Long-Time Cook Retires Long-time cook Lillian Baretto has retired from LCCAA Head Start’s kitchen staff.
LCCAA Granted COVID Funds
LCCAA Head Start has received nearly $75,000 to assist with its COVID-19 protocols and standards.
Lillian has worked in the kitchen for nearly 35 years preparing meals and snacks for thousands of Head Start students. She has been with the kitchen staff as it introduced innovations such as homemade dressings, more freshly prepared items and Try Days.
The CARES act funds, funneled through the Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association, can be spent on personal protective equipment, classroom dividers, professional cleaning and more. Each LCCAA Head Start center received a specific allocation, said Head Start Director Shauna Matelski, Ed.D.
“She loved cooking and preparing the food for ‘her children,’” said Food Service Supervisor Melinda
Gray. “It made her proud she was If you have questions about how part of the children’s day.” LCCAA Head Start is operating Lillian’s last day in the Head Start during COVID-19, please view our kitchen was Oct. 21. She is pictured Frequently Asked Questions page with Head Start Director Shauna at www.lccaa.net/programs/head_ Matelski, Ed.D. and in Head Start’s start or contact your family service fully-equipped commercial kitchen worker. at Kennedy Plaza.
“She passed her knowledge on to the kitchen staff to help us continue serving quality food,” Gray added. “She is really going to be missed here.”
Partner Spotlight - Lorain County Public Health
Many thanks to our valued partner Lorain County Public Health! The services they provide to our families include: ►► Communication regarding health services, identified health concerns, potential health risks. ►► Pre- and post-natal home visits for Early Head Start expectant mothers. ►► Oversight and guidance for on-site health procedures and services. ►► Screenings (i.e lead and hemoglobin) and/or services as deemed appropriate and necessary. ►► Support health and nutrition education. ►► Monitor health services. ►► Attend quarterly advisory meetings.
LCCAA Head Start implements “I Am Moving I Am Learning” a health and nutrition enhancement program to increase children and adults’ overall wellbeing. Here is a fun physical activity to do at home. Use tape and make a variety of lines across the floor. Take turns jumping from the first line to the second line and seeing how far your child can jump. Add a little bit of challenge to it and skip lines or count as you jump to each line to work on number sequence.