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FaculCity Solar architecture design studio, 4th year, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technio Presenting : Galia tobiass and Samer Hakim Our proposal presents an Architecture school in Hadar referring to historical and ideological principles. Strategically intervening in the iconic stranded structure of the old "Ron Cinema", due to it's concealed urban potentials. Such as: it's strategic urban location on "Ha'Halutz" street, juxtaposing "Talpiot Market" and the public transport "Metronit" station. The new design adapts the operations of an architecture school to modern day changes and developments. Introduces interactions with the surrounding urban environment on various levels and creating a clash between the students and the locals of Hadar. The circulation ramp structure organizes the school; it revives the facade with its circulation, thus reviling the students' work to the city. The ramp also connects the school with the public coffee shop across the passage to the market, creating yet another space that's shared by both the city and the school.

The main entrance to the school is located on "HaHalutz" street, and it is the gap that separates the old structure of the cinema from the new addition. It is also possible to enter the school through "lontz" street -­‐ the market street. Through which the connection to the market is conceived. That facade has a different performance; it showcases workshops as a dialogue with the market. The circulation that started with ramp as a backdrop to the new "metronit" station comes to an end on the school roof functioning as an open public space for the students -­‐ a quite haven from the city with a sea view. The "Ron School of Architecture" is a product of climate and programatic research that makes the most out of the existing climate factors, recycling the exiting building of the cinema, relating to public transportation, and the relation to the surrounding environment of Hadar. These are basis to creating a more sustainable Architecture School.

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