and recognition of WOMA Croatia group on WOMA. Members of Japan Institute in UK-Liverpool since 2011 and received title KANCHO-10.DAN“. 2. What prompted you to begin studying the martial arts and what drew you into training? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “I wanted to train because of the interest I developed for it at a very young age made it my way of life. The training as I saw it, always intrigued me“. 3. Are any members of your family also studying or training in other disciplines other than yourself? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “From my family, my husband. He is Co-Founder and Headmaster of Sinanju Shin Do, Kancho-Goran Dudaš-Rt.Lt.Colonel of Croatian Army. We own the International Center Sinanju Shin Do“. 4. My favorite training is Kumite and Makiwara. What would yours be and what would a typical training session would be for you? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “My favorite way of training is Kumite, because I am considered and enjoy being a real fighter. This method of training is real combat situation training for students. It has been our belief that this is best way to prepare students for actual situation of self defense throughout their training and lives. Another favorite of mine like you is with the Makiwara. For both conditioning and combination training“. 5. Prior to teaching your system, who have you studied with and can you give us a comparison on each of systems?. Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “Sinanju Shin Do in some parts of techniques much like what I studied in Aikijutsu but is very hard to compare with any specific Martial arts for reasons of specific close combat methods and way of combat techniques. It is difficult for me to compare, as all serve a combat defense structure and service. 6. As a woman in the Martial Arts what obstacles if any were you met with? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “Obstacles in Martial arts? Fortunately I haven’t been met with any that s worth mentioning. like many women in this world, I don’t had any problems so long as people in Martial arts look to me with respect in my surroundings and beyond, I also will respect them, Surely there are those that do have or had problems with women in the martial arts but it is not much of a concern for me because I know that like I many have contributed positively to the Martial arts and it’s community”.


7. There are notable and accomplished Martial Arts woman, who are your favorite or most inspirational one. Do you emulate any of them? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “I never had or aspired to be like any women martial artist but my inspiration of Martial arts would be from Masutatsu Oyama and Morihei Uyeshiba. I would say I emulate their training and teachings“. 8. We all in our community consider Martial arts our way of life. Is this so with you as well and what do you adapt to your daily life from Martial arts?. Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “ In Sinanju Shin Do Martial art we consider and teach our students and Masters that Martial arts is way a life and all other is just following a continued process of this consideration. Everything in the Martial arts that I have learned is adapted. From what to do to what not to do”. 9. Now that you have achieved all that you have, what are your aspirations now? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “My Achievements are not reasons of my work in the martial arts. I am thinking that my life will continue as my spirit in Martial arts will be as active until I can’t train any more. Training, teaching and conducting demonstrations, will be continued as well. As for my of Martial art achievements and awards they are just recognition of my way of work and contributions”. 10. How do you think that you will make your ultimate mark in your contributions to the Martial Arts community? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “Female students and other students in our International Center Sinanju Shin Do must understand that need to have that respect dignity and honor. This is what I expect to continue to teach and emulate therefore be of a positive example to my students especially the women. I in my own way set the example that can be accomplished, once you have determined what it is that you wish to do then set your goals and go after it. That is my point of work and teaching in Martial arts“. 11. Share your views regarding today’s Martial Arts and Martial arts of years ago? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “My view of Martial arts today and years ago is definitely different from many others. After 32 years in Martial arts we all think differently. Today women are more welcome and accepted in what was once considered and all male forum or structure and years ago it was dominated by males. Am glad that we have had many women who broke the barriers and made their mark as I aspire to continue doing. My advice to all female and male masters is DO WHAT YOU WISH AND BE READY TO DO UNTIL ALL AND SURPASS YOUR LIMITS!!”


12. Define Ana Zuzic the Lady Dragon, Grandmaster and Ana Zuzic the Lady. Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “When we talk about the respectable Lady Dragon I must say that is very difficult to do any comparisons this way. First she lives in a different -part of World, Our culture and conditions of life are different She is also active in Martial arts. My life here is inside Post War 1991-1996 in Croatia. Due to that caused huge changes of my personal life . As a wife, my husband Kancho Goran Dudaš a war veteran who has spent many years on the battlefield, and , I worked hard behind these war conditions in the City and establish classes with small groups of students. The Lady? Am a wife, friend and mother sometimes to my students and a positive influence. 13. You, am sure are considered a role model for all the Little Lady Dragons, female students and the like. What advice would you offer to future ladies in the arts?. Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “The students and instructors I teach to that follow their Martial arts way of life after acquiring the foundation from me. like I do today with them in the teaching process. Independent views and attitudes in life”. 15. One term that describes Ana would be? Grandmaster Ana D. Zuzic: “Like Soke Glenn Perry stated time about me is true: "NOTHING ORDINARY".


SHORT ABOUT ME: Founder -Headmaster of SINANJU SHIN DO Founder of STREET AIKI COMBAT SYSTEM President of WOMENS UNION OF MARTIAL ARTS MASTERS Vice President of CLOSE COMBAT MARTIAL ARTS&HEADMASTERS FEDERATION President of INTERNATIONAL CENTER SINANJU SHIN DO Director of INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF CLOSE PROTECTION AND BODYGUARD Member of ROYAL SOCIETY GROUP-WOMA Member of JAPAN INSTITUTE-UK Director of WOMA CROATIA Group Awarded Hall of Fame 2010,2011 and 2012 year Award Hall of Honor 2011 Medal of Honor 2011-Royal Society Group Grandmaster Zuzic thank you very much for this interview with us. May you continue do the great things that you and your husband are doing there in Croatia. Continued success and the best wishes during the Christ holiday season to all of you from the American Temple Training Union. Reynardo “Nikko” Gutierrez, Soke Executive Vice President, ATTU Associate Chief Editor, The American Temple Training Union MA Masters Magazine 718.713.7149


Consuelo Encinas American Top Team Jiu Jitsu Fort Lauderdale, FL.. 56

My name is Consuelo Encinas, I am a 36 year old mother of 2… I am a home health aide for a lady with Alzheimer's and her daughter who has Muscular Dystrophy… I am involved in the nonprofit event planning community… and I am a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu player. I have always had an interest in the healthcare field; I like to take care of people. I believe in making a difference in people’s lives. It is a job that is always gratifying for me, sometimes just to see someone smile makes my day. The nonprofit stuff I kind of fell into through my sister. I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with such nonprofit organizations as Habitat for Humanity, Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation, Hypoglycemia Foundation and more. It is amazing to see the difference that these people are making in the world and I am proud to be a part of it. I started training Jiu Jitsu in the mid 90’s very briefly with a boyfriend I had at the time. I fell in love with the Jiu Jitsu and not the guy. We broke up and I was not able to find another academy to train Jiu Jitsu at, this was a very small sport here in the United States at that time. I did other things like boxing, Muay Thai etc… but nothing else gave me that passion that Jiu Jitsu had given me. I promised myself I would go back, and I did last October 2011 after a long marriage and 2 kids I am back where I want to be. I separated from my ex-husband last October and the first thing I did was go sign up at American Top Team – Fort Lauderdale, FL check us out at WWW.ATTFTL.COM and I have never looked back.

My teacher Master Junior Fernandes is awesome; he is very methodical in his teaching and pays close attention to detail. I am grateful for him giving me his knowledge of BJJ and making sure that his students are the best they can be. My academy has become my second home and my teammates have become my extended family. I am also sponsored by Conspiracy Kimonos; you can view their products at Jiu Jitsu has changed my life, my way of thinking and even how I raise my children. They also train BJJ and love it. I train at least 5 times a week. I have been training for 1 year this month I have competed in 3 tournaments and won 5 medals. I have been promoted from white belt to green belt and I am excited to see what this next year brings me. This is a great journey, my goal is to one day have my black belt and teach women’s classes and possibly even have my own academy.


Consuelo Encinas

Making a real difference in the lives of others !


“RESPONSIBILITY OF POWER” Abraham Lincoln said, “If you want to test a man’s character – give him power.” As martial arts instructors, we find ourselves in chief positions of authority and leadership, whether as a sensei, master, or grandmaster. Our students and their families look to us as mentors and place our character on an untouchable platform. The level of responsibility that follows this high regard is imperative. Even more important, is what we do with this influence. According to, leadership is defined as “a person who guides or directs a group” while power is defined as “the possession of control or command over others”. It is what we do with our authority that tests our character. We can choose to guide our students or we can control them. In the minds of our students, we are like idols. They give us power but this does not mean we should abuse this power and possess them to bid our commands. Unfortunately, I have witnessed dozens of instances where this fine line between leadership and power has been crossed leading to the abuse of the student. As a young karate student, I was subjected to this phenomenon, although, as a teenager, I did not fully understand the full implications of the situation. I placed my full respect and trust in one of my instructors. He was an excellent teacher and held honor and integrity to high degree. As a student, if he said, “Jump”, I said, “How high?” I held him in veneration and allowed him to exercise power over me because I trusted him. This instructor stepped over the line. He went from guiding me to controlling me. He took the student-teacher relationship to a place this association should never go. He became sexually physical with me and I allowed him to. It isn’t until almost two decades later that I am able to understand the depths of this betrayal. It is because of this awareness that I decided to share it with the rest of my martial arts family. If you aren’t aware of the magnitude of power that you are given by your students, then you are being naive. You hold their trust and innocence in your hands. To abuse this is unacceptable and we should never allow our colleagues to abuse this privilege either. Too many people turned a blind eye to my predicament, which was a failure of the integrity of our art.

Tammy Rider

Of course, power trips at the dojo don’t only result in sexual mistreatment, but physical and mental abuse as well. Instructors have been known to belittle their students, injure them to teach them a lesson, and create an environment of fear on the floor. None of these practices will foster a learning atmosphere where dual-respect and honor can thrive. If it is the lure of dominance over others that motivates someone to assume a role of leadership this how misguided these individuals are in their intentions. Power does not corrupt. A corrupted individual is attracted to power. As with any other profession, not all martial arts instructors are qualified to lead people. They may suffer from mental health ailments ranging from anxiety or phobias to antisocial personality disorder to a Napoleon Complex. Science fiction author, Robert Heinlein once noted that, “Anyone who wants to be a politician shouldn’t be allowed to be one.” A true leader is motivated by common goal that should benefit the entire group, society, or school.


As black belts we should all stop and check our motivation to become lead instructors. Are we motivated to share our knowledge and skills with others? Or are we motivated by the perquisites of title and power over others? As John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” Take a moment and think about your experiences with previous and current teachers, colleagues, and students. Don’t be afraid to analyze these relationships for what they are. Whether that person is someone you consider untouchable or superior, everyone needs to be put in check for their actions. It is our responsibility as a martial artist to maintain and protect the integrity of our arts. “With great power comes great responsibility”Voltaire (or Uncle Ben from Spiderman, your choice).

Tammy Rider Owner and Program Leader, Open Call Fitness Founder Warrior Women self-defense system for and by women Co-Owner and Instructor, Okinawan Martial Arts Academy About the Author: Ms. Tammy Rider is considered a self-defense expert within the community. She has been a student of Okinawa Kenpo Karate Kobudo Shudokan (later identified as Ryu Kyu Hon Kenpo Kobujutsu) since 1992 having earned her 1st Dan Black Belt in 1996. She is a Hall of Honors member of the Action Martial Arts Hall of Honors in Atlantic City in 2011. She was also inducted into the World Karate Union Hall of Fame in 2012. Ms. Rider is also a gold medalist in the Pennsylvania State Keystone Games. Prior to opening her fitness studio Open Call Fitness and co-founding the Okinawan Martial Arts Academy, Ms. Rider worked at the Hershey Medical Center Cancer Institute as a Senior Research Coordinator where she managed cancer research studies. She obtained her B.S. in the Biological Sciences from the University of Pittsburgh in 2002, and is currently studying for her Master’s in Business Administration at Alvernia University. She is passionate about teaching and promoting collaboration in the martial arts, as well as maintaining the integrity of the discipline.


Lacey Schuckman Muay Thai & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

MMA COMBAT SPORTS Lacey Schuckman was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. She was always getting in trouble at school for beating up boys. When she was young it was kind of cute and funny but as she got older things changed. When she was 15 she was sent to a Juvenile Detention Center for assaulting a young man. That was the turning point of her young life. She began training with her now husband, Randall, in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Combat Sports had always been something that she was interested in, maybe even dabbling in it a time or two briefly. This time it was completely life changing.


She started competing in Muay Thai in 2006 because The Colorado Boxing Commission would not sanction amateur female MMA. Finally in December 2006 Lacey was able to convince the Nevada Boxing Commission to sanction it and she made her amateur MMA debut on the final Pro/Am Tuff N Uff event. Then in January 2007 she was able to get Colorado to follow suit and had her second amateur MMA fight. That same year Lacey and her husband took a year off for him to have surgery. Then in 2008 Lacey came back with a vengeance winning all 4 of her next fights and capturing and defending her RMBB 120lbs. Amateur Female MMA Title under her new team.


In January of 2009 she decided to take a chance and turn professional and enter the The Hook N Shoot GFIGHT 115lbs. Grand Prix the last 8 women tournament held in one day. She made it to the semifinals taking 14x world champion Lisa Higo to a decision, Lisa’s first career decision. She then went on to win her next 2 fights getting the opportunity to fight under the Strikeforce banner. Then in January 2011 she dropped to the 110lbs. class to take on #9 ranked fighter Diana Rael for the RMBB 110lbs. Professional Women’s MMA Title which she captured in round one. In December 2011 she fought undefeated fighter and current ROF champion Michelle Blalock. It was a short notice fight at 125lbs., Lacey took the challenge head first and took home the title.


She was given the opportunity to fight under the Invicta banner in July 2012 against # 3 ranked, Jewelz World Champion Ayaka Hamasaki. In a hard fought battle she was arm barred with only 15 seconds left in the final round. Then in October of 2012 she made her debut at 105lbs. at Invicta to take on #3 ranked Michelle Waterson where again she felt the taste of defeat by way of a split decision. The ladies were granted fight of the night for their back and forth battle. Since then she has been right back in the gym critiquing and working on her overall game. She has found a home at 105lbs. and plans to stay there unless a worth while opportunity arises or is offered a title defense. Lacey is taking advantage of her time out of the cage to really improve for her next performance whether it be Boxing, Muay Thai, or Mixed Martial Arts. She has been busy helping her husband Randall prepare for his upcoming match December 7th in Sheridan, Colorado for Airtight Boxing Presents: Seasons Beatings 2 where he will be taking on Ray Orosco at 135lbs.

After the holidays she will begin helping plan his training camp for Golden Gloves in March of 2013 and begin the 3 month camp. She has also been busy with training personal clients and helping run her and her husband’s grassroots gym. She attributes all her blessings to the good Lord, hard work, dedication, and her coach/husband. Keep an eye out for Lacey Schuckman in 2013!


BRING IT.......

Follow her on: Facebook


Lacey Schuckman

Muay Muay Thai Thai & & Brazilian Brazilian Jiu Jiu Jitsu Jitsu

or Official Website:



Technology and Transparency in the Martial Arts By Dana L. Stamos

Recently I was asked to speak at the World Moo Duk Kwan General Federation’s 1st Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum in Korea. I was invited to attend the event as a journalist, thanks to my good friends Grandmaster Robert Kovaleski and Master Eric Kovaleski who are very supportive of my martial endeavors. Tang Soo Do Grandmasters and Masters from around the world attended this forum, gathering to support the World Moo Duk Kwan General Federation and Tang Soo Do. Tang Soo Do was the first martial art I practiced, and it gave me my love for the martial arts. I am not a great martial artist, but I am a great lover of the martial arts. The study of Tang Soo Do made a difference in my life for many reasons, both physically and mentally. I am not an easy student to teach. I was born with handicaps and I was injured in a fall that made many of the normal things in life more difficult for me. It was my Tang Soo Do instructor, Mr. Harold Gross, who helped me to overcome many of these obstacles, and it is because of his professionalism and love of the martial arts, as well as the many other wonderful instructors I have worked with, that I continue to be involved in the martial arts. I went to Korea to be part of the 1st Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum because I wanted to help the World Moo Duk Kwan General Federation to promote Tang Soo Do throughout the world. I believe that all of us must come together and use our individual skills to help promote the martial arts in the most effective ways possible because martial artists can truly make a difference in the world. I believe that everyone should study the martial arts, not just for protection, but to build character and discipline and because, simply said, the study of martial arts helps us to become better people and better people make up a better world. I use my talents as a journalist and as a web and graphic designer to help educate and inform people about the martial arts. I own some of the world’s largest martial arts informational web sites as well as other sites that promote martial arts, martial arts schools, businesses and organizations. I am constantly learning as I further develop each of my sites, but the most important lesson I have learned and that I shared in Korea, and that I want to share with you in this article, is that we must be


professional in all that we do. Professionalism includes not only the use of technology in a professional manner, but it also demands transparency from each one of us as we interact with those inside and outside of the martial arts entities we represent. We all know that any credible martial arts entity must have a web site. A presence on the web shows people that we are seriously interested in serving them. It allows people from all over the world to have instant access to our information, 24 hours a day, and allows us to have a place to promote the arts. A web site allows the sharing of time sensitive materials about seminars, events, tournaments and more. It allows instant communication and gives the media immediate access to the information we want to share with them. I’m sure we all agree that having a web site is imperative, but we must also understand that the site must be well administered and maintained. A poorly build and administered web site will severely damage the credibility of any entity. This means that a web site must keep up with technology and the information on the site must be up to date and easily accessible for everyone. A web site is a must for any entity, but there are other technologies that can also be utilized for promotion. There are webinars and podcasts, as well as video streaming, which allow us to share events, seminars and more throughout the world in real time and to record for play back later. We also need to use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin. Technology makes our ability to communicate about what we are doing much more exciting and ultimately easier, if we take the time to become familiar with the technology, or hire people who are already experts at using the technology. The next part of our professionalism is even more imperative. It is professional transparency. It means we have to be completely honest about all that we do and say, because the internet has given us access to all types of information, and through research it is easy to prove that false information is false. Nothing will spread faster on the web and destroy individuals and entities quicker than dishonesty. In today’s technological world, our past, present and future is under scrutiny. There is no hiding anything, so the very first job for any martial arts entity or individual is to scrutinize all written documentation and make sure that all the information given to the public is truthful and historically sound. Sometimes this means uncovering information that has been hidden, or rewriting “history” so that it is based on reality, not on what we have been taught is the truth. This means that we must be willing to search our souls and to work together without the involvement of ego to make sure we are sharing with others, information that is correct and truthful. This means we do not compete against one another with untruths, but rather we work to become the people we want to be. Transparency makes us vulnerable to one another, which means that our priorities must be right or we can easily destroy one another. It means that we must often forgive one another as we grow in our ability to be transparent and


as we consistently return to the path of truthfulness. It also means that we must leave behind the notion that the higher the rank we are, the more important we are. Instead we must understand that the higher the rank we are, the more responsibility we hold in setting the correct example for those following in our footsteps. It is a new and exciting world we live in, and this quick access to information is one of the biggest benefits to society as a whole, and to each of us as individuals. This technology allows us to communicate with one another almost instantaneously, but it also means that we have to be on our toes at all times, making sure we communicate effectively. How does a martial arts entity become and stay professional? It is simple, by having the correct people in the correct positions so that the work that needs to be done gets completed correctly and on time. We cannot have an entity that looks good on paper, but does not meet the needs of its members or clients. Many of you have worked very hard to earn the rank and grand titles you hold, but you must also have grand aspirations and a desire to work hard to achieve the goals you set forth for the entity you are involved with, whether it is a school, organization, event or business. Just as it takes hard work and determination to earn rank in the martial arts, it takes hard work and determination to build an entity that more than meets the needs of those involved. If we want to grow and influence the promotion of the arts throughout the world, then all involved must commit to serving this cause by dedicating the talents they have as individuals to the benefit of martial arts as a whole. We cannot see a position in any entity as a stepping stone to building our own ego or individual status, but we must see ourselves as servants willing to give of our time and energy to the benefit of every member of the entity. Those who sit on boards or who have other positions of authority do so, not because they are better than those they serve, but because they have learned to live as positive role models for those they serve. In a previous portion of this speech I said that “we must be willing to search our souls and to work together without the involvement of ego.� To me this is the most important aspect of working with any entity. As I said, to succeed, we must be willing to set aside our egos and become servants of one another. Furthermore we must never allow disrespect for one another and we must never gossip about one another. The quickest way to destroy an entity is from within its own walls. This does not mean that we are not responsible for confronting one another when necessary, because we must hold one another accountable to a higher standard with the goal of helping one another to grow. We need to be very careful about admonishing one another publicly, as this tends to harm martial arts as a whole and we do not often get the results we were hoping for. Our goal is never to harm martial arts, but to help one another put our best foot forward to better promote the arts.


In summary, martial artists are all warriors by nature and leaders by nurture, and it is not easy to set aside one’s own goals for the benefit of others, but this must be done if an entity is to maintain strength and the lead others in a positive direction. If we want to continue to spread martial arts throughout the world in a positive light, we must learn to use technology in a professional manner and we must be completely transparent in all that we do. We must be willing to serve one another and to use our rank to set an example for those who follow. We must teach by example and live by the principles that make martial artists different from the rest of mankind. This is possible if we work together toward a common goal, the betterment of the world through the promotion of martial arts. If a man wishes to be a leader, he must first be a servant to those he leads, and then let his behavior be the example that others follow. ~ Dana L. Stamos



Universal Balance by Barbara Finney Many in the martial arts speak of Chi. the mysterious energy associated with martial arts and practices such as acupuncture. Those who look deeper into the matter run across the opposing energy to Chi called Shah, or negative Chi. Shah is often also associated with the disputed martial art known as the Dim Mak or the "death touch." But Shah is merely the opposing force to chi, a necessary component of overall balance. The famous Yin/Yang symbol illustrates this idea that balance in the universe is maintained by the perfect balance of opposing forces. This ancient philosophical take on things is further illustrated in modern understanding of physics. It is true of the electro-magnetic forces, with the polar of male and female sockets and connectors. the concept of male and female also being a balance of opposites. The best demonstrable example is that of the opposing poles of a magnet. The north pole vs. the south pole or the positive vs. the negative. The very nature of the earth is that of a giant magnet with positive and negative polar regions. The very nature of physical reality is held in existence by the oppositional forces of positive and negative. Why this is so is anybody's guess. That it is so is indisputable. The ancients were far more informed in their understanding of he nature of reality than modern scholars gave them credit for in modern times. It could be said that it is Chi and Shah under many names that are the main glue that holds reality together. Why Shah or negative Chi gets the bad rap is uncertain, but it does. In acupuncture negative chi is thought of as cold and damp and cooling and stagnant where positive chi is thought to be warm and heating and a more desirable form of energy. Though my point for now is bringing to light the link between the understanding of many aspects of Qigong in terms of modern findings in Quantum Physics. When such things are looked at and compared, it is possible to put a scientific understanding as to why Qigong can allow those who learn to master it to do more than one would expect from just doing norma. exercise. Qigong is indeed a "force multiplier" practice, allowing 2+2 to equal 6. These are simple ideas and yet at the same time very complicated. Meanwhile one need not think about the universe and quantum physics in order to begin to work with chi and shah. Shah has its place in the balance of all things even if it is regarded as the "dark side" of chi.


What SOKS Means To Me Hi, my name is Tonya Jackson; I am the Managing Partner of the School of Kemetic Sciences (SOKS). Three years ago Chris Wilcox, the founder of the School of Kemetic Sciences, and I decided a merger of his selfdefense/martial arts talent and my management and marketing abilities would lend to the growth and development of his dream to teach his signature technique, “The Cross Technique, The Art of Escape” but not limited to women and children. When I was introduce to “The Cross Technique I was sold. Every person I have spoken with, given a demonstrated to or encouraged viewing our YouTube video, has been sold as well. As a women and a mother I believe the art he has developed is necessary. In our daily routine, our behavior becomes a pattern, which lends us to being easy targets for a predator. Often times we are in situations where we are isolated and/ or secluded. Our attacker/aggressor has studied our routine and has the upper hand. However, being a student of SOKS, “The Cross Technique, The Art of Escape” reduces and/or eliminates your attacker’s advantage. He/she has no clue. Teaching students how to deflect and neutralize an attack without using your muscle or exerting energy, only using your breathe is the optimal way to remaining safe. This unique technique is not limited to physical self-defense but includes mental self-defense, the uses of practical weapons and confidence. In my opinion once, you've begun learning this concept it becomes more than just a practiced technique, it is a way of life…

Tonya Jackson

School School Of Of Kemetic Kemetic Science Science


Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi Ninjitsu Ninjitsu

Heaven Heaven and and Earth: Earth: My My life is is devoted the Art of the Ninja. devoted Art of the Ninja. II am am born in in nature. nature. My father father is Heaven. My mother is is Heaven. mother is Earth. My home my Earth. My my body. body. My aims aims my my heart, heart, soul soul and and mind. mind. II protect people I love. My protect love. My weapons are everything. weapons are everything. Shadow Shadow is is my my element. element. 72

My short story: Fly Little Bird by; Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi Flying down through the night clouds in a city far away I know where to travel. I see his home. Like a bird I fly down following the street lamps and the love. My wings are blue and tail red like the colors of the South Korean flag. I land on the stairs that lead up to the external gallery to his apartment. Light comes out from his entrance. He stands outside smoking and waiting for me. He has a beautiful tattoo on his back of the Japanese dragon that I admire. His long black hair shapes his Asian face. Turning around he smiles and takes me in his arms to protect me from all evil. I ask him to take me away from the world where I am now. I will never go back to Planet Earth to stay in Denmark again. I have so much pain inside and my soul is empty and sad. I tell him that I want to stay with him forever. He kisses me and says that I am always welcome to stay with him but he also tells me that I have to go back and wake up again because I have two kids who love me and need me, but I am always welcome. He is right, I have to stay in Denmark to be there for my kids. He smiles so gently and touches my black hair and caresses my face. He tells me with his soft voice that I am a good mother. He wishes that he could go with me into my world in Denmark and kick all haters and people who want to hurt me to hell. He never blames my Borderline or tell me that I am crazy. I do not have to make excuses. He understands of whole his heart. He hugs me and saying that he is proud of me. He has kept an eye with me when I fought my battles on Earth. I tell him good things about Denmark too but that I miss him. He says that he is with me no matter where I am and he is there for me in his own way ♥ His hand dries away my tears. He never says that I have to be strong and pull myself together. He listens, he has room for me. For the first time I do not hesitate to let it out and just cry. With his voice he comforts me without judging me. He tells me his deep love. I have brought sushi to give him. It is in a small silk bag carried around my neck. I kiss him and whispering my love to him. I say: When my wings become strong enough I will fly you to all your favorite places. Again he tells his pride. I make him happy. He answers: Fly little I feel warm and happy as I have never felt before. We have a couple of hours before I have to return and wake up from my dream. He has made coffee and we enjoy each other to the fullest. I enjoy to be the woman I never dare to be on Earth. I even enjoy making love to him. I feel true love and if I hesitate or want to stop he respects that. He knows what I have been through. But his touch is wonderful and gentle. From being a shy little bird without the feeling of belonging I transfer into the woman he loves and when he looks at me I feel like a shining star on his beautiful stage where I am allowed to be without being a burden-but this is a place I call home ♥♥ Akira-san always sleeps when I leave. It is before dawn. I sit on the tamit mat aside of him looking at him while I touch his long black hair. I whisper in the darkness that I love him. I hug him one last time while tears run down in my soul. I hug him for a long time, hearing his heart beat and his breath. It is difficult to let go but I am always welcome. We have had wonderful hours together. We talked, kissed, hugged, made love, ate sushi, drank coffee and sake. He taught me further in Ninjutsu. I rise to my feet and looking around. His home is comfortable and small. I walk over to the open window. I transfer into the bird and a pale light surrounds me for a short while. I carry the empty silk bag around my neck. He liked my sushi. I am ready to fly back to Earth and wake up. My heart is no longer frozen and sad. Now it is happy and warm filled with love. The only man who has the key to the inner secrets of my heart sleeps on his tamit mat behind me. He will never break it or take my love for given. I thank him and bow. Silence is comfortable. I admire his Katana on the wall and remember when we trained. His words remain in my mind: "Fly little bird, fly!" I smile and take off out of the window. Winds of late Summer lift me up and I fly away up over the morning clouds.....happiness and renewed power. Suddenly I fall toward into a colored light and I feel the morning sun. I wake up and see two beautiful faces smiling at me. "Mom, are you awake?" I hear my daughter's voice. My son laughs and says that they have made coffee. I smile, laugh and hug them both while I say: I love you so much Nicole and Oliver ♥ ♥ Story of my dream written by: Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi


Amazing Art By, Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi



















Janne Mi/Kim Young Mi Dedicated Dedicated Ninjitsu Ninjitsu Practitioner Practitioner & & Striving Striving Artist Artist

My love for martial arts has always lived in my heart. I started training Taekwondo in 1985. Had a long break from from 1987 until 1995. Trained Taekwondo again from 1995 until 1998. My dream was to train in the art of Ninjitsu. I always loved to paint and draw. I have painted and made drawings as long as I can remember from my early childhood. This art of life has been my aim in good and in bad times. As you know I have trained Ninjutsu all by myself and I fought to keep on going all alone, When I began training in Ninjutsu I was homeless with no place to go. I trained around a campfire at night and went to work at a kindergarten in the day time. . Finally I met an instructor who was interested in true heart and spirit more than money. So even though my circumstances were bad and I was poor I could enter the dojo and train. Last Monday the instructor said that he was impressed and that he could barely believe that I had learned it all by myself. The students told me that they were proud to have me in the class and I was an inspiration to them. The instructor told me that my techniques were perfect. I must admit on my way home on the bus a tear ran down my cheek. It was a tear of happiness and joy. I am thankful that there still are people in the world with room in their hearts for people whose circumstances are poor and bad. Some people judge you on your level in society, your background and your income. These people do not exist in my life. They mean nothing to me. Somehow I pity them. People who care and are willing to help others, have a special place in my heart and I see their dignity and compassion. These people will always remain in my heart with pride. I have met few brave people in the world of Martial Art who had the ability to help others in need. I will always remember Haedong Kumdo Grandmaster Jeong Seong Kim and now my Ninjutsu instructor who welcomed me with open arms no matter my social status and background. I will pass it further to my future students one day. I have a dream to teach poor people, homeless people and outcasts that society long ago has denied. My dream is through the Martial Art of Ninjutsu to help people to find their true heart and the path of light. Through Ninjutsu they can learn to find their precious spirits and accept themselves and their place here on Mother Earth which they have the same right to have as everybody else. I am born in South Korea in 1972 and later the same year was adopted by a Danish couple. I am now 40 years old, mother of two kids. A boy 9 years old. A girl 11 years old. I am divorced working as freelance artist making paintings in water color and portraits in pencil.


Grand Master Ronald Duncan

Written by, Robert A. Zellner Founder and Chief Master Teacher Ra'zel X-Treme Tactical Defense Systems

Born in Panama. Professor Ronald Duncan began training in boxing at the age of seven. Since Professor Ronald Duncan grew up in an area where many of the elite military forces of that country were training in jungle warfare, he learned at an early age to read the signs of nature for directions in and out of the jungle. It was the beginning of a long and very involved career in many aspects of the martial arts. Ronald Duncan went on to serve in the United States Marine Corp where he was a member of the USMC Judo team and earned one of his earliest black belt rankings. Professor Duncan went on to earn a black belt in several other disciplines such as Hakko Ryu Jujitsu, Dai-nippon Jujitsu Ryu, Sosuishi Ryu, Kin Dai Gakko Ryu, Aikido, Aiki-Jujitsu, Kempo, Kobujitsu (weaponry), and Shinobino-jitsu (popularly known as Ninjitsu). His teachers were all legendary men; Charlie Neal, Ernie Cates, Tatsuo Uzaki, and Don Draeger. O'SENSEI RONALD DUNCAN "Ron Duncan was and is a quiet, humble, polite, and extremely 06/04/1937 - 11/19/2012 hard working martial artist of great ability. He cross- trained constantly. He took advice from everyone and I never heard him criticize anyone. I’m proud of the fact that I was influential in his learning process”. “Sensei Ron Duncan studied judo, jujitsu and knife with me for 2 years. 1957-1959. He was an excellent martial arts student. He was in the same group of students at my dojo in Jacksonville, NC as Don Nagle, Jim Giles, Don Bohan, Rick Nemura, Bryan "Chick" Burk, Howard George1960 Greco Roman Wrestling Olympic Champion. Pat Barris (who I taught from age 8-10 when he moved to the West Coast, Barris was twice Pan Am Judo Champion. All became famous in martial arts history. Ron Duncan is a pioneer in ninja history weaponry and tactics. "


Ernie Cates Evolving into such a versatile practitioner of the martial arts, it is highly and widely known he was the first to practice and teach Ninjutsu in the states in the 60’s and 70’s before the ninja craze hit America in the 80's and 90's. Students from his school had great success on the tournament circuits of those days and he had already had series of articles published in the martial art magazines of the day. Professor Ronald Duncan became the first non-oriental to be publically recognized in "Official Karate" magazine as a master of martial arts weaponry. In an article by Official Karate Magazine in August of 1971 the magazine recognizes Sensei Ronald Duncan. “He is a nidan in the American Ka­rate Federation, a shodan in the Ameri­can Judo and Ju-Jitsu Federation, a shomokoroku in the Nippon Sosuishiryu JuJitsukai, a godan in the Hakkoryu Ju-Jutsu Federation, and, although he doesn't call himself a Master of Ninjit­su, he's about the only one. Ronald Duncan is a man of many titles, but all deservedly earned and backed up by a multitude of talents; almost as many as the amount of weapons he is master of.” - Official Karate For many years to come, Professor Duncan would thrill audiences around the world with spectacular demonstrations that would include vast assortments of traditional and non traditional weapons. Ronald Duncan was also the first to be shown catching live arrows with his bare hands on nationally televised programs such as "Thrill Seekers", and ABC’s "Wide World of Sports" where he was acknowledged as the “Father of American Ninjutsu”. On Black Belt magazine's website Black belt credits Ron Duncan for his efforts with Ninjutsu. "Ninjutsu is the art of Japans ninja warriors. It grew during the nations feudal period (13th to 17th century), when missions of espionage and assassination were often carried out against warlords. In the 1970s and 80s, ninjutsu was popularized in the West by Ronald Duncan, Stephen K. Hayes and Masaaki Hatsumi." Ronald Duncan has taught Special Troops, Navy S.E.A.L. Teams, law enforcement agencies, and various government agenc ies in foreign countries. Professor Duncan has not neglected modern weaponry. He is also a certified expert in firearms, and competition shooting with over 200 competition shooting awards. Having such knowledge in firearms, Professor Duncan is quite proficient in combative and gun disarming tactics. Professor Duncan has a 6 volume Aikijujutsu instructional series and a single volume dvd on koga ryu ninjutsu available on dvd. Since the establishment of his Way of the Winds™ System , schools internationally are affiliated with him. He has taught in Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Panama, England and South Africa. He has also been involved with the blind, physically handicapped, and homeless inner-city youth.


Ronald Duncan is a recipient of numerous Hall of Fame awards and honors including the Professional Karate Federation in 1977, Turtull Hall of Fame in 1981, Marine Martial Arts Federation, Hall of Fame Charter Life Member in 1997, Martial Arts Masters, Pioneers & Legends Hall of Fame 1997, Tribute to the Greatest Masters of the Twentieth Century Hall of Fame (sponsored by Wesley Snipes) in 1998, and The World Head of Family Sokeship Council Hall of Fame 1999, and AFMA Hall of Fame 2000. On Sunday, Januaury 20th,2007 at 7pm before a capacity crowd a Tribute to Grand Master Ronald Duncan was held. The Madison Square Garden Hall of Fame inductions New York City N. Y. hosted by Grand Master Aaron Banks the creator of The Oriental World of Self Defense shows and World Professional Martial Arts Organization, honored Grand Master Ronald Duncan for introducing Ninjitsu and other Martial Arts to the Western World thru this venue in 1969. The event was attended by some of the world's leading exponents of Martial and fight sciences including world boxing champions honoring Grand Master Ronald Duncan. On June 13th, 2007 in Brooklyn N.Y. Grand Master Ronald Duncan received a Pioneering award for 50 years teaching the legendary practices of Ninjitsu and various martial arts in America. In November of 2007, Prof. Duncan was inducted to the International Association of Martial Artists Hall of Fame 2007. "A marine veteran Professor Duncan was one of the First Marines back from oversea’s in the early 1950’s and returned with his skills (Nin-jitsu/Martial Arts) to Camp Lejeune, NC where Don Nagle (Isshinryu Karate), and Ernie Cates (Judo) also had based at the same time. For his great Accomplishments Duncan is inducted to the IAMA Hall of Fame 2007."


-Grand Master Gary Alexander An upcoming martial art documentary entitled "The search for count Dante" by Floyd Webb will include an interview with Prof. Ronald Duncan. Webb the film maker of the documentary had this to say of his meeting with Sensei Duncan: "He has 50 years experience and I want to have a picture of how he started his career in the racially charged years of the 1950s. Master Duncan has been a consistent, persistent presence on the martial arts scene. His knowledge of weapons and ninja practices are legend and he remains active as an instructor. I interviewed Master Ronald Duncan while I was out there. For me that was highlight of the trip. He was someone I had always wanted to meet." Addressing Duncan's critics who seem to frequent the internet Webb commented that "the critics can say what they will about Duncan." Webb then went on, "all I can say is they have no idea of Duncan's skills and experiences. I will leave it at that." Dayn Derose of Drew University, who hosted the Jinichi Kawakami Banke Shinobiden seminar on June 26th,27th and 28th of 2009 and had this to say of Prof. Duncan. "Professor Ronald Duncan who is affectionately called O-Sensei by his many students deserves a special mention due to the fact that without his help this presentation would not have been possible." Kawakami showing respect and admiration taking O'sensei Duncan's hand referred to him as the Great one.


My article for this month is Domestic Violence against Women, and it deals with an easy way for women to escape from a deadly attack on their life. This is known as circular energy, and the basis of many Martial Arts are characterized by this motion. I believed in circular energy so much that seven years ago I wrote a script and filmed a video to help Women escape from any attack on their life, and by the use of circles escape and try to stun their opponent and then run away. It is known as stun and run. If a much larger person attacks you and you are not a seasoned Martial Artist then why try to fight, but just stun them with a punch or kick and then run for safety. This is the basis of my Martial Art video Steve Kraselsky’s Self Defense for Women. Women are the target on the street by a factor of 10 to1 in comparison to a male. Everyday we hear about domestic violence and it is getting out of control. Even if a Woman has a restraining order on someone, their ex-spouse or boyfriend, this does not mean the person will not be able to find you and do possible harm. By practicing the moves in this video, you can learn this time tested movement, and it could possibly save your life. When performing circular energy, try and have a partner to work with to feel their energy as they try to restrain you, and use forward motion as you circle out of their grip. A qualified teacher can actually teach you to use soft or hard energy when escaping from a hold. The Wing Chun system has a movement called huen sao or circling hand and this is a great movement in escaping from many attacks. Also Bagua Zhang has circular energy throughout the entire system. It is based on circles, and this teaches you countless ways to use circular energy. Also in the video are Tai Chi exercises for health and they also teach you circular motion. Please check out my video and it could possibly help save your life if you do encounter a deadly attack on your life. As I always say “Practice makes perfect”. Best wishes, Steve Kraselsky

Sify Sify Steve Steve Kraselsky Kraselsky 97

Rochelle Anthony, property manager of Atlanta China Town Mall and Sifu Steve Kraselsky. Since a recent visit to the Atlanta China Town Mall by Sifu Steve, he had the great pleasure in meeting its property manager Rochelle Anthony, who by chance was suffering from pain in her lower back and being intrigued by Sifu Steve's ability allowed him to extend Chi Healing to her, as a result she was healed from the pain in just a couple of minutes. Because of this encounter a great friendship has transpired, Sifu Steve in conjunction with the Atlanta China Town Property Management will be hold session there focused on healing and training for health. The date and time for these sessions will be posted by both Atlanta China Town Property Management and ATTU. Local residents who suffer from all types of pain are strongly urged to visit the Atlanta China Town Mall and take part in these great sessions, further this invitation is open to anyone throughout the world, who is in need of having their pain healed. The Pain Healing aspect of any session is absolutely “FREE�. Atlanta China Town Mall is also working with ATTU in an effort to put forth for a unique exhibition based on chi healing and braking. 2013 is going to be an exciting year, ATTU will be posting more information about this fantastic event soon as well as unveiling its unique piece of equipment, specifically developed for our board breaking event. The equipment has been developed by ATTU through combining the concept of Baguazhang and the concept of sustainable combat chi. The machine is basically designed as a gauge that will show visible prof of sustained chi within a improvised combat scenario, allowing for true martial art striking techniques to be utilized and put to a true test of the individuals technique, power and chi. We have named our creation based on its intention for combat, it is called ( THE CHI EXTERMINATOR ) it will test masters as well as practitioners true ability and push them to their limit's !


Pushing Qigong Forward In recent months ATTU and Sifu Steve Kraselsky have been on a diligent quest to promote Chi Energy and Sifu Steve's fantastic gift to Western Medicine. Thus far various Organizations, Doctors, Professors and Scientist who claim to seek alternative methods to help their patients have not only hid themselves “but” are dumbfounded by Sifu Steve's ability to heal various types of pain within 2-minutes. These people and organizations “not only” make great boasting statements concerning their research, abilities and progress for their patients “but” have denied their patients true documented results and due to the threat of patients truly being healed from various pain, continue allowing them to suffer. It has and is coming more and more apparent the further we travel down this path, that money is the primary reason these people and organizations continue to allow their patients to suffer, some are faced with patients being healed and no longer requiring their services as organizations are faced with being defunded due to losing their grants, because of patients being healed. As everyone knows, there is no money in the cure “only” the treatment ! ATTU and Sifu Steve are continuing to push forward in this great endeavor in a true effort to open the eyes of Western Medicine to the true benefits of Qigong / Chi Energy. Further, after extensive research in this area of healing, we have not found anyone able to heal pain the way Sifu Steve dose or as quick. ATTU and Sifu Steve “OUT RIGHTLY” challenge the Western Medical Profession as well as various organizations that deal in pain associated diseases and so forth to allow Sifu Steve to demonstrate his unique ability in an effort to prove that Chi Energy can not only heal pain “now” but through proper exercise and techniques can prevent diseases, put various diseases into remission as well as strengthen internal organs. Currently, we have been pushing into various medias including, news papers, radio, tv and internet venues that could help with getting our message out to the general public. One of the primary reasons we have met with evasion by these people and organizations is due to the fact that they “can not” make any money off of Sifu Steve's amazing ability for healing pain ! Why can't they make any money for this ! Simple, because Sifu Steve dose not charge anyone to heal them of various types of pain, that's why ! We expect that the media would want to bring this to everyone's attention, due to the ever raising cost of medical care and insurance. With prescription pain medicine continually being subscribed to people and the adverse effects that it has, natural Chi Energy is the true solution for millions of people who suffer from various pain related ailments. The fact is, many people today face each day with pain related ailments or issues that can be easily healed by utilizing chi. Sifu Steve offers “FREE HEALING” for various types of pain related diseases and an outstanding program that will help individuals to live a pain free and healthier life. Why depend on a pill that in most cases will do more harm than good and cost you more out of pocket than its worth, besides having an adverse effect on your health in many cases. Drive yours and your families medical cost down and drive the dependency on drugs out of your life and begin living and enjoying your life along with your family and friends. ATTU and Sifu Steve “Challenge You”, if your suffering from pain, contact us and find out if we can help, don't go through life in pain any longer, the healing is “FREE”, so contact us today !


Sifu Steve Kraselsky Healing People Everywhere With The Ancient Art Of


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Martial Artist Grow Up. by Grandmaster Allah Freedom Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 11:33pm 路 Martial arts teaches us patience, tolerance, discipline, however it should also teach us to let go of EGO, this foolishness about my style of martial arts is better than yours, like when you was a child"my mom is better than your mom" this childish behavior must stop, it is non productive and will be very bad for the growth and development of our arts, I mean really who cares if one style seems better than another, the cold hard facts is, there is not nor have there ever been an all powerful, greatest martial art. Please try to grasp this one more time, there is no best martial art . Only Best Students, and that's up to the student to develop his or herself to the best level they can achieve to get the best out of they're art. In other words you get out of it what you as the student put in to it. I've personally been a student of martial arts for 48 years and I know this, all styles or systems have their own strengths and their weakness , so stop the B.S. and train, study, invest some time, work out the kinks in your style, life and stop whining. Those who know do & those who don't, learn too. All of you 25yr old Hanshi's, Sokes etc...STOP... I got shoes older than you. What the heck do you know about life let alone life as a Grandmaster. You need to re-think that. Contact;



First, what is S.O.S Training for Women and Children? S.O.S is a simple acronym, which stands for “Set of Skills”. I will train you in basic and specific Real Base Fighting (RBF) techniques that will ensure your survival and escape from various violent situation that may occur sometime in the course of your life span here on the planet we called earth. Permit me to elaborate: together we will learn, practice, apply, adapt and survive various violent conflicts, armed and unarmed, one on one and multiple attacks. We will perform daily exercise and drills that will ensure our safety, escape and survival. We will partake in literary, visual and oral instruction. We will learn nutrition and healing arts for personal and general purpose. We will have one on one and group discussions and meditation foe support in personal and community based issues. We look forward to getting to know you and becoming a permanent and positive member of our and your Kemetic family. Looking forward to instructing you! Founder: Chris “Anubis” Wilcox The School of the Kemetic Sciences


Can Iron Palm Work For You? Training Tips, Ideas And Methods Useful For Any Style By Sifu Richard Mieir-King (some pictures and text are excerpted from upcoming books on Iron Palm and Iron Skills) Do you practice or have you thought of practicing Iron Palm? Perhaps you have considered it but dismissed it because it seems like a method that might be too extreme, potentially damaging, and not beneficial for your hands. You might have even been concerned it could hurt your hands. Perhaps you have considered Iron Palm but felt it was likely to be ineffectual to your goals. You may think that your time is better spent on just training your techniques rather that conditioning with your hands. You may have wondered how effective or useful the Iron Palm methods might be for actual combat situations. Or you may have wondered how this training would be used or integrated into your existing body of knowledge and training. You may want to ensure that you are investing your time in a training method that will pay off for you and not waste your time and effort. And, naturally, you're going to want methods that translates pragmatically to combat. It has been stated that if techniques are delivered properly Iron Palm conditioning is not necessary and is even a waste of time. That the time spent conditioning the hands is better used on training of techniques. Forty plus years of my experience has shown that anytime we skew our knowledge and attention exclusively to one end of the spectrum, or the other, we are “out of balance� and we might not be considering the whole picture. This article is going to present some thoughts and ideas that may answer these questions and give you cause to consider that Iron Palm is a method that has great value. Is Iron Palm Right For You? Will It Fit Into What I Am Currently Doing? It is important to know and understand that whether you practice Chinese martial arts, Japanese martial arts or any other martial system of fighting and self protection, that these methods will mesh with your current training. This conditioning process is highly useful for any style of martial art. The obvious benefits are for those in striking arts, but there are many layers of benefits to be discovered for other disciplines. There is the ability to strike harder and do more damage with the hands. However, if the core of your art is pinching into vital targets, this will significantly improve that ability. If you practice joint locking, this will make those techniques more effective and painful. If you grapple, the conditioning conferred onto the arms, hands and fingers, and even legs and feet, will allow your techniques to "bite" in even more. All systems can benefit from the methods used in this process.


Iron Palm, simply stated, is having a tool that is suited and engineered to the job for which you are going to use it. With that said, lets define, clearly and pragmatically, at its most foundational level, what the previously mentioned “job” is so we can determine whether these conditioning methods do, or do not, have value. Some have worked to “sanitize” martial arts, making them more “civilized” and “presentable”. Martial arts might seem to violent, so, the art is mollified for broader acceptance and consumption. Rank is afforded for learning to bow, tie a knot and counting to 10 in another language. There are many noble goals within martial arts that are worth espousing, besides just combat. But, we must always remember, that at its core, it's essence, there is the “martial” aspect, the “war like” aspect. War like in the ancient definition, not in the current definition where there are rules of engagement, “fair fighting”, and “Geneva conventions”. Let's not walk on egg shells here. The martial aspect to which we are referring is the oldest definition. It is about being, at the end of a combative exchange, fairness, rules, etc., excluded, the one who is left standing and telling the story, whatever it takes. This might sound dark but it is the surest way of ensuring things stay peaceful. When you train in methods that are taught in traditional martial arts, they are the last thing you want to use. But, should it be that you have to use them, there will be, and should be, no hesitation. It is the last resort in self protection, or protection of a loved one, but one you absolutely give yourself over to, without hesitation in that moment. This condenses the purpose and job of “martial” arts to its barest essence. How does this relate to Iron Palm? It is to express the urgency of thought, development and training behind Iron Palm and iron skills conditioning. Kung Fu, or any martial art, is the missile or system of delivery. Iron Palm is the warhead on the nose of the missile. The missile will land with impact and do damage, no doubt. The warhead, the Iron Palm aspect, will not just damage but help to further decimate the target. Unlike the missile you will still have your hands intact. Even though you are delivering this kind of destructive force, and you condition for that purpose, you want the conditioning because it also protects your hands. While many consider that the idea is to condition the hands to hit hard, with force, and deliver power. The fact is that we can hit hard without conditioning, it is about technique. The conditioning is to protect your hand from the amount of force you are going to be generating. This training helps you land strikes with confidence knowing that you will deliver devastating blows and, at the same time, know that you will not injure your hand in the process. If you injure your hand you have lost that weapon. This is something you cannot afford to do, especially if you are in the heat of combat. You need all tools possible at your disposal. This kind of conditioning and protection extends to many parts of the body as will be illustrated. Other less conventional or less considered areas for conditioning are the legs, toes and feet. This might sound amusing, but are you sure you can drive a full power kick, with no padding on your feet, into a solid area of an opponent's body without damage to your feet? And without hesitation or fear of hurting yourself? The metatarsals of the hands and feet are as easy to snap as a chicken bone if hit properly. Keep in mind that this knowledge can be used in reverse. If the hands are up in a defensive/guard position. shattering the bones in the hands are one of the things I'd pursue first. This becomes immensely easier when the other person has unconditioned hands AND you have your hands prepared and conditioned. The good news is that this does not take an exorbitant amount of time to develop and condition your hands, or other areas of your body. A minimal amount of time in regular practice is all it takes. But it must be regular practice. Believing and banking on the supposition that you don't need any conditioning is a gamble and calculated risk which can easily backfire on you on many levels and in many ways. Also, consider that the human body is varied densities. The torso is very fleshy in some areas yet increases in density and hardness in other areas. Consider that skull which is hard, boney and uneven. Obviously the skull is very hard and has the potential to hurt the hands. The fleshy areas of the body present a problem when struck. Consider if you are trying to penetrate deeply, past muscle and other soft tissue, to break bones or damage an internal organ. The muscle and other soft tissue has a tendency to spread out, ripple and then return to shape, almost acting as shock absorber and defensive mechanism against such impact. This rippling and spreading of surface tissue results in a dispersal of the energy intended to penetrate deep into the body before it can reach the intended target. Iron Palm is a method of development, and hand positions, that allows for greater penetration, percussive power, increased impact, and focus of energy as well as the previously mentioned protection of the hand.


Like a parabolic mirror focuses the rays of the sun to the desired point so to, Iron Palm helps to focus your strikes energy to its desired point with lessened dispersal of your energy on its way to the impact point. The point where you want your energy to explode and devastate bone, internal organ or other systems of the body. This is done not just with proper technique, but also the improved conditioning and health of the hands. This is what the Iron Palm conditioning affords the practitioner. All of these things are issues to consider for the person who might have to use their hands in a combative situation. Is the practicality and urgency of this becoming a bit more clear? I hope so because I can express to you that my experience is that all of what I am relating can happen. These are areas of the body, which when used in the heat of combat, are subjected to a great deal of stress and force and greatly need the kind of conditioning we are discussing. In the 3 photo sequence below both conditioning AND technique are brought into play. The board/wood being used here is a dense wood. It is held in one hand and slapped on a horizontal plane. The technique used in this sequence is called “short throw”. That is, a large wind up is NOT used. The hand moves a short distance, but accelerates quickly, to the point of impact and damage. The sudden acceleration and impact is such that the board does not have a chance to move, it has to break. Again, there is no wind up, it is not “telegraphed”. Body weight is not used to “muscle” through the board. It is a short, sudden, direct. and to the point strike.

Conditioning Methods and Practices There is nothing wrong with just dropping your hand vertically onto a bag. It is a great starting point and it will condition the hands and certainly make the hands and arms more solid. But, and you may already know this old quote, with any training or practice, “the way you train is the way you will perform”. If you are only training to drop your palm vertically all of the time, you have specialized in one area and range of motion. There are many other angles and ranges of motion that you need to 1) consider and 2) work within. Becoming familiar with these ranges of motion and angles will acquaint your mind, hands, body and muscles with these previously unpracticed motions and will bring your weapon, the Iron Palm, to bear in effective, pragmatic and useful ways.


Challenge yourself in your training methods to deliver your strikes at these different angles. Make sure that you are not forcing the strike but using your conditioning and your technique. In the following pictures notice that the concrete paver is being broken with a true palm slap. The body weight is not being used to muscle through the paver on impact. It is just a sudden drop of the palm. This is also another “short throw� technique. The first 2 pictures are a selective break, the top paver is struck, only the bottom paver is broken. The last 2 pictures are of a short throw break, the hand only drops about 6 inches and the body weight is not used in either break.


In the following we will step outside of the typical Iron Palm conditioning exercises and introduce you to a few exercises that will help you stretch your practice outside of the box and ad a few new dimensions in the important development of Iron Palm. Things You Will Need Before we discuss some of the training methods let's look at a couple of things we are going to need. One is Dit Da Jow and the second is good Iron Palm bags. Dit Da Jow First, it should be stated that there are no medical claims made about dit da jow or any traditional, alternative liniment or healing practice. Regarding dit da jow, there is evidence in the form of a long history and a great deal of experience that suggests these herbal liniments are very effective. Dit da jow is a necessity if you are training your hands. If you don't use jow, and if you don't train properly, you run into the very real probability of having problems and issues later. Repeated banging and hitting with your hands can result in joint issues, just as high impact on your body can result in knee, hip and back problems. Training properly AND using dit da jow can help to keep those problems from happening. At the same time, dit da jow can benefit the small injuries, aches, pains, etc., which you can sustain during any training. A cautionary note, some jows can contain substances that are poisonous and/or caustic. Some have argued that, “I just put it on my skin, I don't consume in internally, so I am safe”. Not necessarily. There is an “absorption factor” that you have to take into consideration. How often do you put in on your skin? Daily or every other day? You probably train fairly regular and you need to leave the jow on your skin to “soak in”. This is done regularly and left on to “soak in” so there is naturally going to be absorption. And this absorption is taking place on a regular an ongoing basis. So there is a long term, accumulated absorption to consider. And if there are any caustic or poisonous herbs or other such substances in the formula it becomes a serious consideration.

There are jows that do not contain poisonous or caustic herbs. Invariably there are herbs or a combination of herbs that do the same as any poisonous or caustic herb. Especially when it is being used in a formula that is in regular and repeated contact with the skin. Our jow, while it might taste bad, is not poisonous our caustic at all. You can get our jow into open cuts and the result is it will actually help it to heal faster. It will burn and sting a bit but will help the cut to heal faster.


Iron Palm Bags Iron Palm Bags and material. An Iron Palm bag should be made from a good, durable, strong canvas material that are properly and solidly seamed. Good canvas is a durable and lasts long and it provides just the right about of friction and conditioning to the hands at the same time. Iron Palm bags can come in many colors and shapes and there are a variety of things that the bags can be filled with.

Above are pictures of our Iron Palm bags which are made of durable canvas and are securely and properly seamed. They come in tan, red or black and are various sizes such as round, octagonal and square. Color and shape are just a matter of personal taste. One color or shape is not better than the others. We have an Iron Palm bag which has been in use for 20 plus years. During that time it has not required repair or maintenance, just to point out our Iron Palm bags durability. Below is a picture of a bag that was filled and sealed 20 years ago and has been in use in our classes, not just by one person. Some might be concerned about how the bag looks. If you are concerned about the appearance of wear and tear, stains, etc., then a black bag might be best for you, a red bag will hide some wear and tear as well.


Now, the canvas is excellent not just for durability, which is no small thing. It is subjected to a lot of force and impact. But as can be seen from the picture above, they can be very durable. As previously mentioned, the canvas material also provides just enough surface friction to providing conditioning to the hands without creating callusing or damage. While the ultimate goal is to condition the hands to the bones, a small amount of surface conditioning is also important. The canvas material provides an excellent means of just the right amount of conditioning for the hands. Filling the Iron Palm Bags When discussing filling the Iron Palm bags many things are suggested. In the beginning some people like to start with substances that are easier to work with. Beginning substances can be rice, hard beans like pinto beans or mung beans. Some suggest mung beans because many feel that as it powders, this residue helps to condition the hands more. As these substances become easier and a greater challenge is needed the bag can be opened and refilled. Filling the bag with something more challenging is were some debates begin. I will offer what I feel is a simple, easy solution for this issue. I have used this simple solution for 40 plus years in my Iron Palm Bags and I have also researched and spoke with individuals with degrees in metal and chemical engineering to verify the safety of this solution. The problem, as stated, is that if you fill your Iron Palm bag with steel BB's and they rust over time, as there is impact inside the bag, the rust will powder and it is not healthy for you to breathe the resulting dust. It has also been asserted that you should not use steel BB's that are chrome plated because the repeated impact will also result in powdering of the coating of the BB's, which is chromium dust which is also unhealthy to breathe. Personally, I have not seen chrome plated BB's but they must be in use since they have been cited as being problematic. So, here is the simple solution. For over 40 years I have used copperhead BB's in my training and there have been no adverse effects. The experts I have questioned suggested to me, before my mentioning that I use copper coated steel, that to avoid any issues with dust from the rust or chromium dust that I use copper coated BB's. So, for your simple, easy solution, just fill your bags with copper coated BB's and you will be safe. As an additional tip, you can find these copper coated, steel BB's in any sporting goods store or online. Next thing to consider, now that we know what to fill the bags with, is how heavy to make them. My suggestion is that about 5 pounds will offer you plenty of weight considering the manner in which they will be used. Most exercises consist of just slapping the bag. However, tossing and catching the bag in a number of ways is also part of the routine of Iron Palm work. We already know how to drop the palm on the bag, Holding hand eye level, do not use force, and let the hand solidly drop to the surface of the bag. Drop the palm, back of hand, chop with hand and dot the tips of the fingers into the bag. Then repeat to the other side. But lets also discuss a few other examples of how to use the bag. We can punch into the bag just dropping the punch into the bag, not forcing it. Drop the elbow to the bag, again, just letting it fall into the bag, not forcing the strike. Sink all of the fingers and thumb deep into the bag and grip it tightly, digging the fingers in. You can toss and catch the bag as you do this. As a great partner drill you can toss the bags back and forth grabbing the bag firmly when catching it and alternating hands. You can also use the thumb and index finger and the thumb and index and ring finger to pinch into the bag.


Hanging Iron Palm Bags We have covered conventional Iron Palm bags. Now we want to have a look at how we can start expanding on our Iron Palm practice with special hanging Iron Palm bags. Why the hanging Iron Palm bags? Well, this allows you to strike, employing all of the angles of attack that you are familiar with. You see, this isn't JUST about conditioning the hands. This is about conditioning them AND using them in the same context and manner you would in actual combat. Just vertical drops will not cover all of this. Think of all the ways of moving into a strike that your style has. You can probably come up with several generalized angles that encapsulate most of, if not all, of what you do. Now, using the hanging bags, and the methods outlined here, you have a method and routine that will train your existing techniques in conjunction with the Iron Palm methods, killing 2 proverbial birds with one stone.

The hanging bag is used to move you towards more than just vertical palm strikes. This bag can be hung and used for horizontal palm thrusts, fingertip thrusts, chops and striking the bag from various other positions.


As can be seen, the bag can be struck from many angles. And doing so will familiarize you with the all of these possible angles and how it feels to deliver your Iron Palm techniques in those manners. As you can see, this begins to take on significantly more relevance to your actual training methods and techniques. The hanging bag not only conditions the hands but provides a great source of eye hand coordination. As the bag swings and moves from your strikes, you have to track it with your eyes as you continue to hit it. As part of the training drill, and to sharpen your eye hand coordination, while the bag is in motion, only let 3 seconds elapse between strikes. Having a short 3 second time frame forces you to track the bag with your eyes, strike it with your hands or feet, and do so in a shorter period of time. This increases your eye hand coordination and improves your ability to deliver a strike, with your iron skills, while the target is in motion as will likely occur in an actual combat situation. Incorporate this into all of your striking routines.


Iron Palm Hanging Bungee Diamond Bag In these pictures below we see the bungee Iron Palm Bag being employed for other techniques. This Iron Palm bag behaves like a 2 ended ball only it is now a 2 ended Iron Palm bag that will condition your body as you strike it and work with it. With the bungee cord you also get a degree of resistance from the cord as well as you strike it. The extra resistance provided with the bungee cord also provides extra conditioning.


Kicking Conditioning Can your feet be any less important in this conditioning process? Certainly not! We might think that since we are on our feet a great deal, with our feet carrying all of our weight, that the feet must surely be in condition to kick. This assumption is only partially correct. The feet do carry our weight and are a tougher area that some other body surfaces. However, the manner in which we would use the feet as a weapon does require some conditioning and a different kind of strength and “toughness�. It is quite a bit different to walk on the feet as opposed to using your feet to hit something, to deliver impact correctly, with power and without hurting our feet. You do not want to break the metatarsals of the feet or break, jam, or otherwise damage the toes. Learning a couple of simple exercises can condition the feet and prepare them for impact just as we do with the hands.


Other Methods For Hand Development You most likely do push ups in your work out and training. Why not add something to your pushup that will benefit your conditioning even more? Add pushups on your finger tips and knuckles. Now you are, again, combining exercises you probably already do, or should do, with something that will also condition your hands. At first you maybe you can't do as many pushups on your fingers or knuckles as you can do regular pushups. That is OK. Do the number of pushups that you can do on your fingers or knuckles and then finish with regular pushups. Your ability will increase as you do these new kinds of pushups. And use Dit Da Jow before and after your conditioning, this is very important for the health of your hands. As this gets easier you can do increased number of pushups. You can also practice pulling in the pinky finger and do a few extra pushups on the 3 fingers and thumb. Now, as that gets easier, pull in the pinky and ring finger doing pushups on the middle and index finger and thumb. You might even progress to pulling in the pinky, ring and middle fingers and doing your pushup on your index finger and thumb only. It takes time but you might even reach a point where you can lift your body up parallel to the floor supported on your fingers.

Conditioning Results As you can imagine, with these methods, whatever level you reach, it will vastly increase that damage, pain, and trauma that you are capable of delivering when applying joint locks, holds, pinching techniques, tearing, ripping, clawing and grasping techniques, etc., in your given style. I have witnessed not only people increase the power of their hands but also the health of their hands, arms and other areas of their bodies with these exercises. Yes, if done correctly, with moderation and patience, these exercises will improve the health of the hands as well. I have even had seniors engage in select exercises and they have had improvements in their hand health. So the Iron Palm exercises will only improve your martial capability, you will also see health benefits to the hands as well.


AUTHOR AND RESOURE INFORMATION Parts of this and the photos have been a snips and excepts from the upcoming ebooks on Iron Palm and Iron Skills which will outline a many more ideas, methods and techniques for development of your hands and body that could not be fully covered in this space. There will be more drills, exercises, concepts and partner drills shown and explained. Contact us to find out more and get on the list to order your copy of this invaluable information. Richard Mieir-King teaches Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chi Kung and more in Lakewood California. He also teaches corporate wellness, seminars, workshops, give talks and lectures, works in clinics and more. Richard Mieir-King


Dim Mak‌for Emotional Self-Defense By David Nelson, PhD Zen Goshindo Karate


Be the most dangerous man alive….Learn Dim Mak! Most of you are probably too young to remember or know about the infamous Count Dante. He was a martial artist back in the late ‘60’s who used to advertise as being the most dangerous man alive. He claimed if you sent for his home study course you can learn the secrets of The Death Touch or Dim Mak…and be the most dangerous man alive as well. We can look back at this now and sort of laugh. But what if I could promise to teach you a form of Dim Mak? Yes, I can teach you the Death Touch, but you won’t be killing anyone. You will be killing uncomfortable emotions, such as anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, sadness and yes, even depression. Now, Dim Mak itself, which translates loosely as “artery push”, has come to be known as the Death Touch. Experts of Dim Mak were proported to be able to touch an assailant and kill their assailant instantly, or there would be a delayed effect and the assailant died days later. In some circles, the legendary Bruce Lee, is believed to have been the victim of Dim Mak. Well, the emotional Dim Mak I am going to share with you can also “kill” an uncomfortable emotion instantly, or have a delayed effect and the emotion will eventually die off. So, how do you do emotional Dim Mak? One word: Gratitude. Being thankful for everything you have in your life begins the process of killing off any uncomfortable or unwanted feeling that is coursing through your system. Saying, “Thank You”, to the negative emotion itself elicits powerful forces that erode the power of the negative. Now, that can seem strange, to give thanks for the uncomfortable emotion, but give it a try and see how it goes. With practice you will be able to sense a shift in how you feel.


Another form of gratitude is to simply to count your blessings. When you are feeling sorry for yourself, or worried about an upcoming test or tournament or worried about your finances, start counting and giving thanks to all that you do have‌right here and now. Counting your blessings, like having a dry bed to sleep in at night and food in the fridge, can be mood altering and kill off any negativity you are facing. My kids would often complain about having to clean the dirty dishes after supper. I would tell them to be thankful for the opportunity to wash dirty dishes because it means they just had food to eat. Yeah, my kids think I am a bit weird. But when you think about it, this type of attitude is the Death Touch to the resistance of doing dishes. When applied properly, washing dishes can be a joyous event. Or, when you don’t feel like going to the dojang or dojo to practice‌give thanks for what you have. Look around your room and give thanks to whatever you are sitting on, standing on, wearing, eating, watching, playing with or looking at. Give thanks to your teachers, fellow students and the ability to even do the martial arts. Count all the blessings you have in your life right now and feel the emotions shifting. So, practice Gratitude. It is the Dim Mak for uncomfortable or negative emotions. Really get into it and you will see and feel a whole new world open to you.


Steps Toward Martial Arts Mastery With These Simple Tools By Richard S Mieir Ads by Google

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Yes, it is possible, you might not move it all by the end of the day and decide to skip it. You will have not exercised your discipline. The thing that epitomizes the martial arts, that is at the core of what we do. You might cheat and move more than one penny at a time. Or, you may look around and with no one to see, you may just dump the rest of the pennies in the other cup at the end of the day. But you will not have exercised your pro-activity and ethic responsibility even if it is with yourself. A quality that we also, hopefully, cultivate and embrace in martial arts. You could do these things, but you will know what you have done when you think about it and when you look at yourself in the mirror. When you stumble and falter in that technique or form you will know you should have held yourself to a higher standard and that you had the ability to do better. We are also a people that love our excuses. If only we could build an industry on excuses each and every person would be affluent. But excuses will not make you affluent, and they will not make you skilled or move you towards mastery. We love to bemoan our situations and if we don't have adequate situations to bemoan. Many of us can some how come up with situations to fill that apparent void. When we make excuses we try to throw the responsibility off of ourselves and on to something else, someone else, and/or anything else. We point the finger of blame and, as the old saying goes, when you point a finger there are 3 pointed back at you. But, here is a bonus tool, when you now hear yourself making an excuse, recognize it and determine that you will not use it as a crutch. We really convince ourselves that these excuses are legitimate. You may actually believe the excuse. You might have talked yourself into it without even realizing it. What you have done is "found a problem" instead of "finding a solution". When you hear yourself vocalizing the problem or hear yourself thinking of the problem, immediately think of a solution instead. If you think, "I'm a bit too tired, maybe I'll practice tomorrow", dig in a little deeper and do at least one repetition of that technique, form or whatever it is that you are trying to perfect. An attacker is not going to care if you are tired, he won't wait until you are rested. If you are sick, maybe under the weather with a slight cold, or a bit of a headache, instead of totally sitting it out do 1 or 2 techniques. I'm not advocating that you exercise when you should absolutely rest, but if you can, and there is no harm in your doing so, get up and do so one or 2 reps. I bet you'd spend as much energy looking for the remote control to operate the TV. And an attacker will not come back when you are feeling better and in a better mood to deal with him. So get some sea legs to learn how to accomplish what you must at times, even if you are a little sick. If you feel you are a bit cramped and can't move around in your environment sufficiently instead of giving up, learn how to ADAPT your form and use it in close quarters. Any move that you can do for long range can be adapted and used for intermediate and/or close range. Forms practice can be liberating once you learn and accept that they are not written in stone but that you can use any of your techniques for long range, intermediate range and/or close range. If you have a kick that would have been used to the body, but you don't have sufficient room, why not shorten the technique and deliver the kick to the knee? If you can't execute the full movement of a punch, put your hands up in seeming submission, then use your finger tips to gouge and or rip to soft vital targets, a very effective short range move. Any technique that can be used defensively can be adapted to be used aggressively, a move can be interpreted in a number of different ways for a number of situations. The form is, in that context, a living thing. Are you limiting your form or do you let it grow and grow with it? This training tool, this bonus, is your mind. These methods are the secrets, the "practice" scribbled in the young man's hand. Simple tools that move you slowly but surely toward mastery, one step at a time. Richard Mieir-King has been involved in Kung Fu since 1971 and has been teaching since 1981. Teaching group and private classes in Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Chinese Wand and more in Southern California. Also conducting seminars and workshops, lectures, corporate wellness, working in medical clinics and more. Visit his websites at and and contact him for more information.


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Written by, Robert A. Zellner Founder and Chief Master Teacher Ra'zel X-Treme Tactical Defense Systems

The dangers of Martial Arts self proclaimed masters What exactly is a "self-proclaimed" martial arts master? In my opinion, a self-proclaimed master is one who establishes their own independent criteria to declare their respective status within the martial arts community, usually at some sort of highly ranked level or teaching position. In some cases, they may have created a completely fictional background about themselves or even a fictitious martial art style. Often they claim some difficult if not impossible to authenticate training background.

from: More often, they simply obtain at least some credentials from others through various means. Often they will enter into mutual recognition arrangements with other like-minded persons. This usually works something like, "I will recognize and rank you at a high level in my style if you reciprocate and rank me in your style." It provides them with a sense of external recognition and results in lots of new high dan rankings for both participants. Others quite frankly purchase martial arts rank certificates from unscrupulous individuals or organizations. Why do people self proclaim themselves as masters? I am not an expert on mental health, but I think it has a lot to do with fear and insecurity. I've noticed that many of the self-proclaimed masters I've met haven't enjoyed much success in the other aspects of their lives. They often are employed at fairly simple occupations and frequently have a limited educational background. Their feelings of powerlessness and inadequacy are often the reason they were drawn to the martial arts in the beginning. For example, you hear them talking a lot about the dangers of today's streets in nearly paranoid terms, as if we are likely to be assaulted at any moment or face attackers lurking around every corner. The martial arts master presents a very powerful image, one who is capable of defeating all enemies and has incredible wisdom. This master is not intimidated by such opponents or modern technology. Since it is unlikely they could actually earn rank within the more traditional styles, they are left to create their own martial arts teaching credentials. To appear even more powerful, they often adopt titles associated with martial arts masters, such as soke and shihan, often to the point of absurdity. For the same reason, you find self-proclaimed martial arts masters have purchased diploma mill degrees or simply awarded themselves with educational credentials. Like martial arts ranks, the academic doctorate title represents a powerful icon to someone who feels inadequate.


Kung Fu master as depicted by Hollywood movie: Kill Bill There is one very well-known martial arts organization run by a self-proclaimed martial arts master who takes full advantage of these fears. For a fee, he will "register" individual applicants as sokes or founders of their own martial arts style, thus providing a sense of legitimacy and group recognition they often are seeking. In addition, he also offers various academic sounding degrees in "oriental philosophy" to members willing to pay for such nonsensical credentials. By doing so, he has not only addressed his own inner fears, but has obviously found a way to exploit the insecurities of others such as himself. What would you say is the main difference between a "non-traditional" master and a traditional master? Although I know that many traditional practitioners disagree, there is nothing really that much different about being a self-proclaimed master. With a few exceptions, it is not illegal in most countries. And while many traditionalists may feel it raises some sticky ethical questions, there is actually a lot of historical precedence for obtaining recognition and standing in such manner. We may not like to admit it, but just about every organized group has offered recognition to those willing to pay or trade for it at one time or another. It was not that unusual for Edo Period merchants, for example, to use their wealth to obtain samurai privileges, even upgrade their social class status, for themselves or their families. Can we consider the art of a self proclaimed master as an martial art? I don't think that some 23-year-old who studied karate for a year or two, then declared himself the founder of a new martial art style has much credibility, but that's really my own subjective opinion. It's based on my own personal value system and may not be valid for others. The martial arts are really not well regulated, so there is nothing that prohibits anyone from doing something like that. Outside of historical authenticity, I am certainly not prepared to judge what a true martial art is and what is not. It's really a value judgment that each person must make for themselves. This is an area where a lot of practitioners like to bash one another, though. You'll often find them accusing each other of "buying" rank or that the others art is not really as historically legitimate or as street effective as their own particular style. The truth is that this is a never-ending circular argument and really doesn't accomplish anything. Yet, there are some very real dangers in training with certain types of self-proclaimed masters. When these are openly discussed, however, the subject is often clouded by counter accusations that the person is just bashing another chosen art or instructor. It's an easy way for dubious instructors to hide from too much public scrutiny.


What would be the dangers of training under a self proclaimed master? The most obvious danger is potential injury through training accidents. An inexperienced instructor often exposes themselves or their students to dangerous practices, often without realizing the risks they may be facing. I remember a story about a wellintentioned karate instructor who wanted something dramatic for a public demonstration. He decided to use a sword to block arrows shot at him by one of his students. He had seen such performances before and thought it would be relatively simple. Fortunately, they decided to practice a few times before the actual exhibition. At his student's insistence, he allowed blunted arrows for the initial practice shots. He was obviously surprised when each arrow struck him despite his best effort to block them. What he hadn't realized was that from an observer's perspective, it was fairly simple to judge the distance and speed of each arrow. Yet, as the target, it was nearly impossible since the arrows were coming directly at him.

Fumon Tanaka, trying to cut an arrow shot at him before it reaches it heart. See if he makes it here:

While this may seem an extreme example, I have also seen iaido instructors encourage students to do fast draws with actual swords without any precautions against splitting the scabbard and possibly amputating a finger or two. A more experienced instructor is not as likely to allow a novice student to use a live sword, certainly not without ensuring their grip prevents injury in such an event. Although anyone might be reluctant to practice catching bullets in their teeth despite their teacher's best prompting, people do often ignore their own common sense when reassured by a supposed "expert." Experience is not always an assurance of safe training practices, either. There is the story about the accomplished grappling arts instructor who wanted to demonstrate how effective falling techniques can be for a bunch of new students. To do so, he performed a standing forward flip from a table onto the mat. A slight miscalculation resulted in spinal injury and paralysis. In all my years of judo experience, ranging from small local garage dojos to the Kodokan in Tokyo, I've never had a single instructor even suggest such a dangerous thing. Finally, the unregulated martial arts is an open door to con men and mentally disturbed individuals. It draws them like moths to an open flame. Fraud is rampant within the martial arts, and there is little chance of being caught since most victims are unwilling to ever admit they have been cheated. Thus, you find individuals claiming all kinds of martial arts titles and offering "Asian-recognized" rank certificates or "hall of fame" appointments to anyone willing to pay the price. For the most part, such credentials are worthless, but who is going to complain to the authorities? Certainly not those who bought them in a pathetic attempt to validate themselves. In my own view, the worst offenders are the predators who are drawn to the martial arts and abuse their victims. As teachers and authority figures, they often can find easy targets for physical, mental, and even sexual Picture from: abuse within the ranks of students who come to them seeking instruction. Even when exposed, they often find many willing supporters ready to defend their actions. Although I have seen this pattern over and over again, I have never understood why the martial arts community tolerates this and doesn't do a better job of protecting their own against such violations.


I don't suppose the threat of training under such masters would be only limited to physical harm, would it? Often an self-proclaimed master may encourage illegal actions, often without realizing it. I've heard so-called self-defense experts explain that it is okay to take the initiative if necessary to prevent an assault. From a legal perspective, though, it might not be viewed like that. Most jurisdictions only allow reasonable force in response to specific situations, and then only if there is no other option available. If a person could run away, for example, beating their attacker senseless might place them in legal jeopardy of civil or even criminal charges. The person who may think they are defending themselves because they did what their instructor taught them could easily wind up on the wrong side in the courtroom. I've also know of two organizations founded by selfproclaimed masters that offer academic sounding degrees and titles to their members. In many states, issuing degrees without proper authorization from the authorities is illegal. Even the use of certain academic titles by individuals, such as doctor or professor, without having earned a degree from an accredited institution is illegal as well in many states. Yet the organizations I mentioned don't provide any disclaimer or instructions when selling these titles to their members.

Example of fake certification from: What should we do to avoid being cheated by those people? The best advice is to trust common sense. You should feel comfortable with the amount charged, if any, for instruction or certificates. A commercial dojo often has to cover rent and pay bills, so a much higher fee than charged by the local community center instructor may be reasonable. If they want a lot of money for registering your rank with a headquarters office that you can not verify, though, you are probably dealing with a dubious individual or organization. If they offer rank without training or experience, it's probably not worth the price. If their stories about their past experiences or training include a lot of associations with special government or elite military units, then you might question their qualifications. If they tell you about how their instructor trained and ranked them secretly, you might have reason to doubt their background. If they claim to have been in a foreign country for extended periods yet don't have any photographs or even basic native language skills, then you might want to look elsewhere for an instructor. The bottom line is that you should step back and ask yourself if you honestly believe what they tell you about their background. If not, I recommend you find someone that you can trust. If you are being sexually, physically, or mentally abused by an instructor, you should notify the authorities immediately no matter what you think about their martial arts qualifications. If they are abusing you, the chances are good they are also hurting others or will in the future.


What's wrong with a military training background? There's nothing wrong with a military training background. I am a Vietnam veteran, having served as a U.S. Navy corpsman with the Marines. For some reason, though, many self-proclaimed martial arts masters often claim they are former members or training instructors with elite military special forces. I think it's because they are fascinated with the powerful image of such groups and use implied associations to increase their own selfimportance. What the general public fails to realize is that the military provides very little, if any, unarmed combat training. They are more interested in superior fire power and leave the hand-to-hand stuff for movie actors. In ancient times, the problem of self proclaimed masters could be easily solved by challenging and beating those masters. Because of modern laws and ethic codes, it is impossible to do so in our era. What do you think should be done to deal with those fraudulent masters?

US military. Picture from

Personally, I don't care how effective or authentic other martial arts instructors may be or not. If someone claims 12 Dan rank and wears Spiderman pajamas in the dojo, they have every right to do so. As long as they are not hurting anyone, then they are just as legitimate as any other koryu teacher. Denouncing other instructors or practitioners for not practicing true martial arts is simply arrogant and irresponsible. Many self-proclaimed martial arts masters do harm their students, though, either inadvertently because of their inexperience or maliciously through fraud or other abuse. These so-called masters should be identified and held responsible for their actions. Unfortunately, the authorities often do not understand the martial arts and do not realize that such fraud or abuse is actually criminal behavior. Victims are rarely willing to complain or testify against their instructor out of a misguided sense of loyalty or respect for their teacher. Someone pays for an Asian-recognized ranking certificate only to discover later the Japanese kanji characters actually translate as "sex house style" and there is no registration with any international group. A parent is charged $3,000 in contract fees to have their child trained and ranked to black belt level, then moves to another city and discovers that this was some independently created style and the rank is basically worthless. Both of these are actual situations, yet the authorities don't prosecute because they don't understand the deceit involved. I recently heard a high-ranked and generally respected martial arts instructor state that those who question other styles are only doing it because of their own insecurity. They should focus more on their own training, according to this leader. Instead of speaking out about such dangers, I should mind my own business is a sentiment often echoed by many others in the martial arts community. I've taken a lot of criticism for my efforts to identify and warn others about harmful individuals. As a result, I've been threatened with everything from legal action to physical injury. I certainly haven't gained anything from it. Yet I feel it is our responsibility as citizens and members of society to both educate the authorities and to warn the public about potential danger. Some may prefer to ignore such offenses and "just train," but true martial arts practitioners realize we should help protect others from harm, even if it means airing dirty laundry in public.


De Alba System - Modern Farang Mu Sul速 The Art of Endless Options Adapted by Master Nelson Pinto, from Grand Master De Alba info, Founder of MFMS速

The process of Martial Arts training, prepares individuals for a myriad of self defense scenarios. Most training evolves around foundational basics, mental and physical development, and perhaps forms practice. The more combative styles include practical sparring and self defense techniques.


However, when an individual needs to use their knowledge in a self defense situation the true "practical" nature of an art shows itself. For example, most martial systems generally include defenses against grabs, punches, kicks, chokes and even weapon attacks (usually knife and club). In the process of these self defense responses a style's focus or emphasis becomes of critical importance. If the art in question has strong kicking focus, guess what most of the self defense responses will be? ...kicks. Conversely, if grappling or punching is main area emphasized, well they will surely materialize in the self defense sets. The problem here lies in the fact that REAL attacks are not static, or with cooperative opponents. There are NO rules, judges, points or penalties. The name of this game is survival. Remember the "X" factor: You most likely do not know who your opponent really is, their true skill, strength, objective, determination, alone or with backup. Are kicks something very easy for him to counter? Does he have an impossible to stop shoot-in tackle? Or has he been harbouring a series of resentments for the last 10 years and is now going to take all his anger out on you because he thinks you looked at him wrong or insulted his mother?


One of the most comprehensive Korean martial art systems in existence today is Modern Farang Mu SulŽ (which roughly translates as the Fighting Art of the Modern Warrior). This art is mainly derived from Korean Arts, such Hapkido, Sun Mu Won, Do Hap Sul, Taekwondo and Kuk Sool. It’s main focus was the arts of Hwarangdo, an amalgamation of four different versions and teaching methods of "Classical Farang systems" (The Ancient Korean Knights), but it has many other influences outside Korean Arts, such (Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai), Karate, Jiujutsu, Kung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Kali and others..


This warrior's art, Modern Farang Mu Sul®, with its primary focus of self defense and character development is currently being taught literally around the world by my Teacher, the Founder Grand Master Michael De Alba, also by myself has the representative of East Coast (US), Europe and Brazil and Master Vega (Caribbean’s technical director and also supporting FMS internationally) We the 3 teachers combined, have over 100 years of martial arts training and practical real world self defense application. This system of combat is so effective that it has been taught to select members of the US Special Forces, DEA, elite military units, and police both in the US, Europe and Asia. What makes Modern Farang Mu Sul® such a devastatingly effective art is its own rich knowledge base passed down from the ancient Korean Farang Warriors and adaption for today times. What makes the system modern is its philosophy, and primary goal, of effective combat in any environment, condition or situation. Modern Farang Mu Sul® incorporates key elements of Kickboxing, Grappling, Trapping, Joint Locks, CQC (Close Quarters Combat), Pressure Points, Weapons and much more into truly one of the most multi-faceted and completes martial arts available today.


Now, practicing a diversity of combat methods is not what makes this such a comprehensive and effective system, but rather it is the integration of all the elements that give it life. The lines of separation between the tactics become blurred, so that they eventually become as one. This is achieved by going beyond technique and understanding the key concepts of what makes them work, or not work for that matter. From ancient times to now the art of engaging in combat has changed. Where we used to have forces walking or on horses we now have tanks and helicopters. Individual combat has also changed; people no longer walk around with swords or lances to protect themselves (in FMS we practice some of this weapons, we just separate for the real use and situation). Open borders between countries have allowed more knowledge than ever to be transmitted to the public. This new knowledge has also brought with it new ideas of self defense. Any art that is to survive the coming millennium must also adapt to this fact. The belief of Modern Farang Mu Sul速 is the art must be tailored to the individual, not the other way around. Each person has natural strong and weak points. By combining elements from a comprehensive base, the student develops working knowledge of the main areas of combat: hand strikes, foot strikes, grappling, weapons work, choking, nerve attacks, throws and counters all of these. With this thorough and detailed training an individual no longer has weak areas, only strong and stronger ones. It is by far better to have the knowledge and not the need, than the other way around.


The mental and spiritual aspects are also not ignored. Self-defense is 99% mental. A combat effective warrior has more than knowledge of physical techniques, and physical responses. Mental discipline and spiritual development are critical to creating a true Warrior and not just a fighter. It is in accepting responsibility for our own health, wellbeing and the consequences of our actions that define who we are. A martial art without philosophy is like a ship sailing on the ocean without a compass or charts. Modern Farang Mu Sul速 goes beyond the survival oriented street fighters mentality, into the philosophical, yet fierce warrior's attitude inherent in the Farang Mu Sul Code of Ethics:

Modern Farang Mu Sul速 Creed 01020304050607080910-

Correctness in Attitude Excellence in Training Directness in Action Effectiveness in Combat Humility in Heart Strength in Character Freedom in Expression Thirst in Knowledge Power in Truth Respect in Wisdom


From this stand point of integrating the mental and physical realms in a natural, sensible and progressive fashion, any individual, regardless of "style" can benefit. The key is to have an open mind and a true heart. Remember, in order to reach new shores one must first leave old ones behind.


Modern Modern Farang Farang Mu Sul速 Sul速

Grand Grand Master Master De De Alba info, info, Founder Founder ofof MFMS速 MFMS速 153

Master Master Dennis Vega Vega

Master Master Nelson Nelson Pinto

Modern Farang Mu Sul For more information on seminars, classes and video tapes on Modern Farang Mu Sul®, please contact: Grandmaster Michael De Alba Modern Farang Mu Sul® International: Master Nelson Pinto Modern Farang Mu Sul – New York: Master Dennis Vega Modern Farang Mu Sul – Puerto Rico:

Modern Modern Farang Farang Mu Mu Sul ®. ®. Derived Derived and and Licensed Licensed by by WHRDA WHRDA


Tomorrow 11/17/2012 I'm launching the 1st feature film as producer of the African tribal war love film "Slave's Dream",1h45 minutes long, starring Akime Lionel, Randisha, Obi Klay, Sona Solange, Njuh Louis, Edmond Langmia and also myself Aurelien Henry OBAMA as chief warrior Mandem. The film is directed by K-meron Popman and edited by Kelly NTEP. Music score by Jean-Yves OTTOU. Songs performed by Ada Favour.



John Wooten “PROMOTIONS” 156


CHRONOLOGY OF VIOLENCE AGAINST PHILADELPHIA CHURCH HKBP Sunday, May 20, 2012 Hours 08:30 As usual HKBP Filadelfia congregation started out from their homes to the church. They generally get there by motorcycle. The width of the road to the location of the church is around 3m. Approximately 100m from the intolerant mob's ambush point , the HKBP congregation are asked to park their motorcycles in an open field on the edge of the road. The ambush point is about 300m from the church and is the same place every time. From where the motorcycles are parked, the congregation attempts to walk to the the church, but like the previous events were stopped by the intolerant mob who were stopped by municipal police and police. The distance the municipal police and police are putting between HKBP Filadelfia congregation and the mass of intolerance that closes the road is only about 2m. The police have created a posse to form a standing barricade between the congregation and the mob, and have also barricaded the left and right sides of the road. The distance between the intolerant masses with the police posse no longer exists. Thus HKBP Filadelfia church congregants are now face to face with their attackers, and surrounded on the left and right. Only the police barricades limit them from complete chaos. As more and more congregates are present (about 100 people), the mass of intolerance ultimately shuts down the road from the back of the church, HKBP Filadelfia, and is sieged in the middle. There are around 400-500 people attacking. All members: fathers, mothers, young people, and even small children are victims. Children are innocent and did not know anything like this would bring intolerance.


Hours 08:45 HKBP congregates who eventually came later could not join because they have been confronted about 50m from where the ambush was of earlier HKBP Filadelfia congregates who arrived first. So in this second ambush, HKBP Filadelfia congregates were intimidated, assaulted by beating, hit with dirty oil, mud, rotten eggs, old tires, an empty conductor, ice cubes, etc.. This can happen because the security forces, and the police, only include 6 people. The others concentrate on the first ambush. The later HKBP Filadelfia congregates were forced to return home, and are trying to survive until an end to the violence. Finally HKBP Filadelfia church is getting moved little by little so the distance is farther from one HKBP Filadelfia congregation to another. 路 Hours 09:00 HKBP Filadelfia congregation tried to negotiate with government officials and police. Like the first event, they could not answer because the situation is not conducive. Throughout the negotiations, it's a very noisy, tense, even frightening atmosphere. Scolding, insults, and provocative speeches come from loudspeakers. This abuse and even death threats are distributed throughout the community, including to lawyers of HKBP Filadelfia. Throwing of objects escalated compared to previous events. Aqua glass flew like bullets and victims fell, including municipal police chief Agus Rismanto, who was hit in the face. The Bekasi Police Chief was hit with mud by Rev. Sultanate, only making his clothes dirty. 路 Hours 09:10 HKBP Filadelfia congregation was given permission by the Chairman of the municipal police to just pray on the spot. HKBP Filadelfia has begged for intercepted congregations elsewhere to be escorted to join with the first group, but the results are not worth it. The reason the police and Satpol PP give as usual: the situation is not possible. Our right to worship is not guaranteed and protected by law. As I prayed, rains of insults, curses, and cries of the intolerant masses increased. The action of throwing mud and glass does not stop. 路 Hours 09:15 HKBP Filadelfia disband. When they return to the parking lot, police, security forces, and Satpol PP block HKBP Filadelfia congregation as if to dispel animals in an unethical manner. HKBP Filadelfia decide they have no choice but to disband because of the demand for security. Attackers still tried to catch up, but their efforts did not succeed because the police always keep to the left, right, front, and back.


Stephen Kaufman

Kinetics Magazine Magazine Kinetics Nov/Dec 2012, 2012, Pg Pg 33 Nov/Dec 160


A LITTLE HELP CAN GO A LONG WAY ! Each year, the world’s largest and most unified martial arts events takes place simultaneously all over the world. The purpose? – to create a better life for street children and orphaned children all over the world. Fighting for Lives (Reg. No. 203.855, Finland) is responsible for organising this event and for setting up and executing aid projects for street children. I am the founder of this organisation and as a martial artist; I can honestly say that nothing has put more value in the martial arts than being able to use it to changes lives in a positive way. I ask you all to join us on the global fundraising weekend of 10 th/11th November 2012. Hold an event, make a donation, do anything you can to raise funds for our street children. For more information about this event please find us at or on facebook: Fighting for Lives – giving children a chance in life. We need YOUR help to change the lives of street children everywhere! Respects Dr. Parvez Alam, Founder of “Fighting for Lives” EMAIL: Fighting for Lives is: Non-Profits Association in Finland; Reg. No. 203.855 Charitable Organisation in Ghana; Reg. No. G36,543 Non-Profits Association in Denmark. Reg No. 33815336 Fighting for Lives in Indonesia Reg. No. KEP.MENKUMHAM RI: AHU-5134.AH.01.04/2011


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