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Head Start Family News
News from Lorain County Community Action Agency Head Start • October 2020
Director’s Corner Students back in Head Start classrooms
Hello and welcome back Head Start families! The start of school has begun and a new program year is upon us. We have been planning for this day since the start of the COVID virus in March.
Families who have a child/ren enrolled in the classroom, have experienced the “dropping off” and “picking up” procedures. The curbside system seems to work, and we thank all of our families for your patience as we endeavor to keep everyone safe.
It certainly is not the way we would like the beginning of school to start. We would much rather see many, many more children’s faces working in the classrooms. We are continuing to monitor and follow all state and federal advisements, as this will help us make decisions in the next several months.
Our virtual learning launched in mid-September and we encourage you to participate so that your child will remain active and engaged in learning. We will continue to provide updates on any changes in the program.
The current environment has been very challenging for us all. It has tried to put a “dent” in our emotional well-being. Every one of us would like to get back to “normal” living again but, until then, make the most out of “living” right now.
There are good things happening all around us too! It sounds cliché but “take time to smell the roses” or in this case “fall season!” Consider doing this exercise with your family, to remain positive and feel uplifted:
Enjoy the changing of the season using your five senses. Take time to:
• See the color changing before your eyes.
• Listen to the leaves starting to fall and thrash around in the wind.
• Feel the difference in the weather and the air turning cool.
• Taste the foods of fall in an apple orchard or pumpkin patch.
• Smell the soups, pies, and all fall food.
We are all in this together! Stay well, and keep positive!
Shauna Matelski, Ed.D. Head Start Director