Threshold of Memory_UN Park Renovation

Page 1

Threshold of Memory UN Memorial Cemetery Renovation Plan

page 3 Essay

02 Topic Proposal

page 4 Change of Cemetery in the City

02 Site Research

page 5 Site Proposal

page 6 History of UN Memorial Cemetery

page 7 Problem of United Nations Memorial

page 8 - 10 Site Analysis

03 Memorial Research

page 11 - 14 STUDY ON Memorial Cemetery & Park

page 15 STUDY ON Light

04 Program Proposal

page 16 - 18 Changes on the Way of Commemoration

page 19 Conditions

05 Masterplan of UN Cemetery

page 20-21 Elements Proposal for Open Monumental

page 22 Materplan for Open Monumental

06 Project Proposal

page 23 Program Plan Strategy

page 24 Massing Strategy

page 25 Layout Plan

page 26 Site Plan

page 27 Fire Safety

page 28 - 31 Space Proposal

-Before UN Memorial Park Section 2
-Memorial Facility in Daily Life

Threshold of Memory

Memorial Education Facilities in Daily Life

현충원 존재 의미의 실효성에 대해 문제를 지적하고 싶습니다. 도심 속에서 순수 추모기능만을 수행하고 있는 점, 안장공간에

대한 강력한 사회적 인식은 도시의 맥락과 요구를 막으며 ‘도심 속 섬’으로서 작동하고 있는 점에 대한 해결책을 제시하려

합니다. 이를 위한 프로젝트 사이트로서 여느 현충원과 마찬가지로 일시적 유휴부지로 사용되는 부산 남구 대연동에 위치하고 있는 UN기념공원을 제안합니다.

134,000m²면적의 60%에 해당하는 대지 면적의 출입 불가, 제한된 행위, 교육시설의 부재, 대지 위 형성된 고전의 안장 공간은 광활한 대지의 활용성을 떨어뜨렸습니다. 주변 시설과 주거민들이 주체가 되어 협력적 관계, 공공의 참여을 통해 UN기념공원의

공간적 이점을 활용한 방법으로 제안하는 프로그램은 배우는 묘지, 지역 문화 공동체, 일상 속 방문입니다. 이를 통해 UN공원의

재구조화의 제안과 더불어 UN기념공원의 Learning Center 프로그램을 제안합니다.

질서정연한 공간 구성이지만 전체적 완결성이 없으면 중심축의 부재, 지형적 위계를 지니며, 기념묘지를 구성하는 공간적 장치는 많지만 통합되어 있지 않고 분산되어있는 특징을 가지고 있습니다. 이러한 문제점과 공간의 분위기를 바꾸기 위한 공간 전략으로 친밀한 공간, 여러방향에서 출입이 가능한 동선계획, 분위기가 전환되는 사이 공간을 제안합니다.

I would like to point out the problem of the effectiveness of the meaning of the Memorial. I would like to present a solution to the fact that it is only performing a pure memorial function in the city center and the strong social perception of the saddle space prevents the context and needs of the city and acts as an "island in the city." As a project site for this purpose, I propose the UN Memorial Park located in Daeyeon-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, which is used as a temporary idle site like any Memorial Park.

The accessibility of 60% of the 134,000 square meters of land area, limited behavior, lack of educational facilities, and classical saddle space formed on the land have reduced the utilization of the vast land. Programs proposed by nearby facilities and residents in a way that utilizes the spatial benefits of UN Memorial Park through cooperative relationships and public participation are learning cemeteries, local cultural communities, and daily visits. Through this, we propose the UN Memorial Park's Learning Center program as well as the restructuring of the UN Park.

Although it is an orderly spatial composition, if there is no overall completeness, it has a central axis of absence, a topographical hierarchy, and there are many spatial devices that make up the memorial cemetery, but they are not integrated and distributed. As a spatial strategy to change the atmosphere of the space with these problems, we propose an intimate space, a movement plan that can be accessed from various directions, and a space between changes in the atmosphere.

Before UN Park
Mourning in Daily Life

Direction of Change

Change of Cemetery in the City

Situation 현 국가 안장시설의 특징인 도시의 맥락과 요구를 막으며 ‘도심 속 섬’으로서 순수 추모기능만을 수행하고 있는 점을 문제점으로 지적한다. 도심 묘지 시설이 점차 다양한 기능과 결합하는 변화의 행태를 따라 국립묘지의 부족의 문제와 함께 대중들이 함께 할 수 있는 변화된 도심 속 안장 공간을 제안한다. Future Urban Cemetary New Green Space in the City 도심 묘지 + 녹지 Urban Development 국가묘지 + 도시 시설 Existing National Cemetary Isolated Island in the City 공원묘지 + ? Visitors on Dailylife Visitors on National Memorial Day Past National Cemetary 1980’ 1950’ 2000’ 2030’ ? 4


United Nations Memorial Cemtery in Korea

S ite : United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea

부산광역시 남구 유엔평화로 93

현재 현충원들은 도심 안에 위치하고 있으나, 가끔 찾아오는 추모객 외에는 사람의 흔적을 찾기 어려운 죽은 자들만의 적막한 공간이다. 도심 속 중요 공간은 ‘일시적 유휴 부지’로 사용되고 있으며 따라서

사람들이 찾아와도 딱히 이 곳에 오래 머물러 있을 이유가 없다. 이러한 점은 그간 안배공간의 변화와 함계한다. 국립서울현충원, 대전현충원등과 같이 안배목적에 집중한 사례부터 UN공원과 같이 공원의 기능과

결합된 단계까지 도심 속의 국립묘지는 그 분위기를 변화시켜왔다. 하지만 여전히 조용한 안배기능만을 강조하는 현재 현충원들은 주변 도심의 연계에 벗어난 형태를 띌 뿐이다. 이는 이용객들의 흥미를 끌지 못하고 이용객들의 수가 적은 밤에는 일시적 유휴부지로 전락해버린다. 대중들에게 다가가는 안장공간을 재한유엔기념공원의 재구조화를 통해 제안하고자 한다.

Proposal 5

History of UN Memorial Cemetery

Overlaying Usual Layers on the Plan

Research 1950s’
Cemetery + Park
~ Park Cemetery + Monuments

제한된 행위, 단일한 대지의 활용, 교육시설의 부재의 도심 속 중요 공간은 ‘일시적 유휴 부지’로 사용되고 있다. 2000 년대 이후 유엔기념공원은, 전쟁을 경험하지 못한 세대가 전쟁의 의미와 그 피해에 대해 숙고할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 기념과 역사교육의 공간으로서 그 기능과 위상이 변경되었다. 그러나 유엔기념공원의 공간구성 및 의미구조는 여전히 ‘묘지’일 때의 그것에 머물러 있다. 전쟁을 경험하지 못한 세대에게 묘지에 묻힌 전몰장병의 유해와 그들의 묘비가 증언하는 전쟁의 기억이란 낯설고 거리감이 느껴지는 것이다. 이러한 공간구성은 군사묘지라는 정체성을

충실히 반영하고 있으며, 전몰장병의 묘지라는 명확한

증거를 통해 군사묘지의 서사를 지탱할 뿐, 이 군사묘지의

전쟁 인식을 당연하거나 자명하다고 받아들이지 않는

방문객을 설득하거나 공감을 이끌어낸다는 목표에는

기여하지 못하고 있다

Site Analysis Problem of United Nations Memorial Scale 1:400 Research 23,502.2 m² 2,164.6 m² 14,014.9 m² 4,758.4 m² 5,352.1 m² 5,046 m² 14,456.6 m² 134,850 m² 12,901.7 m² 82,193 m²(60.9%) Unused Area-orem ipsum dolor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt laoreet dolore magna aliquam e at volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nost ud xerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at ve os et accumsan iusto odio dignissim qui blandit aesent luptatum zril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Unflexible Uses of Land Prohibited Activities Non - Educational Facilities Unused Green Area Disconnection between Local Communities A - A’ B - B’ C - C’ D - D’

Site Analysis

United Nations Memorial Cemtery in Korea

2030 Existing City

부산 남구 대연동에 위치한 재한유엔기념공원은 6·25전쟁에서 유엔군 장병들을 안치한 추모시설이며, 6·25전쟁이 일어난 이듬해인 1951년 1월, 유엔군사령부가 유엔군 묘지를 조성하기 시작했다.

주변시설로서 부산시립박물관과 부산문화회관, UN평화기념관, 국립 일제 강제 동원역사관의 문화시설이 위치한다. 부경대와 동명대를 포함한 대학로 문화거리는 UN평화문화특구로서 역할을 수행하고 있다.

Uni Campus Uni Campus Residentoal Area Residentoal Area Local Residential Local Residential Redevelopment Residential Sculpture Park Cultural Center National Museum Cultural Centers Citizen Park
Ocean Transportation Industry Ocean Transportation Industry Busan Cultural Center Daecheon Elementary & Middle & High School
Busan National Museum

Busan Museum (1978)

Daecheon Elementary School (1980)

UN Sculpture Park (2001)

Pukyong National Uni (1946)

Daecheon Middle School (1969)

Busan Cultural Center (1993)

Peace Park (2005)

Daecheon High School (1988)

UN Peace Memorial Hall (2015)

Dong Myeong Uni (1977)

Housing Religious Facility Living Facility Education Medical Facility

National Memorial Museum of Forced Mobilization under Japanese Occupation (2015)

Program Research Around United Nations Memorial

Research G een for Public G een for Public G een for Public een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn Management & Memorial Hall Place of Wo ship Place of Wo ship Place of Wo ship G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn G een for Mourn Parking Lot arking Lot Main Gate Eastern Gate Symbolic A ea Wo ship A ea Main Cemete Area Memorial ower Daunt Wate way Memorial Monument UN Memorial ower & Memorial Hall Unknown Soldie Pathway Memorial Hall Memorial Se vice Hall Main Gateway Walkin owin Walkin Walkin e formin Walking Displa in Walkin W lking P for in owin S owin Walking Walkin Walking Walkin Restin howing Walkin Restin estin S Si tin Si tin alking Pl ying Eating Spo Si tin Si ting alking Play g atin Spo Standin Program Area Approach & Boundary Visitor Circulation Circulation for Mourns Space Occupation on Events Meomorial Sculpture Ecology Activities 10

Study on National Memorial Cemetery

Seoul National Cemetery - (1956), UN Memorial Cemetery - (1951)

New Layering = Tombs - Holy - Street - Road

and Road
Way of Memorialization Monuments + Function = Non - Monument
Memorial Research 11

Study on Memorial Cemetery

Bundang Memorial Park _ 1972

Way of Memorialization

Cemetery + Artwork = Atmosphere

Way of Memorialization Cemetery + Enterprise

Memorial Research 12

Way of Memorialization

Daily Programs in Memorial


of Memorialization

Uses of Monuments

Study on Memorial Park in the City
Memorial Research
Washington Square Park _ Washington Square, New York, NY

Study on Memorial Park

UK Court Stops Holocaust Memorial _ David Adjaye and Ron Arad

Combination of Fuctions Multi - Uses (Memorial - Park) Under the Ground

Memorial Research

Study on Light

Memorial Research 15
Kimbell Art Museum _ Louis Kahn / Kiasma Museum _ Steven Holl

Strategies for Open Monumental Changes on the Way of Commemoration

1. Nonmonument

방문객들에게 한국전쟁 참전용사를 기억할 수 있는

교육기회의 구상

2. Infra-structure

동시대적 가치를 공유하는 주변 시설과의 상호보완 구조의 구상

1. Intimate Spaces

�Human Scale

- Small Nooks & Small Opening


- Natural Materials(Plant, Water)

�Resting Circumstance

- Comfortable Seating

Monuments Degeneralization Communit y Memorial

2. Multi - Directional (Open Circulation Design)

비유가족 방문객을 대상으로 상정하는 기념시설로서, 전쟁을

경험하지 못한 세대에게 전쟁의 기억을 전달하는 이 공간은

교육의 의의를 지니며 과거의 기억을 활성화하는 역할을 한다.

3. You & Neighborhood Park

방문객의 공감을 이끌어낼 수 있는 일상적 프로그램의 구상

부산박물관, 부산 문화회관, UN평화기념관, 일제강제동원역사

-관들과의 프로그램의 교환을 통해 단일한 역사인식을 제시하고 서로가 서로의 해석의 준거가 되는 구조를 이룬다.

�Direct Circulation

- Logical & Intuitive Path


- Open Area to congregate

- Coutyard, Outdoor Garden


- Transparency

- Floor Pattern


- Continued Monuments Layout

3. Blurred Liminal Spaces

�Flexible Spaces

- Adapting & Changing Uses


- Translucent & Opaque Materials

�Mixed - Use Spaces

- Different Uses

- Blurred Sense of Function

Walking Showing Walking Walking Pe orming Walking Displaying Walking Walking Pe orming Showing Showing Walking Walking Walking Walking Resting Showing Walking Resting Resting Spor Si ting Si ting Talking Playing Eating Spo Si ting Si ting Talking Playing Eating Spor in din Displ yin W lkin W lking Re in Stan in la Walkin D ayin W lkin tin lkin ting W lkin Re Stan D ayin Readin Standin Disp Walkin Lectu e Displaying Si ting Si ting P aying P aying Acting Pe orming Selling Playing Showing Experien e Pe orming eaching Si ting Buying earning tin isc ssio ying W lkin Read Runnin ay tin Dis la Si lkin tin Eatin ist nin Dis ing wing tin stin Ea g Eatin alkin erienc Librar y & Cafe Outdoor Memorial Service Li tle Park Librar y Rental Store Little Park Culture Patio
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Strategy Layering Activities Layered Activities Program UN Learning Center Space Strategies 16

Strategy for Layering Activities

Changes on the Way of Commemoration





Nowadays the park functions as a campus green, to celebrate, people watch, and enter into city life.

Nonmonument You & NeiPark Local Community Education
Busan Museum
UN Peace Memorial Hall History Cluster 1. 14C ~ 1910 2. 1910 ~ 1945 3. 1950 ~ 1953 4. 2000s’ Collaborative Process ° Celebrate ° Learning ° Lecture ° Experience ° Mourning for Historian ° Mourning for Family ° Way of Mourning ° Korean War Information ° Intimate Cemetery ° Isolated Cemetery ° Stacking Stones ° Gallery(Photos of War Participants) ° Young Historian ° School Tour ° Local Festival ° Library ° Workshop Place ° Outdoor Sitting Place ° Playground for Young Child ° Commercial Plaza - Eatery, Street Artists ° Cafe ° Area for Pet - Dog Run Ancient History Widen Public Engagement ° Share ° Communicate °Study °Play Conquring Process & University Course Pukyong National Uni Dong Myeong Uni Daecheon High School Daecheon Middle School
Busan Cultural Center 3·1 Film Festival UNPM World Citizen Class Mordern Concert & Musical Mourning Commercial Entrepreneur Memory Teller Memory Receiver Green Area(Tree, Pond) Tourist Destination Traditional Items Craft Cemetery Outdoor Space Tourist Destination Surrounding Facilities UN Memorial Park Citizen Bereaved Family Visitors
Learning Cemetary Local Cultural Community Visit on Daily Life 17
Academic Subjects Activities

Learning Cemetery

A Road to Mourning

Memorial Walkway - Memory Garden

A Cemetery with Intimate Space

Commemorative Area

- Isolated Cemetery (For Mourning)

- Light Art Installation (immersive and calming art experiences)

Local Community & Memorial Education

Digital Archive Library

- Biographical Information (Names, Ages, Hometowns, Military Service Record)

- Maps and visual Aids (Geography and Context of the Korean War and Cemetery’s Location)

- Multimedia Displays on hands-on and immersive way (History and significance of the Cemetery)

- Educational Resources and Materials (Korean War, Leagacy’s Lesson Plans, Educational Games)

Metabus Facility

- Virtual Reality Tours (Explore the Cemetery, Learn the Stories of the Soilders)

- Documentary Screenings (UN’s involvement, Korean War)

- Historical Lectures (Historical Context of the Cemetery)

Sensory Experience Facility

- Scent Garden (Roses, Lavender, Herbs labeled with the name of a person buried in the Cemetery)

- Soundscape (Create Calming Atmosphere by Bird songs, Rustling Leaves, Flowing Water)

- Tactile Exhibits (Replicas of Tombstones with braille Inscription for impaired Visitors)

Making Studios

Art and architecture exhibition

Educational exhibition

Contemporary exhibition

전시자료 보관

그림, 사진 전시관

- Memorial Bracelet Making (Honor of someone buried in the Cemetery)

- Open - Source Making (Memorial Sculptures, Personalize flags or banners)

Local Community Residency

- Open Classes (Collabo with Educational Facilities and the Artist who creat visual Arts)

Memory of UN Park Exhibitions

역사, 자연 도슨트 실 강사실 회의실



Historical Exhibits

- Korean War Time Line, Personal Stories (Experiences of soldiers, civilians, families)

Art and Architecture Exhibits

- Sculpture Garden (Theme of Peace), Mural Painting (Themes of Peace and Reconciliation)

- Cemeteries and Memorials around the World (Design Principles and Construction Techniques)

- Korean War Photography (by international and Korean Photographers)

Educational Exhibits

- UN Peacekeeping Operations (Role of the UN forces)

- Military Strategy (Maps and Diagrams of strategic significance of battles)

- Cemetery Ecology (Flora found in the Cemetery)

Peace Square & Flag Street

Cultural Event

- Festival (Coommunity Festival)

- Wreath Laying Ceremony, Flag raising Ceremony

Cemetery Geography

기념관 디지털 아카이브 도서관 1개소 전사자 정보 자료실 메타버스관 1개소 AR/VR 활용한 전쟁체험 감각체험실 3개소 정원, 자연소리, 점자묘지 개인 작업실 6개소 Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography 세미나실 1개소 묘역 교육 토론 공간 세미나실 1개소 2개소 역사, 계보, 보존 교육 공간 150 20 300 소계 추모 행사 공간 안배 교육 및 체험 공간 지역 교류 공간 추모 전시 공간 사무 공간 공용 공간 기억의 빛 추모관 사진 자료 및 기념물 전시 다인 추모 공간 세부시설 산출 근거 구분 면적(m²) 비고 창작 레시던시 大 Open Classroom 창작 레시던시 中 Open Classroom 체험 공방 / 메이커 스페이스 방문객 참여 제작 공간 기획 전시 공간 Historical exhibition Korean War Time line 메모리얼 전시관
공간 소계 소계 소계 소계 북카페 & 갤러리샵 1개소 수유실 홀, 화장실, 계단실, E/V등 1개소 1개소 기계실, 전기실, 창고 등 소계 합계(연면적) 전용면적 공용면적
Wildlife Habitat Learning
Cemetery Symbolism in
Proposal 18


For Future National Cemetery

After Boundary Section


_ Flexibility of Existing - Allow for Change and Adaptions

_ Incorporation - Incorporate existing Buildings, Landmarks, Natural Features

_ Preservation - Identify historical Monuments, Restoration, Adaptive Reuse

Maintenance of the Existing

_ Accessibility

_Diversity of Uses - Different needs and interests

_ Community Engagement - Local Communities

Mixed Uses Flexibilities

_ Zoning - Create & Allow New Zoning District

_ Tenant Mix

_ Public Spaces - Outdoor Seating Area, Perfornance Spaces, Gathering Places

1:400 Proposal A - A’
B - B’ C - C’ D - D’ 19

Elements Proposal for Open Monumental Changes on the Way of Commemoration

Program Area Approach & Boundary Visitors Circulation Circulation for Mourns Space Occupation on Events Memorial Sculpture Ecology Activities 20

Renovation Plan Strategy

Operation of United Nations Memorial

Proposal arking Lot arking Lot Main Gate Eastern Gate Approach & Boundary Circulation for Mourns Walking Showing Walking Walking Performing Walking Displaying Walking Walking Performing Showing Showing Walking Walking Walking Walking Resting Showing Walking Resting Resting Sport Sitting Sitting Talking Playing Eating Sport Sitting Sitting Talking Playing Eating Sport Performing Walking Standing Walking Displaying Standing Reading Lecture Displaying Sitting Sitting Playing Playing Acting Performing Selling Playing Showing Experience Performing Teaching Sitting Buying Learning Displaying Eating Displaying Sitting Showing Experience Library & Cafe Outdoor Memorial Service Little Park Library Rental Store Little Park Culture Patio Activities Visitor Circulation Circulation for Mourns Space Occupation on Events Monument Statues Monument Statues Walkin owin Walkin Walkin for W Displa Walkin W lkin formin owin owin Walkin Walkin Walkin Walkin estin owin Walkin estin Si tin tin alkin yin atin Spo tin alkin Pla in atin po Activities Space Occupation on Events Local Community Memorial Exhibitions Large Scale Ceremony Memorial Experience Memorial Experience Memorial Education Maintenance of Existing Layering Programs WaterPlay Square Monument Management Memorial Ceremony Reed Forest Memorial Ceremony Monument Plane Trees Street Cemetery Cemetery Approach & Boundary Parking Lot Parking Lot Main Gate Eastern Gate Visitor Circulation 21
7.5 6.0 10.5 13.7 15.5 17.5 22.7 13.4 19.9 3.5 3.5 5.2 5.5 2.4 3.0 3.0 4.3 4.2 3.5 3.1 3.5 4.1 3.1 3.0 4.1 6.2 2.4 3.3 2.0 4.2 Memorial Ceremony Memorial Ceremony Playground Playground CommunityPlaza CommunityPlazaLocalCommunity LocalCommunity Park Park Memorial Education Memorial Education Memorial Education Memorial Education Memorial Hubs Memorial Hubs Memorial Hubs Memorial Hubs Culture Culture Memorial Service Hall Memorial Service Hall Culture Culture Learning&Memorial Hubs Learning&Memorial Hubs Memorial Hubs Memorial Hubs Culture Culture WalkingMonument WalkingMonument Cultural Activities Park Intimate Cemetery Isolated Cemetery Intimate Cemetery Isolated Cemetery History Education Dog-runs Graveyard Detective Main Gate Flexible-Uses Flexible-Uses Mixed-Uses Mixed-Uses Mixed-Uses Mixed-Uses Pop-Up Store Ceremony Festival Pop-Up Store Ceremony Festival Flexible-Uses Flexible-Uses Flexible-Uses Flexible-Uses Park Play Park Play Park Play Park Culture Culture Sport Facilities Community Flag Street Entryway Parking Parking Parking Parking Memorial Education Playground Playground Playhills Sitting Monument Playground Playground Water Play Water Play Culture Toddler Tower SemiOutdoor Spaces Flexible-Uses Nature Play Recreation Event Ceremony UN Day Celebration Korea Memorial Marking Ceremony with Students TemporaryExhibitions Cafe Exhibits Historical Exhibtis Art and Architecture Exhibits Educational Exhibits Contemporary Exhibits Nature Plaza Nature Plaza Eatery Botenical Tourist Food-Truck UN Street Flag raising Ceremony Wrath Laying Ceremony Nature Play Spray Shower Playground Playground Multi-Sensory Play Toddler Digital Archive Library Sensory Experience Sensory Experience Open Classes Artist Residency Mouning Immersive Atmosphere Art Exhibits Co-Work Outdoor Exhibtion Game Table Exhibitions Store Store Gallery Shop Exhibits Culture Culture Culture Culture Square Square Game Table Exhibitions Daily Life Activities Game Table Exhibitions Daily Life Activities Sports Community Nature Memorial Exhibitions Memorial Exhibitions Office Office Nature Plaza Nature Plaza Botenical Nature Plaza Nature Plaza Botenical Scale 1 / 1000 Layout Plan N 22

Renovation Program Plan Strategy

Continued Memorials Layout

Proposal Local Community Memorial
Large Scale Ceremony Memorial Experience Memorial Experience Memorial Education Maintenance of Existing Layering Programs WaterPlay Monument Square Monument Management Memorial Ceremony Reed Forest Memorial Ceremony Monument Plane
Trees Street Cemetery Cemetery
Massing Strategy Adapting to the Topography Proposal Initial Volumes Orient to Topography Void & Circulation Continued Greenway Facade & Roof Plan Invite Visitors by Open Facade 24
Project Proposal N A D D SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE UN For e Memorial Monumen Meaning Commemo ation of he UN force Year 200 6 Fo m Memo ial Monumen Desig symbol z h unive e, he meaning of containing he ouls of fallen oldie UN Fo ces Memoria owe M aning Commemo ation of e UN force ear 1978 o m Sculpture on he Wal Design symbol of peace culpture Hope, De Path of he Unknown Soldie Meaning Commemo ation of h Unknown Soldie Year 2008 Form C anne Design Wate Stai - Meaning of 1 Cont ie 11 Fountain Before Plan After Layout Plan 25

Mourming in Daily Life

Plan _ Ground
Plan Plan of UN Cemetery
1:1,500 Project Proposal SLO SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE Existing Monument Existing Monument FL=+2000 Memorial Yard Open Memorial Open Making Studio Manager's Office Cooling Area Open Source Making Area UN Pause Space UN Pause Space Existing Monument 2 10m 20m
Park Scale
Large - Scale Mourning Space
Uses of Monuments with Nature 26
Interacting Space in UN Park
access and Egress Route
1:1,500 Project Proposal SLO SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE Existing Monument Existing Monument FL=+2000 Memorial Yard Open Memorial Open Making Studio Manager's Office Cooling Area Open Source Making Area UN Pause Space UN Pause Space Existing Monument 2 10m 20m
of Monuments with Nature
Interacting Space in UN Park
of Monuments with Nature Fire Activity Area(6m*15m) Egress Route 27
Mourming in Daily Life

A Yellow Ribbon

As a space using the existing green movement, it plays a role of planning and exhibition for the Korean War dead to citizens. In the area of touchable Braille cemetery, citizens take a different form of memorial from the existing memorial along with the function of exhibition. The arrangement of open roofs and sunnen stairs does not allow them to play their role only in dark underground spaces.

FL=+1,000 FL=+2000 DW DW UN Pause Space UN Pause Space Eatery FL=-8000 10 12 6 3 11 12 1 Tempo ra r y Ex hibition Hal l 2. Reading Po t 3. Lob by 4. Informatio n 5. Caf e 6. Reading Stac k 7 Eate r y 8. Manager; s offic e 9. Offic e 10. Ex hibition Sto ag e 11 Sto ag e 12. Toile t 10m 1 2 12 0 2 5 10m Scale 1/30 0

The Link of Times

It is the location of the existing Water Space Memorial Monument, where visitors follow the movement on the water and read the names of the dead. It requires a space where memorial events take place every month, but it has a spatial structure that does not. To this end, various roles will be played from small memorial spaces to large memorial event spaces.

2 5 10m Scale 1/30 0 SLOPE SLOPE Void 1 Ceremonial Hal 2. Scent Garde n 3. Open Memoria 4. Exisiting Monumen t 5. Memorial Yar d 2 10m Void 2 10m 1 Ceremonial Hal 2. Scent Garde n 3. Screening Memoria 4. Memorial Spac e 5. Managemen t
_ Isolated Memorial Ceremony _ Group Memorial Ceremony
_ Large Scale Memorial Ceremony

Under the Memory

It is the area where the existing UN Memorial Tower was located, and citizens do not understand the meaning of the monument and play a role only as sculptures in their daily lives except for memorial events. Using the form of the existing circular ground, the lamp stairs heading underground are arranged to perform the function of the program. Information, books of records, and videos of UN soldiers killed in action are screened to bring them closer to citizens. In addition, the water space arranged along with the recording function does not function only as a simple sculpture.

SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE FL=-1000 FL=-1000 1/12 1/12 1/8 SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE LOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE FL=-1000 Existing Monument Foundation 10m SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE 1/12 1/12 FL=-7000 UP FL=-3500 11 11 11 10 12 11 13 10m 1 Wate r Monu m en t 2. Ex hibition Hal l 3. Lob by 4. Conference Hal l 5. Reading Stac k 6. Media Cente r 7 Multi m edia Roo m 8. Audio v s ual Ro m m 9. Sto ag e 10. Audito r iu m 11 Reading Po t 12. Open Offic e 13. Manager' s Offic e Scale 1/ 25 0 0 2 5 10m 1 11 6 10 9

Re - UN Bound

It is a place where the connection with the existing civic park begins through the opening of the new main gate. The atmosphere, which had to walk quietly in the existing waterway space, changes the atmosphere as citizens interact in a flat space. Through making and electing to commemorate memories, connections with civic parks and strengthen the role of the main gate.

10m 20m 1 Open Ma king Studi o 2 Ma king Studi o 3 Duscussion Roo m 4 Manager;s Offic e 5 Resting Are a 6 E x isting Monumne 7 Toile Scale 1/ 10 0 3 1 0 2 5 10m

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